Black bread from wheat borosna. What is life bread. Tsіlovalnik and bread palace

Cooking in the traditional way fragrant and savory wheat bread - a treasure trove, a gift from the earth

Life bread- a product of eating, taking away at vipіkannі tіsta, the main ingredient of such a life is borosno, and yak rozpushuvach vikoristan is a special sourdough.

We called to call life bread “black”, to the name of “white” - wheat. Dark color of bread crumbs bog minify the sights during thermal processing. Bread from a white siyanogo boroshna will be light, lower from a grayish-white trellis or peeled, but all one cannot be superbly white with wheat cows.

Do you want to be 100% convinced of what is in the bread, which one is it?

This is due to the fact that people in the diet should change the contraction of the grub fibers, so that they can mechanically exfoliate the mucosal membrane of the mucosa of the duodenum or the duodenum. The only method that will allow you to be convinced that it is like preparing bread, tse aspects of yoga at home. It can be given to important and laborious tasks, but it doesn’t really mean that it will overturn our susilla! If you want to imitate pretending to be a baker, then you need to take a harn on the cob, drink it on a mullet.

Historically, the bread of life mayzhe tysyacholitya was one of the main food products most of the peoples of Russia. This value can be equal to the value of rice for the inhabitants of Pivdenno-Skhidnoy Asia. Zhito in Russia began mass sіyati in the 11th-12th centuries, and bread was quickly gaining popularity among the impossible levels of the population, shards were cheap and rich for bread from wheat.

As soon as you have the main ingredient, you can start working on it. For whom it is necessary to grow the leaven. At a clean jar, add 5 tablespoons of wheat boar and stilki and warm boiled or bottled water; the ingredients mix one by one, the sum is due to the mother's consistency of those tops; we close the jar with gauze or linen ganchirka and place it in a warm place; for a stretch of 5 days, let me go ahead with our leaven with such a small amount of water, that boar, like a bunch of vicarious; Let's use our vicorist sourdough for making bread, we fill it with about 100 g, like an ear of attacking whiskey. Zhitnya sourdough - 150 g borosna z|іz| Please borosno, sil | salt |, add | add | water and zmіshati z|іz| wooden spoon.

Tsikavo, what is in my fatherland, in the pivdni of Europe, in Maliy that Middle Asia, life in ancient times was respected by the Buryan in the wheat and barley fields. Pushing at once from wheat to pіvnіch, more nevibaglyva and vitrivala, life took root better in the climatic minds of Central and Pivnіchnoy Europe, becoming for these regions the main bread grain crop.

Cover with ganchirka and fill in a warm bowl for about 50 quills. Form the form with a paper for the vape, and then place it in the masa. Same important rule for healthy shopping - read product labels! If you care about livestock value and want to buy healthy bread from wholemeal flour, read the warehouse, evaluate it visually and remember, don’t worry about this fact, that we have dark bread, we are healthy, that’s all tangled pidkhid.

People who suffer from allergies to gluten or celiac disease are guilty of victorious diet, which will include gluten from the menu. Ten years ago, gluten-free bread and gluten-free pie maw vipkati by itself chi shukati specialized stores, as if they were engaged in such a vipіchkoy. Today, the fashion for gluten-free food has also reached Poland, and it is also easy to get gluten-free products from us.

Features of the preparation of bread

Life borosno vіdznyaєtsya in the wheat for a whole low baker's authorities. It has more gluten and is significantly more, lower in wheat, alpha-amylase, as it transforms starch into dextrin, and lower the brightness of bread. Through great number water-spreading speeches at the same place accumulate homeland, it does not form that “plyve”. All the same, it does not allow you to make your own methods of cooking, which is also for wheat dough.

What is a gluten-free diet?

Greek borosho, rice borosho, kukurudzians borosno, flaxseeds, garbuza nassins, sil, tsukor, warm water. All dry ingredients, which are necessary for making gluten-free bread, are mixed. Then add water and continue mixing until quiet feast, until the masa becomes smooth. Gluten free bread in a warm place and covered with a kitchen towel. At the next hour, I should put a splash, in a way that is pectimemo bread, with a vipichkoy. After 30 quills, you can easily increase your yoga. Place it on the form and check another 30 credits.

Our ancestors knew the solution, having planted a substitute for yeasts (or at least one of them) starter cultures with increased acidity, to ensure the safety of lactic acid bacteria. The stench of the wads of wandering, which sprya razpushennu dough. Due to the amount of lactic acid, which is vibrated by microflora, it is possible to deposit like a virobu without any intermediary, yogo relish and aroma. Sourdough and test acid-forming bacteria may have 60-80 times more than yeast cells.

Let's heat the oven to 220 degrees and bake gluten-free bread for 50 minutes. We can enrich the taste of gluten-free bread with the aromas of Provence herbs. Gluten-free Italian bread can be prepared with the addition of natural yogurt, tomato oil and tapioca starch. Gluten-free bread can also be prepared on the basis of sourdough from rice, buckwheat, potato boar, zucru and honey.

This idea is also the preparation of gluten-free bread from the addition of potatoes! You need the next ingredients, so you can make yoga. Greek boroshno, rice boroshno, kukurudzyan boroshno, millet boroshno, boiled potatoes, dried yeast, sil, tsukor, water. When preparing gluten-free bread, put the potatoes into a flask of hot water and sweat them into a smooth mass. We mix all dry ingredients one by one. Let's sweat the potatoes with dry ingredients and warm up the water that is left out.

Drіzhdzhі drank at the leaven either with a natural way - from a navkolyshny wind, borosna or water (wild drіzhdzhі), or they are specially introduced at the sourdough kilkost (fermented drіzhdzhі). The sourdough can be rare, thick (from brewing and without brewing) or concentrated lactic acid, and is a dough that has fermented well. Previously, the sourdough recipe was saved in taєmnitsa and passed on by bakers from generation to generation.

We use dough for gluten-free bread with a stretch of 30 quills. If you are in growth, try to translate it into two forms. The stench can be disposable with aluminum foil. So fill the dough in a pan with a stretch of 20 strands. Gluten-free bread with potatoes vipkati 40 chills|minutes| at 180 degrees.

Eggs, apple, gluten-free macu, raisins, crane. . Mayzhe 70% of the bread may be labeled incorrectly. That is why the client cannot recognize that he is buying the right wine. This is the result of the re-examination of the Inspection of the quality of trade in agricultural and food products, write the Commonwealth. For example, the brewers did not tell that the stench also beat wheat borosto for the production of life's bread. On bread, there was often a date of minimum durability.

The preparation of wheat bread takes more than an hour in wheat bread, although the technological lancet is short. The fermentation process takes place at half an hour and may be three to four years. The readiness of the dough is dependent on a significant increase in commitment, the degree of porosity and springiness.

See life's bread

As I explain, bakeries that work near the Syrian zone, most often work in small places, they hire people from the black or with the lowest salary, and the pennies that are lost are paid for in the intestines, passing the tribute. More bread, twisted in such a rite, is sold in the bazaars or in shops, de baker and kramar pay off with cooking, and that without a tax. Moreover, such bakeries buy bountifully, also without a tax, from a small miroshnik, - like Janusz Kazymerchuk.

Inspections of such bakeries are folded, because the stench is less likely to work at night, the stench is curled up at the empty stretch of the day. At the same time, controllers only watch the outposts for a stretch of the day, for example, until the year. Officials forget that the cost is not only for spivrobitnikiv, occupied by such a bakery for the helpless, but also for the state. This is a great sight, the sira zone is estimated at about 30 vіdsotkіv. the whole market of bread in Poland, - add wine.

Fallow in the field of boroshnyanoy warehouse bread is either wheat-grain, wheat-grain or wheat-grain; for the way of vipіkannya - we will form chi; for the recipe - let's forgive chi, let's make it (brew). In the recipe for custard bread, add wheat malt, zukor, spices, molasses. Having taken off its name of wines through the tea leaves, the malt is mixed from a part of the boroshna and brewed with dill. Zavdyaks to whom the bread was baked for the sake of wheat harvesting freshness and ease of power.

Sanitary wash below standards. Like a wine blaming, here you will find food for the safety of protecting your health. On one thought, there are a lot of small bakeries, like they turn bread at the lowest prices, do not fit sanitary minds. - Virobnitstvo comes from scandalous minds without hygiene. Tim, we have failed the systems, and we can certify that our products are safe for life. Ale pіdtrimannya hygienic standards є expensive. І not a leather bakery can carry them.

Spravzhnіy bread without gluten: just not from a great bakery

Today in Poland you can buy any type of bread. In addition, allergic-allergic people are not guilty of throwing bread. Alece is not so easy to see. Few people know that you can't perform yoga at a fine bakery. The secrets of the specialty of biological bread to be told by bio-bakers from the Opole Voivodeship Bohdan Smolorts.

The most popular homemade custard bread, especially Borodinsky, Volodar, is not equal to the licorice-spicy relish. The history of yoga appeared overgrown with legends that began in the 19th century, but we know the standard recipe was approved in 1984. It does not allow the use of savory flavor and preservatives, and it is composed of boroshna (wheat trellis and wheat of a different variety), wheat pure malt, sourdough (with yeast or without them), molasses, salt, zucru and spices - anise, kmina chi coriander.

The bakery of Bohdan Smolorets is the first in the Opole Voivodeship to have a biographical certificate. There are less than ten such bakeries in the country. The first secret: bio-bread is the responsibility of the mother for more than a few days of spirituality. However, in order to find buyers for gluten-free bread, one needs to remember - if the term of applicability of yogo becomes 3 months, yogo cannot be overestimated. – We are able to produce a maximum of 7 days, and we sell fresh gluten-free bread, – Mr. Bogdan Smalls. - In this rank, our products are the least “enhancers”, and the taste of their taste does not matter to the usual “fixators”, - the baker is blatant.

Mayzhe nastіlki and popular simple bread "Darnytskyi" - shaped "ceglinka" and round or oval hearth. The recipe was created in 1933 near Leningrad at the bakery, which was called "Darnitsa". Also, the name of the beloved bread in Ukraine is by no means associated with the region of Kiev.

To the warehouse of "Darnytskyi" enter the sum of borosna peeled wheat and wheat of the first grade, strength, water. Behind the primary technology, drіzhdzhі vіdsutnі, vikoristovuetsya less than a rare life leaven. But at the same time, classic recipes are practically not trimmed and yeast pressed into the dough.

In addition, like a wine, yogo bread is baked with certified bioproducts, that is, with natural boron. Bi-bread only not from a great bakery. Tsіkavo, that such gluten-free bread can be boiled in another room, lower bread. - At the best bakery you can drink bread from the lower gluten instead. If we want to reach the zero level of this component, we can invest in our life, - say Mr. Bogdan.

Bread or as a way to earn on the oldest product in the world

The next thing to remember is that gluten can be clayed with bread from the wind, so it is possible to take away the certificate of vyskanie grain vypikaє bread in other days, - naked wine. Suddenly, the All-World Bread Festival was organized near Warsaw. Marek Traczyk, organizer of the Festival, explains the economy portal. That's right, that bread is cultivated in different cultures all over the world different forms and know how to cook and taste bread from rich ovens.

Іsnuє impersonal recipes of wholemeal bread for brewing at home bakery or at the savory oven. According to one of them, the sourdough is prepared on kefir, with the addition of water, that boroshna. The wandering is spent 7-10 days in the hay, with regular “reinvigoration” of the fermenting masa with boar and kefir. The sourdough is ready, it can smell and can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.

The All-World Festival of Bread is a show of diversity under a common banner, which is bread. At festivals, bread is only traditional leaven. Ale, we ask for more quiet, who bakes sourdough bread. Everyday improvements and additives are simply unhealthy. We also have bread from Nіmechchini, Bulgaria, Turechchini, Vіrmenії and Azerbaijan.

We rozrakhovuєmo for those who will grow up, and we can bring bread from other regions of the world, - even Marek Trachik. More and more often you feel the same thoughts that living in bread or rolls is unhealthy. Behind the words of Marek Trakchik, my thoughts are often correct.

The brightness of life's bread is revealed behind the camp by the softness of that surface loaf. The crust is to blame for being uniform, without deep cracks and streaks, which didn’t burn, didn’t swell into the pulp. Fallow in the variety її kolіr varies from dark to light brown, the surface is glossy or short, sipped with spices, as if it was overdone with the recipe.

If we are talking about bread, preparations at supermarkets, if everything is surrogate, including borosno, if you add a little relish, then such bread is really shkidlivy. We are promoting healthy bread. For generations, bread is a constant element of our menu, but fermented bread, which may be the power to cleanse our bodies. The most important component is lactic acid, fiber, as it also cleanses our body, - explains Marek Traczyk.

Healthy bread from sourdough sprouts from Poland. Such good bread can never be overcome by the bread that supermarkets propagate. The process of preparing the most real bread takes a lot of time and is expensive. You cannot speed up the process of growing natural bread. That is why such bread can be for two dear ones. Ale, you are responsible for understanding that you should pay a troch more for a product that will not harm us and that will be healthy for us, - say Marek Traczyk.

M'yakish - baking, elastic, not sticky, without breasts and third-party blotches, porous, ale without empty. The shape of the hearth bread is round or oval, the shape of the shaped bread is dovgast, with rounded edges. The term for the implementation of savings from the oven: 24 years for bread from the blue boar, 36 years for other species.

At the royal decree of the 17th century, it was officially announced about 26 varieties of wheat bread. Until the beginning of the 20th century, a part of the savage settlement bakery products became over 60%. The next figure is probably 10%. The decline in the adoption of a traditional product is explained by economic realities - bakers can't see the classic wheat bread from a trivial technological process.

The All-World Bread Festival can be seen from 13 to 15 June near Warsaw, which is on Ratushova Street. Bread, rolls, croissants, stravi, rolls are the main ingredient of snacks that evening for grown-ups, young children and children. Sometimes we can't make our day without a good sandwich on good bread, or rather fresh, savory bread from olive oil. At police shops, they sell delicacies from grain crops: wonderful light and soft bread, dark and important life bread, granular breads, added with the inscription "fitness" or round and golden buns.

Only in this miraculous superfluity do you choose bread, which will be of high quality, and give us that to our loved ones not only relish, but also a blessing for health? It’s true that everything should be deposited in the same way as it’s boar - the quality of baked bread, which is mi їmo, that additives, which you can know from nomu. The rule is that it’s borosno, like victorious for vypіchki, yaskravіshe, bread to revenge less protein, minerals, vitamins and cells and more starch.

Ale in the world, the popularity of "black" bread is gaining wrappers healthy eating, which considers yoga as a dietary alternative to white bread. Living bread, like before, irreplaceable for the first grasses, meat and vegetable garnishes. Yogo aroma and sour-licorice relish miraculously eat with various sandwiches, miraculously with toast and crackers.

Warehouse ta crooks of authority

The peculiarity of the preparation of wholemeal bread with vicarious sourdough allows you to save the main mass of valuable speeches of living grain, which have passed into flour. In 6-7 bowls of black bread, there may be half the daily norm of vitamins (A, E, group B, PP), micronutrients (the middle of which is the amount of salt, magnesium and potassium), amino acids (including lysine, which is essential for renewal). tissue growth), enzymes and proteins, necessary people.

The more important positive power of life's bread is the great place of food fibers - purifiers in the body. The stench slows down the intestines, eliminates toxins and slags, relieves constipation, prevents dysbacteriosis. Zavdyaki grub fibers are fast becoming more sour, although less calories are consumed, lower for the same amount. white bread. To try yoga is even more popular with dietary eaters.

The introduction of whole grain into the diet will heal the body and serve as a preventive measure for diseases: cerebrodiabetes, cardiovascular, oncology. Zhitnіy khlib beneficially infuses the exchange of speech, improves the level of hemoglobin, removes excess cholesterol. Even brown bread is in the spring-winter period, if vitamin hunger is clearly felt.


Ale, as it seems, is the th return of the medal. The high acidity of wholemeal bread, is surrounded by all those sour milk sourdough, it is contraindicated in gastritis with increased acidity and by the bowels of the intestinal tract. We are ill for the illness of the liver and zhovchny mіkhur, it is also necessary to surround it with yogo living.

Bread, boiled only from a living boar, it’s also important to make a healthy slug. Therefore, you should get used to the sums, in which you can get no less than 20-25% wheat boar.

In order to understand, in some minds, bread is being prepared, and the price of one roll is real, the correspondent of "AIF" blamed the speculation - at a private family bakery.

White chi syriy?

A small business center has a family bakery. Everything is baked here: from a great wheat loaf to baguettes, croissants and cupcakes. Before entering the virobnitstvo, it is necessary to disinfect your hands, change into overalls, so that you don’t drank and drink in the past.

“Do you know how important it is to know well? - Narikaє clerk of the bakery Roman Bunyakov. - Before us, they will come from Orenburg and Penzi. The baker shows me two types of borosh: wheat and wheat. “Yakisne wheat borosno can’t be crystal clear white color- won the color of ivory brush, oxamite, troch starch on a dotik, but if you blame it, you are guilty of crunchiness, as if squeezing in your hands. - I will demonstrate the novel at once. - Prote її vіdbіlyuyut, schob sell to buyers and ideally "white" bread.

The novel shows me my own bread from wheat boar: wine of gray color. “Whether it be flour when vipіkannі temnіtime, navіt yakshcho won zmіshan from different varieties, - explaining wine. - We beat it with garnet gluten and a high content of protein, which allows you to form the correct structure of the bread. The baker strongly presses on the pick and releases it. The loaf fills its original shape. “Yakby in mush, from which the bread was crumbled, there was little gluten, the wine was so full of dents,” Bunyakov sings. - Ale, in Russia, there is not enough natural flour with such displays. Mayzhe all the grain from watering for a penny is taken by the merchants, from whom the grain goes to the millions of that backwater. It’s good to see bears and flour trucks, even at packing enterprises, and we’ll only sweat at the police department of shops and bakeries.”

Great virobniks want to buy from mliniv much cheaper, but with garlic gluten. “I millions of gigantic volumes of filthy stuff with a garnish and sell such a sum for 16 rubles. And for the sake of us, who do not need such cunning, blindly change the whole system, ”says Roman. For a simple purchase, it is left with a mystery, what is really being bought in bags with a boar and de yoga.

Let's go through a great vat of dough to mix. Bachu, scho in the new one there is flour with some particles. “It’s just a whole grain borough, in which the shells of the grain have been lost,” the baker explains. - The stench will strengthen the power of the bread, we will give it to the furrow. vischogo gatunka 5-7% whole grains”.

Press, schob zbіshiti

What did they put at the tisto?

Take a look at the eye, for such sumish, the bread is crushed, it is practically impossible. To that, to join the robot to improve the authorities is boroshen, rozpushuvach and pіdsilyuvachi relish. Pokrashuvach - a white powder, which is diluted near the water and added to the boro before mixing the dough. “With 100% syrovina for bread, more than 1% will come for refinishing, that’s why it’s impossible to show an expert examination,” says the baker. Such a quality was boroughly beaten up, you can show only the bread that is ready: if the wine is crumbling, it means that there is not enough gluten in the boar.

All the bread at this bakery is made by hand: for a long time it will be hushed up, then we can infuse, drink and cool down for a while. “Warto bakers do not miss the mark, big cracks or other defects appear on the bread. - Roman shows me to Dirk on a bread basket. - Axis from which, for example, wiyshov carbon dioxide.

Before us is Borodino shaped bread made from coriander. Wine is baked at a temperature of 246-258 ° C and is responsible for saving 46% of moisture. “The freshness of the bread is determined by the amount of moisture in the middle. If bread is wrong to stand at 100% moisture, then it will float, if at 60% - the pick will dry up. If you want the virobnik, so that the water content is saved by the yakomog, if it is more low on the boar, then add stabilizers: then the water will be trimmed and the bread will not dry. There are no natural ways to save bread for 3 days.”

It’s been 12 years for the creation of any kind of bread without prikoryuvachiv. Skoryuvach can pass this hour a little less vvіchi. “Before packing the bread, it takes two more years to cool down,” Roman adds. – Buyers may be aware: it can take 12 years to deliver fresh bread to the store. Great brewers sometimes set tomorrow’s date for brewing, but the wiser cares about taking fresh bread.”

A single loaf of bread in a bakery is not saved from cellophane, Roman's wine is sold exclusively from paper bags - then the bread goes wild. “Perche, the cellophane will come old look bread, and the buyer does not understand, the egg has been baked. And she is guilty of buti pjaristoy that crunchy. In another way, cellophane creates a greenhouse effect and takes moisture away. Bread through it loses its power, the pulp becomes dry, and on the kirtz it can be splattered, ”explains Bunyakov. To the point, the baker of the innocence, that already cutting on shmatochki and packaging in cellophane bread cannot be saved, do not psuyuchis, 5-7 days - yakscho, obviously, not stuffed with stabilizers and preservatives.

Sirovinna co-branding of a long loaf by Bunyakov 30-35 rubles. Roman buys borosno for -45-50 rubles. per kilogram, and for 1 kg of borow we take two loaves of 1 kg of bread. Yakіsny bread without additives and from a good boron cannot cost 15-20 rubles, - the baker is overwhelmed, if I wonder why the new one has such high prices. - Shops always charge for products less than 100% of the factory price. Otzhe, such a piece of bread cost 10 rubles. We can see the income of the virobnik (at least 3 rubles), Vitrati for water, yeast, light and in. Come out, cost less than 5 rubles? And what can you do as a cost?

What kind of loaf did not pass the test?

The Union of Spaniards “Ros-control” has reviewed the most popular bread - a natural loaf made from wheat boar and cherry gatunka, a recipe for some sort of bouv rozrobleny in the 50s. XX century.

5 different brands were sent to the laboratory: "Kolomenske MBKK", "Nastyusha", "Zernitsa", "SmakVill" and "Schovkovokhlib".

As a single loaf, the vіdmіnіst іnіdіvіd vіd іnshih fell into the eye, becoming a product of Shchovkovokhlib. As for the marking of other firms, it was pointed out that the bread was prepared according to GOST, the whole loaf was no longer imitating Narizniy, but it was crushed according to TU.

First, on what the experts of the purchased batoni were reconsidered, - there is a “potato stick” in them. “Tsya ailment can be infected with a bovine soil microbe,” explains Andriy Mosov, expert straightening specialist, NP "Roskontrol". - Її buddniks spend the next hour of vaping, but їхні superchki are saved. The wand multiplies when the viroba is taken incorrectly.

After 36 years, the disease appeared at the bars "Nastyusha", "Zernitsa", "SmakVill". Behind the words of Mosov, such bread will become unnatural, and then, the buyer will simply lose a penny.

Another unacceptable moment is the destruction of the markuvannya. On the “Kolomenske MBKK”, “Nastyusha”, “Zernitsya”, “SmakVil” zrazkas, there were daily vkazіvki that look like a boroshn. And the label of "Luzhkovokhlib" was lying about the mass fraction of fat: 2.3% was indicated, but in fact it was only 0.9%. On fat, as it turned out, all the virobniks were spared, but not so much: the 2.9% percentage of the statements was small from 1.9 to 2.1%.

It didn’t seem any better with the pulp of the loaves. So, in "Kolomensky MBKK", "Nastyusha", "Zernitsa" and "SmakVіl" soft and empty, and in "SmakVіl" - inelastic and crying. That relish of the loaves was filled with the best: at the “Kolomenskoye MBKK” and “Nastyusha” they made unacceptable breasts when they were rotting, and “SmakVill” gave a touch of hot water. A single yakish m'yakush appeared at the Shchovkovokhlib loaf: baked, elastic, without breasts and a hint of impromptu. “If bread is slacked off for accelerated technology, then with additional improvements, then m'yakush can be filthy. In case of any obligation, we can be protected, from the supernaturally great porosity and emptyness,” Nataliya Semenkina, a leading scientific specialist of the FDANU “Scientific and recent institute of bakery industry”, was promoted.

And the mark “Vіdminno” for the obrane was bountifully taken away by two batons: “Zernitsі” and “SmakVіll” - the mass fraction of protein in them became 7.5%, what to talk about high quality boroshna vikoristovuєtsya.

Examination results*



"Kolomenske MBKK"

Uneven porosity, lumpiness, non-elastic pulp,

Destroyed marking,

High acidity (but not more than the permissible values).


Uneven porosity, empty appearance and clumping, non-elastic pulp,


Non-uniform porosity, the presence of empty holes and crying, non-elastic pulp,

Signs of potato ailment bread after 36 years of vitrimka.


Light taste of bitterness, non-uniform porosity, presence of empties, non-elastic pulp,

Signs of potato ailment bread after 36 years of vitrimka.


The invisibility of the mass fraction of fat, assigned to the markuvanni.

*Nadano Spilkoy spozhivachіv "Roskontrol".

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