Sandwiches on bread recipes.

Cosmetology Repair Golovna

Well, what kind

Saint's table

no sandwiches?

All our tables began to cry at the holy table to make sandwiches with sprats, sandwiches with caviar, sandwiches with red fish, so that without them the table seemed worthless.

And the lady of the land is getting ready to prepare Yuletide sandwiches for serving.

Of course, the sandwiches for the Christmas table are different from the everyday ones that I give to my people for work.

Here, the cost of the delicacy (caviar, red fish) and the method of preparation play a role.

If you are now in search of delicious sandwich recipes for the Christmas table, then you have reached out to the address.

I would like to present to your respects a selection of delicious Yuletide sandwiches, which are guaranteed to be enjoyed by all your guests.

Sandwiches with seltseed on the holy table

You can marvel at how to prepare savory sandwiches with oseledets for the Christmas table.

Sandwiches with red fish and cucumber You may wonder how to prepare Christmas sandwiches with red fish and cucumber. Hot sandwiches with sprats in the oven

How to prepare snack sandwiches for the Holy Day with sprats, tomatoes and cheese in the oven, you can marvel.

Sandwich with sardine, egg and melted cheese

If you are looking for Christmas sardine sandwiches, I just have this recipe in store for you.

It’s just right for me: these inexpensive sandwiches for the Holy Day with sardines are very simple to prepare, and the ingredients for them are simple, and the result is even tasty, beautiful and smooth.

Recipe with photos to marvel.

Sandwiches with cod liver and cucumber

How to make sandwiches with cod liver and cucumber.

Caviar caviar sandwiches are very easy to prepare, look appetizing and are even more delicious. They are especially appreciated by seafood lovers: capelin caviar is much smaller, lower salmon caviar, and also cinnamon.

The taste of such caviar is destined to be enjoyed by the most affluent guests, believe me!

Also, an appetizer with caviar and melted cheese, which I want to introduce you to today, I won’t let you down, as I say about some very local entry.

How to prepare, to marvel.

  • Sandwiches with cheese and mold
  • I wrote how to prepare savory and savory sandwiches with cheese and mold.
  • Ingredients:
  • White bread
  • Sprats in oil 1 b.
  • Chasnik 3 cloves


Ogirok 1 piece

How to prepare, to marvel.

  • Parsley
  • Preparation:
  • Dry the white bread in the oven, and when cold, rub the skin with a chameleon.
  • Spread a piece of bread with mayonnaise, add sprats and garnish with a drop of cucumber and parsley.
  • loaf
  • 1 year beryak


2 cloves chasnik


salmon fillet

Oil for lubrication

How to prepare, to marvel.

  • Sandwiches with cheese and mold
  • Cut the loaf pieces into rhombuses (or for the eggplants), brush on both sides with oil.
  • Grate the beet into a fine grater, add chasnik, mayonnaise, mix, and place on a greased loaf.
  • White bread
  • Place a piece of salmon fillet on top.


Sandwiches with sprats and tomatoes

How to prepare, to marvel.

  • Sprats in 1 jar
  • Tomatoes 2 pcs
  • Boiled eggs 2 pcs
  • Coat both sides of a piece of bread until golden brown with a little butter.
  • When the bread is ready, spread it with a thin ball of mayonnaise.


We put sprats on the bread.

Place eggs cut into thin circles on top.

Then the tomatoes.

8 small pieces of bread 200 g hot smoked salmon 120 g top syru

small bunch of crop

How to prepare, to marvel.

  • 8 skibok ogirk
  • Heat 1 tbsp in a frying pan over medium heat.
  • olive oil.
  • Place scoops of bread in a frying pan and brush on one side until crispy, about 1 min.
  • We separate the fish into small pieces with a fork.
  • The crepe is rubbishly cut.
  • Put the fish in a bowl,
  • vershkovy sire


ta crep.

Sandwiches with salmon and cheese "Holy Trojans"

How to prepare, to marvel.

  • Loaf or bread
  • Sir in Viola melting packages
  • White bread
  • Sliced ​​salmon or trout
  • Crepe and parsley


Cut the loaf or bread into pieces 1 cm thick. The bread can be made into oval or round pieces, cut into shapes or bottles.

I was looking at the lid of a cereal can.

When the pieces are ready, spread mayonnaise on them.

Using the same form, cut the cheese and salmon into pieces and place on sandwiches.

How to prepare, to marvel.

  • The sides of the sandwiches can be coated with mayonnaise and sprinkled with finely chopped sprinkles.
  • Make troyands from salmon for salmon, make troyands from salmon for salmon, garnish with parsley.
  • Wonderful recipe with photos.
  • white bread
  • watchman
  • mayonnaise 150 gr


pomegranate or other berries

parsley greenery crop

How to prepare, to marvel.

  • hard cheese 150-200 g
  • Cut the white bread into thin slices, looking like trikulets, and brush with a little butter.
  • Chasnik 3 cloves
  • Then rub with a chameleon.
  • Grate the hard cheese, spread the croutons with mayonnaise and evenly apply the grated cheese on them.
  • Arrange everything beautifully and decorate it with parsley or crops, berries, pomegranate seeds, etc.
  • Sandwiches for the Christmas table with salmon


Lightly salted salmon 200 gr

Vershkov oil 100 gr


Mayonnaise 50 gr

How to prepare, to marvel.

  • Parsley
  • Lemon
  • French baguette
  • Mix the top of the cob with butter, mayonnaise, chopped parsley and a chasnik until you get a beautiful green paste.


You can get it from a blender.

Place the baguette in portions and spread the paste on the skin.

How to prepare, to marvel.

  • Sandwiches with cheese and mold
  • Grate the beet into a fine grater, add chasnik, mayonnaise, mix, and place on a greased loaf.
  • We put fish in a bowl of salmon in the form of a trout fish and garnish with slices of lemon.
  • Pokrokovy photo recipe to marvel.
  • 1 can of red caviar


vershkova butter|mastila| 180 gr.


How to prepare, to marvel.

  • The sides of the sandwiches can be coated with mayonnaise and sprinkled with finely chopped sprinkles.
  • Cut the loaf into portioned pieces, spread the skins with vershkoy oil, then with red caviar.
  • We decorate the crop with needles.
  • Orgs 2 pcs.
  • Green cibula 1 bunch
  • Vershkovy Sir 150 gr
  • Cut the bread into pieces and dry in the oven.


If okholone, spread with top sire.

Place a sliver of tomato and cucumber on top of the sandwich, and sprinkle with finely chopped green zibule.

sprats 1 jar

tomato 1 piece

How to prepare, to marvel.

  • 1 piece
  • mayonnaise 100 ml
  • chasnik 2 cloves
  • Spread a piece of bread with mayonnaise, add sprats and garnish with a drop of cucumber and parsley.
  • French loaf
  • 2 cloves for a watchmaker
  • Mix the top of the cob with butter, mayonnaise, chopped parsley and a chasnik until you get a beautiful green paste.
  • cibula is green for decoration


Cut the loaf|cut it| with squeegees and lubricate in a toaster or in a dry frying pan.

Grate the eggs and smother the cod liver with a fork.

Combine with cheese, chopped crop and mayonnaise.

Grate the loaf pieces (behind the eggplant on two sides) and place the filling on them.

Serve, sipping on green cibul and crop.

Red rib sandwich “Rosochki”

How to prepare red rib sandwiches “Rosochki” with red fish photos

How to prepare, to marvel.

  • The sides of the sandwiches can be coated with mayonnaise and sprinkled with finely chopped sprinkles.
  • Vershkov oil
  • lightly salted oseledets
  • eggs (2 pcs)
  • green cibula (1 bunch)


Peel the salmon, fillet it, cut into small pieces.

Boil eggs cool.

Spread the bread with olive oil, pour seledets onto the animal (2 pieces of bread for 1 piece of bread).

Place all the sandwiches on a large platter and grate (in thirds) the eggs of the animal for oseledets.

Cover everything with finely chopped green zibule.

Christmastide sandwiches with salmon and egg

How to prepare Christmas sandwiches with salmon and eggs with crocks photos

How to prepare, to marvel.

  • Sandwiches with cheese and mold
  • Crispy sandwiches with shredded cheese, cheese and salted cucumber
  • Shinka
  • White bread
  • Solonium ogirok
  • Grinki


Bell pepper

The bread is cut into portions and dried in the oven until crisp.

The egg is boiled and cut into rings.

We count the number of rings and croutons, other eggs are crumbly and mix with mayonnaise. Spread the egg-mayonnaise mixture on the croutons, add shredded cheese, cucumber rings, a small piece of Bulgarian cheese and herbs for decoration. Saint's Sandwiches:

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Olga Nikitina Reading hour: 15 hvilin A A

It seems like delicious sandwiches today

proper food

- Absolutely absurd speeches.

In reality, if you turn on your imagination, guess about the calorie content and follow the tips of the fakers, you won’t be able to figure out what sandwiches are. Three ounces of creativity - and the right PP sandwiches for a savory diet snack are already on your table! statistic: What should I take for the base of sandwiches and snacks for PP? Tse is the same

Store-bought and homemade breads.

Choose the most delicious one - and don’t let yourself be satisfied!

The best recipes for healthy diet sandwiches

1. Diet sandwich

How to prepare, to marvel.

  • Whole grain bread.
  • 1 piece - tomato.
  • Not enough greenery for your taste.
  • Tuna in its juice.
  • Canned pineapples.
  • Low-fat sir-sir.


  1. Spread the bread with cream cheese.
  2. On top there is a tomato and tuna bowl.
  3. Add a scoop of pineapple and a sprinkling of greens.

You can grill a little bit until the pineapple is browned

The sandwich is ready!

How to prepare, to marvel.

  • 2. Avocado sandwich – for gourmets
  • A couple of avocados.
  • 4 tomati.
  • Greens for a luscious taste.
  • About 200 g of red fish.


  1. Bread.
  2. Using a blender, turn the peeled avocado into mousse.
  3. Mixed details of fish and tomatoes.
  4. Very crispy greens.
  5. Apply avocado mousse instead of olive oil to the bread, then with another ball - fish and tomato mixture.
  6. Let's decorate with greenery.
  7. Instead of bread, you can crust the lavash to make a dietary mini-shawarma for 2-3 servings.

Tim, whom you want to feed with bread, can be used as a basis for children’s shawarma and vikory leaves for salad.

How to prepare, to marvel.

  • 3. The right diet sandwich for lasuna
  • Greek bread.
  • ½ banana.
  • ¼ avocado.
  • Light sire, low-fat.


  1. Vanillin.
  2. Mix the cheese with vanilla and spread it on the bread.
  3. Circles of bananas and slices of avocado are beautifully placed on top.

You can have some sesame seeds.

How to prepare, to marvel.

  • 4. Diet sandwich for proper snacking
  • A couple of bowls of whole grain bread.
  • Boiled egg.
  • Greens to relish.
  • Tuna in its juice.


  1. Tomato.
  2. Rub the egg into thirds and mix with a fork and half instead of half and half. cans of tuna until smooth.
  3. Spread the sum on the bread.
  4. Decorate with a tomato ring and sprinkle with chopped greens.

Cover the top with another bread, spread with the same amount of bread behind.

How to prepare, to marvel.

  • 5. Sandwich with syringe sauce
  • Salt and olive oil.
  • Greens for relish.
  • Selera.
  • 1/2 cucumber.
  • 200 g light siru.
  • A couple of cloves of chasnik.
  • Lemon.
  • A tablespoon of hairy peas.


  1. Bread and lavash.
  2. Mash the cheese with a fork.
  3. Add crushed greens and chasnik.
  4. Everything mixes and survives with lemon juice - about 1 teaspoon.
  5. Add salt to taste, grind peas, and a teaspoon of olive oil.
  6. In a blender, beat the cucumber and top it with celery (about a teaspoon of greens), mixing with obvious madness.

Spread sumish on bread or sunbathe on pita bread or on mini rolls.

How to prepare, to marvel.

  • 6. Shrimp sandwich
  • 100 g of already peeled and boiled shrimp.
  • Boiled egg – 1 pc.
  • Avocado – 1 pc.
  • Green salad - a handful of leaves.
  • Lemon – 1 pc.
  • Pepper, salt, herbs.


  1. Half an avocado is crushed and mixed with grated egg and chopped herbs.
  2. Add a little salt, pepper and sprinkle with lemon juice.
  3. I'll take the sumish and spread it on the bread.
  4. Next, on top of the mixture, place the greens salad and shrimp on the bread.
  5. Decorate with slices of the avocado halves that were left over and lemon squeezes.

7. Trout sandwich

How to prepare, to marvel.

  • !
  • Lightly salted trout.
  • Bell pepper.
  • Greenery and chasnik.
  • Kefir and cheese are light in fat.
  • A couple of cloves of chasnik.


  1. Mix kefir and cheese until the paste consistency is achieved.
  2. Spread the pasta on the galetti.
  3. The top is covered with greenery from the chasnik.
  4. Sprinkle with lemon juice.
  5. We put a small bowl of trout and a couple of peppers for the beast.

8. Sheep's nests

How to prepare, to marvel.

  • Buns with hangers.
  • 1 carrot.
  • 1 apple.
  • Hard grated cheese.
  • Olive oil - spoon.
  • Salt and pepper.
  • Green cibula.


  1. We extract the pulp from the buns.
  2. We chop a carrot and an apple into strips - we crush them all at once.
  3. Dribnno crisscross the green tsibul.
  4. Combine the chopped ingredients, add pepper and add lemon juice for the eggplants.
  5. Now add the grated syrah and the truly crazy buns.
  6. You can sizzle the buns and the animal with cheese, then place a couple of quills in a microwave oven - or grease them on the grill.

9. Colored cinnamon sandwiches - for a positive snack!

How to prepare, to marvel.

  • Crispy dried bread made from whole grain bread.
  • Fresh carrots.
  • 1 tomato and 1 cucumber.
  • Lettuce leaves.
  • Chasnik that greens.
  • Salt, pepper and lemon.
  • Sirna is a low-fat paste.


  1. Spread the paste on the bread and add lettuce leaves.
  2. Now we add the grated carrots.
  3. On top - mugs of tomato and ogirka.
  4. We sip the greens with a chopped chasnik, pepper and salt.

10. Sheep sandwiches with turkey

How to prepare, to marvel.

  • Boiled turkey fillet.
  • Lemon, spices, herbs.
  • Bell pepper.
  • Lettuce leaves.
  • Cherry tomatoes.


  1. Pepper is cleaned and mixed.
  2. Vikoristovu is the substitute for bread and biscuits.
  3. On one half we place a leaf of lettuce, a bowl of turkey fillet and 2 halves of a cherry tomato.
  4. Salt and pepper, sprinkled with lemon.

We sizzle the beast with ore, grate it with a fine grater. The sandwich can be baked in the oven until the cheese is melted.


No meal can be done without sandwiches.

So, after all, it’s not much of a party.

If we are in a hurry or just want to have a light snack, we can simply prepare a tasty sandwich. Moreover, it is not obligatory to try any exotic products..

This oil and sir miraculously alleviates hunger.

And besides, the ingredients for a sandwich can be any kind of product.

It is enough to show a little imagination.

Here we are ready to serve you simple and original sandwiches both for the holiday table and for a snack at

  • Swedish hand
  • Various recipes for sandwiches that can be used to decorate the Christmas table even richly.
  • No one can say how much they know.
  • There are a lot of classic or traditional sandwiches that are created every day, popular among the creative minds of both professional cooks and home-cooking lovers.
  • There are plenty of original sandwiches.
  • Chasnik 3 cloves

Here I would like to present to your respects some unique recipes for sandwiches, not only for their ingredients, but also for their external preparations.
Sandwich “Sonechko”

The name speaks for itself.

These sandwiches have similar sounds on small red balls.

To prepare them, we need: Sliced ​​loaf Chervona riba (salmon, trout, pink salmon, salmon)

  • Vershkov oil
  • Tomatoes
  • Olives without brushes
  • We take the fish and water it through the brushes and skins.
  • After this we use thin skewer.
  • Cut the loaf.
  • You can buy it in the store already prepared and cut.

Apply butter to the skin of the loaf and place a sliced ​​bowl of red fish on the beast.

We cut the tomatoes in half.

Everything is ready, now you can mount the mushrooms.
Take a large flat plate and put the greens on it.

We lay out the cucumber mugs.

From previously cooked eggs, shreds and sticky mushroom legs.

  • The legs are ready to be installed on the legs.
  • Place half a tomato sliced ​​on top – a droplet.
  • Mayonnaise is applied to the tomatoes with white dots.
  • All right, the sandwiches are ready.

Sandwich "Mishata"

An original sandwich, melodiously suitable for children.

To prepare the following components:

1 piece of bread,

1 small boiled egg,

1 sausage or a bowl of boiled kovbasi,

syre, fresh green salad leaf,

This is for preparing a sandwich.

  • Obviously, as you work with them, increase the number of components by the required number.
  • We take a plate and put a lettuce leaf on it.
  • A basic sandwich made from bread, cheese and cowbass (or sausage) and put it on a plate of greens.

We cut the egg in half.

Place one half on the sandwich (you can use it for a friend to add to the sandwich).

From the top, close to the end, carefully cut the egg and insert the egg, prepared with cowbass.

So we are just shy about the nose and eyes.

  • Let's go pepper.
  • Spread a piece of bread with mayonnaise, add sprats and garnish with a drop of cucumber and parsley.
  • Tomatoes, olives, etc. - to lie under the imagination.
  • The tail is timid at the gate.
  • That's it - the sandwich is ready.
  • Hot sandwiches on the Christmas table.
  • Simple recipes

Sandwiches can be either cold or hot, or cooked in a frying pan or in the oven.

Robimo have sandwiches at the oven.

To do this, grease the sheet with oil and place it on a new loaf.

On top we put a bunch of tomato rings and cheese and cheese, greens and sausages.

Gently rub it with sire and put it in the oven.

  • Lubricate until golden color appears.
  • Hot sandwiches “Mini-Pitsa”
  • These sandwiches are perfect for pizza lovers.
  • We need:
  • Loaf – 1 pc.
  • Kovbasa – 300 UAH.
  • Mix the top of the cob with butter, mayonnaise, chopped parsley and a chasnik until you get a beautiful green paste.

Syre – 200 gr.

Marinated cucumbers (cornichons) – 150-200 gr.

Ketchup "Lecho" with bell pepper

Mayonnaise - to taste

The loaf can be sliced, or you can buy it already ready to cut.

Ketchup must be mixed with mayonnaise one by one.

  • The cucumbers are cut into circles, or into cubes, or grated into cubes.
  • We also grate the cheese into thirds.
  • The crepe is very shaky.
  • We coat the loaf bowls with a mixture of ketchup and mayonnaise, add cucumbers, cowbass and sizzle with cheese and sprinkles.
  • Place on a sheet and boil for five minutes until the cheese is melted.
  • Yuletide sandwiches on a Swedish hand.
  • Delicious and beautiful!
  • In principle, there are no specific Yuletide sandwiches.

You can put banal sandwiches with olive oil and cowbass on the table.

Golovne, how to decorate them and taxes.

And here it’s all up to your imagination, of course.

  • The presence of necessary products in your refrigerator.
  • Divovision bjilki
  • To prepare these original sandwiches, take:
  • loaf,
  • Ogirok

Sil, chasnik

Black pepper (melenii)

Roslinne oil

Syr hard (or melting) – 250 g

  • The cucumbers are cut into circles, or into cubes, or grated into cubes.
  • Chasnik – 3-4 teeth.
  • Mayonnaise, greens, black olives
  • The loaf is cut and placed on a plate.

The cheese is grated with a fine grater and mixed with a saucepan. We spread everything on the loaf, put greens on the beast. add water, and from the white, cut the fish and put it in a sandwich of some kind.

Sandwiches in a microchicken oven

It is now fashionable to make sandwiches in a micro-oven.

  • I'm squishy and hot.
  • Let's take the following components:
  • 400 g loaf
  • 200 g siru
  • 100 g kovbasi (boiled),

Pepper, tomatoes,

Mayonnaise, lettuce leaves, greens

We chop peppers, tomatoes and cowbass finely.

You can cut it into split strips.

  • Rub the syre into the third.
  • Spread the loaf with mayonnaise, add chopped tomatoes, cabbage and pepper.
  • The top is sizzling with sire.

Place the sandwiches in a microwave oven and cook for about 3 chickens.

Sandwich mobile phone

These original sandwiches will bring joy to all children and adults.

Gently rub it with sire and put it in the oven.

  • For their preparation you will need:
  • Bread (better than life bread),
  • smoked cowbass,
  • gherkins

We coat the bread with olive oil and put a small bowl of syrah on the beast, so that all the bread is covered.

From the top of the skybowl we can see the antenna.

From the cowbass we take a small orthocutaneous weed and place it at the top of the sandwich - right on the mobile phone screen.

  • The cucumber is cut into small cubes.
  • What are the buttons on the phone?
  • In principle, you can use a variety of ingredients to prepare such a sandwich: corn and peas for buttons.
  • Kiwi sandwiches
  • medium-sized city,


melting sirok,

2 tsp.

mayonnaise and black pepper.

Rub the cheese into a fine grate.

Mix it with mayonnaise and pepper.

Everything lies in the savor and fantasy.

That’s why it’s important to mention something unforeseen here.

  • So use your imagination, and may your culinary creations be acceptable and delicious.
  • Sheep sandwich on skewers
  • 100 g bread, shinki and kowbashi
  • 50 g siru
  • 6-8 olives
  • 6 cherry tomatoes

fresh and pickled cucumber


Cut the bread into small squares up to 5 cm, coat them in a frying pan.

Also cut the mixture of ingredients into small cubes: cowbass, shredded ham, vegetables, cheese, tomatoes.

  • One at a time we put bread, beef shank, then cheese, and a parsley leaf.
  • Cucumber, tomato.
  • Everything is held together with a skewer.
  • Another version of the sandwich is also served with cowbass, pickled cucumbers, cheese, olives and skewered with skewers.

Place on a plate and serve to the table.

Marmalade on skewers

Another quick recipe for dessert canapés.

Syre - 100 Gram

  • Marmalade - 100 Gram
  • Olives - 80 Gram Lemon - 1 piece,
  • Zrobiti such canapés are awkward and shvidko.
  • I’ll chop up a small piece of siru.
  • Place lemon on top, then marmalade and olive on top.
  • That's all.
  • Sandwiches with caviar
  • Sandwiches with caviar are especially tasty, especially if they are made from natural red or black caviar.
  • However, you can also use caviar such as, for example, cod.
  • Pregnant:

160 g red caviar,

150 g

tops oil

1-2 cibulini,

  • 300 g salted salmon fillet,
  • 2 fresh cucumbers,
  • 200 g low-fat siru,
  • 50 ml sour cream,
  • 2 tbsp.
  • Vershkov oil

gostrogo hron,

loaf of white bread,

greens, chalk pepper, lemon.

  • We cut the bread with skimmers and cut the crust.
  • Let's detail the greens.
  • Mix together sour cream, horseradish, cheese, and red pepper.
  • A loaf of bread is coated with top butter, or else with a mixture of sour cream and sour cream.
  • We soak in the detailed greenery.
  • We place caviar on top.

We cut the loaf and brown it in a frying pan.

Spread the sides of the bread with top butter and roll in the sprinkles.

  • On top we put syringe, caviar and one shrimp.
  • Sandwiches with red caviar and fish
  • Lightly salted salmon or trout - 200 g;
  • Chervona caviar – 150 g;
  • White bread;

Fresh crepe;

Vershkov oil.

  • White bread is cut into thin square bowls, removing the pick from them.
  • We coat it with olive oil, put a piece of fish and caviar on the animal.
  • The greenery is sizzling from above.
  • Sandwiches with red caviar and kiwi

Chervona caviar – 80 g

Sir Vershkoviy


  • Kiwi – 2-3 pieces of fruit
  • Cut the bread into circles and spread it on the skin.
  • Then we put in a spoonful of caviar.
  • We clean the caviar, cut it and place it on the caviar, ring by ring.
  • Some of the sandwiches can be made with caviar, and some can be made with caviar.

Sandwich with sessile.

Forgive and delicious recipes

  • Sandwich with semolina and melted sire
  • Lightly salted oseledets – 100 g.
  • Vershkov butter – 25 g.
  • Melted sire – 100 g.
  • Some of the sandwiches can be made with caviar, and some can be made with caviar.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.

Mayonnaise to taste.

Add the salt to the brushes and cut into small cubes.

  • Grate the boiled carrots.
  • We also grate the melted cheese onto the third.
  • Everything is fine by adding mayonnaise and oil.
  • Let's spread this amount on bread.
  • You can decorate the top with greenery.
  • Sandwich with oseledets and oseledets
  • Oseledets fillet – 100 g.
  • Black bread – 4 skibs.

Egg – 1 pc.

Fresh cucumber – 1 pc.

  • Greenery.
  • The boiled egg is cut into several pieces.
  • The cucumber is cut into slices.
  • Oseledets is clean and just cut into skips.
  • On a piece of bread we put oseledets, a cup of ogirka, and a quarter of an egg.
  • The top is decorated with greenery and mayonnaise.
  • Sandwiches with semolina and tomato
  • Black or white bread.

Oseledets fillet – 120 g.

Sandwiches “Oseledets na shubi”

  • 200 gr.
  • salmon fillet;
  • watchmaker;
  • Life bread;
  • Buryak vіdvareny;
  • 2-3 boiled eggs;
  • 1 tbsp.
  • mayonnaise;

Salt pepper;


Boil eggs and beetroot, clean and grate three.

Meni through the press chasnik.

Everything is mixed and we add mayonnaise.

You can lubricate the bread a little bit.

Eggs that are left out are cut into circles, and the egg is cut into slices. Let's start preparing the sandwiches. We spread the bread on a plate, put the leather pieces on the side of the eggs.

On top we put a spoonful of beet salad and a bowl of herring with parsley.

The sandwich is ready, enjoy your appetite!

  1. And finally, a short video about how to make a tasty sandwich with oseledets
  2. There is a myth that proper food and sandwiches cannot be eaten at the same time.
  3. It's not true!
  4. A little bit of imagination, creative fervour, a desire to understand the menu... And now on the table there are delicious snacks that don’t compromise on the taste of classic sandwiches. What do you have some ideas
  5. - Feel free to share them in the comments!

Basics for pp sandwiches

One of the main meals - why make a sandwich?

  • There are a lot of options here. These can be: Bread made from whole grain beard.

  • Then you can get more from the masu
  • spice herbs
  • , for relish and, for example, fried ruban marinated tsibul (marinated in lemon juice or apple otis, put juice slices on the animal and the sandwich is ready!

  • Vegetables are marinated, baked, dried.
  • Everything about them was just as clear.

  • One thing is to carefully prepare the ingredients, which are beyond the reach of the zukor.


Chicken or quail.

The stench will be even pre-river on children's sandwiches!

Dipping sauce.