Botanical and folk names of medicinal plants. Charming herbs of Russia

Syn.: tenacious, domestic tsibul, zavzhzh live, stribki, wild chasnik, stepov turnip, wild artichoke, fireweed, thunder grass, tenacious fireweed, etc.

Bagatoric herbaceous plant, full of succulent leaves. Reveals values jubilant power, topical, antispasmodic, analgesic, disinfectant, antiscorbutic, early treatment, sedative, etc. Grow yak decorative plants.

Therefore, after many centuries, the victories of the peoples were created mainly as comfortably and cheerfully as the people's spirit gradually molded them. If you tell people the name of the herb, you mumble, it’s more fun - it’s more flavored, and it hurts more. A popular drink on the grass can often evoke a smile, but also a warm spell. Holy Nights, if those who are good were able to stand for us and help us. Legendary herbs that are recognized by botanical claims have been around forever.

Latin names, but they stink great quantity synonyms - folk music, formerly widely popularized, both regional and local. And there are 40, some and 50 folk genres that often overlap! It’s also not surprising that there was a rogue in the Gospel. In this book you will find a list of perfumes of living plants with many synonyms. The rings are arranged behind the alphabet. These are folk, unofficial, half-planted. with small writers - after slang is given by the most common poet. Czech botanical name.

Feed the experts

In medicine

Young Russian - a non-pharmacopoeic plant, it is not stagnant in official medicine, it continues to be popular among folk healers different countries, as it is used in case of fever, varicose veins, diarrhea, cardiovascular diseases, illnesses of diarrheal roads and oral emptiness.

After sleep, all the names of people are written after them. Here you will find the popular names of the most important herbs, popular and popular. Some exotic herbs are over-perfumed with those who. the stench was part of the old recipes, and the stench was preserved over time. weed those with whom we grow today. So the benefits of food and mineral preparations are overexposed more than once. Because the stench is unforeseen and we have reached our knowledge about the rich land. It's disgusting, literally boring, because it stinks. People's creativity is working steadily.

It is also clear that young Russians are becoming interested in homeopathy as a remedy for menstrual irregularities.

Contraindications and side effects

Growing up during pregnancy, breastfeeding and breastfeeding for a child is extremely undesirable. Also, experts do not recommend stagnating the plant in case of individual intolerance or allergic reactions.

For a useful and practical use of the 32 selected passwords, they are clearly described, and certain herbs are depicted not only from the vantage point of the herb, but they are simple, inexpensive, and more effective. cosmetic and culinary needs, a little interest in the history of herbs, history. about choice, drying, gifting, and sometimes about change. This book about herbs is not a scientific part. You will know the results of current herbal research, and you will also know those who work. we tried our ancestors and those who today are called by us as a message to the people.

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, the Russians have been youthful for a long time: the beauties of ancient Kiev have stove the roses for a natural blush on the cheeks. The energizing effect of fresh herbs is currently being tested in spa salons for various cosmetic procedures, especially for removing gussets and pigmented stripes.

Wisdom. The text is organized around simplicity, accessibility and prices medicinal facilities without jeopardizing its remarkable vitality. For skin herbs it is recommended to Mozhlivy drug in front of her. who buys it in the pharmacy. Without good people It was impossible for me to write a book until now. you see. Part of the publication consists of small grass with specific indications of its growing shoots.

Herbaris planted Eliza Ozheshkova

Eliza Ozheszkova, a Polish writer of the day of positivism, spent many summer months wandering around Grodno with rural localism. Under the hour of these mandrivoks, she spoke with the nobility and the peasantry. The guards were removed from the creation of one of the most famous novels of Nad Niemnema. The negotiations covered all aspects of Pidgrodsky's life. Access to academic medicine, to doctors at that time was literally limited. This allowed good knowledge about herbs, especially among herbalists who were engaged in this profession.

In other areas

Young Russian flowers have decorative significance. Back in the Middle Ages, the population of Europe planted algae in the gardens of budinkas all over the surface. At this time, other species are also bred for decorative purposes (juveniles, caucasians, girskas, hybrids, dwarfs, pavetinists, etc.).


Young Russian (lat. Sempervivum ruthenicum) - to last until birth Young, or tenacious (lat. Sempervivum), family Tolstyankovyh (lat. Crassulaceae). There are approximately 30 species of rich herbaceous growths, which are especially widespread in the regions of warm, dry climates: in modern Europe, Western Asia, and southern Africa (1 species). U to the greatest extent of the SRSR– 15 species, in the European part and in the Caucasus (Caucasian juvenile – Sempervivum caucasicum). European Russia has 2 species, the Russian one (lat. Sempervivum ruthenicum).

Often times secret knowledge, what is transmitted by word of mouth to mouth folk tradition often associated with magic. In order to gain knowledge about this, it was necessary to win the sympathy of folk healers, and it was possible to reject Eliza Ozheshkova. In order to preserve the popular names of native plants, Eliza Ozheshkova created a herbarium.

The herbarium has been well preserved, bound to a rigid frame covered with dark blue linen. Place 280 roslins on 120 sides with sheep, leaving 23 sides empty. On the first title page there is a flower composition, and on the upper part there is a handwritten inscription: Zelnik Eliza Ozheshkova. At the bottom right corner, the author guessed the names of the villages from which the forest crops grow: fields, onions and foxes, as well as the following places: Minevitse, vul. Najana, Khledovich, Koshuv, Ponemun, Khorni and Kolpaki.

Botanical description

The Russian-rich herbaceous plant grew young. Nekvіtuchi pagoni at the appearance of kulyasty sockets. Leaves are simple, succulent without leaflets, chergove, gole, dovgasto-lanceolate; the lower ones are in a thick root rosette, often bows and suggest thick cabbage swings. Numerous round daughter rosettes appear in the leaf axils, which settle along with the mother rosettes and, at the same time, often create succulent growths on the surface of the soil. Flower-bearing stalks with curls up to 40 cm, also made from black leaves. The cells are actinomorphic, cyclic, both articles, 6-16 members, yellowish, erysipelas, or purple, collected in the corymbose-constrictor cluster. The androecium is 2-circular, the number of larvae is twice as large, and the number of petals is lower. The gynoecium is apocarpous. Today the rudiments are numerical. At the base of the carpel there is a nectar bud. The plaid is richly leafy, covered with glossy hairs. Before the flowers are released, the flowers are lit up with curls. Flower once in life (in linden-sickle), after fruiting the growth dies. Reproduces with additional stolons. It is very easy to hybridize both in nature and in culture. Nina is of all sorts.

On the skin side there are 3-5 lines, signed with Latin, Polish and folk names. Most of the plants have no roots, only fragments of stems, stems with flowers and leaves attached. The first sides of the plant, most likely, are glued together in the order of collection without taxonomy. In another part of the herbarium, the growths are completely preserved and collected in thematic groups, such as ferns, dry foxes, bushy plants or different views, which will lie down to that very generation. This system shows the contribution of Jerzy Oleksandrovich, professor of botany at the Head School, and then at the University of Warsaw, with whom Eliza Ozheshkova leafed through the herbarium.


Found in the European part of Russia. The growth of this species in the mountains, forests, on dry forests, forest ridges and knots, rocky areas, and sometimes in rare pine forests, often occurs at the exits of weeds along rapid rivers. Ichkovyh shores. Our region has up to a large number of regional Red Books (Bilgorod, Bryansk, Volgograd, Kaluz, Kursk, Lipetsk, Penza, Rostov and Saratov regions). There is also an increase in a number of specially protected natural territories in Russia.

The herbarium has no importance when the writing is interrupted and planted in the album. The period in which the herbarium was installed can be determined with high confidence based on the analysis of the leaves of Eliza Ozheshkova. People's names The pasted-up copies were an important piece of writing for two village women: Lyusya from the village of Khledovich and Hanulka Visokiy from the village of Panchana, for whom she spent many years speaking on the topic of herbal medicine. Ozheshkova people and kviti above the Neman River. The selected page of the herbarist Eliza Ozheshkova was preserved in Poznań.

Regions of Russia on the map of Russia.

Preparing cheese

The medicinal syrup is freshly rejuvenated leaves, collected at the time of flowering growth (in linden-sickle). They do not stockpile leaves of young Russian leaves.

Chemical warehouse

Chemical warehouse Roslini dosit reported Vivchali L.A. Gumenyuk and yogo group (1970, 1971, 1972), as well as Gnidkov, Shreter (1977).

There are a lot of popular names to place an indication on the therapeutic value, magical sensation and based on appearance, behavior under the hour of birth, color or similarities with other organisms or speeches. Another butt is Khusin’s legs, and the legs of a goose are a primary mimic, the leaves of which resemble the legs of geese in shape. The charming name is Rahulka, which means croissant.

Sasanka was called a pause in sleep through the characteristic, “fluffy” fruit heads. Most often, the sacred names were used by the plant for specific purposes of liturgy. We are talking about those that were connected with the creaking and were actually vikorized as beer for children in case of hoarseness. Canned plants, their popular names, which indicate that they are frozen, are an important piece of ethnopharmaceutical information. Analysis, basis on literature from pharmacognosy, active substances that are found in different types of plants, preserved in herbarium, often confirming the contamination of their vicinity during the treatment of illness, for which stench was vikori become like that.

The aerial part contains: phenol carbonic acids (kavova, 1,4-dicaffeoylquine), coumarins, flavonoids (kaempferol, quercetin, 3-galactoside quercetin, rutin, astragalin, 3-glucoside isorhamnetin, 7-glucor unine 7 acids (citric, malic, sorrel ).

Pharmacological authorities

Young Russians show expressions of medicinal action, including analgesic, disinfectant, early treatment, soothing, anti-inflammatory, antiscorbutic, etc. In addition, rosemary has a detoxifying effect.

Little periwinkle Vinca, like a charming herb, weakened the person to take it, it contains vincristine and vinblastine, antimitotic alkaloids that are currently being used in oncology. The group of names indicates the flowering period associated with the harvest period. The source of this is the hydrate of Svaatojn grass - konik, the final color of which comes from the grass. In some cases, flowering plants in the spring were attributed to the same name as Lada, the name of the goddess of spring, for example, parkan, split-grain peas, yellow peas.

Zastosuvannya in traditional medicine

In traditional medicine, the Russian youth is becoming increasingly reluctant to do it widely. For example, folk healers recommend taking the young leaves with pureed juice or honey for heart failure. In addition, drugs based on rejuvenation in folk medicine are effective against fever, varicose veins, diarrhea, cardiovascular diseases, as well as ailments of the wild roads, viral stomatitis, sick menstruation, etc. Ilepsy and worms. The infusion of the leaves of the rosebush is used to treat the sickness of the eyes and vuh. To rinse your mouth with a liquid of rosemary when you have thrush. Also, vikoryst leaves are more effective against hemorrhoids, calluses on the feet and warts. This remedy also helps with coma bites. Sumish of detailed leaves, honey tops oil to heal the cracks on the breasts of women who are about to age. Apply ointment from crushed leaves and pork lard to the wounds so as not to burn for too long. The juice of fresh leaves with honey or olive oil is also used as a soothing, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying remedy for snake bites.

It is possible that they looked like one. Serpen was the month of Marian, and flower growth at that hour was often attributed to the borrower of Marian. Such is the right of the great people to whom the people gave the name of the lord Holy Mother of God. The cultivation of these herbs was the result of the belief in magical power that was attributed to the plants. This illustrates the strong connection between the light of faith and the light.

Ovocheve then the rural population. The story of the Poznań herbalist Eliza Ozheshkova. The writing itself spoke several times in its pages, the most important value for it lay in the saving of folk names and their significance in the life of the rural people. This is a great emphasis on folk nomenclature in the name of Latin and Polish names. Ozheshkova, in order to select the correct professional names, as she thought for the experts in the field of botany, biology, medicine, such as Antoni Llosarski, Witold Wobblevski, Edmund Jankowski or fortune-telling J.

Young Russians are widely interested in home cosmetology. For example, detailing the leaves or sik, mixing with Oliya or with lard, vikorist to remove warts, gusset, and also for blue stains, stains and various skin stains. To remove warts, you can also extract fresh juice from the leaves of the plant. With the help of leaves, the leaves were young to wipe the skin after a painful stay in the sun. And apply the juice of the rose leaves to your face in the evening to give freshness and blush.

Oleksandrovich and others. The writer was just an amateur in this regard, an amateur who is engaged in ethnobotanical research, and her herbarium has great educational value, demonstrating the floristic wealth of the area around Grodno. The algae herbarium preserved in Poznań contains almost all of the species that are preserved, but are rarely grouped together.

The herbarium is not the only one that was created at that time in Poland. Representatives of the physiographic movement, which was intensively developing at that time, wanted to create this kind of collection. However, Eliza Ozheshkova was one of the leading representatives who were already actively engaged in this type of activity, as can be seen from the extensive accumulation of wonderful experts on the topic of J. Cream of popularization of fruits, Ozheshkova botany and all scientific merits. People go to the Vistula Niman.

Historical background

Young Russians have been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. The opposite powers were described in Serednyovichi by the French pharmacist Odo in his poem “About the Power of Herbs.” The ancient Greeks used wine to rejuvenate their youth when they were severely weaned off. The Serednyovitch was interested in preventing evil spirits from appearing in this place, saving from chaklunnosti and finally protecting the booths from the sparkler, for which the growth was planted on the sides.

History of the Herbarium of Eliza Ozheshkova

Name it Likarsky Roslin, History of natural flowers, edited. Polish biographical dictionary, edited. Previously, rural people learned about growth due to harm. They never wrote the desired word, their knowledge created traditional medicine With some mystical elements. Herbal healing was often the hidden proof of doctors and herbalists, which was easy to recognize. Persha is necessary for the mind - to fit into the heart of herbalists and trust. Then she published the results of her “field research” in the magazine “Visla” with the cover title “People from the Neman region.”

The name of the genus Sempervivum is similar to Latvian. "semper" - "before", "vivum" - "alive" for the creation of leaf rosettes to save life in important minds. The popular English name for the young is “Hens and Chickens” - “quack and chicken”. This is due to the fact that at the moment of flowering, the plant effectively produces a flowering plant, marked by numerous curls.

In, Grodno, Wroclaw, Warsaw and London. The herbarium of Eliza Orzeszkowa from the special collection of the Poznań Association of Friends of Art and Science in Poznań was given 120 olive numbered pages. The top handwritten inscription: “Herbarium of Eliza Ozheshkova” and “From the fields, onions and forests of the Niman region: Minievich, Bdani, Khledovich, Koshuv, Ponemun, Khorni and Kolpaki.” There are 3 to 5 copies of the skin side, all of them are designated by Latin, Polish and trivial names.

There are a lot of popular names of herbs. Signs of confirmation and mystical significance. The stench indirectly indicates the appearance of growths, the similarity of another organism and speech. Close to 5% of obvious names. Faith is strong in the magical power of quotes. This shows the light of our species and the light of our religion and wildlife.


1. Biological encyclopedic dictionary/Gol. ed. M. S. Gilyarov) 2nd view, corrected. M: Glad. Encyclopedia 1989.

2. Byalt V.V., Gapon V.N., Vasilyeva I. M. Borodnik // Sedum, those other tovstunov were rejuvenated. M. 2004. 270 p.

3. Gubanov, I. A. ta in. 712. Sempervivum ruthenicum (Koch) Schnittsp. et Lehm. - Rejuvenated Russian, or Sempervivum Russian // Illustrated source of the Roslins of Central Russia. U 3 t. M.: T-vo nauk. view. KMK, Institute of Technology. isl., 2003. T. 2. Pokrytonasinny (dicotyledons: separate pellets). P. 348.

4. Elenevsky A.G., M.P. Solovyova, V.M. Tikhomirov // Botany. Taxonomy of the richest terrestrial plants. M. 2004. 420 p.

5. Gnedkov P.A., Shreter A.I. Equal chemical cultivation of various species of the family. Tolstyankova // Rostit. resources. 1977. T. 13. VIP. 3. pp. 554-559.

6. Gumenyuk L.O. Phenolcarboxylic acids from Sempervivum ruthenicum // Natural Chemistry. z'edn. 1971. No. 4. P. 679-685.

7. Gumenyuk L.O. Scutellarein 7-rutinoside from Sempervivum ruthenicum // Natural Chemistry. z'edn. 1975. No. 3. P. 428-429.

8. Gumenyuk L.O. and Kumarini of various species of the genus Sempervivum and Sedum // Chemistry of Nature. z'edn. 1971. No. 3. P. 369.

9. Gumenyuk L.A., Batyuk V.S. and phenolic compounds of Sempervivum ruthenicum // Chemistry of Nature. z'edn. 1972. No. 2. P. 244.

10. Gumenyuk L.A., Gnedkov P.A., Batyuk V.S. Kaempferol, quercetin from Sempervivum ruthenicum // Natural Chemistry. z'edn. 1970. No. 5. P. 630.

11. Gumenyuk L.A., Gnedkov P.A., Batyuk V.S. Astragalin from Sempervivum ruthenicum // Chemistry of Nature. z'edn. 1971. No. 2. P. 202.

12. Gumenyuk L.A., Dikhanov N.M., Batyuk V.S. Flavonoid compounds from the buds of Sempervivum ruthenicum // Natural Chemistry. z'edn. 1972. No. 3. P. 391-392.

13. Peshkova G.I., Shreter A.I. Rosliny in home cosmetics and dermatology. M. 2001. 684 p.

14. Roslinnі resources of Russia / Wild flower plants, their component warehouse and biological activity / Ex. editor O.L. Budantsev. T.2. St. Petersburg; M: Partnership of Science Vidan KMK, 2009. 513 p.

The wealth of plants in different cultures was given special, magical significance. In Russia it was also wider. Herbs, fruits, leaves and roots of tea leaves and trees were often endowed with special powers of healing in Russian folk traditions, as well as inducing pestilence. The currents of these slaughterings are reaching the depths of the past, when Rus' was still pagan and people believed in those in the skin that made its way from under the earth, a singing evil and a good spirit was alive.

Overseas fruits

Tsikavo, what to tell yourself I'm just growing up there were a wealth of words infused with the hidden forces. Most often, the fruits deposited in other nations were associated with the devotees of everything traditionally Russian, “converted”, including the unclean and satanic. For example, the Old Believers revered the original potato as a devil’s fruit, which came from the body of Herod’s daughter who married the dog. There were curses and foreign herbs like tea and kava.


Cream of potatoes, other roots were imbued with great mystical significance. One of the most powerful and most important is the mandrake root. This rich medicinal plant from the paslonaceae family, many representatives of which are native, awakened mystical images in the consciousness of our ancestors through its unique root form.

Mandrake root has the ability to detoxify the appearance of a person's figure. Those that this figurine was “buried” in the ground, perhaps, made the Slavs sing thoughts about please. In addition, the mandrake has psychotropic powers and can cause hallucinations. This wickedness was often used in various magical rituals.

In Russia, Mandrake was also called Adam's head. Popular beliefs attributed great strength to her. It was important that the charmers collect the mandrake on Ivan Kupala, and then vikorista this root for healing from infertility, healing from psuvannya, healing wounds and receiving gifts. The Russians believed that they could sprinkle the rose with holy water in order to impart the ability to recognize chakluns.


This magical plant is mentioned in many ancient herbalists. Other names for the archeline: Arharik, Tsar-Sil, Archangel, Tsar-Simtarim. Some descendants respect what is vigadana, Kazkova Roslina (Volodimir Dal). Others - that archilyn is an analogue of the same mandrake itself. This mixture was explained through the description that appears in many herbalists of the 17th and 18th centuries. Archilene is described as the root of the shape of a man with arms and legs.

Only a few people joked about this tree on St. Valentine's Day, not empty-handed, but armed with a coin or a gold coin. According to popular belief, Tsar-Archilin was born from the chest of a corpse and thus exerted colossal magical power. Varto was supposed to soak the arhiline in milk, and then drink it, as it appeared to be protected from the dog’s bath. Infertile women reached the age of conception.


Charming authorities in the fantasy of folk volodil and elderberry. It was important that a club could be cut from this tree and that it would be safe to protect it from wild animals and unkind people. Such a mace had to be prepared in a special way: it was necessary to attach a handle from one side to the elderberry-carved mace, and on the other side, to make a small hole and pour magic powder into it.

This powder is prepared from the following ingredients: 3 swallow hearts, 2 sheep eyes, 3 lizard tongues and a dog heart. Everything needed to be dried, rubbed into powder, and then poured into the elderberry. The opening must be closed with a slick tip. Chakluni in the past gave a 100% guarantee of the validity of such a device.


Oman is high - the medicinal plant, which in ancient times was attributed magical power the most powerful love spell. They collected the rosemary before the day of Ivan, then dried it and mixed it with incense. This amount needed to be placed in an amulet and worn on the chest for 9 days. Over the course of an hour, she absorbed the energy of a human being.

Then they tied the oman with incense and secretly sewed it into the hem of the Kokhan’s robe. It was important that after such manipulations, the heart of the bewitched person would forever belong to the person who performed this ritual. Oman was also credited with the ability to cure all illnesses. - Looks like the devil. The power against the chakluns is small (it was necessary to weed out kilos, and then drive it away from the heart of the deceased chaklun).

The strongest talisman against the other evil spirits is the Chernobil, or the extreme Polin. This plant with its bitter flavor could also protect against flashes and sickness of the eyes. The evil forces stole the bugs, the chapel and other magical plants, which were well described in ancient Russian herbalists.

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