Pay more than 100 thousand

A pillow of safety is a lock for a bigger, calm life, as soon as tomorrow you will lose yourself without a robot, or if you have a meal in any situation, do not get a penny.

Donate money from your skin salary, unless you have accumulated a sum equal to your income in three months. For example, if you take out 40 thousand, you will need to accumulate 120,000 rubles. We take 100 thousand and for 6 months from a single deposit to the bank at a rate of at least 6%. Shchomisyatsya zakidaamo now 5,000 rubles. The bag has 128,000 rubles in kopecks. If you want to make a contribution for two rockets, you can get 235,000 rubles, which is twice as much as necessary.

2. Central paperwork

Trading on the bank is NOT atomic physics. The main rules: choose the most suitable brokers, invest more, do not get lost through the team's exchange rate of shares, and do not call on investments, as there are no big pennies.

100 thousand - a whole year's sum, for investing on the market. Build money between stocks and regions, and for an hour, if you have lost money, buy currency. І get ready to check: there will not be a lot of money, periodically the share of shares will be either wrong or fall. It’s okay to start experiencing severe crises.

3. Art and antiques

You can see the collection from the creations of the most promising authors. Show trends: this is how you can estimate how the artists-cobs of the building "vistrility" are in the future.

You can earn money on a vipadkova sorcerer. So, who is a lover of antiques, having added three beaten teapot for brewing without kryshka for 20 dollars. Viyavilosya, tsei tvyr American potter John Bartlem, virobi yakogo - great fertility on the market. As a result, a teapot, broken in the 18th century, was sold at an auction for 800 thousand dollars.

4. Private business

Rizikovana, a little more buzzing. Surprise the business incubators and technoparks: you can, in the middle of the powerless startups, and you know the one to fly and bring the arrival.

Forgive me, business is guilty, but forgive me. The service, which is the most urgent problem, is so, and the axis of bismoktan from the finger of an idea to the type of innovative nanofilters is mabut, no.

In a different way, it will not be foolish, as a young company is going to go to the great market, and not to interfere with the problems of the high-class segment of the survivors. It's not a fact that they have a price tag, but your pennies can't be turned.

Do not be fooled by liquorice: change the financial status of your partner and your advice in business. As long as everything is in order, invest with confidence.

5. Pension

After a few dozen rockets, you will be happy, but not having walked around, they spent 100 thousand rubles in your hands, and paid pennies to the deposit or donated them to the incontinent pension fund.

Let’s say, you’re 30 at a time, and you’ll retire at 60 rocky. You want to live more than 10 rocks. In the month of my life I want 30 thousand additional income - 3.6 million rubles for 10 years more than a year.

If you are in the middle of thirty, you will need to pay 120 thousand - as much as 10,000 per month. 100,000 rubles will become an effective foundation for savings.

6. Birzhovi funds

Stink w - ETF, Exchange-Trading Funds. There is a large collection of valuable porches of business companies. Buy a share to the fund, vie, cleverly, buy a piece of a set.

At the Moscow Birzhi, you can add the FXMM share - the penny market fund. A vidminny option for a quiet, but not a big one, but not a long time. From 1 June 2017 to 1 September 2018, the partnership of one adult's share is from 1,302 to 1,408 rubles. It is possible to infect one share for about 1,414 rubles - for 100,000 rubles, 71 shares, if you pay 400 rubles in addition.

7.Individual investment bank

You put pennies on a whole rakhunok and trim them there minimum three rocks, and give you a donation on a vibir two options vidrahuvan. You can turn 13% of the invested sum for a rik (or not more than the PDFO you paid), otherwise the amount of income you received is a tax on arrival. The welcome is guaranteed, and every day you see it, there is a minimum.

For example, as in the whole process of seeing an individual investment bank and for the sake of this 100,000 rubles, even on the offensive the state will turn you 13,000 rubles. Tse plus before you make a living in an hour. If you plan to make a penny contribution, not at the least three rockets, but rather, choose the option from the earliest income from the income tax - so you can find the best way.

8. Expensive metal

You can buy gold coins, add coins or send pennies to a metal rakhunok. Before the word, kupuvati metal for the help of the compulsory health insurance at 18% vigіdnіshe, nіzh kupuvati gold, or sredblo in zlitki.

For 100,000 rubles you can buy 20 grams of paladin and 20 grams of platinum - they started to grow steadily in price. Quiet, who has lost a penny to whistle for 100 grams of money.

9. Shares of public companies

Buy stocks from Facebook, Microsoft or Yandex and check. As a result, you will reject the dividend and boast to your friends - they hardly have such shares є.

For 100,000 rubles, you can add a set of 10 Microsoft shares (arrival for a ticket - + 30.62%), 1 share of Netflix (arrival for a ticket - + 75.42%), 5 Twitter shares (arrival for a ticket - +92.73 %) and 9 shares of "Yandex" (arrival for the offer - + 38.1%).


A penny, which you cannot touch in your hands, can bring more income, less traditional assets. Potential dokhid of the fact that it will take an hour to vivchennya those. The main rule is not to invest everything in one currency: if it’s not so, if you want a part of the pennies, you’ll wake up vryatuvati.

The fall of bitcoins grasped quietly, although they did not plan to invest in cryptocurrency, but for reasons of special concern. Zreshtoyu, є efirium, є dash і rippl - as long as the stench stinks, it’s enough to grow. The part of the efirium, for example, jumped from 303 dollars in the fall of 2017 to 850 in the end of the year.

11. Robot

Your salary doesn’t work by itself, so think about it, how can you get paid for a penny, so you can upgrade your professional skills and make sure that you pay for your money in the future.

100 000 rubles to be paid at the rate abo povnotsin professional retraining... For example, in the navchalny center "Baumanka" it is possible to reimburse the specialness of a Java programmer for over 90 thousand rubles - for a mind, for an evil mind. The profession of a web designer can also be mastered there for 49,890 rubles - you can also get overwhelmed with additional educational programs.

You know, where the contribution is more beautiful than the contribution of 100,000-200,000 rubles, you must correct the income, which is the most promising investment, as the contribution is penny and not

Privit everyone! Oleksandr Berezhnov, the owner of the magazine "HiterBober", is yours.

For the current year we will talk about great investments in the minds of economic instability and economic instability, which are directly related to the financial contribution to the current moment.

The statute will be correct for repairing entrepreneurs, moneymakers (income earners on the Internet), and everyone who wants to increase their capital in the most secure and intuitive way.

It's pretty much the same!

1. How to invest capital in rubles - the principle of great investment

Singingly, we have asked ourselves such food more than once: why should one have enough money, and why should they live from paycheck to paycheck and end up stealing from the Borg? What is the difference between people and people? Why should one generate stable income, and others - not?

Singing for you, on the right, it is not only in the talents and promotions of people with prosperity. It's just that the stench vm_yut bolsh competently dispose of your assets. The starting data for the rich and the poor in bagatories is the same, and the axis goes to the material and spiritual resources for the quiet and fundamentally developmental ones.

People who sounded before the last days of evil and the Borgs, do not direct their respect and their energy to the side. And the axis of the lumberjack with the other type of target creates assets that add to it radically change its life.

Dovgostrokove zavdannya of any kind of penniless contributions - to dissolve passive income and allow yourself the form of financial slavery. This means that you will not be able to get paid "for an uncle" for 40-50 years per week for a fixed salary, because you will not be satisfied with your needs.

In one of our past publications, we already wrote about those - read on.

Having made an investment in the distance once, we will recognize a permanent dividend, so that we do not get stuck in our labors and become more stable and stable. This can be done well, but it’s a big plus in the fact that your special hour stinks.

An hour is a smut of a bunch of people, you can't turn back, but then you can vikoristovuvati right at once with maximum efficiency. The investment itself can give us more than an hour for life, love and creativity.

They have invested in their own zavdannya, the stinks are guilty but they are literate. In the given distribution of financial statements, the principle of inbound investments is understandable, as a contribution of 100,000-200,000 rubles with a minimum risk.

Investor-practitioners and fakhivtsi with their deposits give good luck:

  • invest in investment projects only "vilny" pennies. For a cob, I’m so called “ financial safety pillow»- a supply of pennies, which, at the same time as the viplate is caught, or not too far away from the scenario, to preserve the life of your family for a few months;
  • Adopt the principle of investment diversification. To sound neat, but on the other hand means simple truth - do not put all your eggs in one basket. Growth of your financial contributions for growing strains;
  • control the riziki. First of all, check your chances in detail and do not take the quickest decisions. For investors it is better to choose the most conservative financial instruments;
  • get partners (spivinvestors). If your pennies are not enough for the income contribution, you can build a collective of payments or an investment pool. We have more money for investment, we have more over the top possibilities.

It’s a basic and elementary principle, even if it stinks, you can help unify the typical mistakes of newcomers and save your finances, nerves and energy.

I don’t get good results. Investments will pay off with a small amount of money: the first time you want to go to your business is hopeful, if only to go through a few months or to find some rocky (as an investment from the construction industry).

2. Kudi contribution of 100,000-200,000 rubles per month or more, for earning money - TOP-7 most important investment methods

100-200 yew. Ruble is a decent sum for investment. Expertise to please robiti of the contribution is thought out and competently.

The amount of deposits is distributed to a number of parts, and your investment portfolio will be as stable as possible to the amount of the market. Just a penny in 3 investment spheres, you will be insured against drawdowns and force majeure circumstances.

And now - the specific methods of investment, the most profitable, hopeful and promising in the current economic realities.

Sposib 1. Contribution to internet projects (websites, blogs, internet shops)

Otrimannya arrival through an all-inclusive border is a topical investment, it’s a matter of fact to borrow directly at once, leaving the competition in the whole sphere has not reached its peak.

The Internet is one of the non-economic galuses of economy, as it is in the growing trend, unaffected by economic instability.

You and yourself can change into a whole lot of facts, make it possible to quickly develop social media, online projects, programs for mobile attachments.

If you successfully invest in Internet projects, you don't need to go through digital technologies and programs. Elementary financial literacy, basic knowledge of marketing is the axis and everything that is required for the establishment of passive income in the net.

The resource "Hі", on which you will at once perebute - a typical butt of a long-term investment in capital in the Internet project. Ale, after all, it’s not easy to see the financial results from the site.

Investments in the range of up to 200,000 rubles short vipad through p_vroku for the launch of the project. The main income of the owners of the sites is to be recognized as advertisements or direct sales.

For the first one, the maximum profit is to bring information portals with a numerical auditory of readers, for the other one - the arrival is formed for the sale of goods and services through an Internet store.

The very cost-effective product for sale in fancy - information products. Discs, programs, files, books, which are sold to everyone for a penny, only decently. Tse can buy trainings, courses, video and audio content. Such products are presented once, and at a distance they are sold hundreds and thousands of times.

There is a great number of ways to make money on the site.

Axis is not an approximate list of direct Internet business:

  • sales per order;
  • robot for partner programs;
  • sales of contextual advertisements і місць під Banery;
  • writing advertising articles;
  • Inphobic business.

The territory of activity in the Internet is still great and blessed. Do not expect a passive income, you can ask for it all at once, the prospect of such an investment can be reached.

Method 2. Contribute to bank deposits

Banking deposits is a popular and innovative way of protecting finances. True, great earnings from deposits in rubles when іnuyuchu pіvnі Inflation is not reported.

That is why the investors will gladden them with the help of an additional tool, the bank deposits as a kind of insurance against force majeure in the first investment areas.

Garna novina for super-safe depositors of the Russian Federation: deposits for the amount of up to 1 million 400 thousand. P_dlyagayut liabilities for ligament insurance... All financial organizations are priced to apply for an official license.

For a deposit, you can choose great banks with a bottomless reputation. In the Russian Federation, Sberbank is traditionally at the top of popularity, ale of the aristocracy, and one of the lowest interest rates for deposits of physical persons is at the top of the list.

You can, readily decide on the option of exchanging rubles for currency and the amount of deposits in Euro or dollars, neutralizing the inheritance of inflation and devaluation by themselves.

Overshoot of bank deposits is evident:

  • low risik і temporality;
  • fixing the income;
  • at any moment, you can turn the cat to your swarm;
  • accessibility and efficiency of management remote management rakhunkami і cards through a special cabinet).

Minusi is also smart - an altogether low income, the loss of the interest rate when the deposit is canceled before the expiration date.

Method 3.Investments in innovative projects and promising startups

About those, we wrote a lecture in the okremіy statti of our magazine. Innovation projects never seem to be overpriced: if you vibrate with the most promising startups, then one of them can take you one step further.

It is easy to become a master of such projects - to find out licensed maidans, on which the owners of Internet projects and startups present their products and get investors.

Denmark in direct business is changing "crowdfunding". The most popular resources to represent startups - Kiva, Kickstarter, Zidishа. The minimum size deposit on such markets is purely symbolic. To the power of 100,000 rubles and not to fail - all the more meta.

Vibir directly in the world is great - invest in projects in your place, in other places, or invest pennies in European startups. It is possible to make contributions spіlly with інshih payoviks or investuvati solo.

Wonder how to speak of Eugene's studies in his Videos about the past in them:

Sposib 4. Contribution to the current artwork

Bagati people buy pictures and create art not only from the natural world. Tsi speech is a free currency of the civilized light.

At the same time, the value of paintings, sculptures and instalation with skin rock is moving, especially in that kind, if the creation is included in the official catalogs and boules are presented on the lists.


The American painter Pollock, who is not familiar to anyone in the 50s, can be bought for hundreds of dollars. Just ten years later, the stinks were already worth hundreds of thousands in the same currency.

Pictures and little ones by Endi Warhol, Jean Michel Basque were selling for $ 100-500, now their part is numbered in millions.

Crazy, niggardly all the pictures along the way - not so much and not without fail. Investing in the subject matter of the master is required with a good deal of reason and is necessary for consulting with experts in the whole galuzy.

Method 5. Purchase of expensive metals

The list of the most expensive metals includes:

  • gold;
  • Wed;
  • platinum;
  • paladiy.

They threw the turn of the day at all banks to the point of view of the fixes on the market. From gold to coins and gold bullions, as you can get in the banks or place in the bank komirki on the bank.

Є y інші options - bring "metal" rakhunok to the bank, invest a penny in the gold-mining company, or in the price of the paper, secured with gold.

The main thing for such an investment is that expensive metals do not fall in price, but navpaki - to grow steadily, to gain an economic status in the country to go down. Another plus of investment in expensive metal is availability.

You can go straight to the nearest branch to Oschadbank at once and buy gold from 1 g to 1 kg. When you buy, you will have a vision of a certificate, which confirms the validity of the evil and the legitimacy of your favor.

Є nd nuances: gold is a price, and it’s worth it. When you sell metal to a bank, you will get a PDV viplity and a cash tribute for a goldfish.

Coins do not get lost, the stink shards are penny koshty, However, for such a product, do not just know the buyer.

As soon as there are memorials and collection coins, the investment in them will not pay off immediately. Zvychay pass a few rocky, first and foremost subjects of numismatics to remember to bring an influx.

Method 6. Purchase of a franchise

Vlasnogo biznesu from zero - on the right there is a small box and not everyone is available. required original ideaі chimali koshty, just turn your right on an empty mіsci and start trimming a stable output.

About those who have already written before in one of our publications, we will immediately talk about buying a ready-made enterprise from a franchise viglyad.

In some cases, the trick of the already unrolled project appears to be more viable and profitable investments.

Franchise fees up to 200,000 rubles will buy the most popular:

  • internet projects;
  • cafe і points of a fast food;
  • sale of cosmetics;
  • bookmaker's office;
  • travel agencies;
  • SPA services.

The list can be continued until indefinitely. Vitivka for the purchase of a ready-made business spratsyuє in the same way, as it is, as it represents a project that is not yet occupied in your region. Significance of your authority in management and marketing.

By the day, you become the master of the local announcement of the unrolled brand, and only from the moment you lie down, as soon as the business comes to you.

Method 7. Contribute to the central paper

Contribute to promotions - a way for people to make contributions in the financial sphere. Vibrate the promotion and vitality of your sparing on them - not an option, since your meta is an investment with a guarantee of arrival.

The ideal way to correct the input from the central porches is to entrust the management of your assets to professionals. At the entrance, such a way of investing capital is on the right, in our land it is more important to control and robot through a stock middleman - to leave the exotic.

Alle the situation changes on the brighter. If you put your own money for the meta, you can know a professional radio operator, and visit a company, as for a songwriter, you can help you with the contribution of finances and make a profit through the same number of miscellaneous.

Pidsumkov table for a specific assessment of plus and minus in investment areas:

direct investment plus minusi Dohid
1 Internet projects Dovgostrokove investment with non-interrelated prospectsNot all projects pay offhigh
2 Bank deposits Arrival guaranteeSmall deposit on deposits5-10% in pik
3 Startups Great vibir object for investmentNot all startups give riseNot obmezheniya
4 Expensive metal Stable growthWhen selling opodatkovuyutsya15-30% in pik
5 Create a mystery Bagatorazova return on investmentDifficult to implementNot obmezheniya
6 franchise bunny Business scheme is readyNot all franchises guarantee incomeChi not fixing
7 Promotions Great Vibir Straight for Investmentshigh rhizikiPayback in rik from 0% to 100%

3. Yak correctly robit the contribution, do not burn out

Kilka happy for the safety of your investments:

  • do not invest a penny in a project based on the principle of financial principles;
  • do not invest in the summaries of the ethical and moral points of view of the project;
  • any information about casinos, as well as online mortgages of a similar type (game portals, bookmaker's offices);
  • Do not entrust your finances to private persons, as they will find out about your arrival in "nice terms";
  • Minimize risky, vikoristovyuchi principle of diversification of investments.

Bazhano mother reads and prorahovuvati all options for development of podіy. For the whole, it is absolutely necessary, it is necessary to have a singing dosage, or for the ear to finish "turn on" the logic and a healthy gull.

4.Investments of new generation Internet companies

Internet companies, which take investments from all those who need them, are a current and promising trend in the investment plan.

About scho yde mova? About a new type of company, which is engaged in managing the finances of investors at a professional level.

Directly, such companies contribute pennies to those companies, nayriznomanitnish - Forex bourse, bookmaker bets, f'yuchersy, expensive metals, fund markets.

The bottom line is that the finances are handled by professional staff, who are working in the team and at their own technical resources and the program of safety.

The skin of a lyudin wanted to grow so that it would start to work on life. Crazy, the skin has its own statement about the incoming sum. However, it is obvious that 100,000 rubles is a total loss of money. At any time, most people would not have been asked for a month's wages.

How can you get involved in earning 100,000 rubles per month? Isnu masa options! Holovne - choose the most suitable and suitable method for you.

  1. Resale of goods from outside the cordon

The sphere of trade is one of the most popular. As soon as you properly manage the process of selling products, you can get a lot of money. Especially great and popular business in China. Recommended before reading the offensive statistics:

Another useful option in the field of sales is dropshipping. For such a business, I don’t need cob investments. The essence of such a robotic field is in the offensive:

  1. View your comrade post-boss on your site (for example, from the Aliexpress site)
  2. For sale, buy it and order it to the address of the last purchase.
  3. The buyer will take away the goods, and you will receive the arrival for the so-called in the middle of the service.

You can also grace business in the boundaries of your land. For example, organizing the resale of speeches on Read about the price here -.
You can get rid of non-falsifications in the trade.

  1. Earnings in the event-sphere

In this vypadku to suffer on uvazі rіznі vidi business, tied with the following services:

  • The organization is holy
  • animatori
  • embellishment zaliv
  • Photo, video
  • That іnshe.

Tsikavi statti about business in this sphere:

For example, leading at the party for the evening the earnings are close to 400 dollars. Styles will be removed in one wrap by the video operator. Tom, thoroughly vivit and denominations, is not unmistakably varto.

A good leader will remove nagato over 100,000 per month

  1. Earnings from a vlasny site

In this way, it’s possible to earn money on the Internet on the Internet, but you won’t be confused. One of the popular i effective waysє Vlast site. Having created and opened such a resource, you can cut off pennies from the new dzherel:

  • Advertising of goods or services of third-party companies
  • Distribution of contextual advertisements from Google, Yandex
  • Partner programs.

The first few months will come to pass as little work as possible to bring the site to the top position. Then later you will have an indication of a passive income.

  1. Birzha currency, binary options, PAMM-rakhunks

On birzhah you can earn 100,000 rubles and more with singing minds:

  • You will be able to competently analyze the financial situation
  • You have є kmіtlivіst
  • You volodyte with a necessary part of cold-bloodedness.

For a robotic ear, add 10 dollars. And then everything else lay down in the overwhelmed food of yields and parts of success.

To reduce risks, select the most recent brokers: Alpari, Alfa Forex and іnshі.

Afraid of independent trade, not singing in your power? Todi invest in PAMM-rakhunki. Tse means that you are giving a penny to an up-to-date financier who can make everything possible, so that you can multiply your capital. For the price of wine, the sum of money is taken from the sum.

The price is good for a hired foreman to visit Moscow or Petersburg. Garna bag for a freelancer (mayzhe "stele"). It is more stable you can earn even more twists and turns of the fahivets, with a well-directed customer base, a lot of information, good cases, etc.

Shvidshe for everything, if you want to earn 100-150K, you will not get paid and earnings will be good. Yak tilki vi reach the sumi tsієї - it's time to get angry with the "freelance golki". Work actively to work on your projects, investing and so far. Freelance is definitely not a business, it’s a lot of pratsyuvati, pratsyuvati with your own hands.

Yak shvidko can you go to the sumi tsієї?
- As you have є dosvid, as casey, etc. - 3-5 months
- If you fix it again 0, then it's better. Get the vitality hour for a new specialty.

And now there is little instruction, like earning 100,000 rubles in the Internet, in France.

I’ll remember from the very cob, that everyone will be glad to see the three obvious to people, as I know that it’s also freelance and as it’s pratsyuvati. All the joy is given in a singing, correct order. In kіntsі - bіrzhі replacement, from which at once the robot can be seen.

Viber the basic specialization.

More beautifully, do not rossyuvatisya for 1000 new services, choose your own. First and foremost, hunt for a few straight lines / tools.

I tried out the design, hired, added the site and everything else. Have a bag zupiniv on the one that is the most beautiful - Internet marketing. Інші actual specialties on freelance: designer (polygraph / web design), web developer (layout / back-end / CMS), marketer (contextual advertising / SEO / SMM), copywriting.

Vivchit bridle and across.

Go through the courses, read the cases, sign up for the events, see the galuzev "parties". Get to know all experts in nis, terminology, new items. Important! Quote right away, joke about it and show it. Third day. You will be able to read on the clients - it is cheap, you will be informed. There is no need to gotuvatisya rock to freance, which you are afraid of. If you finish reading it, you can reestablish your account on the freelance market.

Help me blog

Display your knowledge, robots, write statistics. This will be a good proof of competence. Clients will be read and replaced. Until then, describing your knowledge, you will be more beautiful in your material. Blog can be posted on, in social framing(Group in VK / Facebook), or open your own site. Blog readers - tse potential clients. It is possible to trim a stable rate of replacement from decilkoh professional articles. Expert content for sale. In more detail about the blogging of a special blog, I wrote

Viberіt maidanchiki for suvannya.

More beautifully, do not rossiyuvatisya і take 1-3 maydans for active development of your profile. Yak vibrati: chim more projects to be promoted and less competitive - more beautiful. Clearly engage in hundreds of majdanchiks important. And the axis one pumping profile on one Maidan will take you to post-production basis... I will give recommendations in the statistics.

Scribble a portfolio and guidebooks - quote for kopecks.

The first kilka of projects can be created without koshtovno: for yourself, friends, take part in competitions. Let's try to get as much as possible for a cheap price. You will need clients, cases, advice and recommendations. Become aware of a greedy customer, who, if you have found a proposition - do not give a complete proposition to you. To grow more ochіkuvan.

Sell ​​"subscriptions", rob upsell.

Promote subscriber services to all customers: support the site, provide advertisements and other services with a postage, payment of a thousand.

Vikoristovyte partner programs of services. For example, browse the site. Connect the hosting program to the partner through a network of clientele sites. Promote to all clients without a koshtovit service of a ringing link and re-establish it through the partner program. Service, if you will be correct to your clients without any problems - recommend. Postupovo, you pretend to be a small (and maybe even great) absolutely passive dohid.

Supplemented. Immediately after the successful viconanoi robots. It is possible through the day / month of the meeting, as you can tell and tell about yourself by yourself, to propose the clientele as new corny servants. Itself so shape
1/3 hour of the freelancer - the process of processing the clients, talk. Those who have already bought loyal customers are a golden asset. Selling services of other and for the sake of such clients - you will earn more, so you will be able to take advantage of it for less than an hour.

I regularly work with freelancers. I don’t proponate anything. Not a corny service, not a complementary service. Nichogo. Even though I have remembered the phenomenon, if in 2-3 months people become tediously pratsyuvati with one client. Vіn fixes "vіdvaluvatisya": not vіkonuє housekeeping, do not go to the bells. Chi does not need to be so robust, it is priceless.


Freeze the automation tools in robots. Swift keyboard on keyboard - spend an hour on the wedding day and celebrate. Formulas in Excel, ZennoPoster. Substitute or write powerful templates, scripts. In some cases, they will additionally help the preparation of messages for the clients, albeit not for them to be evil. I’m going to buy a postage account, so I don’t have to spend an hour on this re-establishment.

It's time to get the price

Gently push the prices. expand the range of services. Move until that moment, if you can find a friend and delegate to this part of the building and all one will be a plus. And all of them are guilty of being guilty of the market, the propositions of guilt are brought about by the passes. For a normal interlocutor, words are dear - the word pay off or your servant does not pay off. Make sure to trim the price in pink.

great projects

Do not fight to fraternize great projects... Please rate them separately. On the right, there is a claimant for the first month of robotics - to take the same taku sum. Fakhivtsi are often afraid of nazivati ​​adequate prices. Assess your people-years adequately. To innovate means to adapt. You can propose a fork of prices, "split" the payment in parts. Wait a bit - obviously, give a definite result. Trim in the rosum of your working year.

hire a friend

Now, give the automation tools and delegate them to the staff. Reverse.

select projects

Establish priorities and learn more about robots, which are not visible, may not be true for the customer and so far. Ale is not required "Zirka". Just a consultation, honestly. It goes without saying, think of inadequate clientele. Remember: 2-3 great projects are more beautiful, at least 10 small ones.


Here at all stages I have earned my 97K per month. Passive earnings from partner programs, income from subscriber services, becoming a brother of great projects and delegates to employees. It's simple

Yaku vibrati maydanchik?

Use google for the freelance marketplace, copywriters, and so on. Make a match for a number of replacements from your best and smartest - according to the competition. Propagate your services to your friends, colleagues, show them in your profiles in social networks. If you know English, you can immediately grab a shukati robot over the hill.

  1. Kwork
    Birzha with a fixed number of services. Klієnt vibiraє services, yak goods in the store. Register and fold the rich Kvorks. Chim is more Tim is more beautiful. This service has a good recommendation system. Clients will need to write and replace you, you will only get lost. Do not forget about the good news from the statistics. Analogue - 5Bucks, little replacement.
  2. Fiverr
    Foreign analogue of Kwork. More precisely, Kwork is an analogue of the Fiverr service. Even more abundant replacement and even more abundant viconavts. As long as you speak English - I still recommend registering here and setting the sentences of the services.
  3. WorkZilla
    Birzha with a great number of simple, cheap buildings. Є The list of buildings on which you can add a view. There is especially nothing to make money (cheap, richly vikonavtsіv). Alle mozhe buti tsikava pochatkivtsyam viconavtsyam.

I called the ts maidanchiki. There, before the speech, є still posilannya. Ale for the sake of justice, viconavets, if you follow all the rules of the statute, you can earn a penny. For example, that is, 100,000 rubles is a complete figure.

Bagato developed in the comments to a series of notes about high earnings, won and obsessively nourished about paying salaries and the famous sum of 100 thousand rubles. Happy New Year and will be shukati options.

First for everything, high salaries and from 100,000 rubles to be paid for kerіvny posad, De-demanding non-abyssive dosage, є a wide range of promises. Alle and on the higher education institutions it is possible to earn a lot of income.

Підбірка з

Yak it’s not marvelous, ale nastіlki expanded in the middle of freelance specialties, yak Web Designer You can pay up to 100 thousand per month. Vimogi visoki, often the most important site design, general design of additional information, design by Landingham and the smallest amount of praise. That is, a good designer behind the worlds of a modern robot teacher can be seen as a marketer.

Obov'yazkovo is required garne portfolio.

Підбірка з

Already a lot of rock_v postpil the great will drink on good php programs... Well, I know, the tendency is old, I was good, for a few rockies it is guilty of butti pokritiy, as much as not. Moreover, there are a lot of vacancies for a robot in a Zakordon, with a payment for living.

Porada: if you have a high school student who is working on a computer trousers: give you a book PHP for teapots... Years in Bagatyokh cool offices work people without great education, Programmers are self-taught. Zrozumіlo zgodom їm for a change to come, hto otrima professional education, protest the good knowledge of Php and start the great shmatok Khliba want to be on frіlance, plus the price є the correct development of the message.

Producing program topics: requested creators of documents on iOS and Android... Here, in order to earn more than 100,000, it is extremely necessary and management navichki, so as in some vacancies, a robot is often transferred as a core of a group of developers.

Sellers(Sales manager) - especially there, de the goods are expensive. Here often the salary is tied up to the value of sales, the one who is active is a large amount of money, expanded into real estate,

Make friends with friends or save for yourself:

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