Skіlki better goydatisya. Sports in the evening: how to choose an effective strategy

At what hour do you train best: lie in the evenings? Tse nutrition blames practically on the skin, who, having done it, take care of their health and improve their old look. I fahіvtsі in the training room, and self-taught athletes do not cease to compete with each other. Some say that best hour for training, it’s a rank year, otherwise it’s reconciliated, but the sport of the building is less likely to hurt the body, if you haven’t thrown it yet, and that it’s necessary to train all the time in the other half of the day. However, early and late training may have low positive and negative moments.

Rank training gains

. Accelerated metabolism. An unparalleled advantage of early years is those that, at the same time, the speed of exchange of speech in our body is maximum. In addition, our slug is absolutely empty (for sure, we don’t suffer at night to go to the refrigerator). Therefore, in the minds of the presence of carbohydrate regeneration splitting fat pochinaetsya practically from the first whilins of training, which allows us to get rid of the more quantity deposit in less than an hour for a day or evening training, if the body needs close to 15-30 quills (deposit due to the intensity of the rukhivs).
. More chances for training. Imovirnist of what you want, or at least in the door of physical culture, lies the least. You have rushed far ahead, you have a whole day ahead of you, and you will overtake everything. І navit yakscho You make yourself up to the laziness of people, it would be better for you to come up with your own idea, so that you can avoid training.
. Vile day. Having taken up the wound, if everyone was still sleeping peacefully, You will not be wrapped in thoughts about those who, like the example of a working day, check you out in the gym. Natomist You can spend your evening as a receptionist: go to the cinema with friends, sit in a cafe with a kohanoy people, or marvel at the TV at your native country.
. Empty gym. If you are busy in the gym, then there are fewer workers there, and at the simulators there are no cherries.
. Reduced appetite and accelerated exchange processes. Rank training dulls a little hunger for a long day, and also speeds up metabolism, which allows us to eat less and at the same time consume more calories, take away the weight. A great role here is played by a psychological clerk: having put a lot of strength into training, Vee, ymovіrno, you don’t want to give results with a dodatkovy sandwich.
. Emotional presentation. Let's stop, but at the same time, the most important thing for the ranking people to take up sports is a great charge of goodness and a good mood for the whole day. Right from the very beginning, you are accompanied by not only a positive mood, but also a little pride in yourself, even if you throw yourself early, you should tell yourself to report serious physical zusils are far from leather!

Shortcomings of rank training

. Mlyavist. From the wound on a hungry slug, someone feels absolutely broken and unprepared for physical activity. At such a time, the training will be unproductive, and the forcefulness of the venture will not be sensible.
. vtrata m'yazovoi masi. Busy for the sake of it, we are afraid of our body pratsyuvati in the minds of a deficiency in carbohydrates and vikoristovuvaty as zhivlennya vlasnu m'yazovu tissue, scho even nebazhano for quiet, hto pragne pump relief.
. High risk injury. After the trivaloic passivity of our m'yazi and the ties, they are rebuyed at the unheated camp, which at the same time promotes the dynamism of the expansion and micro-expansion.
. Pіznіshe vіdkrittya halls. For a small number of people who are willing to work out, the working day of most gyms and fitness centers starts from 10-11 years.

The benefits of the evening training

. Efficiency. At the evening hour, the organism is characterized by the largest reserve of energy, and that power characteristics also reach their maximum. Therefore, in the evenings we can carry out more intensive and effective training, practice with greater arms and more quickly build up the m'yazov mass.
. Minimum risk of injury. Until the end of the day, m'yazi and gloomy, as a rule, already make roses (yes, obviously, we did not sleep all day, or we did not lie for an hour on the sofa in front of the TV), and we have a lot less chances of stretching and injuring them when great ambitions.
. The most fat-burning effect. Cardiotraining, which goes without a hitch after an all-out power drive, shakes up the body intensively and increases fat reserves.
. Povnotsіnne vіdnovlennya. After the evening training, call us anywhere to hurry up, no more important things are checked on us, and we can relax more and give the m'yazs the opportunity to be more refreshed.

Nedolіki vechirnіh training

. I missed the evening. Strength training for the sake of a distant total intake, but at the same hour of the evening is guilty of being as light as possible, to that in the evening the metabolism is even more compelling. For an hour, it’s important for us to know here the “golden mean”: most of the time, we either really get on and fit in a lizhko with our upper belly, otherwise we don’t have evening and lie down to sleep on an empty boat.
. Check out the gyms. The greater number of people is more important than it is better to go to the gym already after the end of the working day, after which the longevity is established at the simulators. In this case, it is important to take into account the need for intervals between rights and approaches, which will reduce the effectiveness of such training and drag it out.
. Overexcitation of the body. Having come from the evening training, richly someone indicates a rise in alertness, which makes you fall asleep at once.

So at what hour is it better to go in for sports?

Madly, it is necessary to train at the best hour for you. І rank, and evening training may have a lot of characteristic advantages, as shortcomings can be easily "get around".

It’s easy for you to get up early in the morning, it’s better for you to choose ranking training, you need to do some warm-up exercises to reduce the risk of injuries and stretching.

If it’s important for you not to miss a job, then early employment is not for you. Train in the evening, and after training properly relax, so that sleeplessness disappears. You can take a warm bath or a contrast shower, turn on quiet music to calm down, burn incense sticks. Help your overexcited body to calm down and get ready for sleep at the same time.

In addition, you didn’t take away a bi hour for your training, don’t forget about all the time that your eating, that need for an acidic meal, that renewal!

Speaking of those, if you train more often, it is important to separate strength training for the growth of the tongue and cardio training for the spalling of fat. The stench vikoristovuyut different mechanisms of otrimannya energy for robots and the same organism is practically impossible.

It is traditionally respected that early is the best period for training with spalling fat, and day and evening - for training to gain weight. However, most of the time for training is shown external factors i, nasampered, schedule of robotic training.

Energy industry

Rank training for more people is more complicated, less training in the other half of the day. In fact, the body does not have sufficient energy - and the rhubarb in the blood is minimal, and the energy of fat cannot be victorious for power-wielding rights.

Let's say you're victorious sitting down - even if the body doesn't know about the challenge, what it's getting ready for, but now it needs energy for victorious repetitions. Dzherelom tsієї "Shvidkoї" energy can be exclusively store glycogen z m'yazіv, scho practice in this rus, but not fat depot.

Can you lie?

If you train without glycogen reserves, the rhubarb in the blood will decrease, leading to heavy training, blurred information, or instill innocence. For complete training, the body needs at least 100-150 g of carbohydrates, which are stored in the form of glycogen.

A second snidanok for the second year before the training to help saturate the m'yazi energy, don't start the prote for the whole hour. The situation is getting better and yet, for a successful growth of m'yaziv after the completion of the training, the body will need a new calorie for closing, or other sn_danok at different rank training.

Strength training early-vranci

For strength training, early-early and at times, if there is no time for the front sleep, it is critically important to take it right after waking up - otherwise there will simply be no energy in the body. At the time of my arrival at gym sports eating is already acquired that yoga energy to drink at the roof.

In this case, it is recommended to take it on your own after the end of the training, and not until the next one - it’s hard to train on the next hose. Remember and about those that for the entrance to the similar mode of the robot the organism needs a little time - the last period and love the ranking training.

Rank training for spalling fat

The spalling of fat is due to the low level of tsukra in the blood. The reason lies in the fact that insulin, which is stimulated by the circulatory system, is necessary for the formation of energy reserves, although the hormone adrenaline is required for the production of energy from cells (1) . For this hormone, it is impossible to synthesize at once.

Cardio on an empty hose

As soon as you wake up, store glycogen in your body at least - more cardio, like victorious in such a state, leading to the most dry spalling of fat. If you need any kind of snack (take a protein isolate, don’t take it in carbohydrates), try to spit out the calories of that snack, and do not store fat.

The main rules of training for losing weight on an empty slug are the most moderate pace of training (big is definitely not recommended) and the weight is not less than 30-40 minutes. The day after the end of the training you can drink 2-3, and the credit is acceptable approximately in the first five years after the end of the training.

Evening training

Late evening is the least appropriate time for training - fat-burning training will be ineffective due to the presence of blood sugar (yogic rіven decreases after 4-5 years after sleep), and strength training can alleviate problems with sleep through a break wakefulness of the central nervous system.

If you have no other option, plan to take it 2 years before the evening training for the growth of the masses, so that after the new there was no more light supper. So respectfully check the warehouse sports eating, stalking after him, so that the newcomer didn’t have a dream to destroy his sleep.

Rank training on an empty tube is best suited for swedish fat burning, prote before strength training for growing fat in uranium, it is better to take a portion of gainer. Exercising late in the evening is the main option, super-helping the transition of the body to sleep.

Science jerela:

  1. The Stubborn Fat Solution, Lyle McDonald,

I love all amateurs healthy way life and sport!

As a rule, the main part of people see the gym, they are not professional and skin learn or practice, so they train in free hour Tse can be an hour before work, or after a working day. I think it would be better to know if you go to the gym more often and exercise regularly. Knowing this article, you can designate an hour for yourself to watch the gym. Who can help us mother nature understand Chronotype- tse characteristic of the work of our organism, yogo praceszdatnіst i vznachennya peak of activity per hour dobi for a specific skin person. There are three types of chronotype: an owl, a lark, a pigeon. daytime anniversary. The lark is an early bird, so a person with this type is more active in himself in the early and afternoon. I found people behind the blue type (60% of the population) the most optimal type for the chronotype. Pigeon people can feel miraculous at any hour of the day. These people are more universal. For example, I put myself up to that chronotype. Since you know the type of your body, you can definitely understand why it is so easy for you to train in bed or in the evening. On the Internet, there are a lot of tests on how to determine your chronotype, for example. , with which you can call when choosing an hour to finish for training. Now let's move on to those stats. At some hour, it's better to go to the gym.

Busy bullshit.In early years, the blood pressure is too low, so if you see the gym as a lie, then you can take care of it - physical urge to take the spalling of fat. Even the body will need to draw energy from its own fat reserves. tidy up your fat. Vikonanny right on the simulators will speed up the exchange of speech for a whole day, so you can boldly add calories to go through the day.It's time to go and for a set of m'yazovoї mas, vrantsі moves up to testosterone, even we know high rіven testosterone is reduced to the hormone cortisol, which is a ruinous m'yazi. є plus vrantsі in the simulators practically no one, and tse means clean ventilation of the hall, free simulators. A minus can be called the coach’s daily life, because it’s worth the newbies and you can’t fully support it, it’s necessary to beat the sport eating, but after all, it’s all the same necessary to eat. navantazhen possileno priymatime pozhivnі speechovini. In the early years, our body temperature is lowered, so the ability to take away the injury increases, a good warm-up of the vranci turns off. Training is not guilty but important and trivial, even if you still check your working day, and for all people of different professions and different physical skills, do not forget about it when choosing ranking physical skills from the gym.

Busy in the day.Days of training are friendly in the sense that the body has come to the advanced camp for its work. During this period, the level of adrenaline and body temperature may tend to increase, the elasticity of the body allows you to achieve shorter results. who can afford to train during the day. mozhlivіst povnotsіnnoї do. In the winter period, at one hour of the day, training is possible to consult with a coach or an instructor, and more and more daylight gives a positive effect. summer period The scorching heat of the sun will bring about an increase in the pressure on the heart, not marveling at the presence of the air conditioner.

Busy evening.As a practitioner of pink practice, training with dumbbells and a barbell will help you to be afraid psychologically, for people with a physical way of work, training in a simulator will be a strain for the mind and the body as a whole. Ale smut for all, evening training, but we can calm down, it is necessary to set great records and raise important vagi. Therefore, add the program to the maximum factor. Tse speed up the exchange of speeches. Don't forget about sports eating. If training is not possible to separate yourself in a hedgehog, the body will need energy and if it will be insufficient for you, then you will take wine from the m'yaziv. What can not be allowed.

Significantly at the evening hour the club is watching large number people, for that projectile that is roaring, at the very least, be busy with that, be ready before it. That poіtrya in the occupant's place is depleted of the best. Crimean intensive training can lead to problems sleep, and sleep guilty buti povnotsіnnym for the renewal of the body. Don't forget about tse. finish the hour tse inevitably for our rhythm of life.

There are obviously people who see the gym at night, but I don’t like it, nature has created us like that, and it’s the body’s fault, that’s what the hour of the night is. You won't have a busy day at work.

Try to designate for yourself the hour of visiting the fitness room by day and year, the body sounds to the rhythm and, if you are preparing for the start, finish it. Busy at any time to get it done is not the best option for the body, wanting to have moments in our life not to go out otherwise, it’s better to get busy so at the time of the day you don’t have to be busy. Ruh tse life. you know at what hour it is better for you to go to the gym. I wish you success in reaching your goals. Z Povagou Sergiy.

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In order to become a volodarkoy string figure, important and regular physical rights.

If you spend them more often - vrantsі chi vescherі? І the first, and the other option may have its own advantages and disadvantages.

Ranked advances to take:

  • speed up the exchange of speech and the whole day the metabolism will be more intensive;
  • rankings have the right to cause a decrease in appetite;
  • lower severity of injuries.

Є th nedolіki, z yakim, in principle, you can get into, dotrimuyuchis deyakyh recommendations.

Take care of the need easy sleep Otherwise, a plus, which falls into a reduced appetite, transforms into a majestic minus: training for a hungry slug provokes a stronger hunger, and a lot of growth of unsafe relocation.

Start early training, otherwise you can seriously injure the mud and mud.

At night, the heart rhythm slows down, the blood thickens. Sob not to run down the veins and arteries of the motherland, it is necessary to feed a light rank meal with a bottle of water. However, in order to improve the ambition on the heart of that judge, the ranking training is all the same program.

  • become an organism. The main indications are optimal for sports in the evening itself: m'yazi increase the tone, legeni may have a maximum volume, the blood is not so thick, like from a wound. All the purpose is to make the evenings busy with the light ones and those who receive them, giving them the opportunity. In addition, physical activity in the evening stabilizes the work herbal systems which is especially important for those who want to lose weight;
  • collectively busy with callanetics, otherwise it’s a great trip with a friend, it’s more effective, less busy on your own, the stench helps not only to be in shape, but to relieve stress, nervous tension after a working day at the reception company. At the evening hour it is simpler, it is easier with one-mindedness;
  • after taking such a necessary reparation to the organism.

  • the nervous system enters the camps of awakening, which is the cause of sleeplessness. In order to get away from it, it is necessary to train less intensively and listen to calm music before going to bed. Zvichayno, in order to prevent problems with sleep, do not work right to sleep, not long before bedtime;
  • tom. After a working day, it’s important to train, and it’s important not to work hard to get out. For nothing to happen, it’s necessary to choose a feasible adventure, not to betray yourself, but to take care of your satisfaction.

Take care of biorhythms: skin care

When choosing an hour, it is necessary to take time to correct your chronotype - all of them, I divided people into “larks” and “owls”, otherwise, as “Wikipedia” says, “typical for given people the nature of additional activity”.

Tobto, skin people are more powerful but more active or passive in appointment hour dib. I lamati your biorhythm is not varto. Just as “larks” can easily get involved in the work, then it’s not necessary to intensify the ranking of sports for the “owls” and they can wind up with malice, apathy, head bіl for a whole day.

Getting up early to do fitness is irrational: lack of sleep is negatively signified on health, moreover, the great risk of “zaїsti” stress with a chocolate bar, and take one more. Visnovok offensive: it is better to train short training, lower lack of strength.

When there is no choice

For wealthy people, the opportunity to go in for sports is only possible after work, and, well, there is no choice here. However, in any case, to get confused before the hour, even more smut - not for an hour, but for the regularity of training: with periodic exercise in the gym (even if it’s early, if it’s in the evening), it’s a physical form that is self-importantly safe.

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