How to properly confess to the church first. How to confess correctly: preparation before the confession. What is God's will?

Hieromonk Evstafiy (Khalimankov)

This food is blamed on rich people who want to change their lives for the help of the Church and the rite of repentance. However, never again bring an independent search to the correct conclusion. Let’s try to give evidence based on the actual evidence of the clergy of the Zhirovitsky monastery.

When you come to confession, you must first set yourself a prayer and be clear: what am I doing? Why am I going to change my life, because the word “repentance” itself (from the Greek metannya - a change of reason, light-mindedness, a reasonable approach to everything) is more powerful and respectable?

At the Sacrament of Penance you can see three main points or their own repentance stages. Only by consistently going through all these stages, people can be confident of overcoming their own sin. Let me tell you the parable about the prodigal son. After the young son snatched his share from his father and squandered it, living prodigally, the moment of truth comes. It becomes clear that no one needs this wine. And then the young son remembers about his father: “When he came home, he said: How many Naimanians do my father supply with bread, but I am dying of hunger!” ().

Otje, first stage repentance means “to come to you”, to think about your life: to realize that I’m still living incorrectly and... to guess about what will happen in the future and in any situation. And the output is one: Lord. We all begin to think about God even in sorrows, illnesses, etc. This includes church people: those who most regularly go to church confess and receive communion; they will guess God - about those that all the problems arise in New York - not immediately.

Another stage– the determination to separate from sin and the absolute recognition of sin. Prodigal son accepts it all as one correct decision: “I’ll get up, go to my father and say to him: Father! I have sinned against heaven and before you, and am no longer worthy to be called your son; receive me before your hirelings. Get up and go to your dad. And if he was still far away, having treated his father, he became merciful; And, having escaped, falling on his neck and kissing him. Sin said to you: Father! I have sinned against heaven and before you, and am no longer worthy to be called your son. And the father said to his servants: Bring the best jewelry and dress him, and give a ring to his hand and to his feet; and bring the victim to the body, and slaughter; Let's eat and have fun! for this my son was dead and alive, having known and being known. And we started having fun" (). Lyudina has already realized that it’s impossible to live like this, so she has to work hard to change the situation.

The Lord, like the father in the Gospel parable, checks our skin. Lord, if it is possible to hang like this, it is our repentance. No one speaks to us about our power of salvation as much as God does. Every one of us, I respect, having experienced that joy, relief, deep light souls after a properly serious conversation? The Lord watches out from us this depth and seriousness in relation to Himself. We are afraid of God’s krok, and Vin is a few krok of ours. We took pride in this and worked out this duty in advance... And this clearly manifests itself in front of us in the conversation.

What are we saying in God's words? This is the main topic of this article. It’s clear that people sometimes don’t understand what they repent of: “Without killing or stealing anyone,” that is. And since the Old Testament system of coordinates, on par with the ten Mosaic commandments (these are so called “underground human values”), we are guided by, then the Gospel is lost for us, as it is distant, side by side I am a reality that is in no way connected with life. Even the very commandments of the Gospel are for Christians a law that can regulate all their lives. Therefore, to begin with, we would like to learn about these commandments. It is best to read the Gospel from the tribulations of the Holy Fathers. You ask: why is it that we ourselves cannot understand the New Testament on our own? Well, start reading, and I think you’ll have some good food. To know their variations, you can read the archbishop’s book “The Four Gospels.” You can also appreciate the miracle book “Tlumachenya Evangeliya”, which already synthesized the patristic testimony. There is a similar way to say: “Chote the Gospel.” Kerivnitstvo to the Exposition of the Holy Letter.” All these texts can be found at once without any special problems in church stores, stores or, for hire, on the Internet.

When people are presented with the prospect of a life of the Gospel, they will realize how far their life is from the simplest principles of the Gospel. Then, of course, it became clear why we needed to repent and how to continue to live.

Now it is necessary to say a few words about those who need to tell you. It turns out who needs to take into account every hour of life. How often do you hear in conversation a dry, formal overflow of sins read from any church (or sub-church) brochure. Apparently, in a speech, the young man read from the pamphlet among other sins, “the love of the crew.” I asked someone - what does it reveal, what is it? He honestly said: “Approximately” and laughed. If you listen to a treatise in speech, then you immediately begin to say something strange: “Yeah, this is from the book “To help those who repent,” and this is from “Faces against sin...”.”

Of course, there are really good companions that can be recommended to cob companions. For example, the archimandrite’s “Till the Revelation”, or the book “To help those who repent,” which we have already read, is stacked behind the works. They, of course, can be used, but only with certain precautions. You can’t get “stuck” with them. A Christian can progress in his life. For example, people can fatefully go to confession and, as a good lesson learned, repeat the same: “Having sinned with justice, in a word, in a message, in condemnation, in wickedness, in dissent in prayer...” - this is followed by a chanting selection of such ranks. sins about church people. What's the problem here? The point is that a person moves forward with spiritual work on his soul and step by step calls to this sinful “gentleman’s set” of tableware, which may not even sense anything on the spot. Very often people chase after you in filthy words real waste and rubbish is like sin. And even one on the right with a quick-moving mutter, among others, “convicts, marslovs, looking at the rotten images,” and all the same - courageously expose the specific sin of each of your inappropriateness: watering a colleague behind his back with brood, finishing his own my friends for those who are not positive I don't have any money, marveling at the porn film...

It is possible, of course, to go to the other extreme, if a person suffers self-examination from a sickly illness. You can get to the point where the speaker feels a sense of satisfaction with sin, as if experiencing it again, or even more often writing: oh, saying, what a deep person I am with a complex and rich inner life... A story about sin is required ati smut, the essence of yogo, and not , vibachte, obsmaktivuvati...

It’s also funny to remember that if we are aware of certain sins, then we take upon ourselves the obligation not to deal with them, but rather to fight against them. Just talk about sins in public - there is great hopelessness. At this point, the deeds begin to theologize: I have no humility, because there is no hearing, and there is no hearing, because there is no confessor, and there are no good confessors, because “the remaining hours” and “the elders of our hour are not given”... Others begin to confess the sins of their relatives, who they know... but not their own. Our cunning nature tries to use this method to justify ourselves before God and “blame” the blame on someone else. Therefore, this sin needs to be done effectively... to mourn in public, to lay bare without concealment the whole hydota - vikriti. If people are disrespectful in their speech, this is a good sign. Well, the grace of God has already rushed into the soul.

Sometimes people repent (with tears in their eyes) at the one who ate an incredible gingerbread on a happy day, or after eating soup with dormouse oil... At the same time, it is not at all noticeable that the warlock has already lived a lot of fates with her daughter-in-law or her husband, and it’s hard to go through someone else’s life; Absolutely buttonhole is put up to the Service of the Service of the Service Obovkiyazkiv ... Sliptsi, yaki do not fade the dali of the power of the power, “the camara is the camel” ()! but for the next ten years) ) at the temple of God and ... to live in whatever world they themselves invented - there is no God there, and there is no head: love for people. As the Lord Jesus Christ, we are deprived of this moral blindness and caught up in the “leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees”, which is all our greater enemies... we immediately attack, like pranksters, them: let's get out of our temple!

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, who are like sodden trumpets, whose walls seem smoldering, and in the middle there are piles of the dead and all kinds of uncleanness; So you seem to be righteous to people, but in the middle of all this is hypocrisy and lawlessness” ().

Therefore, you need to confess specifically, laconically, mercilessly in relation to yourself (to your “old people”), without attracting anything, without embellishing, without applying sins. From the very beginning it is necessary to acknowledge the worst, most unkind, and most common sins - to carefully value this crude mossy stone from the house of the soul. Then we’ll collect the slag from the stones, sweep, and scrape along the notches.

It is necessary to prepare for the confession in advance, and not hastily, while already standing in the temple. You can prepare for a few days (this process is called shit in the church). Preparation before the Sacraments of the Confession and Communion is not only a grub diet (although it is also important), but also a deep search of your soul, and a prayerful cry for God’s help. For the rest, before speech, the so-called Rule before Communion is assigned, as it may be, depending on the level of the churched Christian. Perekonany, to confuse the people, to work their first jobs in the Church, to read all the great rules of the Church Slavonic language, which is unfathomable to her - to “impose heavy burdens” (). Peace of fasting and prayer rules may be used by the priest.

Now let's take a look third stage repentance, perhaps, most complex. After all, since information and confessions are sinful, a Christian is obliged to lead his life to repentance. This means a very simple word: do not commit any more sins. And the axis here begins in the most complex, most difficult way... The people thought that, having confessed, having experienced the blessing of the blessed peace of the confession, everything had been concluded, and now, they would decide, they could enjoy life with Bosia. Alas, it appears that everything is about to begin! A fierce struggle against sin begins. More precisely, it wouldn’t take long to start. In fact, people often give in to this struggle and fall into sin again.

I would like to increase your respect by one surprising (at first glance) regularity. The people's axis confessed to their sin. For example, at the wounded woman. And I feel like, no matter what day it is, no matter what hour it’s coming, I’m getting irritated again. Spokusa here and here. This will lead to an even more severe form, but it was not until the confession. Acting Christians are therefore afraid to often confess and receive communion - to be afraid of too much peace. The point is that the Lord, accepting our repentance, gives us the opportunity to convey the seriousness of our confession and truly act on repentance. The Lord is promoting his “work on mercy” so that people will never succumb to sin, but will do it correctly: the Gospel. And most importantly, people have already been prepared to fight sin by the grace of God obtained in the Sacrament of Confession. In the world of our generosity, seriousness, and depth, revealed in speech, the Lord gives us His grace-filled strength to fight sin. You can't miss this divine chance! There is no need to be afraid of new adventures, we need to prepare for them so that our husbands’ attention to them is not sinful. Only then will a mark be put in our repentant epic and we will be able to overcome this accursed sin. This is a very important moment - it is necessary to concentrate on the struggle, first of all, from being accused of sin. As a rule, we begin to root out the most obvious, gross sins in ourselves - such as fornication, drinking, drugs, sugar... Those who have stolen from their souls these gross sins, people are increasingly becoming aware of And other, more subtle (but no less dangerous) sins: Marnoslavism, condemnation, zadrіst, quarrelsomeness…

The venerable elder of Optina said this to the votive: “You need to know which addiction is turbulent the most, and you need to fight it especially. Why do you need to re-examine your confusion today...” Not only is it necessary to repent of sins, but good things, as a Christian in the evening, before going to bed, for example, remembers the day and repents before the Lord of his sinful thoughts, feelings, intentions and aspirations... “It appears.” cleanse me from me” (), – the psalmist David prayed.

Well, we need to focus on specific sin, Whoever actively values ​​living, cares for all our spiritual life, and is afraid of this sin. Constantly acknowledge it, fight against it in every way available to us; read the works of the holy fathers about ways to fight this sin, listen to your confessor. It is good that a Christian knows that he has a confessor - this is a great help to his spiritual life. It is necessary to pray to the Lord to grant him such a gift: a guiding confessor. The old man is not obligated (do you know our time, elders?). It is necessary to know the holy priest, known to the patristic teachings, which would require minimal spiritual evidence.

The Confession may be regular (as is the communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ). The frequency of the participle speech is individual for each person. This food is provided by the confessor. However, any time a Christian is obliged to want to confess and receive communion once a month. What is important is that the soul is regularly caught up in all sorts of sinful trash. No one is to blame for nutrition, which requires regular bathing, brushing teeth, seeing doctors... So our soul itself will require careful attention to it. Humanity is a whole essence that is formed from the soul and body. And if we look after our body, then about our soul - it’s a pity! – often completely forgotten... It is through the knowledge of the wholeness of a person that the care of the soul is reflected in the health of the body, and the whole life of a person. Confidence is possible (and required!) and more often (without Communion) in the world of necessity. If you get sick, you immediately run to the doctor. That is why we need to remember that the Doctor always watches for us in the temple.

So, the inertia of sin is great. A navigator to the point of sin, which, having been shaken by fate, cannot help but drag the people to the bottom. Fear of this newbie fetters our will and fills the soul with anger: no, I can’t overcome sin... This is how faith is lost in those that the Lord can help. People go to confession for months, then fatefully, and repent of these very cliché sins. And... nothing, some positive changes.

And here it is very important to remember the words of the Lord about those who “The Kingdom of Heaven will be taken by force, and those who live zusilla will drown it” (). To live zusilla in Christian life means to fight against sin in oneself. As soon as a Christian struggles effectively with himself, he soon realizes that from one confession to another, the octopus of sin begins to loosen its tentacles and the soul increasingly begins to die. It is necessary - it is required, as it is today! - Feel the taste of victory. The very fierce, irreconcilable struggle against sin will strengthen faith in us - “and this is victory, as the world, our faith, has overcome” ().

The confession is not Rozmov’s about his shortcomings, doubts, but not just the confessor’s informing about himself.

Confession is a sacrament, and not just a pious chant. Confession is a fervent heart of repentance, a spraga of purification that resembles a shrine, rather than Baptism, and then, in repentance, we die to sin and are resurrected for holiness. Kayattya is the first stage of holiness, and baidujism is a posture of holiness, a posture of God.

Often, instead of confessing one’s sins, one becomes self-praising, criticizing loved ones and being greedy for the difficulties of life.

Acts of confession are trying to make it painless for yourself to go through the confession - seemingly veiled phrases: “everyone has a sin”, or they are expanding about trifles, forgetting about those that conscience really weighs heavily. The reason for this is the dirty rubbish in front of the confessor, and indifference, and especially the cowardly fear of seriously starting to examine one’s life, the details of the common, weak and sins that have become significant.

Sin means violation of the Christian moral law. Therefore, the holy Apostle and Evangelist Ivan the Theologian gives the following meaning of sin: “Whoever commits sin is guilty of trespass and iniquity” (1 John 3, 4).

And sins against God and the Church of Yogo. This group includes numbers, united in an uninterrupted measure of spiritual growth, to which there are, in order of the simple and obvious, great number the arrivals, at first glance, innocent, but in reality the most dangerous manifestations for the soul. These sins can be traced back to the present:

1) low virus,
2) zaboboni,
3) blues and worship,
4) lack of prayer and lack of attention before church services,
5) beauty,
6) gluttony,
7) love of money,
8) anger, twitchiness,
9) condemnation of one's neighbor,
10) embarrassed,
11) lies,
12) holiness,
13) killing, suicide and abortion,
14) robbery (theft),
15) covetousness,
16) fornication thoughts,
17) calmly rose,
18) fornication,
19) too much love,
20) incest,
21) anti-natural clauses.


This sin is perhaps the most widespread, and literally every Christian must fight it constantly. Lack of faith often inevitably passes from the outside of faithlessness, and the person who suffers from it often continues to hold divine services and go to confession. He does not deny the knowledge of God, but doubts His omnipotence, mercy and Providence. With your personalities, likenesses, and the whole way of your life, you can say what you preach to them in the words of faith. Such a person never hesitated to follow the simplest dogmatic diet, for fear of wasting those simple statements about Christianity, which were often incorrect and primitive, as they were when they came. Transforming Orthodoxy into a national, home tradition, a set of modern rituals, gestures, or raising it to adulthood with a garish choral chanting, a small candle, so that until the modern writing, few people spend a lot of money niche in the Church - our Lord Jesus Christ. In the minority, religion is closely linked with aesthetic emotions, partial, sentimental; She easily gets along with egoism, marnoslavism, and sensitivity. People are looking for praise and good thoughts confessor about them. They go up to the lectern in order to show off at others, they are proud of themselves, and they try to demonstrate their righteousness in every possible way. The superficiality of their religious life is best conveyed by their easy transition from tediously ostentatious “piety” to quarrelsomeness and anger at one’s neighbor.

Such a person does not recognize the everyday sins behind her, she does not bother herself to try to understand her life, and she deeply respects that nothing sinful should come from her.

In fact, such “righteous people” often display extreme callousness, selfishness and hypocrisy; to live only for oneself, respectfully attentiveness to sins sufficient for salvation. It’s good to remind yourself of the location of the chapter of the 25th Gospel from Matthew (parables about the ten virgins, about the talents and, especially, the description of the Last Judgment). Religious complacency and self-complacency have become the main signs of distance from God and the Church, and this is most beautifully shown in another Gospel parable - about the mitar and the Pharisee.


Frequently, the forces of fear, belief in omens, divination, fortune telling on maps, and various heretical manifestations about rites and rituals penetrate and spread among believers.

Such concerns are contrary to the honor of the Orthodox Church and serve to demoralize souls and extinguish faith.

Particular attention should be paid to such broad and harmful things for the soul as occultism, magic, etc. in souls, the idea of ​​Christianity as one of the lower stages of the knowledge of truth is heavily tainted by satanic rationalistic pride. Drowning out the child’s strong faith in Father’s love of God, the hope for the Resurrection and Eternal Life, occultism constantly preaches about “karma”, the transmigration of souls, post-church and, therefore, graceless asceticism. So unfortunate, because they knew in themselves the strength to repent, then explain that, in addition to the direct harm to mental health, being engaged in occultism, they call for the sake of stopping the door. We must humbly recognize the essence of the Taemnitsa, without trying to penetrate it with an unchurch way. We have been given the supreme law of life, we have been given instructions that directly lead us to God - love. And it is our duty to walk this way, carrying our cross, not dying on maneuver. Occultism, if it is created, will open the secret chambers, then their followers will claim.

Blissing and worship

These sins are often lived out with churchliness and broad faith. Here we must first bear the blasphemy's retribution against God for His merciless and unmerciful placing before people, for the suffering that seems to us to be supernatural and undeserved. Some people on the right are trying to blaspheme God, church shrines, and sacraments. This often manifests itself in a variety of unsophisticated and straightforward stories from the lives of clergy and disciples, in sarcastic, ironic quotes from the Holy Letter and from prayers.

Particularly broadening the name of gods and remembering in vain the Name of God or Holy Mother of God. It is very important to try to live these sacred names in everyday routines in the role of viguks, who are used to create phrases of great emotional significance: “God is with him!”, “Oh, Lord!” Etc. It’s even worse to know that in the name of God it’s hot, and it’s still a terrible sin to harm the one who lives the sacred word in the rot, under the hour of welding, in order with likes and images. Worry about the one who threatens her enemies with the wrath of God, or ask “prayer” to ask God to punish another person. Great sin Fear the fathers who in their hearts curse their children and threaten them with heavenly punishment. Zaklikannya evil spirits(damn) it is also sinful for the rotten and ordinary roses. Living with any kind of lilting words is also blasphemy and a grave sin.

Znevaga before church service

This sin is most often manifested in the importance of taking part in the sacrament of the Eucharist, so that it is difficult to spare oneself the Communion of the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ for the sake of any circumstances that one respects. ; In addition, this eliminated the prevalence of church discipline and aversion to worship. As justification, the preoccupation with official and everyday duties, the distance of the church from the house, the triviality of the divine service, the obtuseness of the liturgical Church Slavonic language hangs out. Every person carefully conducts the liturgy, but who is not present at the liturgy, does not receive communion and does not pray during the hour of the service. Sometimes one has to deal with such obscure facts as ignorance of the main prayers and the Symbol of Faith, the incomprehension of the sense of rituals, and, most importantly, the lack of interest to this.


Non-prayerfulness, as okremy vipadok unchurchishness, - the evil of zagalnospreading. Fervent prayer distinguishes widely among believers from the “lukewarm” ones. Please don't call praying is not a rule, do not stand up for divine services, requiring you to take away the gift of prayer from the Lord, to love prayer, to cope with the impatience of the prayer year. Step by step entering into the element of prayer under the guidance of a confessor, people begin to love and understand the music of Church Slavonic hymns, their incomparable beauty and depth; the richness and mystical imagery of liturgical symbols - everything that can be called church splendor.

The gift of prayer is to command yourself, your respect, repeat the words of prayer not only with your lips, but with your whole heart and with all your thoughts. prayer activity. An excellent way for this is the “Jesus Prayer,” which lies in the even, richly detailed, unemphatic repetition of the words: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” There is rightly a great deal of ascetic literature about this prayer, collected mainly in the “Philokalia” and other Father’s works.

The "Jesus Prayer" is especially good because it does not require a special external environment, it can be read while walking on the street, during work, in the kitchen, at the train, etc. In these situations, it especially helps to our respect for this boring, vain , vulgar, empty and center your mind and heart on the sweetest Name of God. True, it is not a good idea to begin engaging in “spiritual activities” without the blessing and care of an accomplished confessor; such acts of self-indulgence can lead to the mercy of the mystical camp.

Spiritual beauty

Spiritual beauty truly emerges from all the sins committed against God and the Church. In their opinion, this sin is not rooted in a lack of faith, religiosity, churchliness, but, as a matter of fact, in the hibiscus there is an excess of special spiritual gifts. A person who is at peace in his life realizes that he has achieved special fruits of spiritual thoroughness, which can be confirmed by all sorts of “signs”: dreams, voices, reality. Such a person may already be gifted mystically, not only through the presence of church culture and theological enlightenment, but also, more importantly, through the presence of a kind, stern confessor and the obviousness of the middle class, capable of easily accepting his clues as revelation, Such a person often begets rich henchmen, as a result of which most of the victims sectarian anti-church currents.

It begins with a revelation about a mysterious dream, extremely chaotic and with a claim to mystical revelation or prophecy. At this stage, one is in a similar state, behind which one can already feel voices or all sorts of visions, in which one recognizes an angel or any saint, or a reminder of the Mother of God and the Savior Himself. The stench informs you of the most profound revelations, often completely stupid. This is targeted at people who have little enlightenment, and those who have already read the Holy Letter, the works of the Holy Fathers, and also those who have given in to “reasonable repentance” without pastoral care.


Mischief is one of a whole series of sins against one’s neighbors, family and marriage. It manifests itself in a person who has an exorbitant, supermundane life, and also in a passion for refined savory tastes, to enjoy his own life. Zvichaino, different people You need a certain amount of strength to maintain your physical strength - to maintain your age, body, health, and also the severity of work, which is how people live. The hedgehog itself has no sin, for it is a gift from God. Grih Polega, the ranges before the yak before the greedy, at the worship of the Khtivoy, the survivors of the udchuttiv, the Rosmovs on the TSU topic, in the pragndenni stained -glass windows of the Yaknaibi more pennies on Novi, the Bilsh Vishukansi Products. Leather scraps of food, for the sake of hunger, any kind of food after extinguishing sprague, just for the sake of satisfaction - but this is gluttony. Sitting at the table, a Christian is not guilty of developing these passions for himself. “The more firewood, the stronger the heat; the more herbs, the more passionate the hunger” (Abba Leontius). “If I’m in trouble, I’ll love my mother too much,” says one ancient patericon. And St. John the Climacus directly states: “Volodya is above the womb, until he takes the mountain above you.”

Before praying, stop walking in the face of weak, incorrect, insufficient faith, in the face of richness, vanity, preoccupation with worldly affairs, in the face of sinful, unclean, evil feelings and thoughts. Tsi pereshkodi help to cover the post.

Love of money

The love of money manifests itself in the form of squandering or protracted stinginess. At first glance, this is a sin of excessive self-importance - this one suddenly develops faith in God, love for people, and a passion for base feelings. It gives rise to anger, shyness, richness, stagnation. The love of money and frequent sins. From the words of the Savior Himself, we know that it is important for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God. Christ read: “Do not collect your treasures on earth, lest you blame your life and evildoers dig and steal, but collect your treasures in heaven, lest you blame your life and evildoers dig and steal.” to please. Beau des treasures yours, there your heart will be” (Mt. 6:19-2!).

Anger, twitchiness

“The wrath of men does not create God’s righteousness” (James 1:20). Anger, irritability - having shown these passions in many who seem to be strongly justified by physiological reasons, the so-called “nervousness” as a result of the suffering and troubles that befell her, tension everyday life, important character family and friends. Although these reasons often linger, the smell cannot serve to correct this, as a rule, it is a sign that has become deeply rooted, to extinguish its irritability, aggression, and bad mood towards loved ones. Arrogance, vehemence, rudeness will destroy us family life, Leading to conflicts through friendship, screaming hatred from the crowd, the desire for revenge, rancor, baked the hearts of generally kind and loving people. And what a disastrous thing it is to show anger on a young soul, when God gives them tenderness and love to their fathers! “Fathers, do not torment your children, so that they don’t smell” (Col. 3:21).

In the ascetic works of the Fathers of the Church there was a lot of joy in fighting the addiction of anger. One of the found ones is “righteous anger”, in other words, the brutalization of our existence to the point of irritation and anger at the very addiction of anger. “It is not only acceptable, but rather to be angry at one’s own sins and shortcomings” (St. Demetrius of Rostov). St. Nile of Sinai strives to be “good with people,” and to be kind to our enemies, which is why it is natural to embrace anger in order to better resist the ancient serpent” (“The Philokalia,” vol. II). The same ascetic scribe says : “He who has a grudge against demons does not have a grudge against people.”

In relation to the nearest traces, show consistency and patience. “Be wise, and keep quiet from speaking evil about you, block off the fights, and not anger and huskies” (St. Anthony the Great). “If I speak ill of you, I am amazed that you have not earned the joy of this day. If you have not earned it, then the fool of the world is gone” (St. Neil of Sinai). “If you feel a strong surge of anger, try to fight. And so that the fight itself will bring you more coristia, pray your thoughts to God and read your thoughts to yourself at this hour, such as short prayers, for example, the “Jesus Prayer,” says St. Philaret of Moscow. There is a need to meet without bitterness and without anger, the fragments of irritation are immediately transmitted to others, infecting him, and without ever changing from being right.

Quite often, the cause of anger is overzealousness, pride, the fear of showing one’s power over others, of criticizing oneself, forgetting about one’s sins. “Be responsible for two thoughts: do not recognize for yourself what is great in your year, and do not think that another person is richer than you in your life. Such images that are inflicted on us will never lead us to disgrace” (St. Basil the Great).

On the surface, we need to confess that we do not harbor any malice towards our neighbor and that we have made peace with the one we were at odds with, and if we cannot especially treat someone, then we have made peace with him in our own hearts? On Athos, confessors not only do not allow the Chens, who bear malice towards their neighbors, to serve in the church and receive the Holy Mysteries, but when reading the prayer rule, they are guilty of omitting the words in the Lord’s Prayer: “and deprive us of our obligations, as we we deprive our fighters so that we do not become liars before God. This fence of the sky for the next hour, until reconciliation with the brother, results in prayerful and eucharistic singing with the Church.

The greatest amount of help is taken away from those who pray for those who often lead them into grief and anger. Whenever such a prayer infuses your heart with a feeling of sweetness and love for people you just recently hated. And in the first place there may be a prayer for the granting of grace and the giving up of the spirit of anger, revenge, images, rancor.

Judgment of your neighbor

One of the most widespread sins is, of course, condemnation of one’s neighbor. Most people don’t know that they have sinned on them countless times, but if they do, they know that the truth is wider and more common, and it’s not worth answering the riddle. on the spot. In fact, this sin is the beginning and root of many other sinful seeds.

In advance, this sin is closely connected with the addiction of pride. Blaming other people's shortcomings (actions or failures), people respect themselves as better, cleaner, more pious, honest or more reasonable. The words of Abbi Esai are brutal to such people: “Whoever has a pure heart respects all other people as pure, but whose heart is defiled by passions, he does not respect anyone as pure, and if he thinks that everyone is like me” (“The Spiritual Flower Garden”).

Suspects forget that the Savior Himself commanded: “Do not judge, do not let you be judged, for with whatever judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the kind of peace you deal with, with that you will be dealt with. do you not understand your score? (Matt. 7: 1-3). There is no sin, acquired by one person, which no one else could acquire. And if you clean up someone else’s uncleanness, it means that it has already penetrated into you, because you are innocent lambs They do not celebrate the dissolution of adults and thereby preserve their own beauty.The one who judges, as if he is guilty of wrongdoing, must honestly admit to himself: why not commit the same sin himself?

Our court is by no means irresistible, since most often it rests on the episodic enemy or is subject to the influx of a special image, irritation, anger, and episodic “mood.”

If a Christian senses about the obscene actions of his loved one, then, first of all, he is forced to sue him and condemn him, he is guilty of following the words of Jesus and Sirakhov's son: “He who accepts the law, live peacefully, and he who hates mischief will change evil. don't repeat the words I won’t lose anything in you... Cultivate your friend, maybe without saying something wrong, and if you have done it, then don’t let him do it in advance... Cultivate your friend, maybe without saying something wrong, and if you say something, don’t let him repeat it. Often there is a hardening, not every word is believed, who sins with his word, but not in his soul, and who does not sin with his tongue? -19).

It's a shame

Grih Snesvіri is somewhat to walk around the permission bait, with their own survivors, by no means of I, Yak Naslіdok, - Zgasannya love to the hearty, knowstag, Nevaminnya is glad to other people's happiness, residential. The basis and root of our spiritual life and strength is love before Christ, and this is the requirement for growth and development. To be amazed at His image, to clarify and absorb Him in yourself, to live with a thought about Him, and not about your own random vain blows and misfortunes, to give your heart to Him, is the life of a Christian. And then the silence and peace that St. speaks about sinks into our hearts. Isaac the Sirin: “Be at peace with yourself, and heaven and earth will make peace with you.”


No, perhaps, some great sin, no nonsense. Up to this category, you will also be able to store all kinds of upholstery, tiles and marsal. This sin has sunk so deep into you everyday people, so deeply ingrained in their souls that people never bother about those forms of untruth, unkindness, hypocrisy, excess, boasting and the manifestation of an important sin, the servants of Satan - Father’s nonsense. According to the words of the Apostle John, to Heavenly Jerusalem “there will be no hymns or lies” (Announcement 21, 27). Our Lord said about Himself: “I am the way and the truth and the life” (IV. 14:6), and one can only come to Him by walking the path of truth. It is only true to make people free.

Lies can appear absolutely without any doubt, openly, in all their own satanic hypotheses, appearing in such episodes as a different nature of a person, a peaceful mask that has grown to their guise. It sounds like nonsense so much that we can’t express our thoughts any other way, without their compelling words that are obviously not consistent with them, thereby not clarifying, but darkening the truth. Nonsense constantly creeps into the soul of people from childhood: often, not wanting to bother anyone, we ask our loved ones to tell us when we come, that we are not at home; Instead of direct participation in any justice that is unacceptable to us, we pretend to be sick, occupied with another justice. Such “bummer” nonsense, which appears to be innocent excesses, heat, based on deception, gradually discredits people by allowing them to please their conscience for the sake of their own gain.

Just as in the presence of the devil there can be nothing but evil and death for the soul, so in the presence of nonsense - its child - there can be nothing but the corrupt, satanic, anti-Christian spirit of evil. There is no such thing as “romantic lies” or “true ones”, but the very words of the bluesners, they swear, only the Truth, our Lord Jesus Christ, vindicates us.

Sin of holiness

No less nonsense, expansion of the sins of Marnoslav, empty, unspiritual exploitation of the Divine gift of speech. There are tiles here, it’s a bit confusing.

Often people spend an hour in empty, dirty roses, places that are immediately forgotten, instead of talking about faith with those who suffer without it, searching for God, bringing in the sick, helping the self, praying, comforting the crooked , talk to children and children. , Instruct them with a word and a special butt on the spiritual path.

At the prayer of St. Ephraim the Sirin says: "... Do not give me the spirit of medicine, evil, love and marsal." During the hour of Lent, this shit requires you to be especially focused on the spiritual, to be exposed to various types of activities (cinema, theater, television), to be careful with your words, to be truthful. It is timely to recall once again the words of the Lord: “For every empty word that people speak, they will bear witness on the day of judgment: for by your own words you will be vindicated, and by your own words you will be condemned” (Mt. 12:36-37).

It is necessary to carefully manage the priceless gifts of speech and reason, otherwise they will raise us up from the Divine Logos Himself, the Corrupted Word - from our Lord Jesus Christ.

Killing, suicide and abortion

The worst sin at all times was the violation of the sixth commandment - the killing - the substitution of another great gift of the Lord's life. Such terrible sins are self-destruction and killing in the womb - abortion.

Those who, in anger at their neighbors, allow assault, inflict beatings, wounds, and calcification, are very close to killing. The fathers who are cruel to their children are guilty of this sin, they will be killed for the least offense, or even without any reason. Those who are guilty of this sin are those who, with slander, slander, and slander, incited bitterness in people against anyone else and then began to physically deal with him. It is often common for mothers-in-law to sin in relation to their daughters-in-law, for neighbors to blame a woman who is immediately separated from her husband, and scream out in the background for scenes of jealousy that will end in beatings.

The failure to provide help to a sick person who is dying has led to the desire to see the suffering of others as passive killing. It’s especially greedy, like when fathers are sick in the summer by the side of their children.

Here you can see the lack of help for people who have fallen into trouble: the homeless, the hungry, the one drowning in your eyes, who is about to be robbed, the one who has suffered from death or death.

Ale we beat our neighbor not only with our hands, but also in cruel words, husky, covetousness, gleefulness over the grief of others. The skin feels how it hurts and kills the soul with evil, cruelty, and a harsh word.

It is no less sinful to rob those who spoil the honor and innocence of the young soul, discrediting them physically and morally, and letting them go on their way, and that is a sin. Ask a young man or a maiden to marry him, to drill his image until revenge, to indulge in dissolute sights and rumors, to encourage him to keep up with fasting, to take up stardom, to give up his life for drinking and dissolute affairs. Igovisk is all about morality.

Killing animals without consumption in food, killing them is also a violation of the sixth commandment.

By going into extreme confusion, bringing ourselves to the point of despair, we are sinning against the same commandment. Self-destruction is the greatest sin, because life is a gift from God, and only You have the power to save us. Vidmova's treatment, completely unknown doctor's prescriptions, knowledge of the harm to her health, supernatural drinking of wine, chicken tutu - even greater self-destruction. People who force themselves into overworldly pursuits for the sake of getting rich are also a sin.

The Holy Church, its holy fathers and readers, condemn abortions and respect sin, so that people do not mindlessly ignore the sacred gift of life. Who has the right to replace all church fences with the nutrition of abortions. With this, the Church recalls the words of the Apostle Paul, that “the squad... will be saved through childhood, as we have faith and love and holiness with value” (1 Tim. 2, 14. 15).

The woman, who is considered to be a member of the Church, is guarded by medical practitioners, who understand the dangers and moral impurity of this operation. For a woman who recognizes her loyalty to the Orthodox Church (and who, perhaps, will have to respect any baptized woman to come to church to confess), the random interruption of her natality is unacceptable.

Robbery (theft)

Dekhto respects the broken commandments of “do not steal”, except for obvious theft and robbery from forced violence, if large sums of money or other material valuables are collected, and he will not hesitate to secure his wine Sin has no robbery. Against theft, such as the illegal appropriation of someone else's property, both powerful and huge. With theft (theft) it is important to remember the inaccuracy of penny bogs and speeches given at the same time.

The sin of hard times

Equally bad is gratuitousness, cull without naked consumption, when one has the ability to earn money for food oneself. As people, who suffer from the misfortunes of others, take more from others, at least, avoid committing the sins of covetousness. The concept of extortion also includes the resale of grub and industrial products at protected prices (speculation). Ticket-free travel in public transport is a series of changes, which is a sign of the violation of the eighth commandment.

Sins against my commandments

Sins against this commandment, by their very nature, are especially widespread, tenacious, and therefore most dangerous. The stench is associated with one of the strongest human instincts - we state. Sensitivity has penetrated deeply into the human nature and can appear in the most subtle and subtle forms. Patristic asceticism begins to fight against any sin at its earliest appearance, not only against the already obvious manifestations of carnal sin, but also against evil promises, dreams, fantasy, because “everyone who would marvel at a woman out of greed, having already committed over-love with her in his heart "(Matthew 5:28). The axis of Zrazkov’s scheme is the development of our sin.

The prodigals were sent

Prodigal thoughts that develop in the form of predictions before the deep, sensitive or tried in a dream. Actually, often at night, the stench is especially strong for people. Here the most ascetic right is true: fasting at home, the inadmissibility of lying on the bed after drinking, regularly reading the morning and evening prayer rules.

Calmly rose

Dazzling developments in marriage, obscene stories, anecdotes that reveal the importance of being estranged and being in the center of their respect. Too many young people, in order not to show their “advancedness” and not to be ridiculed by their comrades, fall into this sin. Here you need to include the singing of immoral songs, the writing of obscene words, and the knowledge of living in romance. It all leads to a vicious self-satisfaction, which is more dangerous for us, which, in the first place, is associated with the overpowered work of reality, and in another way, it is so inaccessible to trace the misfortune that he gradually becomes a slave of this sin, which ruins his life. very healthy' I paralyze the will until the end of the day.


Fornication is not sanctified by the grace-filled power of the sacrament of the love of an unarmed man and an unmarried woman (or the destruction of the valuableness of young men and women before sex).


Perelyub - ruined friendship fidelity one from a friend.

Blood mixing

Blood mixing is a bodily connection between close relatives.

Anti-natural clauses

Unnatural conditions: sodomy, lesbianism, bestiality.

There is hardly any talk about the dangers of overinsurance. Its unacceptability is obvious to every Christian: the stench leads to spiritual death even before the physical death of a person.

All men and women who bring repentance, because there is a stink in a union that is not sanctified by the Church, are strongly recommended to consecrate their union with the sacrament of Love, in whichever there is no stink. In addition, in any case, it is important to maintain vitality, not to indulge in bodily drinks to the point of becoming sour, and to indulge in fasting, before the week before and on holy days.

Don’t shout, if you wanted to fall today

Our repentance will not be repeated, since we, repenting, are not confirmed internally in the determination not to turn to confessed sin. How can I promise myself to my confessor that I will not repeat my sin? Why won't you be closer to the truth than the one who repeats sin? And she knows to her own knowledge that within a tenth hour you will inevitably return to the same sins; Watching the rivers near the rivers, you don’t notice the water spill.

It would be scary, but it would be so. Well, fortunately, it’s not like that. Do not worry, so that, for the evidence of extensive repentance and good devotion, you will recover, with faith you will receive the Holy Communion and do not bring about good changes in the soul. On the right is that we will not judge ourselves. People cannot correctly judge about themselves, whether they have become the worst or the most beautiful, the fragments and themselves, and those who are judged, are quantities that change. Increased self-consciousness, spiritual vision, which, having been strengthened, can give the illusion that sins have multiplied and become stronger. In fact, they themselves have lost their stench, perhaps they have weakened, but before they were not so marked. In addition, God, by special divine providence, often closes our eyes on our successes in order to protect us from the greatest sin - marnoslavism and pride. It often happens that you have already lost your sins, but often the confessions and the communion of the Holy Mysteries have grown rich and weakened your root. That same struggle against sin, suffering for one’s sins—isn’t that a damn thing?! “Don’t cry, even if you fell today and went out of the way of God, be a man, and the angel who protects you will breathe your patience,” said St. Ivan Listvichnik.

And I say that there is no sense of relief, rejuvenation, the mother’s need for strength to turn again until the confession, to finally liberate her soul from impurity, to embrace it with tears from blackness and filth. The one who is always within reach of what he is looking for.

Promotion to priests and speeches

According to the rules of the Orthodox Church, its members are guilty of confession, starting from the sevenfold century. In other words, since the seventh century, the Church has respected people to testify before God for their deeds, to fight against evil and to snatch the grace of forgiveness from the sacrament of Repentance. Children and young children, raised by their fathers in the Christian faith, follow the Orthodox tradition after seven fates to come to confession, the rite of which in no way differs from the basic.

How often do you need to confirm? It is necessary to check in with your skin more often than not. We, the mystic of repentance, need to repent again and again. It is necessary to move to such a point that the intervals between the discourses become a spiritual struggle, a struggle to eat the fruits of the remaining shit and the awakenings of the new discourse that is approaching.

If you want to contact the mother of your confessor, it is not necessary for you to do true repentance. For a person who effectively suffers from his sin, no matter who has a confession of it; As soon as possible, repent of this and give up your absolution. Repentance may be absolutely free, in no way a forced confession.

All those spiritual connections that are established between a companion and a companion, although not in a formal way, cannot be put into anything else. A healthy church life will require the stability and value of such connections - the “pastors” and their own, because only on such a basis can a spiritual life be lived.

Singing with a priest in a speech means incompletely resolving one’s sins and listening to prayers. One cannot rank higher than priests and pastors any more than Viconavians.

It’s a pity that the more immediate commitment to the Church will be deprived of one of the most extensive activities of our church life.

“Having grown up” in rich Catholicism, it grows not only from laziness and greed to the Church, but also sometimes from “jealousy beyond reason,” from and malicious pastoral respect, a kind of testimony that is played before the sacred Icom, started the "pilgrimage" from the monastery to monastery, from confessor to confessor, which is accompanied by various kinds of church gossip, which, in essence, substitutes for spiritual life.

The safest and most extensive type of church “living” is the unparalleled focus on the Holy Mysteries of Christ. The common confession has been adopted everywhere, gradually encouraging the laity to receive communion without any confession at all, without seeming to have signed the statutory preparation.

Kozhen, who comes to the confession, must know: the confession is not an indulgence, in case of any feeling of sickness, sora and penance serve as a payment to be paid for sin and allows one to live further, as they did. whatever happened. Confessing is a deeply special act, and at the same time, from the preparation to the confession, it is a process in which a person reveals himself to God, and to himself. Confession without exaggeration can be called a process of people's specialness, a process that is sometimes painful, because people have to go out of their way to tear themselves out from the roots, but it is a ritualistic process and, as a result, always joyful.

There is one more moment when you need to increase your respect - respect until the confession.

Often people stand across the wall in the temple until they reach the priest and the confessor, so they can tell them a little. No one can serve as a vindicator here, and no one is to blame for coming to the priest and so close that he confesses.

The secret of the secret may be stolen from everyone, including embossed.

Few people know how to confess correctly and what the priests say. I will confess to you and give you a guide for repentance, so that the ceremony will be as comfortable as possible for you, and you will be able to reject the blessing. It’s scary to go this far ahead. After you feel all the sacred power of the ritual, you will be able to strengthen your faith in God.

What is this confession?

Almost all people have heard about the confession, but few people know how to properly confess in the church and what the priests say, as well as about the deep implications of this sacred rite.

The sense of speech is in a purified soul, and at the same time it is tested by it. Vaughn helps people to remove the burden of their sins, reject forgiveness and fast before God thoroughly clean: thoughts, thoughts, soul. Likewise, a confession is a miraculous religious tool for those who want to overcome internal doubts, learn to understand their intuition and repent of their sins.

It is important to know that the person has committed important sins, the priest may consider you to be punished - pokutu. You can lie down in long, weary prayers, tired after getting tired of all this worldly things. Accept the trace of punishment humbly, with understanding that it helps your soul to cleanse itself.

It is clear that any violation of God’s commandments can have a negative impact on both a person’s physical health and their soul. The very purpose of repentance is to gain the strength necessary to endure peace and quiet, to stop sinning.

Before you speak, you must first compile a list of your sins, describe them according to church canons, and prepare for your divorce from your father.

What do you say in a priest’s speech: butt

You must know that it is not at all obligatory to shake the soul of the priest and repent of your sins in every detail. Just look at this list of sins and write down those that are in your power.

All mortal sins for which it is necessary to repent, hereby:

  1. Stay tuned for success and prosperity, the benefits of other people.
  2. Marnoslavism, which manifests itself in egoism, narcissism, envious self-esteem and self-denial.
  3. Znevira, which also refers to such concepts as depression, apathy, laziness and anger, the presence of faith in power.
  4. Love of money, like on my current moment We call it greed, stinginess, and obsession with material goods. If a person sets goals for himself, it is aimed primarily at getting rich, but does not give him any spiritual development.
  5. Anger, directed at people. Here you can see any manifestations of passion, anger, vindictiveness and rancor.
  6. Fornication - happiness to one’s partner, frequent change of partners, unfaithfulness to one’s partner in thoughts, words and actions (as a physical act).
  7. Gluttony, unpretentiousness, over-the-top love for one another and the abundance of any kind of affection for one.

It is not for nothing that these sins are called “mortal” - they cause a stink, as it does not lead to the death of a person’s physical body, but to the death of his soul. Little by little, day after day, problems and sins alike, people continue to move closer to God. He ceases to feel his help and encouragement.

Just a broader repentance in public will help you cleanse yourself of all this. Varto understand that we are not without sin. And there is no need to reproach yourself if you have found yourself on this list. God will never have mercy, and most people are never meant to resist temptations and temptations, not to allow evil into their body and soul. Especially when there is some kind of difficult period in your life.

An example of what you can say: “Oh God, I have sinned before you.” And then re-insure the sins in advance by preparing the list. For example: “Having over-loved, being stingy with my mother, I am constantly angry with my squad.” Finish the repentance with the phrase: “I repent, God, save and have mercy on me, a sinner.”

After the priest listens to you, you can give joy and help you understand how you should act in this situation in accordance with God’s commandments.

It may be very difficult for you to recognize your sins. Considering the heaviness, the oppression, the chest at the throat, the tears – any reaction is absolutely normal. Try to make yourself aware of everything. Father will not judge you at all, even though he is the guide from you to God, and he simply has no right to give an evaluative judgment.

First watch the video about those words to start a confession to the priest:

How to prepare before speaking

Before the sacred ceremony, prepare well in advance, so that everything goes smoothly. In how many days will you visit the church you go to, take into account the years of work, and wonder what time the meetings are held. Most often, the schedule includes weekends and holy days.

Often at this hour there are too many people at the temple and not everyone can open their hearts to the public. At such a time, you should immediately contact your father and ask him to find an hour for you when you can be alone.

Before you speak, read the canon of repentance, which will put you on the right path and clear your thoughts from this arrogance. Also, write a list of sins on the next piece of paper in advance, so that on the day of the speech you don’t forget anything.

The list of seven deadly sins can be identified as:

  • “Women’s sins”: a vision of prayer with God, reading prayers “automatically” without turning on the soul, sex with men before sex, negative emotions in thoughts, bestiality to magicians, a fortune teller and psychics, faith in signs slaughter, fear of old age, abortion , which calls for clothing, alcohol and drug addiction, and help for those in need.
  • “Man’s sins”: angry words addressed to God, the presence of faith in God, oneself, those who are absent, a sense of superiority over the weak, sarcasm and mockery, derogation from military service, violence (moral and physical) over other people, nonsense, etc. let's give in spokus and spokus, the villainy of someone else's myn, rudeness, rudeness, greed, seemingly ignorant.

Why is it so important to confess? We regularly cleanse our body from the dirt, but we forget that it sticks to our soul every day. Having cleansed our souls, we not only lose God’s forgiveness, but we become more pure, calm, relaxed, with more strength and energy.

priest Dimitry Galkin
  • V. Ponomarev
  • Archimandrite Lazar
  • prot.
  • Archpriest M. Shpolyansky
  • Katerina Orlova
  • Hieromonk Evstafiy (Khalimankov)
  • Hieromonk Agapius (Golub)
  • Preparing for Spovid- Testing your conscience before.

    Substituted for the magical rite of purification, which allows the blind inscription of the “priestly” chaklun or magician, the Sacrament of Repentance is respected by the manifestation of faith, awareness of a special offense before God and neighbors, a generous one Knowingly, you must free yourself from the power of sin.
    The Sacrament of Repentance cannot be approached mechanically. Forgiveness and permission of sins is not a legal act of rendering a sinner innocent. Kozhen, whoever has once confessed to his life, can develop respect for those who read the prayer over him: “reconcile and unite the saints of your Church.” Through the Sacrament of repentance, a person reconciles with, renews himself as a member.

    Repentance for sin consists of 3 stages: Repent for sin, like only your fellows; make a fortune about him at the end of the day and again ask God for forgiveness for him; Confess it in the Sacrament of Repentance (Confessions) and renounce this sin.

    View of the Sacrament of Penance:
    - I will trust the spiritual conversation with the priest;
    - I will repent to Rozmov before (not Obovyazkova).

    Where and when can I confess?

    You can make a confession on any day of fate, or a secretly accepted confession at the time of the schedule or at home. The Spokesman may be baptized.

    For the first time, after a long break, it is better not to come on the week or day of the great church saints, since the churches are filled with prayers and there is a great need for confession. It is also important to come to the Sacrament in advance.

    I must not repeat the first Confession from the first Sacrament, so as to bring out the feeling of hostility to this great spirit in our life. That’s why it’s even more gratifying.

    How to prepare for Spovid?

    During the hour of preparation before the confession, except for the preparation before the Sacrament of Communion, church statute requires neither a special nor a special prayer rule.

    Persh nizh virushit on spovіdochno:
    - Concentrate on prayers of repentance.
    - It is important to listen to your thoughts, thoughts, and thoughts; This means, if possible, all your sinful actions (as an additional helper to inform and those connections that came out from the side of relatives, friends, and other people).
    - If possible, you can learn from those who have been portrayed as sin, disrespected, and dishonest.
    — Plan the conversation, and prepare the priest’s food when needed.
    — For important sins or rare evidence, an additional post may be recommended.

    - Sins are confirmed from the moment of the remaining confession, since they have never been confessed, then from the Baptism.
    - At the Sacrament, all sins are forgiven upon arrival. If you forgot to name some minor sin, don’t worry. The sacrament is called the Sacrament Repentance, but not " By the sacrament of the re-interpretation of all ancient sins".
    - Those who are disgraceful must confess to us first! Tactfully, the speech can now be more objective and specific. It is impossible to repent of the fact that you are proud and foolish. Because after such a repentance of yours, nothing will change in our life. We can repent of the fact that we visibly marveled and said the words of condemnation of a particular person. Because, having repented at this time, we will immediately think why we should be so timid. You cannot repent “zagal”, in the abstract. A substantive conversation allows you to instantly put together a plan to combat these and other addictions. At the same time, there is no trace of friction, there is no need to overinsure great quantity sins of one kind.
    - Don’t vikorize the crafty ones. For example, under the phrase unfairly inflicting harm on one's neighbors can be understood as momentarily embarrassed, and killing.
    — There is no need to describe the article’s sins, it is enough to name them. For example: sin ( , ).
    — In the hour of preparation before the Confession, there is no trace of self-justification.
    — If you do not realize your sins, it is recommended to turn to God for Lord, let me see my sins».

    How can you write down your sins so that you don’t forget them in public?

    Why bother if you don’t respect yourself as a sinful human being? Because sins are primary, like everyone else’s.

    After all, you should be equal to yourself in the first place, so that you will not look so happy in your spiritual health.
    A clear conscience is a sign of short memory.

    Are you ready to confess that you will commit these sins again?

    Chi varto mitisya, yakscho know for sure that you’ll get lost again? Repentance is necessary to be reborn, it does not begin and it does not end, but on the right side of all life. Repentance is not only about re-examining sins before the testimony of the priest, it is not about hating sins and is unique to him.
    Repentance is not just an emotional release, it is systemic, the work above oneself is comprehended, which may aim to draw closer to God for one’s wickedness, to become like God. Orthodoxy has a unique ascetic demise, formed by holy ascetics, which is necessary for proper organization.
    Our goal is not just to cleanse ourselves of sins and addictions, but to add to it. It’s not enough, for example, to stop stealing; you need to learn to show mercy.

    Gross sins have already been done and skin sores have to be repeated in almost the same sins themselves. How to get out of this vicious stake?

    Bishop Tikhin (Shevkuniv): “For people who have been churchgoers for a long time, the “list” of sins, as a rule, is approximately the same from word to word. You may feel guilty about any formal spiritual life. But in our homes there is often the possibility of a forgery, and, by God, we will not soon have to rake through the Augean stash. It's not a big deal. The trouble is that you begin to note how life in active Christians struggles with the fates that are boring and boring. But it’s a surprise: she’s bound to become more and more tired and more joyful.”

    Tim, no less, you don’t need to calm down in the fact that you can’t overcome all sins, you also need to be aware that not all sins and addictions can be overcome by mittevo. This is a systemic task, a decision to serve.

    I have very complicated living arrangements, I’m afraid that the simple father does not understand me.

    The Lord will understand once and for all. There is good response from this drive: .

    God forbade us to repent not before the sinless Angels, but before people. It is our fault to suffer sin, not repentance. Since the people deeply hated their sins, they would not hesitate to admit them to the priest.

    Sometimes it can be noted that the leaders of the parishioners, who with amazing pedantry and scrupulousness, confess to the greatest violations of church rules, or are disrespectful to sacred things, therefore with amazing consistency We are deprived of the opportunity to live with cruel and unpeaceful people in the vicinity of distant people.
    Priest Pilip

    Confession is one of the seven sacraments established by the Christian Church. “Confess your sins to one another,” says the Apostle James in one of his epistles.

    Among the early Christians, people openly confessed their faults in the presence of all church gatherings. This practice is widespread in many Protestant movements. In the Orthodox Christian Church, repentance for sins is accepted by a clergyman.

    How to confess correctly, what do you say, priests? The example of the confession, what is this mystery and why is it necessary for believers - we’ll talk about everything below.

    To carry out the ritual, the Cross and the Gospel are necessary. What do you talk about in special conversation with your father? The people confess about their faults.

    The best way to work is at a church or a special meeting room. How can we go to church when people, for example, can’t go?

    The sacrament can be received at any place - at a church, a shrine or any other place. If absolutely necessary, you can contact the list or telephone.

    An example of the story is in the life of Macarius the Great: it tells about a woman who brought the elders a list of her sins, and she, who did not destroy him, began to beg them all. People confess to the Orthodox tradition, almost every time on the river. The Catholic Church tends to celebrate this sacrament much more often, even today.

    The confession can be different or different, individual or collective:

    • Much of the answer may be less than individual. At this hour, people confess their sins throughout their lives, starting from the very beginning of their lives. The mystery can last for a long time. The wealth helped to get rid of illness and improve an important life situation. It is necessary to confess so much, once in five years. For example, one year old woman was diagnosed with inoperable cancer. The doctors said that he lost no more than a month to live. If she confessed to the priest and took communion, then she felt much better. She hasn’t died in a month or two. And they showed that she was absolutely healthy.
    • An incorrect confession is one that reveals sins that have occurred since the last confession.
    • One is called individual when a person is alone with a priest.
    • It can be used by many people at once. As a rule, the priest reads the sins, and people tell them what they have sinned.

    According to the traditions of the Orthodox Church, the sacrament of confession is performed only with the help of specially appointed persons - a priest (father, priest) or a bishop.

    The basis for such a guilty role of clergy is found in the Gospel of John: “Whose sins are forgiven are forgiven; on whomever you deprive, on him you will deprive” - Christ said to his teachings - the apostles.

    It is necessary to understand! Only God forgives sins, and the priest plays the role of witness and mentor.

    Of course, not every person can confess. For this secret of confession it is necessary:

    1. Be a member of the Church. Membership is achieved through the process of baptism. Faith is the inner storehouse of every Christian, but it inevitably manifests itself in the outer right (charity, kindness, love for one’s neighbor). And baptism acts as a “friend” of a person who believed, a symbol of her inclusion in the Church of Christ.
    2. Recognize your faults and firmly resolve them to overcome them. Without these two formalities, the conversation can turn into extreme formality. Such an example of a testimony is given in the Gospel of Matthew, which describes the repentance of a Pharisee - a righteous man. The evangelist and apostle make it clear that God’s empty words are unacceptable.

    What do you say in a speech?

    We first need to remember, or rather write down, what sins we have committed. The entire list is announced to the clergyman.

    It’s not good to go into detail here, why it’s a sin in detail and how. Call him briefly.

    Since a Christian does not know how to correctly name sins in public, it is important to know that having made the right wine, there is a list of foods that the priest can put in the process:

    • Why don’t you take the fate of a fortune teller or a fortune teller?
    • Aren't you stealing?
    • Why not skip morning and evening prayers, as well as prayers before and after meals?
    • Why don’t you wear amulets and talismans?
    • How do you lead the Church in the coming days - weekdays and holy days?
    • Did you admit any sins in a speech?
    • Do you play games of chance and play for pennies?
    • Are you not tongue-in-cheek?
    • Chi living with song days quick food?
    • Are you too late to see someone else?
    • Why don't you lose your faith?
    • What are you doing, father and mother? Do you approach them with due respect and don’t show them off?
    • Didn't plait?
    • Without having guessed it, God knows, what?
    • Chi not beating ti?

    It's not latest list Not all food and stink may be possible. During the process of the sacrament, the priest himself understands what sins weigh on his spiritual child, and chooses food individually, depending on age, status, family life, mental health.

    How can I confess to the church?

    The ceremony begins in France or in the evening at the hour of service. But for special housekeeping with the priest or for special terms of news, the hour may change.

    You need to come promptly, without being late, enter quietly and not disrespect others.

    Before the ceremony itself, there is a chanting of prayers, and after that the people go to the priest one by one to repent of their sins.

    What should I say in a priest’s speech? From the beginning, a prayer is said at once and all sins, deeds and not repentance from the past meeting are named.

    It is important to know all the sins that you can commit as a person. As a rule, stench falls into three main groups:

    1. Sins against God. Here the first commandment is broken - love the Lord God with all your heart, with all your understanding and with all your wisdom. Blasphemy and repentance, the travail of unrepentance, skipping church services, distraction in prayer or liturgy, blasphemy over sacred objects (books, crucifixion, etc.), belief in dreams, sorcery and sorcery.
    2. Sins against your neighbor. The other commandment about loving your neighbor is disrespected by these people. The prevalence of love for one's neighbor and relatives, the carelessness of fathers and elders, the frequency of marriage of one's children to the Orthodox Christian faith, the cruelty and the quickest killing, the image, the duty of the mother foreign to one's own, cruelty towards creatures, anger, curses, hatred, covetousness, hardening, judgment, hypocrisy.
    3. Sins against yourself. Ignorant of those values ​​that God has given. Talent, hour, health. Addiction to extreme excitement and immersion in earthly activities. Cherevogodya is a supernaturally calm hedgehog, which leads to relaxation, lenoshchiv. Love of money is the desire for unspent wealth and the abuse of wealth is not for the good.

    How can I tell you first? For those who are going to the ceremony first or have not been a participant for a long time, you can point the butt. There is a lot to be said about the word from the priest himself, and the spiritual state of the confessor himself is also important.

    After the hymn service there will be a dialogue between the priest and the confessor. As a rule, it begins with a meal from the side of the priest, “What have you sinned?” On the skins of them, the priest says, “God will teach you.”

    Then the spiritual father can begin to ask questions that will help to find the forgotten and bring repentance to the lost. Afterwards, according to church rules, the priest can impose punishment for serious offenses. The Church establishes receiving communion for:

    • navmysne driving for 20 rokіv;
    • carelessly driving in 10 rocks;
    • over-love by 15 rocks;
    • fornication for 7 rocks;
    • steal for 1 rik;
    • swearing oaths for 10 rocks;
    • Chari or banishment for 20 years;
    • bloodshed for 20 rocks;
    • raising charms and making a fortune for 20 rocks.

    Important! Anyone who has seen Christ can only receive communion before death.

    The role of speech for the believer

    Repentance for sins is one of the necessary storehouses for a fulfilling life of a Christian.

    The Holy Fathers call this sacrament to other baptisms, relying on a similar power to cleanse from sin. Whatever the sin, the Lord forgives himself here for the sake of his wisdom.

    After the confession, it is clear that a Christian can take part in one of the main steps in his life - united with Jesus Christ in the sacrament of the sacrament.

    From the Gospel it is clear that the Lord commanded us to perform this sacrament: “And when there was a stench, Jesus took the bread, blessed it, broke it, gave it to the disciples, saying: Take, go, this is my body. I, taking the cup and drinking it, gave it to them and said: Drink everything from it, for this is my blood of the New Testament, which for the rich is poured out on the excess of sins.”

    And today's Orthodox Christians preserve this covenant, the liturgy of the skin will end with the incorporation of the evangelical ranks into life. Basic bread becomes the body of Christ, and simple wine becomes the blood of Christ.

    How to prepare for the next word?

    Let's summarize the pouches

    Confession is the most important sacrament Orthodox Church. Purification of a sunken person after baptism is only possible with her help. Ale those that are formal and superficial and thoughtful and deep? It is important to keep your skin close to the skin of a Christian.

    Let us first remember that this practice was established by the Son of God himself – Jesus Christ, and it is only now that we will cleanse and destroy all humanity, especially the skin that serves the eternal well-being.

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