What arouses a woman’s feelings? Erogenous zones of a woman, what awakens a woman the most. Girls, what awakens you in boys

Recently, sexologists compiled a list of six speeches that strongly arouse people.

1. Intimate listening

This detail, according to the words of sexologists, is most important to people. It’s a big turn on if a woman reveals her dreams about sex long before the statutory act. Throughout the day, communicate with your friends via SMS-listening, in which you will tell them about all your secret worries. Be sure, for the rest of the day, your partner will think nothing more about the future relationship with you.

2. Spontaneous caresses

They are only awakened by the thought of spontaneous sex. And it’s completely uncomplicated with a casual partner.

Unsatisfactory and unplanned sex, according to the fakhivtsev, will force a person to feel under the hour of the statutory act as a minimum in the morning. Feeling that you might get caught, your adrenaline will go through the roof. Songs in the car, on the train, in nature and in the elevator will help not only to improve your sexual life, but also to turn the tables in a matter of seconds. Don’t be afraid to indulge in too much dissoluteness – people love men when a woman crosses normal boundaries in sex.

3. Woman's initiative

Men love when a woman first initiates both flirting and sexual relations. Start people if you really want them. Don’t rush your sexual desire - your partner will definitely appreciate it. At the bottom of his soul, a man wants to be in order with his wife, so as not to deprive him of maximum satisfaction from sex. Therefore, if you want to get out of the role of the “good girl”, relax and show your sense of the joy of living in the middle. It's important not to overdo it. People don’t like the supernatural wife’s activity. Still, when it comes to sex, it’s up to you!

4. Find the point you need!

Men love when a woman marries their body. Especially turn on if the partner stimulates this erogenous zone, which sexologists call “point N”. It is equivalent to the female G-spot and extends approximately in the middle of the erection between the scrotum and anus. A light massage of this area during the physical act will bring a person great satisfaction and make him even more excited. Press on this area with the pads of your fingers with varying force - the person with his emotions will show you what is best for you. Also, sexologists please do not forget about the folds of the man: the groins, the subcollars and the undersides. There are no nerve endings here. It is better to stimulate these zones with your hands and cause people to become very awakened.

5. Try pobeketuvati

Greet your man with such an unsatisfactory spirit. Play, for example, with him to unwind. Describe yourself in some sort of vaunted erotic sex.

Before speaking, many representatives of a strong status are respected for the best performance in such moments on a woman in red or black, corsets and panchos. The stench will already smell to you like a beautiful loaf of bread, which will be poured into all the sunshine. If you don’t want to bet your partner, you can indulge in sex toys. May the stinks from far away be welcomed into some quiet little corner (only the keys in the shafi are located in an easily accessible place).

6. Intimate design

People love surprises from sex. A invisible technique – cleaning the quietest part of your body. Before you go crazy, think about what design suits not only you, but your partner. According to psychologists, the most effective options for the bikini area are the heart, the kidney or the initial of its name. However, sometimes people get turned on by a modest complexion. The smut, so to speak, was unsatisfactory.


Why does the prospect of a mother having sex with the same woman make people so happy? Because when you fall asleep first, you feel a strong surge of emotions. And basic routine sex does not give such an adrenaline rush. So apply yourself to the less accessible and more accessible one. Let the man fall for you!

For those who love the whole body, this is the area of ​​sexual stimulation. Already, the feeling of laziness in the hands of the majority of women seems to cry out. It is advisable to force oneself to caress especially sensitive places, but caresses with one’s hands cannot be equal to what one can reach with one’s mouth, tongue, and lips.

Mentally, these zones are divided into weak, medium and strong. Start pestering the trail from the weak zones, moving to the strong ones. By starting to caress the fish from a strong erogenous zone, you can reduce the sensitivity of the weak one. And, however, with systematic infusion of any zone, its sensitivity moves and sensitivity can develop before the zone does not respond.

Weak areas.
Hair. It is easier to stroke, stretch, curl on the fingers and there is a slight infusion. For some, the area of ​​thyme is effective, for others it is political. Wooha. If the tongue sticks out to the edge of the ear or climbs into it, if the lips press against the ear, if the lips play with the lobe of the ear - all the same the woman cries out for love. Women who easily react to affection and affection tend to be of the easily awakened and biased type. Before speaking, the wearing of earrings by women is an indirect guess about the role of the ear, especially the earlobe, as an erogenous zone.

Kiss at the flattened eyes– this type of caresses may be known. Zir, dotik, sniff - all can react as an erogenic zone, but more often to the song and music of a person.

Erogenic zones. one of them is the front surface, which is lowered between the milky vines. For this form, make sure to cut the lines on the cloth. Moreover, one zone may be smaller. The other is more pronounced.

Hands. Especially the bottoms of women, the soft pads of the fingers. The back side of the valley, the inner side of the forearm, also extends to weak erogenic zones.

Middle zones.
Gubi ta empty company, Moreover, the tongue is more erogenic, then the lips, the mucous surface of the empty mouth. There are no differences between different types of kisses. People need to understand what is important to a friend and perfect their kissing technique. There are kisses, from which the love game begins. Kisses, which convey the anger of the body in a paroxysm of addiction, are divided into kisses of addiction, which smells. The kiss begins, and after some of the sounds they begin to calm down. Since ancient times, poetic names for kisses have come down to us, for example: “lower”, “florid”, “rubbish”, “passionate”, “shaving of pellets”, “pampering with a bud”, “nectar”, “grayly”, “royal kiss of peremozhetsya” , kiss "Pekku" from the French word "pique" - pricking the lips. For whom the tip of the tongue becomes long and thin. Gently hanging from the mouth, lightly prick around the perimeter of the lips. “Kiss of the soul” or “French” - a kiss at the mouth, sticking out the tongue of the palate, tongue, mucous membrane of the mouth. But other women don’t accept such affection. Possibly advanced, although the manner of conducting it is not inappropriate. Some people mean streaming a station kiss from a friend. The reason is often due to the lack of habits and skills. The reason may be unhygienic mouth, uneasiness, sickly appearance of teeth, odor from the mouth.

Women's breasts It is the most obvious symbol of femininity. This is one of the most intense erogenic zones. The pectoral cavity itself reacts more to the lower massage hands. The aureole of the nipples and breast nipples feel like soft drinks, and not only when a man pestles them, but often with caresses.

Some girls bring themselves to orgasm by rubbing their nipples. Mothers who are 1 year old often have a child who cries out for awakening, which can sometimes be brought to orgasm. Everything is entirely natural. The sensitivity of this zone varies from warmth without attachment to intense awakening. Nipples respond to the caress of fingers.

Smoothing, stretching, twisting nipples. When this occurs, their erection increases in size and strength, which is to say about the beginning of a woman’s awakening. The damage is much stronger, like caressing with hands, kissing the nipples of the breasts. Often, as a result of such caresses, a woman’s emotions are revealed by intense panting, trembling, shaking of the body with trembling in the physical organs. The reaction of the chest veins lies in their size.

To preserve the shape and plumpness of your breasts, women must choose the right bra and perform regular massage.

The alert zone is approaching - barrel surfaces chest, waist. which are especially sensitive to the mouth and abdominal areas. The destruction is blamed on state organs. The inguinal region is sensitive, much less so than the lower thoracic area. It is true that a woman is not at all sensitive to caressing her breasts, her groin area provides varying opportunities for stimulating the senses.

Back, kitty place- the area between the shoulder blades, the area of ​​the ridge. The Italian sculptor Antonio Canova gave special respect to the design of the women's lives. U Ancient Greece the building of the temple and the dedication of Aphrodite Kolibege (which means miraculous seed).

We thought about effective human daily routines, take that same Viagra. And the axis about women... There are, of course, a variety of drugs on the market, so-called aphrodosics, but they are far from being as effective as Viagra works on people. And the axis of this drug is a completely different story.

After a woman has taken Forte Love, she has no chance of standing in front of a man who is now in charge. Forte Love begins 5-10 weeks after taking it and lasts for about 5-6 years. The action of Forte Love does not have a negative impact on the female body.
However, libido is stimulated, blood circulation improves, and your outlook on the world becomes positive!

Inner side of the quilt responds particularly well to hand caress and to a dose of language that runs from the knees to the groin, which causes a strong awakening of both partners.

Intermediate- The area is expanded to the anus and to the small lips. Sometimes, in case of particularities, the development of sensitive nerves ends in an even restless zone, in which the woman makes it important to achieve relaxation without caressing this zone. Placing a finger on the anus area, joining with other pests, and at the hour of collapse of the penis, the problem of satisfying such wives is clearly understood.

The most active part in the formation of the statutory budgetary clitoris, small lips, entrance to the throat. The clitoris is a small, papillary-like protruding organ that is located under the fold of the acne lips in a calm state, at the place of the joint.

When a woman is awakened, the clitoris experiences an erection, like the penis of an awakened man, the head of the clitoris becomes clearly visible, the body of the clitoris pulls up the small lips, and thus the entrance to the penis increases. hwu. A dose of the awakened clitoris immediately gives women great satisfaction, the greatest desire, the greatest desire from all ears to get out of erogenous zones, which will pester.

Some people, however, find it difficult to date each other, as the woman’s vital organs are fussing, and they are still awakened by the latest love affair. Not during an erection, the clitoris often does not swell and is not visible, but sometimes the vein clearly protrudes above the ground, and in some women it is not visible during an erection. Ale are women. In some, the clitoris is not an erogenous zone and is weaker for others; in others, the caress of the clitoris triggers an orgasm without inserting the penis into the floor.

Pikhva. the lower third of the body, especially the front wall, cervix. reacts with a head rank near the influx of a stately member. This area is weaker than the clitoris area. The song, in addition, becomes part of the singing moment patrimonial nobles, and nature amusingly placed the most sensitive nerves in his posture. However, in some women the smell may be sensitive to the reaction of the clitoris or the sleeping area. I'll try to figure it out myself psychological factor igniting the body of this zone of state organs, joining with the khanim at the same time, being aware of the culpable role.

The girls' threes are wonderful things, and that's exactly what we deserve from them. Girls also fall for men and find their speeches even hotter. How can we win the respect of the girls and our beloved ones? Our human magazine has shared the secrets of yurbi wives, and we pass on this knowledge to you.

1. The man turns up his sleeves

If a man turns up his sleeves, this is appropriate for girls. The girls insist that they have the same look as the deep neckline on their men. The girls are wrapping up their man-length sleeves.

2. Spontaneously physical activity

Girls get turned on when a man spontaneously performs physical activities on them. Take the girl by the hand, hug her, touch her elbow, rinse, touch her body, massage her shoulders. Tactile touches are the basis for women’s peace of mind. The girls feel respectful and important to the man.

3. Wet man

You deserve girls in wet T-shirts, and it’s a great excuse to have wet guys. The man got wet under the board, should he leave the river or shower? Unforgettable hostility copes with a wonderful pretext. If you want to get acquainted with a girl at such a moment, otherwise your work is protected, you will be deprived of it.

4. Man from the creature

Man and dog, cats and other cute creatures? Beautiful creatures are befitting women. The man from the creature becomes an order of magnitude more attractive. The girls obviously represent a man and a child and thus make them more pliable and turn them on. Get your own dog and raise all the girls together.

5. A man at work

Girls start having boyfriends and are busy with work. You can do dishes, repair a car or work on a computer. If a man concentrates and studies, he is even more important for women. This is what the woman wants to do with his various “obscene” rights.

6. The man guesses the children

Girls love children and try on the role of father to all the people. As soon as people talk about their nephews, children of friends and acquaintances, it becomes more interesting. I can’t stop a woman’s nature. The girls begin to melt away from such a man.

7. The man is cooking

Is the man preparing food in the kitchen and should he grease the kebab? The girls have always been able to marvel at this. A man who can cook and work with tension, get unapproachable wives.

8. Human look

A sweet and respectful human look enters the leaders of speeches like getting wives. The human gaze makes the women feel marked and frightened.

9. Human kindness

The man carries his grandmother across the road, throws pennies to musicians, helps his fathers unknown to people. The kindness and kindness of the man are praised by the girls.

10. Humanity

The man looks like a skeleton. A wine of praise, calm and firm. He doesn’t laugh through his friends and looks stern. The girls are ready to dance and are ready to give in to the affection of such a man.

  • 7 Bereznya, 2019
  • Natali Michaelis

Peculiarities of measles played a major role in people’s sexual behavior. Previously, this was done purely on instinct, so that people could not control the building Vlasnі almost. However, it will be clear what the mechanism of sexual arousal in women and men is. What is the human body often afraid of? What goes into a man’s or woman’s waking life? You can find other power lines on this page from the statistics.


What does that person experience when we fall into another person? As strange as it sounds, in times of stress the stress hormone called cortisol increases in the human body. They sing that such a reaction is due, madly, to the praises that a woman or man feels before a new contact for them.

We highlight the fact that during the period of sickness among representatives of the strongest status, the amount of testosterone in the body decreases, and in women this hormone increases. One theory suggests that hormonal changes cause problems human body erase obvious effects caused by the hormone testosterone. With this phenomenon, there are no daily changes in behavior. Since a woman’s testosterone in the body increases during the hour of sexual awakening, then the stench, logically, seems to be milder. Thankfully, people, then everything will be in order, aggression may decrease. However, in the case of addiction, one cannot be afraid, not to say that everything in the body is controlled a little more easily. It’s great that within ten hours after acute illness, a person’s hormonal levels return to normal. There is no hope of these episodes if the couple continues their 100th birthday.

Kohannya - sickness

It is also evident that the World Health Organization entered the disease into the register. Experts identified a number of fatalities in this case as a mental illness. However, skin diseases have their own signs and symptoms. The kohanna smells at the feet:

  1. Strong mood swings.
  2. Intrusive thoughts about people.
  3. Sleeplessness.
  4. Self-pity.
  5. Allergy.
  6. Feels more damp and moist.
  7. Head bill.
  8. Thoughtless decisions.

Destruction among people: what is it

This process is a very difficult process. From one side, during sexual awakening nervous system begins to process information that has been rejected: the voice, the external appearance of the partner, the smell and much more. After this, the hormonal system and organ systems begin to react. In this case there is a rush of blood to the boy’s vital organs, as well as vibration natural oil from an awakened man.

The most common hormone responsible for sexual desire and human sexuality is testosterone. As people mature, the level of this hormone in the blood increases, as a result of which organ conditions develop and secondary signs are established.

Infusion of testosterone

At this time, it is important to remember that we need to get enough of the hormone testosterone, and this is why our nutrition is superb. It has been revealed that representatives of the strongest state, however, normal level Which hormone in the blood can cause a difference in libido. Before the libido, it is due to the state of awakening or craving. At the same time, if the level of the hormone is low, it is practical to immediately lead to a decrease in libido. So, a person may have ejaculation or erection, but simply don’t want to have sex. For these reasons for erectile dysfunction in men, replacement therapy with the hormone testosterone has been shown to help for a long time.

What is the main hormone of female sexuality? Many people often think that estrogen is such a hormone, but this is absolutely not true. Testosterone is also responsible for sexuality in women. In adolescent girls, the rhubarb hormone also increases, only twice as much, which cannot be said about humans, in whom it increases 18 times.

Research has shown that a change in the amount of testosterone in the blood of an excellent woman significantly reduces cravings. As far as sexual behavior is concerned, then, in addition to hormonal activity, it is influenced by other factors. Thus, during the hour of menstruation, women show the lowest level of sexual activity. This is explained by the fact that in Danish hour V female body During the day, her fertility decreases, and her restlessness decreases. And if you look at the middle of the cycle, then during this period the world of restlessness will only increase. It is explained that this is not only a sign of the hormone testosterone, but of estradiol, which also increases in the blood. At this time, it is still a matter of time to sharpen the eyes of what specific hormone is responsible for the increased desire and sexual behavior of women.

What wakes people up?

Sometimes a harsh glance is not enough to destroy the representatives of the most powerful state. A woman must take the necessary psychological steps to help prevent her from becoming addicted to breastfeeding. long time ago. Why would a person wake up the most? It’s time to show respect that this body can be provoked like a woman’s body. The main role in this is due to the surge of endorphins, which are hormones of happiness. This is the smallest part of what can wake a person up.

Officials, what to do with the pull

There are several factors that can contribute to the level of cravings in people. To secure the trace with such an official:

  1. Zorov's image. On the right is that by exposing the girl, adding a smile of some kind of stranger, as well as any other visual contact that has a sexual overtone that can destroy a person. After such signals, images of his future closeness with a woman begin to appear in his head.
  2. Destruction due to the smell. The smell of it on representatives of the strongest status is restless, surreptitious, and a natural feminine aroma exudes a similar power. Essential oil And pheromones are often included in the storage of some light poisons.
  3. Hearing. Damage to auditory communication is also possible. The sound of a name, the light whisper of a house mother, has an awakening effect for people.
  4. Gusto. Few people know that awakening can also be increased by using certain aphrodisiac products, which increase blood circulation in the body’s organs. Here you can add peas, seafood, bananas, honey and chocolate.
  5. Dotik. Naturally, the strongest awakening will be in the morning. Sometimes we talk about a natural physiological reaction. Any healthy person will get an erection after constant masturbation. Awakenings increase around the hour of arrival.

What wakes up a woman?

Now let’s take a closer look at why women are awakened. We have known for a long time that the representative of the beautiful statue is dominated by the very left ear, which gives great credit for hearing. People often say that women love woohoo. However, this is not the dominant factor in such thin super-cheeks as traction. Let’s take a closer look at what factors contribute to the wake-up call of a beautiful woman.

Zbudlivi factors

Officials, who are responding to the awakenings of the representatives of the beautiful state, are at the forefront:

  1. Kohannya. It seems like the most important alarm for wives. Girls always need kind, kind words whispered in their ears. She wins her love both in word and in deed. It’s not the person’s fault but we are stingy with generous personalities.
  2. The smell of a man. This official largely emphasizes the possibility of interaction between a woman and a man. In this section we talk about natural pheromones. If we are talking about perfumes, then it is necessary to approach it very carefully, carefully choosing your own scent. Therefore, a person may not feel sorry for such an important aspect.
  3. External look. This factor is also of great importance during awakening. A stately representative of the most powerful state to walk around gym, taking care of your body and health is already important for a woman. In addition, it is necessary to take care of your hair, nails, and clothes. A woman can be awakened by a well-dressed crib, a dark suit, an unfastened shirt, a well-dressed underwear, and much more. We also have respect for the fact that young women can be destroyed by prickly stubble, hairy and strong hands, as well as the appearance of a human haircut, as well as the rest, which is already inherent in nature.
  4. Situation. Of particular importance to the awakening is the situation, the environment and the situation. There are a lot of people who will always kick the wrong one, the arrangement of speeches is never a crime. You should also bring music there, which can add more euphoria to the woman, garne misce, delicious food, where aphrodisiacs are also found, described above.

"The kissing hormone"

Another important hormone that is involved in sexual stimulation in women and men is the “kissing hormone,” which is called kisspeptin. This hormone has recently been released. These studies, which were carried out in mice, showed that the chemical signal from the females activates different types of neurons. It has been established that the receptor for this hormone grows in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. As a result of the activation of such receptors, the pituitary cells in males begin to rapidly secrete gonadotropic hormones to control sexual behavior, as well as the function of organs. Obviously, this hormone stimulates a person to kiss, and can lead to chemical processes that lead to a strong desire for people.

About an hour later, kisspeptin also appeared in humans. Currently, the possibility of using stagnant hormones for the treatment of craving disorders in women with excellent health is being actively explored. Since pectin can regulate attraction to a partner, sexual contact and ovulation, then, in all likelihood, it can be successfully used in the treatment of hypoactive disorder of sexual appetite in women. Approximately 40% of women with excellent status would like to be involved with such a situation, and about 10% of women constantly suffer from them.


Erection in men, as well as awakening in women, begins quickly and can be maintained for a few seconds to many years. If there is insufficient or sufficient traction, an erection may persist before ejaculation. The moment of greatest tension may normally coincide with ejaculation. In essence, this is called an orgasm, which is accompanied by a sense of stately satisfaction. In the state of awakening, ejaculation lasts for 3 seconds in men and about 10 seconds in women.


Of course, we have not presented the full range of factors that influence sexual awakening among men and women. This list is sometimes individual, but depends on the specific achievements of a person. For some, physical drugs play a great role, and for others, words and smell are even more important.

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