Khimiya kil u rechoviny. Introduction of chemical chemistry. Molar mass of gas

Is there a nutritional formula for how much speech? assignments by the author Coman the best answer The volume of speech is a physical quantity that characterizes the number of similar structural units found in speech. Structural units mean all sorts of particles, including the formation of matter (atoms, molecules, ions, electrons and other parts). One vimir of the number of words in SI – mole.
[ed.] Zastosuvannya
This physical quantity is used to determine the macroscopic volumes of speech in these cases, if for a numerical description of the processes that are involved, it is necessary to take into account the microscopic everyday speech, for example, in chemistry, when and processes of electrolysis, or in thermodynamics, when describing the level of ideal gas .
When describing chemical reactions, the quantity of the molecule is a larger quantity, lower the mass, the fragments of the molecule interact independently of their mass in quantities that are multiples of whole numbers.
For example, for the reaction, fire water (2H2 + O2 → 2H2O) is required twice Great quantity speak water, lower sourness. With this mass of water, it takes part in the reaction, approximately 8 times less masi acidity (fragments of atomic mass of water are approximately 16 times smaller than atomic mass of acid). Thus, the choice of a number of speeches makes it easier to interpret the comparison of reactions: the relationship between the number of speeches that react is immediately represented by the coefficients in the comparisons.
Since it is difficult to determine the enormous number of molecules in the universe, this number in real research is too large, instead of the number of molecules “in pieces” they die in moles. The actual number of units of speech in 1 mole is called Avogadro's number (NA = 6.022 141 79(30)×1023 mol-1) (more correctly - Avogadro's constant, the fragments per change in the number of this value is equal to one vimir).
The quantity of speech is indicated by the Greek letter ν(nu) or, to put it simply, by the Latin n(en). To calculate the amount of speech on the base of the mass, we use the concepts of molar mass: ν = m/M where m is the mass of the speech, M is the molar mass of the speech. Molar mass is the total mass of one mole of molecules of a given speech. The molar mass of the resin can be divided by the additional molecular mass of the resin into the number of molecules in 1 mole - by Avogadro's number.
According to Avogadro's law, the quantity of a gas-like substance can be calculated by substituting its volume: ν = V / Vm - where V is the volume of gas (for normal minds), Vm is the molar volume of gas at N.V., equal 22.4 l/mile.
Thus, the formula is correct, which sums up the main concepts from a lot of words:

Confirmation 22 lines[guru]

Vitannya! The axis of the selection of topics from the evidence for your nutrition: a formula for finding the amount of speech?

Confirmation Lydia Prokopenko[guru]
How many words are there? pray the same. a lot of speeches. divide into molar mass. Divide the number of particles by Avogadro's number

Confirmation Diana Tangatova[Newbie]
designation: mol, internationally: mol - one in the world of many words. It indicates the number of words in which particles (molecules, atoms, ions) are located. Therefore, a universal value was introduced - the number of moles. The phrase is often heard in the villages - “bulo was torn away... pray for speech”
NA = 6.02 1023
NA – Avogadro's number. Tezh “number for home ownership”. How many atoms are there at the shear end of an ovine? Close to thousands. It is not easy to operate with such quantities. Therefore, chemists and physicists all over the world have found that there are approximately 6.02 · 1023 particles (atoms, molecules, ions) equal to 1 mole of speech.
1 mole = 6.02 1023 particles
Tse bula persha z basic formulas for vir_shennya zavdan.
Molarna Masa Rechovini
The molar mass of rechvini is the mass of one mole of rechvini.
Indicated as Mr. According to the periodic table, there is a whole sum of atomic masses of speech.
For example, we are given sulfuric acid – H2SO4. Let's look at the molar mass of the word: atomic mass H = 1, S-32, O-16.
Mr(H2SO4)=1 2+32+16 4=98 gmol.
Another necessary formula for solving problems
Masi Rechovini formula:

That is, in order to know the mass of a speech, it is necessary to know the number of moles (n), and we know the molar mass from the Periodic Table.
The law of mass conservation - the mass of substances that have entered into a chemical reaction is always the same as the mass of substances that have settled down.
Since we know the mass (mass) of the substances that entered into the reaction, we can know the mass (mass) of the products of this reaction. And just like that.
The third formula for solving problems in chemistry is
obsessive speech:
Basic formulas for solving problems in chemistry
Did you get the number 22.4? From Avogadro's law:
In equal quantities of different gases, taken at the same temperature and pressure, the same number of molecules are present.
In accordance with Avogadro's law, 1 mole of an ideal gas for normal minds (n.s.) has the same volume Vm = 22.413 996 (39) l
So, since the knowledge is given to us by normal minds, then, knowing the strength of mole (n), we can know the language of speech.
Also, the basic formulas for solving problems in chemistry
SignificanceFormulaAvogadro's NumberNA
6.02 1023 particles
Volume of speech n (mol)
n=V22.4 (lmol)
Masa rechovin (g)
m=n Mr
Volume of speech (l)
V=n 22.4 (lmol)
Or else the sign is handy:
Basic formulas for solving problems in chemistry
Tse formula. Often, to complete a task, it is necessary to immediately write the equivalent reaction and (obviously!) arrange the coefficients - their correlation indicates the correlation of moles in the process.

Confirmation Olga Safonova[Newbie]

Confirmation Slava mikailov[Newbie]

Confirmation Ksenia Nesterova[active]

Confirmation Bekah Beckham[Newbie]
To find the volume of speech, use the formula n=m/M

Confirmation Natalia Shumilova[Newbie]
The restaurant was closed 6 years ago...
...This is confirmed.
And how much is it worth?

Confirmation Danilo Nikulin[Newbie]

Confirmation Kirilo Serov[Newbie]
you definitely don’t need chemicals right now

MKT - it's simple!

“Nothing sleeps except atoms and empty space...” - Democritus
"If the body were to be divided indefinitely" - Aristotle

Basic provisions of the molecular kinetic theory (MKT)

Meta MKT- this is an explanation of the power of various macroscopic bodies and thermal fluids that flow, flow, and interact with the particles that make up the bodies.
Macroscopic bodies- these are great bodies that are made up of a great number of molecules.
Heat boxes- boxes associated with heating and cooling bodies.

Main principles of MKT

1. The river is made up of particles (molecules and atoms).
2. There are gaps between the particles.
3. The pieces crumble disorderly and continuously.
4. The parts interact one with another (attract and move together).

MKT confirmation:

1. more experimental
- mechanical crushing of speech; disintegration of speech near the water; compression and expansion of gases; viparovanya; body deformation; diffusion; Brigman's evidence: oil is poured into the vessel, the piston presses against the oil, and under a pressure of 10,000 atm, the oil begins to seep through the walls of the steel vessel;

Diffusion; Brownian collapse of particles near the surface under the blows of molecules;

The tightness of solid and rare bodies is bad; the meaning of zusilla for the destruction of solids; the sparkles of the river;

2. directly
- Photographing, determining the size of particles.

Brown's Rukh

Brown's rukh is a thermal rukh of important particles in the countryside (or gases).

The Brownian rukh became proof of the uninterrupted and chaotic (thermal) rukh of speech molecules.
- revealed by the English botanist R. Brown in 1827.
- given a theoretical explanation based on MCT by A. Einstein in 1905.
- Experimentally confirmed by the French physicist J. Perrin.

Masa and size of molecules

Size of particles

The diameter of any atom becomes close to marvelous.

The number of molecules in speech

de V – meaning of speech, Vo – meaning of one molecule

Mass of one molecule

de m - masa rechovini,
N is the number of molecules in the rheuvin

One vimiru mass in CI: [m] = 1 kg

In atomic physics, mass is called extinction in atomic mass units (a.m.u.).
Mentally accepted rahuvati for 1 a.u.m. :

Vidnosna molecular mass of rechoviny

For the clarity of the structures, the value of the molecular weight of the resin is determined.
The weight of a molecule of any kind can be equalized to 1/12 the weight of a carb molecule.

The denumerator is the mass of the molecule, and the znamennik is 1/12 of the mass of the atom.

This quantity is dimensionless, then. not a single vimir

Atomic mass of a chemical element

The denumerator is the mass of the atom, and the znamennik is 1/12 of the mass of the atom.

The size is dimensionless, then. not a single vimir

The typical atomic mass of the skin chemical element is indicated in the periodic table.

Another method for extracting the aqueous molecular mass of rhinoceramic acid

Abundant molecular weight of ancient materials chemical elements, what to enter before the warehouse of the speech molecule
We take the atomic mass of any chemical element from the periodic table!)

The volume of speech

The volume of speech (ν) means the absolute number of molecules in a body.

de N is the number of molecules in the body, and Na is the constant Avogadro

One vimir quantity of speech in the CI system: [ν]= 1 mol

1 mole- how many words there are in a coal weighing 0.012 kg.

One moth, whatever the word, contains the same number of atoms and molecules!

One by one, a few speeches for different speeches make a difference!

Postiina Avogadro

The number of atoms in 1 mole is called Avogadro's number or stationary Avogadro's number:

Molar Masa

Molar mass (M) – the mass of a mole taken in one mole, or otherwise – the mass of one mole of a mole.

Masa molecule
- postina Avogadro

Unit vimir molar mass: [M]=1 kg/mol.

Formulas for virіshennya zadan

These formulas emerge from the results of substituting the above-mentioned formulas.

Masa no matter how many words

>>Physics: Mass of molecules. The volume of speech

The masses of atoms and molecules vary significantly. What quantities can be used to characterize them? How to calculate the number of atoms in any macroscopic body?
Water molecule mass. The masses of large molecules and atoms are very small. For example, 1 g of water contains 3.7 10 22 molecules. Also, the mass of one water molecule (H20) is equal to:

Molecules of other speeches loom in the same order, behind a bunch of great molecules. organic speeches; For example, proteins make up a lot of hundreds of thousands of times more than a lot of different atoms. But all the same, their masses on a macroscopic scale (grams and kilograms) are extremely small.
Vibrant molecular weight. The fragments of the mass of molecules are very small, and it is easy to determine in the most precise manner not the absolute values ​​of the mass, but the specific ones. According to international agreement, the masses of all atoms and molecules equal 1/12 the mass of a carbon atom (this is the name of the carbon scale of atomic masses). Vibrant molecular (or atomic) mass of speech M r name the structure of a molecule (or atom) m 0 given speech up to 1/12 by weight of a carbon atom m 0C:

The essential atomic masses of all chemical elements are vitiated.
The folding atomic masses of the elements that are included in the composition of the molecule of the rhubarb can be determined by the molecular mass of the ghee. For example, the molecular weight of carbon dioxide 2 is approximately 44, just as the atomic weight of carbon is exactly 12, and acid is approximately 16: 12 + 2 16 = 44.
Avogadro's speech is powerful and consistent. The volume of speech It would be most natural to vary by the number of molecules and atoms in a body. However, the number of molecules in any macroscopic body is so large that in different structures it is not the absolute number of molecules, but their absolute number.
U International system very few speeches are expressed in moles. One mole is the number of particles that contain as many molecules or atoms as there are in a coal weighing 0.012 kg.
This means that 1 mole of any substance contains the same number of atoms or molecules. This number of atoms is designated N A and call Avogadro in honor of the Italian scholar (XIX century).
To calculate a constant avogadro, you need to know the mass of one carbon atom. An estimate of the mass can be divided in the same way as the mass of the water molecule has been divided (the latest methods are based on isolated beams of ions with an electromagnetic field).
For the mass of a carbon atom, give the vimir: .
Postiinu Avogadro N A can be calculated by dividing the mass of carbon, taken in the amount of one mole, into the mass of one carbon atom:

Name miles -1 indicates those who N A- The number of atoms in 1 mole of any word. If, for example, the quantity of speech, then the number of molecules in the body. It can be seen that the number of words is related to the number of molecules N Whose body is before the post of Avogadro N A, i.e., up to molecules of 1 mole of speech:

The large numerical value of Avogadro's constant shows how small the microscopic scale is compared to the macroscopic scale. A body that has a volume of 1 mole has macroscopic dimensions and a mass of the order of several tens of grams.
Molar mass. Order from the note molecular weight M r Physics and chemistry have widely accepted understandings molar mass. Molar mass M speeches called masa rechovini, taken from a quantity of 1 mole.
It is probable that to this extent the molar mass of the ancient molecule of Avogadro:

Masa m Any number of ancient speeches have a mass of one molecule per number of molecules in the body:

Having replaced N Aі N in formula (8.4) with its expressions from formulas (8.5) and (8.6), we can remove

The amount of speech is the ancient ratio of the mass of the speech to its molar mass. The same amount of speech is given by the chemistry teacher.
Number of molecules, no matter how large or small m and molar mass M It is clear from formulas (8.4) and (8.7) one thing:

Formulas (8.2), (8.4) and (8.5) give meaning to new physical quantities, such as molecular weight, fluidity and molar mass. It is impossible to remember them; you just need to remember them. Other formulas, for example (8.7) and (8.8), can be derived.

1. What is the ancient molecular weight of water?
2. How many molecules are there in two moles of water?
3. Chi can be brought to a molar mass M associated with aqueous molecular mass M≈10 -3 M r kg mol -1

(The proof requires the use of formulas (8.5), (8.2), as well as the value of the mass of the carbon atom and the constant Avogadro.)

G.Ya.Myakishev, B.B.Bukhovtsev, N.N.Sotsky, Physics 10th grade

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If you have corrected the propositions up to this lesson,

Let's talk about those who have such a large number of speeches, as this term is used in subjects naturally in a cycle. Since chemistry and physics pay great attention to large quantities of water, it is important to know the physical displacement of all quantities, their units in the world, the sphere of stagnation.

Designated, designated, units vimiru

Chemistry is especially important for many hundreds of years. To carry out the delineation of the lines, special values ​​are used. To understand that there is such a large number of words in chemistry, we will give the term a meaning. This is a physical quantity that characterizes the number of similar structural units (atoms, ions, molecules, electrons) found in the river. To understand that there is such a large volume of speech, it is significant that a given value has its own meaning. At the hour of carrying out the expansion, which transfers the value of the value, change the letter n. Units of vimir – mole, kmol, mmol.

Significance of value

Eighth-graders, who have not yet been able to write chemical words, do not know what so many words are, how to vikorize this value in developments. After becoming familiar with the law of stability of the mass of speeches, the meaning of the value becomes clear. For example, the reaction of hot water in the acidity of the relationship reacts two to one. If you add water to the process, you can notice the sourness that takes part in the chemical reaction.

The stagnation of the formulas with a large number of words allows the speed of reaction between the output reagents and simplifies calculations. What is the volume of speech in chemistry? From the point of view of mathematical calculations, the stereochemical coefficients are put into equal proportions. They themselves are victorious in order to carry out calculations. Since it is difficult to grasp the number of molecules, it is the Mole itself that needs to be profited from. The vicoristic Avogadro number can be expanded so that 1 mole of any reagent includes 6 × 1023 mol-1.


Do you realize that there is such a lot of speech? Physics also uses this quantity. It is required in molecular physics to carry out calculations of gas-like substances according to the Mendelev-Clapeyron equations. In order to understand any number of differences, the concept of molar mass becomes clear.

Beneath her, there is that mask that symbolizes one specific prayer. chemical speech. The molar mass can be calculated through the atomic mass (the sum of the number of atoms in a molecule) or through the atomic mass (moles).

Whenever a school course in chemistry is associated with tuition fees, one cannot do without the use of such a term as the volume of speech. Based on the algorithm, it is possible to enter both basic software developments and complex Olympic tasks. You can calculate the cream through the mass of speech, and you can also use this concept to carry out the calculation through the molar calculation. This is true in cases where gaseous speech occurs in the interaction.

Test on the topic “Basic chemical concepts”

(There may be a few correct ideas)

1. The volumes of nitrogen and ethylene (C 2 H 4) in the sum are the same. Mass fractions of gases in this same sum:

a) however; b) more nitrogen;

c) more into ethylene; d) lie under a vice.

2. Mass 10 m3 per no. more expensive (in kg):

a) 20.15; b) 16.25; c) 14.50; d) 12.95.

3. 465 mg of calcium phosphate to replace the current number of cations and anions:

a) 2.7 1021 and 1.8 1021; b) 4.5 1020 and 3.0 1020;

c) 2.7 1025 and 1.8 1025; d) 1.2 1025 and 1.1 1025.

4. The number of moles of water molecules that fit into 18.06 1022 water molecules is equal to:

a) 0.667; b) 0.5; c) 0.3; d) 12.

5. From the lower speeches to the simple ones one can see:

a) sulfuric acid; b) sirka;

c) water; d) bromine.

6. An atom that has a mass of 2.66 10–26 kg corresponds to the element:

a) sirka; b) magnesium;

c) kisen; d) zinc.

7. The part that is chemically counterfeit is:

a) proton; b) molecule;

c) positron; d) atom.

8. About coal as well as about simple speech there is a saying:

a) a coal of expansions in nature that looks like an isotope with a mass number of 12;

b) coal, when stored in the oven, can create two oxides;

c) coal enters the carbonate warehouse;

d) the coal contains a number of alotropic modifications.

9. Valence of an atom – tse:

a) the number of chemical bonds created by a given atom in a given atom;

b) stage of oxidation of the atom;

c) the number of given and received electrons;

d) the number of electrons is insufficient to remove the electron configuration from the nearest inert gas.

10. How are such phenomena chemical?

a) Melting ice; b) electrolysis of water;

c) sublimation with iodine; d) photosynthesis.

The key to the test

Instruction on the number of speeches for basic formulas

(Behind the known mass, obsyag, number of structural units)

Riven A

1. How many chromium atoms are present in 2 g of potassium dichromate?

Vіdpovid. 8,19 1021.

2. What kind of atoms - like metal or magnesium - are more abundant in the earth's crust and how many times? The mass fraction of the earth's crust becomes 5.1%, magnesium – 2.1%.

Vіdpovid. There are more magnesium atoms than magnesium atoms by 1.04 times.

3. What obligation (in l) to borrow:

a) 1.5 1022 fluorine molecules;

b) 38 g fluoride;

c) 1 1023 molecules of acid?

Vіdpovid. a) 0.558; b) 22.4; c) 3.72.

4. Find the mass (d) of one molecule: a) water;

b) hydrofluoric acid; c) nitric acid.

Vіdpovid. a) 2.99 10-23; b) 3.32 10-23; c) 1.046 10-22.

5. How many moles of speech can fit into:

a) 3 g boron trifluoride;

b) 20 l of water chloride;

c) 47 mg phosphorus pentoxide;

d) 5 ml of water?

Vіdpovid. a) 0.044; b) 0.893; c) 0.33; d) 0.28.

6. Metal weighing 0.4 g contains 6.02 1021 atoms. Significant metal.


N= 6.02 1021 atoms, m(M) = 0.4g.




Sounding metal - Ca.

Confirmation. Calcium.

7. One cup of salt contains about a dozen copper shavings, and another cup of salt contains a portion of magnesium to hold 75.25 1023 atoms of magnesium, with which your feet are at the point of revolt. How much is the portion of honey shavings?

Confirmation. 300 rub.

8. Calculate the amount of calcium in 62 kg of calcium phosphate.

Confirmation. 600 mol.

9. In the alloy of copper and silver, the number of atoms of copper is equal to the number of atoms of silver. Calculate the mass fraction of the scrap of the alloy.

Confirmation. 62.8%.

10. Find the mass of one structural unit of kitchen salt NaCl.

Confirmation. 9.72 10–23 m.

11. Find the molar mass of the substance, since the mass of one molecule becomes 5.31 10–23 m.

Confirmation. 32 g/mol.

12. Find out the molar mass of a gas-like substance, which is 112 ml of yogi for no. toil masu 0.14 rub.

Confirmation. 28 g/mol.

13. Find out the molar mass of a gas-like substance, which is no. 5 g of this mixture takes up a volume of 56 liters.

Confirmation. 2 g/mol.

14. Where are more atoms of water located: 6 g of water and 6 g of ethyl alcohol?

Confirmation. 6 g ethyl alcohol.

15. How many grams of calcium are contained in 1 kg of plaster?

Confirmation. 232.5 rub.

16. Calculate Mohr's salt, which has the formula Fe(NH 4 ) 2 (SO 4 ) 2 6H 2 O, mass fractions (in %):

a) nitrogen; b) drive; c) sulfate ions.

Confirmation. a) 7.14; b) 27.55; c) 48.98.

Riven V

1. To 100 g of 20% hydrochloric acid, add 100 g of 20% sodium hydroxide. How many structural units of NaCl salt and water molecules are there to take revenge?

Confirmation. 5.65 1024 water molecules 3.01 1023 structural units of salt NaCl

2. Calculate the mass of 8.2 liters of gas mixture of helium, argon and neon (n.s.), since for one atom of helium in this mixture there are two atoms of neon and three atoms of argon.

Confirmation. 10 rub.

3. Which substance by weight must be mixed with 2% potassium chloride and sodium sulfate so that the sodium ions in the subsac are four times greater in weight than potassium ions?

Confirmation. 6.46:1.

4. The strength of rare sour at a temperature of –183 °C is 1.14 g/cm3 . How many times will the sourness become worse during the transition from I'll be rare in gas-like conditions?

Confirmation. 798 times.

5. What is the relative mass fraction of sulfuric acid, in what number of atoms are water and acid equal to each other?


Rozchin H 2 SO 4 folds over H 2 SO 4 ta H 2 O. Hey (H 2 SO 4 ) = x mol, then (H H 2 SO 4 ) = 2xmol;

(H 2 O) = y mol, then (H H 2 O) = 2y mol.

Suma (H y р-рі) = (2x + 2y) mol.

The volume of speech of the atomic acid is significant:

(O to H 2 SO 4 ) = 4x mol, (OH 2 O) = ymol.

Suma (O y р-рі) = (4x + y) mol.

The fragments of the number of atoms O and H are equal to each other, then 2x + 2y = 4x + y.

Virulently jealous, obsessed: 2x = y. Yakshcho

The value of the equivalent amount of speech for the second gloom

The equivalent amount of speech behind the primary gloom

The meaning of the unique characteristics of Wikidu

Prediction of glycin zones infected with SDOR

Output data for forecasting the scale of SDOR infection

1. The required quantity of SDOR at the facility and the placement of their reserves in tanks and process pipelines.

2. The quantity of solids ejected into the atmosphere, and the nature of their spilling on the surface that lays (“loosely”, “into the pan” or “dump”).

3. Height of the pallet or bunding of storage containers.

4. Meteorological showers: wind temperature, wind speed (at the height of the weather vane), level of vertical wind resistance.

When forecasting the scale of infection in advance of the outbreak of virus accidents, it is recommended to take the following as the output data: for the value of the vikidu SDOR ( Q about ) – together with the maximum capacity (technological, storage, transport, etc.), meteorological washes – level of vertical wind resistance, wind speed and temperature. To predict the scale of contamination immediately after an accident, it is necessary to obtain specific data on the volume of the ejected (spilled) SDOR, the hour that passed after the accident, and the nature of the spill on the underlying surface. External interzones of SDOR infection are subject to threshold toxodosis during inhalation exposure to the human body.

The determination of the depth of the SDOR contamination zone is carried out based on the additional data provided in Tables 11-13; the values ​​of the depth of the contamination zone in the event of an emergency release (spill) of SDOR are indicated in Table 8 depending on the specific characteristics of the fluid and the wind speed.

Some characteristics of the SDOR for the expansion of the scale of infection are calculated for their equivalent values.

For compressed gases, the equivalent volume of speech is determined beyond the initial gloom.

For medium SDOR, the boiling temperature is higher than the temperature dovkilla, the equivalent volume of speech is indicated for the secondary gloom. For SDOR, the boiling point of which is lower than the temperature of the medium, the equivalent quantity of speech is indicated for the primary and secondary gloom.

The equivalent amount of speech behind the primary gloom (in tons) is indicated by the formula

de Up to 1 - Coefficient that should be kept in mind for saving SDOR, table 12;

Until 3- Coefficient that compares the threshold toxodose of chlorine to the threshold toxodose of another SDOR, table 12;

Up to 5- The coefficient that corresponds to the level of vertical wind resistance (it is assumed to be equal for inversion - 1; for isotherm - 0.23; for convection - 0.08), table 11;

Up to 7- Coefficient that corresponds to the flow of air temperature, table 12;

Q o- quantity thrown out (spilled) in case of accident, incl.

The equivalent amount of speech from the secondary gloom is covered by the formula

de Up to 2 - Coefficient that should be stored in physical and chemical authorities SDYAV, table 12;

Up to 4- Coefficient of wind speed, table 13;

Until 6- Coefficient that must remain in the hour after the accident has occurred; N , Until 6 is indicated after the degeneration of trivality t 1st hour of steaming of speech, at N = t;

h- Tovshchina ball SDOR, m;

d- thickness of SDOR, t/m3, table 12.

The height of the core that has been poured is 0.05 m when poured completely. If there is a pallet or the container is diked, then

de N - height of the pallet or embankment.

The hour of viparovuvannya SDOR is insurable for the formula

, (G). (4)

Table 11

The highest level of vertical wind resistance according to the weather forecast


1. Designation: ін – inversion; h- Isothermia; before– convection, letters at the arms – during snow cover.

2. Under the term "Ranok" It is understood that there is a period of two years after the sun disappears; under the term "evening"- We'll last two years after the sun sets.

The period from immediately before the start of the recovery of two wound years - day, and the period from sunset to the gathering of the two evening years – nich.

3. Wind resistance and the level of vertical wind resistance are taken into account at the time of accident.

Table 9

Table 13

Coefficient values ​​Up to 4 due to wind speed

Wind speed, m/s
Up to 4 1,0 1,33 1,67 2,0 2,34 2,67 3,0 3,34 3,67 4,0 5,68

Formula for finding the quantity of speech?

Irina Ruderfer

The volume of speech is a physical quantity that characterizes the number of similar structural units found in speech. Structural units mean all sorts of particles, including the formation of matter (atoms, molecules, ions, electrons and other parts). One vimir of the number of words in SI – mole.

[ed.] Zastosuvannya
This physical quantity is used to determine the macroscopic volumes of speech in these cases, if for a numerical description of the processes that are involved, it is necessary to take into account the microscopic everyday speech, for example, in chemistry, when and processes of electrolysis, or in thermodynamics, when describing the level of ideal gas .

When describing chemical reactions, the quantity of the molecule is a larger quantity, lower the mass, the fragments of the molecule interact independently of their mass in quantities that are multiples of whole numbers.

For example, for the reaction of hydrochloric acid (2H2 + O2 → 2H2O) you need twice the amount of hydrochloric acid and lower acidic acid. In this case, the mass of water that takes part in the reaction is approximately 8 times less than the mass of acid (the fragments of atomic mass of water are approximately 16 times less than the atomic mass of acid). Thus, the choice of a number of speeches makes it easier to interpret the comparison of reactions: the relationship between the number of speeches that react is immediately represented by the coefficients in the comparisons.

Since it is difficult to determine the enormous number of molecules in the universe, this number in real research is too large, instead of the number of molecules “in pieces” they die in moles. The actual number of units of speech in 1 mole is called Avogadro's number (NA = 6.022 141 79(30)×1023 mol-1) (more correctly - Avogadro's constant, the fragments per change in the number of this value is equal to one vimir).

The quantity of speech is indicated by the Greek letter ν(nu) or, to put it simply, by the Latin n(en). To calculate the amount of speech on the base of the mass, we use the concepts of molar mass: ν = m/M where m is the mass of the speech, M is the molar mass of the speech. Molar mass is the total mass of one mole of molecules of a given speech. The molar mass of the resin can be divided by the additional molecular mass of the resin into the number of molecules in 1 mole - by Avogadro's number.

According to Avogadro's law, the quantity of a gas-like substance can be calculated by substituting its volume: ν = V / Vm - where V is the volume of gas (for normal minds), Vm is the molar volume of gas at N.V., equal 22.4 l/mile.

Thus, the formula is correct, which sums up the main concepts from a lot of words:

Diana Tangatova

designation: mol, internationally: mol - one in the world of many words. It indicates the number of words in which particles (molecules, atoms, ions) are located. Therefore, a universal value was introduced - the number of moles. The phrase is often heard in the villages - “bulo was torn away... pray for speech”

NA = 6.02 1023

NA – Avogadro's number. Tezh “number for home ownership”. How many atoms are there at the shear end of an ovine? Close to thousands. It is not easy to operate with such quantities. Therefore, chemists and physicists all over the world have found that there are approximately 6.02 · 1023 particles (atoms, molecules, ions) equal to 1 mole of speech.

1 mole = 6.02 1023 particles

Tse bula persha z basic formulas for vir_shennya zavdan.

Molarna Masa Rechovini

The molar mass of rechvini is the mass of one mole of rechvini.

Indicated as Mr. According to the periodic table, there is a whole sum of atomic masses of speech.

For example, we are given sulfuric acid – H2SO4. Let's look at the molar mass of the word: atomic mass H = 1, S-32, O-16.
Mr(H2SO4)=1 2+32+16 4=98 gmol.

Another necessary formula for solving problems

Masi rechovini formula:

That is, in order to know the mass of a speech, it is necessary to know the number of moles (n), and we know the molar mass from the Periodic Table.

The law of mass conservation - the mass of substances that have entered into a chemical reaction is always the same as the mass of substances that have settled down.

Since we know the mass (mass) of the substances that entered into the reaction, we can know the mass (mass) of the products of this reaction. And just like that.

The third formula for solving problems in chemistry is

Volume of speech:

Basic formulas for solving problems in chemistry

Did you get the number 22.4? From Avogadro's law:

Equal quantities of different gases, taken at the same temperature and pressure, contain the same number of molecules.
In accordance with Avogadro's law, 1 mole of an ideal gas for normal minds (n.s.) has the same volume Vm = 22.413 996 (39) l

So, since the knowledge is given to us by normal minds, then, knowing the strength of mole (n), we can know the language of speech.

Also, the basic formulas for solving problems in chemistry

SignificanceFormulaAvogadro's NumberNA
6.02 1023 particles
Volume of speech n (mol)
n=V\22.4 (l\mol)
Masa rechovin (g)
m=n Mr
Volume of speech (l)
V=n 22.4 (l\mol)

Or else the sign is handy:

Basic formulas for solving problems in chemistry
Tse formula. Often, to complete a task, it is necessary to immediately write the equivalent reaction and (obviously!) arrange the coefficients - their correlation indicates the correlation of moles in the process.

The formula is to know the number of moles through mass and molar mass. Be kind, give me the formula to sleep tomorrow!!!

Katerina Kurganska

Miles, molar mass

Chemical processes involve the fate of the most common particles - molecules, atoms, ions, electrons. The number of such particles in a small portion of speech is even greater. In order to distinguish mathematical operations from large numbers, to characterize the amount of speech that takes part in a chemical reaction, a special unit is used - mole.

A mole is such a large number of words that can accommodate so many particles (molecules, atoms, ions) that the ancient Avogadro
Avogadro's constant NA is calculated as the number of atoms that fit in 12 g of the 12C isotope:
Thus, 1 mole of speech contains 6.02 1023 particles of this speech.

Coming from this, if the quantity of speech can be expressed by the singing number of moles ν (nu). For example, the average word of speech contains 12.04 1023 molecules. Well, how many words does this expression have:

De N – number of particles of a given speech;
NA – the number of particles that equals 1 mole of speech (Avogadro’s postion).
Molar mass of rheuvin (M) – mass, which equals 1 mole of rheuvin.
This value, which corresponds to the mass m of the substance up to the volume of the substance ν, may be kg/mol or g/mol. Molar mass, expressed in g/mol, numerically relative to the molecular mass Mr (for rivers nuclear power- Aqueous atomic mass Ar).
For example, the molar mass of methane CH4 is indicated by the following rank:

Мr(CH4) = Ar(C) + 4 Ar(H) = 12+4 =16
M(CH4) = 16 g/mol, then 16 g CH4 equals 6.02 1023 molecules.
The molar mass of a substance can be calculated based on its mass m and quantity (number of moles) ν using the formula:
Apparently, knowing the mass and molar mass of the speech, you can calculate the number of moles:

Or know the mass of speech by the number of moles and molar mass:
m = ν M
It is necessary to note that the value of the molar mass of the resin is indicated by this clear and large structure in order to lie under Mr. and Ar. Therefore, different words for however many moles are torn by different masses m.

Calculate the mass of methane CH4 and ethane C2H6 taken from the quantity ν = 2 mol of skin.

The molar mass of methane M(CH4) is still 16 g/mol;
molar mass of ethane M(C2H6) = 2 12 + 6 = 30 g/mol.
m(CH4) = 2 mol 16 g/mol = 32 g;
m(C2H6) = 2 mol 30 g/mol = 60 g.
In this way, a mole is a single portion of a speech that contains the same number of particles, but it makes a different mass for different speeches, because the particles of a speech (atoms and molecules) are not the same after the mass.
n(CH4) = n(C2H6), or m(CH4)< m(С2Н6)
Calculation ν vikorystvaetsya practically in every roszrunkovy task.

Ivan Knyaziv

The mass is expressed in grams, the quantity of speech is expressed in moles, the molar mass is expressed in grams divided by moles. It is clear that in order to obtain the molar mass, it is necessary to divide the mass into coarseness, and, obviously, the coarseness - divide the mass into molar mass.

The most typical processes involving chemistry are chemical reactions, then. interactions between various emerging speeches, which lead to the creation of new speeches. The speeches react to the singing kolkisnyh waters, which need to be done in order to remove fruit products from waste. minimum strength The outgoing speeches do not create the new exits of production. For the development of many reactive speeches, another physical quantity is necessary, which characterizes the portion of speech in terms of the number of structural units that fit into it. By itself, this number is extremely large. This is obvious, zokrema, on the butt 2.2. Therefore, in practical applications, the number of structural units is replaced by a special quantity, which is called quantity speech

The quantity of speech is a measure of the number of structural units that is indicated by the word

de N(X)- Number of structural units of speech X from the real thoughts of a taken portion of speech, N A = 6.02 10 23 - constant (number) Avogadro, which is widely criticized in science, is one of the fundamental physical constants. Depending on your needs, you can obtain a more precise value for the permanent Avogadro 6.02214 10 23. Portion of speech, what to take revenge N a structural units, є single quantity of speech - 1 mol. Thus, the amount of speech is expressed in moles, and Avogadro’s constant has one value of 1/mol, or in another notation, mole -1.

With all the decay and destruction associated with the power of speech and chemical reactions, understand quantity of speech completely replaces the concept number of structural units. Therefore, there is a need to analyze large numbers. For example, instead of saying “6.02 10 23 structural units (molecules) of water were taken,” we would say: “1 mole of water was taken.”

Each portion of speech is characterized by both the mass and quantity of speech.

Advancement of Masya SpeechXup to a few words it is called molar massM(X):

The molar mass is numerically equal to 1 mole of resin. This is an important characteristic of the cutaneous tissue, as it lies among the mass of structural units. Avogadro's number is set such that the molar mass of the resin, expressed in g/mol, is numerically the same as the liquid molecular mass M g For a water molecule M g = 18. This means that the molar mass of water M(H20) = 18 g/mol. Using data from the periodic table, it is possible to calculate more precise values M gі M(X), However, there is no need to call for initial chemistry jobs. With all that has been said, it is clear how easy it is to break down the molar mass of a compound - it is enough to reduce the atomic mass to the formula of a compound and put one vimir g/mol. Therefore, it is practical to use formula (2.4) for the breakdown of the amount of speech:

Butt 2.9. Dissolve a molar mass of baking soda NaHC0 3.

Decision. Zhidno with the speech formula M g = 23 + 1 + 12 + 3 16 = 84. Star, according to the values, M(NaIIC0 3 ) = 84 g/mol.

Butt 2.10. How much volume does 16.8 g of baking soda make? Decision. M(NaHC0 3) = 84 g/mol (div. vische). Following formula (2.5)

Butt 2.11. How many units (structural units) of baking soda are present in 16.8 g of speech?

Decision. By rearranging formula (2.3), we know:

AT(NaHC0 3) = N a n(NaHC0 3);

tt(NaHC0 3) = 0.20 mol (div. butt 2.10);

N(NaHC0 3) = 6.02 10 23 mol" 1 0.20 mol = 1.204 10 23.

Butt 2.12. How many atoms are there in 16.8 g of baking soda?

Decision. Baking soda, NaHC0 3 is composed of sodium atoms, water, carbon and acid. Usyogo in the structural unit of speech 1 + 1 + 1 + 3 = 6 atoms. As was found in Appendix 2.11, this mass of nutritional soda consists of 1204 10 23 structural units. Therefore, the number of atoms in a speech is prohibited

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