Do you need a license for a water scooter?


Hydrocycle is a transport vehicle.

And more - a transport system that can develop great fluidity and that can be transported in a dangerous medium - on water. That's why you need a license for any kind of jet ski. A license for a jet ski is required regardless of the size or brand and the purpose for which you are riding it.

However, the most important rights to a jet ski depend on where you are riding.

No matter where you swim in water, you need to revoke your rights to a jet ski.

The type of management rights is determined according to the specific waters.

Thus, rights to a jet ski are issued for swimming in the sea, rivers and lakes where vessels do not sail, as well as rivers and lakes where

There, once you have completed your training for your jet ski license, you will be able to apply for instruction from the watercraft in a special category.

There are plenty of initial centers to show the little girl the layout, and you can choose those that are right for you. These initial centers offer instruction for jet ski licenses, various discounts, accelerated courses and other commercial offers that may be of interest to you. I'll find out about this before I get there.

Once you have completed the training, you will have to go through the process and revoke your rights to the jet ski once the result is successful.
An analogue of DIBDR for

water transport


They are the authority to revoke the rights to a jet ski.

And the GIMS patrols themselves will monitor you near the rich waters and ensure safety.

  1. Variety is indicated for 1 category. For additional category skin license +2,000 UAH. A hydrocycle is, after all, a jet ski.
  2. This is a Swedish transport system for transfer by water.
  3. It glides along the water surface.
  4. Let us briefly talk about the design of the jet ski, which uses a stationary engine to ensure internal combustion. To use a jet ski, as well as other water transport vehicles, you need a license. How can I revoke my rights to a jet ski in the most basic way?
  5. For this you need to take the course for a long time.

We hope that now you have doubts that acquiring the right to a jet ski from Moscow is the best option if you need to purchase documents.

In what situations might you need to purchase rights?

Among the most intelligent people.

  • The axle has only a few butts:
  • You bought a jet ski, and a friend taught you the miracle of keruvati.
  • Spending an hour and pennies on taking courses makes no sense.
  • You have your rights, they were taken away in the original way, but they were stolen.
  • You don’t want to report it to the police for specific reasons.

You simply don’t have enough initial knowledge, so you can take a driver’s license course. You lost your rights. When moving or simply out of carelessness.

I don’t want to take a new course.

You will need your license literally the day after tomorrow.

  • You don't have an hour to complete the course.
  • The hydrocycle is a transport vehicle that develops decent fluidity.

You can go through the process on your own, having wasted your time and money, or turn to us and lose the right to swim in waters for several days.

There are plenty of schools to demonstrate the benefits to their clients, but all the same, it is impossible to find the water, leaving the stench to spend an hour.

Please note that the security of documents in our company is a little lower than official work.

All the documents we have seen are seen legally and bear official seals, signatures, and affixed to DIMZ, which has the right to issue the signature.

Beware of scams when purchasing rights that prepare them without the participation of GIMS. The competent authority does not have the right to see documents. Call our company and contact us independently.

The portfolio of our services amounts to 12 thousand carbovants.

Advantages of our company The GIMS body is an analogue of the DIBDR. In the vast expanses of water, the body itself controls you.

As it has been successfully developed both in theory and in practice, the owner of the jet ski revokes the ship's rights of the new vehicle and the right to move on water.

You can also visit the water area in which travel on small-size Swedish vessels is permitted, and in which jet ski is registered.

What is the threat of using a jet ski without a license?

  • Driving a jetski without a license or transferring control of a watercraft to a person who has a ship's license is punishable by administrative fines ranging from 1000 to 1500 rubles. The fine is imposed in the same way as a jet ski: don't miss it
  • definition of the term
  • planned technical inspection;
  • there are no hull numbers or special designations;
  • overexerted without obvious permission;
  • There may be malfunctions that prevent operation;
  • vikorystvovaetsya about the destruction of passengers;

operated in water areas not permitted for swimming;

is treated especially as if he is in an alcoholic or drug-induced sleep.

The size of the fine in cases of crime is more likely to depend on the severity of the administrative violation.

urgently pass in the territorial GIMS technical inspection;

When driving a jet ski, the mother has a boating license.

  • Without further attention to the obligatory minds, the operation of the hydrocycle is categorically prohibited.
  • What documents should you have with you when you register to DIMZ after purchasing a jet ski?
  • During state inspection of small vessels, owners of jet skis are guilty of carrying: documents that confirm the purchase of a jet ski, may be a purchase and sale agreement or a gift. We will not tell you to take a sales receipt from a store;
  • passport of the transport authority with characteristics of Russian or foreign with added translation;
  • payment receipt

sovereign meeting

Particulars of technical inspection: if the hydrocycle has been certified by the manufacturing plant, then technical inspection is carried out before registration.

In each case, the Swedish government evaluates the validity of the documents submitted.

If the hydrocycle is not certified at the factory, technical inspection is carried out according to the approved regulations and tests afloat and on land.

  • The place and hour of the technical inspection will be agreed with the inspector.
  • Registration number
  • Registration number, according to the new rules that have come into force since 2017:

May contain 11 characters; buti application on the sides of the watercraft; mother of the image of the Russian ensign.

The height of the numbers and letter symbols is due to the standard size - 15 cm.

design features

Jet skis may not be able to accommodate the standard registration number, the size of the number may be changed due to the entry made to the ship's ticket and the small craft registry.