How to water the cucumbers.


The tender liana comes from the tropics and contributes to the development of warm and logical minds.

It is necessary to water the soil under the cucumbers carefully and systematically.

  • This vegetable, which is 95% water, will be truly refreshing and crispy.
  • Many vologists have discovered the presence and presence of a bitter taste.
  • Do your growing plants need a lot of water?
  • To properly organize the watering of orchards, learn about the peculiarities of their growth and development.

Roslina grows richly due to the large area of ​​leaves, due to which intense evaporation occurs in dry weather.

  • The root system of orchard shoots is not deeply cultivated.
  • In very dry weather, the roots cannot reach the surface of the earth, where the water is preserved. The roots of the cucumbers are cut with low water content. Ogirkova plant is able to achieve a great harvest in a remarkably short growing season.
  • When watering, it is necessary to take care of many important minds.
  • Water with warm water, the optimal temperature is 25 0 C. Order them to collect the wound into barrels, throughout the day it warms up and is ready for watering until the evening.
  • You can simply heat the water and add hot water to the watering can.

It is possible to wear it, even in cold water, to resemble the world of Corinthians. Hard water is not suitable. I’ll let the water soften citric acid or otstom.

Collect plank water in the same way.

It is necessary to maintain the normal water content.

Over-conversion is detrimental to fruits, as well as dryness.

How to water the cucumbers in the open soil?

Gardeners-cobs often wonder if it is best to water the plants - in the evening or in the evening.

The answer is clear: the trees in the city are watered every evening, when the sun has already dropped low to the horizon.

At night, the vologne does not evaporate, but is taken over by growths.

And finally, after wound watering, intensive evaporation will take place, and the juice will not be able to absorb the necessary amount of water.

If there is a strong suction, you can water the dvichi, turning on the water supply early.

When watering during the day, dripping drops of water on the leaves may cause dormouse to fall off.

The damaged plots die, and behind them the whole leaf.

  • Attach a rosette to the watering can or hose so that a strong jet of water does not disturb the soil from the bottom ends and does not nail the leaves to the ground.
  • It is also not possible to water close to the roots through those that can rot if the smell is strong.
  • When the buds bloom, you need to water the soil too much so as not to damage the lower buds.
  • Why remove the grooves protruding from the roots by 5-10 cm. Increase watering as the greens grow, so that the smell is less bitter and juicy.
  • Up to one liter of water is consumed per plant.
  • In dry land, to grow cucumbers, place the pulp with water to increase the moisture content.
  • The water is evaporated and creates a friendly environment for the plants.
  • How many times should you water the cucumbers in the greenhouse?

To water orchards in polycarbonate greenhouses, which maintain an ideal climate for water-loving plants, warm water is required.

Carry out testing to establish the required 80% moisture content.

It is necessary to maintain the normal water content.

In very dry weather, carry out this procedure twice a day.

The water evaporates and then settles again on the leaves and stems.

In this case, it is necessary to keep the soil and soil behind the camp so that the increase in fertilization does not lead to the development of fungal diseases.

There are also grooves along the rows of plantings where water is poured.

In this manner, the entire ground turns evenly.

The orchard beds should be watered in the evening so that the fruits grow in the morning.

Ways to water in cities

Be sure to water the garden beds with a watering can or run a hose into the container with water.

Dig the white roots of the grooves and pour a lot of water into them, which is absorbed from the ground. Effective harvesting has become even more popular, as it provides enough food for the forests. If fruits grow in a place where they come once a week, it is possible to lose nutrition.

Ogirok is a plant that steadily absorbs heat and water.

Without any desire from them, we will win shvidko gin.

Since the protection of the wet orchard plantings with warmth is largely due to natural forces, then the blame for violating the rules of the irrigation regime for this water-loving culture falls entirely on the owners of the plot.

Before starting to process the soil, keep an eye on the possibility of stable watering.

In this article we will look at how you need to water the cucumbers in open soil, how you need to water the cucumbers in order to do it correctly.

Leave the soil water content before watering

How to properly water orchards in open soil

The water-loving nature of the crop means uncontrolled watering of the beds, as can often happen in summer cottages.

  1. The Saturday raids of the local lords on their cities transform the dacha work into the heat of the day.
  2. From the side I’m already starting to gasp.
  3. The beds are filled with water using a hose from the water supply, if it is hot and the sun is overhead.
  4. You can also often water from afar, through other plantings.
  5. For cucumbers, such watering results in ailments and other inconveniences, since they do not bring any fruitful harvest and no prospects for correcting their crops.

The main folding parts are connected with watering

The rules for watering orchards are very simple

It is necessary to know the basic rules for looking after the trees of any crops, so as not to have mercy.

And the watering rules for orchards are simple:

  1. Water more frequently under the bushes, without dripping onto the leaves.
  2. Before harvesting, water, making sure the soil is dry.
  3. Since it is impossible to work in the garden today, then during hot weather, water the soil once every 2 days.
  4. When the air temperature is around 20℃ and medium moisture, water once every 4 days.
  5. After just one irrigation, you need 6 liters of water per 1 sq. m.
  6. m landing.

Watering the skin for 3-5 days.

This order of watering is stopped until the plants begin to bloom.

On a hot day, you will have to go to the plot every other day, and water each time with the same volume of water (6 l/m2).

When the plants begin to bloom and begin to develop their buds, then I will choose the right place for watering today. On cold days, do 1 watering per day. More water is now required – 8-10 liters per 1 sq.


For active fruiting, during the day without caking, conduct a daily watering of 10-12 liters per 1 square meter.


If the outside temperature reaches 25℃, it is necessary to touch the roots. Ale to earn a trace of uranium until the present day. You can’t choke on supernatural waterings

You can’t splash yourself with supernatural waterings, so as not to cause fungal diseases in your garden.

Next, we’ll look at how often you need to water the cucumbers and splinters, even more so. The watering regime for orchards is old fresh food

among summer residents and specialists.

Summer residents were satisfied with the thoughts of agricultural technicians, who provided recommendations on the frequency of watering and their duties.

According to agronomists, water the soil no more than 1-2 times per week, unless it is very clear.

  1. This watering regime will be good for the plants.
  2. Partial watering is carried out until the soil layer is formed, which needs to be fluffed, otherwise there will be permanent damage to the root system.
  3. Expanded methods of watering orchards
  4. There are many ways to water, and which one is more convenient - the choice is yours
  5. Due to unsafe damage to the root system, the choice of methods for watering the cucumber crop is limited.

Ale can be called:

Reaching the planting after the planting.

Watering with a watering can and rose under the root. Water with a weak stream from a watering can without a sprinkler over the top of the bed until it all seeps out. Water at the ditch with a depth of 5 cm between the rows of orks.

After filling the grooves with water, the collected grooves will become level from the ground.

Water the cucumbers using a watering can with a spray bottle, or you can use a hose placed on the ground or a heated spray bottle.

Water the newly planted roses and young plants that have not yet grown into shallow grooves between the rows or around the bush and, at all times, without whitening the stem - this way the roots can be lifted and exposed.

And top watering through a good sprayer can damage still intact stems and, again, remove the soil that covers the roots, since small leaves are not able to drain water from the stem.

When the roots are exposed, it is necessary to carefully purge the roots. If, during the period of formation and growth, the vines go on small planks until the buds appear, the orchards may not need to be watered at all.

Since there are no litters, it is necessary to work today as the soil dries up in the world.

Let it sit for a short time so that it can be lightly flared, and then, if water gets in the middle, it will be affected 3 times by different forces of the internal (hard) and external (soft corrugated) casings.

When you turn on the water, you will soon feel yourself taking on your front dimensions and, apparently, pulling yourself from between the rows. There are no alternative solutions, only, as before, to burn and burn the important bay, which is important to give in. The shortest hour for watering is evening or early-vranci when the activity of the sun is minimal and there are no direct changes.

If in the evening, then after 17:00, and if it turns out to be a cold night, then water the trace earlier, and

better than a frenzy . In times of gloomy or warm weather, the hour does not matter.

After watering, you need to fluff the soil between the rows so that the soil is better preserved and a pick is not left on its surface. Spread the fluff to a depth of 3-4 cm, since the root cucumber is located close to the surface of the soil..

Fluffing not only replaces the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the beds, but also adds sour water to the ground, which is important for the root system.

In the baking plant, water more thoroughly - this allows you to reduce the temperature of the ovaries, which have formed, and the leaves, which prevent the wilting and falling of the ovaries.

For plants that grow on open soil, do this only if the sun is already setting or has not yet risen.

Otherwise, the leaves through the water drops, which act like extravagant lenses, remove the opacity and can become yellow, dry out and become dangerous.

If the temperature throughout the day does not exceed 25 o C, then there is no particular need for checking.

Nowadays, cucumbers love such refreshing waterings, but carry them out with water so that the plants come out with completely dry leaves and buds at night.

Droplets that are lost create a favorable environment for the development of bacterial and fungal diseases on the vines in the night cold.

Virtuous learning is no simpler job, although it will require great knowledge.

If you follow all the rules, you will get a remarkable result and can boast of a rich harvest.

There is a lot to do with the bunch, like watering the cucumbers immediately after planting and throughout the entire period of their growth and development. We’ll talk about this in our article. How to water the orchards after planting them?

If you grow orchards using the garden-free method, planting them in wet soil, you will need to properly prepare the beds.

Bazhano, so that the stench goes away until the afternoon, so

sleepy exchanges

roll their surfaces perpendicularly.

The soil temperature on the bed will be higher and the growth rate will be higher by the third.

Preparation is also very good before planting.

Be polite, don’t say anything.

The ogirok belongs to the Garbusaceae family.

This is a heat-loving and water-loving culture, which is 95% water-based.

The shortage of vegetables leads to stress in the villages, which is accompanied by the production of cucurbitacin in them, which also causes hygrota in vegetables.

In order for the greens to be juicy and juicy, they need to be watered regularly and lightly, and the fermentation stage should be left in place depending on the weather and the period of development of the vegetable crop.

Wash the watering of the orgirks

In warm, sleepy weather, you can water both under the roots and over the leaves, but also with warm water (25-28°C).

This allows the vegetables to remove the necessary amount of moisture, and the excess moisture to quickly steam.

Root fertilization is carried out at a depth of up to 20 cm and within a radius of 15 cm from the stem.

In this case, the soil around the root neck must be deprived of dryness, so as to make it difficult to rot.

The reasons for this cannot be summed up.

  • And the process of fluffing up the soil around the growth, so that it can “die” and collect moisture well, must be done once a week.
  • Moreover, you need to work carefully, as there will be fragments of the root very close to the surface.
  • Foliar watering should be carried out early or in the evening, when the caking subsides, otherwise the droplets on the leaf can act as optical lenses that focus the sun's edges, and trigger thermal optics.

In gloomy, cold weather, the plants need to be kept in check because the root system is poorly suited to growing plants and too much water can rot, and the plants themselves can become infected with fungal diseases.

In order to ensure that the soil under planting does not disintegrate (shards should not be allowed to become bare and dry out the soaking roots), it is necessary to water not with a hose with a strong jet, but with a pouring pot directly into the holes.

The best way is to water the droplets behind the plastic splashes.

For this purpose, the bottom of them is cut, in the area of ​​the cork, the little flowers split into pieces, then they dig into the ground with their necks down, and it is impossible to replenish them with water in the world.

Frequent watering leads to another problem - the removal of microelements from the plants, which need to be regenerated.

This summer may turn out to be rainy and lead to fungal diseases, invasions of slima, ravel, popelica, and the emergence of horny dew. All this attack plagues the city dwellers’ mothers within themselves in the arsenal of harmless chemical methods of struggle, which are far from innocent both for the summer residents themselves and for their wards. Invigoration with grub soda

Most gardeners don’t suspect that all these problems can easily be resolved with emergency help.

  • grub soda
  • .
  • Today, it is simply indispensable when growing vegetables, as it contains miraculous anti-infective properties and a set of microelements necessary for the growth of vegetables.

Soda distillation is used to process the present.

This allows not only to disinfect, but also to promote its similarity.

spoons of soda per 10 liters of water.

It is necessary to sprinkle once every three days in dry weather until the coma develops.

Sowing yeast for goodness

Nowadays, it has become popular to invigorate the growths with yeasts that contain microelements.

  • This is kindly responsible for the development of fruits, changing the number of barren flowers, whose antibacterial powers allow the fruits to resist fungal and viral diseases.
  • During the fermentation process, the microflora of the soil develops, which absorbs the decomposed organic matter and fermentation of nitrogen and phosphorus, which are “generators” for the growth of plants. When it is necessary to fertilize the potassium soil, it is necessary to add wood ash or grated egg peel. In open soil, sheep crops may be able to remove living substances through natural litter (which is equivalent to storing them in a closed greenhouse), and then prepare them with less yeast - so that it is sufficient to produce total per season:

The first time after the appearance of another leaf is to dramatically speed up the growth of the bushes and the creation of crops.

The other is on the cob of flowers.

  • Cream of what it is
  • Dodatkove Dzherelo

food, the smell of fermented food serves as a garnish for bjils and jmels, natural pills, and in order to enhance this effect, zukor is added.

  • Warehouses, having kindly city workers, are preparing for massacres - who cares for the best way to work from pure yeast, otherwise vikoryst bakery germs. The axis deals with them. Warehouse for first life:
  • Prepare yeast and ash mixture from 100 gr. clean water.

Skin growths also require 2 liters of product.

bakery germs

Therefore, incubation in a greenhouse can be carried out no more than once every two days, and in open ground - once a month.

Ogirok is a vegetable that attracts a lot of respect and passion.