Take some maple syrup. Yak zrobiti maple syrup at home. Warehouse and the authority

Klenovy, cinnamon and skoda of what kind of boules are seen by the representatives of ancient Indian tribes, for a long time they have entered into an exotic liquor.

Years, since you can find food for children on the shelves of vichiznyh shops, a lot of people started to go to the food, from the brown maple syrup, and to whom it is more beautiful to wipe out the life of your life.

Maple syrup douche cinnamon for the body

Is it maple syrup?

The homeland of the flesh from the maple is Canada, de vin is one of the main symbols of the state. It is here itself that a Danish product is carried out, which can be exported to a rich country. Canadian perekonanі, scho vidminna sign The original product is unique and unrepeatable relish, in the presence of notes of wood aroma.

For a long time, it was a secret of why maple syrup was brewed in Canada.

Now it has become a vidomo, for the preparation of maple syrup in Canada, to pick up a sik of red or red maple, picked up in early spring.

Yogo viparyut at high temperatures to remove thick concentrate. more than 90% of the stock is taken from water, so to remove 1 liter of yak_se product, you need to take close to 35-40 liters of juice from a maple tree.

Yak is making maple syrup - marvel at the video:

Tasty maple syrup? Tsіkavo, ale tsya thick and a bunch of rіdina is absolutely specific relish, not similar to nі on іnshe. Name of vin nagadu honey.

An important point: right away from that green maple to grind maple syrup, when prepared, do not pick up the sugar, preservatives and napovnuvachi.

The very fact is to be famous for its naturalness, korisnist and bake.

uniqueness of the warehouse

Before the warehouse of maple syrup, there is a majestic number of cinnamon for the organism of speech, the middle:

  • antioxidants, which can be transferred to the organisms of toxic speech and growth of new products;
  • vitamins, which normalize communication processes at all levels of regulation;
  • minerals, which help to restore the organism with valuable activators of biological processes;
  • phytohormoni, scho to paint the robot of internal organs;
  • Quebeccole, which is a great usuvati, show a sweet diabetes.

Before team yak, substitute maple syrup on the menu with one of the other products, then take some time to think about it. The breeders of their own unique warehouse and the increase in daily fat, the whole product of the food and the fair knowledge for people who lead healthy way Life and run after the fig, but I don’t want to add it to the liquorice. The calorific value of maple syrup becomes only 256 kcal per 100 g, which is indispensable for quiet, how to lose weight and actively consume people.
Maple syrup don't get too thin

Who's got a grudge?

Why use maple syrup? Krim savory pastries, the whole product is even a cinnamon sweetener for їzhі.
Brought to you, regular consumption of wedge syrup is allowedє:

  • polishit the robot of the heart-vascular system;
  • Putting the heart-vascular system in order is more helpful i. Yoogo with success zastosovovyat yak for the likuvannya bagatokh zhvoryuvan, so and for professional purposes.

  • cross the development of atherosclerosis;
  • change the riziki to the development of pukhlin;
  • improvement of the immune system;
  • fighting the symptoms of diabetes mellitus;
  • to increase the potential of the representatives of the cholovich stati;
  • maple syrup for skinny, let’s throw off the wagu.

The brown power of maple syrup was made popular not only in Batkivshchyna, but in other countries of the world. There is more than one recipe for making maple syrup in your home, but you can really taste it only in Canada. Tuteshnim kulіnaram vіdomo, yak dobuvati maple syrup and cook yogo correctly, schob in the process of cooking otrimati cinnamon product.

For more information about the brown maple syrup, see the video:

may be contraindicated

Before tim yak vikoristovuvati maple syrup, a lot of people were able to turn around side effects... Regardless of the fact that you add maple syrup, you will become equally active and take all your qualities.

Fakhivtsi did not know a hundred proofs before implanting a product in the market, that is, to bring it to the number of absolutely not dull savory.

I will look at the calorific value and the high amount of carbohydrates, as well as sucrose, which should be protected from the consumption of maple syrup in case of diabetic, but it is not easy to eat only quietly, but it is evil with caress.

Yak accepted vikoristovuvati?

Yak vikoristovuvati maple syrup, wines brought to the body of people, and maximum corista? What kind of maple syrup can be found in Batkivshchyna? In Canada and the United States, they serve it together with waffles, bread with corn flour, vicorist food for preparing desserts and vipychki, vegetable and meat herbs, sauces. Velmi is a popular version of vzhivannya in Denmark - frosty with maple syrup, as well as pecan with wedge syrup.

We find us overseas weasels, we know us well by the Hollywood films, є with maple syrup.
Mlintsi with maple syrup - moist and cinnamon snidanok

In Canada and the United States, the stench vvazayutsya to finish with a wider dish, as children often live on snidanks. Such a snack is not only even more delicious, but rather bad for a whole day, it zrazhu life energy and stimulates the brain to the robot.

The product can indispensable product on any table, playing the role of a healthy alternative to tsukru.

Tse allow drinking tea with maple syrup for people who suffer for diabet And also kava with maple syrup for children with obesity and problems of exchange of speech.

Yak Vibirati?

Yak vibrati maple syrup? A whole expensive product is often crushed, especially in our country. It will be a great idea to learn why maple syrup in Russia should be roasted, and why it will be more affordable to reduce the amount of money. A large, cheap alternative to the overseas pidsolodzhuvach can have a corn warehouse, which adds a bit of maple tree extract for the smell.

In order to make sure that the originality of the viscous malt is important, you need to respect it for its color and consistency. Guilty, but we will be able to blame, without kalamut, light-or dark-burshtin color. For the consistency of the product is thick, oily trocha and nagadu honey.
When vibrating maple syrup, it is necessary to respect the color and consistency

Features of the price

You've already got it, kudi vikoristovuvati maple syrup? Todi will be good at knowledge, skіlki vіn kostu. The price of maple syrup can be easily called acceptable for the great people of our land.

Unimportant on the price, people do not stop trying to find them and buy the product through the Internet.

Deyakikh buyers navpaki, absolutely not bad, with kostu maple syrup. It is important for me to see yo gusto and savor the flavor.

Before the word, the part of malt grows close to 12-20 American dollars, and then it’s worth it.

Similar materials

Maple syrup, which is even more popular in Canada and the United States, our spyvitchiznikov will never know it. Just the last hour, the deyaki of the Russian enterprises have given their favor to the release and, to appear, in a real sense, it is self-righteous. Why should you try maple syrup and cook it in your home mind? For all it is necessary to learn the traditional American recipes and intelligence, as it is with us.

  • Number of ports: 12
  • Cooking hour: 2 hvilini

Cinnamon and Skoda maple syrup

Tsei drink viroblyayut for old-fashioned Indian recipes with the juice of special, growing only on the American continent, maples. Sik pick up on the very cob of spring, if the release of brunoks is repaired. Hour zboru is surrounded by a number of pressures, but it is impossible to do so. That is, right at the mіsci to organize viparuvannya juice, filling ready-made syrup in a bottle and refilling for processing at special enterprises.

The whole product does not take revenge on any piece additives. The calorie content of maple syrup is lower than that of tsukru and honey, which can be consumed during early days. To navigate when you reach a high price, you can bathe it through an innocent and reasonable relish, as well as powerless corny authorities:

Cinnamon wine for the circulatory system, cleaning the liver, reducing the level of cholesterol, trusting the approval of evil chills.

When you get sick, you should be able to get a fire-fighting action.

Enter into a new ferment, without liquor, do not pour on the sugar in the blood. In addition, it is a product of recommendations for diabetics and for their prophylaxis.

Do not marvel at everything corny power, Over the top, the syrup can be consumed in a variety of vapors. Inodi vin viklikє allergic reaction in people. It is also possible to change the organism with zaliz and calcium.

Homemade maple syrup recipe

In Russian varieties of maple, it is less malt, ale and syk can be used for making syrup. It is only necessary to know the tree is healthy and healthy, without dry nuts. For a vidobutku juice, a drill, a system for a drip tray and a plastic compartment is needed.

A small-diameter drill bit is used to resist the holes in the borehole with approximately 4 cm at a height of about 0.5 meters. It is inserted into the new one end of the system, and the other is omitted into the mnist. For adding from a tree, you can trim up to two liters of juice.

Viparyuvannya viroblyaєmo on bagattі, drove the sіk into the cauldron, at which you can drink a few years. It is possible to take part in the home of the serpentine castruli. If the water is vaporized, at the bottom there will be greedy syrup.

You can, otrimany from our maples syrup is not so licorice, ale corystic wines bring no less Canadian. The first pass is an absolute guarantee of naturalness, so as in the store you can buy a road for sale.


Maple syrup is advertised as natural pidsolodzhuvach, as korisnish, niz as zvychainy refined tsukor. Ale unaffected by all of your power, you are definitely not vaping. On Prіpravkіno.ru you can find out more information about maple syrup - why should it be so and why it should be shy, why is cinnamon and Skoda, how vibrate and how to buy, it is possible to replace something rich.

Maple syrup is a thick licorice from a golden to dark brown color. Vyklyuchno vyklyuchno from the concentrated juice of the singing species of maple. Vikoristovuyt in the quality of natural food.

One of the oldest natural species of zukru, who lived in the same hundreds of years of that native inhabitants of Pivnichnaya America.

The most common American maple syrup is most often poured over freshly baked homemade waffles or pancakes, as well as vicorisation in suckers and for preparing icing and liquorice sauces.

Yak viglyadaє maple syrup - photo

Yak and why to roam

More than 90% of the supplies of the whole food supply are delivered to Canada and the USA at one time.

Maple syrup is saponified from the juice of some species of the maple tree, the process is divided into two stages:

  1. In early spring, cut out the bark on the maple (or drill holes), attach plastic or metal tubes, taps and a container, and from the start, the light sip is gradually dispensed. Wine is douzhe rydky, mayzhe yak water, ale in new is close to 2% zukru (sucrose).
  2. Tsukrova's hometown boil until a quiet feast, as long as there is a large part of the water, and do not boil over, overflowing with a thick malt syrup, which is warm to filter for a better view of the house.

The new one does not add preservatives, piece flavors, barvniks.

"Tsukroviy" season is trivial 4-6 times. It will take about 40 liters of juice, or 1 liter of maple syrup. One tree can give such a number of stretches of chotiroh tizhniv. Trees should be no less than 30-40 years old.

Brush syrup from the following types of maple yak:

  • Tsukroviy (Acer saccharum)- yogo sheet of images on the sovereign ensign of Kanadi, the symbol of the whole country.
  • Black (Acer nigrum) is a close relative of the red maple.
  • Chervoniy (Acer rubrum) - vikoristovuyutsya earlier, not two in front.

Yak vibrati i de buy

In shops and supermarkets, you will be able to connect without any fragmented aromatized products. The axis of three speeches, which is required vrahuvati before buying a dance of maple syrup:

  1. First, and most obvious glad: read the warehouse, schob perekatisya, scho wine from 100% maple syrup, and not "maple flavor" or syrup with high fructose in abundance, zukru or іnshogo pidsolodzhuvacha. In the first place, it’s great, and if you want a good product, it’s priceless but 100% pure maple syrup and more. І any preservatives.
  2. Be it the power of the country, it’s rich in rich viscous maple syrup, it’s worth it in relish and processing methods, it’s protected from the countries, for those who are young, it’s a tradition in the United States.
  3. Stay, ale, not less important, on scho varto brutal respect - the mindset of the one for whom you are planning to be victorious. Feed yourself: do you need a strong maple flavor? It is important, because the product has its own system of classification and markup.

Adding maple syrup to the class does not mean that one is more beautiful, but one that is more beautiful, all on the right in the market in relish and color through those that are for the first time in the season. For example, class A - light with a subtle scent of maple, while it is darker and more saturated with relish. Chim darker color, tim stronger maple aroma.

Class A (Grade A) can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. Svitliy burshtin - Light Amber - golden color and even lower gusto and light aroma.
  2. Medium burshtin - Medium Amber → abo → Amber with Rich Taste - burshtin color and saturation, then subtle relish and smell.
  3. Dark burshtin - Dark Amber → abo → Dark with Robust Taste - thick dark color, brightly twisting relish and strong aroma.

Class B (Grade B) → abo → Dark with Robust Taste - even darker color and strong relish.

When you buy, choose a high-quality organic product from a variety of homemade wyrobniks, which guarantee a reference 100% pure maple syrup, for example, this can be substituted in the IHerb online store:

Yaky relish and smell

Have new species maple syrup with a special relish and smell:

  • the douche of light often has an oily aroma of popcorn;
  • dark more smells like caramel;
  • the middle one behind the color will have a maple scent.

Yak and skilki zberigati

For that, as you have made a dance of maple syrup, do not forget to put it in the refrigerator. Sklyana container is more beautiful, if you plan to take the syrup with a stretch of two or more rock. The plastic packaging has the term of adding maple syrup to the refrigerator - up to chotir months.

So, as pure maple syrup does not freeze, as long as it is properly crushed, it can be stored in the freezer indefinitely. Before victorious, just play it in a micro-oven for a high strain for 30 to 60 seconds on a skin ½ bottle.

Chemistry warehouse

The main role of maple syrup from refined zucru is that it is a mineral and antioxidant that brings cinnamon to the body.

True, except for the transformed number of minerals, sprinkle, manganese and zinc, do not forget, there is a great deal in the future instead of zukru.

Kharchova value of maple syrup for 20 g (1 tablespoon)

Naymenuvannya number Advice from additional norms,%
calorie 52.2 Kcal 3
in carbohydrates 13.4 g 4
zukor 11.9 g -
Manganese 0.7 mg 33
zinc 0.8 g 6
calcium 13.4 mg 1
kaliy 40.8 mg 1
Zalizo 0.2 mg 1
magnesium 2.8 mg 1

In maple syrup, a few of the main antioxidants were found: benzoin, gallic, cinnamic acids and other flavonoids - catechin, epicatechin, rutin and quercetin. Most of them are in low concentrations, and they are in more high concentrations.

All in all, it is possible, but the corny power of these antioxidants can be counteracted by the antioxidants. great number zukru.

Cinnamon and Skoda for health

Zhoden is a doctor not to say that maple syrup is a cinnamon product. As soon as you choose vicoristovuvati as a natural candied fruit and live in an unbroken amount, then you will give your Shkodi your health.

The brownness of maple syrup can be seen in sprinkled with refined zukr. The axis is more beautiful:

  • revenge antioxidants... Maple syrup has more than 20 types of antioxidants, and more than 20 types of polyphenols. The stench protects the cells of the organism as a result of strong radicals. The price of the land from the fire chronic ailments... Antioxidants are also garnished for children and additionally help to improve the characteristics of the old - take, for a day.
  • MA protizapalnu diyu... Antioxidant spoluks in maple syrup reduce the oxidation process in the inflow and prevent illnesses.
  • Maple syrup less calories and more temporal concentration of minerals, Nіzh in honey and tim more in candies. The glycemic index (GI) of pure maple syrup is 54, white zukru - 58, and honey - 57. It is recommended to live if the GI is lower than 55.

Implacing a great number of zukru from any dzherel is one of the main reasons for wider health problems: obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. For the sake of drinking, how to find natural food, zokrema, maple syrup, you need to drink it in small quantities, so as not to make your own health.


Above all, maple syrup can be wicked and annoying.

With the vaginosity of that year, the breast will be surrounded by the patient's implantation, in the same way, both as a result and as a substitute.

For children, it is possible for children to get 1 ric and older (in the middle of the day).

Stagnation in kulіnaria

I would like to know more maple syrup yak sauce for mlints or pancake, at the newest є and іnshe stasosuvannya in kulіnaria. Put yogo in salted grass, especially kindly eat with vegetables.

The yak axis can be vikoristovuvati maple syrup:

  • Yogo characteristic caramel aroma is good to taste with desserts and vipichkoyu - mlintsi, waffles, frost, yoghurt, pudding.
  • It’s a thermo-resistant pidsolodzhuvach, so you can pick it up in marinades, glazes, vipichtsi, or just by yourself. Tse is a good alternative to refined zukru in rank cava or tea. Tasty tea with maple syrup wyde, and add some fine cinnamon to it.
  • Yak deputy tsukru is going to go for the young bakery virobes themselves.
  • At the wine-American culinary wine there are stasis for pickles and sauces, appetizing when the meat is smeared, an appetizing crust and as excellent addition to meatballs or soup.
  • A spoonful of savory golden syrup in gold will bring low gusto in hot drinks, such as grog or punch.
  • It is also ideal for preparing malts - tsukerok, ice cream, irisok.

Yaksho vi plan to replace yogo in vipichka with tsukru:

  • Take ¾ bottles of pure maple syrup to replace 1 bottle of sugarcane.
  • At the same time, it is necessary to change the dominoyuchu ridin in the recipe (kefir or milk, water, etc.) for 3 tablespoons for the skin portion of the food.

Beast to the respect, but maple syrup will give you a brown vidtinok.

  • For substitution of zukru in other countries, pick up the syrup in rosemary ¾ as required for the recipe for obsyagu.
  • When replacing honey, use a one-to-one relationship.

Homemade Mlynchik Recipe with Maple Syrup - video

Chim substitute maple syrup

If you don’t like the relish of maple, or if you see it is more affordable for a price, it’s easy to know the options for substituting it, for example, from vipichtsi. To replace the change, there is also a number of one from the Ingredients:

  • honey;
  • corn syrup;
  • molasses;
  • agave syrup.

Mayte on uvaz, when replacing maple syrup with other podsolodzhuvachami change the aroma of your gravy, and you can also embed it on the texture of the vip.

The cinnamon power of the maple syrup shattered the zukru with a healthy dzherel, ale just how not to malign it. Adopt the principle of peace and enjoy yourself, so that you can remove the cinnamon powder for the health of a natural dietary supplement.

We are talking about such a unique product, like maple syrup. It is carried out with the juice of the red maple tree and a natural sweetener. Maple syrup does not take revenge on preservatives, or flavorings, nor can you get zucor. The price is efficient and ecologically pure product, rich in minerals and vitamins.

It's a pity that Russia has a product that is not as popular as, for example, in Canada and the USA. In the cich countries of the country, they serve an additive before the spring herbs - waffles, mint, frost, cook from ice cakes, all sauces, season vegetables and myasni stravi... For Kanadi, you know, maple is a national symbol. 90% of the syrup is produced in the country itself. The main tendencies are taken in the province of Quebec. Canadians navit fell asleep sacredly, dedicated to this product. The name of the wine is “The Day of the Tsukrovoy Khatinka”.

Maple syrup was also known from the American Indians. The smells replaced the tsukor and prepared refreshing drinks. Win immediately fell to the likeness of the first immigrants from Europe.

rejection of juice

Infectiousness for otrimannya tsy product vicoristovuyutsya practically all the same processes, both earlier. Procurement of canopies is available, at the same time the maple sack is maximally brown and can be seen with savor. At the stove of a tree, there is not much gagging, a special tube is inserted, according to the origin of the strumuvatime into the Umnist. Even more nagadu zbir birch sap in our area. One tree can serve as a dzherel maple juice rich in rich rock_v. Yomu price niyak is not a mischief. The syrup is ready to go.

To trim 1 liter of syrup, it takes about 40 liters of juice. For the consistency of wine, fresh honey. Maybe we will see through, or we will see through with a burstin's view.

Who has maple syrup for the health of the people?

According to international standards, two-thirds of maple syrup is guilty of being stored in zukru. Naturally, moving at a time is not about an extravagant tsukor, which is strictly hardened, but about that one, which is used to drink juice. We will live with the product. 100 grams of syrup has about 260 calories.

Not long ago, American Weeks from Rhode Island held a tsikave for a long time. Yogo results showed that in the warehouse of maple syrup there are 54 cinnamon elements at once. At the same time, the precursors do not turn up, but they could have missed it. All the components bring cinnamon to the human body.

Є in maple syrup and unique words, which are no longer to be known in the natural environment. For example, far from all types of Quebecol. Chemists brought him to the so-called phenolic group of spoluk. The zavdyaky element of maple syrup is a malty relish, and at the same time, diabetics are absolutely not to be mischievous.

Fact! Unimportant to the fact that the product is rich in carbohydrates, its glucose index is even low.

Corinthians of power:

  1. Abscisic acid, which is a rich danium product, is a positive rite of being recognized as a nutritive zone, stimulating a robot, and quickening insulin. As a result, maple syrup can be the basis for a given organ in an hour.
  2. Maple syrup has also shown itself kindly in the fight ignition processes, Yakі vrazhayut ізні organi. Win additional help to cleanse the circulatory system and drive in the cancer cells. This divine product is positively associated with the immune system of people and confidence in the progress of neurodegenerative ailments.
  3. Especially good maple syrup for a strong half of the people. On the right, in the fact that it is the risk of prostate cancer and increased potential. And all the zavdyak is that in the warehouse of the given product є even rich in zinc and manganese.
  4. Brought also a positive infusion of maple syrup to the heart of the mill.
  5. Deyak people are victorious to their name, to polishit the camp of their own shkiri.

Maple syrup is an excellent alternative to jam or jam, as we do not bring special cinnamon to our health. And inodi navіt shkodyat youmu. The inhabitants of Canada are sure to confirm that it is also a practical day.

Yak vibrati yak_sny product?

When buying maple syrup, you need to be respectful, and you need a good product. Zrobleno guilty buty in Canada. Tilki in the whole state isnu special body, Yaky strict control of virobniks and not launching an inappropriate product on the market. Bazhano, syrup buv svitlim. Todi vin maє bilsh delicate aroma and relish. If a liter of maple syrup is less than $ 70, then, better for everything, before you is no worse product. More beautifully in this vipadku not economy.

Skim maple syrup

Isnu is also effective for children, based on maple syrup. Її creators save, but in this way you can throw off close to 9-10 kilograms. It seems like there are a lot of celebrities sitting on them, including Gwynet Peltrow, Beyoncé, Naomi Campbell.

Add maple syrup, lemon, cayenne pepper (chili) and water. Take a glass of water with 2 tablespoons of maple syrup, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 1/6 tablespoon of cayenne pepper. For a day, it is necessary to drink about ten flasks of such a sum. On completeness, deyakі take it very well. Persh, I’m not going to sit on such a day, it’s still more beautiful to consult with your doctor, so that you don’t make your child healthier.

Can you get a shkodi in some kind of maple syrup?

Schob implantation of maple syrup brought only cinnamon, it was not necessary for it to be evil. Even though it is in uncompromising doses, it is possible to increase the amount of blood in the blood to a certain amount of money and to create a diabetic. It is also necessary to remember, maple syrup, I want even more brown words in my warehouse, I can't replace you, for example, fruit. Enjoy the sizes of your portions and bathe only delicious product.

Video: maple syrup - Canadian dessert

In ancient films, it is often possible to poke, like the heroes are fed with mlints, from the satisfaction of being soaked in maple syrup. For us, the whole product is invisible and mysterious.

Well b! On the right, the maple breed, which can spoil the product, grows importantly in Pivnichniy America - on the territory of the United States and Canada. Virostity of such a maple is possible, especially, and in Russia - ale so that you can add syrup, the tree is guilty of growing richly rocky. And for a vidobutku on an industrial scale, a lot of maple foils are needed!

And mіzh tim, maple syrup - tse cinnamon and savory alternative to zucru or honey. On a vidminu from the first, to take revenge on the bezlich Korisnykh speeches. And on a vidminu from another - not a wiklicka allergy.

I am myself

Otzhe, the first for all the spare time, so also maple syrup, and why do you want to roam.

Tse pidsolodzhuvach will increase the natural promenade. The name is a syrup similar to thick caramel or uncultivated honey. Color may vary from dark-yellow to brown.

The relish of the syrup is liquor, with a light woody flavor and caramel.

How to cook and why bake maple syrup

For vyrobnitstva vicorists only deyaki maple breeds - red, chervonia and black.

The tekhnologiya vidobutku is even similar to the kind we know of vidobutku birch sap. Hinges in the stovburi of a mature tree to loosen the tears, into which a tube is inserted, brought to the basket for the fence. To walk a wild siq, a call similar to water. Nadal tsei sik viparut for removing the syrup. At the hour of picking (early or late spring), lay it down, some syrup will be thick, dark and licorice. In the middle of 40 liters of fresh juice, add approximately one liter of syrup.

Until a word, the tree of zbir juice is not a mischief. Maples are not younger than 40-50 rocks, and one tree can be a dzherel sirovini rich in rocks.

Navishcho and who needs it

Beast to respect: the product can be called dyetichny, or not the one that is thin. Yak and honey, win can get a high glucose index and take revenge on carbohydrates. For breeding: the glycemic index of refined zukru - 70 units, reed - 55, honey - from 30 to 85 (in the fallowness of the variety), maple syrup - close to 54.

The calorie content of the syrup is 260 kilocalories per 100 grams of the product.

Apparently, magatize vikoristovuvati maple syrup for thinning - to finish off the bezel. So yak itself and honey, fructose, etc. Simply, on vіdminu vіd tsukru, wine is brown and baked. For example, you can get rid of it as a substitute for a sickness for a different type of diabetes, children with a child, people with we will advise zukru in the blood. With obesity, it is possible in small quantities - all the same, it is more beautiful, no vicoristovuvati zukor.

For vidminu vid honey, maple syrup vkray ridko wiklik allergic reactions, So it’s an ideal natural food for allergies. And also on the basis of honey, with thermal processing, the syrup does not swell carcinogenic powers. To add yogo in vipichka nagato bezpechnishe.

Ripe, natural maple syrup - the price is simply delicious. Yoho accurately assess lovers of honey, wild caramels and other products. I, slyly, everyone, who is to follow their race and get ready to eat correctly.

Maple syrup: warehouse, cinnamon and storage

Maple syrup is volodya in numbers of brown power. Win revenge on vitamins B, antioxidants and minerals - magnesium, zinc, calcium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, sodium. However, the list of what cinnamon maple syrup is not mixed with. Vmishcheni in new polyphenols add to the likelihood of heart-and-heart disease. The phytohormonies use the normalization of the robotic action. It can also be antibacterial and anti-hygienic. Korisny at the ruined exchange of speech, as well as people who work on shky virobnits or live in unfriendly ecological minds. Tobto, by day. To all residents of modern cities.

At the same hour, malt malts, including maple syrup, are not recommended by doctors - just through glucose and simple carbohydrates. A normal dose for a grown-up person is close to 50 grams for doba.

You can add maple syrup to sugar - add it to tea, kava, or to prepare cakes and creams. And you can vikoristovuvati yogo i in pure viglyadі- yak honey. For example, soak the soup in new flakes and pancakes.

We produce varieties A and B

As it is already said, the smell, consistency and relish of syrup lie not only because of the triviality of the fillet, but only when the juice is taken. Zibraniy in the spring of winter, it’s darker and malt, less early. For the cym parameter and classify the sorts of syrup. Nayposhirenish class z - A dark burshtinovy. Klas S vikoristovutsya only in kharchovіy promislovostі.

Sho take dry syrup

So ranks - tse powder, like іtryuyut і from zvychay syrup with a way of viparovannya rіdini. Yogo you can choose to substitute a wine tsukru for a drink, added to tea and kavu, etc. You can also make some extra maple syrup that you can dilute with water.

You can take dry syrup if you want to reduce the shipping-wag of the pot. Alas, it’s fair to say, the economy is not particularly economical. I mix the senses in dry syrup as well as vikoristovuvati yogo for cooking - for example, in a pure syrup DO NOT pour, without breaking the proportions. And the axis of dry powder can be replaced in quiet quantities and will not destroy the recipe.

You can buy maple syrup і skіlki tse kostu

That product, which can be produced in Russian stores, is most often, unfortunately, not enough for maple syrup to be used as a maple syrup. Tse of all the odds of overpainting for the color of sugar syrup, inodі with flavors. Such products, unfortunately, only discredit maple syrup - see the buyers, because we will be fired with candies, most often they are tied with the very low quality of the goods they have attached. We will sing about authenticity, you need to choose American or Canadian maple syrup.

The simplest way is on iherb, de presented options from virobniks only from pivnichnoy America. For a price - from 11 dollars for 350 mln.

Before the word, if you want to try the maple syrup for relish, if you want to be built with a high one, you can replace budget option- with the relish of maple. Agave is not less korisna, ale kostuє is cheaper.

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