Where the beaver hesitates. Tsikave about beavers and beaver paddling. What does a beaver eat?

Description of the creature.

The river beaver is the largest of the rodents of the Russian fauna. Large specimens of the beaver reach a height of approximately 125 cm with a tail and a body weight of 25-30 kg. The beaver's body is more massive, more durable and baggy. The front and hind paws have five toes, while the hind paws are much larger and have a swimming web, just as the front paws have less embryonic structure. The fingers of the legs are waving, great claws, which are used for digging the earth. A very original beaver tail: mostly rounded at the base, strongly flattened horizontally in the middle and end parts and completely covered with horny patches, between which there are sparse hairs. The head is large, rounded and with a blunt muzzle. The ears are small, covered with fur, and when they are exposed, the auditory opening closes. The eyes are small with a vertical slit and have a third layer, or a fleeting webbing, which, being clear-sighted and blurry eyes when they are wet, protects them from the constant impact of water on them, not immediately reducing the ability to pump on extra items under water. The upper lip is split and in the opening of the lips one can see a very wide, thick, chisel-like, orange-colored incision.

Near the aroma of beavers there are young vines that look good and have a strong smell, oily, brown soil, called “beaver string”. Hutro is even thicker, with a fluffy undercoat and a brilliant roughness. The color of the beaver hut varies from ore-brown to even black.

Way of living.

In their life, river beavers are closely associated with water, wanting to spend most of the hour in it, but never settle far from the water. Their place of residence includes forest rivers, river tributaries and forest lakes.

Beavers are huge creatures and are ordered to settle in one type of colony there, where they are not crowded. It stinks to live either in holes or in huts. Beavers are wonderful beavers, and their species are even more complex. The seas of beavers are satisfied with the long and well-groomed ones. One of the entrances to the hole is always located under water, and one or more of the others go out onto land. There are great holes that leave a number of underwater and land exits. At the bottom of the hole there is a nesting chamber lined with woody bark and wood. In places where the banks are not suitable for digging, beavers build “huts.” “Huts” are of considerable size, reaching many meters in diameter and more than a meter in height. This gives the appearance of a final dugout, cut from the stubs of branches and stovburs of thin trees, held together by mule, earth and water weeds. The hut has a number of entrances that have been exposed to water, and above all the water there is a large living chamber. Once they leave the huts whose holes were always under the water, the beavers will collectively row to serve for the rising level of water, and vikorista for which often large, up to 50-60 cm tree trunks, masterfully trimming them with their pressing cuttings yami, wading in the water and rafting before the water starts rowing. Such rowing is unlikely to be used where beavers settle in large colonies and are of little concern.

Near the water, the river beaver miraculously swims and fluffs, but on the ground, it dries up uneasily, completely, waddling, pulling like a tail, and its womb is completely dry.

Beavers lead a primitive way of life. During the day, the stinks, as a rule, are at the hole or, when they come out of their stomping grounds, get down to work and work. When the beaver splashes on the water, it hits it forcefully with its tail, producing a characteristic splash, and deeply purrs, appearing again on the great stage.


Beavers eat nothing but lilies. The basis of their food is the bark and young leaves of trees with soft wood, such as willow, pussy willow, wasp, poplar, and also birch (although usually not velvet). In addition, beavers eat leaves from herbaceous water weeds and especially their succulent, fleshy roots and rhizomes.


During the winter, beavers do not hibernate, but rarely come out to the surface of the earth, especially when near them. All the activity of beavers takes place in winter in a hole and under ice and water. Beavers kill themselves for the winter great reserves The hedgehogs from the knots and throats are saved by strengthening them at the bottom with water near the entrance to the vein.


Beavers reproduce once per river. The flow flows through them from winter to the beginning of spring, and from now to spring. The term of gestation is 105-107 days. Kilki Molodich at the nasty call it 2 to 4. Young people are still in the other, the pushing of the purge of the clerk, the dies of Shvidko, through which there is a day of the people, the people of the zadatni swimming, Ale to transition not so much. The beaver is a very gentle mother and continues to look after the young even after finishing milk feeding, which lasts for almost two months. Beavers reach state maturity in the ternary region.

A change in the hair coat of beavers occurs, as in many other aquatic animals, without interruption, without sharp periods of shedding, and its intensity progresses in the spring and autumn. The river beaver, as they say, is a very gifted creature, what can we say about its miraculous alert and suspenseful instincts. In captivity, it is miraculously tamed and displays excellent memory and aptitude for humans. In connection with the prevailing way of life, beavers have few enemies among animals and birds. During the winter, a beaver can become a victim, but it is rarely caught. The greatest a careless enemy Yogo is a species that often attacks young beavers.

Gospodarske significance.

The cunning of a beaver is extremely valuable and among the cunning of animals all over the world is worth the same price as the first place. Its value is determined by its beauty and even great value in wear. Krim khutra, beavers produce valuable “beaver string”, which is seen from the inguinal glands. “Beaver stream” has a strong aromatic odor and is used in medicine as an arousing and stimulating drug, and in the perfumery industry as an aromatic product.

In foreign trade ancient Russia The beaver's cunning played the most important role, and the shrewd capitalist state once again brought the commercial importance of the beaver not only to us, but to Western Europe and Northern America.

Beavers are the greatest rodents on the planet, valued by their roost. Their way of living arouses great interest among the most intelligent, efficient and industrious creatures. Read about what they eat like beavers spend the winter in the statistics.

Secret news about creatures

The places where beavers live are small forest rivers, stakes, swamps, quarries, and canals. The main thing for these creatures is that they do not need to be deeply frozen by water in the winter and not dry out in the summer, as well as the presence of algae growth.

The beaver is a small creature with short legs that can reach up to 1 meter. Cover your body with the thick khutra of a decent supper. The thirty-centimeter tail, like a paddle, is flattened and covered with pieces of great size. It helps the creature to swim, overcome tightness and maneuver turns.

The hind legs are shaking, so the creature feels comfortable near the water. Pasuria at nogo mіtsnі and dvgі. The ears are small, perhaps unnoticeable on the head. Ale, unworthily on the ground, the grizuns are whispering a monstrous rumor. Beavers dabble under the water for the most reliable protection - a fleeting feather. These creatures go to hind legs, if you carry it with your front legs, for example, or child.


For their living, beavers will have huts, drinks and nori. Where do beavers spend the winter? As soon as their minds allow it, they settle with their entire family in a hole that leads out into the water. Rodents roam in this area because the soil is shallow and the reservoir has a high bank. First there will be numerous holes or chambers, stinking passages, the walls of which must be compacted. The entrance to the mink and the exit from it is a splinter. In our locality, the soil is mostly fluffy, and therefore it is more often possible to create huts rather than minks.


How do beavers spend the winter? For whose stench there will be huts - the dwelling of creatures, external look What does the Ukrainian house guess, or rather, yes. As a source of material, beavers use vikory needles with different diameters, grass, and clay mixed with mule. The living quarters of the creatures initially contain one room of great size, the width of which is two meters, and the height is second. To get to the hut, there will be an entrance and openings from below.

The framework of the vein is made up of great rods. The cracks that closed up at the hour of waking will be filled with grass and small twigs. The bases are covered with shavings and laid with a split ball. The walls of the beaver huts are very smooth in the middle, so all the little holes that stick out smell with sharp teeth, after which they are coated with clay and mule. This does not allow the wind to penetrate into the middle of the life. It takes two months to keep a beaver's hut safe and warm.


This is a different type of beaver life, the creation of which is related to the change in the water level. How do beavers spend the winter? So as not to make a new living, the stench will change the nori. When the flow of water gets louder, the hole will flood. So that the rhubarb becomes stronger, the rodent scrapes the earth from the stele. The ale vin shvidko becomes thin. To prevent it from falling apart, the creature crushes the stele with gilts and clay.

What do beavers need for paddling?

The flow of water is never constant. Often in summer period The reservoirs are constantly drying up, and when it gets hot, the water rises. This makes life difficult for rodents, and in order to relieve them, intelligent creatures begin to row so that the flow of water remains constant. Sometimes the animals will follow the flow of the river, below their waters. Its size, width and height, lie below the width of water and currents, or rather, its fluidity. The middle dovzhin is 15-30 meters long, the width is 2-3 meters, the height is two to three. The rowing of the intelligent creature will be there, where the “foundation” is: a narrow river bed, a fallen tree. Otherwise, this spore will not be able to wash away the water, so the beavers will drain their profits from the sides. Step by step rowing increases in size and becomes even more powerful. The significance of such disputes is even greater. The dams are moving forward, which is positively reflected in the number of fish. Visnovok: beavers are brown creatures.

How do beavers prepare for winter?

At the onset of autumn, the whole homeland gathers at once to prepare food for the winter. The stench persists at night until the morning. Since the main hedgehogs in the winter are bark, wood and wasp leaves, rodents settle there, where they grow: along the banks of the river. The little animals insisted on cutting down the tree so that the stench fell at the top of the water. The creatures immediately chew the branches, then cut the drill into small pieces and float them down to the rocks, which are under the water near the shores. One homeland prepares approximately 30 cubic meters of food for the villages for the winter.

In the hour of preparation before winter, the beaver family will row, since during the winter period it is important for the creature to live under water. Once rowed, the water in the river will rise, allowing the family to freely dry out. Preparing for the winter period, beavers are engaged in breeding beaver wings on their sides, rowing and laying a passage for ventilation that goes from the ground on the surface to the life under the water. Why is steam swirling over the rodents' guts?

When it gets cold

How do beavers spend the winter? For whom do they have a reliable cabin, practically inaccessible to those who low temperatures The walls of the hut are cemented and become even more fragile, so enemies simply cannot penetrate into the living space. Beavers feel comfortable with their donkey in severe frosts because the temperature here remains above zero. The water does not freeze near the laz, so the beavers can freely walk under the water for their needs. There are outbreaks, or even rare ones, when the hut collapses through damage, which can lead to a witch or a wolverine. Ale and in this case, this family is not in a state, because all their members are stuck in the water. Beavers can live under water for a quarter of a year without harming their health. The creatures sense a threat, when they are nearby they make a sound, warning their relatives about trouble, and then they splash around under the water. The sound is audible hundreds of meters from the vein.

This is the most challenging time for rodents and other creatures. Throughout this cold period, members of the family spend time together in the sleeping area. How do beavers spend the winter, how do they live at their headquarters, rivers or other bodies of water? The stinkers do not hibernate, they spend the winter in a napping camp in a close family, huddled one to one. How many beavers spend the winter in one burrow? Therefore, a family consists of a father, mother and children of a number of 6-8 individuals who were born through two generations. On the right is that the offspring live with their fathers until court age, and then deprive themselves of a home to start their own family. Behind the stinks stored behind, they sometimes descend into the mass, dissolved under the water. For a snack, take a bunch of gilts and kick again. As soon as the reserves run out, the creatures graze on the roots of the plants, like those near the water.

Falls are caught, and snakes, snakes and vipers, take up residence in the warmth of the beavers' huts during the winter season. Before them, the rodents act as witches, using the power of the whole family to force the uninvited guests out of their hut. They have nothing against muskrats and muskrats, which sometimes settle in their huts for the winter. On their territory, beavers tolerate their presence in their singing minds: winter guests do not have to bother their families, and for whose stench they may need a large room for themselves.

Because this family is great

How do beavers spend the winter, since their homeland is great? When the family is replenished with new members, the beavers will get cameras and place them on top of their donkeys so that the place spreads out to everyone. Step by step, the hut, which consists of only one room, is transformed into rooms with no cameras, whose dimensions have significantly increased. Sometimes the height of the hut for a large family of beavers is only three to four meters high. Such donkeys have a completely different order of life.

Having only one room, the creatures quietly spent time in it: they ate, they rested. From the front great amount Upon arrival, stench can be seen around the room: for sleeping - on the upper surface, for eating - on the lower surface. These rodents are angry. It is important to keep things in order, so that food products do not accumulate, but are immediately thrown out of the water.

The largest rodent of the fauna of the Old World.


Russian name - primary beaver, river beaver
Latin name – Castor fiber
English name - Eurasian beaver, European beaver
Zagin - Grizuni (Rodentia)
Family - Beavers (Castoridae)

The Canadian beaver, a close relative of the common beaver, lingers on the ancient American continent. None of the taxonomists see them in other species.

Status of the species in nature

Even in the early historical times, the beaver inhabited the entire forest-meadow zone of Eurasia, until the mid-twentieth century, as a result of the hizhatsky meadow, which was widely recognized and included in the IUCN Red Book.

At this time, it is still possible to enter the international list of the Red Book creatures, and even in the status of Least Concern - the species that attracts the least fear. In European countries there are still few beavers, but in Russia they are already openly covered with water.

Species and people

Beavers are creatures, long ago visible to people. During the hour of excavation, a number of stone knives, bronze armor, archaeologists found out from the images of this creature.

Among the rich peoples of the world, beavers received well-deserved respect for their marvelous abilities and practicality. These creatures are the heroes of folklore: the fairy tale, the fairy tale, the believer, the tosto. p. Beavers have evolved into heraldry: the stinks symbolize the culture, the richness of the fauna and the region, the turbo and the mind. This is not a single heraldry creature, consistent with reasonable practice and engineering activity. In Russia, the beaver ranks first on the coat of arms of the town of Tyumen, Bobrova and in.

Since ancient times, beavers were valued for their value and beauty. There are close to a thousand reasons for this in neighboring Europe - in Russia, Poland and Lithuania - due to the organization of beaver fisheries. The people who occupy this right, the beavers, Mala Vinyatkov’s right to the beaver drive (polyuvannya) on the princely lands. They started breeding beavers, working on selection by color, forming rows of black, brown and ore beavers. The secrets of selection were passed down from generation to generation. In fact, beavers were at that time becoming domestic animals. Poaching was severely punished.

“Ruska Pravda” - a summary of the laws of pre-Mongol Russia - says that for stealing a beaver there is a 12 hryvnia fine. Not with the butt of killing wild creatures, beavers were recognized as objects of dry moisture.

Reasonable organization of the industry of buidlings at the rocks Tatar-Mongol yoke(13-15th century). Then all the inhabitants of Russia, including the one-day-old nemovlyat, were given a tax, and were paid by the khutra. There has been an increase in the watering of beavers, as a result of which their numbers have decreased. Beaver pelts became even more expensive, and during the reign of Ivan the Terrible it was prohibited to wear beaver pelts to people who lived in the lower, lower boyar states. Throughout the cold period, the boyars wore beaver fur coats to the heels, as they were exposed to wet snow, bitter frost, and snow storm. Of course, such fur coats are important, but then the cold in the sleigh would not be terrible.

The glorious beaver is no less cunning. The secret of this specific plant, called beaver string, is a strong odor that is found in perfumery. In addition, the beaver stream is credited with truly miraculous power in treating the great severity of the disease.

Beaver meat is entirely natural. It’s great that in the Catholic tradition it is important to sing, the remains of the beaver, according to the church canons, through its luscious tail became a fish. The Orthodox clergy categorically defends this life.

In our region, as a result of an uncontrolled species, on the cob of the 20th century, perhaps all beavers were guilty. At least a few hundred creatures have been preserved in several small areas: near the Dnieper basin - on the banks of the Berezina, Sozh, Pripyat and Teteriv rivers, near the Don basin - the Voronezh and Usman rivers, near Zauralli, on the Konda and Sosva rivers. And the remaining place where natural populations of these creatures remain is on the Azas River at the upper Yenisei. The beavers began to grow due to the complete poverty of those who had been born since 1922. the clearings on them were fenced off everywhere, and a number of nature reserves were created. So, in 1923 a reserve of the river Usman was organized in the Voronezk region; born in 1927 openly Voronezsky, Berezinsky and Kondo-Sosvensky nature reserves. From now on, the program for the re-acclimatization of the beaver began to begin. Before the Second World War, only 316 animals had been resettled, and since 1946. The work was continued, and until the 70s in the territory of 52 regions of Russia, over 12,000 beavers were found before the era of Fatherlandism.

Fortunately, none of this wonderful creature’s existence will be in danger. Beavers can now be found on the outskirts of great places. Traces of the death of real animals are spreading near the Moscow region and on the outskirts of Moscow.

Where beavers settle, the area becomes larger and flooded with water. The water brings in fish, the stinks bring caviar on their paws, and fish appear in the pond. Proteus, since there are already a lot of beavers, their activity leads to swamping of the area, and then to the loss of a large number of tree species.

Expanded area and place of residence

At this time, the beaver's range is large, which is the result of zoologists' efforts to acclimatize and reintroduce this animal. It is found throughout much of northern Europe, in the lower parts of the country. Roni, outdoor pool Elbi, Visli, in the forest and often in the forest-steppe zone of the European part of Russia. The habitats of the river beaver are scattered in the upper reaches of the Yenisei, in Kuzbass, Baikal, the Amur basin, and Kamchatka.

The beaver is a typical aquatic creature whose life is closely connected with small bodies of water: free-flowing forest rivers, streams, oxbow lakes, and lakes. Beavers are unique in their wide and narrow rivers. For these creatures, it is important to have leafy trees, as well as herbaceous plants, which form the basis of their food.

External appearance and morphology

The beaver is the largest rodent in the forest. It has a short, massive body with a length of up to 70-80 cm, and sometimes up to 1 m. The weight of older large males can reach 30 kg, females are even a little larger. The legs are short and thick, the hind legs are extended and strong behind the front ones. There are 5 toes on each skin, and on the front paws the first toe is protruding, so the beaver can even manipulate objects. At the rear, well-spread swimmers and fish can develop a speed of up to 7 km/year in the water. The claws are tight, tight, the claw on the 2nd finger of the rear end of the fork looks like a small fork. With this help, the beaver grows its fur and grows hair with a special mixture of male anal tracts and sees the so-called “beaver stream”.

Before the beaver stream, which has a strong musky smell, there has long been a stir of interest, while people attribute to it truly miraculous power. Histological studies have shown that the beaver striae does not contain a mucous structure, called the preputial organs, such as the dermal sacs, and they are created instead as a result of the mutual interaction of the keratinous about the epithelium and salts that are brought to the cut. No differences have been identified in the exchange of these organs between males and females.

Using beaver strings, the anal buds are dissected to reveal an oily secretion that varies in males and females in color, smell, and consistency. Males secrete a yellow color, and females a gray color. The totality of sightings of anal tracts and beaver streams carries odor information about the field, age, physiological state of the creature and its individuality. Beavers use them to mark their territory, and the secretion of the wen, which is evaporated thoroughly with a steamer, allows you to further preserve the beaver mark in the “working” stage with an oily structure, which is evaporated richly more for the secret of the beaver stream.

The beaver has a special tail - no one else has one like it! The shape of the vein suggests an oar, flattened at a horizontal plane. The length of the tail is almost twice as wide as its width. The upper part has a small horny growth - the keel, most of which is covered with six-cut horny plates. There is still hair at the base of the tail, and short and coarse hairs grow between the plates. When swimming, the beaver has a vikoryst tail like a kermo glybini. Under water, a beaver can live up to 5 weeks.

The small eyes of this creature, when porn, are covered with a flickering bridle (third layer), which immediately ensures the protection of the eyes and the clearness of the bowl under water. Beavers have a wonderful sense of sensitivity, although their ears are also small, wide and short, and there is ice on the ground. Both ears and nostrils sit under the water, so the water does not drain there. The large, blackish-brown incisors of the beaver are strengthened from the mouth with special growths upper lips Why can a creature graze under water without risk of getting caught? These are the teeth of beavers, like all rodents, that grow throughout their lives. The front surface of the incisors is covered with enamel, and the back surface is made of soft dentin, so the larger the beaver, the sharper the teeth.

The beaver is the owner of a beautiful hut, the preparation of which varies from light brown to even black in various creatures. The hairline consists of a long, coarse coat up to 5 cm long (on the back) and a soft, even thick undercoat up to 2 cm long. For 1 cm² in the middle there is about 32 thousand. hairs, and one outer hair contains 230-300 downy hairs. The fire of the beaver is even better than water and moisture, and it can also warm up the animal that escapes from the water in the frosty winter.

Way of living, social behavior and living arrangements

Beavers are active at night and during the day. The smell leaves the resident at sunset and lasts until 4–6 years old. In the spring, when the preparation of feed for the winter begins, the working day will extend to 10-12 years. During the winter, activity decreases and disappears during the daylight hours; During this time, beavers do not appear on the surface. At temperatures below -20 ° C, creatures lose their vitals.

It is necessary to speak especially about the beaver's life and the improvement of their territory. Beavers are not only miracle workers, but also “engineers”! The animals that have made a couple, call to dig a hole near the tall birch river. The entrance to the hole is always under water, and the bottom of the hole is at least 20 cm above the water. From the underground burrow, the animal digs a vertical corridor to the ground. Above him, beavers scurry around the trunks of small trees, branches, earth, compacting and building material with their dolls and heads. However, in the middle there is a space with fluffy folds - a “bed” for ventilation. As the flow of water in the river rises, the animals scrape the earth from the stele and raise the foundation. It happens that when the earthling's stele collapses, the hole is transformed into a surface: the lower part of the earthling's vein, and the animal's uppermost high end. In places where the banks are low and the excavations are deep, it is impossible for beavers to break ground huts from gilts held together with clay and mule. Gilts to wash in the middle of the room, beavers to bite, crevices to be caulked with moss and coated with mule. The result is smooth walls and floors. The height of the hut can be up to 3 meters, and the diameter of the base can be up to 12 m.

The house has one homeland of beavers, which consists of 5–8 animals (a couple of mature animals, their children of the past and/or the past, and babies). Beavers are even more exhausted - in the middle of their lives there is never any waste or excrement. The entrance to the beaver “booths” is always under the water, as if the great hut is trying to destroy the stele, the animals still cannot be reached - they jump into the water and disappear in another place. In the case of heavy frost, the temperature will always be positive, and there is a dung steam over the beavers’ bellies in cold weather. It happens that in the spring, near the flood, the water still fills the veins, so the beavers will be on the tops of the bushes, hammocks-beds made of branches and twigs from a bedding of dry grass.

The beaver family occupies a river plot for a long time from 0.3 to 1.5 km or more, laying down a large amount of food. In ponds with river water that changes frequently, there will be beaver dams on other rivers and forest streams. This allows animals to raise or lower the flow of water at the reservoir so that the entrances to the hut are under water and are not accessible to the huts.

Make sure to stay below the flow of beaver settlements with stovburs of trees, girders, stones, clay - everything that is “at hand”. Beavers float the material on water and carry it in their mouths and paws. The whole family is working, and there are only a few families hanging around nearby. The result is such a beautiful design that a person can easily pass through it, or even a mountain climber can pass through it. In one or several places, water drains are lined up so that the flood does not damage the entire rowing. The initial length of a beaver rowing is 20-30 meters, the width at the base is 4-6 m, the white of the ridge is 1 m, the height is about 2 m. Prote, along the vicorous ledges of the banks, beavers can row a row of hundreds of meters. c. The record for such a thing belongs, however, not to the river beavers, but to the Canadian ones. In the American state of New Hampshire there is a widow's row of 1.2 km.

If you row, you'll have to do it again. It is necessary to remove them at the work station, it is necessary to regulate the flow of water. How do these marvelous rodents perform their activities, and how do they understand that the place will require repairs? Largest contribution Swedish zoologist Wilson and French woman Richard contributed to the study of beaver behavior during rowing. They understood that the main stimulus for everyday activity is the sound of water. Listening to the miraculous hearing, the beavers announced without mercy that the sound had changed, and then, there were changes in the structure of the rowing. But the sound of water is not the only stimulus. When a pipe was laid under the rowing, because it was “inaudible,” the creatures quickly discovered a leak and clogged the pipe with hammers and a mule. It is still unclear how the animals “home” and survive their work.
The rowing continues until the forest is flooded, until the canals are created, where the stitches are re-created, and all the locality creates a specific “beaver landscape”. It is necessary to note that the Canadian beaver is engaged in the activity of multi-meter paddling, which is not typical for river animals.


The most familiar sound that beavers make is the loud splash of their tail in the water, which warns relatives of trouble. Until the vocal signals, then for a long time the mature beavers began to look up to the respect of voiceless creatures. However, extensive monitoring of the behavior of creatures both in nature and in captivity has led to the discovery that beavers produce a variety of low-frequency sounds.

Thus, the loud trumpet sounds of these creatures can be heard almost under the hour of the horns of hostile individuals. As a rule, an attacking animal screams, and this cry is accompanied by grunts and hisses. Spiny, in kshtalt "fzsh", began to serve the beavers to express dissatisfaction and unfriendliness.

Watching, the beavers vibrate the hundred, guessing the words “yyy” and “oooh” in the nose; These sounds can accompany mutual caresses, and also serve as a call or a cry.
The Canadian explorer V. Bailey described how a female beaver encouraged her babies in this way. With this sound, the beavers express a sense of fear and destruction, for example, they have a place with an unknown person if they cannot find the way to the cabin.

Children are characterized by high-frequency sounds, lower in mature beavers, and plaintive sounds that make them cry. Frozen beavers use them to call their mother: pitiful sounds and stench are also heard when fighting with other beavers.

Food and feeding behavior

Beavers are dew-bearing animals. Their diet includes a wide variety of herbaceous aquatic and semi-aquatic weeds (lattia, white lily, iris, etc.), and the main source of food for these creatures is trees. There is a stink of bark and young needles, ahead of willows, wasps, poplars and birches. It is practical not to eat velkha and oak, but rather to vikory when rowing. Acorns are eaten out of satisfaction.

Beavers threaten trees by rising on their hind legs and curling onto their tail. In this case, the beaver presses against the tree with its upper incisors, and with its lower incisor, the beaver collapses from the side to the side with a fluidity of 5–6 rolls per second. The thyrsus flies on all sides, and a wasp with a diameter of 5-7 cm falls through 5 wings of the robotic beaver. A tree with a diameter of 40 cm is felled by a beaver overnight. The stovbur of the browned tree looks even more characteristic - it has the appearance of a sandy year. After the tree has fallen, the beaver wets its palms. Some of the leaves are immediately collected from the leaves, and some of the little animals are drawn to the water. Because there is a need for industrial materials, the tree is cut into logs and cured for use.

As autumn approaches, beavers begin to prepare food for the winter. For this stench, draw the water from the water. Creatures constantly walk in the same places, as a result, beaver stitches are created, which, when flooded, turn into channels. It’s easier to float water through the water, drag it down on land, and beavers always keep the channels clean. Near the reservoir, at shallow depths (or where the water does not freeze to the bottom), thrifty workers dig their heads into the mule, press them against the stones, or stay under the bank that overhangs. This type of food saves all its red power to the point of fierceness. Beavers store a large quantity of food – up to 60–70 cubic meters per family.

During the winter in the frost, beavers do not come to the surface and prepare food from the fall in their living quarters, where there is a special “room”, located closer to the entrance, below the “bedroom”.

Reproduction and generation of offspring

Beavers are monogamous, the head of the pair is female. The love season lasts from the middle of the summer until the end of the summer. Beavers mate under water and, after about 3 months, beavers are born. A small brood (1 - 6 offspring) - the only one on the river. Beavers are grown up with fur, weigh an average of 0.45 kg and can swim within a few days. Mother actively encourages them to go to the water, literally walking along the underwater corridor.

At 3-4 years of age, beavers begin to eat beaver juice, mainly the pulp of grass stems, and then soaked in milk for up to 3 months. The growing beavers live the hard life of their family: as adults, they take part in repairing the hut, rowing and preparing food for the winter. With the fathers, the stench will disappear due to the length of two rocks. Having reached adulthood, young beavers leave their father’s house.

The triviality of life

As everything goes away, the beaver is alive for 15–20 years, although the creature has reached an important age - 24 years.

Morning critters at the Moscow Zoo

Beavers live at the zoo in peace. It’s a pity, these precious creatures and it’s important to treat them daily. Nora, what kind of animal sleeps in, is on Old territory at the “Night Light” pavilion, and the street paddock adjoins the enclosure with wolves. There is a reservoir here, a man-made dam and a beaver’s hut (though it wasn’t built by beavers). Beavers are happy to swim and feather, eat food on the birch tree and carry their teeth into the hole. It is best to keep an eye on the beavers at the entrance enclosure, in the evening, before the zoo closes.

When the zoo's beavers give food to the beavers during the day, the creatures come out to people, huddle together out of contentment, eat, and if not active, go back to the hole again to watch their “beaver dreams.” These rodents grow old with their necks and cut-out vegetables.

One of the beavers that can be seen at the exhibition, having eaten until we are very small. This was found by the closest DAI spies in the Moscow Region. They checked the road and dropped a cardboard box on the Uzbek. They parked the car, went to the box and felt wonderful sounds. They screamed, sing-song, with great caution! How could she be healthy if the stench revealed a critter beaver and a dance with milk in the box. Even if he put the beaver in a box and lost it on the narrow roads, he ended up in prison. The animal, in the same box in a car with a flashing light, was delivered to the zoo, safely settled, now lives in a comfortable hole and has now made a friend.

Whenever you start talking about beavers, you immediately stand in front of the eye of the river, a miracle with majestic, yellow, sharp teeth, capable of overgrown. The animal is actually even toothy, only in nature great value bring the very zvedyaki of the untidy crack. Everyone knows that the beaver is a natural alarmist. This is a sign of commitment and efficiency. People themselves learned from these workers that they began rowing during everyday life. Sometimes our smaller brothers have something to learn. How is it alive, what does the beaver eat, how does it breed its unique spores? You will find out about everything by reading the article.

The biggest rodent

Nowadays, nature has two species, the European one. The differences between them are small, although the European one is a fraction less than the Canadian one. Once upon a time, about 5 million years ago, beavers could fight to defeat the ruler of the forest themselves - the bear. The great ancestors of today's rodents have died out, and today's rowers are vastly inferior in size to their ancestors.

A mature male beaver weighs approximately 20-25 kg, a full-grown male beaver weighs 45 kg, and a female beaver weighs 1.2 meters. The monster's tail occupies 15-20 cm, its width being as old as ever. The cheeky tail plays an important role as a keel - with its help, the hairy swimmer regulates the depth of the water. It is possible to swim under the water and orientate yourself well there, to give the beaver all the insight.

Even more important is the appearance of rodents: the claw on thumb splitting into two halves is a gift from nature, so that the small animal can brush its fur. Listening to Rozmova about the endings, I want to say that the stench helps beavers swim well. The hind legs have webs, and the same feathers move the jocks. Their swimmers can develop speeds of up to 10 km/year. The front paws are quite small, without webbing, and equipped with strong claws that can easily dig the ground. Even the front paws play the role of hands - they are creatures that carry clay and gilts.

The thick thick ball of fat under the skin protects the beavers from the cold. The animals carefully look after their coats, brushing them with a natural comb. The moisture of the oily liquid, as seen in special vines, miraculously does not get wet.

The teeth of creatures grow throughout their lives, and if they do not regularly grind against wood, they reach unprecedented sizes.

The life of beavers in nature is no longer safe. It’s trivial to become average 13-15 years old. In captivity, they live 2-3 times longer.

For all those creatures that live with beavers, put mixture on them to save and, if necessary, remove water and adjacent forest areas. To go out in such a way that, in their own way, the voluptuous alarm bells promise not less about their kindness - the calm neighbors will also lie down with them.

The sound of flowing water awakens the beavers' addiction to alertness, and the stench begins to act. It will be impossible to find pious workers, day and night. The beavers are beginning to explore the new water territory following a plan created by fate:

  1. There will be rowing to change the speed to quiet and quiet rates.
  2. A canal system is being created to expand the reservoir.
  3. The majesty of Comoros is emerging.
  4. There will be a majestic, rich-room booth with a tower of more than 1 meter. The booth will be built for a half-hour.

Once the cabins are ready, the entrances are under water to protect the life from the enemies. When a beaver works in a sawmill and prepares wood, it infects the rizik. A tree can fall and be crushed by a beaver, which will destroy only one, and the members of the family will be occupied by other right-wing rulers. Good luck to lumberjacks! What does a beaver eat? That is why I will do my rowing. It is important to obtain the necessary material, otherwise the reserves of food for a family of rodents need to be very large.

More friends and more fathers

This family of fluffy rodents is losing loyalty and loyalty. You can do everything at once to make life easier, wisely dividing the work among all the members of the family. Young people can live together with their parents for up to two years, after which the children are guilty of destroying their home, trying to find their own mate at times of uncertainty.

The mother beaver gives birth to 3 to 4 babies with 0.5 kg of skin. The kids are popular with replicas of their fathers, even the small ones. The stench is already in fur coats with great teeth and monster tails. Two years later, the lumberjacks are already chewing on the hard hedgehog. What the older beaver eats, that is what the younger one eats. Family idylls at the water booths can be late!

The main menu of these traditional grizuns is herbaceous plants. What a beaver eats is often shown in cartoons. Most often, from the screens, we see how creatures eat fish. This is not true - aquatic animals do not live like this. The stench of logging wastes a lot of energy, they need to be stored in order to exhilarate such an attraction. And it’s definitely not the fish that helps them!

What do beavers eat in nature, what is their favorite food? It is clearer what this tree is. Favorite weasels - willow twigs, wasps, willows. A beaver eats up to 1 kg of wood per day. Bark, wood pulp under the bark - this the best hedgehog Zubastikov. The little needles stink entirely, like zucchini.

It is important to chew such a hard hedgehog, and even more important to poison it. Kharchov's beaver system is completely ready for work.


How do water workers manage in the cold season, even if they freeze with water until everything is covered in snow? It’s hard for them, but if you prepare well before winter, then the frosts won’t be terrible. The beaver sleeps for most of the hour. Anyway, in order to have a peaceful sleep and a clean boat, one family will need to prepare more than a ton of chicks for the winter.

The beaver hut, which provides insulation for the winter, is very quiet. Only when the hedgehog runs out, the head of the family will have to go out to work.

The body of beavers is prepared for swimming, and not for the early snow, so in the cold it is even more important for them to keep their eyes open. Therefore, everyone tried to report until the reserves were drained until it was warm.

Tsikava facts

The life of beavers is long and rich in their way of living:

  1. Stand under water of 700 meters and the swimmers swim in 10-15 minutes.
  2. In one night a beaver can knock down and clear the bark from a tree with a diameter of 30-40 cm.
  3. The area is 3 square meters. km can be inhabited by just one family of beavers.
  4. The greatest challenge was beaver rowing - 700 m rowing, which is a world record. In New Hampshire, the rowing distance is longer - 1.2 km.
  5. There are two monuments to beavers near the town of Bobruisk, so it’s not surprising that the name of the place has gained respect.

The beaver (lat. Castor fiber) is the largest rodent in Eurasia from the Beaver family (Castoridae). It is also called the European or Eurasian river beaver. Until the end of the 19th century, the species was on the verge of complete poverty, whose number, according to the most optimistic estimates, did not exceed 2-3 thousand heads. Over the course of the last century, the population has expanded and today it is estimated that there are approximately 450 thousand individuals.

The Latin name of the creature is similar to the word castrare (castruate). In the ancient world, there was a widespread belief that the burials of value and the beast, which does not take place until the end, submits to voluntary castration, viz. reproductive organs. This is how they fought among the ancient Greeks, who used them to prepare a whole zill. About this process, the ancient Greek kazar Ezop has a story about the beaver.

The same information can be found in “Natural History”, written around 77 AD. Pleniy the Elder. The historian additionally alerted his readers to the thoughtless concern with this mess. In my opinion, it could, with its sharp teeth, inventively decipher something for its investigators.


In the first thousand years, the habitat covered almost the entire zone of the peaceful climate of the Palearctic region. As of today, 11 species have been preserved. The nominative species lingers in Norway and Sweden.

The largest populations are found in Eastern, Central and Western Europe, and the smallest in Asia. The range extends from France and Great Britain to the Asian part of Russia, to Mongolia and the Chinese province of Xinjiang.

In Italy, Portugal, in the Balkans and nearby river beavers are not found. The known remains of the stench were widespread in the territory of present-day Iraq, Iran, Syria and Turkey 1000-800 BC.

Beaver strumin or castoreum

The anal prepuce of beavers extracts an aromatic liquid that has long been used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. It is called beaver string or castoreum (castoreum). Creatures vikorista yogo from the cut in order to mark between their waters.

Apply about 100 g. The smell is distributed between the pelvis and the base of the tail in both males and females.

They are extracted from killed animals, purified from blood, fat and flesh. After drying, the stench is ready for further drying. Most often they are ground into powder and soaked in alcohol and burnt. Drinking is taken into account as a tonic and is taken as a remedy for the treatment of many illnesses.

Beaver string is traditionally used for headaches, colds, epilepsy, diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Its analgesic and antipyretic effects are explained by the use of salicylic acid. It accumulates in the weeds due to the rodent's active suppression of willow (Salix) palms.

Already until the end of the 19th century, castoreum entered the warehouse of mithridate, a universal antitinder with 65 components.

For a long time we have been relying on a panacea for all sorts of ailments. Behind the legend, its culprit was the Pontic king Mithridates VI Eupator. Regular use of this idea made him insensitive to the point of being torn off. As a result, he was unable to recover, trying to get rid of the full beatings. Yomu had the opportunity to ask his guard to kill himself with a sword for a long time.

In the Middle Ages, bjolars were washed with smoke from a beaver stream for soaking before taking honey. As a flavoring substance, they added it to the sniffing pot, drinking and drinking herbs. The stench gives it a pungency and slight bitterness.

The head of the beaver stream will be deprived of perfumery and cosmetic industry. They add perfumes, sweets, powder and cosmetics to the summer. You want to add an aroma to them that is reminiscent of the smell of skin and valeriana.


The original beaver leads a primitive way of life. During the day he sleeps, and as the day progresses he begins to be active. The peak of its activity occurs at the beginning and decreases closer to the morning.

Creatures develop territoriality and form monogamous families, which consist of a maximum of two generations. As a rule, stench consists of 4-10 individuals. It is much less common for colonies to be established from multiple families.

One family group occupies the watercourse of the Zavdovzhka River from 1 to 4 km. The size of a home plot depends on the availability of food supply and hydrological characteristics of water and water.

River beavers have broken down the communication system. Voice signals are used rarely, giving preference to different postures and dots. Most of the sounds that they see lie beyond the boundaries of human intimacy, and the most noticeable sounds are the cry of an invisible creature, the hoot of an owl, the grunting, hissing or muffled wheezing. The rest is most often used to pierce the enemy.

The impact of the tail on the surface of the water plays an important role in the splashing. The stench warns of unsafety and signals the need to make another visit.

People pay attention to their hygiene a lot of the time. After going ashore the stench, pour out the water and carefully smooth it out with your paws and clean it carefully. To clean important areas, the claws on the other toe of the hind paw are split.


The Eurasian river beaver is also a hedgehog. His favorite weeds are watery growths and young pastures of softwood trees. It prefers to eat the leaves and stems of willow (Salix), poplar (Populus), blackweed (Phragmites) and lettuce (Nymphaea). The diet includes over 300 species of plants. From spring to autumn, grassy vegetation takes precedence.

During the winter, when food becomes scarce, the animal lives mainly on tree bark. Today there is about a fifth of the moisture in the water. The processing of roughage is assisted by microorganisms in the intestinal tract, which are responsible for breaking down cellulose.

Cecotrophy is commonly practiced. The protective rodent excretes two types of feces and produces one in which the living speech is regenerated by microorganisms.

In summer and spring, you should build up reserves for the cold season, storing them in special storage units ranging from 5 to 19 cubic meters. A treasure hunter can store up to 1000 kg of food.

As a rule, beavers live 20-30 m above the shore. Live in searches, or during violent migrations, the stench can spread up to 10-20 km in one night.

Beavers alarm beavers

Representatives of this species are famous for their intelligence in spores of giant spores. They will row a depth of approximately 12 m (maximum 100 m) and a height of up to 2 m, and also dig channels for transporting the village by water with a depth of up to 500 m. daily work the stench is less than a little inferior to its larger relatives, (Castor canadiens).

When selecting its place of residence, the creature is buried in deep water with water and near the food base. They are loved by the banks of the river, the lake and the lake. From the forest area, plots are chosen that are overgrown with birch and tall trees. For their friendly minds, their dams can cause dozens or hundreds of deaths in one place.

Beaver paddling is carried out to regulate the level of water, to protect huts and life during the winter period. As standard materials, piles of wood 20-80 cm thick, branches, branches, timber, stone and any other available items are used. The rowing is already cold, the stench is wafting in the direction of the water and the flowing ice in early spring. In addition to them, there is a whole system of cascades that regulate the water flow.

In the lowlands, native beavers often build beaver lodges up to 3 m high and up to 20 m in diameter. The animals should now be minced and decorated with their structures. The rites of spring become especially intense. As a result, until the cold weather comes out, the warmth and warmth settle down, in which untidy alarm clocks can survive the bitter cold. Stinks don't go into hibernation.

In areas with soft soil, near the end of summer, rodents dig holes on steep and rapid banks.

A collapsible system of passages with multiple entrances leads to the living chamber, located at a depth of about 1 m and 25-35 cm deeper than the water level. A canopy is erected above the entrance, which protects it from the frozen winter. Once the body of the living chamber collapses, and the opening, once closed, is covered with nails and a smile. This method is most often avoided in places where incidents often occur.


Beavers reach maturity at 30-36 months. The loving period passes from now until the bitter days. Mating occurs in the aquatic environment and lasts for 30 seconds to 3 minutes. If the soaking has not been released, the steam bath is repeated up to 5 times at the end of 12-14 days.

The location appears in Bereznya and Kvitnya. The peak of reproduction is between 3 and 10 years. The latter have two or three babies, sometimes up to six. The period of gestation is about 105 days.

The female raises the cubs in a sitting position, helping them to move forward with their front paws.

The beavers hatch with thick, soft fur and wait about 500 g. After the canopies, Matusya carefully licks the babies that have been born.

The beaver grows quickly, gaining 40-50 g each day over the first two months. One young man weighs 8-13 kg, and two young men weigh about 14 kg.

The education of the younger generation is carried out by both fathers and older brothers. The babies swim well, but love to cuddle with their mother’s back or tail like a handy swimmer. When working with your senior comrades, sleep at night and spend the day having fun. Their daily cycle changes with the transition to solid liquid. Dairy food lasts up to 90 days.

After reaching adulthood, the juveniles leave their parents and search for wetlands, sometimes reaching distances of up to 200-300 km.


The body length of mature individuals is 90-110 cm. The wide tail reaches 20-25 cm (maximum 37 cm), and the tail reaches 11-17 cm. The weight ranges from 18 to 29 kg. State dimorphism of the day. The state organs are located at the cloaca. Males are a fraction of the cost of females.

Silica tulub, additive. The ends are short, the paws have 5 toes, between which there are swim pads. The stench is on the hind legs. The fingers are formed with slick finger claws.

The barley varies from different shades of brown to even black. The lightest are the modern populations. Khutro soft, thick, vologous and brilliant. per 1 sq. cm = 12-23 thousand hairs. The length of the fur is approximately 2 cm, and the length of the guard hair is up to 7 cm. Shedding occurs from late spring to late autumn.

On both sides of the large head, small eyes were planted. The ears are wide and small. The ears and nostrils automatically close when tired.

In the wild, the average beaver lives for about 30 years. In zoos, some individuals live to be 35-50 years old.

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