Evolution of stars.

beauty and health
The whole world consists of 98% stars.
є the main element of the galaxy.
“Zirki – these majestic cools with helium and water,
as well as other gases.

Gravity pull
Its in the middle, and the pressure of the baked gas
they are called, creating equality.
The energy of the star is located at its core, where
“Press helium to interact with water.”
Life's path is a completed cycle
– people, growth, period of quiet activity,
agony, death, and predicts the life path of the deceased
to the body.
Astronomers are not in a position to live through the life of one star
from the cob to the end.
Shine the shortest eyes
There are millions of fates - more than one in life

people, and the last people.

Prote can
watch out for the many stars that are found on different
stages of their development - that only those who were born and

Behind the numerous starry portraits of the stench
We are trying to renew the evolutionary way of skin
and write her biography.< 1,4 массы Солнца: БЕЛЫЙ КАРЛИК
Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
Giganti and nadgiganti
when the water starts to boil, the light comes out of the head
sequence in the area of ​​giants or under great
masah - overgigantiv
If everything didn’t burn like a nuclear fire,

the process of gravitational compression begins.
Yakshcho masa zirki
the electronics will be smoothed out, the transformation of the electronic gas will be achieved
The gravitational squeeze is tightening
Thickness reaches up to tens of tons per cm3
still saves T=10^4 K
step by step it reaches and completely squeezes (millions of deaths)
residually comprehend and transform into BLACK Dwarfs
Yakshto masa zirki > 1.4 masi Sontsia:
the forces of gravitational squeeze are very great

The thickness of the river reaches a million tons per cm3
Great energy is seen - 10 ^ 45 J
temperature – 10^11 K

Vibukh of the Supernova Zirka

Most of the stars shine out in space
the expanse at a speed of 1000-5000 km/s
Neutrino flows cool the star's core.
Neutron star
Yakshcho masa zirki > 2.5 masi Sontsia
gravitational collapse
The mirror turns into the black hole
Illumination of black trees
The view and gas of the central region
Smaller galaxies have black
diri mensh massi, їkh massi
become no more than a few
millions of dormouse masses.
holes in the centers of giant galaxies,
include miliardi dormouse

All the speech is for that which is residual
Black meat is formed into

galaxy formation process.
Sonyachne core.
part of Sontsia with radius
approximately 150,000 kilometers,
which way do thermonuclears go?
reactions are called sleepy
The strength of speech in
cores become approximately 150
000 kg/m³ (for 150 times higher
water thickness is ~6.6 times

more for the thickness of itself
hard metal on the ground
osmia), and the temperature in the center
cores over 14 million
Sontsya convective zone.
Closer to
The sun is shining on the surface
vortex mixing of plasma, and
transfer of energy to the surface
It's important to remember
the ruins of speech itself.
the method of energy transfer is called
convection, and the subsurface ball
Sontsya, tovshchina approximately 200,000

km, it appears to be convective
For current information, її
role in the physiology of sleep processes
Vinyatkovo is great, the fragments itself
it will develop different types of
Ruhu sleepy speech

magnetic fields.

Crown of Sontsya.

Corona ostannya External obolonka Sontsya. Unrespectable

it has a very high temperature,

600,000 to 5,000,000 degrees, won can only be seen with the naked eye near the hour of complete sleepiness


Sontsya convective zone.

Closer to the surface of the Sun, vortex mixing of the plasma occurs, and the transfer of energy to the surface is influenced by the flow of speech.

This method of energy transfer is called convection, and the subsurface ball of the Sun is approximately 200,000 km away, and is called the convective zone.

According to current data, the role of the physiology of sleepy processes is very large, since it itself generates various influences of sleepy speech and magnetic fields.

Atmosphere of Sontsya: -Photosphere.

-Chromosphere. -Crown. - Sleepy wind.

The energy of the stars of Yakbi The Sun was formed from a stone coal and the core of its energy was a mountain, then to maintain the lower level of energy production, the Sun completely burned out in 5000 years .

Ale Sunshine already shines billions of rocks! As if the Sun was formed from a stone coal and the core of its energy was a mountain, then in order to maintain a lower level of energy, the Sun would completely burn out in 5000 years.

If the combustion of helium in the starch ends, at higher temperatures other reactions become possible, in which more important elements are synthesized, even before nickel is added.

These a-reactions, carbon charcoal, sour tar, silicon tar ... If the charred helium in the starch ends, at higher temperatures other reactions become possible, in which more are synthesized important elements, right up to the nickel.

Internal Budova Zirok Models of Budova Zirok Rivnovagu imposes a harsh constraint on the mirror, so that, having arrived in the camp of Rivnovaga, the Zirka will strictly follow the song of Budova.

At the cutaneous point of the eye, the balance of forces of gravity, thermal pressure, vibration pressure, etc. is required. Also, the temperature gradient must be such that the heat flow is called a slow flow from the surface.

at the camp of Rivnovaga, Zirka Matima strictly sings to Budov.

At the cutaneous point of the eye, the balance of forces of gravity, thermal pressure, vibration pressure, etc. is required. Also, the temperature gradient must be such that the heat flow is called a slow flow from the surface. All of these can be written down using mathematical equations (at least 7), most of which can be written using numerical methods. All of these can be written down using mathematical equations (at least 7), most of which can be written using numerical methods. and high values ​​of claying coefficients. The grains with a mass of less than 0.3 percent are entirely convective, which is associated with their low temperatures and high values ​​of claying coefficients.

The grains of the sunny mass in the core are affected by transference, just as in the outer balls they are convective. The grains of the sunny mass in the core are affected by transference, just as in the outer balls they are convective. Moreover, the mass of the convective shell changes rapidly with the rise of the head. Moreover, the mass of the convective shell changes rapidly with the rise of the head. Mendelev-Clapeyron - the pressure does not depend on the temperature, but is indicated by a lack of strength.

Internal budova neutron mirror At thicknesses greater than g/cm 3, the process of neutronization of speech occurs, the reaction + e n + At densities greater than g/cm 3, the process of neutronization of speech occurs, reactions + e n + In 1934, the foundation was theoretically transferred to Fritz Zwikki and Walter Baarde neutron stars, which are constantly pressed by the pressure of the neutron gas. Born in 1934 Fritz Zwicki and Walter Baarde theoretically developed the origin of neutron stars, which are pressed by the pressure of the neutron gas.

The mass of the neutron star can be less than 0.1M and more than 3M.

Sonyachne core.

The central part of the Sun with a radius of approximately kilometers, where thermonuclear reactions take place, is called the Sonsk core.

The strength of the resin in the core becomes approximately kg/m³ (150 times the thickness of water and ~6.6 times the thickness of the most powerful metal on Earth osmium), and the temperature in the center of the core is more than 14 million degrees

Sontsya convective zone.

Closer to the surface of the Sun, vortex mixing of the plasma occurs, and the transfer of energy to the surface is influenced by the flow of speech.

This method of energy transfer is called convection, and the subsurface ball of the Sun, about km thick, is considered a convective zone.

According to current data, the role of the physiology of sleepy processes is very large, since it itself generates various influences of sleepy speech and magnetic fields.

“Evolution of Stars” - Supernova vibration.

Nebula to Orion. Compression is a legacy of gravitational instability, Newton’s idea. The whole world consists of 98% stars. With greater strength of gloom, it becomes impenetrable to penetration. Astronomers are not able to follow the life of one star to the end.

Eagle Nebula.

"Stars in the sky" -

Zagalny characteristic


Evolution of stars.