Yak virostiti visoke penny tree.

Golovna Country house Give your turbot love, and we will protect your material well-being.

This is how Chinese sages are accustomed to talk.

penny tree

- A symbol of wealth, material well-being and prosperity. It is not only popular in China, but also in many countries around the world. The Poles call it the “tree of happiness”, the Slovaks call it the “family tree”, and the Czechs call it the “home tree”.

In Africa, it is known as the “tree of the mawp” or the “tree of the hungry mawp”.

We most often call it a penny for the simple reason that green, small, fleshy leaves represent coins.

And, of course, this growth, with sufficient development, will give you prosperity, success, happiness and happiness. Remember that it is only necessary to water the pot when you notice that the soil has dried out. Approximately it is necessary to work once every three days. subterranean growth for the wake-up call.

Love yours penny tree And not only to clean the surfaces in your apartment or home, but also to add happiness, prosperity, prosperity, and also to wonderfully decorate your interior.

Whenever you look at the family of plant lovers, you can see, despite all the diversity, an unbreakable consistency. It so happened that in the first warehouse there will always be a touch of red violet, the ubiquitous geranium, the inevitable scarlet, a luscious golden scent. And another Roslina - Tovstunka.

There is no sign of anyone, there are no special

brown authorities . Alas, she has no idea.

  • І called shanoblyvo: penny tree.
  • Known people say that the flower brings financial wealth to the cottages if the plants are grown with their own hands.
  • The young woman in the future absorbs excitement, positive emotions, concentrating on self-respect, and with it, the thoughts and desires of the ruler.
  • Why don't you try breeding a woman?

Let's talk about how to create growth in all minds for successful growth.


Swedish result

it is necessary to follow a number of simple possibilities:

  • Intense brightening.
  • Frequent replanting.
  • Enriched with mineral supplements.
  • Great miners.
  • Since leaf baitfish were used for rooting, then children can hatch among them.
  • To encourage intensive growth and development, prepare the growth a month after planting.

Water the gardens sparingly, with the soil completely dry.

  • It would be better to plant a bunch of live bait.
  • However, with the right and minimal attention, be prepared for all the crap trees to sprout.
  • Keeping an eye on the Tovsyanka

However, during the winter growth period, it is necessary to provide intensive lighting:

The leaves of the tree can be cleaned with a sawdust brush.

You don’t like being bitten by a tovstun.

Drainage at the bottom of the potter is created using additional vugill and broken target.

Roslina can easily tolerate being overdried by radiators, otherwise it will require constant ventilation.

Turn the pot of toast from time to time.

It is important to ensure the uniformity of cultural growth.

Plant growth should be carried out after watering.

The inscription soil more effectively absorbs the necessary words.

  • Apply during the period from winter to sickle.
  • Either universal warehouses or special ones for cacti are suitable for development.
  • Well, the same as for other succulents.
  • By following the basic rules - ensuring winter calm without watering and summer ventilation and heating, you can achieve the unique color of penny tree. Virus problems Despite all the inflexibility of the growth of the neck.
  • Let's look at the most widespread problems, their symptoms and causes.

The Tovstyanka is steadfast until she gets sick from the weed:

Otherwise, it may result in such unacceptability as the rottenness of the base of the stem.

In this way, growing and growing one’s body does not create special difficulties and increased respect.

In addition, the penny tree is excellent for creating landscape design indoors.

Roslina is being developed for the installation of tabletop alpine pots as an addition to the room fountains in the warehouse of thematic succulent compositions.

More information can be found in the video.

http://landstory.org Of course, among rich people and families, the tree is called a penny tree! I want to share my knowledge of watching this miracle plant.

It all started when a small leaf appeared in me on the top of a penny tree.

Having put it in a jar of water, I thought that I would just give it the root and put it in a pot.

The result was disastrous. I put it in the shade and without changing the water, this qubit only needs a lot to bring in a profit.

clean water

And they are not clean hundred-year-olds!

  • If it weren’t there, let’s go!
  • I decided not to experiment and having already bought a flower pot already planted in a pot, it seems that you will definitely bring good luck and profits to the little house.
  • A week later, on a sleepy day, I was already picking up, demanding to tell him to finish drinking, such a wonderful steam!

Grandma told me to make it up to me:

  • On the sink, standing up to the new yak good friend I don’t need anything other than clean standing water.
  • You would like to wash your leaves once a month and just stroke them carefully.
  • Please, get wet at the same time, fluff up the ground, you must work for just one person, so that the ticket rings!
  • You want to speak in order to attract good luck financial ability If you have been awakened in you, then be kind to him!
  • However, you are small and weak at the same time, and so through the river you yourself will not notice that having grown up and you do not understand how today, your financial situation painted.

So, my dear readers, it has turned out beautiful! And I look at my skin every day, and every other day, and sometimes it seems that for the sake of my skin, like my grandmother, on her healthy, simply majestic bush there was a whole garland of different colors Shay!

That's it! Whether you like it or not, there’s a mystery in it!

How can you keep an eye on a penny tree?

Let's get started, it's time to plant some bushes. The Tovstun's ability to reproduce is simply amazing. From a leaf as fast as you can, you pick off new growth.

What do they already say about the pasta, the buildings let out the roots of the wind in the wind.

Ale yakscho vy want not zvichayny room apartment, which stands on the windowsill of the booth, and a magical talisman, you will have to pick up an important feature - a leaf or the petiole of the tree you will have to pick up (to put it simply - steal it) or get ready to buy a sprout.

Dry them first, wash them first for about a year. To ensure that the growth takes root more quickly, cover the pot with live bait, looking at the tip of the bag, crushed from the clear spit, and you can also use this method to sterilize the original bottle, but do not forget to ventilate it thoroughly. Cowweed is known to accumulate and produce pleasant energy with its fleshy, round leaves. . dormouse light.

Roslina is from the distant shrouds of Africa, so the dry wind in the apartment and sleepy exchanges are not scary for him.

Bring the cow milk out in the fresh air. Do not forget to turn the pot from the weed, otherwise the crown, having lost its equal weight, will fall. However, if this is the way to go, don’t get embarrassed, even though it can be easily corrected.

Just remove the pins that have become damaged, and turn the dew back from the pot, you can tie a bandage with a bandage to the sticks, so that the white dew is grown. If you grow the bushes correctly, the shoots quickly reach a significant branch in general, then prune them as soon as three or even the first knots appear, and also if they grow almost every other hour stand between the leaves to get bigger. Sometimes very large leaves may be damaged, so you will need to remove them, and trim the leaves at the base, otherwise they will become damaged.

To change

external look

young growth, prune it on the ear of spring, just not to damage the weeds, make cuts to the animals of the weeds.

Most often you don’t have to wrap it with a dart; the fragments of the baguette form can be cut off.

To achieve color, it is necessary for the tree to be at least 10 years old, with a “growth” of at least 70 cm, a cold winter without watering and in the shade (at the boundary).

+ tight miner.

It will overwinter SO, but in the spring you can replant it, fertilize it, and let it bloom! http://testiruem.makoveichik.com I want to hear about the illnesses and joy of growing up, about

jubilant power

penny tree.

The penny tree is one of the most vulnerable to illness and mischief. Despite its lack of vibrancy and vivacity, it is alive for a long time and becomes even more beautiful with fate.

Illness and joy.

The head is not safe for crassouli (penny tree) to put too much water , which leads to rotting of the root system and foundations of the stovbur. In this type of plant, the plant can be grown, only by rooting its healthy part, and by discarding everything else.

If you have respect for those whose leaves are softer, lower, fade, or have brown spots, do not add them, but immediately carefully remove the penny tree from the pot and turn it over, since there are no rotten roots. If the roots are rotten, cut them up and scatter them on the wood's corners and let the root system dry out a bit. It is better to water Roslina, but more often And including when the soil is dry, check the lowering finger 2 phalanges into the ground. Insufficient watering of the sprout, if it is dry and specious..

The leaves of the tree dry out and fall off. Another reason when the “penny tree” tree falls off is by watering the plants with cold water from the tap.

Water the little guy , as if it were a different height, it is necessary

standing water at room temperature Preparing the young plant

begin approximately one month after the transplant and not very much. And mature plants can be fertilized no earlier than 2 days after transplanting It is better not to cut off the long nails, but to pinch them (with nails from the base of the nearest leaf). There will be a scar at the pinched area, and a small neck will begin to grow. Then after such a procedure, your cow will begin to bush and not climb uphill. If you still trimmed the bush, then in the eyes of the cooks.

Aktivanim vugilliam or chalked cinnamon

The plant grows quickly and beautifully, but there are white specks on the leaves. White coins are normal for a woman. This is the type of breath through which the vologa is vaporized. Stinks can appear when the soil is re-watered and in the air, and disappear when you adjust the watering.

The leaves and stovbur on the penny tree are beginning to turn red. The blackened leaves speak of those whose growth was under the straight lines.

sleepy prominnyam . It’s not scary, you can just eat a little of the milkweed.

During transplantation, it turned out that the root had entwined the entire breast , and the earth has become narrower to the point that it can no longer be removed, only the transshipment of this “stone” is lost.

Remove the pot and place the water in warm water for about an hour until the old soil softens and dries. After all the soil has been removed, look at the roots, there are no spoiled or rotten ones, put them in the water with an act of destruction.

vugillas to avoid rotting processes.

You can entice them with the corkweeds for quick rooting. Far from hanging out at the miner's

large size

. After transplantation, you don’t have to water it for a week and don’t fertilize it for 2 days after transplanting. Roslina also can't stand being pulled , because they allow them to dry out and the leaves fall off. .
A white coating appeared on the leaves tovstunku "penny tree" vikoristyut yak Likuvalna Roslina . From now on we have bactericidal and antiviral powers.

For those in power, there is a whole leaf that can be cut open, or a porridge from the leaves It is used for the treatment of aches, cuts and wounds.

With the appearance of herpes (near the nose or on the lips) immediately tear up a leaf of rosemary, wash it well, remove the sponge from one side and apply the juice pulp until it drips. In 2-3 days, herpes disappears.

Bactericidal power of the juice of the leaves of Tovstuni vikorista when treating the throat, sore throat (sore throat, chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis)

. In addition to medicinal methods of treatment, chew a clean leaf (chew 14 leaves 2-3 times a day), which allows you to quickly recover from illness. When ignited it is clear

chew the leaves of the tostunya, rubbing the porridge in your mouth. Soak it with tovstuni juice mistse bite komakh (bjoli, osi, mosquitoes)

, then the squealing is applied. How about you turbuє BURNS

, Take the homemade tree, also called the “tree of happiness”, “penny tree”, “callus tree”. You need to peel the thick leaf, remove the thin film from it, and tie it to the callus. Follow the procedure several times and the callus will disappear.

Tie on the rose leaves of the tostunya until injured suglob

- Shvidko helps a lot. Clogged space, stretching:

Soak a bandage with the juice of the leaf and place it on the affected areas, cover with cellophane, and secure with a bandage. Try it for 2-3 years, changing the bandage 2-3 days a day. Arthritis of the fingers: Rub the rosemary juice into the dry soil overnight. Opiki: Place the cut leaves on the affected area and secure with a bandage.

Change the leaves in the dry world. Tincture with tovstuni for varicose veins rub sore spots: 0.5

liter jar With a lid, fill with whole leaves and young needles to 2/3 of the water, fill to the top with a saucepan, seal and leave in a dark place for 3 - 4 minutes. This tincture can be used for compresses with swelling, pain in swellings and swellings.

Ingrown nail: Apply the cut sheet to the burnt section of the nail roller, cover with cellophane, fix with plastic. .

Change the leaf in the world of hanging. when celebrating the nirok. Add a tablespoon of leaves, pour dill into two bottles and soak in a steam bath for 15-20 minutes, then leave for at least a year and take this infusion for 20 minutes before taking 1 tablespoon three times a day.

The viraza shlunka was healed , you need to drink the French drink very quickly, without washing it down with anything, 2 penny tree leaves.

Can be sold in a year. It is imperative that you take care of your children.

For chronic hemorrhoids The penny tree will also help. Wash 3-4 leaves, squeeze the juice, mix it with rare Vaseline.

After emptying the intestines, wash the hemorrhoids with cold water and soak the prepared ointment with a cotton swab.

After the procedure, lie down for 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2-3 days before getting ready to go to bed. Such a mazzy

rejoice in cervical erosion

Regardless of the fact that Fatherland's plants are the shroud of Africa and are good at tolerating dry winds, spray them with a spray bottle, wipe the leaves with a sponge soaked in water, and in the summer, take a pot of penny trees out onto the street.

Please remember that you should not wait long while the room is being ventilated.

If the temperature is high, it will not become a barrier for the active development of fat, but it will not be necessary.

In short, since the indicator does not rise above fifteen degrees to ensure backup before the onset of spring.

During the growing season, the tree will require moderate watering.

Add water only after the earthen breast has dried.

It is easy for the root to rot, remember that it is not possible to flood the weeds.