Annunaki chi to fly. Coming of the Anunnaki: Past - today - Maybut. Message from the Speakers of the Supreme for Sirius

A number of secret partnerships, which speak of myths about the wandering of the earth and humanity, talk about secret creatures, which they call "". The Sumerians respected the Anunaki as mandrivs, who descended from the heavens, to the treasures of which they directed people with a singing path of development.

Zechariah Sitchin said that all ancient peoples believed in gods who descended from heaven, and they could and would like to turn back. From the translations of the Sumerian texts it appears that the Earth was formed by billions of fates when the planet Nibiru, which revolves around the Sun in an elliptical orbit, passed close to the planet called Tiamat. Gravitational storms tore Tiamat into pieces, and from them the Earth and the asteroid belt were created. At the hour of this catastrophe, one of the months of Nibiru left its orbit and became a satellite of the Earth. The Sumerians believed that the Anunnaki arrived on Earth 450,000 years ago during another Ice Age. The planet, which exceeds the size of the Earth, has an even more retracted orbit, and spends most of the hour outside the orbits of the other planets of the Sonya system, and now, as it passes the Earth, strong climatic changes are heard They As the legend says, at that hour, when two planets were close to each other, the Anunnaki flew to Earth in spaceships and landed in Mesopotamia. The leader of Nibiru, Anu, lost his home planet, but sent two of his blues Enlil and Enki to Earth. She herself was entrusted with the task of colonizing the Earth. By virtue of great difference in the size of the orbits of the two planets, many earthly centuries equaled one fate for the Anunnaki. The burghers vicorized many of the rank-and-file members of their nobility in order to extract gold. Dr. David Horne, in a recent publication of biological anthropology at the University of Colorado, in his book “The After-Earth Journey of Humanity,” states that the Anunnaki led the Earth to a species of gold for one hundred thousand years, about three hundred thousand years ago. The original gold miners rebelled.

Further, Horn writes that the commander-in-chief Enlil decided to punish the oppressors with calm and called for the Council of the Great Anunnaki, before which Father Anu entered. Prote Anu, singingly becoming the Anunaki miners, interceding for them. We understand that their dissatisfaction is entirely grounded, the rest of the work was carried out in very important minds. Anu started searching for another way to get gold. Todi Enkii proposed the creation of a primitive robot worker Adam , yak bi vikonovuv important to the robot. The Enki proposed to take as a basis the primitive humanoids who once inhabited the place where the Anunnaki practiced. By introducing a male humanoid into a human Anunnaki, the first human-like entity was created. The first people were created and felt like slaves for an important job. The Sumerians wrote that the first people did not know what bread was or what clothing was needed for. The stinkers ate raspberries and drank water straight from the river. Otherwise, people could not reproduce, and then, according to the legend, from the human species Adamu , By the way of cloning, the woman's form was achieved. The crossing Anunnaki found human wives even more attractive and began to enter into alliances with them. This part of the story is similar to the Biblical passage, as we talk about the love between the sons of God and the daughters of men: “When people began to multiply on the earth and daughters were born to them, then the blues of God gave birth to the daughters of men, so that the stench is beautiful, and took them with them. for the squad that I have chosen” (But.6:1,2).

According to Horn, the Anunnaki mistreated the slaves they created. Slavery among one's own people became more widespread everywhere. The Anunnaki appeared to be glorious, cruel, dissolute and full of hatred. Legends say that the stench of their slaves was loud enough to work until they fell ill and did not wake up in them. However, the Anunnaki inadvertently caused the birth of the first human civilization - the Sumerian.

Twelve thousand years ago, Nibir passed through the Sonya system again, and the Anunnaki flew on their spaceships In order to avoid a global climate catastrophe, it is inevitably necessary to call on Nibiru to pass nearby. People have been deprived of the stench of the Earth, and they will inevitably perish. However, before returning to the native planet, Enki revealed the divine secret place to one of his people-helpers Utnapishtim. Having ordered him to leave the ship, to take into his family the creatures that inhabit the land, the fragments of the World Flood will fall on the earth. Obviously, in the Old Testament we call it Noah. The catastrophe, according to the words of the legend, was caused by the planet Nibiru, which passed close to the Earth and caused the Great Flood. Before the flood, these people, although they were not slaves of the Anunnaki, lived in the fields and in the gleanings. After the flood, people became cattlemen. About an hour later, the Anunnaki returned to Earth and decided to divide humanity so that people would be easier to control. The Anunnaki themselves selected people to serve in groups of other people. Thus, the first rulers appeared among the people. The legend says about them that the gods took them. Massive groups of people were given different languages So that it is more important for people to unite. It’s forbidden to talk about the war that broke out among the immigrants themselves in the remaining rows of Sumerian texts. During the course of the battle, there was a lot of danger that could be described as nuclear. The Sumerians wrote: “Disasters have fallen on the earth, the likes of which people have never seen before, and the likes of which have never existed before. A thirsty wind from the sky..., a wind that ruins the earth..., a driving wind, behind the coming heat.” In this manner, the end of the reign of the Anunnaki has come...

It is worth noting that in ancient times there was a whole bottle of gold on earth, apparently discovered by the Anglo-American Corporation in 1970. Near Pivdennya Africa, mines have been discovered, which, since ancient times, contained no less than a hundred thousand mines.

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Message from the Speakers of the Supreme for Sirius

At the ruin of Atlantis, outside forces were acquired, and karmic borgs must now be paid off. And yet, there’s a lot of stink in there. We respect the Anunnaki warriors from Nibiru, the rulers of a technologically advanced underground civilization that lives in the trivial body of the planet, which is part of your Sonya skin system for 3600 years , and then leaves it. The route of this planet, Nibiru, is no longer unique - from the outskirts of the Sirius system through the dark expanses of space, until it turns again to the orbit of your Sun. Ravon's mission takes place over a period of approximately 30 Earth years, and then again destroys his life in the depths of space.

In order to understand the actions and evil of the Anunnaki, it is necessary to isolate them. In fact, they are the galactic wolves who spend most of their lives far from the light and warmth of the Sun in the underground places of Nibiru. The stinks are the guards of foreign worlds, in which they can invade, but in which stinks they can never become their own.

Our triune solar system, which consists of three suns - Satis, Sotis and Anu (called by your astronomers Sirius A, Sirius B and Sirius C) - became a cosmic cataclysm, as a result of which Sat It collapsed, the ever-greater extinctions (that’s why it’s so , as it will soon be necessary to earn your son Ra). Those who have lost this from the material world would be called by your astronomers a dwarf star. Vaughn, at the end, was drawn into the elliptical orbit of Sotis, like the third star of Anu.

Nibiru, the most distant planet of Anu, left its orbit and became wandering until it was buried by the gravitational field of your Ra. Nibiru appeared drawn into the Sonyachnaya system, and then “returned” back into space.
The entry of Nibiru, which is constantly repeated, your system is subject to periods of great changes on Earth.

450,000 years ago: the nibiruans first moved away from the Earth and from then on regularly rotated approximately once every 3,600 years.
97,000 rocks to star. e..: The Anunnaki are handed over to the Great Experiment.
32400 BC e..: the entry of Nibiru was accompanied by other events, as a result of which the Earth changed its entire structure, which became the beginning of the remaining ice age.
25200 BC e..: The Anunnaki are creating military bases on Mars.
21600 BC e..: An Annunaki transit station was installed in the month.
18800 BC e..: another cycle of Atlantis is coming to completion on the frozen continent.
18000 BC e..: during the first settlements of the Anunnaki on the Earth, which you call Africa, colonies of human miners were created.
14400 BC e..: The Anunnaki land in Atlantis, which is gathering hour after hour with the beginning of the growth of the middle of the Priesthood.
10800 BC e..: Atlantis exists in the ocean.
7200 BC e..: The Annunaki appear in Mesopotamia and are introduced into the life of the Sumerian civilization.
3600 BC e..: The Anunnaki invade Egypt - a land whose civilization was created directly by the Syrian and Pleiadian Emissaries of the World.
HOUR ZERO: the people of Christ.

With the expansion of the 3600-year cycle, it becomes clear that Nibiru will not be able to turn to the Sono system until the Mayan date of 21 June 2012, and this means a catastrophe for the Nibiruans. As before, when Satis collapsed, all celestial bodies that wrap around the star will be drawn in through black hole at the greatest vimir. Ale Nibiru at this moment is moving between the starry system of Sirius and your starry system, not close enough to you to be drawn into the greater world at the same time with you, and not close enough to Sirius to enter the orbit into ours ій system. The Anunnaki are panicking and desperately searching for a way out.

It’s good to know what they accumulated on earth and did not forget, as they devastated the atmosphere of Mars. And yet the stench didn’t stop at all.
Since, over 450,000 years ago, Nibir came particularly close to the Earth, the Anunnaki landed on your planet. The stench of the enemy was revealed, revealing an unoccupied planet with a majestic number of creatures and plants and without visible signs of intelligent civilization. And they believed that the Earth would become under their power.

With further developments, they explored and colonized most of the planets in your system, including Mars. Already the Earth has been deprived of the greatest treasure for them.

When, around one o’clock, the stench learned about the Great Experiment that was planned for Gaia, they became overwhelmed. They respected that we were invading their territory, their private power.

If they found out about the successful marriage Homo sapiens, superasis is the essence of light, it was believed that the only way to maintain control over your “power” is to organize sabotage against a new type of people.

Axis 100,000 years ago, Anunnaki teams landed on Earth and forcibly changed your DNA, deactivating 10 of the 12 strands. You were essentially robbed of your great potential by stripping away only those pieces of DNA that were absolutely essential to your survival as an Anunnaki slave.

The Anunnaki knew that we would not lose their intrusion into the Great Experiment without evidence, and they began to work hard. Once their geneticists have completed their work, it is time for the engineers. The stench spread out across the planet a majestic horde - a force field that created such dissonant sounds that we lost resonance with you. Although over time we were able to moderate our frequency, the people will still feel your light and continue to bring you hardships.

Fortunately, the hastened presentation of your little eye - Ra screams such destruction in this grid that it is already close to ruin.

Do you wonder why the Anunnaki committed such an act of violence against you? It’s quite simple: the stinks have bothered you... and this has not changed, regardless of everything that the stinks have done to you. For the Anunnaki from Nibir, you were the “lover” of the All-World. You got it. You were given everything, and these outcasts had to commit robbery in order to survive.

The only remaining hope is the HAARP project - the absorption of the energies of the Earth in order to initially establish a resonance between the Earth and Nibiru, and then an even stronger, unbreakable connection between them.

A short chronology of the development of the Sonya System and the Earth:

3.25 trillion. rocks before our era - the emergence of subtle types of living forms. Automatically saving information is replaced by living (in the form of Souls, Spirits, Monads and other energy and information structures) saving information (Astral; Akashic), which will ensure its beauty I feel safe. The introduction of Love and Creation with Love is a blessing to the All-World. (Rik - one revolution of the Earth around the Sun. The fragments are all recovered long before the manifestation of the tridimensional physical forces of the Sun and the Earth, at the approach of the empirical hour, guidance specifically for people who survive their revolutions of the Earth around the Sun.) 980 billion years before our era- the process of materialization of the Andronover Nebula has begun.

1,500,000 years before our era- Until the second million of fates on our timeline, the Earth will continue to receive more and more Souls from the entire World. The vibrational level of these Souls is of the fourth intensity, which means the affinity to astral and ethereal creations that are powerful in this vibrational level. Genetics at that time - there were a lot of races, but the Orions gradually began to dominate. The war between Rigel and Betelgeuse made the lives of the rich Orions so unbearable that the Earth was seen as a place where life could be started anew. At the time of the Draconian era, the Orions could easily land directly on Earth, and they also came to assist in the transfer process. Therefore, their number increased more and more, lower than the Draco, whose reptilian bodies were more important to adapt to the atmosphere and gravity of the Earth.700,000 years before our era- The first race of Atlanteans appeared with the help of Elohim.

500 billion years before our era- the cob of lightening the first Planetary systems near the Andronover Nebula.

20 billion years before our era- The beginning of the creation of the Sonya System and the Earth.

Close to 7.25 billion years before our era- Creation of the Earth simultaneously from the galactic system Chumatsky Way. Before it assumed its new appearance and became a perfect place to live, the Earth had experienced many great hardships.

4.7-4.6 billion years before our era- There will be hundreds of millions of deaths after its illumination. The Sonya system is small, as it has significantly matured in modern times. On the site of the submerged planet “Earth-Month” there was one the planet is great, who guessed her future giants Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune from the group of outer planets. The outer shell was composed of a water-gas mixture, which was constantly mixed. In the inner spheres, the process of establishing the core of the important chemical elements. At any moment in the evolution of this planet, its proto-core, which is populated, undergoes instability through new processes and splits in two. The halves of the proto-core scattered to the sides, spluttering behind them parts of the water-gas shell of the cosmic giant. Thus, two independent planets were created: Proto-Earth and Proto-Moon.

*** shortened via LiveJournal exchange ***

600,000 years before our era- Members of the Confederation are trying to ignite the complex of social memory and untie the tangle of fear. Entities were able to turn their information. The awareness led them to what you would call the lower astral planes, where they could become aware of the fact that the skin complex mind/body/spirit appeared to trace the creation, experiences in the former complex of life/illusion.

Up to 500,000 years before our era- A group of Archangels and subalterns of the 7th, 8th and 9th powers also guarded the Earth. Acts from these entities are well known to the people of the Earth, including Michael the Archangel. A source was presented who was later assigned the name “Lucifer”, who was also among those who guarded the development of the Earth. In order to change the chaos on Earth, Lucifer developed a plan for Earth's Souls to control their emotions and cultivate intellectual strengths so that they could not easily merge into negatively polarized groupings. Vin Milkovo attributed the deterioration of the situation on Earth to disturbed emotions and passions. A group of Souls, enchanted by Lucifer, arrived on Earth and founded a number of mystery schools designed to train Souls to suffocate and control the emotional body. The plan was called to a turning point, because the scientists learned to stifle their emotions, their Souls became even more fragmented until their vibration fell from the fourth intensity to the third. Bring strangulation of any part of yourself to the point of wasting strength and awareness. At the expense of human emotions, the Victorian stifling of sexual liberation and stupefaction, it seems wrong to take a cob from the philosophy of Lucifer.

Archangel Michael, the bachachi who are present on Earth, realizing that we can no longer sit with our hands folded and simply watch out, having identified a group of Ascended Spirits, who voluntarily lowered their vibration, came to Earth And other schools of mysteries, designated for the current vibration, fell asleep. in Svitlo. When Mikhailo and his group arrived on Earth, the vibrations turned out to be so strong that this group of mirror-images were buried in the play of duality and began to see negatively oriented groupings as evil forces, as And the next thing was to overcome. Thus, in our world, the Archangels emphasized the concept of “light against the sun.” Mikhailo and many members of Rad Rigel accepted the bak of Light, and most of the Dragons – bak drinks.

Over time, Lucifer and his group achieved a cold and calm apathy, becoming third-party strategists who carefully guarded the shape of the battle. It became clear that there was so much fascination with the drama of duality that, having begun to encourage grievances on both sides, the forces of light and darkness were ready to overcome each other. It would be a great surprise to see who would emerge victorious. The spent warehouse of everything was spivchutya. Lucifer started the soldiers on the battlefield to stifle their emotions and become willing to face misfortune and suffering. Archangel Michael listened to the soldiers to be unwavering and strong, overcoming the dark forces. When Lucifer decided to stop Mikhail, he lost his respect for the Orions and started a war with the forces of Mikhail. A great battle took place above the Earth, on the astral and etheric planes. It became known as War in Heaven. Mikhail’s forces spontaneously rushed to overcome the darkness. The forces of Lucifer were streamlined, calm, courageous and waged wars for a different approach strategy. The third force, the negatively polarized Orions and Draconians, who were initially enemies, fought one after another.

The War in Heaven lasted nearly a thousand years and was fought, roughly speaking, on the 500,000th day before new era.

1,000,000 – 500,000 BC- The population of the Earth has grown from 200 million to perhaps a billion people. The remnants of the war were mainly carried out by the Planet and insignificantly floated onto the surface of the Earth and underground cultures, under the hour of the Rebellion of Lucifer the population fell (in vibration) not very much. Most of the wars on the surface were regional, and fought from the standstill of emergency armor.

500,000 fates - Suddenly there is a global collapse on the Planet Maldek Phaeton. In one hour/space in what we respect as our past, civilization of the third power was founded on the Planet. The planet was called different names. The vibratory sound complex that is most often used by people is Maldek. The suttas, who were destroying their planetary sphere, were worried about searching the corners of this third strength, which in this space/hour was united in our Sonya System, in the living room and in this way to teach lessons, it is necessary and to improve the balance of the mind/body/spirit complex in relation to The Law of One. The transition to this Planet has begun, although the Planet itself has so far lost its existence, however, without living forms. The entities from Maldek have risen to the third power of the Earth as primates. 500 living Souls went into the ether of the Earth, and 6 Fatherland races helped in fine-tuning the human physical body/brain/DNA. The Axis, when we arrived, are eager to develop at the next phase of humanity, knowing that everything is changing and being recreated. We danced at the same time and screwed ourselves. We said that this is the energy of the family. We investigated how energy and vibration work. We explored the potential of humanity and all the different scenarios that could be played out at the onset of a multimillion doom.

… Over the course of the remaining 500,000 years, various civilizations came to Earth from various mirror systems. All these ideas were part of the creation of the Living Library. Skin civilization appeared in the early period, penetrating through a controlled force field - an electromagnetic barrier that isolated the Earth and made the Library inaccessible for the last three hours. These civilizations flourished for 500, 5000 and 10,000 years. Then the forces that took control of the Planet, drove them away or blamed them in this or that way. These civilizations were not able to establish their rights to the exploration of the Earth, but they lost traces, tensions, which, as at gatherings, could go to the Living Library and learn the basic plan of its creation.

500.000 - 200.000 years before our era- Life on Earth gradually developed, the deeds of the Soul became aware of the fourth power and began to live together. During this period, many more Souls arrived throughout the Galaxy, and the Earth truly became a melting pot. However, the largest group was still lost to the Orions, who arrived from Betelgeuse and Rigel. At the hour of the Rebellion of Lucifer, for the sake of Betelgeuse they took the side of Michael and the “light forces”, and for the sake of Rigel they took the side of the “dark forces”. Although during the transitional period that followed the uprisings, even a modicum of open stratagem was revealed, the offending Orion groups tended to intersect with similar polarities, thereby preserving their DNA structure. The groupings of Betelgeuse lost their peace, just as the groupings of Rigel continued to be both powerful and aggressive. At this time, the population peak dropped by approximately 1.5 billion.

450,000 years before our era- Arriving on the Land of the Anunnaki. However, the complexity of the one who is the Anunnaki, who came from the Susir Dragon (reptilians), who were later ruled by one of the Races on Planet Nibiru. They were engaged in the formation of genetic material in DNA and the continuation of life, for which they took living energy from living intelligent beings. One of the early Planets from Susir Orion was captured by Planet Inua. However, just as the reptilian form of life on Nibiru is also humanoid, they are called the Anunnaki, although the humanoid form is also called the Annunaki. Our Planet will enter the number of involuntary Annunakami Planets, which are still on our Planet and still exploit people: on the physical - from the form of gold, diamonds and your power genetics; mental - negative emotions and exhaustion of mental energy in general; mental – disinformation through mass media, as well as through religions.

307.894 BC- A bunch of comets hit the Earth. The lizard race fooled the Group Mind with feminine energy to enter into sexual contacts with the negative side of the Transport Space system. The group mind of different species of people tends to physically monitor sensitivity.

307,000 years before our era- The Anunnaki are one of the ancient Races. The stinks have become more expensive at Vsesvita and were prepared until the Ascension of the fourth strength, or because. There was a lot of negativity, they needed purification, as was the case for the sawing of gold in the atmosphere. They made two things themselves - they cleaned the thin shells and, by dispersing gold in the atmosphere, they conserved heat. If food was important to them, then by fighting for food, lizard-like creatures genetically changed the human race. The triviality of life for the rakhunok sacrifice amounted to 360,000 roki. As soon as the Anunnaki approached, the stench created a city around our Planet for a rich meal. Tsi grati kontrolyut different appearance emotional states and provoke them. And those who did not dare to arise, they also engage in their activities: the production of gold, diamonds, diamonds, genetic material and the harvesting of energies through sacrifices. There is a stench through the bloodstream. Some of the orders around the world and their practitioners, but since these energy sources are not long-lasting, later the Ascended lizard-like origins gave a plan for the Reptilian Race to create around Planet 3 energy ichnih gratas. The Ascension's lizard-like presence prompted the Reptilian Group to provide assistance to the Ascension.

295,000 BC - A great battle has begun between the empire and the worlds that cannot join it. The beginning of a trivial conflict between the worlds.

Close to 295,000 years before our era - The Anunnaki arrived on Mars.

Mars was similar to today's Earth. The Anunnaki (humanoids), who arrived from Nibiru, and the people of Zeti Merezhi (Siri), began to inhabit the green, lush forests. Let's reach out crazy stories the stinks of wine were fighting among themselves. And after all, the Martians did not stop fighting one after another, stagnating the atomic and water zebra. As a result of the permanent thermonuclear conflict, the Chervona Planet began to rapidly lose its rich fauna, flora and atmosphere. Some of the hopping Martians dug deep tunnels to the center of the Planet and there, on the inner surface, faced the cataclysms that were brewing. Some of the Martians converged on the Moon and Pluto. And another impatient part moved to the young Earth, where at that time the new world of Atlantis began, and the gradual setting of the sun of Lemuria. During this period, two more insectoid races also lingered on Mars. One Race, Bogomoli, is spiritual, as it did not overcome the constant tyranny of others. 1st friend Race, Insectoids – Murahi. There were no deep understandings of any kind. There is a small stench of one thing: to drive, to force and to conquer. Before the death of Mars, the Bogomolov Race rose up.

The remaining death of Mars was brought by the visitors from Nibiru, who flared up activity with the species of copalins, most importantly on Mars, and not on Earth, where many different races lived among the great people. Although the atmosphere on Mars was thin, there was enough of it, the visitors were deprived of water resources that could be collected for the mining of gold, for which they arrived. While doing this, they were looking for ways to create a drain on the apparently flat surface of Mars, and they did it in a thoughtless manner, directing the drainage water into the drainage adit. hydraulic engineering disputes). In this manner, the valuable water in increasing quantities was pumped into the ground, and once the neglected tanks had flown, they could no longer be released. The surface of Mars was cooling as the atmosphere thinned out, and the surface that was freezing accelerated this process.

Nezabar, the atmosphere became too thin for breathing, and the fragments of the Anunnaki sounded until the eternal summer, then the stinks left the frozen Planet without any particular stings, the fragments of the stink, in parallel with Mars, began to conquer the Earth, and yet, for their own reasons. Now the Earth looked more abundant, especially in light of the fact that there were few alternatives. In exchange for these resources, the stinks were acquired from the Civilization that was being dealt with by the Atlanteans. In due course, even after they were quarantined from the Earth, they began to create and maintain their moisture atmosphere in sealed chambers, and in this way they can continue to chew their mining robots in the Sonic System, there Who cares otherwise, and do it until such time. It's time.

275,000 BC- Coming of the Annunaki (humanoids). The stench contributed to certain genetic mutations in the formation of modern civilization in Africa. The stench, manipulating the Galaxy, was lost on the Planet Nibiru. On it they learned the story of how the reptilian Anunnaki conquered the Earth and took all the reserves of gold for sawing, diamonds, diamonds for engines from ships, and also learned about how you can continue to live through additional sacrifice, etc. .k. During this period, the reptilian Anunnaki rose to the fourth power. All the processes on Nibiru were monitored by the Ponad, and in order to avoid further contact and obtain information, the reptilian Annunaki were placed in quarantine. Now the humanoid Anunnaki can gain knowledge of the legends and powerful knowledge. I would like not to forget about those who, the reptilian Anunnaki, tried to use human DNA, thereby creating their own intermediaries, who, in their own way, are at this hour panicking on the Planet.

Let's go back to history. The Nephilim had problems with saving energy and, first of all, heat on the Planet. Nibiru's orbit passed so far beyond the Sun that the Nephilim needed to absorb the heat. To solve this problem, a program was developed that transfers the planet's creation to a screen for sawing detailed gold in the nearest outer space. For this purpose, the strength of this metal was significant. The Nephilim at that time were unable to reach the primitive technology of flooding in the vast space and could only navigate other Planets during the period when their Planet was between the Solar System. Having engulfed the Planets of the Sonya System, the stench revealed that the Earth could no longer take revenge great quantity gold. The Nephilim sent an expedition to the warehouse of 600 sources to Earth to recover a bottle of gold. Near the region of modern Iraq they created a place - a basic tabir, and gold was mined from mines in the wilds of Africa, near the basin of the Zambezi River. For 3600 years, when Nibir was approaching the Earth, they transported gold to their Planet.

A bottle of gold in this manner lasted for about 150,000 years. The reality of living on an alien Planet is not easy, and perhaps it led to the fact that around 275,000 – 198,000 years before our era, there was a rebellion of the Nephilim - the miners, who decided to continue working with a bottle of gold.

Now let's delve a little into the history of the landing and colonization of our Planet by the Anunnaki.

Under the cerivnism of the son of Ayau, the Anunnaki came to Earth and founded Erida - the first colony on Earth, intending to extract gold from the waters of the Persian inlet. The Earth's climate is becoming milder. New herds of Anunnaki are arriving on the Planet, among them Ninhursag, Enki’s cousin and chief medical service. The project from producing a bottle of gold from water turns out to be ineffective, and Anu arrives on Earth with her rightful successor Enlil. It is likely that bottles of gold will be minted from Pivdenny Africa. The duties are distributed to the other foal: Enlil will remove the kerivnitsa from the whole world, and Enki will be sent to Africa. Leaving the Earth, Anu enters into conflict with the onuk Alau. The modern part of Mesopotamia has a number of important settlements, including a spaceport (Sippar), a mission control center (Nip Pur), a metallurgy center (Bad Tibira) and a medical center (Shuruppak). The ore arrives on ships from Africa, and the metal extracted from it is transported to orbital stations, which are serviced by the Earth, and then transferred to the interplanetary ships, which periodically arrive from N. Ibiru.

Having obtained the support of the Igigs, Onuk Alau plans to seek control of the Earth. At the War of the Ancient Gods, Enlil’s henchmen are fighting. Enki and Ninhursag use genetic manipulation to create a “primitive robot” from a human-like robot, which replaces the Anunnaki on important robots. Like all creatures are hybrids, the first earthlings were reduced in vigor until their appearance was restored. To capture primitive robotics, the Anunaki had to go as far as piece plaster: the egg of the female mawpi was hatched, sealed, and placed in the empty uterus of the “goddesses of the people.” Among the Anunaki there were fourteen wives, who wined the future slaves. People came out small and lived very little behind the worlds of the Nephilim. The commands understood the stench, or, like the sheep, only grass and did not rebel. If the primitive workers began to replace the Anunaki in the mines of ancient Africa, then the Nephilim, who were exploited by the Anu in Mesopotamia, also showed their dissatisfaction. The stinks extorted “their parts” of primitive workers from the emperor. Unfazed by Enki, Enlil forcibly buried a number of earthlings and delivered them to Edem - the “Zhilo of the Just” near Mezhirich.

The life span of the Mwp was much shorter than the life of the hybrids, and the life of the hybrids was also much shorter than the life of the Anunnaki. To increase the triviality of life for Mavpam-Anunaki hybrids, Enki conducted numerical experiments in genetics, vikorista for whose sperm the best. Vin has created a new “thorough model” of the earthling. To this earthling Enki gave the name Adapa. The first genetic changes were carried out in laboratories on Mars. Later, this new hybrid DNA was transplanted into Homo Erectus, which became the beginning of the processes of transformation of the human race on Earth.

Adapted to great intellect, as well as creation to natural creation, although the term of his life, as before, would be incompatible with the term of life of the Anunnaki.

Enlil, having learned about the vinakhid of Adapa Enki, was even more dissatisfied. Because, having abandoned the ability to reproduce in the natural way, earthly people have become like gods. At this point about this experiment, Father Anu, who was on Nibiru at that moment, ordered that Adapu be brought with youma.

Yenki's alarm was afraid that Adapa might be cut off, otherwise he could not listen to his father. Todi Enki ahead of Adapa, so that she would not stick around with any of the liquids or drinks offered by the Anunnaki to Yomu, because they could be mixed with otruta.

Having trained Adapa, Father bless him with the wisdom and vastness of knowledge conveyed to him by Enki. Rejoicing, the Anunnaki decided to once again deprive Adapa on Marduce and continue his life. However, remembering Yenki’s order that they could destroy him, Adapa was convinced that he had been given a drink. If you discovered that the hedgehog was not destroyed, then it was already too late. The opportunity to live forever was wasted by Adapa.

And the axis of many fates was that Adapa turned to Earth and was crushed by the High Priest of the place Eridu. Having also promised Anu, I will help the Goddess of Healing to cure all earthly ailments.

From that hour one of the branches of the human race began to rapidly multiply and multiply on the earth. People were no longer just mechanical slaves who worked in the mines and fields of the gods. With the help of the Anunnaki, they mastered carved crafts, there were “booths” for their divine patrons, called “temples”, “pyramids”, “ziggurats”, the earthlings quickly learned to prepare vishukan herbs, compose songs and music, and play rumor and the womb of the gods. An hour later, the young Anunnaki, sensing the need for matrimony, began to enter into formal relationships with earthly women, some of the women were similar to the same Seeds of Life as the Anunnaki. It is true that the female specimens were even smaller in stature—a little less than a nephilim’s knee. Then the earthly women and the Anunnaki were completely crazy in biological terms.The cob meta arrived on Earth, the essence of the mission of the Anunnaki was forgotten, the stinks completely succumbed to lovemaking, with the Mavpas, with the females of the hybrid race.

« Anunnaki means the one who came from heaven to earth. There is a lot of evidence about sleep alien planet Neberu, which travels around the Sun in an elliptical orbit for 3,600 Earth years. Alien planet Neberu inhabit nothing ancient arrivals of the Anunnaki, which the ancient Sumerians took for Gods. The Sumerian civilization has progressed rapidly, and it is very little to gain in-depth knowledge in various areas for further assistance. ancient arrivals of the Anunnaki h alien planet Neberu

Myths of the Sumerians

We often witness the amazing behavior of one person or an entire group of another human race. We will never again understand why there is so much evil and violence, why there is so much hatred in some people, although others may be kind and kind, who will always rush to help others.

Actors ruled with a strong hand, Undoubtedly, victorious and cruel methods, in order to discipline others, manipulated them to become slaves.

Another group is champions of human rights, who swear by Mother Earth and nature. The world carries love and knowledge. Why are you so excited? Did two great groups of people with completely different behavior come together?

To better understand this, it is necessary to get acquainted with the first earthly legends and better understand the world of archaeology, history and Sumerian myths. These are deep truths that are deeply laid out on an old stone in a small patch of earth. The stinks are divined by the skin people, the stars of the vines.

Zechariah Sitchin, as well as Velikovsky and Darwin, championed clever theories and drew information from earlier generations. Virimo mi in tse chi ni, ale v Sumerian myths There are a lot of great truths about our planet, about distant stars and the body of Great Cosmic Energy. To understand how the life of the Earth has taken place, one cannot ignore every legend or fairy tale.

Planet of ancient aliens Neberu

Foundation 10th (12th after other dzherels) planet of ancient aliens Neberu We’ll get to the bottom of everything we care about in a practical way. This is no longer a hidden place like a Cossack.

Every day that we are engaged in space exploration, we have determined the orbit Neberu that place of growth. This was a secret for the astrologers of ancient Babylon and Sumer. Ancient astrologers and astronomers tied close Neberu to the Earth with great changes and the beginnings of a new era. Sumerian legends describe the current appearance of the 10th planet, it seems that its approach was caused by strong rains, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes and other troubles on our planet. U Neberu Gravity is very strong. U Old Testament We know the riddle about this planet and its ruinous influx onto ours.

Neberu- Living planet, and its inhabitants were known to ancient earthlings, as Nubiriani, although I wanted to be more visible, the stench was under the name Anunnaki, Nephilim, Elohim and Mardukans (another name for the planet NeberuMarduk). There is no need here, before speaking, to confuse the Holy Names of Elohim.

Civilization Anunnaki Already in those distant hours, advanced technologies were at a premium. They were respected by the rulers on Earth, and by the All-World. The Sumerians are considered the oldest civilization in the world. We know the principles of the Old Testament pribultsy from the sky "Anakimah". Known ancient Sumerians were rejected as immigrants from the planet Neberu. Babylon and Sumer had a group of immigrant aristocrats who dominated the Earth and space. As the stench grew stronger, the star of Zaos became its house.

When did the Anunnaki arrive on Earth?

Anunnaki arrived flew to our Earth, since a long time ago Neberu popped out of the Earth. During this time of war, the people suffered greatly heavenly bodies(though there may be some inaccuracy here, and Neberu hit not with the Earth, but with Phaeton, which misfortunes him). The immigrants saw the land as the place of their peaceful life. The stinks were looking for gold. Many people respect that they needed gold in order to restore the damaged shell of the native planet with a path of sawing in the atmosphere of yellow metal.

On clay tablets from the Sumerian period one can read that Neberu bula zruinovana Elite Anunnaki, that they themselves bear responsibility for the unstable collapse of the planets and for everything that has happened this year. They had miraculous flying objects, like great places. They have colonized many planets, including Earth, Mars and all others in our world. Sonic system, the story of Orion and Pleiades. behind from the outside looking in This is a good guess for our Scandinavians – tall, athletic blondes.

This group also had many subgroups with different views, for example: Anunnaki-chanvinism The Anunnaki-chanvinisms are responsible for the share of women in Arabia and Asia. Through them the role of wives was weakened and the status of the Mother of God was inserted. Anunnaki Mars-Crucian carp Krim already known to us, there was another group Anunaki- Mars-crucian carp. qi arrivals settled in central Europe and Australia. Elite Anunnaki Dukaz Not all ancient arrivals - Anunaki damage my reputation. They were respected by those who were jealous and loved to dominate, and they took away the names of the devil. Legends say that the stinks were bloodthirsty and loved so that people made sacrifices to them. The name of the devil was not for all the Anunnaki, but especially for those who specialized in controlling information and finances, their humanity is concerned with the development of money, economics and technology. They were miraculous genetic engineers. There is a group with super reptiles, also known as dukaz. This group was ruled by the so-called Maistri, who were the elite of the Anunaki. The stinks were called Elite Anunnaki.

The Anunnaki, based on their mastery in genetics, created new and new forms of life. They also called themselves gods and created a lot of religion, conquered human spirituality in order to make it easier to manipulate people. The stench created different factions, disrupted the natural order of life, and seemed to still live together with people on Earth, enveloping high plantings. We're going to the top genetic engineering- human cloning. They also dominate social policy, financial affairs, and science and medicine. The military departments are in their hands.

The order is to use human energy for your own powerful purposes through the emotional body. I think that these energies will be distorted later in order to cause wars, conflicts, lies, hatred and other negativity. There is also a desire for polygamy, an abnormal desire for other forms of life. The stench will kill the people who look like creatures. Anunaki vultures or Persian Siriz Another group was the sworn enemies of Dukaz. vultures", she was little seen by people. The stinks looked and acted differently, lower group dukaz. The stinks they called themselves Persian-Syriz. Those two groups were irreconcilable opponents. Anunnaki Attas The Anunnaki atas bring light to the world. Members of this group promote human awareness, fight terrorism, hypocrisy, and manipulation. Representatives of both of these groups are building a human perspective. The stench also lurks in astral forms, which can penetrate the lives of people. It is easy to guess that these two groups generate the two most powerful energies of the world: According to some information, Atlantis was destroyed by the Anunnaki. And information about what great genetic laboratories were founded. When did the Anunnaki lose control of the world? The atasis took control, controlled technology, refined the human form, and became the teachers of people. The new group was called the Anunnaki-Remants, who fought against the Atasis and people-Syros. Anunnaki Renmantsi After the death of Atlantis, when the Elite Anunnaki flew off to other planets, remancy was lost on Earth. They conquered other parts of the Earth and gave birth to cultures: the Mayans, Incas, Aztecs and Egyptians. We need to create pyramids, sciences and medicines from the vigor of plants, herbs, etc. Renmantsi They raised human culture and became great readers and histories.

Possibly, we, representatives of different nations, are also representatives of different groups. Anunaki?

Great in the Bible

The Anunnaki are velet and giants, which are revealed in the Bible, in the Old Testament: “... In those days and then, when the blues of God came to human daughters, they became popular on Earth giganti, as we have known for a long time...” (1 Moses 6:4). Moses led a group of Jews under the yoke of Pharaoh, asking them to adhere to one God to the Divine Commandments. In addition, in the book of Kings we find descriptions of battles giants that there are six fingers and toes wagging. “... And then there was another battle at Gati. There was a man of phenomenal growth with six fingers and toes, he was 24 years old, and he would be a very young man...” Moses is recognized by numerical signs as one of Anunaki atasov. During the Bible hours, many peoples fought for salvation against the oppression of the enemy. Many who perished in the hands of David. The story of David and Goliath is widely known. Reading the Bible itself is not so easy to understand, we do not have enough knowledge to connect all the biblical concepts. We know from the biblical creations the people of Adam and his warriors from the rib of Adam. The stink of the offspring, 2 blue ones. Cain has become friends, what about Kim?! Are the stars taken by giants? There are a lot of such applications, but there is no clear evidence. When Adam and Eve were created, the Earth was already populated by a multitude of different races, which resulted from the mixing of the inhabitants of distant planets, they were brought to the Earth. Anunnaki they killed their powerful slaves. Nearly 35,000 years ago, Neanderthals have been alive on earth. Yogo and vikorists in their experiments Anunnaki. To say that Homo Sapiens himself appeared like this. Through the process of genetic experiments, other things were created, and the creatures’ appearances were guessed.

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