How to hug a person if you want wine. What do you need to do in order for the lad to kiss you

How do you see blue, because there are no physical dots in them? Aje a person is not only for help, but yy, you can hang your appointment to someone.

If you want to kiss the lad and kiss yourself, then think about what kind of lad you need. But there are different situations. For example, as your lad is rubbish and stingy, he will be led to some tricks. It is necessary to drink ice on the cob and to break the bar'eri, as if it stinks. Try to stand up for yoga, but don't be sloppy, otherwise you might get angry. If you feel comfortable with yourself and the lad does not try to grow up in front of you, it means that the first success is already ruined.

How to kiss a boy to kiss you?

Today, the Internet is brightening with joys about the application of bright glare and richest spirits. It is the fault of the nobility that the lads cannot tolerate sharp and strong aromas. Bliss and lipstick can make you look good young man, Oscilki are associated with pasta for flies. It will never happen, as if at the first kiss, lipstick will be lost on human lips. Bagat'okh khloptsіv tse navpak vіdshtovkhuє.

Try to create a friendly atmosphere, when you feel offended, you will feel comfortable. A lot of lads are going through, it’s hard for them to be known for such a job. You can tell yoma, like a long time ago you climbed the zustrіch, picked up the coat. A similar opening will help you get closer and take the pressure off.

How can you kiss a lad kiss yourself? The reasoning is simple: as a rule, a kiss is given at parting. At this moment, try to rebuvat in the maximum proximity. Turn your face to the lad and marvel at you in the eyes. You can throw a protective look at the ruins, but not over the door. At this moment, a kiss is to blame. Like a lad again without showing initiative, you can kiss Yogo on the cheek, to smooth out the handlessness and make the truth close


You can also talk to him about it. Just do not need to work tight. Just tell you that you would like to kiss him, but you don't know what the reaction will be. Yakshto mіzh you deisno shchos є, shvidshe for everything, rozmov will be interrupted by the kiss itself.

We have chosen a few options, which will help you to receive additional bills.

How to get the lad to a kiss?

Even though you are still not talking, let me give you hope for your future future. It’s possible, you’re afraid to recognize in your feelings and not sing, what is right for you. It’s more important to be generous and fair. Try to spend more than an hour at a time, while hatefully sticking around until a new one. Allow me to both relax and make myself feel better.

Your ruins are guilty, but we are addicted. The language is not about lipstick, but about simple glamor and watchfulness. It's small, what lads can be worthy of a girl with dry and chapped lips.

Remember that the situation is to blame for the weather. Possibly, young man, he is worried that someone might cheat on you. As you see that your lad just doesn’t cheat, kiss Yogo yourself or ask about it. Don't worry about the romantic, but the burning moments.

How to provoke the lad on? There is one more way. You can tell the lad that you can't kiss. You can navit zhartoma ask yogo to teach you to be safe. As it suits you, you can’t sing wine to you, but here you can have some blame.

You are guilty of mother ohayny old look. Do not apply a lot of cosmetics. Just believe that you are beautiful and that you should give a stronger effect. Under the hour of intercourse, swear by yourself. Don't be intrusive. You can turn on easy inaccessibility, as to make you more attractive.

As if you are deadly dead one in one, the kiss will be early, it’s not good for that. Believe me, scho tried to make your kiss unforgetable. In an hour, you will get close to the boy and you will feel as comfortable as possible.

Yogo kissed you like miracles, like a saint... talk about this, and live independently with the theme of tsієї (alone) is important. What work? Do not think about those who can kiss you! Do not varto sho-nebud robiti "through force."

Є ways, yakі wear a wild character!

  1. Have a "little doll" play in the company with him! Possibly, zavdyaki grі, vin kiss you richly once in one day. I, perhaps, kisses continue after the thunder. Spin the dance correctly, so that luck smiled at you with a wide smile!
  2. Catch, scho you can’t kiss. Tell me what you want, what “craft” the receptionist will teach you yourself, and not another person. Guilt you for what you don’t recommend, like you befitting you!
  3. Putting the boys food, similar to this: “Don’t you want to kiss me?”. Kiss the lad, naturally, as if someone “burned” in the middle according to the date before you. Ale be ready to be-yakah vіdpovіdey!
  4. Kiss Yogo Sama! Make sure the flooring is neat and low, so that the lad does not dare to stand up and wants to continue the kiss himself. What, you're shy, right? Forget about the litter if you want to take it!
  5. Play a kiss in superechtsі and chi in yakіy-nebud grі. Good luck to you in your difficult right! Luck is needed for you, no doubt, but you are guilty of believing in the win and jumping to it. Vira tobi rich in what help.
  6. Immerse yoga in a romantic atmosphere, in which you will be only you and there will be no one else. The lad will not waste such a moment, as if you want to see the licorice of your lips!
  7. Garn lipstick pidbury. Close lipstick "rosefarbuy". Everything is to blame, buti was picked up and crushed so that the lad is god-fearing in the light of the bazhannya to expand your invisible lips! Let your imagination run wild....
  8. Perfume buy crazy! So, like just “pulling” the lad to you. Golovnya, I’ll get close to you for the need to walk. All the more, churn wine yourself! You will never forget yoga kisses, and you will never forget the aroma of your Chaklun spirits.
  9. Confess to love lads! Love - kiss! Well, and in vіdpovіd vіdpovіd vіdpovіd vіdpovіd in pochutti, zrozumіlo. Really, everything is simple! Ale, don’t make it all right: if you’re not inspired in love, don’t recognize it! Let's make it hurt more.
  10. Write a note to you. Just a reminder, in which case there will be more than enough. And the words qi are like this: “Kiss me!”. Gain patience and courage. Daughter of your offensive brat.
  11. Annoy the boy! Tell you that you don't believe, that you kiss yourself. Win and finish. Tobi. Especially. You and your rich sponges! Without breaking down only and not trembling in the face of a serious hvilyuvannya!
  12. How to kiss the lad to kiss you? - Ask the lad, as you can see, you know the wines. Ask and demonstrate leather from them ask! Just don’t worry about those, so that you don’t slander your bazhannya, but those who kill wine!
  13. Fix it with a look! Shoot the floor with glasses, so that the lad does not stand up and kiss you. Ale, overdo it, otherwise you can only write everything that you “worked” like that for.
  14. Point at your lips with a pointed finger. If you are a guilty lad, then you won’t be embarrassed by checks for a long time. Yakshcho nі - do not spend an hour on such a lad. What would you not say there ... .. Vin - not one!

These girls love lads kiss:

  1. Beautiful. Nature in the laps tse "slaughtered". What are you doing here? The lads are welcome to work and the girls are beautiful!
  2. Sexual. The lads get goosebumps down the spine, if the stink of such girls is stinking!
  3. Nice ones. And the girls with their pretty rices are disguised, for it is impossible to open their eyes. І lips, how yasovuєtsya ....
  4. Looked down. Doglyanutist - not obov'yazkovo make-up! Be-yak, the girl is simply guilty of following herself, the axis and that's it! What will be sufficient for that, so that you can look at the booty.
  5. Zhіnochnykh. Same! It’s not enough to love the lads of the quiet girls, as they are more similar to the lads. If it has already become so, then dress up varto, wanting to, like a woman! Boys love girls, they wear cloth and bedding.
  6. Pretty. The skin girl has her own “sympathy”. It’s just necessary to keep an eye on her, so that she doesn’t get dark.
  7. Taymnichikh. Kiss of the mystery .... Navit sound like it's beautiful! One sound of what warty! I realized what I'm pulling on? Rosemary you!
  8. Zhytёradisnykh. Energy sources come out of such girls, lads love to change orders with such girls.
  9. Impressed in sobi. Chi is not self-singing, but singing! A lad is not a risk to self-sufficiency! So make a man mature enough to not be called like that!
  10. Optimistic. And such, effectively, are welcome, less pessimistic! Tse fact! With optimists, you can forget about all the problems of the All-world! With pessimists, don’t “roll” in any way.
  11. Slender. The thin ones are the weakness of the rich lads! The stench didn’t quarrel with anyone and didn’t hoover. Good, the girls are in the know about everything! Not so covered, as if, almost like a licorice the truth!
  12. Kohanikh. Here, better for everything, there will be unremarkable comments.... Lyubov speaks about everything herself! Chekay її lower speeches...

"How zmusity?" - Chi do not gossip on the word "zmushuvati"! Wait a minute, sho kiss, taking it voluntarily, be richer in accepting that kiss, which will be "taken" against your will! Without a doubt, she herself tried to “reconcile” the price on herself. I churned, to the point of speech, rightly so! Get so robi! If you put yourself in the middle of the world - you want to marvel in a different way on the situation in life!

Good luck to you! Majestic, like the whole earth sack! Let me accompany you and inspire you in your actions and in yourself (of the same kind)! It's all just goiter and end up good, so it's good and good! You are the best of all! So-so! You yourself….

Prodovzhennya. . .

How to kiss the lad not only kiss .. -

Tyazhinnya Love.

What can you mean?

Chi chatted with a lad Who didn't have the courage to kiss you? And, perhaps, buti, raptovaly hid in the best friend and even wanted to, having kissed you? With such surroundings, sing-songly, the whole arsenal of women's cunning was victorious ... However, how are you, how are you not helping anything? I pronounce your respect in 8 ways, how to beat a lad kiss You.

Otzhe, You already started Rozmov and got to know the lad, because you don’t know how to grow, then the axis of the article is for you -. Now let's get down to the potions)))

1. Enchanting sponges

It is possible to do everything, so that your lips look deafeningly, and the lad cannot stand up. Scrub on the back to remove dry skin from the surface of the lips, then apply lip balm, but not sticky and not glossy!

2. Sit alone with him

Might be afraid to kiss you in the presence of others. Try to get alone with him, and you’ll definitely get into the first kiss!

3. Be close

Try to be closer, but not to invade your intimate space! Koristaytes spirits, like you befitting. Look around, you have spent your jealousy, walking along the curb, and grab yoga by the hand.

4. Return yoga respect for your ruin

Take yoga to buff your lips! Koristaytes lip gloss with nomu. Get some lips! Like it's hot on the street, run an ice cube over your lips. Zagalom, you got the idea!

5. Cunning

It’s possible, why don’t you drink on cunning, and don’t dare the lad to kiss you? For example, let’s say, what’s in your eye, ask about the color of your eyes, or tell me, what’s it for you, as long as you can marvel at one alone in your eyes.

6. Zoro contact

If you entrusted, install, and then Zruynuyte Zorovian contact. Shyly lower your eyes. Joden the lad cannot be resisted by this signal.

7. Trochs of tension

Prepare the supper or else the hour of the picnic will weather the yogo. Ask to close your eyes and guess what you like. And even better - tie up your eyes. Tse, crazy Dive method zmusit lad kiss you! I, better for everything, fawn with one kiss!

8. Kiss yourself!

Like all the susilla marni, and the lad does not understand the tensions (neither subtle, nor obvious), build the first crock yourself! Kiss Yogo! Possibly, wine only that and check!

It’s more than enough to apply it, how to make a lad kiss you ... if you don’t want to come from them, speed up your life! Meni zavzhdi dopomagav variant with a picnic ... And with some cunning, you squirm, to make the lad grow the first crock?

T ok boo. And so be it. You left, didn’t chip anyone. Diishla to the known crossroads, marveled at the light-light. I vin zustrіv look at you. It turned out that vin is your susid according to pid'izd. It's amazing that you didn't know yoga. You really wanted to get to know him, and cheer him up. It's fashionable to hang out like that.

Varto was just a little bit of yoga - life turned upside down on a burning day. You knew that it would be so, as Amurchik's arrow shot through your heart. Ale, and praised you, how far your blues were folded, and folded in flames. You didn't know anything about the new one. Vіn grasped less to say, like the sound of yogo, skіlki yomu rokіv. Ale ti didn’t chula and didn’t listen to those who were talking. You saw in your thoughts about the new one already, if you were close - close.

Ale ti did not think about those, how to sound yogo im'ya, how rocky yomu, s kim vin live, and іnshe. You wanted to do yoga, I wanted to do it one more time. One small razochok .... You fell in love with the light-bearer, beating whom you had a share. Ti i bachila yogo, like something, vipadkovo. You are welcome to visit. If you want, kissing you a lad, who suits you (rozmova yakraz about him) - achieve success! Strive, but don't bother. Vin himself is guilty of wanting to kiss you.

How can I ask a boy to kiss you, want you and even better?

Tremai please, soaked with spells:

P First wonder: Marvel right in yoga eyes. Before the speech, at the same time you can remember, like the stench of the color of the lad. Vіn can ask, forgot ti yogo.

IN elk marvelous: Speak to him for a long time, without looking at him. Like a good-natured lad - understand why you are so amazed at the new when you talk.

IN magic number three: Just check it out. Know what you like to you, and you won’t be embarrassed to yourself for a long time.

Є sposіb, which is often spratsovuє, ale vin - not even good. You can drink beer and champagne with him, and smash your right. Do you need an unbelievable kiss? So good luck!

The situation is your conic. If you can solve the situation - you can vikonat all your dreams. Lad, whom you fell in love with, if you don’t only kiss you! Vin will bless you, like the most beautiful girl in the world.

And ... do you think about that? Enchantment and for this occasion in store:

IN Persha's Magic: Yogo Sama's Kiss. In your kiss of God's will, be a lad! You know, it's great to kiss.

IN the magic of a friend: Ask yoga somewhere, dress up for that door and sexy. Boys love this style of clothes!

IN the magic of the third: sprinkle with perfume to avenge the pheromones. Such spirits help with richness.

Boy would you like to kiss(I don’t just kiss), so you won’t forget, so:

  1. Boys love, if the girls have to stitch after themselves. I tse lads mark, but do not deprive without respect. The stench is ready to navit all bathing for the "beautify" the girls.
  2. It is necessary to know the world in cosmetics. Vaughn is not guilty of obscuring you with herself. You are the prettiest. Believe in such a word.
  3. Be yourself - it’s neat, but it’s also important. Masks and pihatosti - tse z іnshoї "opera". Chi is not for you, in short.
  4. Krasunya, you can't be intrusive! Zrob so that you become an annoying fly. Then everything is in your hands!
  5. Leather lad love inaccessibility and mystery. Turn on those and others, so you don't miss it.
  6. You need to love yourself! Your reflection is better than reflection in mirrors. If you love yourself, you will love others.

What can the bastard bazhannya lad "call up" with you:

  1. Your playfulness. It is not necessary to show that you are restless. Left for tomorrow. Abo - on the day after tomorrow.
  2. Your character. Vіn is guilty buti trishechki taєmnichim. Chi do not open all the cards at once.
  3. Your arrogance. Don't confuse її with self-sufficiency, okay? Insolence - tse those who are not up to like people.
  4. Your flirtology. If you want to be with one lad, you should make money with others. It's not so important! Try Varto.
  5. Your figurativeness. Not a trace to show what you can see in the rubbish. Irritability - NOT shortest way grab a bagel.
  6. Your lack of penetration. The sense is this: you are guilty of seeing if “that very moment” comes.
  7. Your lack of initiative. Don't talk about those who can't be bothered. Any lad will require that yogo be “pіdshtovkhnuli”.
  8. Your pride. So, this lady is not yours. Please, be kind, until later hours. You will need you, but not here!
  9. Your demonstrativeness of self-confidence and pragnennya to independence. Won more and more lads fight.
  10. Your negative drawing to the character and yoga "pseudo-risi". It is impossible to be aggressive, nervous, non-streamlined, rude, vulgar.

D Evushka Katya confided tsіkavu іstorіyu about those who zrobila won, shchab lads turning on her respect. Vaughn bought a short bed and fishnet tights. I went to the peru-care center, did my make-up and hairdo... .. I didn't forget about the fragrance of perfumes. In short, beauty. Axis to such beauty and pecking at the one about whom she thought for three years already. Vslid її butt. Good luck and success from satisfaction turn to you as faces.

And the maiden Masha said that she was simply overwhelmed with herself. Before her, the lads pulled themselves. I won't do anything special. It means that the visnovok is asking: it’s necessary to try hard to get rid of yourself!

Boy kiss you, If you want, if you cackle in a right way and strongly - strongly. Let's hope that your love is completely reciprocal. If there is love, there will be another joy.

So scho, try, for the cob, zakohati lad in yourself. Vіn thіѕ nі nі krok іn't vidіyde vіd tо u. Be ready to the next level and show jealousy. Ale ti and її vitrimaєsh, as yours is the method of yogo to yourself for all hundred vіdsotkіv.

You know, love works wonders. So, you don’t get it, you can do it. You never thought that you would make love at the crossroads. Ale ti zustrila. And you will be happy, because you yourself will do everything for good happiness.

Before Ryan variant - quarrel of another lad. Tse in that mood, because your lad doesn’t want personnel, otherwise a new one has a good idea. Naturally, you don’t want to have a “reserve” booty. I can understand you. Ale ti try zrobiti scho-nebud. Chi do not come - turn into fatalism.

Prodovzhennya those. . .

Yak zmusiti clapping for you? -

For vіdnosin between a man and a woman, an important bodily torso. You need not only a word, for the help of physical dots, a person can show his appointment as a spy.

Think well for you lad, whom you want to kiss yourself. However, there are many different situations. Your lad may appear as sorom'zlivim and, sob yogo rozkrіpachit, it is necessary to zasosuvati small cunning.

For the cob, it is necessary to tidy up the inappropriate passages between you. Try to stomp your kohan in a hateful and hateful way. Never mind, don't eat hard, you might just get angry at you. If your children accept you and the lad doesn’t stand aside, then you’re on the right way and varto continue in the same soul.

How to kiss a boy to kiss you?

On the Internet, there is an impersonal joy of zvblennya lads, it is necessary to smell chic with perfumes and apply bright lipstick on your lips. However, you are to blame for the memory that the lads do not like the sharp smells of perfumes. So the choice of strong spirits and bright lipstick can only worsen the situation. A person may not be able to, as if kissing a woman, lipstick will appear on one's lips. Such a situation can weaken sympathy to the girl.

It is better for you to create such an environment, in which you and your young people will be comfortable. A lad can be nervous and that cannot be called a kiss. Tell a story about those who climbed up to the new one for a party, chose a long-standing outfit and shoes, and got nervous before the wedding. Having seen the lad, you will recognize yourself in singing and rubbish among you.

What rank can you take a lad to a kiss? Everything is easy to finish, ring out kisses when they say goodbye. At this moment, be a yakomoga closer to the new one, to raise the fire to a young person with a special one and look into your eyes. Your glance may fall for a while to ruin, but only in an instant. And then you are guilty of kissing. Even though the lad doesn’t get enough of that, you can kiss Yogo on the cheek in order to tell the truth about your loved one.

You can talk and discuss this important moment, which is your viishov. Just speak frankly, say that you are not against the kiss, but you don’t know the proper reaction. If you are like a boy, then pin your rose and a kiss.

Є k_lka ways for otrimannya bagan poz_lunku.

How to get the lad to a kiss?

Pull the lads about those who want to prodovzhennya vіdnosin, as if they are not talking anymore. As a whole, the lad is afraid of being afraid of not being impressed by your sympathy. Use yourself to be yourself, speak big. You need to spend more than an hour at once, inadvertently getting to the bottom of something. Allow me to call you one to one and make your conversation comfortable.

Your ruins are to blame, but look out. It is necessary to please and not obov'yazkovo they are guilty of buti lipstick. Aje lads are hardly worthy of a girl with dry and unacceptable lips.

The present situation is to blame for a possible kiss. Khloptsev can be conquered and through tse wines you can’t show initiative. If you see the indolence of a young person - kiss him first, or ask him what he has done. It’s necessary to risk it, so that in the future you don’t mess around.

How to provoke a lad to a kiss? There is one trick. Tell the lad that you don’t know how to kiss and that you would like to learn. If you are a handsome lad, then you can’t be blamed for everything.

To your make-up and to your good looks, you should add enough respect. Do not wink over too much cosmetics. Better than being imbued in your beauty and being richer effective for the lads. Your behavior may be natural, it is not necessary to be insolent, intrusive. Little bits of inaccessibility and mystery will make you even more attractive.

If the sympathy is mutual, then you both kiss and don't need to drink. Then you will be able to savor the flooring with a fresh kiss. Your vodnosiny will be at that hour the most critical and both of you will be comfortable in the company of one of one.

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