How to become a fairy creature right now. As if in real life, the right fairies of the water, the fire and all the forces of nature in the domestic minds, melt. Preparing for an enchanting transformation

Fairy - charіvna, mystical beauty, seeing her emptiness and good soul. The skin fairy is unique, may have individual drawings, talents and style. However, there are songs of the keys of rice, with the help of which the mustache of the fairies - love to nature, calls from creatures, and helps people to help. Tsya statya rozpovist to you, like looking, children and sensing yourself like a fairy and, it is possible, to turn you into tsyu krihtnu istotu.


part 1

Know your own individuality

    Verishit, what kind of fairy do you want to become. Isnuє impersonal types of fairies, skin with its own idiosyncrasies, talents and style. Before that, how to become a fairy, you need to virishiti, what kind of fairy you want to be. Try to make your person say one fairies Tse to allow the transition to be quicker and simpler. Look at all the options and choose the one that suits you best.

    • Possibly, you will fairy of the earth how to love wood, flowers, roses and woods? The earthlings come in clothes, and they will spend their time by the garden.
    • Possibly, you will become fairy drive how to love everything that is connected with water and spend your time near rivers, lakes and streams, keep your feet on the water?
    • Abo you will fairy fire how to love warmth and half-light, showing passion for everything that robs, regardless of that, great things did little?
    • Can you become see the fairy like a pragne that exudes space and wind, which develops hair, whose nature the wind blows?
    • Oh, you will fairy sleep, sharpened by mysticism and zavzhdi garnih dreams to your friends.
    • Possibly, you will music fairy, so as to know the melodies and rhythms in the usual її light, like the spіv ptakhіv in the trees, and the wind blows between the skel.
    • You can varto surprise up to fairies of light how to love a sleepy light and can you shine brighter than a thousand stars?
    • And maybe you will be a mystery dark fairy, how can we overcome night and day and cast dark spells?
  1. Choose your own name.Іm'ya fairies may be indicative of її day-to-day life or talents, which may be out of the way. For example, "fairy of the earth" can choose your own name "Grass", "Tsukru" and so on; "fairy fire" can choose the name "Iskra", "Half-light"; "Fairy Lead" can be chosen as the name "Khvilya" or "Breeze".

    Create your power charming nail file . What would a fairy be like without an enchanting saw? Your nail file, like your name, is guilty of confirming your essence and talents and is guilty of being absolutely unique. You can buy a blisk from a special shop to create the basis of your file, but you will need to add more especially, to make the files wiyshov charivny.

    • Reconsider that the glare is in order and not rude. Shchіlny ball blisk - tse those that you need to unique. Choose a color that matches the choice of a fairy. For example, greens - for the fairy of the earth, black - for the fairy of the wind, buzkovy - for the fairy of the darkness and so on. Add a little to the body lotion to fix the effect, just don't add too much too much, otherwise the wine will start to vanish.
    • Then it is necessary for you to add some words, which will instruct you on your enchantment. As if you are becoming a fairy of the earth, try to embellish your leaves with grass. Like a fairy drive - add a pist and turtles. Like a fairy fire - vicorist a tree abo vugillya. Like a fairy povitrya - add a little bag of chi pir'ya.
    • Kindly shake the enchanting saw, so that all the ingredients mix. Place it in some sort of little bun, like a talisman, dress it up on the neck. The talisman will forever be entrusted and you can go anywhere with it forever. Or you can put a file near the jar (you can decorate it later) and put it in the room, or in another safe place.
  2. Make your signature unique. The signature of a fairy is not the same as the signature of a magnificent person. The signature of the fairies reflects my day and those talents, like a stench.

    • For example, if your enchanting talent is farming, then your specialty is brothers and other tickets. Like a water fairy, wink turtles and algae. As if you were a fairy, wink a feast. Wiishlo? The signature may be small, but it is my fault to show off your talents and your individuality.
    • You can win your specialty. For example, if you see flowers in the garden, you can say that on your roses. Otherwise, if you vipkaєte zealously, you can vikoristati to show authorship.
    • For a supplementary effect, the deacons fill up the little things of the house of creativity.

    part 2

    Achievement of a clear mind
    1. Wear light, loose clothing. Charming robe is guilty of being light and poitryanym, wine is guilty of breaking from light fabrics. Choose a color or a bright color clothes, I’ll know the same, I’ll lie down in your enchantment. Earth fairies will wear clothes of green and brown tones, fire fairies will wear red and orange tones, fairies will be blue and green colors, and dark fairies will wear clothes of purple and black tones.

      • The stores sell costumes for theater, shows, Halloween, and in the assortment of different kazkovi costumes. Ale, depending on your size and individual likeness, you can make your own costume yourself.
      • As you have made your own suit, know your style, buy some accessories and then buy fabric. You can vicorist see different fabrics - velveteen, tulle, canvas openings that shimmer and so on. You can also twist the fabrics and the backs from the second-hand, so that you can fit your figure.
      • To work out the charm of the back, you can just take an elastic stitch or a gum (I’ll measure your waist or a stegon, fall in addition, you’ll wear it), and then take a piece of tulle or a net (douzhina to lie in the growth), and sew them on. Change your mind, you took enough balls, that back is not shining through.
      • To wear a back, you can just tie it with a stitch, or else you can tie a gumka, you need to attach the fabric to the gumka for additional buttons, or just sew on Velcro. To embellish the back, you can vikoristovuvat kvity, zirki or other accessories.
      • For the top in the style of a fairy, you can sew on your own, or you can know a shirt (as you can fit it according to your figure) during the Renaissance, or else, if you don’t need to be important and elegant.
    2. You can have a booty long healthy hair . Fairies are famous for their curls, which they marvel at, that watching your hair is a priority for you. The color of the hair does not matter, the fairies are all individual! Naygolovnіshe, sob your hair was in a good state. For whom, use hair conditioner, drink plenty of water, and periodically use homemade hair masks.

      • According to the style, the greater number of fairies will grow their hair for a long time, for an hour, with a long hair below the waist, as it is possible. Never take your hair, let it fall down your back. However, if you have a short haircut, you can style it!
      • To make a perm or a sling of small coachmen is just for framing your guise. With this method, you can twist a curling iron, prasko, curlers, or curl your hair in a curler. In the capacity of an alternative, you can grow your hair frivolous, so it will look more natural.
      • Fairies don't want to get hung up on trying to trim their hair in an ideal state. They have more important things to do, less to think about their hair! After all the goodies of the fairies, you can remember the excess of heads or the flowers of the hair, and it’s not scary for us!
    3. Shkira can be bright. The fairy can buti has thoroughly, syayucha shkir, podbayte about tse. Wash your face for a day (no more and no less) and envelop it with a cream that brightens. Cover acne, enlarged pores with cortisone cream. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink 6 to 8 bottles of water a day.

      • If you care about the fairy's make-up, then you need to use a foundation cream, which you can use, or powder, to add a healthy color and your coat. Vikoristovyte a light tone across the foreface and under the eyebrow, to add an additional relief. And if you really want your face to shine, add a touch of glare to the cheeks, the effect will be amazing!
      • To enhance the image of a fairy, you can also add some make-up, including light rosy blush, a lip gloss, a touch of mascara (only for the upper hairs)
    4. Pick up some charming accessories. As it was guessed earlier, the fairies don’t need to worry about their zvnishnistyu, so you don’t need to look at accessories. However, a few simple details here and there can really bring some charm to your choice and help you look like a fair fairy.

      • Everyone knows that fairies can fly on wings, like whittled panicles. You can buy enchanted krill in the Halloween costume shop or make krill yourself, vicarious darts and colored panchos. You can recognize, like a krill, you can. Do not worry about those who happen to wear krill constantly, often fairies get their krills, if they become "great", the one who seems to go without krill will not be a problem.
      • Would you like to become a fairy in the crown? Easy! Take a hoop, equal to the girth of the head and glue up to a new piece of pancakes and/or quilts. You can also take a sprig of hairpins and glue piece slips to them. Close the hairpins with quilts at your hair with a beautiful braid. As an alternative, to create a simple, natural earthly image, you can wear a wreath of daisies.
      • Not all fairies cast enchanting wands, but deacons vicorist them to cast magical spells, especially dark fairies. The sticks can either be purchased or crushed independently. You can work for help from the garden; it is also possible to vikoristovuvati whether it be a thin, long, straight piece of plastic. Attach lines to sticks, or embellish them otherwise, with a stitch, those that you care for the need. Vikoristovyte yav!
      • Most of the fairies are older, but the hour has no power over these magical essences. However, embellish, like a stench, you are already old. At the shops of vintage speeches and commissary shops you can find old jewelry items, especially bracelets or bracelets with medallions. Nothing, as the stones will be great, the stench will also work on your image - especially as the stench will match the color to other accessories. For example, the fairy of a dream vikoristovuvatime mysyachne stone, the fairy of water - pearls, the fairy of fire - rubin, the fairy of the earth - jade thin.
    5. Find a unique scent. Part of the image of a fairy is the presence of its unique kazkovy aroma. To that, it’s necessary, in order to what type of fairy you lie, it’s necessary to win the vicarious spirits. You can just buy the right perfumes, like the stench suits you, or rather create your own fragrance.

      • Look at the option of buying a perfume set, with different oils, so that you can change and create your own unique fragrance. You can also buy natural ethereal oils, which are sold in most stores healthy eating, and dilute them with water in spray bottles. Add some bliskitok to "revive" the perfume.
      • Some popular fragrances often include: flower fragrances, for example, jasmine, lavender, chamomile, troyanda and geranium; fruit aromas, such as lemon, grapefruit, tangerine; aromatic spices, such as cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom and cloves; Earthy aromas like vetiver, cedar and eucalyptus.
      • I'll try again to wrap the fragrance, which suits your type of fairy. For the fairy land wrap flowers, fruit or herbal aromas. For a fairy, choose a wooden one fresh smell. For the fairy fire, wrap the spicy smell. For a fairy, it will be better to wrap up a bavovny, windy or girsky aroma.

    part 3

    Vidpovidna behavior
    1. smile more often. Fairies are happy, life-changing things, for those who always have a beshketny fire in their eyes. From your disguise - adzhe vie fairy - a grin is not guilty, whether it be a loving grin, a besket grin, or a mriyliva smirk.

      • You don’t need to go and sit fast, but if you’re in contact with people, you’ll always be guilty of laughing, so that it will help you to make you more attached, at once to add mystery and mystery.
    2. Do a good job . In fairies, tsikh merry and beshketnykh svorin, golden hearts, stench help be-yakim istotam. Good help, you can work at be-yak_y galuzi everyday life: you can overcome a mountain of brudish dishes, otherwise you can reach people of a frail age.

      • Mayte on your account, that fairies often do good work anonymously, stink to shy away from praise. It’s enough for us to know that the stinks have made our day happy.
    3. Spend more than an hour on to the contrary . It doesn’t matter what type of fairy you are: before the fairy, fire, drive, sleep, or inspire the dark fairy - all fairies are connected with the earth and nature. It is important for fairies to spend a rich hour in the fresh air; It is important for them to consider, like the grass under their feet, and like the wind blows on their hair.

      • Being a fairy, you are to blame for the deep connection with nature and enjoy the hour spent in nature, graze on the fresh weather, appreciate the memos, the sounds and the smells of the earth. Try picking bouquets of pollen flowers, climbing trees, or practice birding.
    4. Sing, dance and learn to play a musical instrument. Mustache fairies (want, persh for everything, musical fairies) love music, songs and dances. The stench smells the music creaking: at spivі birds, at dzyurkotlivyh streams, at the wind, which rushes the crack of a tree, and winds at the trill of the half-light. The stench of pleasure sings old songs and colossal songs with their lower, licorice, high voices.

      • Fairies deserve to play on such musical instruments as: flute, pipe, harp, tambourine, twinkle and bowron. Learn to play on any of these tools, which will be a good job for any fairy.
    5. Watch the creatures. Fairies already love nature, and also see a deep connection with various representatives of the fauna of the forest and herds. The stench can talk to them, see their emotions, like people are not given. Birds, deer, rabbits, toads, squirrels, bears - all the stinks are friends of fairy tales, joke to them in a sly way, you can only do it.

      • Fill the carrots or juice the lettuce leaves, if you pass the rabbit, or help the birds that fell into the evil krill. Raise all you can to help the needy.
      • Fairies don't like intestines anymore, because intestines, as you care, are richly close to the witches.
    6. Eat natural food products. Fairies live in nature and enjoy themselves with gifts. Tse v_dbivaєtsya and їх choice produktіv kharchuvannya. They give priority to fruits and berries, vegetables and peas. Through their connection with the creatures, the stench, as a rule, is treated with meat, and, apparently, є addicts of a vegetarian diet

      Decorate your room, so that it looks like your Kazkov person. Create a fairy tale, embellish the room with colors that match your type of fairy. Move a dream catcher and a musical pedestal to a stele and put a small statue of a fairy on your working table, nightstand, dressing table or pedestal. Hang a canopy over the bed to protect you while you sleep. Take a supply of a charm file here at a safe place, for example, high up in the police station or in a closed drawer at the table.

    7. The respect of other fairies can be turned around, so that you can plant fortune-telling flowers near the garden. Also, guests can get wonderful aromas homemade vipіchki, miles of bulbs in the sky - so, so, let the miles of bulbs, fairies love їх - or ask the fairies from your garden, de stinks can spend an hour miraculously.
    8. Ale, better for everything, you just need to behave in everyday life, like a fair fairy. Work well for others, know the connection with nature and open your heart. As you work all these speeches, other fairies can see a balanced soul in you, and you won’t need to try too hard to turn your respect.
  • Regardless of those who do not know how to lethal, you can experience magic and mysticism. If you believe in those that you are a fairy, you will lean on your enchanting world and see, if you will be more wondrous. Chill that ran along the ridge. Look, someone is watching you. I imperceptible hints at the sight of light laughter, dances that are circling near the wind.
  • The skin fairy can change the love of that world. Be strong willed. Don't let others put you down. Be happy zavzhd that skrіz!
  • You can become one of the fairies described in these articles, or create your own image of power. Don't circle yourself.
  • Before you is a great selection of images of fairies, the skin of which you can "reconcile" wines. Even if you don’t like images, create a style that suits you.
  • Do not be turbulent with the drive of what you cannot fly. Not all fairies can fly; See the fairies differently, and the skin look - your own comfort.

After bagatarіchnykh doslіdzhen vchenі have shown that the people of today are fairies. So it was revealed that the DNA molecules of fairies create the very structure that the DNA molecules of humans can be modified without changing their warehouse.

Why talk about those who can become a fairy in to the current world without surgical intervention, smut — correctly follow the guidance below the instructions.

UVAGA! When revealed, be-like side effects, that vinikli under the hour of the process of reinvention, children in the reverse order.

Zgіdno with old legends, the image of a fairy signifies a gift, like a won't be enough. To that, first of all, the creation of an image, think about how to rob you with a unique fairy. Just like Vi Volodarka Go, boldly pick up black colors, don’t be afraid to experiment with natural materials, even if fairies make a connection with nature, but don’t overdo it at the same time, otherwise you will look like a mermaid.

Well, if the Earth is your Element, try it out today with її sacks. Yaskra, but not remembering tiger elk will give your image the impression and zdatnіst to change with greater swedishness on the great winds.

It is recommended that Fairies of Fire be surrounded by warm clothes in clothes, and give special respect to the guards: the hair can be put in a bun and covered with an anti-borrowing gel. It is easy to recognize the povіtryanyh fairies by the costume from the povіtryany bags and miles of bulbs, yakі allow them to expand in the same way for others and save the ease of walking on the example of a working day.

If you still have a good idea of ​​your recognition, you can start preparing the folding of the krill, choosing a light material, for example, a polypropylene canvas, with the color and shape of that you yourself can experiment. In times of new disorientation, before the cob of the robot, I will report back from the article “How the Fairies Are”.

New mіtla sweeps in a new way

After the creation of the image, it is necessary to choose a new name. When choosing a name, rely on the meaning of the words, which are close to your image, then translate them into Latin (one of the most ancient words, which the fairies used to say), howl, I’ll give a voice and add the end -a; -I; -and I. For example, the leek cibulus is transferred like porrum.

The subvoice is already voiced, now, let's move on to the next step: adding voice. Axis where you can go: Porrum, Porrum, Porrum. The creation of a name is an important process, in view of which it is possible to lay down the directness of the fairy's activity. Vіd slіv to dії.

In ancient mythology, the word "fairy" comes from the Latin "fatare", which means "enchantment" and points to the marvelous building of their nature to improve the world of people. Enchantresses from long ago had little magical knowledge and mystical power, like a stench they filled, making good stuff.

At this stage, you need to think not in a stereotyped way. It is also important to note: it is not necessary to help people, to become a fairy, it is necessary to become a fairy, to learn how to help.


  • Repair the day from song. Sleep as you please. Help improve the energy balance between people and accept your hearing aid.
  • paint great budinok and ask for a dermal medicine for tea; rozfarbite together with the child's room at the yoga of love colors.
  • Bring sus_dtsі fіlochku fragrant apples. I cinnamon. Or rather, sip your cake and bring yoga through the window on mosquitoes. Make yourself foolishly foolish, tempt even more people to believe in chaklunstvo.


Otzhe, to pretend to be a fairy fairy, it is necessary:

  • Mostly from the change of soundness;
  • Pіdіbrati vіdpovіdne im'ya;
  • Zdіysnyuvati yaknaybіlshe good vchinkіv.

The fairy is real: how should it be and what is necessary for whom?

In order to pretend to be a real fairy, you need a white blank sheet of paper, a pen, what you write, or a sheep and a bottle of water. Take a piece of paper and write a pen, why do you want to become a fairy yourself, how beautiful and beautiful you can see in your activity. Krym tsgogo, without fail, specify, if the newcomers would like to have a mother, even if the fairy is real, you may have your own special, individual zdibnosti. After that, as you write the necessary text, drink a glass of water, and throw out a sheet of notes through the open window. Bazhano throw yogo not down, but killed, so that the wine flew yaknaydali. If so, it is necessary to lie down in that bed and fall asleep. The next day, having thrown a lie, you realize that the fairy is real, with bazhanimi navchikami and special features. It’s been a long time to talk about those who, in order to become a fairy, it’s not enough to throw a leaf at the end, but it’s necessary to drink yoga, drinking water with a bottle of water.

How to lead a fairy: what do you need?

Become a fairy, lead a lot of girls to sleep, so we propagate you to change the way of transforming into a beautiful creation. Otzhe, we need you: a bowl or a small basin filled with cold water, a piece of paper for a specific color, a candle, a mirror, that baganya become a fairy. Now, about the leaflet of the paper: you can have a songful color, which one you signify, which you want to become a fairy. Like you are the future fairy of a kohannya, you will get a red leaf of paper, like a fairy of nature - greenery, and like a fairy of the water element - the color of the leaf can be blue and black. Perevіrenі methods for transformation also recommend virіzati the same form of a leaf: for kohannya - the heart, for nature - a maple leaf, and the axis for the elements of the water - the form of whilі or kraplі. After that, as everything is ready, it is necessary to light a candle along the edges of the leaf of yoga, as they set it on fire for me. If we immediately lower the leaf near the water, lift it up in front of the looking glass, so that you and the leaf can be seen at the top of the window and repeat the phrase three times in a voice: now I am a fairy. Having cast the spell, the papyr should be burned to death. It’s important to believe that if the leaf went out quickly, it means that you are far away from becoming a fairy.

What is needed to become a fairy in the minds of the home?

We will suggest other ways to change ways, to help you become a fairy at home, without reporting great zusil. Otzhe, at the first drop we need a drink, a cup of medium rosemary and a small amount of ice. Place the water frozen in a bowl and check until it's gone. Lid is guilty of turning into water, for which we need a songful hour. If it seems that the process is completed, and there is water in the bowl, it is necessary to put your hand in it for thirty seconds. At the same hour, your eyes are closed and it is apparent that the axis of you could already become a fairy with wings and tutors, as if you choose yourself, on the authority's judgment. Thirty seconds later, the hand will be removed from the water and smeared with shampoo, gel, or vershkov oil And I was immediately swept away by the water, where the hand was known to. By stretching two quills, after that, like the oil was merciful, it is necessary to intensively rub your hands on one side. In one hour you can become a fairy in household minds that volodymy bazhanimi zdіbnosti.

Another way to how to become a fairy in a right way, vimagatime the presence of an empty bottle in the form of cologne or perfumes, salt, zucru, water, a rare sweet and a tablespoon. We take three pinches of salt and sip in an empty bottle, three trills of tsukru - we correct it there, we fill everything with a tablespoon of a rare sweet, and then a wonderful water. We need a bottle and it is corrected for a vikno to stretch for two tyzhniv. After that, as the meanings of the terms run out, I will, having insisted, next day, sprinkle myself, like spirits, thinking about those, as if it were a fairy in a fair way. After a few days, the bazhanya will come back and you will take away the new recruits.

How to become a fairy with wings?

We will induce a reversal of the method, which was consecrated in other articles and those books about those, like a fairy with wings really. Vikonuvati descriptions of the ritual can only be done in the last month, in order to be able to win the day. Father, check that moment when it appears in heaven last month. You need: a bottle of water, a clean arkush paper, and a writing object. Describe on a piece of paper what kind of fairy you would like to become and how well your mother is. After that, go to the open window, having taken water from yourself and a leaf from the description of the fairy. Place the flask in such a way that it will have a new month, after which you should lower paprika by the water for blessings. After all the water, as it was in the glass, it is necessary to pour on yourself. Having completed this ritual correctly, you can become a fairy in real life, yak at night stavatim volodarkoy beautiful krill. If you don’t see yourself as a enchantress, then you will definitely have a friend fairy appear, which you can use the power of your thoughts and control її dії.

Let's try calling a fairy.

In order to become one of the little charmers, you can not only independently carry out different rituals, but also turn around for help without interfering with fairies. For whom we have a chance to click a few times. Otzhe, scho for what you need. For the cob, as always, it is necessary to be appointed, as a fairy verse, you would like to become the most, and in the fallow, to know the necessary object. For example, if you want to become a fairy, sit down on the birches of the lake or river, like a fairy of music - go to the jerel of musical sounds and so on.

After that, as you get close to the dzherel, it is necessary to call the fairy, for example, fairy drive, come! - So three times. You can understand that you are a charmer in the world, seeing a light wind or feeling a quiet rustle. If so, it is necessary to turn back to her with the prohannyam to endow you with enchanting power. Prohannya also needs to be properly instructed: specify that you want to take away the good fortune only with good intentions and at the same time do not zastosovuvatimete them at Skoda. If you don’t specify why, the bajan may not be available. If anyone wants to go home and go to sleep. Early vrantsі you will go through the bazhanim zdіbnosti.

What is needed to become a fairy of all powers?

For whom we need a lot of things: toothpaste and water. The Fairy of All Powers is also respected by the Head Fairy, as there may be a difference of happiness. Otzhe, take the toothpaste and apply it on the fingers of both hands. We leave the paste on the fingers for forty-five minutes, and then the hour rushes by the water. Cleansing hands from the mouth, it is necessary to repeat the phrase five times: I am a fairy. Through the first year, feel the quiet voices of the fairies, which you are guilty of asking about those who would become a fairy of all powers. After that, go to sleep, and then set an alarm for three years of the night and turn around, what happened to you, and what can you do with new possibilities.

An easy way to become a fairy.

Tse - the simplest and widest option. Settle down there, no one will vouch for you. Strongly flatten your eyes and three times in your voice to repeat the phrase: I am the most powerful and most powerful fairy. When you need to raise insulting hands above your head, and at that moment, if you say words, shake them in the palm of your hand. Do not think that everything will be done at one time - it will take more than one day to repeat this zahid, but if everything is done correctly, then you will lose the final score.

One more way to become a fairy.

Try to believe in those that the dream has already been dreamed of and you are the same fairy, who has been dreaming of it for a long time. Watch with all your heart, take over your thoughts. Try to understand that everything that leaves you alone is already chaklunstvo. Spiv ptakhіv, yaskrave sun chi loved іgryashki - everything is endowed with particles of enchanting elements. Be aware that you are a charmer, try to give help to lonely people, to invite a homeless dog savory hedgehog otherwise, help the fathers at home - even if you will be chaklunstvo, like you will work for yourself. The activity of the skin fairy, irrespective of the nature of nature, is directed to help others, the stink to work the light is more beautiful, brighter and more beautiful, and do not start for the need for krill, or else the goodness. Repent of a smile, a positive attitude to people that help others, and decide to show up step by step. Well, well, we’ve given you plenty of joy, how to become a fairy– perevіrenі methods and invariably help you to improve your mind.

Like a statue of a fair fairy (video 1):

Like a statue of a fair fairy (video 2):

Like a statue of a fair fairy (video 3):

How to become a Winx fairy: 6 options + 3 non-mandatory rules for young enchantresses.

Let's us have no miracles in life, good chaklunstva that is good. Why is it that all the girls are so fond of stories about fairies - a beautiful creation with wings, which will lead you to magical vibes?

And the Italian animated series "Winx Club" about these little ones has become a cult! After the revision of the Chergovy series, the girls began to put food, as if by the fairy Winks.

I am ready to help you in search of advice. Find out who your heroine is in love with?

How to become a Winx fairy: 6 options fallow in strength, as you want to take

No. 1. Bloom: Let there be light!

As you can see, Bloom can twist with light streams.

І so you want to become the very Winks fairy, which they support sleeping room, try to try a little:

  • Reach out for a clear, sleepy day and break the sky.
  • Lay out for yourself chotiri kaminchiki - red, blue, black and purple colors, shards of the stink itself are the main ones for the Winx Bloom fairy.
    The stones need to be turned in such a way that the leather from them is shown on one side of the light (the sequence is not important).
  • The time has come for the spell of the Winx enchantress:

    Fairies, get into the colo, take me to your place, do not open your hands. I want to punish with light and fire. I do not bear the ruin, I will help people and do only good things. Now I'm Fairy Bloom, and I own everything that was attached.

  • Now close your eyes and enjoy the sleepy light, see how yoga energy reminds you.

IMPORTANT! Yak and other rites, brought lower, tse bestowing strength, as if it would be commemorated for those who also became the Winx fairy for help magic. Zvichayní people do not commemorate your enchanting wings, nor your good deeds. Ale hiba tse to lure you to your magical path?

No. 2. How to become a fairy Winks Stella and that support of the heavenly bodies.

Stella won a lot of hearts, even if it could be cherished by the Sun, Moon and stars. And who didn't want to charm themselves with miraculous weather on the weekend before a trip to the sea?

To become such a Winx fairy, it is necessary to conduct a special ritual:

  1. Find out some small trinkets, on one of them the Sun will be depicted, and on the other - the Moon. You can decorate it, magnets, bracelets, key rings, a small fireplace, on which you independently dressed up the little ones, - everything is done to become a fairy Stela.
  2. Dress up in clothes for yaskravih, warm weather (yellow, orange, red skinny)
  3. Now lie in the quiet place on the street, so that no one will succumb to you and the shadow will not fall on you.
  4. Put prepared amulets of evil (Misyats) and right hand (Sun) in front of you.
  5. Concentrate kindly and move out of the way:

    Stella, fairy of the sun and the moon, come before me, share for nothing, take it to your lava.

  6. Now, with new magical powers, you can break home. Ale, do not forget, be kind, the image of the Sun and the Moon - the stench will become your last amulets. How can the right Winx fight against evil without zakhistu? It's the same...

Number 3. How could the Fairy Vinks Flora, that the mustache smelled and blossomed?

If you don’t cherish your souls in garden beds and cities, you’ve embarrassed everyone in your apartment with flowerpots, and with the best gift you really appreciate a bouquet of flowers, then it’s time to go far - become a fairy Winks Flora.

  • Prepare a large, beautiful ticket - a rozhevu or a chervona in a mountain worker. You can take yoga from home, or you can buy it in a store or on the market (you can’t haggle when you buy it and take a change).
  • Now break at the garne, the place of the Kremlin in nature. Tse mozhe buti galyavin, fox, the bank of the river - smut, so that there was a lot of greenery for the people of the new Flory!
  • Place the mountain-builder with a flowery bush in front of you and trichi with viraz promo:

    I sound like a flora, I fly over green onions, I fly with foxes, I lead with roses. Let my strength multiply, it’s less good for good.

  • Cut off the trochs from the flattened eyes, listen to the rustle of grasses and trees, tune in to the magical whistle.
  • Now take your enchanted roslin. As long as you are alive and well, the forces of the Fairy Winx Flory will rightfully belong to you.

No. 4. How to become a fairy Winks Muse: like music - everything is yours.

O girls, don’t be good with such bread - let me listen to the harn of music. Conservatory graduates should be congratulated on a strange rumor. Itself їm varto become the fairy Winx Muse - the very same, which is the source of sound whistle.

  1. Prepare a recording of your favorite musical work ahead of time. Be respectful when choosing: the stronger the song suits you, then the rite will be more effective!
  2. Left alone in the curtained dark room, three times, listen to your favorite composition, listening to the music again.
  3. Then close your eyes and whisper:

    The magic of music and sound is my call, I’m more than happy to call. Muse of the Winks, with me by force succumbed, with your charms appear.

  4. Now you, dear lady, will begin to hear better and feel your light. And the song will become a good amulet: if you want to be filled with the enchanting energy of the Winx, you will only need to listen to the composition once in a while.

No. 5. Like a fairy Winks Leyla: you, child, are cooler than a mermaid!

Leyla looks like other fairies of the Winx team family, who can look after their bazhanny, whether they are homelands - even the ocean, even the tea at the herd. Tsikavo, what's wrong?

But in order to become such a Winx fairy yourself, you need three more hours of patience, lower at the front slopes:

  • First of all, prepare a bowl of water and two khustki - brown and blue color.
  • Dock in the evening and before it, like going to bed, fill a vessel with water on the podvikonnі, having crooked the two with the prepared khusts.
  • When it is necessary to trich, promote the spell:

    Let me be like Leila - spritna, like water, clean like a tear, light, like dew. I will fill with strength right to the brink of my soul, I won’t bring sadness to anyone, I won’t hurt, but only joy and light.

  • You just need to pour water on the lie, and save two husts for yourself in a quiet place, like an amulet.
  • The ceremonial rite of the varto is overturned. For example, try with the power of a look, concentrating garnenko, trochs pіdіrіti water in the kitchen or zmusit її crumble. Wiishlo? Vitaemo, you are a fairy enchantress!

No. 6. How to become a fairy Wynx Teknoy: more daily breakdowns!

The image of the Tekni fairy is just a sign for girls, who can’t live a day without their smartphone and the Internet, they can easily enjoy a computer and a pilos, and for the best hours they spend “sticking” to a newfangled gadget. Same techna on "tee" with technology and new technologies.

You can become such a Winx fairy by performing a special magical ritual:

  1. In advance, prepare lines of three colors - green, purple and black. The very colors are the main ones for techni.
  2. Choose the subject of technology, which is the most common and practically does not separate, for example, mobile phone, mp3 player, earphone, fitness bracelet, etc.
  3. Accurately put on the vibration of the gadget lines and move the call:

    I, like Tecna, use technology as a good power of light. Rozum my vіdkritiy for everything new and progressive. Let it be so now and forever.

  4. You can take the lines, but you can carry them with you, because the stench will boost your magical power.

How to pretend to be a fairy?

І axis, if the heroine of the Winx is in love with the heroine and the ritual is carried out, let's face it, only the bright enchantment of the future is ahead. And that's right! True, it’s like remembering a couple of secrets of right little chacloons.

To become one of the Winx and to spend a long time in their lavas, you need to remember:

  • Fairy fairies are kind and bright.
    Don't victoriously use your strength to harm the karma of other people. Tobto, clean up the road from the road, so that nobody stumbles about it - that's right! And the axis of vytoptati kvіtnik unacceptable suіdka - nі, nі and again nі! How are you a fairy after all? We don't remember such filthy vchinkiv after Winks.
  • Fairies are modest and do not boast of their magical powers.
    Well, if it’s your closest friend, as you passed the rite, dedicate it to Winks, you can tell, like they’ve turned the water on by force, I’ll see.
  • Fairy garni not only in soul, but in body.
    So the stinks are dressed up beautifully and dressed up smartly, the women will catch a glimpse. To that, get out of torn jeans - let your beddings live, neat pussy and original embellishment.

So how to become a Winx fairy? - Not the best food. It is more important for the help of enchantment and inner mood to bring goodness to the world, light that positive.

Ale, in a smart, smart girl, like you, dear readers, you can. Mi in tsomu anіtrohi no doubt!

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