Treat yourself to a cold.



Throughout our lives, we are aware of various stresses that weaken our immunity.

In the current world, the mittivo is exhausted, and often we cannot prevent ourselves from getting sick.

Prayers for health will help in the future to be found in the miraculous form, so that flu and viruses can be avoided.

The world has a lot of religion and faith, but in order to rise, there is only one sense: going wild to Heaven, we look for destruction. Although there are strong prayers, other thoughts have stagnated, others have begun to rely on positive thoughts and affirmations. In fact, every skin has its own way of life, and faith also helps us live.

She herself urges us to crumble to our goals and settle for better ones.

The revival of the Supreme forces beneficially flows into the biofields, cleansing and transforming it. The very presence of a strong energetic energy helps not only to cope with illnesses and various infections, but also to overcome difficulties and transitions. Prayers for health

There are endless options to go to Heaven for healing.

However, prayers alone are not enough for clothing. There is no need to be exposed to emergency medicine, even animal medicine. To the Greater Powers helps to keep people on the energy level.

09.02.2016 00:50

To achieve your goals, use a few techniques, don’t be afraid to experiment, trust the All-World

and don’t forget to press the buttons

The prayer of the blessed Christian saint, whom God has endowed with the gift of healing sick people, is considered one of the most powerful.

... For all of us, spending time with relatives is even more important. We love our fathers and want... Kozhen, who lives on the land of people, even though once in his life he has suffered from colds, against which he wants to use all available folk and traditional methods of healing.

The cold is accompanied by great strength sick symptoms, so as not to worry about people.

So, most often a cold is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, a sore throat, shortness of breath, cough, and weakness. A cold remedy allows you to escape from this unpleasant situation without medicinal treatment. Against the cold, help with numbers

people's interests , the basis of which is formed by whole herbs. Daily bathing involves the use of special preparations, most importantly chemical ones. In this manner, never before has such a bath flowed pleasantly into the human body.

There are plenty of current drugs, more harm

to the human body , don’t help, and don’t call for any negative consequences for your health. In the people's ways and in the hands of the people, illness often turns out to be much safer. However, it’s not easy to miss everything medical assistance , the fragments of the cold may be just the beginning of a complex illness, so the doctor can tell the doctor about the disease. Getting sick with extra salt and a kissing drink Having proven myself well magic ritual against colds, where salt plays the main role. With such simple folk tricks, like sifting with water, you can get rid of a lot of inconveniences - tighten your throat, remove congestion, or purify objects of bad energy.

For bathing you need such simple things as unboiled melt/dzherel water and not

great quantity
Have a bottle
clean water
add 3 pinches of salt.
Then on
salt water
the body is smooth, the skin is clean.

Grass, faded, sik, merged, wound, heal!

Just as a clean person reaches for the sun with a brush, so will he lose his purity forever.

While the cleanliness blooms, all my filth is gone.

After reading about the disease, songs are taught.
The middle finger of the right hand is placed near the bottle of water, after which it is applied to the sick person on the forehead, chest, right/left shoulders, one drop at a time instead of the bottle.
In order to do these things, you need to read part of your speech to a friend.
The completion of the name “In the face of cold”
“I punish with holy water, I conjure with white water

see all the pain, see all the pain,

with a wild head, with an inveterate heart,

with clear eyes, with black eyebrows, with brushes,
from the lips, from the fingers and from the suglobs!”

God (name), not wanting, not suffering from any trap, no evil, no dope.

Roll down, they called.

I drink you from the dope with all the saints.

The holy cross, the intoxication of knowledge, the holy cross.

In the Name of the Father and the Son of the Holy Spirit.
Whose flower is needed nowhere else,
So no more water will come out of your nose.
Be the words of all things and molding,
more precious than the precious stone,
It's getting harder and harder.
To all my words the key is the lock,
From now on and forevermore!
Evening - Maremyano, take away my choking and cough, and carry them far beyond the ocean-sea.

You will be warmly received across the sea and ocean, and there you will be cooked and baked. Amen." Yeast dough is an excellent remedy for coughs.

Popular sayings say that coughing up a cough with dough is a very effective and effective method. The ritual is performed during the mixing test, if a prayer is required to be read.

Zmova “In the face of a cold” on
yeast dough

“On the swampy bush, the toad is calling to his daughter: “As long as you are croaking here, the servant of God is coughing.”

I mix the kneading mixture with the cough and the sauerkraut, the servant of God (name) for the cough!”

the field, the field is wider. There are these bushes of food standing by the field, and under them sit these sweet cats. Six first cats are gray, and under the remaining one sits a black cat. Kit, you, cat, you winge, you grieve from the servant of God (name), vigrisi all twelve grises. I'm grimacing, I'm grimacing. I’ll wake up, I’ll wake up, I’ll hit the back. I’m eating Liktyova, Golovkova, Yayechnu.

Not everyone knows that it’s not at all difficult to rub your body with chemicals to achieve magic. A simple cold remedy will help lower the temperature, change the cough and the undead, give strength, clean up sick people

at the throat without medicinal treatment.

The ritual for a child’s cold will be a magic wand for those who love mothers who promise about the health of their children. Similar spells are even stronger. With this help you can prevent HRV and influenza not only in children, but also in adults.

The seasonal cold and endless race to pharmacies and medicines in search of the flu and gastrointestinal infection is overwhelming the people who are worried about taking daily pills, and this is not always bad for a sick body, even as it is attacked by a horde of viruses or microbes and there is more to be added here chemistry.

How can you relieve a flu or a cold by indulging in a magical celebration?

Most importantly, you need to read such sentences before you notice that you have a cold, then the effect will be much stronger.

Also, please note that such thoughts are considered to be a hypnotic action, and let the powers of magic be stolen no matter what.

“Tsila Batsila didn’t go to the booth, she didn’t care for the children (the names of your children), she didn’t rise to the gunk, she sat there and got angry, she stuck there and got stuck, the words of my love are so strong, all the ailments of the healthy are translated.




Treatment for colds and flu

To carry out the ceremony, you will need to pour dill over dried black currant or raspberry leaves.

Take 100 g of leaf per liter of water.

As soon as you take in the ingredients, say these words: “There is no such wondrous delicate beauty on the Evening, there is no such enchanting sea abyss on the Evening, there are no such unprecedented heights on the Sunset, and the axis on a similar battle is all heavenly living creatures, high mountains spread out, seas spilled over deep oceans. There, at the palace, sits the queen of unparalleled beauty, everyone alive is subservient to her and carefully protected.

And in it, in the heavenly garden, there is a charming tree, fruits will grow on something, and you should take care of it.

Just as you collect honey, so bring health to God’s servant (who is sick).

Let it be so.

The word is said that there is a lock hanging on this one, and the key lies deep in the ocean.”

“The water is clean, I bless you from the servant of God (name) and bring him to the deepest depths of the seas and oceans and lock up the bad weather in the underworld, so that the servant of God (name) will forever be forgotten "

Wash away the sick trichi with washed water, seemingly at this:

“I wash you with clean water, I turn you into health.”

Zmova to the undead

Take a clean hustka of the sick one and cast it on a new spell:

“From the nose of the servant of God (him), as a result of this pain, there is nothing left to leak and not to hurt.

My word is mitzne.

Let it be so.


Zmova for cough

Make yeast dough and, most importantly, you will see the following words:

“In the swamp there are all kinds of living creatures, on the deep ocean bottom there are sea reptiles, in the dense forest there are wild animals, as I mix the dough until the end, the cough of God’s servant (name) goes into the center.” And the place is not turning back.

Let it be so.


Use dough to make pancakes, pies or pie.

All members of the household and guests can receive the ready-made drink, unless they help the person before the ceremony was performed.

It’s not a good idea to go into all the details of your preparation, otherwise the magic won’t work, and you risk finishing the plot yourself.

It’s definitely not a good idea to avoid the doctor’s call, as the symptoms worsen and the situation gets worse.

There is also no need to ignore the smell, the stench can speed up the process of getting dressed.

Water is good for effective health

After what has been said, it is necessary to ring the telephone, in such a way that the unclean spirit of your life is removed.

If you are monitoring a sick person, then you need to “ring” the room in which the patient is located.

Kozhen cut, ring all the walls in this manner.

There are no such special difficulties with the text, and it is due to the human nature of the ritual. It is necessary to say right away that you are calling, causing illness and evil spirits from the sick, so that the illness goes far, far away from home. During the process of describing, present those symptoms that are familiar to the “patient” and talk about those smells that come from the threshold of your booth.

Spell for treating the sick

To cast the spell you will need a green candle and eucalyptus ether.

Green color

visualizes health and vitality, so it is also a more colorful solution to stagnate in cured illnesses.

Place the candle in the candle holder and anoint it with eucalyptus essential oil.

Sit opposite the candle and light it. Recognize the image of a sick person, and put her thoughts into the best possible clothes. Vimovte spell:

“I send you light and goodness,

Love and focus on profit!

This spell is given because you are already ill.

As long as you feel fine, except for the severe flu, you can avoid getting sick and such prevention will not hurt.

During the epidemic, be sure to drink plenty of water: first of all, clean water (slightly heated), tea or a mixture of herbs, otherwise in case of any outbreak, you will be responsible for at least two and a half years three per day.

Ridin removes all the “smells” from the body, thereby protecting against HRV, influenza, and GRV.

Having read the spell now, you will protect yourself from possible illness, so that instead of injections, tablets, you can remove several rows to ensure your health.

For a call you need two mirrors.

Sit down at the table so that you can put one mirror in front of you and one behind you.

After you have slammed the government, recite the following:

“Just as my eyes don’t get sick, and my nose and lips don’t get sick, so I won’t get sick.

Let illness never come from the creatures, from the birds, from flying in the wind, from running across the earth.

Lord God, save me, save me from illness.

Forever and ever.

Let it be so!"

Zmova to the Virgin Mary

Since there is an icon of the Mother of God in the hut, remember that in case of most problems you are stolen and for any food you can ask for help from the intercessor.

Having rolled over, take all your strength (it is important to show that you feel good when you are weak) and say, lying on your stomach:

“The axis is about to end, I won’t turn around before I get sick!”

If you miss the night of the animal - no problem, in the hour of illness healthy sleep It’s much more important for the unspoken words of a sleepyhead.

Suggestions for coughing when you have a cold

Often a cold is accompanied by such an unpleasant phenomenon as a cough, and the fight against it turns into real pain.

This is a magical action, and in this case it is important to carry out a specific ritual, for which you will need to knead the dough with yeast.

When the words are mixed:

“A toad sits on a bush near the swamp and says to Donka: Donka is still croaking, (her) is constantly coughing.

As soon as I take the squash, I mix the sauerkraut and mix the cough.

After this test, you can prepare sweets, pies, and distribute them to all members of your family: everyone will be fed up, and if you are sick, you will cough.

For any manifestations of the cold

  • Before going to work, blow your nose thoroughly, put some drops in your nose, cough, do everything so that you don’t feel any discomfort.
  • Now just say the words (even quietly, whisper):
  • “Don’t hurt and don’t itch, and don’t burn, and don’t itch.
  • May it be so forever and ever!
  • In some cases, prayers go up to:
  • Venerable Maronov, Saint of Syria

Saint Basil the New

"O Kohana and sacred head, venerable and God-bearing Father Marone! Look upon us sinners with mercy, and pray to the All-Bounteous Lord and all the best to God for our ancient powers and our safety against all enemies. kogeno. Be a prayer book. about us unworthy... To the All-Good Lord, stretch out your hands, and ask for His mercy and generosity, with them will save us from all troubles and cruel illnesses, and from all passions of freedom, also from unbearable and unbearable fires shake your hands and shake your prayers. And in the face of the attack of demons, in the face of visible and invisible enemies, confront us, and ask for our sins, and present us with salvation to Christ, on the day of the Last Judgment, with the joy of appearing before us in the face of His unspeakable glory, and mercifully calling into the Kingdom of Heaven not before Him, and in incredible joy, exposing His kindness, grace and philanthropy of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ: how His Power is blessed and interceded with His Eternal Father and with His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit , nini i always and forever.


Amen." “Not only in this holy temple, created in your name, but also in the skin of your skin, feel us, holy Reverend Marone, with the faith, devotion and diligence of those who come running to you. You are alive and sick in the desert ami bagatma having suffered from oppression, and by the power of God healed and the grace of the Lord having brought about fever and fever and other illnesses with one prayer, I pray to you, reverend, for the serious illness of fever and fever: rejoice , stand up to help them and take away their sorrow, for Saint Maron alleviates the illness, so that the illness of a person with its illness sometimes results from repentance, as it has become tiresome, and from the accomplishment of good deeds, as it lies inviolate and on the sickbed and appeared and were able to go into the Kingdom of Yogo, where at once the stench of the Life-Giving and The one and only Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever Amen." Such a seasonal illness, like a cold, is no way to spoil life, as one cannot die at any time.

Today's traditional medicine uses a lot of medical preparations which allows you to relieve the unpleasant symptoms of illness in a short time. Unfortunately, many powerful drugs can cause allergies or lead to other problems in the human body. from a long time ago, it can be confirmed that all the stench has been proven over time.

All the rituals are simple and effective, especially for the minds that you truly believe in the power of magic.

In the event of a cold, you must speak clearly and in every phrase you must recognize your responsibility for the fact that you will soon become ill, and you will return to a normal life.

The thought of a cold can be directed at oneself, or it can also be read over a sick person.

Even often, as additional attributes in rituals against colds, folk traditions are used, which are enhanced by magical words. Rite of Iz Syllu For the first sign of a cold, it is necessary to carry out a ritual of sallu, which is allowed by

shortest term

, to get rid of unpleasant signs of illness. For the ritual it is necessary to drink a lot of salt, as well as jelly or melt water.

It is necessary to pour water into the bottle, throw in a little salt and say the following words:

“Matusya, natural water, pure and clear, I am dying for you, Servant of God (my name), remove all the aches and pains from me (or call it the name of a sick person), bring sickness and weakness from the abyss of the sea, tighten If you are sick in a deep place, put a stone collar on it.

And don’t spill any more, but forget about me (or name the sick person) there forever.


After this, you need to soak the middle finger of your right hand in the charmed water and apply drop by drop on your forehead, chest, right and left shoulder area.

During the process, the following words are spoken: “I, the Servant of God (my name), punish with enchanted water, I conjure with white natural syllabus. Go away from the aches and pains in your body, head and heart.

Let your eyes be clear, and your accusations lighter.


Call for strengthening people's interests

“Just as people walk in the fresh and clear dew, so it gives them strength along the drops.

If you don’t live like a sick person, you won’t create inappropriate things on your lips, you won’t breed food in your nose, and you won’t let red blood fall into your gourds.

Before the Servant of God (his name) the illness will recover and recover.” Apparently one of the most unpleasant manifestations of the cold is the undead. If you are in a bad mood, treat yourself with drops and other medications.

This can be helped by asking the undead sick people for help with simple magical spells.

For one

in real ways

You need to give the sick person a red gancher and ask him to hang in it.

After which you need to wrap it around the flowers and put them in any gap, saying these words:

“I don’t place flowers near the crevice, but I push the ailment of the nose to the wall.

Just as no one needs these flowers, no one needs them in any place, so the snot from the nose no longer flows.

My mind is strong, and illness is quick to come.
