How do you create piece-printing?


How to make a piece of plaster

  • The procedure for individual recording, regardless of the established protocol, methods of implementation, requires careful preparation, patience, precise and well-designed robots, specialized laboratories, family doctors and family bets.
  • Preparation before extracorporeal impregnation
  • Puncture of ovaries with piece-filled
  • How to perform individual implantation in an embryology laboratory
  • Embryo cultivation

Embryo transfer

How to prepare before piece filling

Piece impregnation in the embryological laboratory

Embryologists, working in sterile containers, search for eggs in the follicular core under a microscope, transfer them to a test tube or Perth cup filled with living fluid, and place them in an incubator for 4 to 6 years. .

At the same time, the sperm is prepared: washed, cleaned.

The sperm becomes concentrated.

  • After completing the designated period, the “colored” sperm is added to the eggs and sent back to the incubator.
  • To fertilize one egg, 100-200 thousand are needed. live spermatozoa.
  • One penetrates through the middle, intending to serve to melt the membrane of the egg into the place of entry of the “head” sperm.
  • Care is carried out over a period of 48 years.
  • Then you will wonder how the eggs have become fertile.
  • And the development of embryos is monitored for two more days.
  • The uterus will only have the most important parts: those that develop quickly and do not show any abnormalities.
  • number of cells;

hundreds of fragmentations; fluidity of the genus; the presence of pain in the process;

presence or absence include up to the cytoplasm;

Keep the speed and speed of development at a distance of 2–4 dB. The main option is a three-way cultivation with a length of 5–6 dB, which grows at about 100 m. allows you to change the balance, as there is no need for the transferred

great amount

The embryos fall out.

In whom the level of gravitas increases.

Since the embryos have a lot of good bones, then after the process of individual fertilization is completed, the “requests” will be sent to .

Day of embryo transfer

The main recommendation beforehand and on the day of the transfer is not to wiggle.

Stock up on patience and a positive attitude.

often prescribed in the first half of the day. Therefore, the food may be light, with the benefit of homelessness. Before the procedure, Rozmova meets with an embryologist.

The doctor shows images of embryos that have become damaged due to enrichment.

Characterizes the development and stage of their maturity, gives recommendations on the choice and type of nutrition.

Together with the doctor, the couple makes decisions, as...

Embryo transfer technique Then we begin the procedure on the gynecological chair. A won only borrows 10–15 hwilin.

First of all, let’s get down to business, many women are dying not to the doctor, but are starting to put power into the Internet search engine, for example, how to avoid insemination in households, evidence of evidence helps to get a cure before procedure.

However, it is important to consult a doctor so that your mother can be more accurately informed about what she can and cannot do during insemination.

What is required for the procedure

Before the start of manipulation, it is necessary to prepare a sterile container for collecting sperm, disposable syringe without a head with a volume of 10 ml, if necessary, buy a disposable sterile vaginal retractor.

The person or partner is responsible for collecting the sperm in a container before preparation.

You can’t vikorize it right away, you have to check it until a little later. It takes approximately 10-20 hvilins. At this time, the container can be wrapped in a towel, so that it stays warm, completely

high temperatures

that quagmire.

You can save sperm using this method for no more than two years.

Pokrokov's instructions

Please understand that it will be impossible for people to introduce sperm into an empty uterus without damaging it without special illumination.

Therefore, it is more likely that the syringe will be injected into the cervix as deeply as possible, without damaging the cervix.

The pressure on the syringe piston must be applied carefully so as not to harm the sperm.

Together with the doctor, the couple makes decisions, as...

In case, if you choose a vaginal dilatator or what is also called a speculum, then the scheme of action will vary slightly.

For ease of administration, it is permissible to use a lubricant without spermicidal ointment.

Rozshiruvach is introduced behind the knee, at 45°.

Pull the mirror's paws out 2-3 cm so that the cervix becomes visible.

With the help of a latch, the expander is secured in this position for further actions.

You may need not one, but two or three samples.

If a woman is afraid of growing many eggs, it is best to carry out a number of similar procedures during one cycle to increase the chances of successfully conceiving.

As a rule, when infertility is diagnosed for unknown reasons, it is recommended to treat the bud before a procedure such as piece insemination without stimulation.

So, if the eggs are vibrated by the body independently, without the need to take hormonal drugs (for example, duphaston or).

In this case, it will be possible to carry out such a procedure for no more than six months afterward.

If pressure is not present, you will have to resort to the method. Visnovok As can be seen from these statistics, the procedure itself is not even complicated or entirely possible in the home mind.

Hundreds of successes lie not only in the physical, but in

I will become psychological


It is possible to carry out the procedure from the statutory act, since it is certain that when a woman has an orgasm, there is a greater chance of successful completion.

However, you don’t want to get embarrassed because the first time the test was not successful, it is important to maintain a positive attitude and save your strength so that the body is healthy and fit before the pressures of pregnancy.

Video: Piece insemination.

For ta proti

Zmist The statistics are sad - with skin cancer, the number of infertile couples is increasing, and so many people want children!.

If after several procedures this does not happen, it is recommended to switch to other methods of individual filling.

The vaginess itself during intrauterine insemination is in no way affected by the emergency.

Why is it possible to make a piece of plastic?

It would seem that women cannot fertilize, but when ejaculate is introduced individually, congestion occurs. One of the peculiarities of the female body. On the right, antibodies are generated in the cervical mucus to human sperm. It turns out that it simply kills sperm, and does not prevent their penetration to the egg. The procedure helps to deliver the material that has been processed directly into the uterus, bypassing the cervical canal.

In this method, due to the low fragility of sperm, the chance of germination increases. Showing As can be seen from the above, the main indications for intrauterine insemination with a piece of material are the immunological insanity of the partners.

In fact, there are much more individual reasons for the procedure, so it’s best to look at their report.

The main problems among women are taken into account

ignition processes

Internal uterine insemination is the first method that can be used to solve problems with conception. The main problem is the prevalence of great harm woman's body


Individual implantation can be carried out until the exact cause of infertility is determined.

The procedure requires a lot of preparation, but it doesn’t take much time to complete.

The most important trump card of this method is that it has little versatility.

  • Preparation
  • As with any operation, and the intrauterine lining with medical tape is such, the procedure will require preparation.
  • It is not enough to carry out individual insemination; it is necessary to come to an appointment with the doctor, which will indicate a plan of entry after taking a family history and a detailed analysis of the situation during an hour of conversation.
  • Then you need to sign the song paper, which confirms your friend’s willingness to conceive.

For the consumption of donor sperm, the number of documents required for this purpose increases significantly.

Analyzes before insemination

First of all, in order to be prepared before the piece insemination procedure, take tests from the couple:


stick infections;

  • hepatitis;
  • passive hemagglutination reaction (RPHA)
  • After a 3-5 day period of measurement, a man creates a spermogram, which determines the looseness of spermatozoa.

In women, the patency of the fallopian tubes is checked, and the uterus is examined using hysterosalpingography.

Piece filling can be carried out independently or directly with the participation of the clinician.

For a woman to sit on a gynecological chair, access to the cervix is ​​provided behind the help of a speculum.

The doctor inserts the catheter, and the syringe, then added, collects biological material.

Then the injection of sperm into the empty uterus begins.

After insemination, a woman is liable to lose about 30-40 years of indestructibility.

Insemination with donor sperm

If serious illnesses are detected in a woman’s partner, such as hepatitis, or other potentially dangerous illnesses, including genetic ones, then the donor’s sperm is stored frozen at a temperature of -197°C .

Information about the person will not be declassified, but the squad may in the future bring a person from them, which has the right to create a living home for further artificial capture of the patient.

Man's sperm

When biological human material is removed, sperm count is obtained on the day of the insemination procedure.

Since intrauterine insemination does not trigger such complications, older women are at risk of taking drugs that trigger ovulation, so it is imperative to conduct tests for the possibility of allergies.

In addition, the risk of developing twins, or sometimes triples, is growing due to the fact that several tests of sperm injection and stimulation of the creation of more than one follicle are used.


Although single-piece intrauterine insemination is a simple procedure that practically does not involve any effort, there are still steps that can be followed during its implementation.

Among them there are problems with ovulation itself, such as damage to the tubes, infertility (it is necessary that one intrauterine procedure be defective), inflammation of the uterine appendages, hormonal imbalances, Infectious and viral diseases.


It is not possible to say exactly how much piece insemination costs, but prices vary in the Moscow skin clinic. It is important to understand that the procedure consists of several stages, including consultation, analysis, and treatment.

It is necessary to take into account the price of hands that will happen to the brothers.

If the donor's sperm is used, then add it to the price.

Today, based on the information found on the Internet, we can name the following numbers:



The information provided by the statistics is of an informative nature.

Piece plastering is a complex of many procedures, including the constant vomiting.

The essence of the methods is that, with the help of medical manipulation, the human life and embryo are introduced into the woman’s body.

The filling is not made with natural material, but with piecework, that’s what it’s called.:

The skin of a woman who cannot be infected in the usual way and must be carried out during the current period of gestation may be subjected to individual sealing.

Reasons why you can apply to the ECO

We encourage you to watch the video about those with extracorporeal implantation:

  1. How do you get pregnant?
  2. Conceiving – how does it start?
  3. It’s more natural to conceive – to complete the trivial process.

    After the completion of the sexual act, spermatozoa must undergo a silent transition.

  4. The acidic center of the biscuits over the course of two years “gives up” weak, but most importantly, large spermatozoa.

Then the mucus plug in the uterus undergoes further drying out, and during the hour of ovulation the amount of mucus changes, thereby allowing the strongest sperm to penetrate further. Once you get into contact with the epithelial veins of the fallopian tube, and then, having hit the egg, you begin to try to touch the middle of it. And if the strongest sperm is released, it spends its tail and joins the egg into one thing - the zygote. It is even unsafe to deal with the accumulation of eggs in the fallopian tubes. The fragments through the spike processes may sound like a trumpet, the zygote will begin to dissolve there, where it has become stuck.

This will lead to swelling, pipe ruptures and other dangerous consequences.

Once it passes through the fallopian tube, the egg appears in the uterus and attaches to its wall.

At this point, vagrancy begins.

  1. It's important, sho
  2. under the hour, covered with a piece of sperm, the sperm is consumed from the uterus more rapidly

Which method of stagnation is determined by the reproductologist, focusing on the state of health and the reason for the infertility of those who want to become pregnant.

Extracorporeal impregnation

ECO will stagnate in episodes, if the aphids do not start to become ill, or if the somatic organs become ill.

The essence of this procedure is that, after additional vocal stimulation, eggs are taken from the woman, and then they are placed in a medium that supports her vitality. Spermatozoa are placed there for 12 years. Then, zygotes are identified under a microscope and injected into the woman’s uterus.

After the procedure, the fertilized egg is no longer able to attach to the uterine wall

, after which the vaginosis begins

The advantage of this type of individual impregnation is that the sperm does not have to pay all the delays that occur after the final act. However, there is a disadvantage to the method - the procedure is very expensive, and the guarantees from the first time vary from 6% to 35% depending on the age of the woman. It may be necessary to repeat the procedure more than once.


Impregnation by the ICSI method is carried out at times when there is an indication for ECZ and there are very few friable and acidic spermatozoa in the person’s sperm.

After removing and preparing the sperm, inject the sperm into the cytoplasm of the egg

, thereby trapping them.

And after this zygote is placed near the uterus for attachment to the walls.

The disadvantage of this method is its high price and the fact that pregnancy may not be possible after the first procedure.

The stages of EKZ and IKSI are very similar.

The hour required for the procedure takes up to 6 minutes.

Please watch the video about the ICSI method for EKZ:

What is the procedure?

Implantation is carried out by introducing sperm into the uterus (insemination) or extracorporeally (in vitro - in a sample, by body).

The procedure can be performed in clinics that specialize in this area.

The efficiency is close to 35%.


There are 2 types of closure.

  1. For cutaneous lesions, the type is selected individually based on medical indications.
  2. Types of individual impregnation are represented by insemination of sperm (partner – IISM or donor – IISD);


During insemination, ready sperm is injected into the empty uterus with a catheter. Thus, sperm is not affected by the dry mucus of the cervix, the sour middle of the flour, and is immediately transported to the destination site without disruption. Then the spermatozoa themselves collapse to the tubes, where a naturally fertilized egg appears.

Vikorist, as I live, I freeze my sperm.

The stem should be cleaned and then concentrated. This method is recommended if the woman has high acidity in the middle of the spice and high viscosity of the cervical mucus. For humans, the following indications for this method include: low sperm count, erectile dysfunction, high sperm viscosity.

The procedure is carried out without pain.

  • Upon completion, the patient may lie down for 20 minutes.
  • ECO is piece-printed.


If the family wants one child, then other embryos that have taken root can be removed (reduction).

Ale inodі tse provokes the weekend.

  1. Indications, contraindications
  2. The indication for the head is that it is infertile and cannot be treated.
  3. For women this is the case:
  4. bilateral sterility of pipes;
  5. operations on them after 30 years (plastic);
  6. trival of tubal obstructions;
  7. the reason for infertility is unknown;
  8. endometriosis (if natural vaginity does not occur over time);

decreased functioning of the female reproductive system;

  • age-old barrenness;
  • anovulation.

Indications for people for the additional ICSI method:

varicose veins of the cord; Azoospermia (absence of ducts or blocked ducts that carry sperm). In such cases, an operation or a puncture is performed to collect sperm. Having selected healthy cells, they are combined with eggs. Increase your respect!

Free beeps

  1. , low immunity, hypodynamia,
  2. zaiva vaga
  3. also act as contraindications.
  4. There are absolute contraindications (either the procedure should not be performed at all, or it should be carried out under the best possible control, with great care, with constant caution) for two sides, that is:
  5. tuberculosis (active form);
  6. syphilis;
  7. VIL, SNID (allowed, as a form of subclinical stage of remission);
  8. acute hepatitis of any form, chronic acute hepatitis, C;
  9. evil deeds;
  10. good care of female reproductive organs;
  11. leukemia (gostra form);
  12. various types of anemia;
  13. diabetes;
  14. nirkova lack of supply;


serious mental disorders;

heavy troubles;

  • heart ailments;
  • rheumatoid arthritis and a lot of other ailments that you need to know about.

Geneticists have carried out individual breeding of pigs before, and will continue to do so now.

For women, the method of vikoryst is to be used for over a hundred years.

The procedure can be performed by specialized medical professionals.

in clinics after carrying out a complete bet, which plans vaginess.

This process is laborious.

  1. How to break up a piece of material - we will learn step by step:
  2. Preparer.
  3. Diagnosis of bets, making diagnoses.
  4. Illness is revealed, which is not the best to flow onto the disease.
  5. If necessary, carry out a bath.
  6. Preparation lasts up to 3 months.
  7. Golovne, so that the main indicators of health were normal in both.
  8. Stimulation for superovulation.

The fertilization of eggs is stimulated by additional hormones.

Maintain a clear schedule for taking medications.

During this period, the blood is constantly checked and ultrasound scanned.

  • є university specialists (geneticists, embryologists, reproductive specialists, andrologists);
  • drugs, materials will only become congealed high vigor, Original;
  • specialists formulate individual programs after the relevant treatment (age, health, illness);
  • Doctors use hormones to stimulate minimal quantities(This is what they promise about the health of their patients, not allowing hyperstimulation);
  • transplant no more than 2 embryos (to exclude rich fertility);
  • the clinic has only modern medical technology;
  • all sperm analyzes are performed at the same clinic, by embryologists (to accurately assess fertility, morphology);
  • in short, as the clinic is based on the laboratory, as it may be international standards(The accuracy of analysis is extremely important at all stages of the procedure);
  • It is important that, starting from the consultation and until the end of the manipulation, the patient is the same reproductologist;
  • It is absolutely necessary to keep in touch with the doctor (telephone, mail) to clarify nutrition in case of any emergency;
  • It’s good, because for this reason the clinic can be used to prevent gravidity.


Since 2015, the ECO procedure in Russia has been cost-free.

  1. For whom is it necessary:
  2. evidence of evidence;;
  3. compulsory medical insurance policy
  4. Vik from 22 to 39;
  5. the re-establishment of the doctoral committee, aimed at the procedure for a quota;

Number of contraindications.

Friends, partners and women themselves can choose a clinic from the federal program provided.

Behind the scenes, it is allowed to work on an unfixed number of samples until the result is determined.

Insurers will charge close to 100 thousand rubles for a skin procedure.

I decide that clients will pay extra for consumption.

Standing up for the ECO, they fill out a health insurance policy (a passport is submitted, a procedure is carried out, a diagnosis is made, a referral is made to a commission, a clinic is selected, and paperwork is completed).

Decorate your body with tattoos no matter the right skin care.

Respect Varto!