How to help people praise the decision. How can we make any decisions? The decision made at the hour

We are making a decision today. Everything we say and confidently is the result of our decisions (knowing and unknowing). For every choice (important and insignificant), there is no exact single formula for arriving at a decision. The best thing you can do is to look at specific solutions from different points of view, then come up with a plan of action that seems most reasonable and important to you. If you need to praise a more important decision, it can be difficult. Here are some simple things you can do to make your decision seem less greedy. For example, think about how to develop ideas in the worst possible situation, and also put together a table to evaluate the pros and cons of a skin solution, and follow your intuition. Read this article if you want to learn more about how you need to make decisions.


Part 1

Understand the power of fear

    Write about your fears. The management of fears will help to understand them and, as a result, will help to praise the decision. Stop writing about decisions that need to be made. Describe (or make a list) the legacy of the solution. Allow yourself to think through all your thoughts based on these fears, don’t judge or judge yourself.

    • For example, you can start a project by asking yourself: “Why should I be praised? What do I need to earn? Why am I afraid of what might happen if I make the wrong choice?”
  1. Think about what could be the best deal. After you write about the decision you need to make, as well as about the reasons why you are afraid of this decision, you will meet the deadline. Try to figure out how to develop in the best possible scenario. Place your decision within the framework of that scenario, since everything may not work out the way you would like. With this rank, praising the decision will not be so scary.

    Think about the decision that you will praise and how consistent it will be. Just as you have thought about everything that you can do wrong, think about those whose werewolves are determined. Most of the decisions are werewolves, so you need to respect your mother, which is not worthy of you make a decision, this can be changed, thereby correcting the situation.

    • For example, you decided to quit your part-time job so you could spend more than an hour with your children. If you have problems paying for your bills, you can change your decision by finding a different job (re-employment).
  2. Talk to a friend or family member. It is not advisable to make important and important decisions on your own. Enlist the help of a trusted friend or family member who will help you or listen to your problems. Share with him information about the decision process, as well as your fears that you might be singing wrong. If you just talk about your fears before any decision, it will help you feel better about yourself. In addition, a close friend or someone close to you can please you and encourage you.

    • You can think about talking to people whose situation is not so bad, so you can think about it almost completely. Rozmova and a psychologist can also make better decisions in such a situation.
    • You can find people on the Internet who have experienced a similar situation. If you are trying to make a decision, choosing between full-time employment and part-time work (and spending time with children), you can ask for help on the online forum for dads. After all, you will feel the carnage of the thoughts of people who had to deal with a similar situation. And you can also listen to people tell you how they caused the stink, as if there was a stink in your place.

    Part 2

    Think about your decisions
    1. Calm down. Extremely strong emotions (both positive and negative) can influence your ability to make rational decisions. If you need to praise a decision, we first need to calm down. Because you can’t keep calm, put praise into a decision until you can clearly and calmly calm down.

      Find more information. In most cases, it is much easier to praise a decision if you have enough information to base it on. When a decision is praised (especially important ones), you should rely on logic. Find out more information so that you can get better information about all the options for the development of the project.

      Try the “5 Why” technique to understand your problem. Set your own food “why?” 5 times - this will help you uncover the main problems and understand the reasons why you make decisions. For example, if you were thinking about losing your job on a new working day or switching to work in a part-time job so that you can spend more than an hour with your family, the following are the possible “5 reasons”:

      • “Why do I want to consider the option of working part-time?” Verdict: “For I work until late in the evening.” “Why am I working until late in the evening?” Version: “We have a new project that will require a lot of time.” “Why does this project require so many hours?” Verdict: “I strive to work my job clearly and achieve success.” “What do I want to achieve success?” Version: “Because I want to earn more pennies and provide for my family.”
      • In this case, “5 why” show that you are planning to shorten your working years, as you are hoping for a break. A conflict situation arises that requires careful analysis in order to praise the correct decision.
      • The “5 Why” technique also conveys that this problem can be a time-consuming one - you work so much that you are immediately starting a new project. Think about it: your job will take you so many hours if you figure out a new project?
    2. Think about who is affected by your decision. We must first think about how the decision affects you. Zokrema, how does your decision affect your person? What are your values ​​and goals? Decisions that are inconsistent with your values ​​and goals have the potential to leave you dissatisfied.

      • For example, since the main importance for you is that which is your specialness (ambition), then moving to a new position (with part-time employment) will not best choice, because you are pursuing your ambitions and want to move up in the service, becoming the best worker in your company.
      • Your core values ​​may conflict. For example, your core values ​​may be ambition and family. To achieve the right decision, you will have to set priorities. Knowing how to decide on your values ​​will help you make the right choice.
      • Varto also think about how the problem of praise is being solved by other people. How could your choices have a negative impact on people you care about? Show respect to all participants in this process (especially your friends, or you have children).
      • For example, a decision to switch to part-time work can have a positive impact on your children, since you can spend more than an hour with them, but the decision can have a negative impact on you, so that you may end up being motivated by your ambitions The drive is inserted into the robot. . This can also have a negative impact on your homeland, which will shorten your income.
    3. Review all the options you have in mind. At first glance, you might think that there is only one way out, but that’s not the case. If your situation is limited, try putting together a list of possible options. Don’t try to evaluate them, you won’t add up latest list. Be careful. If you have problems with possible solutions, discuss this with your friends and family.

      Create a table to evaluate the pros and cons of a skin solution. If the problem is complex, and you are simply overwhelmed by possible consequences, consider creating a spreadsheet. It can be folded into Microsoft programs Excel, or you can put it on paper.

      • To create a table, next to the name of the skin option, write the option you are looking at. The skin should be divided into two sections to equalize the pros and cons. To rate your skin according to the options, write “+” or “-” in the columns.
      • You can also rate the skin from the options for a few points. For example, the option “to switch to a part-time job” can be rated at 5 points for the item that says: “I will have dinner with the children today.” On the other hand, you can evaluate this option at -20 points for the item: “There will be a budget deficit.”
      • After you finish the table, you can assign points for all solution options and think about which option has the highest score. Just be aware that you may not be able to praise the decision, the victorious one, or this strategy.
    4. Sit down and give space to your thoughts. Creative people may not be aware of them, but their ideas and decisions often come when they do not worry about the idea of ​​these ideas. This means that creative and intellectual solutions and ideas often come to us if our intelligence is calm. Why are so many people doing meditation?

      • It is important to ask and collect information and, first of all, to praise the decision, if you want to make the right decision and make a reasonable decision, you need to stop sizing and want to calm down a little. Spiritual meditation is one of the methods that allows you to allow your thoughts to expand. With the help of this technique, you can come up with creative ideas. In addition, this technology does not necessarily need to be devoted to too much time. You can take care of your daily needs, including everyday tasks, such as brushing your teeth, cooking, walking, etc. More information can be found in this article.
      • Look at the example below: a musician has knowledge of how to make music, how to play an instrument, how to sing, how to compose songs, and so on. But the creative approach itself is supported by this knowledge. So, playing an instrument smartly and singing are important skills, but the essence of the game is a creative approach.
    5. Start to separate the impulse and make smarter decisions. An impulsive decision will sound after every hour passes. For example, you may have an impulse idea to get something, buy something, go somewhere, etc. Svidomosti will lose its reasonable decision forever. In the days, past and present months.

      • A smart decision can also come from an impulse, but remember that after an hour you will realize that you are still pushing for the decision. So, why should we gather more information and provide ourselves with some food – which will help us calculate reasonable decisions.
      • Experiment: increase respect in your actions after a few deep breaths - this is equal to this if your actions reflect impulse decisions.

    Part 3

    Make a decision
    1. Give yourself some joy, as if you were doing it alone. Follow the steps below to make the correct choice. Think about what you would say good friend Who, let’s say, stumbles upon such a situation? What kind of decision would you like to praise? What would you try to increase the respect of a friend to your darling? Why don't you inherit your power?

      • Try to play a role using this strategy. Just sit down, put your hand on the table and let him know whoever is speaking with you.
      • If you don’t really want to sit and say what you’re saying to yourself, you can try to write yourself a sheet of paper in which you’ll put all these things together. Start the sheet with the words: “Dear ____, I have analyzed your situation. I think that the best decisions will be ____.” Continue your worksheet by explaining your point zora (independent thought).
    2. Play devil's advocate. This game will help you understand how effectively you come to a decision, so that in this game you will have to reach the end of your thoughts and try to surrender to whatever your power point is. As soon as your arguments for any decision are valid, you will have new information that you respect.

      • To play the devil's advocate, try starting a super test with yourself if you need to make the right choice. If it's easy to ruin your choice, you may realize that it's better to make a different choice.
      • For example, if you are tempted to spend more than an hour with your children, try to undermine your decision. Declare yourself that you could spend more than an hour with your children during the weekend and at the time of release. You can also say that the money and potential career growth you spend will count for family dinners. This way, you will see how much fun you can bring to your children. more coristia, the new anniversary is with you. In addition, a full-time job will bring reward to you and your ambitions - and it also earns respect.
    3. Think about how you feel wrong. Praising a decision through seeming faults is a completely obvious phenomenon. If you feel guilty, it’s not your fault to motivate you to make a decision. Guilt often interferes with our understanding of their results, so we cannot clearly understand our role in these processes. Seemingly guilty, it is often pressed on working wives who are driven by the demand for marriage to ideally balance work and family life.

    4. Think about the future. At the end of the day, shortest method make a decision - think about how you feel through a number of rocks. Think about what you are thinking about when you look at yourself in the mirror. How will you explain your decision to your students? Because you don’t deserve those who might, once the praised decision has been made, for everything, then rethink your choice.

      • For example, how much do you care, why in 10 years will you feel sorry for the fact that you had to work on a bad day? If so, then why? What can you earn for 10 rubles by working a full-time job (in addition to what you could earn by working a casual day)?

Nowadays we have to make dozens of decisions - to work, wait and see.

And this is often accompanied by doubts, worries and praise for decisions.

So how? accept correct decision And learn how to make the right choice?

Axis 10 ways.

1 - Just make the decisions that suit your soul.

According to statistics, 7 decisions out of 10 executives of great companies turn out to be mild ones. 40% of companies that 20 years ago were included in the list of the 500 largest companies in the world no longer exist.

It turns out that the most successful and the most knowledgeable people show mercy even more often.

So relax, praise the decision and the end of the action.

You need to understand that while you are thinking, you are standing still and guessing the hour.

You are not a sapper; for anyone, a pardon is fatal.

Well, since you’re nice, you have a friend, a third, so many times you’ll try. Plus, as soon as you start to worry, you gain knowledge, knowledge, and better understanding of how to make the right choice.

2 - The value of your decision.

What will happen if you make those choices and your choice turns out to be incorrect? Vipishi Possible options Finally, make a decision to get out of this. You know that solutions with minimal inputs most often give weak results.

For those who are strategic, it is a great idea to write down the possible consequences of your decision. Using Canva, you can create a decision tree online to help you visually identify possible alternatives and make it easier to make the right decision. -

3 - Vyznach best result - How can I make a decision to push you as far forward as possible? In life, those who are greater than the greater ones overcome it. And those who are afraid of taking risks are content with ordinary lives. Think about it, maybe someday you’ll give up. So, you can spend more. Ale, you can get more. And having recognized failures, you can always turn around to make a different decision. So go ahead. Success to love the brave.

4 - Ask from your contact - Most people try to praise decisions based on logic. It is also possible to share this information with Svedomosti.

Vikorist knowledge. In the evening, calm down your problem and resolve it. And before going to bed, sleep to yourself - How can you make a decision?

And you will tell lies about the clear understanding of what you can earn.

Our information contains our evidence. And access to this is denied to us unless we sleep. Plus, you can connect to a single information field all over the world. Guess what, Mendelev opened his table in his sleep.

So, power up your data and go to bed. You can learn more about this technique from this video.

5 - Zrobi want something- In order to make the right decisions you need to be informed. Ale de її take? Books, videos, articles are just theory. I need the information to provide only practical evidence that can be rejected without having already done it.

If you are in doubt and choose from so many options, you are simply looking at the skin option. And you immediately understand that the solution is better for you.

6 - Ask more successful person - Such a person can help you for literally 5 rubles. He knows and will pay more for you. Look for successful people in your own pocket. Sign up for the training. Ask your food on the thematic forum or group. There is no need to feed everyone after sleep. Listen only to those who actually believe that you have a problem similar to yours and have real life evidence of their problems. If there are no such people, then

7 - Become a super hero- Putting yourself in the place of people, who are for you a symbol of happiness and success. And think about what the decision would be in choosing wine.

Most often, praising decisions is influenced by internal fears and doubts. If you consider yourself a super hero, you know everything and making decisions becomes much easier.

8 - Wider number of options - Most often, people choose from 2-3 options. There are also many more options for solutions. Collect information, sleep with people you know, think about other decisions. This kind of work will allow you to better understand the situation, expand your knowledge and allow you to make the most important decision.

9 - Let your brain put everything in order - Today's people rely a lot on the flow, on emotions, like a marriage.

If you take a day off, calm down, stop thinking too much, then a lot becomes clear and a decision is chosen by itself.

And the wise viraz of the morning of the evening. So just get out of the problem, do what you can and then make a decision with a fresh head.

10 - Write down the pros, cons, and equals

Choose 2-3 options and write down the skin for the next arkush. Make a list of pros and cons. This clarifies a lot and you will immediately become reasonable as to which solution is best for you.

That's all.

Just remember - there are no decisions until you start working again.

To make it easier for you, follow 50 step-by-step instructions

How often do you go out of your way when you need to praise a firm decision? It is important that this happens steadily. Do we know the stars? Same like that. Our generation has broken ground under its feet. If there is no foundation for the vision, the system of values, then it is difficult to make a decision in the future. You have to focus primarily on yourself, and not on the “Great Brother”, who is pleased to praise the decision for you. On the one hand, living without such help is difficult and scary - you don’t know where you’re falling, you don’t know what will happen tomorrow. On the other hand, if you have to think with your own head, then a strong and compelling peculiarity emerges.

Ale navіt stronger than the world Whose decision can never be accepted firmly and with full understanding. Sometimes you have to improvise, even though people, due to their nature, cannot analyze everything, transfer everything - they can’t sing everything. It’s a trap that’s been working against you for an hour, and set you apart from your enemies. These are the moments where you have the best experience, but you don't fall into a stupor. People do not fall into stupors - they rather keep a healthy mind in an uncontrollable situation. Remember, if you think that you have nothing to complain about, you will have mercy. Your life, your testimony, your knowledge, your ideas are those that cannot be taken away. This is your personal foundation, for the help of which we must make decisions for you - they will not be true again, even if they want to be. I'm not good.

Choose the less of evils

It never gets old. If you need to make an unacceptable decision, then evaluate the risks, write down the negative consequences of the skin decision, think about the risk of failure and choose the solution that will give you the least problems. If the sovereigns wanted to follow this simple rule from time to time, then there would be much fewer economic, political and military crises.

Act pragmatically

However, choosing the least will always lead to the best decisions. Decals need to concentrate all your attention on your benefit. Forget about moral principles, forget about fear and realize that the risks may or may not be true. If you really have the opportunity to benefit, then why not try to earn it? It would seem that it is banal, but in Russia, in our opinion, they rarely listen to it - the population has completely forgotten about the word “pragmatism”, giving preference to the words “stability”, “spirituality”, “borg”. But if you want to live well, you need to make decisions that will bring you money, inflows, satisfaction, in other words, benefits. This is pragmatism.

Stribok without regret

If you cannot praise a pragmatic decision, then there may be reasons for this. For example, you may have enough time for this, but you simply cannot adequately assess the benefit and the risks associated with it. And here you need to trust your intuition for good measure. So, you can have mercy - the chances are 50 to 50, - but it’s better, never mind, while I still decide to praise you. If you are afraid to trust your intuition, then it is simple, but effective method To praise, if you make a decision, flip a coin. In this manner, you will entrust a share of your success to your success, your fortune, your fate. This means that you are likely (on a psychological level) to make the wrong choice. Life has plenty to offer if you just need to earn money and not think.

Operate with ideas

Previously, people trusted gods, holy books, and power. It’s normal for anyone who still focuses on such authorities when they think about the decisions they make. This behavior is inherent in human nature. The beauty of the 21st century is that today you can choose authorities for yourself, create an ideological concept that may or may not be applied to the entire society, but is applied to you. Since you have principles, a sense of honor, and moral guidelines, then why not make use of them when you make your choice? Just ask yourself: “Am I paying correctly?”, “My decision to agree with my ideas?” “I’m not shy, why the hell?” The answer will never be unambiguous, but you can still make a choice.

Please select

If we talk about everyday speech, then human speech is simpler - as it was before. For example, if a person was choosing a shirt in a store, he was amazed at the size, color and, perhaps, shape - everything. After a long time, you can’t choose a match not for something that doesn’t exist, but for something that has a lot of them, and you become fixated on speeches. Those same pets are fussing. If you used to drink cava, today you prefer mocaccino, cappuccino, macchiato, Americano, latte. You can, with crazy eyes, choose this “every day”, but the essence will be the same - you will choose kava in any case. Why not immediately vibrate “just cava”? Do you really need to spend a whole year choosing a movie at the cinema when you can just browse the poster and choose the first movie you come across, which one is more in line with your interests? Be simpler - and then life will stop being so difficult.

Don't be afraid of anything

The reality of the decision is also the same as the decision. But in this case, there is no mention of fear of choice. If you are afraid to choose, then you will always make a bad decision, hoping that everything will end well for you. If you clearly do not choose and remain indestructible, then you accept the decision, which means the result will be inconclusive. The point is in the information, not in the results.

Our life is a constantly low-accepted decision. The stench can be either insignificant or serious, as it does. great influx on us and lead to serious changes. People constantly decide what to buy for lunch, where to eat in the evening, what book to read, what kind of science book to study, what profession to choose, how to make a million etc. And since the price of food is low, the decision is easy for us and it is easy to eat, and the cost of food will be small. If your choice is more serious, it will be easier to earn it. In this situation, the right decisions can lead to great success, but they can also become the cause of waste and failure. It is very important to know how to make the right decision.

Be sure to set your own time frame to make the right choice. The presence of a bias will make it difficult for you to find the most effective solutions to any given situation. This process signifies the so-called law of imputed effectiveness.

To choose the right option, you need to collect as much information as possible. The more facts you have on hand, the easier it is to make an effective choice. This way you can more or less objectively assess the situation.

Remember that emotions are your enemy in a vaunted decision, since under the hour of a surge of feelings you cannot measure it objectively and sideways. Try to wait for the moment when everything is boiling over in your soul, and only then come to grips with the right, otherwise you may not make the best decision in the heat of the moment.

Remember that the search for the correct option is connected with the work, you can transfer the food to someone else. This way you will save yourself a lot of time. In addition, having completed this task once, you can take out insurance for those that you happen to work permanently. Additional investment without consistent dividends is absolutely worthless. Therefore, think as rationally as possible, even delegation with greater importance- A very handy tool for “revamping” your work schedule.

In the process of making a decision, be sure to prioritize your thoughts. The structure of thoughts based on the principle of importance is a valuable skill to help you quickly find an effective way out of any situation. If you don’t develop your mind, when sorting out complex tasks, you will constantly get lost in your own shadows. In addition, there is a risk that you will take the wrong criterion as a basis for making a decision, which will lead to foolish results. With great confidence, your choice will be ineffective, and often a dead end. With effective solutions, you will definitely be able to develop your skills with the right decision. However, by destroying the title of “look” at choice, you will not be able to identify the cause-and-hereditary connections to explain why the decision was right or wrong. Therefore, before making a final choice, you need to structure all your thoughts and rank the priority of various factors in your head.

The fear of possible failure makes it important to know the right decision. Many people are aware of their defects and are afraid of these seemingly ineffective things. To avoid fear, you need to analyze in detail the consequences that your other choice can produce, and then what to do.

In the hour of praise, I decided to remain calm as best as possible. If you are tired of feeling uneasy, you can relax by listening to your favorite music, or, in extreme cases, by drinking a calm drink.

Objectivity is another factor to ensure making the right decision. It is necessary to be honest with yourself and not to artificially embellish the facts, which may lead to a wrong choice.

Prioritization is one of the most important factors in the evaluation of various action options. Think about what is most important to you: money, career, family, etc.

In addition, it is necessary to evaluate costs, since this factor may influence the effectiveness of a particular decision.

Most of us often complain about something, knowing that we made the wrong choice. In fact, if we are strictly speaking, we can conclude that there are no right or wrong decisions. As long as you are focused on achieving goals, and this goal is a priority and important, all actions before it will be absolutely correct. Choosing the right decision is subjective, so be careful with your worries.

Situations often arise in which the choice can be made until certain details are clarified in the event that the debugging does not go wrong. However, it can be lost if new facts increasingly complicate the process of approving a decision, resulting in untransmitted information that requires clarification. This paradoxical effect manifests itself in the fact that the more effort and effort you put into achieving the result, the better everything will come out for you. In other words, the more you perceive any problem, the more unclear facts are leaked from the government.

At any given time, it is possible to analyze different options. Be sure to choose the same solutions, although most often they may be the most effective. For example, if you cannot choose from two professions that are suitable for you, you risk being left without a job or becoming an unskilled blacksmith. In such a situation, any option will be beneficial for you, regardless of choice. And if you still can’t decide, then it would be better to make a decision on your own, rather than be convinced of this.

Failures are made if the decision is too hasty to lead to collapse. In such situations, it is best to wait an hour to assess the problem. However, you need to remember that it is not possible to delay the moment of praising a decision for too long (robots are especially worried), as you may get ahead or the situation may become complicated. And then you will be disappointed that you did not make a choice earlier. Only people in high positions can allow themselves to examine in detail the various options, since they know that, apart from them, no one can make a decision.

To solve a serious problem, it is not necessary at all, including self-tightening. You can once again be happy with your friends and family. Any number of times the message will clarify the situation as a whole, and it will be much easier for you to find a simple and ingenious way out of the situation. In addition, your companions may be truly delighted. One point - it’s not good to tell everyone about your problems, otherwise you won’t get anywhere, and you’ll just waste a lot of time on your money. Before that, the skin is ready to give you pleasure, and in advance it will be easy for you to kill you for the pantelik.

If you decide to rely on the thoughts of loved ones, then in situations that require operational action, you can think that your friend will please you. In many situations, such internal dialogue can be incredibly harsh.

When making decisions, ignore emotions directed at achievements Swedish result. This kind of sweetheartedness can make you angry. In order to uniquely negative inheritances Follow Susie Welch's "10-10-10" method, which is to estimate where your decision will take you in 10 weeks, 10 months and 10 years.

Always look for alternative possibilities. I don’t want to give precedence to just one idea, blindly believing in its correctness. Come up with as many other options as possible to match your first one. Realize that basic ideas simply do not exist, and think about what you would do in such a situation. You will find many more alternatives.

If you still can’t figure it out 100%, go to sleep, and a miraculous solution may come to you in no time. This is explained by the fact that our intelligence knows all possible ways out of the situation. During the hour of sleep there is a continuous analysis process, and your knowledge can show you the best option. Before you lie down, ask yourself what you need to eat again, and then put a pen and a piece of paper down for yourself. This is necessary in order to quickly capture every thought.

Don't ignore your intuition ( methods for developing intuition), and even our inner voice has mercy much more often than our mind. Therefore, before making a decision, try to listen to your feelings. If you feel some discomfort, you may want to look at other options.

Now you know what helps you praise the right decision. Let's take a look at how to achieve this option.

How to follow a decision

Once you have made a decision, start working immediately without worrying, since any delays will reduce your chances of achievement of success. In addition, you are sowing the seed of the rotten seed of steady filing of documents for later, which threatens to ensure that you never achieve the intended result.

Remember that changing your decisions after you have already passed the mark will not be effective. Be true to your first thoughts. This way you will build confidence in the fact that you are doing everything correctly, and you won’t hesitate to check for a long time. However, be prepared. Once you realize that your path is leading to failure, it is better to see a new yakmog sooner. Remember that the most successful entrepreneurs often change their course. Find a balance between flexibility and commitment. In this case, you will be able to quickly change your plan without much expense for yourself.

Finally, note that in order to learn to make the right decisions trace vikorystuvati special evidence. In this case, focus on your guidance, even though your decisions may not be correct 100% of the time. A constant change in too much activity will prevent you from changing. So be careful in the process of choosing the right decision. Remember that your methods can be harmful, no matter how ideal the smell may seem to you. Experiment more and practice tactful techniques that are beyond your control, as well as the comfort zone in which you have experienced, leading to degradation. Special evidence is one of the most reliable news.

If you have found peace, please, please see a fragment of the text and press it Ctrl+Enter.

There comes a moment in the life of every person when she it is necessary to praise the seriousness of the decision What can you do to change your share? As a rule, when a person is aware of all the difficulties of his formation, then It is very important to make such decisions. It’s easy to make decisions if you don’t think or if you don’t understand what. Why does a person understand his situation and face the need to accept the importance of a decision, maybe know the support? I encourage you to think about the possible implications of this food together with me.

Give yourself an hour

Praise requires some decision hour. I am good for these purposes you see yourself. At the end of the day, the wise men could have deliberately calmed down in order to better concentrate on the matter. respectful nutritionist. Now the pace of our life is so great that it becomes increasingly difficult to stop at every hour and focus on what is important to ourselves. And without this, it is even more important to praise the decision. It’s also important to think, analyze your situation, find out and be disappointed in these and other decisions, go into a dark place, and then joke again from a new exit. All this is an unknown warehouse rumor and praise decision. And if we don’t give ourselves time, decisions can be impulsive and thoughtless, which are based on a quick-fix attitude or not.

Reliance on almost

It seems like it turns out that in difficult situations ours. Or there are so many “sensible” thoughts that you can get lost in them; or the wind begins to blow around your head and your mind becomes inspired to work. In this case, you can help by relying on your Vlasnі almost. That's all there is to it reliance is not on Mitt's emotions(Joy, aggression, movement, etc.), and at the deep end it seems how to live with each of us. Whoever easily feels the voice of these senses in himself, and it is enough for him to just listen to himself, but whoever is not at all comfortable, as if they sensed in the dark galaxy, which burns the soul, I praise my senses. I will share with you the joy of one of my friends, who told me about those how to win wine. I was particularly pleased.

Well, first of all, you will need to know a calm place where you can calm down. If you wanted to find some object nearby, you could show your respect. It would be more beautiful if it were some kind of dazzling object (it would be easier to focus on this for a long time). Sit tightly, fix your gaze on the object, and while sitting like this, begin to gradually listen to yourself. Why should you realize that in the middle of you there is empty, quiet, there is nothing. Listen qiu quiet and empty. Don't let your thoughts drag you away from this silence. And if your thoughts excite you, then just say what’s wrong and let them go home. Step by step, these empty parts are starting to appear. Respect those who come to the surface. This is exactly what we are hearing. Smells may appear in the appearance of images, inconceivable sensations, and sensations in the body. As you notice something in yourself, try to listen to whoever it is and let your experiences unfold.

The whole procedure can be illustrated figuratively like this. You are walking through the forest and you need to go onto the road where cars drive. The road is far away. You croak and behind the crispness of the branches and leaves under your feet, you don’t sense anyone right next to this road. You groan and freeze to listen for the road. And you don’t hear it immediately, but only after a short period of time, when your ear adjusts to silence, your hearing becomes louder. So and with a feeling. You need to slow down and concentrate on all your inner work, then listen before the sound of your feelings comes out in the middle of you.

If you can feel the voice of your feelings, feel your true beliefs, you can give support and directly to those who would like to crumble. And since such a blatant approach becomes reasonable, then making a decision becomes much easier (and sometimes it becomes simply self-evident).

Self-deception test

An important guideline for a praised decision can be feel like the inner weather. This may appear on the return form, as almost, when you are convinced of a decision, but you are internally pressing on the need to accept it. This sounds a little like some kind of internal discomfort that is in the middle and torments you for the sake of it. It is very important to ask yourself in a difficult situation: “Why am I here? What do you want me to do? What is your decision?” If you don’t know what decision to make, then be sure to think about the sensitive situation in which you are afraid to make a decision. Have you ever gotten drunk in it? Have they arrived yet? Once you know the answers to this question, you will be able to better understand those who are faced with the decision and situation of choice. And after this you can ask yourself that you do not harm the reason you came to this situation, and yourself at the same time, considering those other decisions.

Fighting doubts

It is necessary to say that you doubt that you often blame this episode, How decisions are made under pressure(Internal or external). How the decision was made by the citizens internally matured, then I doubt and regret not to blame. Well, if the internal choice is not yet ripe, but it needs to be developed as clearly as possible, then it becomes difficult and difficult to know the “correct” solution. Such a choice may turn out to be incorrect. Behind such decisions there will always be a trail of regret and doubt. There is only one way out here - think about those that tempt you to make a choice and make a decision. To be more precise, what doesn’t bother you about this? And here it’s better to think about what else can be done in order to remove this internal dissatisfaction without radically changing the situation.

The seeming ones started to burst into flames, Best of luck here - don't squeeze yourself. It’s not a good idea to overwhelm yourself and praise the decision. Please allow me not to accept you. Relax. Become like a samurai, who with an indomitable spirit stands on the edge of the river and marvels at the dark sky, enjoying his beauty. Don’t rush yourself and allow yourself a little time to marvel at the situation.

Humility from sacrifice

If anyone has a choice, if anyone has made a decision, this way or the other, Confused about what to expect. What is more important is the value that must be sacrificed in order to find another alternative. We are preparing until the end of the day. In order to experience the victim more effectively (as one might think) it is necessary to approach her with the knowledge that what are you spending?. If you clearly understand what you are thinking about, then it will be easier for you to survive the consequences of making such a complicated decision.

In order to better understand what you are about to see, try to complete the following proposition: “I don’t have any more...”. By keeping in mind all those from whom you happen to be separated, you can, on the one hand, better understand the importance of this and other alternatives and, on the other hand, gain courage and readiness to take on the responsibility of accepting It’s a decision. One of the ways to help you accept this sacrifice is to be aware of what you are paying for in view of the benefits that you see. This is your choice, and for every choice in life we ​​can pay, and we can sacrifice for what is more valuable to us.

Final point

To give your decision more value, it is necessary “pump up your energy”. How can you earn money? There are two options here. On the one hand, you can take one of the alternatives that you want to be convinced of, and identify the worst option for developing it. You can do this by saying to yourself the following words: “If I choose this and that, I will suffer from this and that all my life.” You can do it this way.

And you can know the positive things that are in the choice that you are making, and consider it in your mind, in your mind, as a meta, as lighthouse, where do you want to take your ship. Possibly, perhaps think more often about the good things you will do, especially in moments of doubt and kolivan.

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