Dragon age awakening progress.

Golovna beauty and health Features of companions Dragon Age: Awakening appear after the achievement of the singing level, the growth or viconics of singing minds.

The greater the growth rate, the greater the chances of finding out with confidence about the past of companions, their particular history, experiences, mercy and other secrets.

  • Features of the task - at least one or two additional instructions, after selecting any notes, go to new rhubarb
  • trust. Achieving a high level of development helps and decisions are made along the way. The growth changes depending on the characters and the transformation of companions: one is like one, another can be treated. There are no more romantic hundred-year-olds, there just isn’t enough time.
  • A list of special companions and minds appeared in Dragon Age: Awakening: Anders (chanting “Freedom for Anders!”) – after speaking with Namaia, not far from the exit from Amaranthine. There is information about an amulet with the blood of a magician, which you can find and discover.
  • The amulet is kept in an abandoned warehouse in front of the shopkeeper Glassrick, at the side of the main gate of the place. At the warehouse, look out for the templars, who are ready to arrest Anders and take him to the Stake of Magi.
  • The amulet will not be given away.(the mission “Kristoff and Justice”) - Ora, Kristoff’s squad, in search of her man, will come to the Bashta of the Vigil after turning back the corral from the Black Pains.
  • Naturally, she feels a terrible shock if Justice explains that Kristoff is dead, and in his body the spirit from the Shadow is now alive. The women’s experiences will end at the Amaranthine Church after the re-divorce of Justice.
    Sigrun (The Village of “The Villainous Passage of Sigrun”) - in Amaranthine, if you take the right road from Constable Aidan to the taverns and churches (before reaching the husks and carts), you can meet Mishcha, Sigrun’s old friend, who was driven out of Orzammar. Zustrich passes on advanced tones. After you have cleared Sigrun at Vezha Vigil, you need to turn to Amaranthine and go to the Crown and Lion tavern, where you can be blessed with light. Mishcha not to appear on the streets of Amaranthine, as it was victorious, but the lie was taken, entrusted to Constable Aidan for the sake of the depletion of bandits from the command "". You can correct the order in the login after the order by using the file "Sigrun's Roguish Past & Law and Order fix". Sigrun_Law_Order.rar h social measures

Bioware, copying the folder


, What to do with three files, /packages/core/override with the installed game.

Vikonati special command of Sigrun will be possible until the defense of Bashti Vigil or until the end of Amaranthine, then until the beginning of the final stage of the game.

To remove registration from games, delete the Sigrun_Law_Order folder.

One of the most popular games of 2010.

Zustrichayte – Fallout New Vegas, a sequel to the popular RPG.

The fourth part of the famous series of role-playing games Gothic!

The game has been updated to include a new hero.


best games genre of RPG, which has become a vision of useful role-playing games. To waste!

Colossal space strategy The mirror sword is waiting for its time!

A spluttering car simulator for lovers of speed and the roar of heavy engines.

Let's go ahead and go!

A fun football simulator that allows you to experience the world of professional football.

After all, you won’t be deprived of the main task, but by focusing on the other ones, you’ll pump up your team better, and also extend the game hour.

In the swamps you can find a set of armor, insurance plans for the war, or collect wonderful brushes, which you can find after the end of the story mission. Awakening's battle tactics have changed. The more competently the team is chosen to fight this or that boss, the easier it is for you to get well.

The axis is a magma golem - one of the first bosses.

It’s against us to vikorize the magic of fire, zbroyu with fiery effects and bows. The focus on this new miracle is ice and melee attacks. You will obviously need to select a party from a mage who draws ice magic, a healer mage (who can heal the group), and two melee fighters.

After the knock, quickly clean the inner door of the fort from all uncleanness.

First of all, we should try to get rid of the magicians, the stench can cause great ulcers.

After the door is clean, go to the one you see and find bandages for the guards.

Now go to the middle of the Bashti Chuvannya.

This is now your headquarters.

In the yard, you pick up the girl’s leaves and the information about the robber from the wife.

Go to the meeting. It's clear that this is Earl Howe's son, Nathaniel.

You will need to accept him into the Seri of the Guard, if you just let him go at once, he will come to you later. Having finished with the price on the right, go back to the throne room and take all available items. Here you will have a chance to see what you will steal - the place, farms and trading routes.

Make a decision and go outside.

Here you are in for an unpleasant surprise - immediately after your arrival you will go to sleep.

You watch the video, where Velanni’s sister, Seranni, will give you the key and direct you to the Architect’s room so that you delve into his screen.

You are stretched and disorganized, otherwise there is nothing to do - you will have to go as it is.

Go to the camp, search everything there.

Now go to Bashtu Chuvanya. Here you can work with Velanna in the Siri Guardians and tell the alarm people about the Kamyan vein. You will also have the opportunity to judge many super-chats.

Now you can see the lower level of the catacombs. Talk to Master Farrier Wade, he may give you unique speeches if you bring him the necessary ingredients. Now equip your team and either proceed to complete additional quests, or go to the dense mountains.

They were partying there

I'm amazed

Here you also need to clear the area of ​​uninvited guests and determine where you will go next.

Or you will return to Bashtu Chuvanya, or you will continue the cleansing of Kel Khirol.

If you wanted to turn around, you can handle this yourself, but if you want to escape from enemies and beyond, then we go to the Lower Borders.

Your target here is the uterus that has settled near the end of the tunnel.

Sticking forward, you will find the half-meat golem and the spawn of the dark that controls it. I'm confused about the tactics of the battle with them. You'll immediately marvel at your group's warehouse.

Here, pick up a torn side from a number of stones and take a dragon brush as you go.

You will also have to deal with inversions.

Now go to the gathering.

At one point you will see a shovanka.

If the team ever loses the spirit of justice, then choose who you will take to the team.

If you are a warrior, then take Anders and Velanna, if you are a healer, then Velanna, if you are an attacking magician, take Anders.

During the hour of the demon baroness's battle, the dark portals will be opened, and you will have to close the yakomog quickly, so that creatures will climb out of them to help the demon.

To reduce the number of portals, you can see a mage and one fighter, while the other two members of the group are centered on the baroness.

Try them in paralysis with the help of Anders. Place a sign at the door and pile up in a crowd., for which it is necessary to correct. It's not your fault to create special problems. Use ice spells and melee skills.

Once the dragon is dead, go down to the Tevinter ruins.

Here, take the crystals and activate them by placing a hedge near the nest.

From another person you will find an Architect who will cluck after the ceremony, and you will beat him in the name.

Viral yourself.

Having made those other decisions, be prepared to the extent that not all members of the group will agree with him. If you decide not to kill him, then Sigurn can send attacks on you, then in which case you reject

garna zbroya

It unexpectedly raises the number of your health points by twenty-five points per month.

Now you don’t need to think about how to make your “tank” - an herbalist or a fakhiv from survival.

It is recommended to develop the main combat characters, and deprive the eyelash lines for those who sit at the castle.

Hey, we want to do something there, ladies!


All class and security groups have acquired new lines of beginners.
Let's finish with the first ones. First I will go through the names of the groups, then the names of the first newcomers in the line, then rank by rank and a description of all the newcomers in the line. 1 2 3 4
Rozbiynik 20 22 24 26
Myslyvets for hearts 36 40 46 52


Rank Riven Spritness

- if meta (higher or lower rank) upon death, then it loses its reception. Otherwise, it gives a critical hit. It is rarely necessary, and even if you have already achieved most of your health, you can achieve it without it. Offensive rank - ghost

- For a short hour, make the robber immune to all physical attacks. More than once I will help you get out of your isolation. Farther to go

weak place

- I’m still wondering what I’m trying to do.

After you hit the enemy, after ten hours


attacks will be strengthened in the future.

It really helps in battles with tough, important opponents.

І rest,


: all enemies at a great radius will be able to resist a blow from the back. Navichka herself is very strong, and in combinations with others (for example, with the front one) it becomes deadly.

Places the most important enemies in the place, manages the underworld critical problems of the elite and single bosses.

It works if you need to kill any wolf who has attacked the magician.

Almost at a great radius of war, it depicts opponents at the very least and tempts them to switch to foul language.

Mіtsne slivtse has repeatedly drawn the most hopeless battle.

It truly lives up to its name.

All class and security groups have acquired new lines of beginners.
Let's finish with the first ones. First I will go through the names of the groups, then the names of the first newcomers in the line, then rank by rank and a description of all the newcomers in the line. 1 2 3 4
Rozbiynik 20 22 25 28
All the enemies of the lesser, the lower warriors, the ranks die immediately, the elita takes away the critical surplus, and the bare ones - the emergency one. 40 44 52 61

And everything is at a decent radius!

The exploration of various dungeons will be greatly accelerated.


Shadow shield


All class and security groups have acquired new lines of beginners.
Let's finish with the first ones. First I will go through the names of the groups, then the names of the first newcomers in the line, then rank by rank and a description of all the newcomers in the line. 1 2 3 4
Rozbiynik 29 22 14 16
All the enemies of the lesser, the lower warriors, the ranks die immediately, the elita takes away the critical surplus, and the bare ones - the emergency one. 43 49 55 58

Enhances the enchantment shield, increasing the chances of evading attacks or dispelling enchantments.

If the shield is inactive, then the chances are saved, but are scanty.

Faded brown.

It is useful for maintaining rich mania, and fatigue increases the severity of the elements.

It rushes towards the attack with the club, so badly.

Gives serious benefits to magic, willpower and renewed mana.

Ogren, as before, is a berserker who specializes in street sweepers and specifically equipment from the very beginning. From the gifts of the will of the city, drinks of all varieties. Special officer of the department is connected with

family life

the gnome, who didn’t give in anyway.

All class and security groups have acquired new lines of beginners.
Let's finish with the first ones. First I will go through the names of the groups, then the names of the first newcomers in the line, then rank by rank and a description of all the newcomers in the line. 1 2 3 4
Rozbiynik 20
Skin disease Submarine blow Combat training First rank Other rank
Myslyvets for hearts 34 40 46 50

Third rank

Fourth rank

Two critical hits afterward.

It's just that effective.

There is a greater chance of a critical hit and the amount of costs will be increased.

For a snack, I will serve it in advance.

All class and security groups have acquired new lines of beginners.
Let's finish with the first ones. First I will go through the names of the groups, then the names of the first newcomers in the line, then rank by rank and a description of all the newcomers in the line. 1 2 3 4
Rozbiynik 20
Skin disease Submarine blow Combat training First rank Other rank
Myslyvets for hearts 34 38 44 52

Reduces the speed of the roc and attacks of all enemies within a great radius.

If you hit the enemy with a backhand blow before, you will simply fall.

It’s not without reason that they have such names.

The character begins to thresh enemies with terrible speed.

A skin blow reduces vitality.

The series will end in one of these situations: you have run out of vitriol, the enemy has left you and died.

If you hit an enemy with a backhand blow before the attack, the skin attack becomes critical.

And if you kick him, you definitely won’t knock him down.

As a fighter, he specializes in bows, or he can calmly deal with villainous rights.

To love practical speeches and relics of Hou's homeland with gifts.

The special duty is connected with the deceased sister, who is about to appear in Amaranthine.

Zbroya and shield

Unbelievable power

Allows the “tank” to literally flash the enemy’s way, robbing everyone who stumbles on his way.

A little bit of vitriol is taken into account for the leather of the goods. A wonderful recipe: it’s a waste of enemies, it’s evil, it’s easy to dry, and it looks funny. For a short hour, it significantly reduces the input overflow (depending on the temperature).

You can climb a dragon under it.

Constantly provokes too many enemies, giving off vitriol.

The color is average, because the energy is spent on capturing enemy enemies.

Rob the character

completely undrinkable

half the term of the shield-shell.

So after my activation, I spend half an hour burning without fear of anything, and the other half lives as if under a basic shield-shell.

With such a skill, you can send the ogre on the run! Dvoruchna zbroya Heavy blow

Manager of critical injuries according to the conditions and emergency conditions.

In addition, if opponents do not pass the physical resistance test, they will end up on the ground. The head is of medium color. To stop all the attacks of the war with the Maidan, I want to lose vitriol.

A smart way to deal with any kind of rubbish.

- the warrior works with a few cuts in front and sweeps his arm wide with the skin.

The skin class has removed two more specializations from its order.

Hey, we want to do something there, ladies!

All class and security groups have acquired new lines of beginners.
Let's finish with the first ones. First I will go through the names of the groups, then the names of the first newcomers in the line, then rank by rank and a description of all the newcomers in the line. 1 2 3 4
Rozbiynik 20 22 25 28

And from a point we added only one point - twenty to another equal - so we can add three specializations.

Whose more is sufficient.

Pros: +2 speed, +1 damage per hit It simply adds strength to the eyepieces. Rob a robber for a short hour


until bad and beating with nig.

In one hour you can enter and provoke a strong enemy to attack.

All class and security groups have acquired new lines of beginners.
Let's finish with the first ones. First I will go through the names of the groups, then the names of the first newcomers in the line, then rank by rank and a description of all the newcomers in the line. 1 2 3 4
Rozbiynik 20 22 25 28

— the replacement of health during impacts goes to vitriol.

The brownness is below average.

The robber needs vigilance constantly.

Enhances the power of the stone.

Now we are immune to the spell.

Same to friends!

І rest,

All class and security groups have acquired new lines of beginners.
Let's finish with the first ones. First I will go through the names of the groups, then the names of the first newcomers in the line, then rank by rank and a description of all the newcomers in the line. 1 2 3 4
Rozbiynik 20 22 25 28

Brownness under great nutrition.

Marvelous line.

The first two starters are good, as are the rest.

The specialization is suitable for any kind of robbers, who want melee combat adepts to gain more cost.

Pros: +1 speed, +5 attack

The beginner will suit everyone, but the attacking warriors will probably be worse.

All class and security groups have acquired new lines of beginners.
Let's finish with the first ones. First I will go through the names of the groups, then the names of the first newcomers in the line, then rank by rank and a description of all the newcomers in the line. 1 2 3 4
Rozbiynik 20 22 25 28

You can take two ranks, for the sake of spending magic on the spirit, or even more, for the sake of speed.

Pros: +1 stature, +5 natural support

He kidnaps one of his allies, leaving the damaged Skoda in ruins.

There is so much to hide under the guard’s status.

Mages, as well as robbers, thank you very much!

At some hour he moves the armor of the entire enclosure.

A large amount of additional armor must remain in the warty state for an hour.

No one can get hold of the armor.

Strengthens the front skills.

Mіtsne slivtse has repeatedly drawn the most hopeless battle.

All class and security groups have acquired new lines of beginners.
Let's finish with the first ones. First I will go through the names of the groups, then the names of the first newcomers in the line, then rank by rank and a description of all the newcomers in the line. 1 2 3 4
Rozbiynik 20 22 25 28

Attracts to the war enemies who have failed the check of physical stamina, consuming vibration.

They have nothing to lose other than attacking this tin can.

One of the coolest new skills.

It’s not surprising that this specialization is suitable not only for a lover of shields, but also for a fighter with a janitor.

You can cover the healer, strengthen your armor and attract enemies to you, so as not to escape yourself.

- We still have a Dead Legion, and not a Legion of Soothing Songs!

All class and security groups have acquired new lines of beginners.
Let's finish with the first ones. First I will go through the names of the groups, then the names of the first newcomers in the line, then rank by rank and a description of all the newcomers in the line. 1 2 3 4
Rozbiynik 20 22 25 28

One saw from this dead legion, which legion the shepherd gave birth to.

The poor woman reproaches herself for not dying all at once.

Freezes all enemies within a reasonable radius who fail the physical durability roll.

Otherwise it’s easy to say goodbye.

The wasted cold is avoided without guilt.

Such a cone of cold, which has grown, does not exist among the allies.

It's just amazing!

He rips off bits quickly when he paddles his head.

From one side, on the head, the magician should not be robbed.

On the other hand, the entire line is still protected for close contact with the enemy.

So let’s take it easy.

It causes harm to everyone due to various elements across the world.

A blow to the skin costs mani, so give it only to the great stingy people.

Effective development

With the remaining changes in place, the game has revealed a number of effective classes that can easily pass through any testing.

Let's look at a number of schemes with twenty-eight points - you will have so many at the end of the game, if you did not export the character, or, in another case, in the middle.


Vityaz - 4 points

Guard - 4 points

Warrior of spirit – 1 point

Nevblaganna strength - 4 points

On the other hand, the entire line is still protected for close contact with the enemy.

Another dikhannya - 3 points

The amulet will not be given away.

Bogatir - 4 points

Block with shield - 4 points

Shield defense - 4 points

The battle is a typical “tank”.

To love gifts are those who are connected with the great ruler of his body and Tennu.

The special department is fussing with the squad of the dead Wart.

You can find it at the Amaranthine Church.

The Rogue with the Guy's Blades

Brutal wrestling - 2 points

Low blow - 4 points

Myslyvets for hearts - 4 points

Vbivtsa - 4 points

Ghost - 4 points

Legionnaire-razvidnik - 2 points

Submarine strike - 4 points

Volodynia will be absorbed into the skin – 3 points

Swing with two hands and win - 1 point

We need intimacy, cunning and strength.

Strength here is 40-42, intelligence and cunning, on which the mind is tied, 2:1.

In battle, our mission is to effectively spend the small reserve of vitriol (don’t forget to stock up on dances in case of emergency!) and don’t die, because if we die, it’s time to cut us!

Battle Mage

Battle mage - 4 points

Zberigach - 4 points

Warrior Mage - 4 points

Vityaguvannya mani - 4 points

Psuvannya vrazlivosti - 4 points

Shadow shield - 4 points

Charivna strila - 2 points

Half-hearted sleeper or Krizana's grip - 2 points

We invest in magic, willpower and intimacy approximately like this: 6:3:1. Confidence, like a fighter, is required to be captured at the gates..

We behave in a similar manner: we rush into the attack with the given spells in readiness or we curse a single meta and for a long time, with tension, we hit.

Walkthrough of the main story

Vezha Chuvannya

It all begins with exciting battles: the kin invaded the base of the Gray Warts.

After the end of the battles, it’s time to look around your village, get to know the bastards and reclaim your destiny. As soon as you understand the others and those on the right at the fort, head to the place.

Having passed through the Architect's Legion in battle, choose your name.

Black swamps

As soon as there was a settlement here, it disappeared.

You need to know your colleague - Christophe.

Why don't you hit the bottom end of the pain?

There is only one road there, don’t get lost.

On the way you can get to know the lovely local fauna.

After you find the gray wart, you will be required to become a baroness.

She's hanging around the place.

After the end of the battles, it’s time to look around your village, get to know the bastards and reclaim your destiny. To get to it, you need to talk to the leader of the Wrathful Squad of Justice.

After this, the biy will wake up.

Turning to Christophe’s body, meet your new comrade and go close the portals, after which you go to the castle, where the girls fought with the baroness until then.

Watch another battle and you can turn around.

Happy Pagorbi

Such a mysterious place.

A corpse, two rolls, a note, that’s all.

To what end?