The British are happy to control the coup in Russia.

Internet Another part of RT's investigation about those how young people begin to work the revolution on pennies , already here.:

“How to throw off a regime after an additional regime,”

fake about the fence on the sales of panties and pennies of the Diaspora in the USA

Language of opposition speech The CampСamp 2018 seminar was held at the large Yerevan Scientific and Research Institute named after Mergelyan.

The Radyansk clock produced calculating machines, and today an exhibition center is located on its square.

By the time CampСamp 2018 was held, you could only go there for the lists. At the entrance, all participants were given badges with lanyards in two colors: blue for those who allow themselves to be photographed, red for those who defend.

The apologies for the “anger” were immediately written on the walls of the toilet.

However, the tidying lady did not initially understand the “trendy” idea of ​​one of the activists “to take over gender toilets.” While cleaning up the collection room, she threw out propaganda stickers and brochures. The very next day, when I came in, Prote informed me that it was intolerant to come in.

The opening speech of the organizers began like this: “Vibacht, we say Russian, not everyone can be accepted.”

During Sargsyan’s presidency, engaging in political journalism in Virmenia “was difficult and pointless,” said Mikael Zolyan, deputy of the National Assembly of Virmenia from the My Krok bloc, an expert at the Prazk Civil Center.

The locality of the revolution, in his words, gave impetus to the development of ZMI. CampCamp speakers revealed a universal scheme for spreading protest sentiments throughout the world. Pershoradne zadanya of the organizers of the coup - getting to the street appearances of the supporters


The head editor of the newspaper “Gyumri-Asparez” Levon Barseghyan gave this recommendation to the audience.

The secret of a successful revolution, in the opinion of a Ukrainian journalist, is unforgivable: children going out onto the streets results in a protest from their fathers. “Who do you think has become the biggest enemy of the youth?

- Fathers!

And when they realized that the children would not turn around, the stinks went before them,” Barseghyan predicts the “oxamite revolution” in Virmenia in 2018.

“Help can be received from behind the border”: the Ukrainian diaspora in the United States, according to Barseghyan, was pushing for financial assistance.

They transferred money to bank accounts, which were published on Facebook.

On your thoughts,

Today there is the greatest chance of achieving a change of power with the assurance of the Virmensky evidence of the Belarusians.

His lecture “Hope versus Apathy” does little to prepare the audience for the fact that a change in power is a race to “long distance”.

And the spectators of the “Maidan” also have to cope with emotional struggles, especially after many fateful struggles. This special proof will be useful to activists from Russia and Kazakhstan, says Ivan, that changes in power in these countries may last for many hours.“Vigoryanya through a few rocks - everything can return to normal, and again you think about emigration.

And people think, and you yourself.

No one is ready for the long corridor.

No one is ready to run long marathons.

Everyone wants a short run. The great powers - Russia and Kazakhstan - will be stronger long way


And, perhaps, longer, lower, our whole life,” Ivan respects.

From psychological and philosophical passages to political rhetoric.

“You are already involved in politics.

If you want a change, that's it. Nutrition lies in how you work systemically.) everything is clean - it’s not wrong.

“Praza has a huge forum, and there the main force was that huge activities have no reason to be afraid to go to the authorities, because they will stink in politics if they engage in guest catering.”

“It’s not fashionable to be against Putin yet”

We talked at CampСamp about Russia. A lecture on this topic was given by the head of the St. Petersburg movement “Hour” Mikola Artemenko.

« I started my speech out of doubts about protests in St. Petersburg against the transfer of St. Isaac's Cathedral to the Russian Orthodox Church.

For example, our activist is lying on bags with dollars in his cassock - “I want more,” such a parody of our rich members of the Russian Orthodox Church.

They held such impromptu referendums - they stood on the streets of the city, asking the citizens to vote on who should sit in the cathedral.

And in the future we saw the action “Blue Ring” - in front of the cathedral, to show that we are rich

", - like Artemenko.

The fact that “the governor decided to freeze the food” is important to Artemenko, including the merit of the activists.

“Stories like this can motivate us,” he says.

The speaker described the problems that oppositionists face today: “Vlada has begun to seriously tighten the screws,” “the fines could be greater,” as a result, “they have begun to be afraid of activism.”

The way out of this situation, Artemenka thinks, is to carry out “less traumatic campaigns, for example, “18+” throughout Russia.”

“18 rocks under power, how many are possible?”

- Artemenko asks. It is also true that NGOs are asked about the “feudal fragmentation” and the need for all opposition organizations to unite.“I don’t understand this, Russia has a lot of NGOs, some small and some big, just like Memorial.”

I don’t want to feel overwhelmed - the more ruins, the better. Unity is required for a specific task: St. Isaac's Cathedral, presidential elections. And he himself said: “Having made the political process fashionable, having taught yourself fashionable people who do everything beautifully, it’s good to admire them, it’s good to hear them. It has also become fashionable for Virmenia to fight against Sargsyan.».

It’s not yet fashionable for us to fight Putin, but it’s fashionable to get cozy

Filled with the flow of his thoughts, he stared at the future: “Well, besides Putin, the system is not a mercy.

Without Putin, the system will be different.

If Medvedev had come, the system would have been different, more beautiful.

I will say a seditious speech, do not quote me: as soon as the Communists come to power, they will expect positive changes in Russia.”

Then Artemenko made an uncontrollably alarmist statement: “Everything is going to the point of blocking the Internet in no time.

We don't have a lot of great potential.

The business may be closed.

It turns out that for whom it is not enough to earn money, and what is most necessary is not to work for nothing, which, it seems, is a balm on the soul of the Russian people, truly forever and ever, Amen!

Oh dear, we DO NOT need the Maidan.

Going out and gathering more than three is not required! There is no need to join such gloomy and cheerful parties, where there is no need to pay the hated deposits. The entire mechanism of the new delegitimization of power will be based on simple speeches, such as enormous rebellion, for example. Sense to fight corruption and suppress don't take it

if it is possible to burn out activity and not give anything to anyone (not a borderline breakdown, i.e.


Vlada doesn’t have to work for anything, okay, but we don’t have to pay for everything.

The world is in crisis and the country's budget is bursting at the seams, and even at this hour the report is intensifying. First of all, you need to pay Gazprom for gas..

You won’t be deprived of the credit facilities themselves, even if the mail and mobile operators don’t give a damn.

What are they doing?


On the fourth, taxes for inviolability.

Do not pay unambiguously, payments will not be published until the hectares of fur-bearing goods industry

By the way, tyutyun and alcohol.

Should we stop drinking and burning?

It’s not good, but I doubt it among the majority of spivvitchisniks.

Quote: “There are many people in their 60s who thought that pop music could change the world, but many still don’t realize that they can’t.

Ale meta music, as if it were some kind of mystery with political overtones, remember not the world, but look at the people, determine the hour in which we live, and, perhaps, create such rows as we seem to imagine again, at another moment in history , as then , if Barack Obama quoted Sam Cook at Grand Park.”

Henry David Thoreau, "Grand Rebellion"

Henry Thoreau was a poet, philosopher, abolitionist and transcendentalist, one of the most important thinkers of the 19th century. In his 1849th century, he presented smoldering examples of both individual protests and mass revolutions. This book inspired more than one generation of nonconformists to fight against the Svavilians: Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King came before Thoreau's followers.

The writer himself was overwhelmed by the origins of slavery, unjust wars and other

global problems


He expressed his thoughts about these lawlessness at the lecture “Rights and obligations of an individual before the state”, and then organized them in the whole.

James Jasper, "The Mystery of Moral Protest"

Princeton University Professor James Jasper in the text The Art of Moral Protest: Culture, Biography, and Creativity in Social Movements presented his commentary on the subjective side of protest.

Jasper explored how changes in life are related to the lives of each individual, what role people play in social breakdowns, and how a few can lead millions.

Surprisingly, the special aspect is often ignored in theories of collective protest.

Quote: “Individuals often provoke small changes, many of which are widely spread, and this is entirely relevant to the cultural context. The mutual interaction of the cultural paradigm will ensure a unique process of reasoning.” Justin Wintle, “The Life of Aung San Suu Kyi”

Opposition politician in Burma and laureate

Nobel Prize

Aung San Suu Kyi is one of the most important articles of modern politics.

Quote: “The revolution is not tied to ideology, it is not attached to ten years.

Vaughn is eternal, because it is tamed to the human spirit.

If all today's changes become outdated, revolutionaries will lose the same thing as reactionaries.
Every single rational argument will not help us decide which one we may sooner or later accept.

“I am still convinced of the fundamental injustice of the capitalist system and am in no mood to say that the distribution of the poor and the rich is eternal.”

Vin simply describes the MECHANISM of preparing the children of future revolutionaries.
Ruinivniki, the rich meat of the sovereign coup.

Ale everything is fine. The beginning of the best leaf": To Mikolo Viktorovich, good afternoon!

My name is Grezin Andriy Yuriyovich, I’m from Tomsk.
I'm a radiophysicist by trade, but I didn't have a chance to practice.

I have my own business and in my job I regularly interact with young people.

Both from specialists and from buyers.

Today we come into contact with approximately 2 – 3 thousand Tomsk residents.

And so the remaining 20 years will continue.

The degradation of the willpower and moral values ​​of young people has made me less interested in learning from nature’s nutrition. The formation of protest sentiments among the youth among the middle class, the insanity of young brothers and the fate of the coup d'etat were revealed by the Lanzug. The war for those who grew up from Russian children - the henchmen and burial grounds of Russia, is going on today.

Russia is losing this war on all fronts.
Disorganization of children's education processes in Russia - axis
3. The people are hovering and ready to commit mischief.
Even a revolution is not an illegal act.
4. Guilty citizens will be punished for their crimes.
5. The citizens may have their stomachs shaped to a violent form of nutrition.
6. The citizens may have a strong desire to comply with the laws.
7. The guilty people will feel fooled.

8. The citizens are guilty of knowing exactly who is a liar, who is guilty, who is a thief.

There is a wide spread idea that for this revolution to take place, a well-organized political force is needed, adjusted to this effect by the revolution itself, and at the same time, money and other resources.

Nothing like this is needed for a revolution.

The coming of the revolution practically cannot be delayed depending on how well organized the political force is, how many cronies there are in it, how much they are afraid and afraid to go out into the streets, otherwise they stink It’s our habit to sit in our huts and quietly mutter to ourselves under the nose

The revolution fizzles out when the old domineering political and economic system survives, and comes into disrepair when the power within the old system becomes ineffective and loses the ability to hold power.

If the old system survives and becomes obsolete, there is an objective need to move to a new system, there will be new social, political and economical news, regardless There are various political forces.

It doesn’t matter whether any organized political force is geared towards revolution, it doesn’t matter whether supporters of the revolution walk the streets here, or sit in booths armed with forks and spoons.

This, of course, influences the flow and results of the revolution, but practically does not influence the very idea of ​​the revolution. A revolution is not a popular action, as the politicians believe. This is not an insurrection, not a pogrom, not an assault on the order - all statements about the revolution are absolutely illiterate.

Revolution is a change in suspense-political

economic system

To be clear, let's look at the 1991 revolution.

What was the fate of the 1991 revolution?

Yes, it did. The planned economy was transformed into a market economy. The one-party system was replaced by a rich party system.

The Radyan system of power was replaced with a new one,

presidential elections

and the bicameral parliament.

Until 1991, most of the power was sovereign - after 1991, it was transferred to private hands.

The country passed from socialism to bourgeois democracy.

This revolution itself is a change in the entire system – economic, political, social.

How did this revolution turn out?

Who's working?

What was the fate before 1991 that the political force was organized and organized in a revolutionary way?

In the vast expanse there is no revolutionary political force. In the middle of the KDB and the CPRS there were ceremonies, adjusted to the ruin of the Radyan system and the transition to bourgeois democracy, they appeared long before 1991, but the suspense-political force, adjusted to the revolution and took The people did not sleep with the revolutionary extinguishers. The prologue to the revolution was the adoption on June 12, 1990 of a declaration on the sovereignty of the Russian Russian Federal Socialist Republic, according to the deputies who voted for this declaration, who did not understand everything, so that they could wait until the revolution.

But if they understood, then not everything.

The revolution of 1991 was started by the government itself, starting with Gorbachov, the president of the USSR, and ending with Yeltsin, the president of the RRFSR.

І participants of the DKPP (and they were high-ranking officials), whether they wanted it or not, but also worked for the revolution.

And a lot of other representatives of the government were robbed.

The Ministry of Gas Industry was reorganized into the Gazprom concern for the sake of the ministers back in 1990 - this was a revolutionary re-creation, partly in the process of transition from the Radian planned economy to the post-Radyan market economy ї, from power to private power.

The revolution of 1991 was created by the power of that elite, and the revolution was burning, which the people were involved in only once, when they held a rally in support of Yeltsin at the sickle of 1991.

Ale tse buv lishe episode.

There was no need for the desperate public political force that would have been preparing the revolution at such a desperate hour and leading the crowds of people with banners through the streets. The people were brought to the rally already at the hour of the revolution, when there was such a procedural necessity, in order to ensure support for the new government and give the revolution legitimacy. There was no need for the army to rebel and the army to storm.

Gorbachov offered his duties entirely voluntarily.

The evil was put into action in 1993 when the Verkhovna Rada was shot - the chain was part of the revolution of 1991, but now the final one.

This was the liquidation of the surplus of the old system.

For what it's worth, I'm against it

Verkhovna Sake

the president stagnated, and not NATO’s revolutionary plans.

In 1991, dissatisfaction among the people had already disappeared, social protest had disappeared, there was dissatisfaction with the government, the system, dissatisfaction was growing stronger, the protest was not formed into any kind of strong organization of the movement, which walked the streets in stringy rows with posters and this I'll save more.

Dissatisfaction in 1990-91 rocks was unorganized, divisional, kitchen, home, store, smoking.

However, it turned out to be enough for a million people to gather in support of Yeltsin in 1991, but none gathered against Yeltsin to support the State Emergency Committee.

The concentration of dissatisfaction in the country in 1991 was so high that people flocked to Yeltsin’s rally for the first call, not even understanding what this was all about and what it would lead to Enu.

The old system survived, the people recognized it and followed the first ones who introduced the new system.

Under the old system, what needs to be understood here is not socialism, but the specific system of government and commonwealths that took shape in the USSR before 1991.

And she truly lived for herself.

The partelite degenerated and turned into a peasant bourgeoisie, as it could not and did not want to maintain the socialist system with a planned economy in the old way.

The planned economy was not connected with the cooperative system, the guilds, and the partelite established in the wealth department.

The socialist system did not join forces with the Radian bourgeoisie that arose in the ranks of the CPRS.

Until the end of the 80s, the system became internally super-sensitive and completely lived in the way it appeared.

Political parties, revolutionary sub-populations, rallies, demonstrations, sealed carriages, Bolsheviks, Mensheviks, Socialists, soldiers and sailors, terrorist bombers - all this, beyond the Great Rakhunk, everything else.

This flows into the very course of the revolution, which will proceed quietly and loudly, which will take place at the walls of parliament and on the streets, which will die on the day of the revolution and then later, when the new government completely purges the old.

And whoever thinks that the 1991 revolution is a rare culprit, and all other revolutions work on organized sub-populations and formations of the like - no, not so. The revolution of 1905 began in what is known as the Crooked Week. Who organized this?

The movement of the robot workers was organized by the priest Gapon, who was appointed by the authorities to the professional assembly to prevent revolutionary activity.

The Bolsheviks and other revolutionary forces coordinated before organizing any move

practical relationship

Don't worry.

As a matter of fact, the Bolsheviks considered this movement to be counterproductive.

This is a clear example of how a revolution begins without any difficulty - without trying or losing.

And here there are parallels with the State Emergency Committee, which was trying to avoid the collapse of the SRSR, but by its own actions hastened it. The Lute Revolution of 1917 rock is another butt. Mikol decided to swear to the son of his powerful generals, respecting that in such a manner they would protect the monarchy and stability in the country. І Rodzianko, who took his fate from the military, also came out of it. It seems like they were fighting for what they were fighting for - they ran into them.

And this is actually completely natural - if the system becomes unusable, any mail can get it, and with this mail it is most often the case that the system's users try to screw it up.

Lenin did not plan to seize power by force, he decided to take away the majority in the Installation fees, but did not manage to earn it.

It was not the Bolsheviks who called for the dissolution of the Constitutional assemblies - it was the sailor Zheleznyakov, an anarchist, who dissolved them.

The deputies sat for a long time and were tired of waiting for the smells to go away.

Being the chief of the war, sailor Zheleznyakov in the dead of night simply warned the deputies to disperse, sending a message to those who were on guard.

Lenin also recognized this as a fact.

If you go through all the over-insurances of the revolution, it is easy to see that if at the time of the revolution the government was a little dead, then there would be no revolution.

As if in the cruel fate of 1917 Lenin had already lost his independence from Switzerland, and from Russia was not ready for the revolution.

It is as if he had lost the Timhour order - Lenin would have lost it from Finland, where he moved from Rozliva, from the famous kuren.

And Trotsky would have lost his life under arrest.

If they showed up at the Assembly meeting, they would praise the necessary decisions and would not sit until late at night when the sailor Zheleznyakov asked the deputies to leave.

If the capital's government in 1905 had been reasonable, it wouldn't have put Gapon in charge of the workers' leadership, and Mikola could have simply accepted the delegation and listened to what they could - and the Crooked Week would not have happened.

And in 1991, the Radyan system emerged in the short term, as soon as the State Emergency Committee had become disbanded - Yeltsin would have been arrested and the revolution would not have started again, accepting the fate that seemed to be the result.

All known revolutions have been rooting us forward through the inadequacy of the old government, through the unsustainability of the old management system, through the fact that the old system has outlived its usefulness.

As long as the system is alive, it will be more vulnerable to any attacks, which means that there is a significantly greater resource, not even revolutionaries.

If the old system ceases to function, it will inevitably have to be changed, and walking around the streets with banners, or sitting at home on the sofas is already details.

If a car breaks down and it becomes impossible to quickly fix it, it has to be changed regardless of what kind of water there is with passengers, and if you want it, then it’s been a long time and it’s very obvious.

There is no need for hard resources to create a revolution.

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