Where the beavers hesitate and the stinks feed. How do beavers spend the winter and eat? Harvesting of beavers at the time of fate

Beavers are one of the largest rodents on the planet. Nature has two types of creatures: the original beaver, which is spread throughout the territory of Eurasia, and the Canadian one, which hangs around in Northern America.
Although they have very similar names and sounds, it has recently been discovered that species are separated on a genetic level: the common beaver has 48 chromosomes, while the Canadian beaver has 40. This difference means the impossibility of their relationship reshuvannya.

What does a beaver look like?

This rodent grows up to 1 meter without lifting its tail, which can reach 0.4-0.5 meters. A young mature beaver weighs an average of 30-32 kg, and an old one can weigh up to 45 kg, which is why these creatures grow throughout their lives.

The head is large with a narrow muzzle, small eyes and a head, in front there are 2 large cuts that protrude. The creature is most often brown in color, but there are also dark ore, chestnut and black beavers. The animal's very coarse hair and soft, thick undercoat will ensure that the rodent stays dry and warm in the winter. Beavers carefully inspect their “fur coat” - they smell it with the forked claws of their hind legs, which immediately lubricates them with a special fatty secretion, which is why no one gets wet near the water. The cold seals off that ball of subcutaneous fat.

The five-toed paws have special webbing between the toes and strong thickening of the grooves.

The beaver has a marvelous tail - flat, like an oar, without a tail, covered with horny patches with a horny keel along the middle line.

Beavers have special teeth - self-harvesting.

The way of life and food of beavers

Beavers are aquatic rodents. On dry land, the stench is inexplicable and pleasant, but in the water there are skiffs, secret swimmers, and distinguished pirates. The stinks are miraculously attached to the water: paws with webs, a flat tail-oar, eyelids that protect the eyes and allow you to swim quietly under water, lip growths behind the head incisors allow you to sharpen wood near the water, thereby protecting your mouth ovu empty. They can swim up to 15 kilometers under water, spilling up to 1 km in an hour.

These creatures are vegetarians. They eat wood, giving preference to soft species - aspen, velkhova, willow, birch. There are also leaves, chickweeds, young pagona, sedge, patches, water lilies.

Even if they are peaceful, there are no insecurity, and if there are episodes of an open attack, then the enemy is faced with a hard time - beavers are strong fighters who have already entered into battle (which is extremely rare), then they fight long and hard.

Beavers lead a diurnal way of life. In the wild they can live up to 20-25 years, in captivity – up to 35 years.

Bobrov's homeland

In the homeland of beavers, matriarchy reigns. The female is the leader, and she calls more for the male. Having consumed it once, the stench will be lost over the course of this entire life. Nowadays, as the beavers say, they have come to the point that when one of the partners dies, the other often does not mate again, and then one is lost.

Mating takes place near water (often under ice) in the water. After 3.5 months, there are 2 to 6 covered children with 500 grams. Within just a few days, the stinks begin to float, within a few days they begin to grub on leaves and thin stems, wanting to remove mother’s milk up to 3 months.

The whole homeland consists of the main female, the male father, the next brood and the beavers of the in-line rock. Young animals deprive their family of life for 3 years. Let’s live even more friendly, don’t fight for hedgehogs, and there will be huts and rowing at the same time.

Are beavers looking for hydro-engineering lighting?

Throughout this life, there will be rowing, choosing the right place, choosing the right technologies and the most precise technologies. Always marvel at the things of today. It is still not clear how beavers survive in the future without any waste material. Their rowing is done on a table that can wipe out a horse's head. Beavers carefully monitor the integrity of their spores, immediately repairing and grooming.

For everyday life, not only piles of trees felled by beavers are used (the characteristic shape of a sandy year), but also gilts, stones, mules, and clay.

For the life of the stink, holes will be dug - these are folding labyrinths, and there will be huts - above-water spores made of forks, fastened with mule and clay. The entrance to the vein is always exposed to water.

It’s great that “tenants” often settle in huts and peacefully mingle with the beaver family. Tse - merman, water weed, desman.

Beavers are truly awesome creatures. You must always keep your life clean, get ready for the house, and wash away any excess liquids.

The territory where beavers roost under rowing and huts is in the monopoly of one family of dozens of rocks. Beavers signify “their” place with a beaver stream - a dark, fragrant, oily plain. It’s interesting that this secret is highly valued by perfumers who use it to give special durability to perfumes.

Today's beavers are listed in the Book of Reds. Active work is underway to update the practically depleted beaver population.

Information about beavers Author Savannah

Beavers are among the main contributors to the rodent herd, which includes two species: the common beaver (Castor fiber), the Atlantic Coast beaver to the Baikal region and Mongolia, and the Canadian beaver (Castor canadensis), found in Western America.

Description of the rodent

The beaver's body weight reaches approximately 30 kg, the body length reaches 1-1.5 m, females are larger in size, while males are smaller. The rodent has a blunt muzzle, small ears, short legs, strong claws. The beaver's coat consists of two balls: the animal has a thick body of red-brown hair, and under it there is a thick gray undercoat that protects the beaver from hypothermia. The tail is bare, black in color, wide, covered with gloss. Near the base of the tail there are two vines, which vibrate an odorous stream, known as “beaver stream”.

Beavers are rodents. Their diet includes the bark and hummocks of trees (wasp, willow, poplar, birch), various herbaceous plants (lattia, kubushka, iris, cattail, ocher). They can also eat hazel, linden, elm, and bird cherry. I want to eat sluts. Large teeth and a strong bite help beavers to eat solid grass feed, and the microflora of their intestines is good at poisoning cellulose hedgehogs.

The required amount of water reaches 20% of the beaver's water.

U summer period The beaver diet prioritizes grassy food; in the spring, rodents actively prepare village food for the winter. The skin reserves 60-70 m3 of wood. Beavers deplete their reserves near the water, where they save grub until the end of winter.

Until the 20th century, beavers spread even more widely, but their habitat was significantly shortened due to their abundance. The original beaver is found in Europe, Russia, China and Mongolia. Its closest relative, the Canadian beaver, lingers in Northern America.

Wider types of beavers

Body length is 1-1.3 m-code, height is about 35.5 cm, weight is in the range of 30-32 kg. The coat is squat, the paws are short with five toes, the hind legs are stronger than the front ones. Swimming shoes are worn between the fingers. The grooves are strong and flat. The tail is paddle-shaped, flat, reaching 30 cm at the top, the flaps are 10-13 cm. The tail has pubescence on the entire base, the surface of which is covered with horny scutes. The eyes are small, the ears are wide, short, the little ones protrude above the front. Under water, the ears open and the nostrils close, and the eyes have special blinking wings. The original beaver grows up with a thick coat, coarse guard hairs and thick, woolly undercoat. The exterior color ranges from light chestnut to dark brown, sometimes black. Tail and paws of black color. Moulting occurs once per river.

In the anal area there are growing secretions, wen, and so-called “beaver stream”, the smell of which is a reference point for other beavers, and thus informs about the territory of the family.

The primary beaver is widespread in Europe (Scandinavian countries, France, Germany, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine), Russia, Mongolia and China.

Body length 90-117 cm; Vaga is close to 32 kg. The coat is round, the chest is wide, the head is short with large dark ears and bulging eyes. The color is darkish or blackish-brown. The length of the tail is 20-25 cm, width is 13-15 cm, the shape is oval, the tip is pointed, the surface is covered with black horny scutes.

View of expansions in Northern America, Alaska, Canada, USA, Mexico. It was introduced into the Scandinavian countries and Russia.

Statutory dimorphism in beavers is weakly expressed; females are slightly larger than males.

Beavers will live on the banks of forest rivers, streams and lakes. The smells do not hesitate on wide and fluid rivers, as well as reservoirs that freeze to the bottom during the winter. For these rodents, the woody-charred vegetation along the banks of water is important, and the quantity of water and coastal herbaceous vegetation is high. In some places there will be rowing from fallen trees, canals will be dug, and logs will be floated along them before rowing.

Beavers have two types of life: a burrow and a hut. The huts look like floating islands with a mixture of mud and mud, their height is 1-3 meters, their diameter is up to 10 m, and the outlet expands under water. Beavers spend the night in such huts, prepare food supplies for the winter, and hang out in huts.

Beavers dig their holes on steep and streamy banks, in folding labyrinths with 4-5 entrances. The walls should be leveled and compacted. In the middle, at a depth of up to 1 m, a living chamber is lined with a width of 40-50 cm and a height of 40-50 cm.

Beavers swim and feather wonderfully, they can stay under water for 10-15 minutes and swim up to 750 m for an hour.

Beavers live either alone or in families of 5-8 individuals. One and the same family occupies its plot with a stretch of rich rocks. Beavers should not walk 200 m from water. Throw rodents between territories with a beaver jet.

The main periods of beaver activity are the night and day.

Beavers are monogamous rodents. The birth of offspring is expected to happen soon. The love season begins in the middle of the summer and lasts until the end of the summer. Vaginism will last 105-107 days. In one brood there are 1-6 young, which are popular among kvitny-grass. The babies are born plump, well-furred, and weigh approximately 0.45 kg. Within a few days, the stench can already float. The female is the first to swim, walking from the hut into the underwater corridor. At 3-4 years of age, beavers begin to graze on leaves and stems of grass, and up to 3 months the mother feeds them with milk. The young live with their parents until they are two years old, after which they reach adulthood and begin to live independently.

In captivity, beavers have a lifespan of up to 35 years, in nature, 10-17 years.

Natural enemies

The natural enemies of the river beaver are cows, brown bears and foxes, but the greatest harm to the population of this species comes from humans, blaming beavers for their price and meat.

  • The original beaver is the largest rodent in Europe and the largest in the world after that.
  • The word "beaver" comes from the Indo-European language and its native sub-wars called the brown color.
  • Until the mid-20th century, beaver farming was even more popular in America, Europe and Russia, as a result of which the population of these creatures rapidly decreased: 6-8 isolated populations out of 1200 individuals were lost. To preserve the view of the beaver field, the area was fenced off. The critical beaver has a minimal pest status, and the main threat to it is land reclamation, obstructed water and hydroelectric power stations.
  • The cream of a beautiful and delicious hutra, a beaver and a jelly of a beaver stream, which is found in perfumery and medicine. Beaver meat is also natural and can prevent salmonella. Songs are respected according to church canons.
  • In 2006, a sculpture of a beaver was unveiled near the town of Bobruisk (Belarus). There are also sculptures of this rodent at the Alpine Zoo (Innsbruck, Austria).

The primary beaver or river beaver is a species that lives near the corral of rodents and leads a mostly aquatic way of life. This creature belongs to the “beaver” family and is the largest rodent of this enclosure, which represents Stare Svetlo.

After the capybara, the river beaver is another rodent in size and grows to even significant sizes. He looks at least grim, but also presentable.

External look

Beavers are surprised by the fact that they smell from living both near water and on land. Adult individuals can reach more than a meter in height, with a height of up to 35 cm, at which point their weight can reach more than 30 kilograms. Separating a female and a male is not so easy, especially since the females are already larger than the males. The body of a beaver is appendage-like, and it has short ends, with five fingers, with which the rear ends are much more beautiful. There are ruffled bristles between your fingers, the way beavers can feel miraculously near the water. The pasuria on the paws are of a flattened shape and are tight.

The beaver's tail is also flat and similar to an oar. Its length is about 30 cm, and its width is no more than 13 cm, with no wool on it, and if not, then only the very base. On a significant part of the tail there are large horny brushes. Between these brushes you can use short, thin, or firm bristles. At the top of the tail, right in the middle, there is a growing horny growth, near the appearance of the keel.

Great to know! Although beavers are great rodents, their eyes are definitely not great, but their ears are short, rather wide, ice-colored, and have the weariness of a sheepskin coat.

When the beavers fart, their ears begin to stool, and their eyes begin to swim behind the help of their blinking feathers. The roots of the teeth are thinner, although in more mature individuals the roots are weakly developed. Beavers have incisors that extend from behind and close behind special labial structures. Therefore, the creature is designed to actively vikorize them under water.

Beavers have an unusually tough hair, which consists of a lot of coarse bristles, with which they have a very thick and silky down.

The barkiness of the carpet is rich in what lies in the minds of living, which can change from light chestnut to dark brown, and often even black. In this case, the tail part and the end of the cover are in a black color. Creatures shed once per river. This process begins at the end of spring and continues almost until the onset of cold weather.

In the anal part of the savages there are grown-out ridges, fatty tissues and the beaver string itself, which contains a special secret, each creature knows a lot about one another. Of course, beavers will cover their territory to help with such a secret. Zhiroviki themselves generate a special secret, which the Vikorist creature produces simultaneously with its stream. As a result, the beaver stream retains its characteristics for a long time.

For their livelihood, beavers and river beavers choose entirely flowing rivers and river plots, and bayous, lakes, rates, drainage basins, quarries and irrigation canals. With such a stench, the great ones are unique wide river, moreover, due to the rapid crossing. Be very respectful, so that the stench does not freeze right to the bottom. In addition, for our livelihood it is very important that trees and various chagarniks, mainly leafy species, grow on birch trees in water. Moreover, there is grass on the banks, which is part of their food intake.

Beavers don’t just swim well and smell wonderfully – they smell wonderfully near the water, or even more so on land. The beaver has a great liver, which allows it to store a sufficient amount of arterial blood and air. Thanks to such functional abilities, the beaver has been around the water for up to 15 years. As soon as there is dry land, here the beavers will pour out and here they will not be stolen.

Great moment! In times of trouble, beavers strongly beat their tails in the water, ahead of their brothers and kick into the water.

River beavers can live either alone or with families of up to eight individuals. As a rule, there is a male and a female, as well as their offspring, both current and past fates. The family can occupy the same plot on the river for three hours, since no one and no one cares about their livelihood. On small ponds, as a rule, one family or one single male can live. On the great bodies of water there may be a few families loitering, or a few lonely beavers.

In water bodies, beavers rarely travel a distance of more than 2 hundred meters. Apply special marks that indicate the territory of the family or a lone beaver on the mud humps. As a rule, beavers show their main activity at night, at the beginning of the day. Summer and autumn are especially fruitful for beavers, when beavers work all night, until the very morning. During the winter period, beavers spend time in their covered huts and rarely appear on the surface.

The beaver is exceptional, residing in its natural environment, and can live for about 15 years, and in captivity – 10 years longer. The triviality of beaver life in the natural dowkill is influenced by both natural enemies and Various illnesses I would like to know that these creatures can develop a lasting immunity. In which cases of death of these animals were recorded due to pasteurellosis, paratyphoid fever, hemorrhagic senticemia, coccidiosis and tuberculosis.

With the coming of spring there is a great likelihood of the death of young animals, with which many homes are destroyed, in the minds of heavy floods. At times of winter floods, the death of up to 50 hundred of the entire population is possible.

Living here in specially molded huts, which can’t be called burrows, can’t be called a burrow. The beaver's hut is a real hydraulic engineering matter. As a rule, a beaver's belly has a number of entrances that have been dissolved under water, so no matter how the beaver's belly has a hut, it will never be wasted.

The hut is located in such a place where it is practically impossible to earn money. Beavers begin to live here towards the end of the summer, if the water level is minimal. Internal space, with the absence of visible passages in the form of a cone. All the passages in the middle are coated with mule or clay, which makes it practically impregnable, like a fortress.

Beavers are respected by even the most disgusting creatures, and the stench will never bother your little home with excess hedgehogs or excrement. On the rivers, beavers indulge in rowing. The base for such a rowing can be a tree or a group of trees that has fallen into the water, after which the beavers begin to form a paddling-dam, vikory for all sorts of materials. Rowing can last up to 30 meters. Its basic width can be around 6 meters, and its height can be around 5 meters.

Cool fact! On the Jefferson River, near the state of Montana, beavers made a record-breaking rowing of at least 700 meters.

Beavers simply fell large trees, which they then use to grow vikor, both for rowing and for food. For this stench, the tree is sprayed at the very base, after which the leaves are sprayed, and the trunk is divided into splints.

A tree with a diameter of up to 7 cm can be felled by a beaver in just 5 quills, and a tree 10 times larger in diameter will be felled and trimmed like regular lumberjacks in just 1 hr. Valuing the tree, the creatures stand on hind legs When doing this, use your teeth like a saw. The cuttings of these animals sharpen themselves, and especially the dentin becomes the basis.

The beaver's throats are eaten by robots at home to replenish their energy supply. The other legs of the creature are rafted down the river, either to its life, or to the point of starting a new rowing. The legacy of active work is the stitches, which are then filled with waste. These stitches are called “beaver channels”, which are used by creatures to fuse wood. As a result of the life of beavers, a locality is formed from a characteristic landscape, which is called the “beaver landscape”.

Beavers are strictly plant-based creatures and their diet consists of the bark of trees and their saddles. However, the creature does not survive all types of plants. For their food, it is better to eat aspen, willow, poplar, birch, as well as rows of herbaceous plants, such as latattia, cups, iris, cattails and young reeds. Therefore, for their livelihood, beavers choose a place to grow soft trees.

It is true that it is unique, as it is found in another place of gastronomic similarities. As a rule, whole hazel, linden, elm and bird cherry. Trees such as oak and vigor are harvested by beavers only as living material.

Important to know! Beavers also love acorns. Today, for normal life, this creature must feed up to 20 hundred units of food, kept away from moisture.

Whether they are tall, they have more solid food, so that beavers do not have a water problem, as they have large and thick teeth, as well as a strong bite. Kharchovy objects, rich in cellulose, are transported into the food vessel for the presence of special microflora.

Beavers try to live with several types of trees so that the microflora in their intestines is established. In order for the animal to be able to switch to another type of food without problems, it takes an hour for the necessary microflora to form in the intestines. Beavers live together in the spring greatest quantity grassy growths.

With the arrival of autumn, beavers are busy preparing supplies for the winter, which are stored near the water. Almost until the end of the month, beavers have no problems with hedgehogs. To ensure that the beaver family does not experience a shortage of hedgehogs, the creatures need to prepare at least 50 cubic meters of hedgehogs.

Reproduction and offspring

River beavers (primary) are ready to reproduce only on the 3rd river of their life. The steaming process occurs at the end of the winter and continues until the end of the winter month. During this period, mature individuals lose their lives and swim in the fields that have been raised, as well as move through the snow and mark their territory. It’s not the males who are more interested, but the females.

The creatures mate near the water, and after 3 and a half months, here a splint (no more than 5) of babies are born near the plant/grass. In this case, if the female is older, she will spawn more.

Important to know! Until the 3rd year, the female feeds her offspring with milk, after which the beavers' food intake becomes rough.

In this case, the female continues to nurse her young with milk for up to 2 months. By this time, the babies already have their incisors, as well as their molars, and they begin to cope with hard algae without any problems, just like their fathers. After two years of life, the young animals become independent and begin to live on their own. As a rule, a family of beavers consists of a pair of mature animals and young animals not older than 2 years.

The average beaver has a large number of natural enemies, such as owls, wolverines, foxes and rice, including adult bears. Still young individuals are aware of the attacks of great pikes, elfins and taimen. Fortunately, the stench does not give beavers a bad name, which is confirmed by the extensive precautions of ancient times. The main enemy of these creatures, as well as rich others, is respected by people.

Population and status view

Just recently, beavers simply lingered throughout the entire territory of the Euro-Asian continent. Due to uncontrolled flooding, the number of such savages has significantly changed. To bring this to the point where these creatures have stumbled on the edges of the earth, so many beavers in our time can, it seems, be touched on our fingers.

Two hundred years ago, the territories of many countries in Asia and Europe were not without beavers. As a result, these countries had to make a number of attempts to renew and then preserve the number of such creatures. On the territory of the central part of our region there is a small population of beavers.

Gospodarske meaning

Since a long time ago, people fell in love with beavers in order to get better looks and more valuable food. Within a dozen hours, the perfumery industry, and also medicine, began to cackle like a beaver. Moreover, beaver meat was and is being eaten by people, whereby Catholics respect it as a living hedgehog. Nowadays, following a wealth of research, it has been possible to establish that beavers are carriers of one of the most dangerous diseases - salmonellosis. Therefore, a species of beavers, with the purpose of stocking up on its meat, means that it will quickly disappear.

At the end

The beaver is a marvelous creature, as it is grand master in excess of nature. It’s not surprising that beavers are found in a different place after people, the fragments may change their status too much of a middlebrow for your needs.

Beavers are natural architects who use large stones to make rowing boats or traps that are set by people for their trapping.

At the hour of the dynamism of the stench, marvelous speeches begin to fade. First of all, since the beavers are committed to rowing, there is no reason for the beaver to leave this territory. In another way, the stench in the first place can be changed directly in the flowing line in order to change the pressure of the water or reduce it to zero. Only after the final task of the creature begin rowing.

A dam is a complex engineering structure in which there is no place for any kind of debris. This design has water transfer and equalizing channels in order to optimize the pressure of water from different levels, otherwise the water flows will simply demolish the dam. Its top is first placed in the back of the flowing water in order to repair the support, although the mass of water can be suttevoy. If necessary, the beavers will also be used on the lower and upper rows to ease the pressure on the main row. And without any little ones or work chairs! Simply amazing!

The beavers begin to groom their ass only after the dam is fully functional and the water does not flood too much land into the shallow depths. This is necessary in order for the entrances to be lower than the level of water, otherwise the huts can easily be drained to the bottom of their house. The confusion will be such that half will be under water, and the other half will be above water. Moreover, the beavers will protect the space of the barlog so much that there will be a place for all members of the family. The scheme of life is such that it consists of two “surfaces”. The first one “on top” is poured a little more per liter of water. Here the beavers dry out, and also vikorist this camera as if it were far away. The other “on top” extends over the first one and its bottom is lined with a thyrso. It’s comfortable and quiet here, so the creatures sleep and rest here, and so do the young animals that are growing up. This design of the beam reduces the pressure on the walls, which prevents them from collapsing.

Under the influence of the beaver, the water-dwelling creature is being cared for, so that it can be protected before the rodents are driven away. This other representative of the family is called riverine due to the fact that the rodent lingers around the main water bodies. The beast is designed to attack the person who can deal with such creatures. He will miraculously live, talk about offspring and see hedgehogs. Due to its overall characteristics, this rodent is one of the largest. In today's material, we will look at everything that is connected with it.


  1. The largest animal among the rodents is the capybara, and the beaver sits in another place. Ssav is famous for its overall features, which gives it a greedy look. Such creatures are respected for the better way to carry out a half-water method of sleeping.
  2. If you look at their dimensions, then mature creatures can grow up to 1.3 m in body height, wait, they are hostile. With this shoulder, the height is up to 35 cm, and the body weight is in the range of 30 kg. According to the statistics, the relations between these individuals are poorly expressed. One can also say that the three themselves are larger, smaller males.
  3. The format of the body is additive, the ends are short, with five fingers. The most vulnerable parts are the rear ends, which provide support. Important for those that animals value for a better life, it is important to live near water, their spaces between the fingers are equipped with webbing. The pain is strong and painful, causing lacerations during the healing process.
  4. The tail is given special respect. There is no fur coat on the new one. Behind the format, the tail looks like an oval, drawn out and even flat. In dovzhin it grows up to 30 cm, the width becomes about 13 cm. In some individuals, hairs in the main part can be prevented. The tail itself is usually covered with horny particles-particles. Between them there is a very short and coarse pile. The upper part is characterized by the presence of a keel.
  5. They don’t care about those who are insured for large ones, but their eyes are small in size. The smell is also famous for its majesty, the stinks are heard under the air and can be seen and the fatigue of the head. When a creature descends near the expanse of water, its nostrils close as its ears open. The eyes become dimpled, which is called blinking.
  6. The root dentition is characterized by a rootless type. However, it is strengthened root system may occur in mature individuals through centuries-old displays. The cutters are laid out in the back of the pouch. The stench is a growth that is isolated from the mouth. The rice itself allows animals to graze everything they find in the water's middle.
  7. The creatures are pigmented with black, dark brown, brown, and chestnut shades. It is famous for the presence of a thick pillow with oily seeps. The spine itself is hairy and thin. The paws are painted black, as is the tail, although the remaining pigment may be dark gray. The moult takes place once per river. It begins at the beginning of spring, ends with the beginning of winter and the end of autumn.
  8. The anal zone is equipped with male grooves, as well as a beaver string, the main purpose of which is to send a signal about the status and other characteristics of a particular individual. A secretion with a strong odor is visible in their streams. This aroma allows other individuals to gain insight into the middle of the beaver settlement and see a specific member of the group.

Way of living

  1. The representatives of the family are talking about the importance of living as quickly as possible with abundantly flowing water sources, both rivers and reservoirs. There are also standing water bodies, such as bets and lakes. Beavers occupy the shoreline and scatter around this area. Vony doesn’t mind settling in the quarries of old people. The water bodies are becoming increasingly dry due to the rapid movement, as well as the quiet places, which freeze until they freeze to the bottom.
  2. These individuals require vegetation in order to grow in the coastal part. The stench gives prestige to the tea leaves and trees that love modrini. Also, to the soul, herbs form the basis of the diet.
  3. The creatures are simultaneously swimmers and swimmers. Their lungs are as big as their liver. All this allows you to collect enough wind to flush the necessary water and stay near the water for up to 15 minutes. When a person makes it to the shore, he feels unsafe and looks invincible.
  4. When trouble arises, rodents begin to swipe their spade-like tails across the surface of the water, and then also scurry around the water's middle. The stench in this way sets off an alarm for the members of the family, so that they suddenly disappear.
  5. Living takes place individually or in small groups. A family can consist of 7 individuals, which are represented by a pair and their offspring. Since this family occupies a large territory, there are still a few fatalities behind it and many more.
  6. Since the expanse of water is quite small, it can be occupied by a bachelor or a small family. If larger plots are allocated to groups. Beavers try not to go out into water for a distance of 150 m, which is why the risk of life is advancing.
  7. These individuals wash their water, after which they mark the cordons as a secret, which asks not to deprive them of their place. Since there is a period of activity, people are encouraged to stay awake during the day or at night.
  8. At the beginning of the autumn and spring seasons, mature family members leave their lives in the evening, after which they work throughout the night. When it gets cold and frosty, these individuals rarely climb to the surface.

The triviality of life

  1. Looking at the term of origin in the natural environment, we can say that for such minds the stench reaches up to 15 rocks. If we keep animals in captivity, they will generally live for about 20-25 years. Life passes by due to the presence of enemies in nature and various illnesses characteristic of these rodents.
  2. Remember that creatures are famous for their excellent immune system, they can still get sick. Among the most common diseases is infection, called tularemia. Through it, creatures simply die.
  3. Also influence the population special minds weather, including winter floods. For example, stinks can take over half the beaver population. And the spring bloodlines lead to death of young animals that are not suitable for such situations.


  1. Individuals who are discussed to insure themselves in the primary or Eurasian segment have long populated the regions of Europe and Asia, similarly. Sooner or later, the beavers began to be mercilessly hunted, which led to a significant decline in the population. Today's population is even small; it is actually on the verge of extinction.
  2. At the beginning of the 19th century, all territories of the eastern regions were completely devoid of these rodents. The 20th century had a population of approximately 1,300 individuals. They created groups that watched over the population and punished the violators. Therefore, the number of beavers has increased in Europe, and in Asia it is still recovering, but not entirely.


  1. At the performances of the ssavtsev they began to feast their eyes on those that are very much appreciated. Rodents were also caught for beaver string, which is most often found in perfumery, pharmacology, and medicine.
  2. The meat of this creature is considered a delicacy. Catholics wanted to equate it with the latest species. However, today it is known that beavers can carry salmonellosis, and often this meat is no longer healthy.

Characteristic rice

  1. Varto notes that these individuals live in burrows. Such dwellings are sometimes called huts. This fact is deprived of those who enter their cabin and will always be under water. Most often, rodents make a hole on a steep, shaggy birch tree. This donkey is presented in a folding labyrinth.
  2. There are a number of entrances in the little house. Beavers usually come up to wakefulness. The part of the shelf and the stinking walls need to be compacted firmly. Until then, the huts will most often be there, since, as far as possible, there are not enough willing minds for such actions.
  3. Burrows often grow close to swampy, low and gently sloping birch trees. Vіn is located on the mile. Before waking up, the individuals begin as the summer reaches its end. The life is ready - a cone-shaped burrow. Whereas the height in diameter really matters, it can reach up to 10 m-code.
  4. The creatures are trying to carefully cover the walls with clay and a mule. Due to this particularity of the fort, it is practically impregnable for hijaks and other mischief-makers. Such beavers lie down to the fucking creatures. You should never smell the stink of excrement or excrement in your cabin.
  5. Famous platinum beavers begin to develop when a family of beavers lives on a body of water where the water level often changes. As the frame base is tightened, trees that have fallen into the water most often protrude. As a result, the beavers coat the trunk area with available materials.
  6. The finished platinum can reach up to 30 m. In this case, the base reaches up to 6 m, and the height up to 5 m. cool fact, Near the state of Montana, on the Jefferson River, beavers rowed at incredible sizes. This day reached as much as 0.7 km! The creatures begin to cut down trees in order to prepare food and for everyday needs.
  7. Beavers gnaw tall trees from the very core. After this creature, you can burn its necks. If the tree is large, the rodent will divide the trunk into several pieces. A wasp with a diameter of up to 10 cm can be called by a beaver for just a few quills. Since the tree has a diameter of up to half a meter, the creature should be called less, less than nothing.
  8. At about this hour the beavers curl up on their tails and stand on their hind legs. At this point, their teeth begin to act like a saw. During the hour of such a procedure, the beavers will sharpen themselves. The stench develops from very soft and hard dentin. The small-sized gills that were picked are eaten by the creatures themselves.
  9. Other household materials are transported by water from both boats and boats. In the process of waking up, beavers trample paths that are suddenly filled with water. They are most often called “beaver canals.” The stench gets stuck in order to transport the wooden stern. After exhausting work, masculinity takes on an unusual appearance. This course is called a “beaver landscape.”


  1. The examined individuals fall into the category of animals, which strictly consume products, including vegetable harvesting. These freshwater leaves give the advantage only to long-lasting logs and village bark.
  2. The creatures that love to grow most often are willow, aspen, poplar and birch. Beavers love grassy plants. Among these, the most popular ones are the iris, the gooseberry, the young rose, the latten and the cattail.
  3. Beavers begin to actively live in the territory, which contains a large number of trees of soft species. Moreover, the daily diet of the representatives of the Savants often includes hazel, elm, linden and wild cherry. In the menu of beavers it is not possible to taste oak and velkha. Such material is cured exclusively for everyday purposes and for treating the moisture core.
  4. Those who love acorns more than beavers are deprived of this. Moreover, today in their diet such a product becomes close to 20% of the total zagalnoi massi the creature itself. River beavers, without any problem, miraculously cope with any solid food from the bushes. This is only accessible to a tight bite and great teeth.
  5. It means that beavers will always live in many different villages. It stinks to switch to new type food, then they need adaptation. The microflora in the intestines may completely reawaken to a new type of menu. As soon as the warm season arrives, beavers begin to eat a large amount of grassy food.
  6. As autumn approaches, beavers begin preparing food for the winter. Tsikavo, why do creatures store village food near the water? After all, this product completely preserves its taste and richness right up to the bitter end. The average food supply for one family is up to 70 cubic meters.


  1. When state maturity is lacking, individuals reach it within 3 years of life. Creatures are most often in a race from the end of the fierce to the end of the wild season. At this hour the beavers begin to emerge from their winter shelters and fall in the snow. The same stinks often float around the Roztanuv Polina. The stinks actively mark the territory with beaver strings.
  2. In addition, not only males, but also females who have reached adulthood are killed. What’s great is that the steaming process is carried out exclusively near water. After just over 3 months, up to 5 babies are born. A lot of young animals are completely deposited from the female’s age. Older beavers produce more beavers than younger ones.
  3. As soon as the young are born into the world, during the first days they consume only their mother’s milk. When the babies are more than 3 years old, their diet begins to have a wild tread. Mothers expect their babies to drink milk when they are close to 2 months old.
  4. Moreover, at this very hour the young animals begin to actively develop their parts. That's why the beavers follow their dads, wanting to grease. The stench disappears completely independently for up to 2 hours. Such a stench will already begin before the life of the vase begins.

In today's material, we will look at the size of the insurance that will be insured before the rodents are driven away. Beavers, due to their size, can grow more than 1 m, and have wonderful alarm bells and batkas. Importantly, the population has significantly dwindled, but in this century they are fighting for their renewal.

Video: Great beaver (Castor fiber)

Beavers can be seen just as much at the zoo. In the rivers near Moscow, whole families of these creatures have been languishing for more than one river. Live calmly, there will be rowing and the occasional jock will bark.

Since we're talking about these cute animals, let's be clear about how to spell it correctly: beaver or beaver? So that there is no cover for the alarm rodents.

Who is a beaver?

Talk about the beaver without giving minimal information about these creatures? Disorder.

The beaver is a rodent that lives near rivers. The creature is very large, its body length is about 1.3 meters, and its weight weighs 35 kg. The beaver's mole is in its long and sharp front teeth and in its thick tail, whose shape resembles a shovel.

What is the famous beaver?

Beaver chi beaver: how to speak and write correctly? The following is given as evidence for the food. In the meantime, let's talk about the river rodents.

So why are beavers famous? The hint is given at the front proposition. The alarm bells stink. The essence of all your life is to value the everyday life of rowing. I work with special care, choosing the best wood for the work.

A row of rowing can reach many meters. Beavers are also hard workers. Work at night, mostly. Activity occurs in the evening and night hours. Today it is respected to better deal with other rights, without showing off to people in front of them.

Beavers live in self-made huts, with moist flooring, so that when they stay in them they go out to the water. This outlet does not freeze. Besides, beavers are awesome. They won’t cover their belly with excess hedgehogs and excrement.

In captivity they hesitate for 30-35 years. U natural minds The triviality of life is less than half.

How does a beaver differ from a beaver?

Beaver chi beaver - yak right? Axis is already a bad eater. Especially in the subtitle. Is this one and the same creature, what kind of differences can there be, besides the article ones, between them? However, the difference is still clear.

The one who lives by the river will be rowing and yapping as a beaver. The creature that is considered to be rodents is completely innocent, even if you don’t touch it.

And those who hang on our shoulders are nothing less than a beaver. What's the difference? The beaver is a creature, the beaver is a farmer.

Let's get pregnant with a beaver

Mi z'yasuvali, yak correctly: beaver chi beaver. If you talk about the creature, then it’s a beaver. We write and say “beaver”. When one friend recognizes another as having a fur coat from a beaver farm, she will say “beaver.” Since there is a hutra on the right, we will write “beaver”.

Let's look at the word behind its morphemic structure:

    Beaver is the basis of the word.

    Beaver is a root.

    There is no completion.

Apply it to the rivers

How will we write? Beaver chi beaver - yak right? We are now putting together propositions that will show us how to write in any given situation.

    Near the Yauza River, a beaver lingers a lot.

    The beaver is a fighter for the cleanliness of the river.

    What is this sporudi? The work of beavers is rowing.

    What is the beaver? Why so expensive?

    I bought a fur coat! Natural beaver!

    How bad is it? There is a beaver in front of you.


The axis of the world got along with this, as is correct: beaver and beaver. We see the main aspects:

    The beaver is a great creature, as alive as the river. Stay with the rodents. Beavers are absolutely harmless, since they do not invade their territory, live in huts and may not appear in front of people.

    The triviality of a beaver’s life in nature is 17 years. In captivity they live up to 35 years. Herbaceous creatures, whose sense of life is rowing.

    When we talk about a creature, as if about a spiritualized character, we think of a beaver. We write the same way.

    When we talk about the grizzly rodent, in front of us is an inanimate object. About him we call him "beaver". І write "beaver".


The main metastat is to inform readers that it is correct - beaver or beaver. Now we know how two words differ and how to write in one way or another.

Information was also given about those who are beavers. How is it alive, what is it like to eat and what is the triviality of living in nature and in captivity.

Why are you afraid of the beaver in the face of nature's sustria? It’s unlikely that a person would just pass by without trying to get close to a rodent or get killed.

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