Get new package for windows 7

Pokrokova instructions for installation and removal of official Windows 7 localization packages.

Downloading and installing the Russian movable package

Important: Installing additional current packages is only supported on Windows 7 editions of Ultimate and Enterprise.

The localization package can be requested using the help of the Windows Update Center: Start › All Programs › Windows Update Center(Start › All Programs › windows update). The process of importing and installing the Russian localization package in some way will be automatic and safe.

You can also download Russian localization packages from the Microsoft website and install them manually. The size of the movable package is due to the size of the size installed on the computer operating system.

Ukrainian language for Windows 7 without SP1 (KB972813):

  • 32-bit (x86);
  • 64-bit (x64).

Ukrainian Language for Windows 7 from Install SP1 (KB2483139):

  • 32-bit (x86);
  • 64-bit (x64).

Change Movie Windows 7

Once the Russification package is installed, you can change the mov interface of Windows 7 Ultimate let's come rank:

1. Press Start and enter Change display language have a row of the Start menu.

2. Press Change display language.

3. At the top, at the open list, select the Russian language, and press OK.

4. Reseat the computer.

5. For an hour to start Windows 7, write “Starting Windows” and “We kindly ask you” as a Russian language (deputy “Starting Windows” and “Welcome” obviously), vodkrite . On deposit Dodatkovo press the button .

Vіknі, scho vіdkrilosya Screen parameters and cloud recordings set paraports:

  • Screen of ventilation and system ob_kov_ records.
  • New appearances of records of koristuvachs.

Press OK and restart the computer.

View of the localization package

important: Do not see the main language of the system, because tse bring to destruction the robots of Windows 7.

To remove the new localization package from Windows 7 Ultimate/Enterprise, do this:

1. Open Control Panel › Language and Regional Standards(Control Panel › Region and Language), tab Movie and keyboard(Keyboards and Languages) press button Install or delete mov(Install or Uninstall display Languages).

2. Uninstall Display Language.

3. Select mov (or mov), as you need to see from Windows 7, then press Dali(Dali).

4. Dock your remote movie and reboot your computer.

Buying a laptop with a new one operating system, we do not forever take away my Russian mine. Let me ask you a question: how do you think so that the system would work in Russia? Today we tell you how to Russify Windows 7.

How to carry out Russification

Problems with Russification of Windows 7 at once dosing a lot. So, there are some people who believe that changing the movie is only possible on the Ultimate and Enterprise versions.

To decide on changes, it is necessary to either independently shukati and zavantazhuvat Іnsu similar to the Russian system, or install the system on your version, as if transferring the change of movie.

If your system allows it, you can download the Russification method through Windows Update. How tse robiti?

  1. Open the key panel, know the section Region and language.
  2. Let's see the Languages ​​and Keyboards tab.
  3. Press "Install/Uninstall languages".
  4. Select "Install display languages".
  5. The system will prompt you for a sprat of ways. Select "Windows Update".
  6. Click on "Optional updates" and scroll down to the "Windows Languages ​​Packs" list.
  7. It is necessary to check the box "Russian" and press OK.
  8. Now you need a kidney, even an hour is needed for the restoration.
  9. Please choose a language from the Languages ​​and Keyboards contributor.
  10. Now, if everything is gone, it is necessary either to restart the computer, or to re-login to the system.

How to Russify Windows 7

This version, like a lot of її unfortunate brothers, showed an improved function of change. How to russify windows 7 home premium and other systems that allow such a function to start? Vistalizator and the MUI package will help here.

  1. Find out your Windows version first. To do this, click on Start, then hover over Computer, right-click and select Properties. The first row, stepping behind Windows Edition, is just and meaningfully the name of your system. Also give respect to the System type at the System branch. Remember or write down the data, the stink will be good for you.
  2. Get the Vistalizator.
  3. Choose what you need move package, which tells you your OS.
  4. Launch Vistalizator.
  5. Click "Add languages" and open the current package(s): MUI (*.exe, *.cab) or LIP (*.mlc).
  6. Check out the packet capture and recheck the integrity of the file.
  7. Choose the required package and click "Install language(s)".
  8. Check if the installation is completed, check the alert: "Express or Internal mode." Type Yes, Russian language will become a systemic language.
  9. After restarting, press the Start button, then - Panel keruvannya, then - Mova and regional standard, select Dodatkovo - Change my system. Choose Ukrainian and type Ok.

Zavantage Official 32-bit (x86) Windows 7 RTM MUI Language Packs

I got my laptop from German windows 7. I didn’t have a bookmark in the checkout panel.

I happened to know the ways of the cherry Can be corrected

Professional is a clumsy process that requires little knowledge about the OS itself. Read it below, as I Russified.

Nareshti appeared free hour and having installed my own Windows 7. I have not violated the piracy through those that VNZ connections to the MSDN Academic Alliance, having acted honestly, having Microsoft Windows 7 Professional. For Russian localization won't be available by setting the English version. I have downloaded windows 7 Language Pack with a lot of language.

Bachiti has a good old Russian interface richly accepted, so I started the search for downloads windows 7 Language Pack. And here the situation is already unacceptable, it is necessary to put it only on Ultimate or Enterprise.

For Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Or Enterprise Russification can be done in a couple of clicks: Start Menu -> Control Panel, you need to select Clock, Language and Region.

Press Change display language and go to the Keyboards and Languages ​​tab.

This tab will have an Install/Uninstall Languages ​​button. Ale її was not on the scene. Having climbed the help, I found out that this function will be available only in the Ultimate and Enterprise versions.

Get a different version Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate it didn’t take long for that bazhannya. Nezabar I know the vihіd, but for whom you need windows 7 Language Pack.

You need to run cmd as an administrator and vice versa

bcdboot %WinDir% /l

Now let me explain what it means:
- Go to the directories, de-route the current files. For example, C:\languagepack\ru-RU. This directory may have a file.

First of all, you can use the Russian version if you are satisfied with the special one. completed.

Possible corrections:
there were 2 last Sony Vaio brought from the UAE

On one Windows 7 Professional on another Home Premium
offensive 64 bits
hacked the installation directly from windy

Find the cmd.exe shortcut in system32 right-click on it and select - run with administrator rights

DISM /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath: "C:"

bcdedit /set (current) locale

Replace current Required default command
bcdboot %WinDir% /l


at the appointment of the gіltsі to the registry, filling in the en-EN and ru-RU characters
revantazhiv - Russian Windows
Thanks again for the help, because I didn’t want to install it again, so like the client, we saved all the programs, and like the models from the UAE, then firewood on the offsite in Europe is not possible

1.At the root of the C drive, create the langpacks folder, which contains the ru-ru folder with
2. In Start, enter cmd --> RMB on file --> Run as administrator.
3.Vikonuemo commands (you can copy the stars):

dism /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\langpacks\en-us\
bcdedit /set (current) locale
bcdboot %WinDir% /l

If the file does not show up to the ru-RU registry, it is necessary to repeat the procedure,

Abo shukati an alternative way of Russification!


1) create a shortcut for xxx.exe
2) at the authority of the label, the tab "Yarlik", the field "Object" add through the space:
-x (abo /extract)
3) run the shortcut, select the unpacking folder (here you can find your cab).

You can order all current packages here:

As practice has shown, moving packages do not always fit. To be brought to shukati, what a pіdіyde.

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