Why do you dream about barley? Dream about barley. Maliy Velesov dream book

Barley- sleep-prevention: you may have such an illness, take care of its prevention!

Dream Interpretation of Birthday Grass, Cherry, Linden, Sickle

Barley- To the point of calluses on my feet.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays: Spring, Summer, Breasts

Barley near the field- Before a search, I lead to a scandal.

Barley on the score- to jealousy manifested in public.

Dream interpretation of birthdays, fierce, birch, winter

Bachite barley on oci- Until the arrival, the barley is in the field until it is not ready.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

I had a nasty dream:

Don't get embarrassed - it's just a dream. Damn you for the advance.

After waking up, marvel at the window. Say at the window: “Wherever there is nothing, there is sleep.” Everything is good, everything is gone."

Open the tap and let the running water flow.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a bottle of water and say: “As the salt has melted, so will my dream go, no matter what.”

You will turn the whiteness of the bed on the contrary.

Don’t tell anyone a bad dream until lunchtime.

Write it down on paper and burn the whole ark.

Maliy Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about barley?

Barley - Good luck for the reign, wealth; thresh - until a good life // life is psuєsh; press, shine – joy; on oci – wealth.

Ukrainian dream book of Dmitrienko

Do you dream about Barley?

If you dream of barley, there will be good luck for the reign.

Culinary dream book

Special dreams about Zlaka

Trying barley in your hands is a joy and a profit. And barley bread - satisfaction and health.

Dream Interpretation of Ms. Hasse

Dark dream:

Barley is a success for trade.

Esoteric dream book

The secret place of sleep:

Bachiti field Ya - until the prosperity of that great friendly homeland. Get ready for a single life, rich in love affairs.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananit

Tlumachennya for the sake of the saint:

Barley – success in trading.

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkova

Barley (on oci) – Wealth.

Dream book for the entire homeland of E. Danilova

I still dream about Barley, how can I understand it?

Symbolizes – success.

Dream Interpretation of Kelvin Hall

If you say Yachmin, then what is it?

Barley - for those who are not friends - more modestly cheerful, for those who are friends - more numerous offspring.

Universal dream book for the whole homeland


Barley on the market is a profit.

New and advanced dream book 1918

Do you dream about Barley?

On the score - wealth.

Tlumach from the dream of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those who were born from sichna, fierce, birch, kvitna

Barley – Bring barley on the run – until harvest, barley in the field until unripe.

For those who were born from grass, red, sticky and sickle

Sleep - To the point of calluses on the feet.

For those who were born in the spring, autumn, leaf fall, breast

Barley (on oci) – Before jealousy revealed in public.

Barley (at the field) - Before the search, I drive to the scandal.

Barley (on oci) - Until wealth.

Why do you dream about Barley, women and men?

Experts have found that the plot of women's dreams is emotional and consists of various details. And people’s dreams are filled with specifics and the active dynamics of their development. This is due to the gender differences of the brain. The symbolism of sleep is the same for a woman and for a man, so Barley in a dream has the same meaning for both articles.

A dream that occurs on the 29th, as a rule, does not have a veiled sense. The most pleasant things to have this day are black and white dreams. A little on the 29th, the voice is a sign that the dream is real. All positive phrases in dreams on the 29th will sound precise and clear, without causing any confusion.

Read more from the dream book:

  • what a dream
  • what a dream I had
  • what a dream image

Dream Interpretation barley on oci

A stye on the horizon means illness often occurs, as more and more people are conceiving from skin cancer. However, not all dream books see such an image, as they did in the morning.

There are a number of interpretations you can give to the diet that will give you the answer to the food that you are missing.

What should you expect from the future?

As the dream book means, barley on the eye is most often a negative sign. Vin means all the things that you attract to yourself.

It’s not good to rant about the zagal interpretation. It is important to pay attention to other details.

There was a spark of illness in the eyes

The dreamer's excuse

The stench will dramatically improve, depending on the person who dreamed about the stench.


It’s easy for young girls to become acquainted with people in order to encourage them to live with their optimistic attitude. Right now you will be happy and happy with him, but later your marriage will be lost. This person shows an extremely obsessive peculiarity, it is necessary for him to maintain a singing distance from the very beginning.

What kind of a dream did the woman have? You must keep an eye on your partner’s behavior and actions. You can make a lot of money from good sponsorship, which will lead to problems for the next person.


Once upon a time, the eye in the mirror is on fire

Do you ever dream about a stye on a person’s face? Beware of other people's pleasures, especially if they are given by a colleague at work. Most importantly, you want to celebrate your successes and want to occupy the same position that you are in. Therefore, everyone tries to instill his plans in life, to create deception in appearance.

Also, be prepared for all sorts of warnings and slander. The situation can be strengthened by the fact that they can easily reach the authorities in order to change their chances in the career of growth.

What happened to the robot?

We have already figured out why we dream about barley, since you are studying it on your own. If you notice something on both eyes, then you are experiencing problems that are much more serious than you assumed.

And what did you think about the illness in the face of another person? Who do you know? If this is the case, then let me tell the man about the trouble that is looming, possibly falling ill.

Let's take a closer look at the interpretation:

Treat all illnesses

  • Likuvat - immediately you feel that you are in hopelessness, but it’s not so, you need to recheck an important hour;
  • care for another person who is sick - you will help your other relative, and you will also give any service;
  • to splurge on a doctor's illness is a pain in the ass.

Dumka Miller

Miller's dream itself is the most authoritative in the minds of dreamers. Why do you dream about barley and this dzherel?

Miller viewed this dream positively. Having confirmed that this illness will bring minor experiences, with which great happiness awaits you in the future.

The homeland will experience especially positive changes. Household members prefer to be alone, creating an atmosphere of mutuality and understanding.

If there are stye marks on both eyes, this is a dark sign. You will soon be able to get rich, and the pennies will be taken away with fair price.

If you manage them wisely, you can increase your income.

New dream book Barley

Barley: early sleep: you may have this illness, prevent it!

Maliy Velesov Dream Interpretation Barley

Barley: success in dominion, wealth

thresh: Have a good life / life is psuesh

press, shrink: joy

on oci: wealth.

Dream Interpretation Frosty Barley

Sit or press barley: to joy, hope for good prospects for everyone

for an unarmed person: until the fun

for the friend: before children appear.

Trade barley grain: to success in trading

trimati in hands, transfer the grain: until profit.

Make bread from barley: reject high protection.

Yogo: to satisfaction with life and good health.

If you dreamed of barley on your score: I feel profit, wealth

for young people: fun.

Barley on anyone's score: until you are sick and inconvenient.

Ukrainian dream book Barley

How to dream about barley: the rule will be successful.

Dream Interpretation of Martin Zadeki Barley

Barley: kinship.

Esoteric dream book Barley

Bachiti barley field: to the prosperity of that great friendly homeland.

Take: to a single life, rich in love affairs.

Dream Interpretation for the Medium Ms. Hasse Barley

Barley: success in trading.

Dream Interpretation of Druids Barley

How did you dream about a barley field:
This means that you will soon have to try to last a long time with your colleagues or business partners, whose short-sightedness and thoughtfulness make you nervous. Be patient and you won’t get overwhelmed with success.

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