Formatting a laptop through bios. How to format a hard drive through BIOS: three most common ways to format hard drives

Іz zavdannya formatuvannya hard drive sticky through BIOS large number of people. Varto means that it is impossible to format a hard drive using BIOS alone. For this reason, most of the time, it is possible to format the hard drive before installing or updating the operating system.

When the OS is running, it is impossible to clean up the system partition (mostly the C drive) by typing. You will be informed about the pardon. To this end, we will discuss the process of formatting a hard disk without starting the operating system using the BIOS of your computer. There are some basic methods of formatting through the BIOS, some of them are easy to look at.

Formatting for helpBIOS

For formatting, you need to have a special flash drive available, or zavantazhuvalny disk from a recorded operating system. Like an enchanting disk, it is ideal for a disk from a licensed Windows OS. It is also a possible variant of using an independently created disk from a recorded OS.

For the cob, reboot the computer. After the start, you need to press a combination on the keyboard to enter the BIOS (mostly “DEL”, “F12”, “F8”, “Cntrl + F2”, “Escape”). You will see a brand new BIOS in front of you, in which you need to click on the Boot tab for an additional keyboard.

Now, in the capacity of the main advancement add-on, choose a disk drive (for a different stage of the advancement disk) or a USB port (for a different entry of the advancement flash drive).

Then press "F10" in order to get out of the BIOS, choosing to change the priority of opportunistic devices, and press "OK". Your computer will reboot and on the monitor display you will see a message about the drive (or flash drives), just press the button on the button.

When the screen for choosing a movie appears, use the Shift+F10 key combination to gain access to the command line. If you are going to hack a disk with Windows 8, then open the command line as needed, otherwise, by following the points: "select language" -> "diagnostics" -> "additional capabilities" -> "command line".

When you start the computer from an advanced disk or a flash drive, the letters of the disk designations may not work with them, which you have called. Formatting a hard drive through the BIOS will need to change the data, so you don't need to have mercy on choosing a drive. To determine the real drive letter in the command line, you need to enter the command "wmic logical disk get deviceid, volumename, size, description".

To format the selected disk in the command line, write the command (replace X - disk designation):

  • ”format /FS:NTFS X: /q” – standard format for NTFS system
  • “format /FS:FAT32 X: /q” – standard FAT32 format

Press "Enter" and check that the formatting is complete.

Another way to format a hard drive through the BIOS is with the help of the Windows installer. For the next time, the choice of moving is on the press "Dali".

Then choose "First install".

Selectable hard drive, which is necessary to format, that onslaught is “Nalashtuvati”.

To format the disk, select Format.

Another efficient way for a swedish formatting of a hard drive without zavantazhennya OS. For this purpose it is necessary to download the program ERD Comader and to create on the basis of an advanced disk. In the BIOS, as the main option, choose a disk drive (You already know how to do it). When the program starts, go to the “MicroSoft Diagnostic and Recovery Toolset” branch. At all requests, "Dal" is pressed until it appears automatically, in which the "Disk Cleanup" item is selected and the hard disk is formatted.

In this way, we looked at all the main ways to format a hard disk through the BIOS. For different disks with other operating systems, the names of the points may change slightly, but the logic of the procedures does not change.

Formatting a hard drive through the BIOS is one of the most popular power supplies on the Internet. This article will be dedicated to this power, rozpovidaya about two ways to format the HDD.

Once again, you should clarify that you can’t see the hard disk formatting procedure with just one BIOS, you need a Windows distribution kit, writes to a disk or a USB flash drive.

Method 1: through the command line

The bottom line is this: you need to enter the BIOS entry, in the settings, install your flash drive or a Windows disk as the head of the setup, and then, after configuring the distribution kit, run the terminal, through which and formatting the HDD.

1. Turn on the flash drive or insert the disk, and then turn on the computer to restart, at an early stage the computer is turned on, press the key again, which prompts you to enter the BIOS F2, or Del).

2. After spending time in the BIOS, you need to install a USB flash drive or a disk as a head vanity attachment. For example, at the Phoenix Award BIOS, you happen to go through the distribution "Advanced BIOS Features" , select parameter "First Boot Device" and insert a USB flash drive or disk as the main vanity add-on (for your type, menu items may vary depending on the BIOS version).

3. Having taken the distribution kit from Windows, on the screen you can see the installation window of the movie. In order to activate the launch of the terminal, press the keys Shift+F10. If you have selected a distribution kit for Windows 8 and older, install the new menu, and then go to the item "Diagnostics" - "Additional capability" - "Team line" .

4. The terminal will appear on the screen, for the help of which the HDD formatting procedure will be performed. Run the following command at the open terminal:

wmic logicaldisk get deviceid, volumename, size, description

The final command is stale, since in some file system it is necessary to clean up the hard drive.

Formatting with FAT32:

format /FS:FAT32 M: /q

Formatted in NTFS:

format /FS:NTFS M: /q

De "M" is the letter of your HDD.

Method 2: through the Windows installer

In this way, formatting a hard disk will be launched not through the terminal, but through the Windows installer interface.

1. Click the first and the other crochet, descriptions of the first method.

2. If the movie menu appears on the screen, install the Russian language and move on.

3. Select item "Re-installation (additional parameters)" .

4. Select formatting disk format, and then press the button "Disc fixing" .

5. See the disk, and then click on the button "Formatovati" .

Dock the completion of the formatting procedure.

Today, there are a lot of people talking on the Internet about those how to format disk via bios. Friends, if we don’t know the correct food, then with more than one vikoristanny BIOS disk cannot be formatted. In BIOS, we don’t install it any more than I can add to start the computer. Well, that garazd, you need to know everything in your article, I support you.

More for all, Vykavitesya about formatting the system drive C, because without the operating system, it is impossible to format such a disk in the system. To that mova time about formatting a disk without zavantazhennya system.

Friends, if you want to format the disc, we need to get excited about some kind of exciting wear. Tobto you can vikoristovuvati zavantazhuvalny disk or. You can have a distribution kit with an operating system, a rescue disk, be it a LiveCD based on Linux or Win. If you have such an exciting accumulator, go into the BIOS and install the required attachment (flash drive or disk).

Formatting a disk for an additional installation disk (flash drive) Windows 7 or 8

Important! If you install operating systemіz zavantazhuvalnogo disk аbo flash drives, then with tsiomu already in the process itself formatting the system disk was transferred. In order to format it, it is necessary at the stage of choosing the type of installation to press "Reinstallation" and there, if you want to split it, press "Configure" on the disk. Here you will be asked to format the disk.

If you just need to format the system disk, you can install the distribution kit with Windows 7 or 8, then read the instructions below.
Take over the computer from the installation storage device. In your choice, you can press the Shift+F10 buttons after you see something. The axis is yakraz at the command row mi th formatuvatimemo thoughts disk. Keep in mind that disk letters may not be readable through the installation of a storage device. To correctly assign the disk, type in the command

Wmic logical disk get deviceid, volumename, size, description

A list of accumulators and their size in bytes is displayed, which makes it difficult to know the required disk. Sob now yogo format, you need to win the team
format /FS:NTFS Y: /q - NTFS format format /FS:FAT32 Y: /q - FAT32 format format,
de Y is the drive letter.

You can enter a disk label, which means it is a badge, that confirms the formatting of the system disk.

If you win a LiveCD, then it's easier here. Just enter the graphical interface, find out that you need to collect the required disk from the explorer, and format it by selecting the "Format" item in the context menu of the disk. The axis can be turned in so easily, it would have been possible to fold the tasks.

Under formatting, the process of applying special marks to accumulators is affected. Wine can win and for new accumulators, and for those who live. Formatting a new HDD is necessary for making a socket, without any faults it cannot be accepted by the operating system. Like in Winchester already, like information, it will be erased.

Three of the reasons for formatting may be relevant in different situations: when a new HDD is connected to the computer, for a complete cleanup of the disk, when reinstalling the OS. How to know correctly and how to find ways? About pide mova in this article.

It is necessary to format the HDD for a number of reasons:

  • Creation of a basic layout for further work with a hard drive

    The connection is made after the first connection of the new HDD to the PC, otherwise it will not be visible among the local disks.

  • Clearing all saved files

    For the fates of a computer or a laptop on a hard drive, anonymous non-necessary data are accumulated. These are not just coristuvatsky, but system files, which are no longer needed, but with which they are not seen independently.

    As a result, you can blame the reordering of the accumulating worker, that work is unstable. The simplest option for mitigation is to save the files you need from a gloomy place, or to a flash drive and format your hard drive. The chain world is a radical method for optimizing HDD robots.

  • Reinstallation of the operating system

    For a bigger and clean OS installation, it's better to beat a clean disk.

  • Correction of pardons

    Inseparable viruses and shkidlive software security, poshkodzhenі blocks that sector and other problems with the hard drive are often corrected by the creation of a new layout.

Steps of formatting

The procedure is divided into 3 stages:

  1. Nizkorivneve

    The term "low-formatting" used for adaptations for short-formers. At the sonic rozumіnі tse zatyrannya іnformatsії, after that, the entire disk space is zvіlnyaєtsya. If a bad sector was found in the process, then the stinks are designated as such that they do not vanquish, so that the remoter will turn off problems with writing and reading data.

    On older computers, the Low Format feature is available from the BIOS. Now, due to the folding structure of today's HDDs, the ability to BIOS is not available, and you can only try to format it once - for an hour at the factory.

  2. Breakdown of divisions (neobov'yazkovy stage)

    Chimalo koristuvachіv split one physical disk into a sprat of logical partitions. After the first one installation of the HDD, it becomes available under different letters. chime in "Local Disk (C:)" wink for OS, "Local Disk (D:)" and offensive - for rozpodіlu files koristuvach.

  3. Vysokorivneve

    This method is the most popular among coristuvachs. During this process, the file system and file tables are formed. Once the HDD becomes available for data collection. Formatting on high equal be carried out after the split on the distribution, data on the misuse of all records on the hard drive files are erased. After the new one, you can more often or often renew the data, for the low one.

See the format

There are two types, which are used to format the internal and external HDD:

  • Shvidke

    It doesn't take a lot of time, the whole process starts up until the data about the file location is erased with zeros. With this, the files do not appear anywhere and will be overwritten with new information. The structure is not optimized and even if there are problems, then the stench is skipped and not corrected.

  • outside

    All the information is visible from the hard drive, at the same time the file system is re-verified for a pardon, the bad sectors are corrected.

Ways to format HDD

You can format the hard drive different methods. For this purpose, both Windows tools and third-party programs are used. If you want to carry out this procedure and clean the HDD, then select one of the suggested options.

Method 1: Using the Formatting Software

Іsnuyut like small utilities, so and tinkering programs, scho vykonuyut additional tasks, krіm the main, for example, the breakdown of the hard drive and the re-verification for pardons. To format the partitioned from the OS, it is necessary to create an advanced flash drive from the installed program.

Acronis Disk Manager

One of the most popular utilities, as it works with physical disks and distributions. The program is paid, but it’s more difficult, the shards have a lot of possibilities and functions.
Allows you to format the hard drive by changing file system, expand the cluster and label the volume. The interface will guess the staffing Windows program "Keruvannya with discs", and the principle of work, obviously, similar.

Method 3: Through the BIOS and the command line

To format the HDD in such a way, you need a flash drive from a recorded OS. All data, including Windows, will be deleted, as it is necessary to format the accumulated data from the installed OS, which procedure will not be possible in the previous way.

Find the next steps:

Method 4: Formatting before installing the OS

If you are planning to format the disk before then, how to install it on a new one new version OS, then repeat steps 1-5 in the forward way.

Now you know what kind of formatting, how it will be done and how yoga can be carried out. The method of depositing depends on what kind of storage you need to format, that way is accessible to everyone.

For simple formatting, it is enough to use a Windows utility that can be run through Explorer. If it is impossible to get involved in Windows (for example, through viruses), then there is a way to format through the BIOS and the command line. And if you choose to reinstall the operating system, formatting can be done through the Windows installer.

The choice of third-party utilities, for example, Acronis Disk Director may not be worth it, since you don't have an OS image, then you can create a captivating flash drive from the program. In the other, on the right, relish - use the standard tool in Windows or the program of another scribe.

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