Doslednitskaya work from a lot of light on the topic “the king of the trees. Details about the oak oak tree appears

(petiolate oak) - Quercus robur L. (Q. peduculata Ehrh.) sm. Bukovi - Fagaceae

The generic Latin name is similar to two Celtic words: quer - red and suєr - tree, like red, a beautiful tree.

The species name robur means hard wood, and pedunculata - petiole - given through the acorns, which sit near the cup-plus, with the bottom.

I will be happy and healthy,
Like an oak athlete, the god of the forest,
Zlamati didn’t kill anyone
The wind pressure is rich.
(A. Grashi)

The same tree was not cherished by the peoples of Europe with such love and love as the oak. The Slovenes, the ancient Greeks, the Romans respected him as sacred, worshiped him, attributed miracles of power to him, created stories, legends, and songs about him; their heroes and heroes competed with this mighty tree. It was appreciated that the gods gave oak to people as a great gift. Without the permission of the sacrifices, it was impossible to cut down an oak, break a hole, or cause harm. Violators of the fence were severely punished. Many peoples have few patrons - saints. In Greece, the oak neck was a symbol of strength, power, and nobility. Warriors who had accomplished important feats were chewed with oak hammers. The Greeks respected that the oak appeared on the earth earlier than other trees, and dedicated it to the god of light, science and mystery - Apollo. In order to drive him away on dry land, the priest of Zeus of Lycaeum threw an oak fork into the water, calling out in this way.

In Ancient Rome, the oak was dedicated to the supreme god - Jupiter, and acorns were called divine fruits.

Before the harvest, the Romans paraded around Ceres, the goddess of kinship, with dances and songs, “topped with oak leaves.” Under the sacred oak trees, the Slavs held all the most important events - assemblies, merry rituals, judges. Elder trees were seen near the sacred groves, and they were surrounded by fences, so that only the priests were allowed to enter. Here the victims performed sacrifices, performed “oracleal transmissions”, and even appeared in the form of deities who lived in the branches of the tree. The tanks formed silently amid the noise of the needles and the rustle of the leaves. The tree of such a sacred tree was like an unfinished thread for a mortal enemy. Sculptures of pagan gods - Perun, Svarog, Veles and others, also carved from oak, were arranged with such trees. The sacrifice offered honey, mash, beer, kvass, wild animals, which were thrown alive at the sacred fire from oak forks. So people asked for health, good luck in trading, success, I give birth: “Save, ancestor, our grains from the storm, hail and scorching sun! Protect the evil Khazars and Pechenigs from our children.” The women hung wreaths, flower garlands, pieces of yarn, and acorn mist on their necks and asked: “Give us, great one, the strength to chew the people as easily and clearly as you do with your children.”

If, after all, the oak cared for the individual cob of a man, then the warriors who died in battle were spat at the funeral riches from the oak “tree”, the fragments of “the oak is the tree of men, whose half the warrior cleanses the soul.” The connection with this is called: on St. Ivan's Day, all Ivan's were bathed and decorated with oak wreaths. The rural calendar was tied to the oak tree:

The oak is getting dressed - the thinness is being eaten.
If the oak tree turns into a hare, it's oats.
As if an oak leaf had burst into flames, the earth took hold of its own.
There is no wheat in front of an oak leaf.
When nirki bloom on the oak tree, the time has come to shine on the light lands.

They were preparing to prepare the upcoming harvest:

Let the oak leaf fall before the ash tree until dry summer.
When Fedot's oak top is knotted, you mix the oats with a bowl.
If a leaf from an oak tree or birch falls cleanly, it will be an easy river for thin people.
There are plenty of acorns on the oak tree - until the warm winter and sweet summer.

The following orders were formed:

The forest has a karbovanets oak, and in the capital a spoke is worth a ruble.
Grasp the oak tree: the oak tree is deep on the ground.
An old oak, but a fresh root.
Every oak is a casing, every pine is a hut.

Vcheni-archaeologists confirm that the first grain weed on the ground was not cereals, but oak. During excavations of Tripil settlements on the territory of the current Kirovograd region, dried and mashed acorns were found, from which bread was baked over 5000 years ago. In the Roman poet Virgil from whose account we read:

Ceres was the first to teach the earth
It's time, when a marriage appears behind the sacred forests
The berries and acorns and Dido have stopped growing.

Galen writes that acorns have lived throughout life, so that acorns can be compared to cereals. Gray acorns are not safe for people, so there is revenge it's a waste of speech quercetin, which is very good for animals. However, when soaked or treated, quercetin is absorbed or absorbed, and acorns become natural for humans. The acorn is well prepared and immediately stagnated for the baking of confectionery beans.

People were especially impressed by the durability of this tree: the age of ten oak trees reached 1000-1500 years. Pliny the Elder wrote that unoccupied by centuries, one century with the All-World, they reflect their immortal share, as a great wonder to the world. And 300-500 rocks at a time is not uncommon. The oldest Stelmuk oak in Europe (in Lithuania) is 2000 years old. In Latvia, near the town of Edoli, there is a live oak - the same age as Riga. Near the Zaporizhia village of Verkhnyaya Khortytsia lies an 800-year-old oak tree. The diameter of its crown is 43 m. It is said that under this oak tree the Cossacks themselves wrote the famous sheet before the Turkish Sultan, and in 1648 r. Bogdan Khmelnytsky stood by the shade of this oak tree.

Born in 1974 near Virmenia, near Izhdevan, an oak tree fell into old age, which at that time was 1523 years old. Vin buv plantings 449 rub. commander Vardan Mashikonyan for the honor of victory over the Persians.

Everyone knows the immortal rows of A. S. Pushkin:

Do I marvel at the oak tree,
I think: patriarch of the forests
Survive my forgotten age,
Like having survived the age of the fathers.

The curing of oak has a long tradition in medicine. Aricenna reports: “The stinks (sinks) smell with an astringent power... oak leaves knit more strongly and dry less.”

The Russians recommended that the sick person sweat thoroughly and then rub himself with an oak quarter board. Oak board is a freshly tanned, coarser cloth. At the lazna, they liked to steam not only with birch, but also with oak branches, they were especially recommended for those who were sick. Old Russian doctors treated wounds with “oak leaves” and finely processed oak bark.

In addition, a decoction of oak bark was used internally during carry-overs, internal and external bleeding, cinnamon, rachita, as a counteract when removed by mushrooms and salts of important metals.

Russia has oak bark in great quantities They were vikorized with damaged skins. The skins were imported from the great chai, drying them with slabs of oak bark, and washing the dots, the docks of the skins were not marred in a brownish-red color.

In modern medicine, oak bark, collected from young branches, is used for rinsing when the mouth is sick, as well as for cleaning opiates. To prepare the broth, pour two tablespoons of bark into one bottle of hot water, boil in a water bath for 30 minutes, leave for 10 minutes and process over hot water.

There are up to 600 species of oak on earth, while in our region there are 20 species. Oak is a great tree. In good minds it develops root system, Tall (up to 20 m) tower and a loose pyramidal or tent-like crown. The leaves are skinny and pinnate. Oak trees bloom at the same time as leaves emerge from the 30-60th century, but usually bear fruit only once every 4-8 years. The flowers are small, green, with a subtle color. The fruits are acorns of different sizes and shapes, placed in a woody plus that has grown - a cup. The flowers bloom in the grass, the fruits ripen in the sickle - heather. Growth is more frequent in the zone of broad-leaved forests, which are cultivated by pure forests - forests.

The main biologically active components of oak bark are tanning compounds. The term “tanning speeches” was earlier coined in 1796. by the French scientist Seguin for the purpose of using speeches to tan the hide.

Oak wood is of great value. For its hardness, this little one is widely victorious in furniture making. Particularly valuable stained oak, which is exposed to the water for a long time, is stained with water and develops a beautiful black stain. Oak wood is one of the important components in the preparation of cognac.

The plant is great and aesthetically pleasing, which is what people appreciate from this beautiful plant.

Under the heavy crowns of oak trees, trials were held, military affairs were held, everything was permitted most important nutrition. Loved and shanovana, the land is honed by legends and myths, inspired by songs and verses, endowed with lofty adjectives.

...Excavations on the territory of the Kirovograd region confirmed that five thousand years ago people here baked bread from grated acorns.
...During the hour of excavation, an acorn was found in Japan, which, as was calculated earlier, contained 3,800 rocks. This acorn was planted - and it grew! The infection is already a solid tree.
...Korizna and yogurt leaves, especially when pickling vegetables in reserve. Just 20 g of it for a three-liter jar of oranges is enough to ensure the bitter taste and preserve the saltiness.
For a long time in Russia they painted with ink, which does not fade with time - they were also made from oak, more precisely, from dried and crushed galls - peas, which are created on an oak leaf. Mixed with slimy vitriol, these pots give rise to the black farb - black, which is how the oldest chronicles of our distant ancestors, the first handwritten books, have come down to us.
One of the reasons that acorns have gradually lost their grub value is probably due to the fact that they contain the glycoside quercitrine and tannins, which give acorns a hint of hickory. Aloe vera gets dry easily when heated..."

Likarske vikoristannya

Vikorista with a strong intention bark, leaves and fruit of oak . Tannins have been seen from oak bark, which are produced by incendiary processes have an empty mouth, nose, larynx, for cleaning the mouth and opus. The bark is used as a strong astringent and viscous blood vessel, as well as an antihelminthic agent.
Oak bark is effective as an anti-inflammatory remedy for diseases of the empty mouth (gingivitis, stomatitis, amphodontosis), throat, larynx, pharynx. In addition, it is suitable for cleaning wounds, skin diseases, wounds, frostbite. Oak bark is cured by mushrooms and when washed with leaves.

For rinsing and compresses, prepare a mixture of 10-20 g of oak bark per 200 ml of water. Boil 15-20 khvilins, process.
. Infusions of oak measles are prescribed for inflammation of the intestinal tract, diarrhea, and dysentery. For this purpose, pour 1 teaspoon of ground measles into 400 ml of cold boiled water. Infuse for 8 years and process. Drinking cups throughout the day. Children cannot be credited!
. The cavod drink from acorns is even brown when the heart is sick.
. In case of strong sweat in your legs, take a bath with a solution of oak bark (50-100 g per 1 liter of water). Use measles to wash your head with a magnifying glass to soften your hair.

Terms and methods of preparation. Acorns are prepared from the heather when they are ripe. The acorns are already very hot, so immediately after picking they are peeled, the cotyledons are divided and dried. The moisture content of dry acorns is no more than 11%.
The bark is prepared in the spring under the influence of dry sap (kviten-grass), from 10-20 cm in diameter, without cracks or lichens. To remove the measles, use a knife to make ring cuts with a 30 dividing line from each other, which are connected with a later cut. The resulting crust can be easily removed. Dry them under a canopy with coal ventilation, as well as in the sun. Saving term: 5 rocks. Leaves are picked in the spring, while the stench is young and sticky.

Stagnation of acorns in diabetes

1. At Cultural diabetes add dried oak acorns to the mixture and take 1 tsp of the powder in half. one year before going to bed.

2. Grate the acorns using a fine grater. You need to eat 1 teaspoon of acorns every day - one year before your birthday, and in the evening, a year after your birthday. You can drink it with water and eat nothing else.

The ritual is carried out according to the following scheme: one day to soak up the acorns, then one day to make repairs. How long does it take to get a blood test? Then the day for acorns begins again - the day for repairs and blood tests. Do this 2-3 times, or up to 4 times. After 3 sessions, blood pressure returns to normal.

3. One bottle of dried acorns without skins, minced through a meat grinder, pour 1.5 liters of water, boil 30 khvilins on low heat, infuse for 1 dose, boil 30 khvilins again and infuse 1 dob. Strain, add 1 bottle of burner to the boiler, mix and drink 3 small bowls 5-7 times a day, regardless of where you go. Likuvannya course – 2 years. Check the blood clot and continue to work carefully. The juices must be kept in the refrigerator. Next, so that the rhubarb does not swell, drink it twice a day.

4. One tablespoon of acorn cabbage per 400 ml of dill, add zukor to taste. Take 1 time per week. Take 3-4 doses in the early stages of diabetes.

Folk recipes from acorns

Acorns have a bactericidal, enveloping, anti-tumor effect. Often stagnation in the treatment of the sechostatic system: swelling of the menses, treatment of women's illnesses, increasing potency, treating enuresis. Acorns are a good help for treating toothache, and for treating various types of illnesses. In addition, oak fruits flow beneficially onto grass system: Their chamber stagnates in case of scholastic disorders, acute and chronic colitis.

Ripe oak fruits are picked and dried in a dark place for 3-4 days (you can dry the dryer at a temperature of 50 degrees for 2-3 days). Then the fruits are trimmed and stored in a dry place. Prepare in advance great quantity Fruits are not recommended - the milk is very bad.

When the shank is discordant Traditional medicine Recommends infusion of acorns: pour 1 teaspoon of acorns into a glass of dill, cool, strain. Take internally 3 times a day. The duration of the course is a month, and after another month it is recommended to repeat it.

When the heart is sick Garna kava with acorns. The fruits need to be lightly brushed until red, trimmed and brewed like kava. Add milk, tsukor. This kava is often recommended for children as an emergency drink, and for coughs, bronchitis, and asthma.

For celebration grizhi As a compress, warm a 25-liter infusion of acorns with red wine.

For problems related to sechostate system , steep the juice from the acorns. You squeeze it out of green fruits, take 2-3 tablespoons with honey (at a ratio of 1:1) on an empty stomach 3-4 times a day.

Pancreatitis: Collect the acorns that have not dried on the trees, but fresh ones, dry them in the shade, add water to the acorns “caps” - pluses, pour 1 tablespoon of such “caps” into 200 ml of dill for 2 - 3 years, about Tsidit.

Start with one teaspoon and gradually increase to 60 - 70 ml per day. If the taste is unacceptable, then soak the bread in the infusion and take 3 days a day, 30 minutes before eating. It is recommended to eat the fruits of acorns until the work of the subsoil plant is normalized.

Kava from acorns

It is necessary to collect the washed shanks, green color, On a dot of hardness that can be pressed with a finger means worms.
You need to dry it like this: spread it on the deck into one ball and put it in the oven for five minutes. During this hour, most of the acorns are dark brown in color. Then open the oven and dry for another year. Keep an eye on this so that the acorns do not burn.
Then remove them and cool them. Once cooled, peel off the skins and creases from a jar with a strong lid.
In order to prepare kava drink, you need to grind the shlunki in kavomolts, boil the kava, and pour one teaspoon of powder into a cup of water. Tsukor add to the taste.
Go out and drink a tasty drink, I think it’s cocoa and milk, it’s really tonic.

Clean the skins from the steel, cut the skin into 3-4 parts and dry in the oven. Then lubricate the acorns, stirring them, so that the stench does not burn, but transforms into tendinous mass, which can easily be converted on cavomol into brown color powder.
Brew and drink like regular kava, with milk or cinnamon.
Shlunkova kava is especially good for children who suffer from scrofula and rickets (kava contaminates the cervical organs and dries up hardened throats), as well as for coughs, bronchitis, asthma... Children are given two days a day day: Sunday and after dinner.

The cavod drink from acorns is even brown when the heart is sick.

Kissel from shluna cava

Stir the cava with the zucchini, dissolve in a small amount of hot water, then add 180 ml of water and strain. While boiling kava, pour potato starch, diluted in 20 ml of cold water, pour into a flask and sprinkle with cinnamon powder or cinnamon pulp, to prevent the melt from forming.
For 7 g of cabbage - 10 g of potato starch, 15 g of cinnamon, 200 ml of water.

Acorn bread

Harvest acorns better after the first frost. They are peeled, cut into pieces, filled with water and soaked two times, changing the water at least three times. After this, the acorns are heated in water until boiling (2 parts water to 1 part acorns) and passed through a meat grinder. I will dry the masa - a thin ball on the surface, then in the oven or oven until it crunches like crackers. Dried acorns can be crushed or crushed in any way. When there is a great fall, cereals come out, with which you can cook porridge, and with beard you can bake cakes. However, the dough dough does not have any stickiness or viscosity, so the cakes break when turned over. To finish it off, cover the frying pan with the crust, cover it with another similar frying pan and turn them over - the crust simply falls from one frying pan to another, on which it will be coated. If you coat the shortcakes with jam, jam or cream and pour them into a glass one at a time, you will get a delicious cake. Soaked and lightly greased acorn pieces can replace the pea topping for the cake.

Porridge from acorns

The acorn contains tannic compounds that give it an astringent, bitter taste. And you can see this speech with additional treatment. Peel the acorns from the skins, cut them into pieces and fill them with water. Washing requires two benefits, and every day you change the water three times. Then transfer the acorns into a saucepan, add water and heat until boiling. Then the acorns are passed through a meat grinder and the masa is removed and dried, spreading into a thin ball on plywood. After first drying in the air, dry the acorns in the oven until the stench does not crunch like crackers. Dried acorns melt or grind in cava milk. When there is a great fall, cereals come out, with which you can cook porridge, and with beard you can bake cakes.

Shlunkovy milk soup

Using a thin stream, add boiling water to the shlunkov grains, stirring for an hour, cook until the grains are ready, then add milk, zukor, salt and bring the soup to a boil.
When serving, place a small piece of olive oil in the bowl with the soup.
For 30 g of schnapps – 250 ml of milk, 5 g of cucumber, 5 g tops oil 2 g salt.

Yeast-free shortcakes made from borer

Boil the sour cream, simmer the acorns in it well, boil lightly, remove from the stove and cool. Add grated cheese and zukor to the pan, mix well, scrape the crusts and brown in a frying pan.
For 15 g of shlunko boroshn - 10 g syru, 25 g sour cream, ½ egg, 5 g cucumber, fat.

The material was prepared by Ruslana

The magical power of Oak

The oak in Russia has always been regarded as a holy tree, a tree knitted with human energy and power. Oak is the tree of God Perun, the patron saint of the knights. Sacred oak trees with thousand-year-old oak trees were scattered throughout Kievan Rus. Science has proven that anyone who grows over 300 oak trees will be accepted space force, which positively infuses the activity of the human brain, revives youth, strength, and brings good thoughts.

In ancient times, temples and sanctuaries stood near the oak groves, and people rejoiced there. Oak is an energy donor. In direct contact with it, a person withdraws the maximum possible amount of living energy. Oak is a conductor tree that connects people with the world and the All-World.

The oak will always give advantage to warriors, fighters, the strong and keep people healthy. The souls of warriors are glad to share a part of their happiness. For veterans, veteran warriors, and elderly people, contact with him brings great joy.

Remember the rude Wisław about the dead, as we often read: “Giving oak.” Do you know if the stars showed up? According to the old saying, the souls of the dead themselves, along the tree of an oak tree, as if by heavenly gatherings, rise to the mountain - the kingdom of the immortals is in light.

In Russia, there have always been a number of magical practices that allowed, using the additional energy of the tree, to reach the dead and remove additional power and luck.

If you don’t stagnate with every special magical and extrasensory methods, remove a piece of your strength and health from the oak tree, maybe like a human being. For this purpose, walk more often near the oak trees; according to the ability to craft objects from oak in one’s own life (the power is especially great to be transmitted to people through an oak frame or through the walls of a booth made from oak logs); It is impossible to lamati or cut oak for comfort.

Oak is obvious in the night. It boils over without haste, before noon it burns the leaves and stems to recharge itself with energy, and obviously does not hesitate to part with it. Having dined and slept at the same time, he falls asleep,remembering, melodiously, that after a heavy meal you need to sleep." And sleep from about 15 to 17 years old. Until the evening, having been full and tired, you begin to feel too much light. Oak wants to flock with those who hear about you are 18 years old, life-giving creativity and giving strength to those who are absent, but the necessary influx of strength will still come after the ninth evening, if you want to be kind and help people rectify their lot by generously distributing their powers of light, and For the 3rd morning, you fall asleep very quickly, so you can wake up again around noon.

Oak yak amulet

Oak is a stronger and tighter tree. To love people who are ambitious and energetic. I can’t stand those who are constant. This human energy is strong, fierce and powerful. It is no longer shown to women, so it is possible, with constant consolidation of the date, to renew and declare self-sufficiency, which is important to the sisters from the protracted state.

Wives who were born under the sign of Sagittarius would like to stand once on the river - before the birthday or on this day - under the oak tree and think about sleeping with it, having discussed their life plans. Taka zustrich canto help achieve the best possible realization of the goal in life.

The original oak plank, chipped into quarters at the gathering of the Sun, where the funeral sign, nailed before the home holiday, can be stolen from the family due to many inconsistencies.

Because of their satisfaction, oak trees were planted in Russia, even in the house itself - the stinks helped to preserve health and strength for a long time, and kindly poured into the lot of their children and onuks - sometimes even up to the fifth generation.

The oak rings for a long time to the people. Sometimes the river passes by, and the first one truly begins to respect you with his own. If only I will accept you into my heart, I will not let you go and I will not forget you! Some of your strength will be with you through your eyes, even if you weren’t, even if we were already told that the oak tree has the ability to transfer its energy to great heights. Once they have accepted you, their leaves will inevitably reach out to you when you come, and the young girls will cling to your robe, not afraid to let you go. If a double acorn falls into your hand from your favorite tree - save it! In itself, it is a talisman of good luck for those on the right, but in this case its power will be greater, since it is supported by the wishes of the oak itself.

Oak in everyday life and interior

Practical magic has a greater emphasis on its ability to reveal people's paths in the Cosmos and information in the extraterrestrial expanse. In Russia, where there is little sun and there is a strong lack of energy, they even loved to twist oak wood for beavers, thus compensating for the lack of warm, firey energy. human body. Moreover, staining oak has always been the most popular. The wood of bog oak is a bit of chervon, not gray wool; like natural oak. This enhances the warmth of the wood and slightly raises the mood. The original oak will calm you down nervous system It fills the body with strength, and infuses cheerfulness. The outside of the oak, non-farm booth feels like a church - it’s welcoming, kind, light in the soul, but the rambunctious cheerfulness seems almost obscene.

Call for the old hours of the wall wooden booth they beat with oak, oak and floors. This development of the village gave the greatest relief to people from the influx of negative energy and allowed shortest term To renew the wasted strength, the oak tree easily transfers its energy to people without any effort, and its strength allows us to balance the work of our entire body. No wonder people used to say: “Mits, like an oak!”

And in this day's morning, the oak trees were not at all attractive.counterfeits and oak wood, which would allow you to renew the strength spent per day more quickly! Oak wood is not very susceptible to rotting, which is why it retains large reserves of light energy, which it provides for centuries. Furniture made of oak can warm the soul and lift the strength and health of more than one generation.

Oak is a symbol of power and stability. Speeches from the oak mark the becoming of their ruler. The interior is covered with oak in a secret way of tying in with the growing authority of the new mortgage. Oak protects the home from various financial and business shocks and crises and supports professional growth. If you want to welcome this person well, please decorate the place with oak gilts.

The oak is absolutely crazy with arberry. Never place a fresh hazelnut on an oak table and do not mix two branches in one composition. Putting oak and ash trees in one booth is bad for the moral atmosphere, stimulating intrigue and thought.

The oak is of great honor to the Slavs in peace. Among the pagans, this entire tree was dedicated to the god of flash and thunder - Perun. Under the heavy crowns of the oak tree, sacrifices and judgments were carried out, military affairs were held, all the most important foods were served. Loved and shanovana, the land is honed by legends and myths, inspired by songs and verses, endowed with lofty adjectives...

"Kava" from acorns

It is necessary to collect the shlukki, green in color, on a bit of hard ground. If they are pressed with a finger, it means worms.

You need to dry it like this: spread it on the deck into one ball and put it in the oven for 5 minutes. During this hour, most of the acorns are dark brown in color. Then open the oven and dry for another year. Keep an eye on this so that the acorns do not burn.

Then remove them and cool them. Once cooled, peel off the skins and creases from a jar with a strong lid.

In order to prepare kava drink, you need to grind the shanks in kavomolts, boil yak kava, and pour 1 teaspoon of powder per cup of water. Tsukor add to the taste.

Go out and drink a tasty drink, I think it’s cocoa and milk, it’s really tonic.

Schlunka kava is especially useful for children who suffer from scrofula and rickets (kava contaminates the cervical organs and dries up hardened throats), as well as for coughs, bronchitis, asthma.. Children are given two drinks for the day: Sunday and after lunch.

The cavod drink from acorns is even brown when the heart is sick.

Shlunkovy kisil

Mix the cava with the cucumber, dissolve in a small amount of hot water, then add 180 ml of water and strain. While boiling kava, pour potato starch, diluted in 20 ml of cold water, pour into a flask and sprinkle with cinnamon powder or cinnamon pulp, to prevent the melt from forming.

For 7 g of kavi - 10 g of potato starch, 15 g of cucumber, 200 ml of water.

Acorn bread

Acorns served people even before the patron of agriculture, Ceres, taught people about agriculture - this was the respect of the ancient Romans.

Ancient archaeologists rightly respect that it is not the grain that needs to be grown with the first “grain weed,” but the oak tree. For example, during the excavation of ancient Trypillian settlements on the territory of present-day Ukraine, dried and grated acorns were found. Our ancestors baked bread from this boroshna over 5,000 years ago.

The acorns are still alive, but the tannins give them a bitter taste. Once you have cleared these words, you can prepare dishes from acorns original herbs. Tanning products are easily visible when washed.

Everyone can try the speck of shlunkovy “bread”. Recipe for entries from the book of the famous popularizer of botany N.M. Verzilina.

Harvest acorns better after the first frost. They are peeled, cut into 4 parts, filled with water and soaked two parts, changing the water at least three times.

After this, the acorns are heated in water until boiling (2 parts water to 1 part acorns) and passed through a meat grinder. I will dry the masa - a thin ball on the surface, then in the oven or oven until it crunches like crackers.

Dried acorns can be crushed or crushed in any way. When there is a great fall, cereals come out, with which you can cook porridge, and with beard you can bake cakes. However, the dough dough does not have any stickiness or viscosity, so the cakes break when turned over. To finish it off, cover the frying pan with the crust, cover it with another similar frying pan and turn them over - the crust simply falls from one frying pan to another, on which it will be coated. If you coat the shortcakes with jam, jam or cream and pour them into a glass one at a time, you will get a delicious cake. Soaked and lightly greased acorn pieces can replace the pea topping for the cake.

Boroshno from acorns (Recipe for besieged Leningrad)

“...Acorns, peeled, cut into 4-5 pieces and filled with water. Soak two dobs by changing the water 3 times per dob. Then the acorns are poured with liquid clean water and put it on fire. When the water begins to boil, boil the water and pass the acorns through a meat grinder. I remove the masa rossipati with a thin ball to dry in the air, and then in the oven. Dried the masa and ground it in cava flour.

When you install the mill on the high broom, you get cereal for porridge, and when you install it on the big broom, you get flour for the cakes.”

Shlunkovy milk soup

Using a thin stream, add boiling water to the shlunkov grains, stirring for an hour, cook until the grains are ready, then add milk, zukor, salt and bring the soup to a boil.

When serving, place a small piece of olive oil in the bowl with the soup.
For 30 g of coarse grain – 250 ml of milk, 5 g of zucchini, 5 g of top oil, 2 g of salt.

Healthy shortcakes made from borochon

Boil the sour cream, simmer the acorns in it well, boil lightly, remove from the stove and cool. Add grated cheese and zukor to the pan, mix well, scrape the crusts and brown in a frying pan. For 15 g of shlunko boroshn - 10 g syru, 25 g sour cream, ½ egg, 5 g cucumber, fat.

Likarske vikoristannya

Stagnation of acorns in diabetes:

1. Add dried oak acorns to the mixture and take 1 tsp of the powder. one year before going to bed.

2. Grate the acorns onto a fine grater. You need to eat 1 teaspoon of acorns every day - one year before your birthday, and in the evening, a year after your birthday. You can drink it with water and eat nothing else.
The ritual is carried out according to the following scheme: one day to soak up the acorns, then one day to make repairs. How long does it take to get a blood test? Then the day for acorns begins again - the day for repairs and blood tests. Do this 2-3 times, or up to 4 times. After 3 sessions, blood pressure returns to normal.

3. One bottle of dry acorns minced through a meat grinder without skins, pour 1.5 liters of water, boil 30 khvilins on low heat, infuse 1 dose, boil 30 khvilins again and infuse 1 dose. Strain, add 1 bottle of burner to the boiler, mix and drink 3 small bowls 5-7 times a day, regardless of where you go. Likuvannya course – 2 years. Check the blood clot and continue to work carefully. The juices must be kept in the refrigerator. Next, so that the rhubarb does not swell, drink it twice a day.

4. One tablespoon of acorn cabbage per 400 ml of dill, add zukor to taste. Take 1 time per week. Take 3-4 doses in the early stages of diabetes.

Acorns have a bactericidal, enveloping, anti-tumor effect. Often get stuck in the treatment of the sechostatic system: delay menstruation, suffer from women’s illnesses, increase potency, treat enuresis. Acorns are a good help for treating toothache, and for treating various types of illnesses. In addition, the fruits of the oak tree beneficially flow into the grass system: their garden becomes stagnant in case of disorders of the shank, acute and chronic colic.

Ripe oak fruits are picked and dried in a dark place for 3-4 days (you can dry the dryer at a temperature of 50 degrees for 2-3 days). Then the fruits are trimmed and stored in a dry place. It is not recommended to prepare too large a quantity of fruits - the milk is quickly spoiled.

For problems associated with the sechostatic system, drink juice from acorns. You squeeze it out of green fruits, take 2-3 tablespoons with honey (at a ratio of 1:1) on an empty stomach 3-4 times a day.

In case of disorders of the scalp, traditional medicine recommends infusions of acorns: pour 1 teaspoon of acorns into a glass of dill, cool, strain. Take internally 3 times a day. The duration of the course is a month, and after another month it is recommended to repeat it.

IN SICK HEART Garna kava with acorns. The fruits need to be lightly brushed until red, trimmed and brewed like kava. Add milk, tsukor. This kava is often recommended for children as an emergency drink, and for coughs, bronchitis, and asthma.

For LUKUVANNYA GRIGYA As a compress, warm a 25-liter infusion of acorns with red wine.

Pancreatitis. Having long since fallen in love with the original recipe of the Kishinev healer G. Kuznetsov, which is to collect dried acorns, if they are not dried on the trees, but fresh, dry them in the shade, water them into the acorn ів “caps” - pluses, pour 1 tablespoon of such “caps” 200 ml of dill for 2 - 3 years, strain.

Start with one teaspoon and gradually increase to 60 - 70 ml per day. If the taste is unacceptable, then soak the bread in the infusion and take 3 days a day, 30 minutes before eating. It is recommended to eat the fruits and fruits of acorns until the work of the undergrowth is normalized.

Others gave the oak an honorary place in their calendar: 21-22 Birth. The hour of spring equinox
Let's surf on the Internet for now, and then I'll add a couple of rodzines for myself.
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Not many trees have long been rewarded with such love and damage among all peoples, like an oak. The Slovenes, the ancient Greeks, the Romans, even at the dawn of their history, worshiped this tree, which often exceeded the value of 1000-1500 years, attributed miraculous rice to it, created myths, legends, songs about it bilini. In Greece, the oak neck was a symbol of strength, power and nobility of the family. Warriors who performed important feats were decorated with oak wreaths.

Adoring the oak tree, the ancient Greeks dedicated it to Apollo - the god of light, the patron of mysticism. Mighty centuries-old trees have often been voted by saints. Before them, sacrifices were made, oracular “vishunkas” were held, which almost resembled deities: the victims, in their own way, glowed with the noise of needles and the rustle of oak leaves, forming prophecies for the numerical leaders.

In ancient Rome, the oak was dedicated to the supreme god - Jupiter, and acorns were called Jupiter's fruits. The famous Roman naturalist Plinius the Elder wrote in his works about the growths of that time that the oak trees "... have not been destroyed by centuries, one century with the whole world, the stinks reflect their immortal lot, as is the greatest wonder of the world." Like the Greeks and Romans, the Slovenians brought oak to holy trees. The stench was dedicated to the mighty god of thunder and lightning - Perun. In ancient chronicles you can find riddles about the “Perunov tree”. Here, like Greece, sacrifices were made to the gods, military forces were called together, and important decisions of the state were made.

It’s not surprising that the dads messed around with this tree like that. The history of ancient Slovenian tribes has always been closely connected with the forest. And there, where they lived, the foxes were, as a rule, oak trees. The Dibers served our distant ancestors as a source of food, protection from the elements that were raging, and as their fortifications in the hour of war against numerous enemies. It’s not surprising, but there are scientific data that confirm that in order to produce grain in the vast latitudes, people plant oak trees.

Vcheni-archaeologists different countries After the study of rich materials, it was confirmed to the world that what really needs to be taken into account with the first “grain plant” is not the everyday cereals - grain or wheat, but the oak itself. People have been harvesting acorns to make bread for a long time. Radyansky archaeologists, during excavations of Trypillian settlements on the territory of the current Kirovograd region, found dried and grated acorns, from which bread was baked here more than 5000 years ago.

Otse korinnya! This oak tree that grows on Karaul-Obi, I call LAOCOOON with snakes

Myths and Legends:
- Scotland had concerns about those who share the members of the family of Hay and Errol, a mother in the county of Perth, not like mistletoe, like growing on a majestic oak tree. A representative of the Hay family wrote about this ancient belief: “The ancient names of the coats of arms have come completely forgotten. According to the old manuscript, and also from the legends of the poor old-timers of the county of Perth, who were lost alive, it appears that the coat of arms of the Heybul family depicts mistletoe. Just next door to Errol, not far from Sokoliny Kamen, there is a majestic ancient oak tree, on which there was a growth of mistletoe. It was important that the roots of an oak rot, then “grass sprouts in the middle of Errol and crows settle at the falcon’s nest,” as a way to tell the local origins. For a representative of the Hey family, the most unsafe were two speeches: killing a white falcon and cutting a golden oak. It is unknown why this tree died... but the trees of a friend of the family, and the town’s residents, insist that not long ago the fatal oak tree was cut down. This ancient concern has been reinterpreted in verses, the author of which is customary to honor Thomas the Rhymer:

Still in Errol on oak hills
Mistletoe and that sweet oak tree,
Let the Hey family blossom. Krill falcon wave
Thunderstorm winds cannot be swept away.
Ale as the roots of that oak rot
And the mistletoe withered away,
The erol grass is covered with rot,
Raven - a falcon's nest.

In Shropshire there is a belief that telling us about those who bloom in oak trees appears before St. John. And the color of the wines is so small that it’s almost time to drain the water. Well, I believe that girls, who are burning with the fear of finding out who their man will be, need to come to which oak tree at night and place a piece of fabric under it. And the devil won’t be able to drink one more pill on her - those who have lost the color of the oak. You must place a piece of such a saw under your pillow, after which it Mayday man Obviously, you will appear in her dreams.

It is important that if at the hour of sleep of a sick child you put an oak block to her feet, then she can either be clothed, or she can clearly see (in sense, health). Because through the legs the power of the deck will come.

Near Herefordshire, at the intersection of two roads, there is a bunch of “cross oaks”. If a person was ill with fever, then she would come to a certain oak tree, pin a hair to a skein (not pulled out of her head), then shake her head sharply - so that the skein was lost on the tree. As soon as it was emphasized, it was important that the people bothered with the lack of clothing, because in such a manner she gave fever to the tree.

- There is a belief about those that an oak plank, chipped into quarters at the gathering of the Sun, according to the motto: "God bless you!"

Also, many peoples respect that from the very beginning the whole earth was formed from fire, and the oak trees took it to the roots... so, no doubt, you can get fire from grating one of two oak leaves. And then, too many peoples began to converge on the Duma, so that the great oak trees are as bad as our world.

I have received the orders.
- If a pig in yellow caps climbs an oak tree (Polish proverb, analogous to our saying “if a cancer is on the mountain”).
- The sickle has a rich oak tree on its acorns - I will give birth to them.
- Once an oak, and becoming a cut; the hour will arrive and it won’t happen.
- The forest has an oak tree for a ruble, the capital has a knitting needle for a ruble.
To the thought of the Druids:

Reminiscences of life, strength and beauty, which does not contain anything harsh. Rukhs have greatness and dignity, to awaken people's respect with their respectable appearance. Absolutely healthy, which is very important in such a situation, because weakness and illness cannot be tolerated, and the sight of blood can lead to discomfort.

It is very important, but his courage is not so much like his spiritual luxuries as his supermundane pride. I don’t want to be respected fearfully and in the face of difficult situations, I react more harshly than necessary. Vitrimanium and volovy, no matter the buds come out earlier decision made And, as a rule, it reaches the set mark first. But his intransigence also has bad sides: OAK cannot be a little dog and his intransigence causes trouble. Dosag bi richa chogo, yakbi zmig khoch a little bit of being a diplomat.

Oak trees appear in myths and appear in everyday rituals. There are so many facts about this and the stench is so strong that I could write a book. It is obvious that many peoples of the past have used the oak as a sacred tree, which the gods gave to people as a great gift. Without the permission of sacrifices, druids, sorcerers and other cult ministers, people could not cut down an oak tree, chip a hole, or give it any kind of calcium, and in times of disobedience they paid for it. Many peoples have few patrons - saints.

The villagers of Georgia, for example, in order to transfer their clothes and clothes to the unbreakable fortress, swore allegiance to these saints at the superchkas; It was already impossible to break such an oath.

Under the sacred oak trees, the Slavs held gatherings, spring ceremonies, and trials. Immediately they made sacrifices to the gods and immediately, after the trial, they hung the wines on oak trees and chopped off their heads on oak blocks. Near the sacred trees, the oldest thousand-year-old trees were seen and they were surrounded by fences, behind which the sacrifices were allowed to enter, those who received sacrificial gifts or those who were threatened by some insecurity. The white of such an oak was like an unfinished thread for a mortal enemy. Next to the sacred oak trees, statues of pagan gods (Perun, Svarog and others), also carved from oak, were placed. Zhodne bolsh-mensh the idea is important, whether the harvest, the harvest, the battle with the enemy or the trade campaign, could not be done without prayers and sacrifices, and the remaining objects could be honey, mash, beer, kvass, wild animals and hawks, which were thrown alive from the sacred fires " oak tree." So people asked for health, success in battles and raids, a healthy harvest, good luck in trading operations: “Save, ancestor, our grains from the storm, the hail and scorching sun! Protect the evil Khazars and Pechenigs from our children.” The wives have their own treasures and their own gifts: wreaths, flower garlands, pieces of yarn, acorn mist, strung on thin roots: “Give us, great one, the strength to chew the people as easily and clearly as you do with your children.”

At the hour of the decline of paganism, adherents of Christianity became rich in wooden statues of Russian gods carved from oak. So, the Kiev prince Volodymyr, who converted to Christianity, ordered that the oak-carved Perun be thrown down to the Dnieper, and the pagan kiyans ran along the shore, wept bitterly and shouted: “See, Perun, see...” Near Crimea there is a Christian church, a village chi, Spochatku zmushena I wanted to do it in such a way that both the system and the whole purpose would be served. Therefore, the divine services were held under the sacred oak trees and entrusted with the “holy” dzherels, and from them, over the years, churches were built, chapels and temples were built.

At VI Art. Among the Dnieper words, funeral treasures for the bedrooms of warriors killed in battle consisted of oak “ancient things”, fragments of “oak - the tree of men, whose half the warrior cleanses the soul.” The oak tree respects the individual parts of the human ear, symbolizing steel and power. The in-laws, having arrived at the betrothed house, said to the fathers with a low bow: “You have a birch tree, we have an oak tree, let’s bend it together.” In Ukraine, on St. Ivan's Day, all Ivan's were bathed and decorated with oak leaf wreaths. Among the ancient Romans, the “Fox King” was the human twin of the sacred oak. The Romans called acorns divine fruits, and the oak itself was called the tree of Jupiter. Before the harvest, the ancient Romans frolicked around Ceres with dances and songs, “topping the leaves with oak wax.” In Greece, in order to drive away the dry land, the priest of Zeus of Lycea threw an oak fork into the water, catching sight of the gloom and the rain.
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Apparently, oak is a persistent donor.
One time a person got lost (author of many series). I had a chance to spend the night in the Girsky forest. And it was just at night from 21 to 22 Bereznya, the hour of Oak. I didn’t know anything about it; I can’t undertake to describe the whole gamut.
It’s right that the smell of a fallen oak leaf can be seen in the heartfelt speeches, and the pleasant remnants of such a stay in the forest I later sensed for a long time.

The oldest Crimean oak is the Bogatir Oak near the Children's Park in Simferopol. And here I am for nothing:

Dubovo is close to 700 years old.
And the most romantic ones admired the Postal Oak near the Grand Canyon.
Now this is no longer there - they burned:

And if you served as a postal service for tourists, they deprived you of your notes.
The creepers of the trees, however, are no less common than the two-legged ones:

And once there were people in Krim - the Karas - they slashed oaks like sacred trees, even to the point that they did not allow anyone to rub them.
The sacred hai was called Balta-Tiymez, which in translation meant “Don’t touch Sokyra.”
I, nareshti, miraculous, marvelous – a kvitnevy phenomenon:

And when the leaves of the oak tree are thick, they are trimmed until young horny leaves appear, burned into a tube, like the buds of Trojans.
When you do this, you want to sing to the brave tune: “Oh, on the oak tree... the Trojans have blossomed!”
We can talk endlessly about this beautiful tree.
So I’ll wrap it up...I’ll continue in the comments

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