Instructions for the operation of trains and shunting robots on the railway transport of the Russian Federation. Instructions for the operation of trains and shunting robots on industrial transport

I. Foreign regulations

1. Instructions for the operation of trains and shunting robots on transport vehicles of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions) establishes:

1) rules for acceptance, administration and passage of trains during various outbuildings signaling, centralization and interlocking (hereinafter referred to as the signaling system) at railway stations and signaling and communication methods for Russian trains, both in normal cases and in cases of their malfunction;

2) the rules for the acceptance and dispatch of trains in the minds of repair and maintenance work on salvage tracks and spores;

3) rules for conducting maneuvers at climbing stations;

4) rules for getting ahead of the train;

5) other rules that regulate the safety of trains and shunting robots.

2. Vikonannya could, by installing this Instruction, ensure the uninterrupted operation and safety of trains and shunting robots.

3. All normative and technical documents of the infrastructure authority or the authority of the zaliznych coli of non-registered infrastructure, which is used by the movement of trains and shunting robots on zaliznych transport, please follow these instructions.

4. All orders for the train and shunting robots must be given briefly and clearly. The officer who has given the order is obliged to immediately listen to the brief repetition of the order and proceed to what he understands to be correct, and then proceed to the correctness of his order (following the indication on the control devices, the officer will confirm from voice station, station radio, two-way park signal language and other types). connection chi especially).

5. All operations involving the capture, dispatch and passage of trains, as well as the execution of shunting robots, are carried out in accordance with the exact rules and regulations, this Instruction, the technical and procedural act of registration with dances (hereinafter referred to as TPA stations) or instructions about the procedure for servicing and organizing the work on the zaliznichny tracks of non-galal korstuvannya.

6. Controlling signaling devices, opening and closing traffic lights:


2) at the gauge post - a chipboard station, which assembles the bindings of the drawing post (hereinafter referred to as the chipboard post);

3) in case of dispatch centralization – by dispatcher poiznym (hereinafter referred to as DNC).

7. In some cases, transferred by the Rules, traffic lights can be transferred to auto operation or control of chipboard traffic stations.

The transfer of such salvage stations and the order of their switching to auto-operation and transfer to the control of the chipboard of the vessel stations is confirmed by the authority of the infrastructure or the master of the salvage lines of non-corruption cleaning.

8. If the train departs from the railway station with the exit light indicating the exit light, or from the railway tracks, so as not to damage the exit light, allowed the passage to take place (as it is not transmitted by radio communication) is given to the driver of the wire locomotive of the EAF station, especially or through one of the stations police officers, with the running of trains, which is indicated at the TPA station and with instructions about the procedure for maintenance and organization of running on the railway tracks of non-registered traffic. The driver of the driving locomotive is responsible for over-running, as evidenced by the number of the train and the section.

9. The order to catch and divert a train when the light signal is indicated is transmitted to the radio communication driver from the DSP station (DNTs). The text of such an order is specified in paragraphs 4.1, 7.1, 8.1, 16.1 and 17.1 of Table No. 2 of Appendix No. 20 to this Instruction.

In all cases, before transmitting the text to the order of the DSP station (DNTs), the train driver must indicate the number of the order by radio call. The driver is required to repeat the text of the order in full, and the station's traffic police department (DNC) is obliged to confirm the correctness of his order with the words: “That's right, sign off” and indicate the hour for transmitting the order to the train driver (godynnik, khvilina).

10. In case of receiving or departing trains when the entrance, route or exit traffic lights are shown outside the train log, opposite the train number (next to the “Notes” column) there will be a separate icon:

"RS" - via radio call;

“PS” – for requests;

“PR” – with written permission.

At the Ukluchts “RS”, Krim, May, butt, the number of the penalty is the hour of the yogo to the machine, and this is Liter Svitlofora (the number of the depository of the Viddirennya, not the same vihid svitlofor), the set: “RS No. 1 12-00 h2”.

There is no need to record the text of the order in the journal of the train movement.

At railway stations equipped with a system of documented recording of conversations, orders for the interception and diversion of trains when the traffic lights are shown, which are transmitted to the train driver by radio call, are recorded by an automatic radio device. negotiation strategies of this system.

11. In all cases, the arrival of trains at the saloon station or the departure of trains from the salvage station with the entry, exit (route) light signals of the station's chipboard indicated, first at the lower speed for requests or to give the train driver permission to pass the fence signal, requests to restore the situation, which corresponds to the protective indication of the light light, and in the order established by the TPA station or the instructions on the procedure for maintenance and organization of the movement on the salvage tracks of the non-registered koristuvana, transfer to the right of way to receive , the correct installation and closing of the arrows on the route, and when the train is sent, in addition, the freedom of the first block (with automatic blocking) and the stage (with automatic blocking) and at the installed feeder line for the stage.

After the completion of the assigned operations of the DSP station, requests are made to inform the DSC about the readiness of the route. The DSP station maintains the request at the light signal until the last locomotive of the train that arrives or departs passes the light light, and on the plots of the zaliznichny tracks there is a non-ignoring checkout with Russian carriages forward - after the entire warehouse and the locomotive have passed the light signal.

12. At salvage stations with the presence of salvage crossings, placed at the arrow necks or at the exit plots, as notifications about the closure of salvage crossings upon receiving or departing trains at the pick-up are indicated And the traffic light is pressed by pressing the “Closing crossing” button, the chipboard of the station must be pressed before receiving button, and after the train passes through the crossing, turn it to its normal position.

In any event, the train driver will be able to direct the train when the traffic lights are shown at such zalizny stations, the train driver, when approaching the zazny crossing, will be on zazny tracks. zagalnogo koristuvannya is obliged to follow a special speed with a speed of no more than 20 km/year, and on the winter roads of the non-corruption route - no more than 15 km/year, if you want to slow down, as soon as the crossing of the code for further collapse is tightened up. The distribution of such salvage stations is installed by the authority of the infrastructure and the authority of the salvage colonies of non-legal corruption.

13. DSP station after arrival (turning), departure or passage of the train, it is important to inform about the DSP of the terminal station and DNC.

The departure (travel) of the train is reported using the form:

“Potyag No... virushiv (proyshov) o... h... hv.”

You will be informed about the arrival (turnaround) of the train using the following form:

“Pull No.... having arrived (turned) about... year... xv.”

If the train is following a locomotive, the notice about the departure and arrival of such a train will be supplemented with the words “with the locomotive”.

For the presence on the train of cars with unsecured goods of class 1 (vibuch materials) (hereinafter referred to as unsafe goods of class 1 (BM)), overinsurance according to the Rules for the transportation of unsafe goods according to for the zaliznitsy, approved by the Rada from the friendly transport of the powers - a participant in the Union of Friendship, protocol dated 04/05/1996 No. 15, upon receipt of the train number, the letters “VM” are added (for example, “2783 VM”).

Regular numbers to the train number are also available for different train routes:

"M" - serviced by one driver;

“T” – vantage velikovyh;

"D" - state warehouse;

"PM" - advanced mass;

"PD" - advanced birthday;

"SP" - together.

When sending trains with oversized cargo to the train number after the letter “H” and the sign “–”, provisions are made in the Instructions for the transportation of oversized and large cargo on the railway tracks of the member states of the Union of Independent States of the Powers, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Estonia, confirmed from the transport of powers - a member of the Union of Friendship, protocol dated 10/19/2001 No. 30, a digital index that characterizes the zones and the level of oversized cargo (for example, 2785Н-0430).

On two-lane plots equipped with automatic blocking (hereinafter referred to as automatic blocking), the arrival time of the train, which goes straight along the right way, to the present day (behind) the salutary station can be transmitted. Which entry in the train journal does not indicate the hour of arrival of the train at the next railway station, which lies in front.

On double- and multi-gauge plots equipped with automatic blocking systems, with intense train traffic, the transmission is communicated from one railway station to another about the arrival, departure and passage of trains It can be installed only about trains, which is directly related to the graphics, and the transmission is reported to the DNC, Crimea In addition, there is no cutaneous station, no trace of it. The order of assignments does not extend to passenger trains and trains whose numbers are supplemented with serial numbers or a digital index.

A similar procedure for transmitting notifications to the DSC about the arrival, dispatch and passage of trains can be installed on double- and single-track trains equipped with devices for automatically recording the schedules of the railway line. The flow of such plots and the order of transfer of information about the arrival, dispatch and passage of trains are established by the authority of infrastructure and the authority of the medical departments of non-corruption services.

The hour of actual dispatch, arrival and passage of the skin train of the DSP station (operator at the DSP station) is required to be recorded in the log of the train flow, in which case the train numbers, supplemented by subordinate letters and indices, will be recorded Contact these writers and indexes and the journal of the train market.

14. EAF stations that have detected (especially or based on the evidence of other workers) a malfunction of the rail tracks, switches, signaling devices, connections and contact lines, are required to make a record of this in the inspection log. iznichnyh tracks, switch switches, signaling devices, sound' language and contact measures (further – I will look at the magazine) and it is important to inform the senior worker of the epidemiological department of the infrastructure manager or the manager of the health care departments of the non-legal koristuvannya who serves the device.

About all malfunctions of technical devices that create a threat to safety or may cause train jamming, as well as about calls that get used, the station’s chipboard is responsible for informing the DNC.

When a fault has been corrected, the appropriate worker will check the icon in the magazine and look at it to confirm his signature and the signature of the chipboard station.

In case of any malfunction of the train radio communication, the train driver should inform about this DNC or DSP station from the nearest railway station (especially or through the driver’s assistant, conductor, chief (mechanic) foreman) of a passenger train and other obvious means of communication) and follow the order of the DNC, transmitted by the DSP station, to separate the stretch, to the nearest railway station, where replacement (repair) of train radio communication devices will be carried out without disconnecting the locomotive or min of a locomotive, or the required auxiliary locomotive when servicing the locomotive of a passenger train by one driver.

With the necessary information about the application of derailment control devices and drawing of parts of the dry dry warehouse (hereinafter referred to as derailment control devices) of the chipboard station or DNC, it is necessary to carry out all necessary calls, directed to the train stop and, having caused the application of the Immediate Control Device, and trains along the railway terminals kolіah zaliznichny kolіy and distillation.

15. The closure and opening of the stages or other critical stages of the stages, as well as the transition from some signaling methods and communication to others, are subject to the order of the DNC.

Before switching to the telephone connection with the DSP stations that intersect the stretch, you must bring the equipment to a position that indicates that the indications of the exit traffic lights are blocked, which protects the exit to the stretch.

When moving from the main functions of signaling and communication to the telephone system, the exchange of late telephone messages between the DSP stations on single-track sections, and at the stages of organizing a two-way route, one at a time and on double-track sections current) stages are required to communicate with the designated dispatcher signal language under the control of the DNC. In the event of a malfunction of the dispatcher communication system, the DSP station is connected to paragraphs 29, 30 of Appendix No. 1 to this Instruction.

16. Before entering the cutting chipboard station, chipboard post, workers:

1) get acquainted with the plan of the upcoming work, the obvious instructions and orders that apply to the acceptance and direction of trains and maneuvers, the appearance and distribution of the wet warehouse in the most appropriate clearing tracks, become in general (vacancy and employment) adjacent to the transfer station (block)

2) check with the certificate of control devices for signaling devices and the connection and the presence of seals on them is consistent with the description, as well as with the certificate of specially switched switches served by them;

3) check the availability of tools, alarm devices and equipment at the workplace;

4) familiarize yourself with the entries in the dispatch order log, the train log, the advance book, the inspection log, the log of recent telephone messages and other books and logs transmitted to the TPA station or the instructions about the procedure for servicing that organization I’m crashing on the slick tracks of non-gala koristuvannya.

Entry to the Cherguvannya is formalized by entries in the train journal with the following entries:

“...” 20..r. ... year... xv. Cherguvannya accepted the chipboard station (chipboard post)... (signature).

“...” 20..r. ... year... xv. Cherguvannya building a chipboard station (chipboard post)... (signature).

Before the text about the acceptance and delivery of drawings, the indications of the doctors of the customized arrival control devices are indicated, a request for a customized arrangement of the route, additional to the switching of the switches (for their presence), as well as the availability of the equipment for the heavy duty at the boarding and chipboard station, chipboard post.

At railway stations, where the log of train traffic is kept in electronic view, the procedure for registering a record of entry into the drawing board is established by the Infrastructure Authority or the Infrastructure Authority or the Infrastructure Authority.

17. Having entered the drawing room, the chipboard goiter station:

1) check the attendance at work of train inspectors, centralization station posts, centralization post operators, railway switch posts, signalists and other workers;

2) check through them the work stations that are serviced by them, especially the correctness of fastening the dry dry warehouse to the TPA station, or instructions about the maintenance procedure and organization of handling on the dry warehouses Iyakh nezagalnogo koristuvannya.

3) if necessary, make necessary visits to ensure normal operation and safety, and if necessary, inform the head of the salvage station and the DSC on the salvage tracks of the salvage station or upgrading of this pracievnik vlasnik zaliznichnoy kolіi nezagalnogo koristuvannya.

18. When contacting at certain separate points the personnel of the staff of police officers, who are responsible for the execution of the operation of catching and distributing trains or conducting maneuvers, be sure to check the system of visible signaling devices and communications, with authority infrastructure or the ruler of the zaliznichny koli nezagalnogo koristuvannya is guilty of the establishment of the order of viconics operations related to the reception, dispatch of trains and maneuvering at such separate points.

19. The movement of trains during automatic blocking is strictly in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this Instruction.

20. The operation of trains on plots equipped with dispatch centralization is in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this Instruction.

21. The operation of trains on allotments equipped with automatic blocking is in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to this Instruction.

22. The operation of trains behind the electric train system is in accordance with Appendix No. 4 to this Instruction.

23. Service for telephone communications is subject to attachment No. 5 to this Instruction.

24. The operation of trains in the event of interruption of all signaling and communication functions is carried out in accordance with Appendix No. 6 to this Instruction.

25. The operation of modern, railway trains, a special self-propelled dry storage warehouse and additional locomotives is carried out in accordance with Appendix No. 7 to this Instruction.

26. The rukh of the Gospodar's trains, a special self-propelled salvage dry warehouse, under the hour of conquest, operates on salvage tracks and piece spores, proceeds accordingly to Appendix No. 8 to this Instruction.

27. Acceptance and dispatch of trains is carried out in accordance with Appendix No. 9 to this Instruction.

28. The work of the train dispatcher is consistent with Appendix No. 10 to this Instruction.

29. Maneuvering work at loading stations is carried out in accordance with Appendix No. 11 to this Instruction.

30. The order of submission in advance is given in Appendix No. 12 to this Instruction.

31. Reception, direction of trains and promotion of maneuvers in the minds of disruption of the normal operation of signaling devices, centralization and blocking at loading stations will continue until Addendum No. 13 to this day. Instructions.

32. The operation of trains at intervals is consistent with Appendix No. 14 to this Instruction.

33. The procedure for the installation of shunting robots, the formation and passage of trains with cars covered with unsafe materials of class 1 (vibuch materials) is specified in Appendix No. 15 to this Instruction.

34. Minimum standards of safety on trains and during maneuvers for cars enclosed with unsafe materials of class 1 (vibuch materials) are specified in Appendix No. 16 to this Instruction.

35. The norms and basic rules for fastening a wet dry warehouse with galvanized booties are specified in Appendix No. 17 to this Instruction.

36. The procedure for placing cars with shutters on the train, which require special care, and in a special dry dry warehouse is specified in Appendix No. 18 to this Instruction.

37. The main provisions about the order of the movement of handcars of a significant type are provided in Appendix No. 19 to this Instruction.

38. The rules of negotiations during late and shunting work on the transport of the Russian Federation are specified in Appendix No. 20 to this Instruction.

40. The image of the DU-52 form is shown in Appendix No. 22 to this Instruction.

41. An image of the DU-54 form is shown in Appendix No. 23 to this Instruction.

42. An image of the DU-55 form is shown in Appendix No. 24 to this Instruction.

43. The image of the DU-56 form is shown in Appendix No. 25 to this Instruction.

44. The image of the DU-61 form is shown in Appendix No. 26 to this Instruction.

45. An image of the DU-64 form is shown in Appendix No. 27 to this Instruction.

I. Foreign regulations

1. Instructions for the operation of trains and shunting robots on transport vehicles of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions) establishes:

1) rules for the acceptance and passage of trains with various signaling devices, centralization and blocking (hereinafter referred to as the signaling system) at railway stations and signaling methods and communication with Russian trains, as in normal minds, so and in cases of malfunction;

2) the rules for the acceptance and dispatch of trains in the minds of repair and maintenance work on salvage tracks and spores;

3) rules for conducting maneuvers at climbing stations;

4) rules for getting ahead of the train;

5) other rules that regulate the safety of trains and shunting robots.

2. Vikonannya could, by installing this Instruction, ensure the uninterrupted operation and safety of trains and shunting robots.

3. All normative and technical documents of the authority of infrastructure or the authority of the criminal justice departments of non-registered corruption, which is related to the flow of trains and shunting robots on the criminal transport, must comply with the benefits of this. instructions.

4. All orders for the train and shunting robots must be given briefly and clearly. The officer who has given the order is obliged to immediately listen to the brief repetition of the order and proceed to what he understands to be correct, and then proceed to the correctness of his order (following the indication on the control devices, the officer will confirm from voice station, station radio, two-way park signal language and other types). connection chi especially).

5. All operations involving the capture, dispatch and passage of trains, as well as the execution of shunting robots, are carried out in accordance with the exact rules and regulations, this Instruction, the technical and procedural act of registration with dances (hereinafter referred to as TPA stations) or instructions about the procedure for servicing and organizing the work on the zaliznichny tracks of non-galal korstuvannya.

6. Controlling signaling devices, opening and closing traffic lights:


2) at the gauge post - a chipboard station, which assembles the bindings of the drawing post (hereinafter referred to as the chipboard post);

3) in case of dispatch centralization – by dispatcher poiznym (hereinafter referred to as DNC).

7. In some cases, transferred by the Rules, traffic lights can be transferred to auto operation or control of chipboard traffic stations.

The transfer of such salvage stations and the order of their switching to auto-operation and transfer to the control of the chipboard of the vessel stations is confirmed by the authority of the infrastructure or the master of the salvage lines of non-corruption cleaning.

8. If the train departs from the railway station with the exit light indicating the exit light, or from the railway tracks, so as not to damage the exit light, allowed the passage to take place (as it is not transmitted by radio communication) is given to the driver of the wire locomotive of the EAF station, especially or through one of the stations police officers, with the running of trains, which is indicated at the TPA station and with instructions about the procedure for maintenance and organization of running on the railway tracks of non-registered traffic. The driver of the driving locomotive is responsible for over-running, as evidenced by the number of the train and the section.

9. The order to catch and divert a train when the light signal is indicated is transmitted to the radio communication driver from the DSP station (DNTs). The text of such an order is specified in paragraphs 4.1, 7.1, 8.1, 16.1 and 17.1 of Table No. 2 of Appendix No. 20 to this Instruction.

In all cases, before transmitting the text to the order of the DSP station (DNTs), the train driver must indicate the number of the order by radio call. The driver is required to repeat the text of the order in full, and the station's traffic police department (DNC) is obliged to confirm the correctness of his order with the words: “That's right, sign off” and indicate the hour for transmitting the order to the train driver (godynnik, khvilina).

10. In case of receiving or departing trains when the entrance, route or exit traffic lights are shown outside the train log, opposite the train number (next to the “Notes” column) there will be a separate icon:

"RS" - via radio call;

“PS” – for requests;

“PR” – with written permission.

At the Ukluchts “RS”, Krim, May, butt, the number of the penalty is the hour of the yogo to the machine, and this is Liter Svitlofora (the number of the depository of the Viddirennya, not the same vihid svitlofor), the set: “RS No. 1 12-00 h2”.

There is no need to record the text of the order in the journal of the train movement.

At railway stations equipped with a system of documented recording of conversations, orders for the interception and diversion of trains when the traffic lights are shown, which are transmitted to the train driver by radio call, are recorded by an automatic radio device. negotiation strategies of this system.

11. In all cases, the arrival of trains at the saloon station or the departure of trains from the salvage station with the entry, exit (route) light signals of the station's chipboard indicated, first at the lower speed for requests or to give the train driver permission to pass the fence signal, requests to restore the situation, which corresponds to the protective indication of the light light, and in the order established by the TPA station or the instructions on the procedure for maintenance and organization of the movement on the salvage tracks of the non-registered koristuvana, transfer to the right of way to receive , the correct installation and closing of the arrows on the route, and when the train is sent, in addition, the freedom of the first block (with automatic blocking) and the stage (with automatic blocking) and at the installed feeder line for the stage.

After the completion of the assigned operations of the DSP station, requests are made to inform the DSC about the readiness of the route. The DSP station maintains the request at the light signal until the last locomotive of the train that arrives or departs passes the light light, and on the plots of the zaliznichny tracks there is a non-ignoring checkout with Russian carriages forward - after the entire warehouse and the locomotive have passed the light signal.

12. At salvage stations with the presence of salvage crossings, placed at the arrow necks or at the exit plots, as notifications about the closure of salvage crossings upon receiving or departing trains at the pick-up are indicated And the traffic light is pressed by pressing the “Closing crossing” button, the chipboard of the station must be pressed before receiving button, and after the train passes through the crossing, turn it to its normal position.

In any event, when a train is sent when the light signal is shown at such zaliznych stations, the train driver, when approaching the zaznychny crossing on zazalny tracks, is obliged to follow a special guide. In winter, the speed is no more than 20 km/year, and on the highways of non-corruption traffic – no more than 15 km/year, with the readiness to slow down, as soon as the code changes for further collapse. The distribution of such salvage stations is installed by the authority of the infrastructure and the authority of the salvage colonies of non-legal corruption.

13. DSP station after arrival (turning), departure or passage of the train, it is important to inform about the DSP of the terminal station and DNC.

The departure (travel) of the train is reported using the form:

“Potyag No... virushiv (proyshov) o... h... hv.”

You will be informed about the arrival (turnaround) of the train using the following form:

“Pull No.... having arrived (turned) about... year... xv.”

If the train is following a locomotive, the notice about the departure and arrival of such a train will be supplemented with the words “with the locomotive”.

For the presence on the train of cars with unsafe materials of class 1 (vibuch materials) (hereinafter referred to as unsafe materials of class 1 (BM)), overinsurance in accordance with the Rules for the transportation of unsafe goods by carriers, approved by the Rada for transport transport. Member States of the Union of Friendship, protocol dated 05.04. 1996 No. 15, upon receipt of the train number, the letters “VM” are added (for example, “2783 VM”).

Regular numbers to the train number are also available for different train routes:

"M" - serviced by one driver;

“T” – vantage velikovyh;

"D" - state warehouse;

"PM" - advanced mass;

"PD" - advanced birthday;

"SP" - together.

When sending trains with oversized cargo to the train number after the letter “H” and the sign “–”, provisions are made in the Instructions for the transportation of oversized and large cargo on the railway tracks of the member states of the Union of Independent States of the Powers, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Estonia, confirmed from the transport of powers - a member of the Union of Friendship, protocol dated 10/19/2001 No. 30, a digital index that characterizes the zones and the level of oversized cargo (for example, 2785Н-0430).

On two-lane plots equipped with automatic blocking (hereinafter - auto-blocking), the arrival time of a train that goes straight in the right way may not be transmitted to the next (behind) railway station. Which entry in the train journal does not indicate the hour of arrival of the train at the next railway station, which lies in front.

On double- and multi-gauge plots equipped with automatic blocking systems, with intense train traffic, the transmission is communicated from one railway station to another about the arrival, departure and passage of trains It can be installed only about trains, which is directly related to the graphics, and the transmission is reported to the DNC, Crimea In addition, there is no cutaneous station, no trace of it. The order of assignments does not extend to passenger trains and trains whose numbers are supplemented with serial numbers or a digital index.

A similar procedure for transmitting notifications to the DSC about the arrival, dispatch and passage of trains can be installed on double- and single-track trains equipped with devices for automatically recording the schedules of the railway line. The flow of such plots and the order of transfer of information about the arrival, dispatch and passage of trains are established by the authority of infrastructure and the authority of the medical departments of non-corruption services.

The hour of actual dispatch, arrival and passage of the skin train of the DSP station (operator at the DSP station) is required to be recorded in the log of the train flow, in which case the train numbers, supplemented by subordinate letters and indices, will be recorded Contact these writers and indexes and the journal of the train market.

14. EAF stations that have detected (especially or based on the evidence of other workers) a malfunction of the rail tracks, switches, signaling devices, connections and contact lines, are required to make a record of this in the inspection log. iznichnyh tracks, switch switches, signaling devices, sound' language and contact measures (further – I will look at the magazine) and it is important to inform the senior worker of the epidemiological department of the infrastructure manager or the manager of the health care departments of the non-legal koristuvannya who serves the device.

About all malfunctions of technical devices that create a threat to safety or may cause train jamming, as well as about calls that get used, the station’s chipboard is responsible for informing the DNC.

When a fault has been corrected, the appropriate worker will check the icon in the magazine and look at it to confirm his signature and the signature of the chipboard station.

In case of any malfunction of the train radio communication, the train driver should inform about this DNC or DSP station from the nearest railway station (especially or through the driver’s assistant, conductor, chief (mechanic) foreman) of a passenger train and other obvious means of communication) and follow the order of the DNC, transmitted by the DSP station, to separate the stretch, to the nearest railway station, where replacement (repair) of train radio communication devices will be carried out without disconnecting the locomotive or min of a locomotive, or the required auxiliary locomotive when servicing the locomotive of a passenger train by one driver.

With the necessary information about the application of derailment control devices and drawing of parts of the dry dry warehouse (hereinafter referred to as derailment control devices) of the chipboard station or DNC, it is necessary to carry out all necessary calls, directed to the train stop and, having caused the application of the Immediate Control Device, and trains along the railway terminals kolіah zaliznichny kolіy and distillation.

15. The closure and opening of the stages or other critical stages of the stages, as well as the transition from some signaling methods and communication to others, are subject to the order of the DNC.

Before switching to the telephone connection with the DSP stations that intersect the stretch, you must bring the equipment to a position that indicates that the indications of the exit traffic lights are blocked, which protects the exit to the stretch.

When moving from the main functions of signaling and communication to the telephone system, the exchange of late telephone messages between the DSP stations on single-track sections, and at the stages of organizing a two-way route, one at a time and on double-track sections current) stages are required to communicate with the designated dispatcher signal language under the control of the DNC. In the event of a malfunction of the dispatcher communication system, the DSP station is connected to paragraphs 29, 30 of Appendix No. 1 to this Instruction.

16. Before entering the cutting chipboard station, chipboard post, workers:

1) get acquainted with the plan of the upcoming work, the obvious instructions and orders that apply to the acceptance and direction of trains and maneuvers, the appearance and distribution of the wet warehouse in the most appropriate clearing tracks, become in general (vacancy and employment) adjacent to the transfer station (block)

2) check with the certificate of control devices for signaling devices and the connection and the presence of seals on them is consistent with the description, as well as with the certificate of specially switched switches served by them;

3) check the availability of tools, alarm devices and equipment at the workplace;

4) familiarize yourself with the entries in the dispatch order log, the train log, the advance book, the inspection log, the log of recent telephone messages and other books and logs transmitted to the TPA station or the instructions about the procedure for servicing that organization I’m crashing on the slick tracks of non-gala koristuvannya.

Entry to the Cherguvannya is formalized by entries in the train journal with the following entries:

“...” 20..r. ... year... xv. Cherguvannya accepted the chipboard station (chipboard post)... (signature).

“...” 20..r. ... year... xv. Cherguvannya building a chipboard station (chipboard post)... (signature).

Before the text about the acceptance and delivery of drawings, the indications of the doctors of the customized arrival control devices are indicated, a request for a customized arrangement of the route, additional to the switching of the switches (for their presence), as well as the availability of the equipment for the heavy duty at the boarding and chipboard station, chipboard post.

At railway stations, where the log of train traffic is kept electronically, the procedure for registering an entry for entry into the railway station is established by the authority of infrastructure or the official of the railway departments of non-registered transport.

17. Having entered the drawing room, the chipboard goiter station:

1) check the attendance at work of train inspectors, centralization station posts, centralization post operators, railway switch posts, signalists and other workers;

2) check through them the work stations that are serviced by them, especially the correctness of fastening the dry dry warehouse to the TPA station, or instructions about the maintenance procedure and organization of handling on the dry warehouses Iyakh nezagalnogo koristuvannya.

3) if necessary, make necessary visits to ensure normal operation and safety, and if necessary, inform the head of the salvage station and the DSC on the salvage tracks of the salvage station or upgrading of this pracievnik vlasnik zaliznichnoy kolіi nezagalnogo koristuvannya.

18. When contacting at certain separate points the personnel of the staff of police officers, who are responsible for the execution of the operation of catching and distributing trains or conducting maneuvers, be sure to check the system of visible signaling devices and communications, with authority infrastructure or the ruler of the zaliznichny koli nezagalnogo koristuvannya is guilty of the establishment of the order of viconics operations related to the reception, dispatch of trains and maneuvering at such separate points.

19. The movement of trains during automatic blocking is strictly in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this Instruction.

20. The operation of trains on plots equipped with dispatch centralization is in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this Instruction.

21. The operation of trains on allotments equipped with automatic blocking is in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to this Instruction.

22. The operation of trains behind the electric train system is in accordance with Appendix No. 4 to this Instruction.

23. Service for telephone communications is subject to attachment No. 5 to this Instruction.

24. The operation of trains in the event of interruption of all signaling and communication functions is carried out in accordance with Appendix No. 6 to this Instruction.

25. The operation of modern, railway trains, a special self-propelled dry storage warehouse and additional locomotives is carried out in accordance with Appendix No. 7 to this Instruction.

26. The rukh of the Gospodar's trains, a special self-propelled salvage dry warehouse, under the hour of conquest, operates on salvage tracks and piece spores, proceeds accordingly to Appendix No. 8 to this Instruction.

27. Acceptance and dispatch of trains is carried out in accordance with Appendix No. 9 to this Instruction.

28. The work of the train dispatcher is consistent with Appendix No. 10 to this Instruction.

29. Maneuvering work at loading stations is carried out in accordance with Appendix No. 11 to this Instruction.

30. The order of submission in advance is given in Appendix No. 12 to this Instruction.

31. Reception, direction of trains and promotion of maneuvers in the minds of disruption of the normal operation of signaling devices, centralization and blocking at loading stations will continue until Addendum No. 13 to this day. Instructions.

32. The operation of trains at intervals is consistent with Appendix No. 14 to this Instruction.

33. The procedure for the installation of shunting robots, the formation and passage of trains with cars covered with unsafe materials of class 1 (vibuch materials) is specified in Appendix No. 15 to this Instruction.

34. Minimum standards of safety on trains and during maneuvers for cars enclosed with unsafe materials of class 1 (vibuch materials) are specified in Appendix No. 16 to this Instruction.

35. The norms and basic rules for fastening a wet dry warehouse with galvanized booties are specified in Appendix No. 17 to this Instruction.

36. The procedure for placing cars with shutters on the train, which require special care, and in a special dry dry warehouse is specified in Appendix No. 18 to this Instruction.

37. The main provisions about the order of the movement of handcars of a significant type are provided in Appendix No. 19 to this Instruction.

38. The rules of negotiations during late and shunting work on the transport of the Russian Federation are specified in Appendix No. 20 to this Instruction.

40. The image of the DU-52 form is shown in Appendix No. 22 to this Instruction.

41. An image of the DU-54 form is shown in Appendix No. 23 to this Instruction.

42. An image of the DU-55 form is shown in Appendix No. 24 to this Instruction.

43. The image of the DU-56 form is shown in Appendix No. 25 to this Instruction.

44. The image of the DU-61 form is shown in Appendix No. 26 to this Instruction.

45. An image of the DU-64 form is shown in Appendix No. 27 to this Instruction.

Material from VAT "RZ"

Instructions for the operation of trains and shunting robots, TsD-790, the main document that regulates the work and shunting robot, establishes:

1) rules for the acceptance and passage of trains with various signaling devices, centralization and blocking (hereinafter referred to as the signaling system) at railway stations and signaling methods and communication with Russian trains, as in normal minds, so and in cases of malfunction;

2) the rules for the acceptance and dispatch of trains in the minds of repair and maintenance work on salvage tracks and spores;

3) rules for conducting maneuvers at climbing stations;

4) rules for getting ahead of the train;

5) rules that regulate the safety of trains and shunting robots.

Legally є Addendum No. 8 to the Technical Operation Rules of the Russian Federation (PTE).

2. Vikonannya could, by installing this Instruction, ensure the uninterrupted operation and safety of trains and shunting robots.

3. All normative and technical documents of the authority of infrastructure or the authority of the criminal justice departments of non-registered corruption, which is related to the flow of trains and shunting robots on the criminal transport, must comply with the benefits of this. instructions. 4. All orders for the train and shunting robots must be given briefly and clearly. The officer who has given the order is obliged to immediately listen to the brief repetition of the order and proceed to what he understands to be correct, and then proceed to the correctness of his order (following the indication on the control devices, the officer will confirm from voice station, station radio, two-way park signal language and other types). connection chi especially).

5. All operations involving the capture, dispatch and passage of trains, as well as the execution of shunting robots, are carried out in accordance with the exact rules and regulations, this Instruction, the technical and procedural act of registration with dances (hereinafter referred to as TPA stations) or instructions about the procedure for servicing and organizing the work on the zaliznichny tracks of non-galal korstuvannya.

6. Controlling signaling devices, opening and closing traffic lights:


2) at the gauge post - a chipboard station, which assembles the bindings of the drawing post (hereinafter referred to as the chipboard post);

3) in case of dispatch centralization – by dispatcher poiznym (hereinafter referred to as DNC).

7. In some cases, transferred by the Rules, traffic lights can be transferred to auto operation or control of chipboard traffic stations.

The transfer of such salvage stations and the order of their switching to auto-operation and transfer to the control of the chipboard of the vessel stations is confirmed by the authority of the infrastructure or the master of the salvage lines of non-corruption cleaning.

8. If the train departs from the railway station with the exit light indicating the exit light, or from the railway tracks, so as not to damage the exit light, allowed the passage to take place (as it is not transmitted by radio communication) is given to the driver of the wire locomotive of the EAF station, especially or through one of the stations police officers, with the running of trains, which is indicated at the TPA station and with instructions about the procedure for maintenance and organization of running on the railway tracks of non-registered traffic. The driver of the driving locomotive is responsible for over-running, as evidenced by the number of the train and the section. 9. The order to catch and divert a train when the light signal is indicated is transmitted to the radio communication driver from the DSP station (DNTs). The text of such an order is specified in paragraphs 4.1, 7.1, 8.1, 16.1 and 17.1 of Table No. 2 of Appendix No. 20 to this Instruction.

In all cases, before transmitting the text to the order of the DSP station (DNTs), the train driver must indicate the number of the order by radio call. The driver is required to repeat the text of the order in full, and the station's traffic police department (DNC) is obliged to confirm the correctness of his order with the words: “That's right, sign off” and indicate the hour for transmitting the order to the train driver (godynnik, khvilina). 10. In the case of receiving or departing trains when the entrance, route or exit traffic lights are shown outside the train log, opposite the train number (next to the “Notes” column) there will be a special sign: “ RS" – via radio call; “PS” – for requests; “PR” – with written permission. At the Ukluchts “RS”, Krim, May, butt, the number of the penalty is the hour of the yogo to the machine, and this is Liter Svitlofora (the number of the depository of the Viddirennya, not the same vihid svitlofor), the set: “RS No. 1 12-00 h2”. There is no need to record the text of the order in the journal of the train movement. At railway stations equipped with a system of documented recording of conversations, orders for the interception and diversion of trains when the traffic lights are shown, which are transmitted to the train driver by radio call, are recorded by an automatic radio device. negotiation strategies of this system. 11. In all cases, the arrival of trains at the saloon station or the departure of trains from the salvage station with the entry, exit (route) light signals of the station's chipboard indicated, first at the lower speed for requests or to give the train driver permission to pass the fence signal, requests to restore the situation, which corresponds to the protective indication of the light light, and in the order established by the TPA station or the instructions on the procedure for maintenance and organization of the movement on the salvage tracks of the non-registered koristuvana, transfer to the right of way to receive , the correct installation and closing of the arrows on the route, and when the train is sent, in addition, the freedom of the first block (with automatic blocking) and the stage (with automatic blocking) and at the installed feeder line for the stage. After the completion of the assigned operations of the DSP station, requests are made to inform the DSC about the readiness of the route. The DSP station maintains the request at the light signal until the last locomotive of the train that arrives or departs passes the light light, and on the plots of the zaliznichny tracks there is a non-ignoring checkout with Russian carriages forward - after the entire warehouse and the locomotive have passed the light signal.

12. At salvage stations with the presence of salvage crossings, placed at the arrow necks or at the exit plots, as notifications about the closure of salvage crossings upon receiving or departing trains at the pick-up are indicated And the traffic light is pressed by pressing the “Closing crossing” button, the chipboard of the station must be pressed before receiving button, and after the train passes through the crossing, turn it to its normal position.

In any event, when a train is sent when the light signal is shown at such zaliznych stations, the train driver, when approaching the zaznychny crossing on zazalny tracks, is obliged to follow a special guide. In winter, the speed is no more than 20 km/year, and on the highways of non-corruption traffic – no more than 15 km/year, with the readiness to slow down, as soon as the code changes for further collapse. The distribution of such salvage stations is installed by the authority of the infrastructure and the authority of the salvage colonies of non-legal corruption. 13. DSP station after arrival (turning), departure or passage of the train, it is important to inform about the DSP of the terminal station and DNC.

The departure (travel) of the train is reported using the form:

“Potyag No... virushiv (proyshov) o... h... hv.”

You will be informed about the arrival (turnaround) of the train using the following form:

“Pull No.... having arrived (turned) about... year... xv.”

If the train is following a locomotive, the notice about the departure and arrival of such a train will be supplemented with the words “with the locomotive”.

For the presence on the train of cars with unsafe materials of class 1 (vibuch materials) (hereinafter referred to as unsafe materials of class 1 (BM)), overinsurance in accordance with the Rules for the transportation of unsafe goods by carriers, approved by the Rada for transport transport. Member States of the Union of Friendship, protocol dated 05.04. 1996 No. 15 (with changes and additions), when received, the letters “VM” are added to the train number (for example, “2783 VM”).

Regular numbers to the train number are also available for different train routes:

"M" - serviced by one driver; “T” – vantage velikovyh; "D" - state warehouse; "PM" - advanced mass; "PD" - advanced birthday; "SP" - together.

When sending trains with oversized cargo to the train number after the letter “H” and the sign “–”, provisions are made in the Instructions for the transportation of oversized and large cargo on the railway tracks of the member states of the Union of Independent States of the Powers, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Estonia, confirmed from the transport of powers - a member of the Union of Friendship, protocol dated 10/19/2001 No. 30 (with changes), a digital index that characterizes the zones and stages of oversize cargo (for example, 2785N-0430).

On two-lane plots equipped with automatic blocking (hereinafter - auto-blocking), the arrival time of a train that goes straight in the right way may not be transmitted to the next (behind) railway station. Which entry in the train journal does not indicate the hour of arrival of the train at the next railway station, which lies in front.

On double- and multi-gauge plots equipped with automatic blocking systems, with intense train traffic, the transmission is communicated from one railway station to another about the arrival, departure and passage of trains It can be installed only about trains, which is directly related to the graphics, and the transmission is reported to the DNC, Crimea In addition, there is no cutaneous station, no trace of it. The order of assignments does not extend to passenger trains and trains whose numbers are supplemented with serial numbers or a digital index. A similar procedure for transmitting notifications to the DSC about the arrival, dispatch and passage of trains can be installed on double- and single-track trains equipped with devices for automatically recording the schedules of the railway line. The flow of such plots and the order of transfer of information about the arrival, dispatch and passage of trains are established by the authority of infrastructure and the authority of the medical departments of non-corruption services.

The hour of actual dispatch, arrival and passage of the skin train of the DSP station (operator at the DSP station) is required to be recorded in the log of the train flow, in which case the train numbers, supplemented by subordinate letters and indices, will be recorded Contact these writers and indexes and the journal of the train market. 14. EAF stations that have detected (especially or based on the evidence of other workers) a malfunction of the rail tracks, switches, signaling devices, connections and contact lines, are required to make a record of this in the inspection log. iznichnyh tracks, switch switches, signaling devices, sound' language and contact measures (further – I will look at the magazine) and it is important to inform the senior worker of the epidemiological department of the infrastructure manager or the manager of the health care departments of the non-legal koristuvannya who serves the device.

About all malfunctions of technical devices that create a threat to safety or may cause train jamming, as well as about calls that get used, the station’s chipboard is responsible for informing the DNC.

When a fault has been corrected, the appropriate worker will check the icon in the magazine and look at it to confirm his signature and the signature of the chipboard station.

In case of any malfunction of the train radio communication, the train driver should inform about this DNC or DSP station from the nearest railway station (especially or through the driver’s assistant, conductor, chief (mechanic) foreman) of a passenger train and other obvious means of communication) and follow the order of the DNC, transmitted by the DSP station, to separate the stretch, to the nearest railway station, where replacement (repair) of train radio communication devices will be carried out without disconnecting the locomotive or min of a locomotive, or the required auxiliary locomotive when servicing the locomotive of a passenger train by one driver.

With the necessary information about the application of derailment control devices and drawing of parts of the dry dry warehouse (hereinafter referred to as derailment control devices) of the chipboard station or DNC, it is necessary to carry out all necessary calls, directed to the train stop and, having caused the application of the Immediate Control Device, and trains along the railway terminals kolіah zaliznichny kolіy and distillation.

15. The closure and opening of the stages or other critical stages of the stages, as well as the transition from some signaling methods and communication to others, are subject to the order of the DNC.

Before switching to the telephone connection with the DSP stations that intersect the stretch, you must bring the equipment to a position that indicates that the indications of the exit traffic lights are blocked, which protects the exit to the stretch.

When moving from the main functions of signaling and communication to the telephone system, the exchange of late telephone messages between the DSP stations on single-track sections, and at the stages of organizing a two-way route, one at a time and on double-track sections current) stages are required to communicate with the designated dispatcher signal language under the control of the DNC. In the event of a malfunction of the dispatcher communication system, the DSP station is connected to paragraphs 29, 30 of Appendix No. 1 to this Instruction.

16. Before entering the cutting chipboard station, chipboard post, workers:

1) get acquainted with the plan of the upcoming work, the obvious instructions and orders that apply to the acceptance and direction of trains and maneuvers, the appearance and distribution of the wet warehouse in the most appropriate clearing tracks, become in general (vacancy and employment) adjacent to the transfer station (block)

2) check with the certificate of control devices for signaling devices and the connection and the presence of seals on them is consistent with the description, as well as with the certificate of specially switched switches served by them;

3) check the availability of tools, alarm devices and equipment at the workplace;

4) familiarize yourself with the entries in the dispatch order log, the train log, the advance book, the inspection log, the log of recent telephone messages and other books and logs transmitted to the TPA station or the instructions about the procedure for servicing that organization I’m crashing on the slick tracks of non-gala koristuvannya. Entry to the Cherguvannya is formalized by entries in the train journal with the following entries:

“...” 20..r. ... year... xv. Cherguvannya accepted the chipboard station (chipboard post)... (signature).

“...” 20..r. ... year... xv. Cherguvannya building a chipboard station (chipboard post)... (signature).

Before the text about the acceptance and delivery of drawings, the indications of the doctors of the customized arrival control devices are indicated, a request for a customized arrangement of the route, additional to the switching of the switches (for their presence), as well as the availability of the equipment for the heavy duty at the boarding and chipboard station, chipboard post.

At railway stations, where the log of train traffic is kept electronically, the procedure for registering an entry for entry into the railway station is established by the authority of infrastructure or the official of the railway departments of non-registered transport.

17. Having entered the drawing station, the DSP call station: 1) check the attendance at work of the train inspectors, the centralization station posts, the centralization post operators, the centralization switch posts, the signal History and other practitioners;

2) check through them the work stations that are serviced by them, especially the correctness of fastening the dry dry warehouse to the TPA station, or instructions about the maintenance procedure and organization of handling on the dry warehouses Iyakh nezagalnogo koristuvannya.

3) if necessary, make necessary visits to ensure normal operation and safety, and if necessary, inform the head of the salvage station and the DSC on the salvage tracks of the salvage station or upgrading of this pracievnik vlasnik zaliznichnoy kolіi nezagalnogo koristuvannya.

18. In the event of a short-term visit to the various division points of the staff of police officers, who are responsible for the final operation of catching and distributing trains or conducting maneuvers, be sure to check the system of visible signaling devices and communication devices. infrastructure or the ruler of the zaliznichny koli nezagalnogo koristuvannya is guilty of the establishment of the order of viconics operations related to the reception, dispatch of trains and maneuvering at such separate points.

19. The procedure for organizing the movement of trains during automatic blocking is provided in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this Instruction.

20. The procedure for organizing the flow of trains on plots equipped with centralized dispatch control is provided in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this Instruction.

21. The procedure for organizing the movement of trains on allotments equipped with automatic blocking is clearly specified in Appendix No. 3 to this Instruction.

22. The procedure for organizing the operation of trains with an electric train system is clearly specified in Appendix No. 4 to this Instruction.

23. The procedure for organizing the operation of trains via telephone communication is clearly specified in Appendix No. 5 to this Instruction.

24. The procedure for organizing the movement of trains in the event of an interruption in all signaling and communication functions is provided in accordance with Appendix No. 6 to this Instruction.

25. The procedure for organizing the operation of long-haul, railway trains, a special self-propelled dry dry warehouse and additional locomotives is consistent with Appendix No. 7 to this Instruction.

26. The procedure for organizing the flow of government trains, a special self-propelled salvage dry warehouse during the hour of conquest work on salvage tracks and piece spores is provided in accordance with Appendix No. 8 to this Instruction ii.

27. The procedure for organizing the acceptance and dispatch of trains is clearly specified in Appendix No. 9 to this Instruction.

28. The procedure for organizing the work of the dispatcher is clearly specified in Appendix No. 10 to this Instruction.

29. The procedure for organizing shunting work at loading stations is clearly specified in Appendix No. 11 to this Instruction.

30. The order of submission in advance is given in Appendix No. 12 to this Instruction.

31. The procedure for organizing the reception, dispatching of trains and carrying out maneuvers in the minds of disrupting the normal operation of signaling devices, centralization and blocking at railway stations is consistent with Appendix No. 13 to this These are the instructions.

32. The procedure for organizing the movement of trains at intervals is clearly specified in Appendix No. 14 to this Instruction.

33. The procedure for organizing the creation of shunting robots, the formation and passage of trains with cars equipped with unsafe materials of class 1 (vibuch materials), is specified in Appendix No. 15 to this Instruction.

34. Minimum standards of safety on trains and during maneuvers for cars enclosed with unsafe materials of class 1 (vibuch materials) are specified in Appendix No. 16 to this Instruction.

35. The norms and basic rules for fastening a wet dry warehouse with galvanized booties are specified in Appendix No. 17 to this Instruction.

36. The procedure for placing cars with shutters on the train, which require special care, and in a special dry dry warehouse is specified in Appendix No. 18 to this Instruction. 37. The main provisions about the order of the movement of handcars of a significant type are provided in Appendix No. 19 to this Instruction.

38. The rules of negotiations during late and shunting work on the transport of the Russian Federation are specified in Appendix No. 20 to this Instruction.

The signal fires of semaphores, which do not blow, do not ignite.

Signaling boards that stand in front of semaphores that are not included in the action will also be secured with two strips or removed.

15.9. In front of the entrance and passage semaphores, shields are installed, painted in a white color with black smudges and highlighters on them.

The installation of such shields follows the diagram shown in Fig. 15.9.

15.10. When the semaphore rod is cut, the semaphore wing must automatically come to the fence (horizontal) position.

15.11. The order of illumination of signal devices on semaphores is established by the head of the department of the prison, and if there is a department of the prison, the intercessor of the head of the prison.



16.1. To organize train and shunting operations with wagons containing vibrator materials (hereinafter referred to as VM), the information contained in the transportation documents is obtained.

In transportation documents for cars with VM, the column “Name of the vehicle” indicates the name of the vehicle or its serial number.

When transporting documents, put stamps on wagons with VM, sign:

A) at the hour of transportation of VM with mental numbers 119, 126, 137, 141, 179, 182 - red color stamps “Particularly unsafe, VM No?”, “Prikrittya”, “Don’t let go of the slide.” There are stamps on the stand “Particularly unsafe, VM No?” the standard of coverage is established in accordance with column 2 of addendum 5 to this Instruction;
b) when transporting VM - red color stamps “VM”, “Prikritya”, as well as “Do not let go from the slide”, for obvious reasons, the Rules for transporting unsafe items by smugglers.

In addition, additional stamps can be placed:

- "Section. Don't spit";
- "Great";
- "At the attendant's side";
- "Behind the scorching fire";
- "Protection of the railway." and others.

The stamp "VM" must be added by hand with the smart number of the item being transported, and the stamp "Prikritya" must be added with the mark: "according to 3.6.6, diagram A" or "per clause 3.6.6, diagram B", on the stand. the standard of coverage is set (graphs, respectively, 2 and 3 addendum 5 to this Instruction).

16.2. On the carriage sheet of the form GU-38 in the column "Prikrittya code" for carriages with VMs with numbers 115, 119, 121, 126, 128, 130, 134, 137, 141, 143, 148, 154, 155, 155 168, 176 , 179, 182, 199 code 9 is indicated, for cars with other VMs code 3 is indicated.

In this case, for cars with VMs that have a closing code of 9, the column “Oversized, lively, DB, NG” is assigned code 7 (cars that do not allow release from the lifts).

16.3. At all sorting and divisional stations, vantage, vantage, re-vantage stations, rearrangement of cars from one track to another, as well as, if necessary, at other stations, as an addition to technical and procedural acts stations are required to follow local instructions about the procedure for working with cars that are parked VM, which is confirmed by the head of the department of the warehouse, and in case of presence at the warehouse of the department of the warehouse - the protector of the head of the warehouse.

The local instructions on the procedure for working with cars that are loaded with MVs can be consistent with the benefits laid down in the Rules for the transportation of dangerous goods by rail.

It is forbidden to transmit information about trains with VM cars and about the surrounding cars with VM to persons who do not take part in the maintenance of such trains and cars.

The use of park communications at saloon stations for notification of robots that are interfering with cars containing VMs is permitted only in the absence of other communications.

16.4. Cars with VMs at stations are used by trains, for the majority of cars that are accumulated on the tracks of sorting fleets, they are required to be placed on special tracks, assigned to the technical regulations of the station, so that the parking is as safe as possible. Such cars must be sealed, securely secured from view and protected by portable signals. The arrows that lead to the parking lot of such cars are set to a position that disables the ability to drive into any number of tracks, and are locked. The procedure for locking and saving keys from these arrows is specified in the technical regulations of the station.

Cars with security squads or with guards from the vantazhu (vantazhooderzhuvach) must be placed on the same or baggage road on a rise no more than 50 m from the cars they accompany. The securing of cars secured by VMs on station tracks is carried out in accordance with the standards established by the technical and regulatory act of the station.

16.5. The wagons wm vm at the posts are with maneuvers, and such when serving (Nabaranni) on the piros of piddriyasmi tu organizasy, they are dedicated to the norms, the row 5 by the appendage to the Central Military District.

As a precaution on trains where cars are straight from the VM, empty cars or cars enclosed by unsafe vantages are put in place.

Empty cars must be cleaned of excess fixtures and fittings, doors and hatches repaired. Empty tanks are being cleaned to remove excess water, and the manhole covers are closed. It is not allowed to use vehicles to protect special tanks, as well as tanks specialized for transporting dangerous goods. Empty and secured platforms (including those specified in paragraph 10 of Addendum 5 to this Instruction), as well as conveyors, should be placed as a cover, besides the first car, which is immediately attached to the car with the VM.

16.6. Before the delivery of cars to the VM, the working station (shunting dispatcher) or another station worker who manages the maneuvers, in accordance with the procedure established by the technical and regulatory act of the station, requests for the journal f. VU-14 will be transferred to the fact that the cars are examined and found to be technically suitable for the transportation of VMs, in compliance with the Rules for the transportation of unsafe items by rail.

16.7. Local instructions for servicing sub-trains that are accepted for remanufacturing or sending cars to the Republic of Moldova are responsible for the supply routes and collection of such cars, the speed of transfer of shunting trains. them, the procedure for passing through crossings and guarding routes, as well as other entries, necessary for ensuring safety in the minds of the minds.

The supply and collection of wagons from VMs at a number of arsenals, bases and warehouses is carried out, as a rule, by diesel locomotives or steam locomotives on rare fuel.


16.8. Unsafe goods of class 1 (VM) are transported on main trains by single cars, groups of cars with a special cover placed at all points, formed between the norms for each and every day, transferred to the schedule of trains, as well as routes, so as not to overwhelm the locality of the most important routes at the farms of the Ikhny Direction.

It is forbidden to place cars with VMs near the train:

  • - passenger and postal luggage (in addition to the transportation of personnel armor and ammunition to it, military personnel and teams of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation ї, other power military organizations and military security units);
  • - people, as well as those hovering near the warehouse (except for military trains) near carriages with people (except for carriages occupied by a special warehouse train);
  • - connected;
  • - with oversized vantages of the upper third, lower third and great steps, the bottom fourth and great steps of oversize;
  • - reschedule the due date set by the train schedule.

In addition, it is prohibited to place cars with VMs with the smart numbers assigned in paragraph 16.2 of this Instruction, before important trains that have cars at their warehouse:

  • - with compressed and rarefied gases (class 2);
  • - easy-to-occupy houses (class 3);
  • - easy to borrow hard speeches, self-occupying streams and streams, which show occupied gases when interacting with water, as well as moisture (class 4);
  • - oxidizing agents and organic peroxides (class 5);
  • - with soaring speeches(Subclass 6.1).

16.9. Between sorting and distribution stations, cars with VM can be directly connected to regular trains according to the molding plan. Such cars from intermediate stations to the nearest long-distance or marshalling stations and at the turn-off line can be routed by pre-unit and exit trains or by dispatch locomotives, and between the stations of the hub and transfer trains. stations - with transfer and exit trains.

The assembled train, to the warehouse where the carriages with the VM are included, must be serviced by the attendant of the ordering or conductor brigade, the driver's assistant, who fits the head conductor's harness.

It is not allowed to place VM cars in front of short-range trains, since long-distance trains are transferred to the molding plan for the transportation of these cars.

Chergovy from the department, and for the duration of the depot at the depot warehouse - the senior dispatcher of the transport service, station and shunting dispatchers during planned train work are required to specifically consider the possibility of pershogovy in Dispatch of cars that arrive at the station with a smaller number of trains.

16.10. For the escort of cars from the VM by the military guard of the Ministry of Railways of Russia, no less than 5 cars from these cars, it is necessary to place a car with a galm maidan or specially in the presence of an empty critical car.

Since the group of cars, which are guarded by the militarized guards of the Ministry of Railways of Russia, was moved in the head part of the train, after 5 cars from either an electric locomotive or a diesel locomotive, for the number of cars with galvanized seats, doses The military guards will pass in the locomotive cabin in front of the train. travel by locomotive.

Before the trains, which have a direct line of military transport from the VM, cars from the VM can be placed, but not located before the designated transports.

When escorting cars from the military service by specialists or military guards, as well as military security squads of the Ministry of Railways of Russia, the cars that are being guarded are placed on the train in one group. In these situations, when these cars, according to this Instruction, are switched on before the train with the covers of one type of one of the cars with safe vantages or empty, so as not to lie before this group of cars, so the covers will not be overridden and minimum standards.

Arrangement of wagons between wagons with VM and wagons with a convoy that enters the warehouse of a special section (scheme) is not required.

16.11. On military trains, it is allowed to carry cargo in bulk and other unsafe items that belong to this train, with a guard between them - no less than one car.

Platforms and carriages with tanks, self-propelled artillery mounts, artillery tractors and critical armored personnel carriers, secured with ammunition, can go to the military train depot without being covered.


16.12. Trains, including warehouse cars with VMs, are under the constant control of the train dispatcher at the stations, who are responsible for conducting calls to ensure uninterrupted safety. directing of these trains.

The Ministry of Railways of Russia establishes a procedure for passing transit trains, which have cars with VMs at the warehouse, bypassing the great railway junctions where such detours take place.

About the upcoming departure of a train, at a warehouse where there are cars with VMs, the train molding station at a distance notifies the train dispatcher.

16.13. The number of the train with the letters "VM" must be indicated in the train log book, on the graphics of the sign, on written permits and notices that are visible to the locomotive driver, on physical sheets and other documents related to the reception and dispatch of Izdiv.

16.14. About the receipt of train arrivals from the VM at the current station, please inform the workers of the technical service points, commercial inspection, military security of the Ministry of Railways of Russia and other workers, How to proceed with the reception of the train and the handling of cars with VMs, please refer to the local instructions on the procedure for working with cars occupied by VMs .

16.15. It is not allowed to overrun trains from VM without locomotives at intermediate stations.

In case of emergency situations (in case of any emergency situation), the warehouse of a train with a VM may be temporarily stranded at the intermediate station without a locomotive, subject to a written order from the head of the railway department, and depending on the circumstances There is a liznytsia near the liznytsia warehouse - the protector of the liznytsia chief. In this case, the workers and service workers involved in the transportation of crops are required to make all necessary visits to expedite the delivery of the temporarily overstocked warehouse from the VM. Due to the fact that in the train of cars with VM, the possibility of a time-hour surplus without a locomotive at the intermediate station may be taken into account due to the importance of:

  • The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - with the military commandant of the zaliznaya plot and station;
  • The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, as well as other ministries, departments, organizations that protect internal affairs to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, - with special transportation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

When there are cars on the train with military vehicles that are guarded by the military guard of the Ministry of Railways of Russia, the dispatcher informs about this the head of the nearest unit (guard) of the military guard, on duty which is separated from dance.

16.16. Elimination of technical and commercial malfunctions detected in large quantities in other cars with VMs, which are accompanied by military security of the Ministry of Railways of Russia, as well as in cars that enter the warehouse section of a special dry warehouse (schemes), proceed which transports and echelons depends on the nature of technical and commercial failures , minds and duties, work can be carried out either with a picker or a foot feed around the site for these purposes, or without a picker in a warehouse.

Investigations at the stations of certain cars with MV for technical and commercial faults in groups of cars that are guarded by the militarized guards of the Ministry of Railways of Russia are only allowed in cases where the protection of the cars is ensured. They spit out. In the other case, the entire group of carriages is protected by a military guard. The head of the summons station will call the additionally selected paramilitary security and, upon its arrival, send the reference cars of the detached group to the confessions.

The collection of wagons from military transports, as well as groups of wagons that are directly sent to the military service or to the freight forwarder of the vantage operator (vantage supporter), is protected. In order to eliminate faults or re-engineer railcars, the entire transport (group of carriages) is affected, for which the railway station (station manager) is required to notify the railway department or the senior road dispatcher of the transport department. i, and the remaining requests will also inform about the blockage of transport in the established According to the order of the military commandant of the zaliznaya village and station, he conducted special transportation for the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. After completion of repairs or refurbishment, the cars may be turned on to the warehouse of the damaged transport (group of cars) and sent for due purposes.

If there is a need for emergency repair of cars that enter the warehouse section of a special dry warehouse for transporting VMs, as well as specially formed circuits, such cars can be separated from the section (circuits) and sent to repair tracks or next year and under the supervision of the supervising specialist, the boss Varti. In this case, the entire warehouse of the section (scheme) in which the car is identified that will require repair to the driver is locked. Repaired cars must be switched on to the appropriate section of the section (circuit). If an empty car of a section (scheme), due to a technical fault, cannot go to the designated station, upon request of the fenders, who will accompany the vantage, or the head of the production line may be separated from the section (scheme) and submissions for new assignments with appropriate execution of travel documents.

In all significant cases, there are military transport cars, sections of a special dry warehouse (scheme), as well as groups of cars with military vehicles under the escort of the military guards of the Ministry of Railways of Russia, the military guards or the military personnel of the Russian Federation. The director of vantazhu (vantazhooderzhuvach) is installed on the road, transferred to the technical-regulatory act of parking wagons with VM are subject to clause 16.19 of this Instruction.

The procedure for technical maintenance and commercial inspection of trains and cars from VMs is established by the local instructions on the procedure for working with cars operated by VMs.


16.17. Workers involved in the operation of trains must be aware of and clearly follow the safety rules and the procedure for eliminating emergency situations with unsafe items during transportation by their vehicles.

There are times when there are problems that threaten the train from the VM (burning axle boxes, faulty axles, derailment of the dry warehouse, fire of the car or vantage, etc.), locomotive and conductor crews, individuals who are involved in the protection and maintenance of vantages, chergov and by station, as well as others Workers associated with the reception, dispatch, passage and maintenance of trains are required to handle all stale entries for this purpose and eliminate insecurity.

The passage of a train with cars that are prone to malfunctions, detected by devices for monitoring the storage of dry goods and running parts, is blocked.

16.18. In accordance with paragraph 16.17 of the instructions, in case of problems that occur during the haul, the locomotive driver or the head conductor, who is escorting the train, must immediately inform the train dispatcher or train dispatcher the nearest station for making calls. In the event of an accident (at a dry warehouse, etc.), inform about their conditions, the presence and distribution of train cars with VMs and other unsafe equipment in the warehouse, transfer the numbers of emergency cards (assigned to the gate boat) road reports) or replacement of accident cards (at times, if they are added to the transportation documents). On electrified plots, the responsible dispatcher, having rejected this notification, is responsible for informing the power dispatcher about the voltage release from the contact line. The locomotive driver or the head conductor is responsible for the situation that has developed, making possible approaches to eliminate the emergency situation and its consequences, carried out by commands stationary dispatcher, vimogami planting instructions, emergency cards, statements of fakivts that accompany VM and other unsafe items

The train station, having received the train driver's notification about the accident, is responsible for transmitting this information to the train dispatcher and proceeding accordingly to his instructions.

16.19. If a train is found to be collapsing, some sort of vanity is involved with the VM, or a rickety warehouse, the train is guilty of some misalignment. The place where the train stops is chosen is to ensure that the smallest inheritance is secured, so that there is a threat of injuring people and congestion. dovkilla, damage to tunnels, bridges, housing and station buildings, warehouses, which are located in dry warehouses and etc.

After the train begins, the locomotive crew, together with the people who accompany or protect the VM, are required to urgently collect the cars that will burn, and remove them from another dry warehouse, in advance about securing in the established order a part of the warehouse that was lost and, according to the peculiarities of this vantage, before the arrival of fire safety, go to the liquidation of fire as soon as possible, transmitted by the Instructions for ensuring fire safety on locomotives and motor-car dry storage (TsT-TSUO/175 in dated April 27, 1993).

16.20. In the event of an emergency situation with the VM at the borders of the Chergovy station, the station calls for informing about the train dispatcher and the station manager who have been aborted, and establish the ability and mind to further allow the train to pass iv, carrying out shunting work and, if necessary, surviving approaches before the trains and maneuvers are brought into service.

In case of a fire in a car that is not in possession of a VM, or in dismantled used, disputed, cleaned cars with a VM, the culprits will be removed from the fire zone to a safe stand, or no less, at least 100 m.

16.21. About all the journeys with such trains and wagons, the senior traffic dispatcher will inform the emergency department, or the senior traffic dispatcher of the service will transport and carefully handle them until the best possible liquidation of the cargo. emergency situations.

Chergovy from the department of requests to inform about what happened to the head of the department of transport and the senior traffic dispatcher of the transportation service.

The senior dispatcher of the service for transporting crops will tell you about what happened to the defender of the head of the prison.

16.22. Other activities related to the safety and liquidation of the legacy of emergency situations with VMs are carried out in response to the situation that has developed in accordance with the Safety Rules. Elimination of emergency situations with unsafe items when transported through slicks and the Rules for the transportation of unsafe items through slicks.



Think about why the trains are being disrupted What does the driver get permission to do during the haul? A stand for opening the output signal or granting permission to engage in hauling
Routes of trains from routes with individual exit traffic lights The presence of one or more blockhouse (behind the displays of control devices), the time of the train dispatcher (in case of malfunction of the train dispatcher link - the time of the dispatcher at the bus station).
Allows the display of the exit light to be shown by the number of the directional route (green color) on the route indicator
Green light on the repeating light (lights up simultaneously with the appearance of a separate light on the group light)
I (those others can be transferred to the driver in a separate area at a group traffic light) , the year of the stationary dispatcher (for malfunction of the stationary dispatcher link - the year of the dispatcher at the ship station)
A train with a track that does not have an exit light Radio communication has issued an order to the local station for the departure of the train from the main line, or it has been added to the green color form from the completed paragraph I The validity of one or more block sections, registration of the train dispatcher's order to divert a train from the station when the exit signal is shown and the capacity of the passage of interstitial trains, interconnection of the block bathtub on the main line, using the key-rod control device to drive
Radio communication has sent an order from the station about the departure of the train from the main route, or added a green color to the form from the completed paragraph I, which allows the display on the gate light head (for which it appears information and visibility to the driver).
the validity of one or more block (behind the indications of the control devices), the time of the dispatcher (in case of failure of the dispatch link - the time of the dispatcher at the next station)
Allows display of output light
Allows display of the output light. To the right of the straight line at the turning point there is a key-staff, which, before the train leaves the station, is given to the kerivnik to be handed over to the driver when the train is turned back from the stage. The capacity of one or more block sections and also allowed the train dispatcher to route the train while turning back
In the event of a malfunction of the key-wand, it is only possible to direct trains or moving locomotives while turning back, only after switching to telephone communication
Radio communication has issued an order to the local station for the departure of the train from the main line, or it has been added to the green color form from the completed paragraph I the validity of one or more blockades, registration of the train dispatcher's order to divert a train from the station when the exit light is shown and the freedom to move from eastern trains, mikannaya blocking on the main line, transfer from the control device of the key-rod
Shlyakhova's note
Routed trains with a number that emit individual output signals Allows display of output light The volume of one or more blocks (behind the indications of the control devices)
Direction of trains by group traffic lights equipped with route indicators Allows the display of the exit light to be shown by the number of the directional route (green color) on the route indicator
Direction of trains using group traffic lights without route indicators due to the presence of repeating separate functions of the group traffic lights on the route Green light on the repeating light (lights up simultaneously with the appearance of a separate light on the group light) The volume of one or more block units (depending on the indications of the control devices)
Direction of trains with group traffic lights in cases of malfunction of route indicators or group traffic lights without route indicators in cases of malfunction of repeating group traffic lights The volume of one or more block units (depending on the indications of the control devices)
A train with a track that does not have an exit light Radio communication has issued an order to the local station for the departure of the train from the main line, or it has been added to the green color form from the completed paragraph I The volume of one or more block units (depending on the indications of the control devices)
A train whose head is blocking the exit light and it is impossible to open it to a separate building The order of the check at the station, transmission to the train driver via radio communication, which is being sent, or added to the green color form with the completed paragraph I, which allows the display on the gate light head (obviously ) The volume of one or more block units (depending on the indications of the control devices)
Direct the train with a closed exit light if the driver cannot see the signal indication The volume of one or more block units (depending on the indications of the control devices)
Direct the train with a closed exit light if the driver cannot see the signal indication Instruction from the station, transmission to the driver via radio communication, or on the green color form from the completed paragraph II The volume of one or more block units (depending on the indications of the control devices)
The train is driven by a supporting locomotive that goes straight along the entire stretch Allows display of output light The volume of one or more block units (depending on the indications of the control devices)
The train with the supporting locomotive moves for part of the stretch and turns back On the right hand side of the gateway, the driver of the shtovhach can see a key-staff. The volume of one or more block units (depending on the indications of the control devices)
Redirection of the train from turning back to the stage back Allows display of the output light. On the right of passage at the turning straight there is a key-rod, which, before the train departs from the station, is given to the carpenter for transfer to the driver when the train turns back from the stage The presence of one or more block buildings (behind the displays of control devices), and also allowed the train dispatcher to route the train while turning back
In case of failure or malfunction of the key wand, it is only possible to direct trains or moving locomotives while turning back, only after switching to telephone communication.
When a train is dispatched due to a malfunction of the exit light A radio communication order was issued by the call station about the departure of the train from the main route or added to the green color form from the completed paragraph I or requested on the exit traffic light The capacity of one or more block units (as shown from the control devices)
Dispatch of the train in case of automatic blocking malfunction Shlyakhova's note For the first train - an order from the train dispatcher to close the automatic blocking system and switch to telephone communication. For upcoming trains - train telephone message from the connecting station about the arrival of the earlier departing train
Routes of trains from highways that do not have individual exit traffic lights Allows display of output light Detection of a blocking signal from the vessel station due to the interconnection of the blocking system to the main line to the rover
Diversion of a tarnished train into the same direction after the exit light has been blocked (even momentarily) Allowed on the form green or other color from the completed paragraph I Those same ones
At stations equipped with devices that allow the output signal to be re-opened, the train heading in the same direction, with the help of the train dispatcher, operates behind the closed output light signal.
Instruction of the check station, transmission to the driver via radio call, or delivery on the green color form from the completed paragraph II Detection of a blocking signal from the vessel station or a reconnection of the blocking system to the main line to the rover
At stations with electrically insulated routes and arrows at the junctions, since the output light signal does not open through the occupancy of the insulated area, the “Uncontrolled control” button can be used to open the signal There are arrows and insulated sections on the routes" (at stations where there is such a button є).
Shlyakhova's note The train dispatcher's order to close the block and switch to a telephone call and train telephone message from the passenger station at the time of arrival of the train
Directing a train forward after the exit light is blocked Shlyakhova's note
Allows you to display the output signal from the number (green color) of the direction number on the route indicator Detection of a blocking signal from the vessel station due to the reconnection of the blocking system to the main line to the rover
Direction of a train by a group traffic light in the event of a malfunction on the group traffic light of the route indicator to the direction of the direction Allows the display of the output signal and the order of the target station via radio communication about the departure of the train or allowed on the green color form from the completed paragraph II
Shlyakhova's note The train dispatcher's order to close the block and switch to a telephone call and train telephone message from the passenger station at the time of arrival of the train
If the output traffic light during a free run does not open through the soft occupancy of the insulated switch section, then after the operation of the controller it can be opened after pressing the button “Unlock control is free” a hundred arrows and insulated sections on the routes" (at stations where there is such a button є)
The presence of a blocking signal at the subway station or the blocking system's reconnection to the direct line to the train, and also informed the station dispatcher about the direction of the train while turning back
Direction of a train with a supporting locomotive for part of the haul, turning back Allows display of the output light. On the right hand side of the gateway, the shtovhach driver can see a key-staff Detection of a blocking signal from the substation due to the block circuits being reconnected to the main line of the roc
If the wand key for trains or locomotives that are being adjusted is missing or clearly faulty, then directing a train or a worker on a stretch with turns back only works after switching to telephone functions. language.
The train is driven by a supporting locomotive that goes straight along the entire stretch Allows display of output light Detection of a blocking signal from the vessel station due to the reconnection of the blocking system to the main line to the rover
Dispatch of trains in case of blocking malfunction Shlyakhova's note The dispatcher's order to close the blocking and switch to telephone calls. Train telephone message from the local station for the year of catching the train
D. Automatic blocking - two-fold plot.
Train routes from highways with individual exit lights Allows display of output light
Direction of a darkened or other train after a closure (including a temporary one) of the exit light Allowed on the form a green color from the completed paragraph I Those same ones
At stations equipped with devices that allow the output signal to be re-opened, the train is directed by the train dispatcher behind the closed output light signal.
The train is guided by a group traffic light equipped with a route indicator indicating the direction of the direction. Allows the display of the exit light with a number (green color) of the route number of the route indicator Detection of blocking signal will arrive before the departing train
Direction of a train by a group traffic light in the event of a malfunction on the group traffic light of the route indicator indicating the direction of the direction Allows the display of the output signal and allowed the green color to be displayed on the form from the completion of paragraph II or the order of the local station via radio communication about the departure of the train Detection of blocking signal will arrive before the departing train
A train whose head is located behind the exit light with a separate section Instruction from the station, transmission to the driver via radio communication, or on the green color form from the completed paragraph II Detection of blocking signal will arrive before the departing train
At stations with electrically insulated routes and switches at the junctions, if the output signal does not appear through the occupancy of the insulated area, to open the signal, you can use the "Page Strength Control" button local isolated plots along the routes" (at stations where there is a button є).
The direction of the train, whose head is located behind the exit light from the fence signs Shlyakhova's note The dispatcher's order to close the blocking and switch to telephone calls
The train was diverted due to the impossibility of opening the exit light
If the output traffic light during a free run does not open through the soft occupancy of the insulated switch section, then after the operation of the controller it can be opened after pressing the button “Unlock control is free” a hundred arrows and insulated sections on the routes" (at stations where there is such a button).
The direction of the train that turns back from the stage Key-rod with closed exit light The presence of a blocking signal will arrive before the departing train, and also inform the train dispatcher about the departure of the train while turning back
Direction of a train with a supporting locomotive for part of the haul, turning back Allows display of the output light. On the right hand side of the gateway, the shtovhach driver can see a key-staff Detection of blocking signal will arrive before the departing train
If the key-staff for trains or moving locomotives is missing or is clearly faulty, then directing the train or lineman to the crossing from turning back will no longer work after switching to telephone communication.
The train is driven by a supporting locomotive that goes straight along the entire stretch Allows display of output light Detection of blocking signal will arrive before the departing train
Dispatch of trains in case of faulty fuel supply and automatic blocking Shlyakhova's note For the first train - an order from the train dispatcher to close the block and switch to telephone connections; for upcoming trains - train telephone message from the connecting station about the arrival of the earlier departing train
Running trains from extraordinary minds Availability at the sub-station before receiving the train and permission to pick up the baton
The direction of the train that turns back from the stage The rod that is assigned to this stage Appearance at the bus station for the purpose of ferrying and permission to fork the baton
A train with a moving locomotive, which will not be coupled to the warehouse along the entire stretch:

a) with wands that are unscrewed.

The driver of the driving locomotive is given the first piece of the baton, called "Kvitok", the driver of the shtovhach is given another piece of the baton - "Rod" Availability at the subway station at the time of arrival of the train and permission to pick up the staff
b) for the absence of faulty wands Shlyakhova's note An order from the station dispatcher to close the staff system and switch to telephone communication. Train telephone message from the local station about the weather at the arrival of the train
Dispatch of a train due to malfunction of the rod system Shlyakhova's note
At telephone call On all trains, you can see travel notes filled in with the appropriate forms.
When running heavy duty trains, light trains, auxiliary locomotives, government trains and other trains on a closed stretch, all types of permits are available on forms in a white color with dark red on the diagonal i.
When all types of connections are interrupted, trains are subject to permission on the forms in all cases white color From two dark red stripes along the diagonals.



1. When securing cars on station tracks, it is necessary to comply with the following minimum standards as far as possible, as stated in Chapter 11 of this Instruction:

1.1. On horizontal tracks and tracks with bends up to 0.0005 inclusive - one galvanized shank for fastening any number of cars on both sides (warehouse, group of cars or single car);

1.2. On tracks with injuries over 0.0005, the norms are assigned to the following rozrunk formulas:

1.2.1. When securing single wagons, as well as warehouses or groups that are formed from a single wagon (gross) dry warehouse: unloaded or empty wagons regardless of their type, passenger fleet wagons, including dry motor wagons ny warehouse; refrigerated cars for the reason that the group (section) has all the cars in storage and all the empty ones (including the empty section with engine compartments); connection of locomotives at the non-operating station;

1.2.2. When fastening mixed (various types of wagons) warehouses or groups that are formed from hauled and empty wagons or hauled wagons of various types of wagons, then the linings are laid under the wagons from hauled no less than 15 tons (gross), and for the duration of such cars - under cars with lesser weights for the whole, but maximum for the group that is fixed.

For the addition of minds, the meaning of paragraphs. 1.2.1 and 1.2.2 formula (1) is established:


K – the quantity of galvanized booties is required;
n - number of axles in a warehouse (group);
i is the average value of the volume of the volume or the volume of the volume in thousandths;
(1.5 i + 1) – the number of galvanized boots on the skin 200 axes.

1.2.3. When securing mixed warehouses or groups that are composed of different cars behind the wagon, such as linings are placed under empty cars, cars with weights of less than 15 tons for the entire gross, which are not the most important carriages in a group, or under carriages with unknown destinations throughout, Formula (2) becomes stuck:


(4i + 1) – the number of galvanized boots on the skin 200 axes.

1.2.4. the norms assigned to these formulas are specified in the technical regulations act (TRA) of the station. The required number of galvanized booties can be determined from the approved automated system for the development of fastening standards, approved by the Ministry of Railways.

2. When groups of cars are secured, the number of axles is less or more than two hundred, the number of slips is calculated in proportion to the actual number of axles in the group, which is secured up to 200 axles. When you remove the shot value, the number of slips is rounded to a larger whole number.

a) for securing 80 axles of a group of cars at a strength of 0.0025 and laying linings under empty cars (or cars with unknown attachments at all) is required

These same groups of cars and, when the linings are laid, under cars with weights of no less than 15 tons (or, since the group does not have such cars, - under cars with maximum weights for the whole group)

B) to secure 240 axles on a rail route or a warehouse with empty cars on a railway track 0.0015 required

The remaining quantity of galvanized boots is insured in the same way for empty routes.

c) for securing 72 axles (18 cars) to the warehouse of a passenger train on a railway track 0.003 required

3. On station tracks with heavily oiled surfaces of the slats (tracks for drainage of bulk tanks, cleaning and washing of tanks, etc.), prescribed in paragraph 1 of this appendix, the norm of fixation will increase by 1.5 times.

4. On tracks with a different profile, the fastening rates of trains or groups of cars that are rotated between a new track are calculated at the average value for the entire track. If the cars are deprived of stakes on certain sections, their fastening with linings must be carried out according to standards that indicate the actual value of the damage of this section.

5. When a group of wagons is secured for dismantling, the galvanized boots must be placed under the wagons in order to ensure dismantling in the remaining time, otherwise the standard of fastening for them must be calculated according to subparagraph 1.2.3 This addendum.

6. The heavy boots must be straightened and placed under the different axles in such an order that the toe of the boot skid is in contact with the wheel rim. At the places where the tunics are permanently laid, boxes with sand are installed, which will be frozen in the presence of ice, frost, etc. Since the fastening is carried out with two or more slips, it is not possible to lay them all under the same carriage.

It is protected by vicorization to secure the wagons with galvanized boots with an iced or oiled runner.

7. On ruts with ridges, the booties are laid on the side of the slope. On slopes above 0.0005 to 0.001 inclusive, the cars are secured additionally with one galvanized slip on the side, along the length of the descent.

8. If the lining is not placed under the outer car on the side of the possible exit of the group that is secured, then the reliability of the connection with this car of all other cars in the same car must be additionally verified. groupies.

9. In case of strong (more than 15 m/s) wind, which can be avoided directly from the possible exit of the cars, the fastening rate is calculated according to clause 1 of this appendix (on each 200 axes of the group that are fixed) from There are more three additional trims to be placed under the wheels of the carriages chereviki, and in case of very strong (stormy) wind - seven galm chereviki.

10. When fastening motor multiple unit trains, locomotives in an idle station, and in the windfalls of other dry warehouses, if there is a sufficient number of gingham booties, you may be victorious no galm in a dry warehouse with a breakdown: 5 galm axes are replaced with 1 galm axle.

On horizontal tracks or tracks with a deformation of 0.0005 or less, it is allowed to manually operate the lining of one car (locomotive) in any part of the consolidated group of the dry warehouse, replacing the linings on both sides.



1. Cars (tanks) with vantage points that require special care when placed on trains in certain situations are liable to protect against locomotives, cars with people and among themselves. Information about the transport of goods that require special care, the transfer of such goods and the established standards for the protection of goods are specified in the Rules for the transportation of goods.

The data that characterizes the main powers of such interference, as well as the necessary norms of confidentiality, are also designated as a guide to the interference in important documents.

2. Single cars with normal running parts, unsuitable for direct transportation at the train warehouse, must be transported to repair points by the same locomotives after being folded at the car depots or washing and steaming stations and installing transfer documents.

3. Cars with bulk and lower oversized railcars of the 4.5th stage must be protected from the head and tail of the train of at least one carriage with bulk railing or empty.

It is prohibited to place cars with oversized shrouds of the side and lower oversize (in addition to oversized shrouds of the 1st - 3rd stages) on a long-term train.

The car with the control frame is placed at the head or secured in front of the locomotive with one empty platform to increase the visibility of the control frame in the upper zone.

Cars with oversized side and bottom oversized 6th stage and oversized cars should be placed in the train warehouse no closer than 20 cars from the car with a control frame.

When transporting an oversized (oversized) van with a control frame on a special train with a nearby locomotive, you are required to move no closer than 5 cars per car with a control frame.

Before trains, it is allowed to turn on conveyors with a lifting capacity of up to 300 tons, except for articulated conveyors of the TSCH-300M type (type code 3994).

The procedure for the passage of high-capacity conveyors, as well as conveyors of the TSCH-300M type, both in transported and empty mills, is established by the technical minds of the operation of these conveyors and other units of the Ministry of Railways.

When installing transport conveyors with a number of axles of 12 or more (in addition to conveyors of the basic type with a lifting capacity of 120 tons), at least two four-wheel cars are placed next to them on each side of the vantage. m no more than 40 t or any empty type. At the hour of collapse in one train of many such conveyors, at least three such cars are placed between them.

Empty conveyors, as well as enclosed conveyors of four types, with a capacity of 120 tons, are placed on trains without cover.

Units for installation and directing of transporter trains of the same type with a capacity of 120 t (type code 3960 and 3961) and 240 t (type code 3974) are installed by the technical departments of the operation of these conveyors.

Empty conveyors that have 8 or more axles, when they are in motion on trains with a load of over 3 thousand tons, are allowed to be placed in the remaining quarter of the train warehouse. Behind the small part of the train, conveyors can be placed at any part of the train.

4. The running of hopper-dispensers in salivary tracks of the gas station is allowed only on closed routes with one tour car near the skin route for service personnel.

The number of hopper dispensers in the dermal route is determined by their technological benefits and rationalization. The importation of ballast materials from other salvage yards, as well as their importation into winter storage facilities, is usually carried out along two routes.

Empty and abandoned hopper-dispenser routes that run near the warehouse less than the norm established by the train schedule after the last or last train, are allowed to reappear as an empty warehouse, in addition to dump cars (behind the culprit of types 6 VS-60 and 7VS-60), which is not required podchіpok on the intermediate ones and do not separate the fluidity of the routes, but for routes with hopper-dispensers TsNDI-2 and TsNDI-3, the total volume of the warehouse does not have to exceed 2600 tons. It’s not your fault to overexpose the liquidity to the flow of hopper dispensers, what to find on the train.

About the readiness of the route from hopper-dispensers to directing in the required or empty mill with the establishment of permissible speeds for the direction of the route, the driver of the hopper-dispensing route must make a record in the required documents about those that the route is ready before directing, in with hopper dispenser devices - the dispensers have been verified, inspected, and placed in the outer transport position. When straightened in an empty mill, such a record will appear in the invoice, and when straightened in an empty mill, at the transfer dock.

Technical supervision of the dosing devices of hopper dispensers is carried out by the teams that service the hopper dispensers.

Inspection and necessary repairs of carriage parts are carried out by the technicians at the technical maintenance points in the highest order.

Without a support system, hopper dispensers can break down on long-haul trains or at empty stations at the request of manufacturing plants, wagon depots, repair plants, and subdivisions of the convoy government for the need to pass them to the place of registration, for repairs and repairs y, the regulation is fine. From transportation registrations, it is necessary to maintain proper orders in order to maintain station visibility and ensure the visibility and repair of faulty cars.

Before dispatching the hopper dispensers, the dispatcher is responsible for bringing them to the outside transport position, and to ensure that they are ready to follow the permissible fluids of the ship - to make a special note on the transfer documents at the dispatch station.

Removal of the hopper dispenser, removal from the turntable due to malfunction, before sending it for repair is responsible for the dismantling and subsequent reduction in the external transport situation. The head of the station sends hopper dispensers only for the availability of the application for dispatch, shipment and necessary documents.

5. The course of the salaried departments of the Ministry of Nobles for the receipt of dump cars, which is necessary for enterprises and organizations of other ministries and departments, to proceed to the presentation of the Ministry of Railways, with permission and on the minds, what is installed: within the boundaries of the section - by the head of the section, at the boundaries of the road - by the head of the road, boundaries two and more roads - received by the Ministry of Highways.

Before being granted permission to run the MPS dump cars, the dump cars are inspected by the committee at the VChD, URBV and DS warehouse, which verifies their suitability for operation on the drains transferred from the application for the run of dump cars. Based on the results of the inspection, a report is drawn up that reflects the technical design of the cars and their suitability for running on the tracks of the Ministry of Railways.

Deployment on the tracks of the Ministry of Railways is carried out: dump cars 6ВС-60 and 7ВС-60 with speedboats, installed for essential trains, folding routes and enlarged groups with additional ones, both empty and in a busy state, be it an empty warehouse in Molding conforms to plan; Dump cars of all other types with fluids installed for these types of dump cars, along certain routes with a cargo capacity of no more than 2600 tons, with additional dry storage at the empty mill until the installed dowage, and after to the desired person - to the indicated date.

The replenishment of dumpcar routes is only allowed by such a well-maintained warehouse, which collects pick-ups at adjacent stations and interconnects the flow of dumpcar routes.

Routes from dump cars and large groups of dump cars of all types are accompanied by a team of drivers and assistant drivers who know the application and operation of dump cars, which is assigned to the enterprise and organization. Yu Vlasnik.

Transfer of dump cars on trains that are sent for repairs, to the place of robots or turning around for repairs, only empty vehicles with fluids installed for dump cars (for dump cars BC-100 and 2ВС-105 from speed is no more than 80 km/year), In this case, dump cars 6ВС-60 and 7ВС-60 can be placed at any part of the train, while others can be placed at the tail of the main train.

Technical maintenance of dump cars during the time of use on the tracks of the Ministry of Railways is carried out along with cars in the Ministry of Railways fleet.

Identification of the routes of imported dump cars due to technical and commercial failures is processed in accordance with the Rules for the transportation of bulk goods by routes and groups of cars under one consignment note. In pre-force documents, special symbols are indicated, which are in the main important documents, in which case it is obligatory to become aware of the form VU-23.

6. Road machines of an important type (mud dumpers, gravel clearing machines, snow removal machines, etc.), crawler cranes and other units of special dry storage (transferable electrical installations, machines for digging pits, for entrenching foot foundations and under the support of the contact line). sent to this station for direct delivery to the non-working station (on regular trains or nearby locomotives) only for applications from government units that operate these units.

The preparation of them before being sent out of operation is carried out by the vantage supply specialists in accordance with the requirements provided by the technical minds (instructions) that are divided for specific units or in accordance with the technical data sheets of the unit. About the fact that the unit is placed in transport position by the supplier, a note will be made on the relevant documents.

The readiness of the unit for direct operation at a non-working station is verified by a committee, which is determined by the head of the road department.

Installation of the unit to the warehouses of essential trains must be carried out in accordance with the instructions given in the technical instructions (instructions) or in the passport data, which indicate the operating procedure for the unit.

As it is consistent with the technical minds (instructions) and the passport data, the unit is obliged to pass through the speed, lesser, lower set in the schedule for the necessary trains, then the information about bringing the unit in the transport position is due to the order ati tsyu swidkіst.

7. Locomotives at the non-operating mill are sent to the depot heads or plant administration after checking the technical status of the locomotives, which is drawn up in a document that follows the established form. The act, which is submitted simultaneously with the application to the head of the department station, indicates the speed of the straight line of the locomotive, which is permitted. Another copy of the act is given to the locomotive conductor.

Electric locomotives and diesel locomotives that are sent to a non-operating station should be placed at the main train next to the running locomotive no more than two single-section or one tri-section or two-section, and between the roads - at the number that is installed head of the road.

When a significant number of locomotives are submitted for the order of the Ministry of Railways, it is allowed to send locomotives with loads of no more than 8.1 tons per linear meter connected in the number of 3 to 10 two-section, 7 tri-section These or 20 single-section locomotives (not affecting the driving locomotive), of which one Locomotive conglomeration.

When the diesel trains are moved from the vantage trains, they will remain placed at the tail of the vantage train.

Locomotives with tenders that are sent to the cold station are placed behind the leading locomotive at a number of more than one, and between the roads - at a number set by the head of the road. The placement of a cold steam locomotive at the head of the train with a suspended haulage is carried out in a stowage area from the upper hull and piece spores and is permitted by the head of the road. Locomotives with even six-hung tenders are allowed to be driven by the tender in front, while locomotives with three-hung tenders are placed at the train with the tube only forward.

8. Movements of special formations follow the orders of their heads: at the boundaries of the department - by order of the head of the department of the road, at the boundaries of the road - the head of the road, two or more roads - the Ministry of Railways.

Depending on the nature of the special molding and the type of storage unit, the order has a mind of movement that ensures the safety of the structure.

9. Subway cars are transported by combined units formed from subway cars (up to 12 cars) and 2 empty cars covered by a parking lot. The carriages are closed from both ends and gelled one at a time at the skin end. These cars on the side of the coupling with subway cars are equipped with transition couplings, which are installed instead of standard automatic coupling heads.

For the transport of metro cars, the conductor is designated as the conductor, for the passage of which one of the subway cars is driven in, and the heated car for which one of the subway cars is picked up.

To determine the relevance to the direct route, subway cars that are being transferred are inspected by the committee, which is designated as the director. A representative of the technical service point of the Ministry of Railways station enters the commission's warehouse. The commission prepares for three examples a certificate of inspection of the technical mill of the cars, which is carried out, according to the TU-25 form, approved by the Ministry of Railways, the first copy of which is lost in the depot or at the plant that sends the cars, the other is handed over to the senior groups of conductors and a third victor are registered for the station's application for dispatch wagons.

Transportation of the prepared gurt is carried out by a special locomotive. Arranging subway cars to the train warehouse, as well as passing them through sorting chutes is not allowed.

The passage of metro cars by the railway tracks of the Ministry of Railways takes place on straight and curved lines with a radius of over 300 m at the speeds established for regular trains, but not over 75 km/year. Along curves with a radius of 300 m, the rudder may be less fluid: at curves with a radius of 60 m - 15 km/year, with a radius of 100 m - 30 km/year, with a radius of 300 m - 60 km/h.

The routes for connecting subway cars are established and approved by the Head Office of Transport of the Ministry of Railways.




1. The collapse of important railcars occurs due to the closure of the section by order of the train dispatcher. In this case, automatic (automatic) blocking is applied and a telephone connection method is installed.

On stretches where there are tunnels or great bridges, as well as complex plans and profiles, the order of the flow of trolleys is established by the head of the road.

The flow of handcars is not to blame for the breakdown of trains behind the schedule.

About the collapse of the trolleys, they are ahead of the drivers at the crossings that are on this stage.

2. The passage of railcars during the course of the haul is permitted by the late dispatcher upon the application of an authorized worker of the police service (not lower than the brigade foreman) or workers of other services (electromechanics of the contact line area) from any given there is a trolley.

3. In the dark, as well as during fogs, snowfalls, windstorms, at temperatures below - 5 C, and during heavy rains, the exit of the trolleys to the stretch is blocked.

4. When trolleys collapse, the signals are in accordance with the instructions from the alarm system on the RF railway tracks.

It is forbidden to place a trolley on the road without signals.

5. The order of the flow of railcars by the divisions with dispatch centralization is established by the head of the road.

6. The number of people who support the trolley is no less: for trolleys TD-5 – 4 people, for trolleys VD and SM-4 – 2 people.

The senior who escorts the trolley can be a guard at the plant, no less than a road foreman, an electromechanic in the area of ​​the contact line, and, if they are senior, the driver of the trolley.

Once the trolley is taken from the road, it must be installed so that the nearby clearance is not damaged.

7. Since the railcar that departs from the station is responsible for its mother’s link on the stage for the identification of any work carried out at the station, in addition to the permission to occupy the stage, there is a forward movement according to clause 8.19 herein. ї Instructions. Take the stage over the installations in advance and the hour is blocked.

8. The water trolley must be tested with a known PTE, Instructions for signaling on the skids of the Russian Federation, Instructions for the operation of trains and shunting robots on the skids of the Russian Federation, Instructions are carefully provided do not ensure the safety of trains in the event of the proliferation of wheeled vehicles, the rules of safety equipment and always have the right to do so trolley control.

The transfer of water from the car to persons who do not impair the rights of the car is protected.

9. The senior officer who maintains the trolley is responsible for the safety of the trolley and the people who ride on it. It is your mother's fault to arrange the train schedule and before leaving the station for the crossing, check your date with the date of the next one at the station, and also before leaving, check with the new trolley registration number, check the presence of there are no signals and safety for the fingers.

The senior foreman who escorts the trolley has no right to change hands with the trolley between stations without the knowledge of the station, as well as to wait for a stretch without the order of the train dispatcher or with permission.

When entering the station, the senior clerk is obliged to show special respect.

10. The water trolley runs directly through crossings, which are not particularly serviced by workers, and in farms where convoy work is carried out, special care must be taken.

11. After arriving at the station from the stage, the senior worker who is accompanying the trolley, immediately or by phone informs about the station's service center, after which he will be taken into account.

At the station, indicate in the train rukh log the hour of arrival of the trolley and inform the station dispatcher about the train dispatcher, for further monitoring of the movement and updating of the train service for the main reasons. link.

As the final point for the movement of trolleys during the haulage, then after the track is taken off and installed on the overall stand, the responsible carer gives information about the completion of the work to the train dispatcher or the final one. And from the stations that separate the route, at the base of which there is a renewal of train traffic.

12. The main travel of the trolley is forward (headlights forward), reverse travel is allowed as a precaution when maneuvering at stations.

13. The speed of the TD-5 railcars on the stages should not exceed 50 km/year, on station roads - 30 km/year, and behind the switches - 20 km/year. When visibility is poor, the speed of the railcars may exceed 30 km/year, the lighting (headlight and rear warning light) may be on.

14. The joining of the railcar with the fascia and the traction rails between themselves is allowed only with standard devices and must be carried out in accordance with the instructions from the authorities, inspecting the maintenance of the railcars, the possibility of self-uncoupling when the railcar collapses є is turned off.

It is forbidden to spit the trolley with platforms and wagons.

15. PID Hour Rucha is fabricated: Stand on the tribes of a priest, sitting on the sides, go to a baking to a halter, go to the trunks of a focus on them to the Zupinki, Kuriti pd ruchu hour, and we are in the parking lots of the PID hour of refilling.

16. The number of people for a one-hour journey does not need to be overestimated: on the TD-5 trolley - 6 people, on an unmanned train - 10 people, on a private train - less than 1 person. for galvannya prichepa. Transporting goods directly on a railcar is not allowed.

17. When a trolley with hoods for transporting working power or vantage of underground maintenance works with robots arrives, the planting attendant is responsible, no less than the foreman of the road, the electromechanics in the area of ​​the contact line.

When a group of workers is transported on the saddles, a typical person is seen on the skin - a preliminary worker, as a senior member of the group, who is responsible for being on his behalf and maintaining the order and safety of the people being transported. Nyumu.

The passage of trolleys with hoods is prohibited due to the presence of gilding racks on the hoppers. After the acquisition of vantage, it is necessary to follow the free course of galm important. It is important to lay down the galmine with vantage, which is transported and protected.

(With INSTRUCTIONS TsRL-4785 1990)

1. Prior to operation on the track tracks of the Ministry of Railways, handcars, motor vehicles and motor railcars (the term “cars”) are allowed, the design of which corresponds to approved and developed projects of the Ministry of Railways and technical minds. Making changes to the existing structure without permission from the Ministry of Railways is prohibited.

2. The driving of vehicles, which belong to other ministries and departments, and transport divisions of the Ministry of Railways, is allowed at the same time: between one separate lane with the permission of the head of the department, between the same roads - with the permission of the head of the road. With the designated term, this is allowed in the area of ​​animal husbandry.

Allowed the right to drive cars of other ministries and departments between several roads in the Ministry of Railways according to the designated terms of this permit and the area of ​​animal husbandry.

3. Railcars, motor-carriages, motor-cars, which are sent to the stage, are considered as a train and are sent to the station with the permission of the train dispatcher.

When sending them from corn stations, the shop station checks whether the driver (driver) has a certificate for the right to carry out the car; an act of river control and technical inspection, including a universal trailer (or a special trailer) at different points of departure for essential areas; a completed route sheet issued by the vehicle registration company; allowed on the right side of the Ministry of Railways motor-rack transport, which belongs to other ministries and departments.

The reference technical status of the machine and related units that are subject to production, when leaving the registration station, is confirmed on the route sheet with the signature of the person responsible for the operation and maintenance of motor-rack transport or special and how it replaces him.

When leaving other corn stations, the reference technical station is confirmed on the route sheet with the signature of the driver (driver).

4. It is prohibited to send motor-rack transport 15 minutes before the departure of a passenger train, except for emergency calls.

Since motor-rack-and-pinion transport follows in front of the train, the locomotive driver is responsible for being ahead of the train station or the dispatcher. About the collapse of motor-rack transport of an unknown type, the same crossings as on this stage are anticipated.

5. The number of units attached to the dry warehouse or trailers to the motor-rack transport is established by the head of the road based on passport data, the presence of galvanic problems on the traction and driving units and the fluidity of the rudder on the gravel descent, so allowed.

Passage of vehicles that do not have auto galms is generally allowed in the case of vinyakovyh drops, but not more than two units. In this case, water may appear on the skin (driver).

Machines that do not suffer from autogalm, when collapsing due to obvious reasons, must be equipped with a device to prevent self-destruction.

6. The forward movement of cars in wagons is subject to the technical operating rules, signaling instructions and other instructions.

When vehicles are straightened with platforms or trains forward, the speed of the train's rudder is adjusted to the permissible speed of the rudder of the vehicles beyond the stages, approved by the head of the road. The forward speed of cars moving forward is allowed to be no more than 30 km/year, and for radio communication on the car it is not necessary to exceed 40 km/year.

7. DGK, DGKu, DGKu5 railcars, AGV, AGVM, ADM motor-cars, MPT-4, MPT-5 motor-cars and MES motor-powered locomotives can, in sequence under their own power, move to the depot of required trains as a vantage on their own axles. x s dotrimannyam, Technical vkazivok Instructions on the procedure for transporting wheeled vehicles at the warehouse of motorized trains of AGV assembly railcars and instructions for the operation and maintenance of railcars, motor locomotives and railcars (motor-rack transport of an unknown type) y) on the slopes.

Automobile carriages AGD-1A (AGD-1), carriages DGK, DGKu, DGKu5, AGMS, AGMu, ALG, AS-1, AS-1A, AS-1M, DM, DMm, DMS, DMSu and motor carriages MPT-4, MPT- 5, MK-2/15 in order to move under their own power, can be transported on almost all platforms with additional Technical Indicators in order to be placed in transport position and in order to accompany wheeled vehicles. Technical minds vantagement and fastening of vantages.

Automotive vehicles AGD-1A (AGD-1), AS-3M, AS-4, trolleys AGMS, AGMu, ALG, AS-1, AS-1A, AS-1M and motorized locomotives MK-2/15 are also allowed to be transported by a locomotive with dotrimanny We requested technical information to ensure that the transport situation was in order for the transport of wheeled vehicles.

The speed of passage of a private train, at the warehouse where the vehicle is assigned, is allowed up to 80 km/year, with an ADM motorcar - 100 km/year.

The speed of a straight line of a private train, in which the MES motor-power plant is located at the warehouse, is up to 70 km/year, when straight on a highway - no more than 20 km/year.

8. Railcars DGK, DGKu, DGKu5, motor-cars AGV, AGVM, ADM and their modifications, motor-cars MPT-4, MPT-5 and motor-electric power stations MES, are transported to the warehouse of a private train, which does not fit in front of the two stationary, four-wheeled carriages. In these cases, six or eight trains are placed on the train by the tail car and are blocked. In times when the route of transportation of motor-rack-and-pinion transport includes plots with storage facilities, it is prohibited to put cars on the train and must be forced to restrained on the platform or be transported by a closed locomotive.

9. The speed of travel of a trailer train, at a warehouse such as a motor locomotive-power station MES, is allowed up to 70 km/year, and when running directly on a river road - no more than 20 km/year.

10. The release of railcars, motor vehicles and railcars, coupled to the train, from graders is not allowed.



Think about it, cover for any needs Number of cars covered
behind diagram A behind diagram B
Type of wire locomotive:
all critical specialized cars with VM (regardless of the type of traction and firing) 3 3
platforms and carriages with VM view:
steam locomotive on solid wood 5 5
Other types of locomotives 3 3
View of the tail of the train with the rest of the car secured, including during the preparation 3 3
Type of wagons occupied by a special train warehouse 3 3
In a dry warehouse (wagons, locomotives in a non-operating mill, cranes and other mechanisms in the railway track) with conductors, specially trained workers for the maintenance of vantage, warts, and security squads 3 1
Type of cars with unsafe fittings (except for cars with unsafe fittings of classes 2, 3, 4, 5 and subclass 6.1) 3 3
Type of carriages with unsafe fittings of classes 2, 3, 4, 5 and subclass 6.1 Defending 3
Types of empty tanks intended for transporting dangerous goods 1 1
Type of cars with VMs with smart numbers: 115, 119,121, 126, 128, 130, 134, 137, 141, 143, 148, 154, 155, 156, 167, 168, 179, 9 3 3
Type of cars with other VMs 3 0
Types of platforms and carriages with timber, steel and reinforced concrete beams, slats, pipes and similar fittings, enclosed beyond the boundaries of the end beams and conveyors 1 1
View of a steam locomotive on solid paliv, a diesel locomotive (steam locomotive) during maneuvers and when supplying (collecting) cars from the VM on the underside track 1 1

The operation of shunting robots by locomotives, in addition to steam locomotives on solid wood, is allowed under the protection of one car, in the presence of proper spark-extinguishing devices.



Orders regarding the preparation of routes for acceptance and dispatch of trains, as well as evidence regarding the implementation of these orders may be clear and reasonable. The people at the stations and the other switch posts are obliged to adhere to the rules of the negotiations, depending on the time of flight.

At stations that do not carry this traffic, the railway stations and the railway switch posts are also required to negotiate clearly and clearly about the preparation of routes for the reception and dispatch of trains.

Before the transmission of any order related to the prepared route to the recipient or departure of the train, as well as before the removal of evidence about the execution of such an order, the station is obliged to transfer what is heard or confirmed by all these individuals , as they loom on this right. It is forbidden to transfer the assigned orders or to remove evidence about their conscription as individuals, as this does not impair the right to do so.


Place of negotiations Form of negotiations
Chergovoy station Chergovyh arrow posts
Ordering of the railway station for the preparation of the route: a) for receiving the train “Prepare a route for the arrival of train No. z Oleksandrova on 3rd Highway" “3rd post. Prepare a route for train No. 3 from Oleksandrova on the 3rd way"
The order is transmitted simultaneously to all turnout posts, so that the prepared route takes its part Repeats one of the drawer points after the insertion of the drawer station. Reshta is confirmed with the words “post number .. - correct”
As the train follows the moving locomotive, then the one at the station and the next switch post, which repeats the order, add the words “with the locomotive”
b) for the direction of the train “Prepare the route for train No. 1 from the 1st road to Nevskaya” The order is transmitted simultaneously to all turnout posts, so that the prepared route will take its part “2nd post. Prepare a route for train No. 1 from the 1st route to Nevska.” Repeats one of the following arrow posts after the insert of the corresponding station. All others are confirmed with the words “post No. ?-true”
If the train departs from a moving locomotive, the words “from the station” are added to the station and the switch post, which repeats the order.
c) to pass a train “Prepare a route for train No. from Oleksandrova to Nevska 2nd Way” “1st post. Prepare a route for the direction of train No.? from Oleksandrova to Nevska on the 2nd way"
The order is transmitted simultaneously to all turnout posts, so that the pass prepared for the route takes its part “2nd post. Prepare a route for train No. ... from Oleksandrova to Nevskaya on 2 tracks” Repeats one of the turnout points (input and outbound) after the turnout at the station. Reshta is confirmed with the word “Virno”
Confirmation of the current turnout posts to the current station: a) about the readiness of the route to be accepted The station listens to the presence of the telephone at the same time of all the stations that take part in the prepared route “3rd post. The route will take train No. ... from Oleksandrova on the 3rd route ready, the Vilniy way.”
b) about readiness for the route The worm's station gives an audible message about the presence of all worm's arrow posts on the phone at the same time, which will take part in the prepared route “2nd post. The route for train No. ... from the 1st route to Nevskaya is ready” It is confirmed by all the switch posts that they will take part in the prepared route.
c) about the readiness of the route for the passage of the train The heart's station listens to the presence of the telephone at the same time of all the heart's switch posts, which take part in the prepared route for the recipient and the direction. “1st post. Route for train no. from Oleksandrova on the 2nd way ready, the Vilniy way" "2nd route. The route for train No. 3 2nd way to Nevskaya is ready, the Vilniy way" is confirmed by all the turnout posts that take part in the prepared route of the fast pass
d) about the arrival of the train “5th post. Train No. з Oleksandrova on the 3rd highway arrived. Come on in. If the train arrives from a moving locomotive, then add the words “from shtovhachem”
d) about the direction of the train “2nd post. Train No. from the 1st route to Nevskaya went all the way. Since the train departed from Shtovkhach, then add the words “from Shtovkhach”

Section 12


251. The robot maneuvering is carried out according to the established technological process of the robot station and according to a plan that will ensure:

Demand for technological transportation and uninterrupted service of industrial production organizations, as well as vendors, vendors and counterparties;

Prompt supply of dry goods to the warehouse before maintenance operations and tidying up after completion of maintenance operations;

Uninterrupted reception of trains at the station and their decomposition;

Proper formation and dispatch of trains;

Rational development of shunting devices and technical devices;

Safety for the economy, safety for the people, protection of the warehouse and goods that are transported, protection of the unnecessary environment.

252. At stations with a large road network and significant service, shunting robots are divided into shunting areas. One locomotive is working at the boundaries of the established shunting area. In some areas, two or more shunting locomotives can be purchased for consumption. The order of their work, which ensures the safety of the machine, is established by the TPA station.

253. Locomotive crews, as a rule, are assigned to the main shunting locomotives.

Locomotive supervisory crews (or other workers responsible for the installation of shunting robots and those who work on them) are required to know the order of shunting robots at the station, installation of TPA and local instructions Iyami.

254. The shifting of the switches during shunting transfers is carried out by signalists or worms of the switch post for the orders of the person who carries out the maneuvers.

During shunting transfers at stations with electrical centralization at the points where points are transferred from the central control to the station, as well as during maneuvers at non-centralized points, it is not allowed to be serviced by turnout points transfer of lines by inspectors of orderly, locomotive, crane crews, and drawing stations. , station attendants, locomotive and carriage depot workers, and other workers. The transfer of switch numbers, as well as the transfer of worker positions, who are allowed to move the switches when performing maneuvers, and the order of switches is set by the operator. The leader of the industrial salvage transport organization and the worker of the industrial salvage transport organization are assigned to the TRA stations.

Before transferring the centralized switch, the worker who serves it must check (especially or for the testimony of another worker) to ensure that the switch is not occupied by a dry warehouse. During electrical centralization, checking the strength of the turnout switch in a dry warehouse is carried out according to the readings of the control devices on the switching device, and in the event of a malfunction either in time, either of these devices or the switches are moved from the shunting columns The procedure for checking the strength of the turnout in a dry warehouse is established by the TPA station.

255. It is forbidden to pass the dry goods warehouse behind the cut arrow until inspection and repair by the police service workers, and the centralized switches, in addition, by the alarm service workers and communications and without a correspondence for their recording in the process. I'll look at the magazines. In case of accidents, before the arrival of the control system electromechanic and the inspection of the centralized arrows along it (after a confirmed entry in the log, the inspection by the police officer of the police service) is allowed only for the minds of the assigned heaters.

256. To organize the shunting work and ensure the safety of the operator, the responsible parties are required to install radio communications and two-way parking communications at the stations. Instructions and information that are transmitted via radio and two-way parking communications must be short and clear, allowing the entry of requests to be transferred so that it is correctly accepted by the locomotive driver (after hearing a short repetition of the instructions ki, having rejected the output signal from the input line, The driver blows the locomotive whistle.

The specific purpose of the radio communication devices and two-way park communication at the skin shunting area of ​​the station is from the designated employees who are entitled to operate these devices, designated TPA stations.

257. Passage of the shunting light from the fence indications (as a result of its malfunction, the harmful use of the turnout, etc.) with a ready route after checking the actual strength of the turnout communication is allowed upon entering the draft station, which is transmitted to the locomotive driver especially via two-way radio communication. manual of maneuvers.

258. When rearranging the pulls from park to park, wagons go forward to ensure the safety of the collapse and the order of the supply of such pulls is established by the sanitation worker of the salvage transport organization or the sanitation worker of the industrial salvage transport organization. In other cases of safety, when moving warehouses from park to park, TPA stations are installed.

259. The procedure for fencing, securing and securing the parking area for cars with unsafe vantage points when parked at the station for trains or formed warehouses is established in accordance with the Site Instructions about the procedure for working with cars enclosed by unsafe vantages , it is indicated in the TPA station.

260. Cars with unsafe vantages are to blame for the protection of the locomotive from pp. 369 These are the instructions.

261. Maneuvers on the tracks of locomotive and carriage depots and other routes for the repair of a dry warehouse can only be carried out under the supervision of the special instructions of the depot or another person who is entrusted with the maneuvers on these tracks. Maneuvers between the production workshops and farms follow the orders of the relevant transport workshop or farm.

262. On tracks containing cars where technical and essential operations are carried out, train maneuvers are not allowed.

263. In case of unfavorable weather conditions (strong wind, fog, storm), the maneuvering robot must be carried out with special care.

264. p align="justify"> The operation of government trains on the station's tracks is carried out under the supervision of a special service worker. The transfer of train appointments from one route to another or to another area of ​​the station is carried out only with the permission of the station official and the person in charge of the maneuvers.

265. The disconnection of wind hoses and electrical wiring at the warehouse facilitates the molding and their connection at the train molding points is carried out:

Locomotive crews are about to release the train locomotive from the warehouse;

Technicians of technical service points and other workers who are designated as a kernel worker for the salvage transport organization or a kernel worker for the industrial salvage transport organization at the stations of the railway station technological process of robot stations and technical service points;

The administrative brigades are in the process of performing maneuvers.

Caring with shunting robot

and warehouse for shunting crews

266. Maneuvers at station tracks are carried out under the orders of at least one worker - a station dispatcher, a shunting dispatcher 7, a station dispatcher, and in stations equipped with dispatch centralization - a train dispatcher. A TPA station is installed between them.

267. The movement of the locomotive, which carries out maneuvers, is the responsibility of only one worker - the maneuver master, responsible for their correct execution. The maneuvering work is carried out by an orderly brigade, one inspector or a locomotive crew. Practitioners who are required to carry out maneuvers in the skin maneuvering area are installed with TPA stations. It is allowed to produce shunting robots from the training workers of the organization's manufacturing departments in the order established by the organization's supervisor.

268. The maneuver manager is responsible for assigning tasks to the shunting robot to only one person who is in charge of the maneuvers. The instructions for the maneuvering robot may be given briefly and clearly and conveyed by the skin practitioner’s maneuver manager during the maneuvers.

If the process of developing maneuvers arises from the need to change the plans of the work, then the nature of these changes will be known to all practitioners involved in the maneuvers.

269. Transfer of a shunting locomotive (with or without wagons) from one shunting area to another is permitted only with the permission of the shunting station (shunting station) or shunting dispatcher.

The passage of a locomotive from one area to another may be subject to a lot of maneuvering in the area in which there may be a crash.

Obligations for healthcare workers during

shunting robot

270. Kerivnik of crop maneuvers:

Ensure the correct arrangement and convenience of the actions of all workers who take part in the development of maneuvers, based on their knowledge of the plan and methods of completing the upcoming shunting robots;

Precisely, it is timely to complete the work on the shunting robot, ensuring the supply and tidying of the dry warehouse to the production plots in accordance with the existing schedules in the organization (contact and others);

Organize the shunting work in such a way as to ensure the safety of the personnel, the special safety of the workers involved in the maneuvers, and the preservation of the warehouse and maintenance.

271. Before entering the drawing room, the maneuverer must become familiar with the availability of loose warehouses on tracks in his area, check the reliability of its fastening, and check with the availability of the conditions for the area of ​​fastening methods. About the results of verification of the report by the emergency station.

272. Before the start of the shunting robot, a guide to the crop maneuvers:

Please note that all the soldiers who take part in the maneuvers are always in their places;

Familiarize the driver and station workers who take part in the maneuvers with the plan for upcoming maneuvers and the order of their execution;

Check that there is no overcoding for reloading wagons (liners under the wheels, etc.).

273. Instructions to the drawing switch post or signalman about the preparation of a shunting route or the installation of a switch on that other route can be transmitted especially by radio communication, two-way park communication, locomotive whistles, hand whistles or others in terms of the technical equipment of the station in order, station.

274. When carrying out maneuvers, the procedure for maneuvering goiters:

A) accurately and promptly transmit instructions and signals to avoid shunting maneuvers;

B) ensure the timely preparation of switches for shunting transfers, timely and correct submission of signals and insertions of switch posts and by the locomotive driver;

B) located in such a place, the surveillance will be ensured by increasing the visibility of signals maneuvering the warehouse and the route of its transfer.

If the radio communication with the locomotive driver (due to a malfunction or because the locomotive does not have a shunting radio communication) is located in such a place, the visibility of the driver and his assistant will be ensured hand signals that are given;

D) when conducting maneuvers with a large warehouse on crooked plots or in areas with poor visibility (fog, storm, snowfall, etc.), make additional calls to ensure safety - more often transmit signals and instructions via radio communication for two-way park sound language, receiving for transmitting signals from chergovy switch posts, signaling devices, etc.;

D) in Russia, with station wagons moving forward, as a rule, on the first special step (transition area) behind the wheel, and if it is impossible, walk between the tracks or the Uzbek track in front of the cars, so that the osidzh cozy up, follow the indications of the shunting lights, which are given signals, positions arrow after route, every day I cross people onto the road; for the need to survive calls to the shunting warehouse. Whenever necessary, radio communications can be received to transmit signals from turnout stations and other public transport workers;

E) do not allow the rickety warehouse to pass through the cut arrow until inspection and repair;

g) when going to the warehouse, cross the road when there are fence signals;

H) do not deprive cars without fastening or with fastenings less than the norm established at the TPA station, regardless of the assigned parking hour for these cars;

І) do not allow overloading without overloading so that all the cars are connected to each other and to the locomotive;

J) when maneuvering trains, it is timely to take into account approaches that make it difficult to move the heads at the turning straightway or for the cars to exit the boundary stop at the protracted end of the road;

K) if when maneuvering in shipments or when placing warehouses on a pile, it is important for the robots behind the minds to be installed in the “buffer” position, then after strengthening the depot in the warehouse, it is important to bring the important parts into the normal position;

M) when a shunting locomotive (single or with wagons) enters tracks occupied by wagons for uncoupling or uncoupling other wagons, as well as when pressing wagons for uncoupling, stand in order to prevent these operations from occurring without overriding the secure fastening wagons with tensile type shunting locomotive side;

N) if up to a group of cars that stand on this or that road, including those assigned to the established norm, cars are additionally attached, check that the correctness of the installation before the positions of the galmies was not destroyed as a result chereviki, and also enough of these chereviki for quantity that has increased. carriages;

O) before transferring to the shunting warehouse in the city, navantazhennya and vivantazhennya will reconfigure at the moment the code for the rukhu;

P) maneuvers with carriages that are not completed, must be carried out only after communication with the attendant who is in charge of vantage operations.

275. During shunting transfers, the local location of the shunting rig, the order of transmission of inserts and signals about transfer and entry to ensure the safety of the rover, TPA stations are installed.

276. The shunting operator is responsible for organizing the shunting robot in such a way as to prevent the loose warehouse from leaving the boundary stops (isolating sticks or signals) at the end of the tracks. The shunting robot is responsible for the notification of a signal or a turnout point positioned at the opposite end of the routes, which also requires the presence of necessary entries, which prevent the possibility of the warehouse going beyond the borders of the stoppers ( track behind the cars that stand on the tracks, lay them on the tracks if necessary shlyahu gaited booties, etc.).

The arrows, which are located at the prolongation end of the tracks, must be moved to a position that prevents the cars from entering the stretch or direct routes of trains and shunting trains.

277. A station attendant, a shunting dispatcher or a railway dispatcher, when it is necessary to perform maneuvers with cars entrained by unsafe vantages, requests to inform about the process of maneuvering, and the rest - his assistant and the driver of the maneuver new locomotive.

278. When a train is sent, at the tail of which a group of cars is lost on the station, between the warehouse of the train and these cars there is a distance of at least 5 m. If it is impossible to provide such a station, the cars that are left on the station, the guilt must be reliably secured with the provisions before their release from the possible mail when the train was destroyed from the place.

279. When carrying out maneuvers in localities, the work of repair crews (road workers, signal control), at crossing crossings, at railway car and locomotive depots, on the territory of manufacturing workshops and plots, locomotive control crews are obliged to show special attention. Yes, it is time to sound alarms when you are close. highways to people, as well as to prevent the collapse of the warehouse of people who are working on the repair of the railway, signaling systems and connections, carriages, vantagement, etc. In these situations, when the carriages move forward, it is necessary to carry out steps. 274 "d" are the instructions.

280. The locomotive crew under the hour of executing the maneuvers of the goiter:

It’s exactly the right time to finish the job on the shunting robot;

It is important to follow the signals that are given, accurately and promptly sign off the signals and instructions about re-drying;

It is important to follow the people who are on the tracks, the positions of the arrows and the movements of the loose warehouse. It is important to live at the entrance to the warehouse or the locomotive is at times unsafe for people and if malfunctions are detected or a fault occurs that threatens the safety of the economy;

Ensure the safety of the locomotive management team, ensure the safety of maneuvers and save the warehouse.

The locomotive driver is prevented from performing maneuvers, collapsing the locomotive without removing the maneuvering box, especially by radio communication, two-way park communication devices, or by hand signal. In addition to the indication or the shunting signal, before entering the switches of centralized shunting routes, the driver must move to the separate shunting light, and on the non-centralized switches, turn away from the black signal at the turnout post or notification (especially via radio communication, two-way parking signal devices 'language) readiness of the arrows for shunting transfer. In the absence of shunting lights, before leaving the centralized turnout, the driver may be informed about the readiness of the turnouts for shunting switches at the turn station (especially by radio communication, two-way parking devices connection or transmitted through the server of maneuvers).

At stations with electrical centralization of switches and signals at the time of transfer of switches from the central control to the local control, exit to the switches is allowed after the order or signal of the attendant who is responsible for the transfer of these switches.

281. When moving forward with carriages, since the driver does not see signals about the readiness of the route or the indication of the shunting light that is given to him, the shunting operator is obliged to give a signal about the beginning of the rukhu with the upcoming departure to the switches only after canceling the signal (receiving) in Id of the final switch post about the readiness of the switches for shunting reloading or reconnection, so that the traffic light is in the open position.

282. Single locomotives, which are not accompanied by an orderly brigade, pass through station tracks, marked by signals or indications of railway stations, operators of centralization posts, railway switch posts and signal signals, which I transmit directly to the locomotive driver, or to the indications of the shunting lights.

283. The signals that are sent, as well as instructions that are received via radio communication or two-way park communication devices, are confirmed by the driver of the requests with the locomotive whistle or short repetitions of the transmitted information. If the driver is not aware of the correctness of the signal and instructions and knows the plan of the shunting robot, he is guilty of being confused and causing the situation.

284. The number of switches and alarms at the hour of the formation of military maneuvers:

It is important to keep an eye on the transfer of shunting warehouses that are transmitted by indications and signals, and promptly mark out any possible indications and signals;

Clearly and promptly transmit signals and information to the driver;

Before giving a signal or transmitting a notification about the transfer of the shunting warehouse, check the correct position of the switches in the shunting route;

After the pointer is moved, the final pointer post must re-contact so that the heater fits firmly against the frame rail.

Maneuvers on the main and right roads

285. Maneuvers with the retina of the head routes, as well as with exiting the entrance switches, can be allowed in a skin condition only with the permission of the station attendant when the exit lights are closed, so that the routes and switches are fenced off, such maneuvers vibrate.

286. In the most efficient parks of the station, maneuvers can only be carried out on those roads and switches, which will be indicated to the workers at the station at the hour of giving the assigned maneuver to the shunting robot.

287. Maneuvers from the exit to the warehouse beyond the station cordon to the stretch on single-track and in the wrong way on double-tracks without a dispatcher and a driver at the station and without established permission, which is visible to the driver, are prohibited. Maneuvers to exit the warehouse beyond the station cordon in the correct way on two-length plots are allowed with the permission of the station dispatcher with the permission of the station manager.

288. Allowed the shunting warehouse to enter the station cordon on a single-track section to serve:

When the key is automatically locked, it is visible to the driver of the shunting locomotive after opening the exit light. After the first exit of the shunting depot beyond the station cordon using the open exit light and key-staff, repeated exits to the crossing, subject to the driver's knowledge, will allow the key-staff to operate without opening the exit lights. In the absence of a key-wand, exit is allowed when the auto-locking mode is closed and switching to a telephone connection with the driver of the shunting locomotive with written permission in accordance with paragraph II;

In case of automatic blocking - the key-rod of this stage, and for this purpose - a letter from the completed paragraph II, which is visible after the automatic blocking is closed;

With an electric rod system - a rod or a key-rod;

For telephone calls, a letter was made in accordance with paragraph 1.

At the top of the letter permission form, which is visible to the driver of the shunting locomotive when leaving the warehouse beyond the station cordon, there is a mark "Maneuver".

When asking about maneuvers on the route, follow the form: “How can I perform maneuvers outside the station cordon?” The right to carry out maneuvers is given in the following form:

“I allow the possibility of maneuvers outside the station cordon.”

For information about the completion of maneuvers, follow the form: “Maneuvers with the exit of the shunting warehouse beyond the station cordon have been completed.”

Negotiations between the stations about maneuvers with exit beyond the station cordon for a single-track stretch with the shunting locomotive drivers receiving written permission in accordance with paragraph II must be recorded with entries in the log of recent telephone messages.

It is prohibited to ask and give permission for the shunting warehouse to leave the station cordon when the section is busy with a fast train.

289. Allowed the shunting warehouse to leave the station cordon using the wrong route on a two-lane haul to serve:

In case of automatic and automatic blocking - the letter has been completed from the completion of paragraph II, which is visible after the blocking is closed behind the exit route and the installation of telephone connections;

For telephone calls, a letter was made in accordance with the instructions in paragraph II.

With two-way automatic blocking, after switching of devices to the line route, the exit of the shunting warehouse beyond the station cordon along the wrong route can be done in the same way as the correct way - subject to the consent of the train dispatcher with the express permission of the government station.

290. It is prohibited to occupy the receiving and despatch lines with adjacent cars or groups of cars, separated from trains that pass through and are used for supplying under vantagement, restoration, repair and other operations. Time-hour employment of the most important drivers with carriages during the execution of maneuvers may be allowed to occur with a skin rash without the permission of the railway station. Occupying and catching a deaf kut is blocked by a rickety warehouse.

291. How the shunting robot operates from the entrance of the dry warehouse to the routes for receiving or distributing trains, the stacker and the driver of the shunting locomotive are responsible for the next day of receiving or distributing trains by radio communication or bidirectional by means of a parking connection, special notifications to the signalman or the turnout point, and in other ways.

The procedure for the transfer of such arrangements to the drivers of shunting locomotives and the implementation of exit maneuvers on the terminal routes is established by the TPA station.

Maneuvers on skid rows and retractable roads

292. At stations where hydraulic devices for sorting cars are installed, the necessary maneuvers are carried out in accordance with the instructions, confirmed by the carpenter of the salvage transport, which also reflects the procedure for setting up automation devices during the unmolding process. traction (GATs and in.).

In the instructions for the operation of sorting heels, it is necessary to transfer the same steps, which include the possibility of wagons leaving the sorting tracks at the length of the sorting heap neck (laying fence linings c, galvanization of the waste in the deep park, convenience between the workers of the sorting pile and the sorting park). .

293. Before releasing the wagons from the sorting heap, please do the following:

Check the level of freedom of the paths from the side of the slide and the visibility of passages;

Familiarize yourself with the plan for the upcoming release, the sequence of retrieval of trains, the number of cars in each ship, the running capacity of trains and other necessary data;

The procedure established at this station ensures awareness of the nature of the upcoming release of other workers who take part in sorted cars (operators of routine and regular posts, train handlers, traffic controllers and the speed of carriages etc.);

turn on automation devices for sorting robots (GAC etc.)

294. Chergoviy po girts (operators of the orderly and final posts), train inspectors, speed regulators of the wagons during the dispensing process are responsible for adjusting the speed of the day and stage of the galvanization of wagons diligently in order to replenish the sorting tracks iv, drainage passage at the arrow zone and on the pedestal tracks, the size of the withdrawals, drawing recognition of the roads of the grading park and others.

During the process of releasing the chergovy by gyre, the operators of the regular and final posts are responsible for keeping watch over the handle of the hoppers, checking the correctness of their straightening along the lines of the sorting fleet, monitoring the robot of the automation devices of the sorting robot. and in keeping with the situation that develops, if necessary, adjust their work.

295. When there are wagons with unsecured fittings on the sorting tracks, shunting dispatchers and sorting workers are responsible for keeping an accurate view of the tracks on which such wagons are located.

In the process of releasing the chergovy girkoy (operator of the control post) or the girnic laying behind the additional two-way park connection and other types of connection, it is necessary to constantly inform the operators of the final posts, the fluid regulators. wagons, turnout posts about terminals that require special care .

All workers who take part in the release, when lowering such trains from the railway, as well as during the release of any trains on the route, including cars with unsafe fittings, must be especially respectful to ensure the safety of the release and save a shady warehouse. Fluidity in the present day, as well as the strength of galvanization on the sidewalks, are regulated by maintaining regular intervals between the sections of these cars and other cars.

The order of the prazivnikiv about the stupe of the storage, the rod, the I i gho ravons of the Sortivalnaya Park of the wagon with infamous vantazhs to get up with the mossy izhtstsya about the order of the robes with wagons, indiscriminate vast majority.

296. It is forbidden to maneuver the arms and release the handles:

Platforms and on the carriages, enclosed with the side and lower oversized fittings of the 4th, 5th, 6th stages and with the upper oversized fittings of the 3rd stage (with the required indications on the external route and arriving from the outside external measures) and similar stages of oversize due to high-volume and long-lasting vantages according to the number of industrial harvesting transport;

The locomotives are in the camp, no matter what, the cranes are running;

Technological special dry goods warehouse and dump cars;

Rukhomiy warehouse, which bears the stencil “Don’t let go from the top” (“Don’t let go from the top”), as well as similar symbols on documents.

Instructions are more likely to be passed through the warehouse with a shunting locomotive.

It is blocked from passing through the sorting buckets:

Empty conveyors with 12 or more axles are attracted, conveyors of the same type with a lifting capacity of 120 tons are attracted for the presence in Lancus of one or two intermediate platforms, as well as a dry warehouse, which I have a stencil “Don’t let it pass through the hill.”

297. The fluidity of the release of wagons on the sorting piles with different readings of the light bulbs, as well as the washing facilities that ensure the safety of the ruble and the conservation of the dry warehouse, are installed by the kerivnik in the department of the salvage transport organization or the head of the organization of industrial salvage transport in the presence of local minds and technical equipment is heavy, and is indicated in Instructions for using the sorting machine.

298. The transfer of railcars, where it is difficult to lower cars from the sorting pile, carry out maneuvers in trains, or it is necessary to take special care during descent, is established by the Rules for the transportation of unsafe railcars by rails.

On the official documents of such carriages, the owner of the vantazhenya station at Navantazhennia stations will put a stamp “Do not let go from the lifts” or “Do not lower from the lifts carefully.”

299. In the process of releasing the warehouse, keep track of the presence of cars on any other sorting route and, if completed, inform the senior traffic controller, in charge of the city, about this. for the hysterical way of life. To ensure smooth and trouble-free operation of the fluidity regulators of the cars:

Before the warehouse starts to open, they will have to work on the roads they serve;

It is important to follow the information about the trains, the signals given by the worm, the train operator or the locomotive driver;

It is important to tidy up the cars, ensuring the highest level of traffic and safe passage of trains to the cars that stand on the tracks of the park. When releasing the large buckets, the additional galvanized boots are placed under the middle wheels of the pair behind an additional loading shoe or a special fork;

After the chainstays, pull out the boots from underneath the cars;

To assist the speed regulators of the carriages, which serve the railway tracks, with intensive direct delivery to the areas of their work.

300. When galvanizing cars on station tracks, including when securing a dry warehouse, it is necessary to install galvanizing shoes:

Right in front of the rack stick and on the rack stick (as a matter of fact);

In front of the crossbar of the switch;

On the frame rail of the switch, until the heater rests;

On the outer crooked rail.

301. It is protected by corroded defective lining boots (the head is cracked, warped and the sole is bent, etc.). Galma's chereviki must be prepared (in the color with which the stench is more noticeable), the mother is branded and stored on special bedside tables in the middle.

302. The settling and connection of wagons at the sorting park (on the side of the yard or on the protagonist side of the routes of the sorting yard) is protected without any prior arrangement between those in the yard (supervisor) and those in the yard in the sorting yard (supervisor).

Before settling, the crop brigade is required to move around the presence of linings under the cars and in the normal position of the other important components of the automatic coupling. Due to the fact that on the sorting route of wagons with unsafe installations, the stacking before reloading the wagons is especially important to reconfigure at the risk of overloading.

303. Maneuvers on stretch roads are performed, as a rule, in batches (serial or single). When performing maneuvers in serial shipments in TPA stations for regions, this method is the main one in organizing shunting work, which must be determined: the order of galvanization of the caps, the visibility and the order of galvanization technical features(ties, pad shoes, skid shoes, etc.) and other safety precautions.

304. Regulate the distribution of the warehouse for the postal service, the stowage of crops, the regulation of running gear and the supply chain, the freedom of the sorting routes and the atmospheric minds so that the turnout posts and the speed regulators for the movement of the wagons are not enough time. for the translation of points and the laying of linings and to ensure the smoothness of the carriages.

305. If the normal flow of maneuvers is disrupted (going backwards, going ahead, moving forwards, the gearbox on the pointer neck, etc.), operators of turntables, turnouts, and speed regulators carriages and other workers who take part in maneuvers are required to give a signal until the chergovy vydchepu, which collapses.

Maneuvering robot in the areas of stations that are not served by worm switch posts.

306. When entering the shunting warehouse on technological routes, routes of production shops and plots, warehouses, wagons or locomotive depots and other drawing stations and stackers are responsible for the possibility of supplying and picking up cars with a representative of the manufacturing workshop (mill). The order of use is established by the TPA station.

307. Before the arrival of shunting locomotives in a special self-propelled dry storage warehouse to areas where there are switches that are not served by switch posts, as well as when turning from such areas, the locomotive crew (cars) st of a special self-propelled dry warehouse) for your business. The order of use is established by the TPA station.

308. The foreman (and during the execution of maneuvers without laying - the locomotive crew) before entering the road area, where the switches are not serviced by the turnout station workers, duties:

Check the position of the shlyakhs and the position of the arrows in the region and reconfigure the presence of a cross-code for the movement;

Take a look at the cars that stand in the area, check the presence of gaiters under the rickety warehouse, get ahead of the workers who are in prison, about the upcoming maneuvers.

The transfer of switches in such areas is carried out by the installation or other personnel assigned to the TPA station.

309. The entry to the station routes of shunting locomotives, warehouses, as well as a special self-propelled dry warehouse from areas that are not served by turnout stations, without the permission of the station attendant, is blocked. The procedure for leaving such areas is subject to the establishment of TPA stations.

Securing the dry warehouse

310. Rukhomiy warehouse at station tracks must be installed at the boundaries designated as boundary stops.

Drawbars that stand on station tracks without a locomotive, wagons, special dry goods storage and technological special dry storage warehouses must be securely secured in plain view with linings, hand linings or other means of closing captivity. Securing the loose warehouse is carried out by rolling the carriage wheel onto the galvanized boot.

311. The securing of cars on station tracks must be carried out in accordance with the standards specified in Appendix 2 of the Instructions. The procedure for fastening the carriages and rods is carefully indicated in the TPA station, where it is established that the carriages and rods are responsible for fastening on the skin, who is responsible for completing the operation, as well as forcibly these are the ways to secure the rear of the cars or release the hand straps,

312. Warehouses of trains, groups or surrounding cars that are lost on station tracks must, in all cases, be secured with linings until the locomotives are assigned to the standards transferred to the TPA station. On tracks with a deformity that does not exceed 0.0025, it is allowed, after the locomotive is detached, to secure the train to the warehouse, which has arrived, but with a length of no more than 20 minutes. It is not allowed to pierce the outside of wagons that are galvanized with automatic tassels without securing them with galvanized boots.

313. Drivers of locomotive trains arriving at the station are advised to remove the locomotive from the warehouse without losing notice of its securing. Such a notification is transmitted to the driver in the order established by the TPA station. Before releasing the locomotive from the train, the driver is always required to seal the warehouse with automatic galleys.

314. Cars that arrived at the station for dry parking (in reserve, undergoing repairs, etc.) must be placed on a track with a gap that does not exceed 0.0025, isolated from train routes. The fastening of such cars is caused by the rolling of the wheels on the linings. The correctness and reliability of the confirmation of guilt must be verified by the head of the station, his defender or the official of the station.

315. When performing maneuvers on ruts, carried out on bends, in all cases it is necessary to ensure that there are sideways approaches (placing the arrows in the isolating position, laying the linings under the edges of the cap, etc.), so that exclude the possibility of blocking detached wagons from the shunting warehouse, as well as viewing a direct wagon trains or to other shunting areas.

The flow of areas and routes, spread out on a tricky basis, where during maneuvers there is an insecurity for cars entering the stage, on direct routes of organized trains or to other shunting areas, as well as additional calls to ensure the safety of the train, as and are obliged to stay in these areas during the hour of maneuvers, to be charged at the TPA station.

316. Maneuvers on station roads, located on skhila, where there is an unsafe situation for cars entering the stretch, can only be carried out by placing locomotives on the side of the descent, and in necessary situations, by turning on and testing the auto-galvans of cars. If it is impossible to position the locomotive on the side of the descent, the maneuvers must be carried out, and the auto-galvan of the carriages must be turned on and tested. The order of maneuvers that will ensure the safety of traffic at stations where such routes are taking place is established at the TPA station.

317. In areas where there are connections between good and happy routes, to advance the independent entry of the dry warehouse to the station or haulage, transport at the station, warehouse crews, transfer points after arrival (exit) at the junction It is necessary to carefully install the arrows (including centralized ones). take off the booties or the arrows are in the normal position.

318. Having received notification of strong winds, or in the event of such a wind, since information about it was not transmitted, station attendants, skin in their place, are required to check the reliability of the fastening of the ru In any warehouse, make sure to place additional hemmed booties in accordance with Addendum 2 of the instructions.

319. Whenever it is unsafe for a dry warehouse to go to the stage, the workers at the goiter station are obliged to carefully pick up everything that is evident from their properly disposed bones on their teeth. When a dry warehouse enters the train station at the train station, if all requests are cleared from his duties, inform the train drivers who are present at the train station, the train dispatcher, and the train dispatcher about this. stations, regular crossings and other workers to slow down local trains and accept, come to the corner of the rickety warehouse, scho pishov.

320. When carrying out operations from securing a dry warehouse on station roads, the following basic provisions must be followed to ensure mutual control of the workers:

A. When trains are secured:

at the head and reception routes, maintenance and control over assignments is carried out by the station attendant, and in the surrounding shunting areas - by the shunting dispatcher;

The warehouse station can allow the release of the locomotive only after reconfirming the correct assignment to the warehouse for the confirmation of this operation or especially;

The driver of a train locomotive is prohibited from removing the locomotive from the warehouse without the permission of the local station, transmitted via radio communication, park communication, through the station attendant, who is currently assigned, or especially;

The collection of corduroys from the warehouse is only permitted upon the order of the draft station, transferred to the Vikonavian operation via radio communications, park communications, through another station clerk or especially;

The locomotive station can issue an invoice about the production of hooded hoods only after transferring from the actual coupled locomotive to the warehouse for the driver's approval via radio communication or through the station attendant.

B. When shunting robot:

When performing maneuvers, the responsibility for securing a dry warehouse carries a maneuver keeper, which is required when applying for permission to leave the lane (from which shunting area), inform the emergency station or the shunting dispatcher about the closure Captivity in a ramshackle warehouse.

Detailed regulations for the execution of the operation from the consolidation of the dry warehouse, from the appointment of specific employees who will complete the operation and report about them, are communicated to the TPA station.

Smoothness during maneuvers

321. The speed of the ruk during maneuvers must be respected by the local minds, established by order according to the organization, declared in the TPA station and the culpability is no more than:

40 km/year under the hour of a locomotive with carriages attached to the back, freeways. The flow of shunting warehouses and single locomotives with a speed of 40 km/year can only occur in quiet periods if the driver is aware of the road. If the driver is not aware of the smoothness of the road, then he is obliged to follow a special smoothness and such a smoothness that would ensure an immediate gap when a crossing appears for further movement;

25 km/year - under the hour the carriages are moving forward along free roads; in Russia there are empty slag carriers; under the hour of the rush of new trains;

15 km/year - in Russia of slag carriers, slag carriers and empty pellet carriers with lift capacity up to 100 tons, in Russia of slag carriers and empty carriages for dump trucks, in Russia of cars with oversized cylinders without high and lower oversized 4th, 5th and 6th ( according to the classification of oversize, what is on the skids);

10 km/year - under the hour the collapse of carriages with unsafe fittings;

5 km/year - when maneuvering in increments; in Russia, at the production premises, between open and closed warehouses; at the fronts navantazhennya-rozvantazhennya; when the wagons arrive at the pickup depot; under the hour of the collapse of the vantage and empty chavun carriers with a lifting capacity of up to 100 tons behind the loading tracks and the heavy chavun and behind the turnouts, as well as the vantage and empty chavun carriers with a vantage capacity of over 100 tons, including and mixer type; under the hour the trucks for the molds are rushing;

3 km/year – when the locomotive (with or without cars) approaches the cars; when placing cars on the transfer car; when transferring wagons into wagons 8; when coupling carriages with unsafe cargo of the following categories, which require special care (subject to the Rules for the transportation of unsafe cargo by rail), with other carriages or with a locomotive.

The fluidity of the flyovers is set by local instructions.

Shvidkosti Rukhu Vagonv with a great dawn vantazhs, get up to the izhstestekiyu, the Negabaritniye, great, the dantage of the prostitutes of the pro -sulfide departure, and the yak for the negligent strokes.

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