Amino acids: the role of organisms, essential amino acids in products, lack of amino acids. Amino acids in products.

Bіlki take the fate of the budovі clіtin and provide us with energy. With this help, essential amino acids come to our body. In order for the organism to function quickly and develop, people need 20 amino acids. Let's try to get started, in some products there are amino acids, and some of them are needed to live.

The role of amino acids for the human body

Zagalom has 150 amino acids in nature. For normal functioning of the human body, close to 20 amino acids are needed. Indispensable amino acids come to our body with a living, as it is alive. It’s necessary for the nobility, as products to revenge amino acids.

Essential amino acids

  • Metionin
  • Tryptophan
  • Valin
  • Threonin
  • Leucine
  • Fenilalanin
  • Isoleucine
  • Lizin
  • Cysteine
  • Tyrosin

The importance of essential amino acids

  • Metionin. Even more important is the amino acid, which is responsible for the processing of fat in the body. The staff does not cause liver obesity and atherosclerosis. Metionin will shrink the etching and change myazov pain. When adequate amino acids are found in the body, the organism will find itself in the form of radioacies and radicals. Metionin is necessary for the assimilation of living elements by the body and take care of the fate of the synthesis of glucose.
  • Tryptophan... The lack of amino acid levels can be the cause of diabetes and cancer patients. Tryptophan takes care of the fate of viral niacin, which is necessary for sleeplessness, depression and frequent stress. Tryptophan is also important for the heart in promoting growth hormone.
  • Valin... The amino acid will provide the renewal of fabrics and tissues. In addition, there is a normal exchange of nitrogen. Especially important is є valine for athletes and for training. Valin also reduces the amount of sugar in the blood and the growth hormone. Pіdtrimu rіven serotonіnu. If there is a failure, the damage is caused nervous system that coordination of rukhiv.
  • Threonin... Necessary for the cell exchange, immune system, growth and viroblennya collagen and elastin. Take the fate of the viroblenna hormones and inflow without a precession on the exchange of words.
  • Leucine. Zdіysnyu zahist m'yazіv and supplying energy to our body. Th e additional fabrics are renewed for serious navantages. Vіdbuvaєtsya vyroblennya hormone growth. It helps to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It is not enough to produce before the reduction of the mass and destruction of the robotic thyroid gland.
  • Fenilalanin. Amino acid, yak is required for a garnishing mood. I will paint the building before the beginning, memory and power to drive my appetite. Amino acid is required for robotic thyroid gland.
  • Isoleucine. I will protect the organism of the energy, take care of the fate of the viral hemoglobin, as well as regulate the level of blood in the blood. Necessary for growing.
  • Lizin... Important for the cyst system and growth. The staff of the lizin will take on calcium, which is especially important for children. Necessary for viroblenya hormones, exchange of words and mastery of living elements.
  • Cysteine. Vіdіgraє important role in viroblennі taurine, which is necessary for the fat metabolism of recovins. Є dherel glucose. Protect organisms from strong radicals and vivodit toxins.
  • Tyrosin. The lack of aminokisloti to create bewilderment. Tyrosine is necessary for the production of large hormones and normal robotic thyroid growth.

Table in place of amino acids in products

The site magazine is to please the zrobiti with its own race as much as possible. Now you know that in some products there are essential amino acids, and you can include them in your food yaknaychastishe.

What are the products to revenge amino acids? Amino acids from milk, milk, meat? What's the smell of value and color for the body? Food for any athlete. And not only pohatkivtsya... Suggestions of interest to amіnіv whole minds. Oskіlki buy amino acids in tablets, capsules, and powder can be far from dermal. And the axis to make corrections to the rate of harvesting ...

To put all the specks above the "i", we took at the border one statistic of the most frequent power supply. And then - they prepared a table of amino acids, in the yak they brought in irreplaceable and cleverly irreplaceable amin and products that were to be revenged (meat, milk, grass and herbs). The results of our robots are in front of you.

Products to avenge amino acids: dzherela indispensable spoluk

Amino acids are structural units of bile, "tseglinks", which can be shaped like a protein day. Amino acids can be found in the body of people (meat fibers, tissue fibers, etc.), in roslins (grains, beans), meat and dairy products. At a glance, biological values ​​are the most interesting to represent indispensable amini- spoluky, scho to fit into the body of people with special additives. On the vidminu of the deputies, the stench is synthesized by living cells. And then - perebuyut at a post-mortem deficiency.

Naybilsh "deficiency" spoluks - tryptophan, methionin, lizin. The very stench, behind the data of the VOOZ, is most often vipadayut from the outlandish picture. Compensate for the lack of essential amino acids for the following products:

Bobov... Mistyat valin, tryptophan, phenylalanin. Bagati on histidine, leucine, threonin, methionin and other components (you can learn about the specificity of the quiet ones you can, if you decide to do it).

Bile meat (chicken breast)... Find BCAA (isoleucine, valin, leucine), lysine, tryptophan, phenylalanin, histidine.

Dairy products (sir, sir, low-fat and ultra-pasteurized milk and in.)... Dzherela essential amino acids: lysine, tryptophan, arginine, phenylalanine, valina.

Egg... Products containing BCAA amino acids, phenylalanin and methionin. It will be great to get used to organism, to make your body grow in a complex and complex way.

Riba... To find high concentrations of essential amino acids. Zokrem, isoleucine, lysine, phenylalanin and other spoluk.

Groats (rice, greek porridge, etc.)... Dzherela valin, isoleucine, leucine, histidine.

Nasinnya and gorikhi... Products containing threonine, histidine, isoleucine, arginine, lysine and other amino acids. Revenge on a new complex of bilkovy spoluk roslinnogo promenade.

Table of amino acids for food products

Preparations for revealing amino acids

Amino acids, such as in food products, may have an unstable form. This often occurs in chemistry reactions, setting up folding spoluks. Compensate for the lack of amino acids in the use of special drugs, which should be up to the category of dietary supplements.

It is cleverly possible to see 3 categories of dietary supplements based on amino acids:

Amino acid complexes... Bagatocomponent preparations with expanded profile. Call to revenge 11-18 types of spoluk. Bezpechuyut complexly pіdzhivlennya organіzmu.

Amino acids BCAA... Kharchov additives are available in three types of amino acids: leucine, valine and isoleucine. On the basis of the most common proteinogenic spolucs, BCAAs can be absorbed without preference in meat. Tom should enter the storehouse of pretrenuval complexes and anabolic preparations.

Vidіlenі amіni... Preparations, scho to avenge one amino acid. For example, arginine, glutamine or L-carnitine. To improve metabolism to improve metabolism, according to the goals set (thinning, activation of nitric oxide viroblast and in.). The sphere of storage of visual amino acids is described in detail; the statty of creatine has passed over 180 years. And zaboon about new, like and earlier, live and prosper. Yak piti creatine right? What kind of fatalities? What is more beautiful to accept: chi powder capsules? About our statistics.

Structural formulas, budova and power of amino acids

Amino acids - tse organic spoluks, to avenge carboxyl and amino groups. All in nature there are over 300 types of amino acids, more than 20 of them are of particular interest for people. Go for Protein Abo proteinogenic amino acids, For my budovyu vіdminnyh vіdmіnnіh vіdnіnіh nіbіlkovy spoluk. Well, everything is in order.

For whom amino acids are needed: value, cinnamon, especially the consumption of amino acids

What is the need for amino acids? Would you smell the stench? Yak diyut? What are the inheritances and vicious effects? Diet and nutrition of sportsmen. At the time of the mass information, there is a publication about the school of sports food. Zvidsi - lack of confidence and anticipation of being promoted to the group food additives.

Wake up on healthy image life, it is necessary to improve the supply of a new set of cinnamon elements to the body. It is necessary to live a life, reminiscent of natural vitamins (in case of deficiency), cinnamon minerals and antioxidants. Є One more block of words, which are added to the camp of health and call. Amino acid price.

Smell is a component of bіlkіv. Otzhe, the meaning in the body of people is important. And otzhe, everyone, who to pursue their health, in some products, you can know the life of the necessary elements.

Signal characteristic: the role of amino acids in organism

The main role of amino acids in the formation of the body. Of particular importance is the process of growing a child for a child. Amino acids in front of - material that will be safe, scho to become a large part of klitini.

Stinks z bіlki - bagatoskladovі organіchnі speech, a warehouse of yaky mansions structural components amino acids. Tse, at my own devil, means that amіnokisloty without a priori pour into the fabric of Budova internal organs people. In addition, the stench takes an active part in the robotic, immune, hormonal and other systems of life.

Amino acids are divided into 2 groups: substitute, as organism synthesizes itself, that indispensable , the hope is that you will be safe from the mother. When others do not, the organism of vitracha speech, accumulated in myases.

It is necessary to set up a warehouse of any products to take away amino acids, which are competently combined.

If you store a list of products loaded with amino acids, you need to remember about the gradation of bricks on the options for growing and tartaricity. Others are easier to use human organism.

Three products, rich in a tall wine, are the most popular - beans and cereals. Ale in the post-chief of the roselinny bottle may contain the necessary amino acids. When you cherish and sumptuous products of both types, you will be able to improve the profitable value of the protein.

The dose of amino acids is necessary for people

Dobova dose of amino acids, is necessary for the body, 1-2 grams for doba . Ale є furnish, how to make a significant increase in the ratio of amino acids:

  • growing organism,
  • vinyatka from vzhivannya їzhі tvarinny hike,
  • Periodi ailments and rehabilitation,
  • stress and the wrong way of doing things,
  • deyakі chronic ailments,
  • Intensive physical and cost-effective options.

There is a lack of amino acids until the end of a large amount of evidence in myases, chronic conditions, a decrease in the quality of pinkness, difficult in the intestinal tract and immunity. With obvious manifestations of amino acid deficiency, loss of hair, drowsiness and weakness, loss of appetite. It is also more possible to destroy the shkiri, to catch the development, the low opacity to infectious diseases, early sivin.

List of amino acids and products

  1. Valin the necessary activism of the rosum activity. Win є in їzhі yak roslinnogo ( cereals, beans ), so і food-like activities ( milk and meat products );
  2. Isoleucine additional help to transfer heavy physical installation. Є in chicken eggs, meat of birds, cookies, beans, cashews and migdals ;
  3. Leucine spriy regeneration shkiri, m'yaziv, knitted fabric... Yogo organism can be recognized gorіkhіv, rice (buri raznovid), plus rib chi meat ;
  4. Dzherela threoninumilk that egg ... Winning for the effective work of the heart-vascular system and the formation of the dental emal;
  5. Metionin pouring into the power of nirok and stoves, accelerating the detoxification of the body. Їm bagati milk, riba, meat ;
  6. Tryptophan, scho you know for garnishing mood, start to get used to bananas, sesame seeds, fіnіkіv ;
  7. Lizin, of celebrations against the Russian anti-virus, є at the warehouse dairy products in cereals ... It also improves the functionality of the hormonal system and synthesis of collagen;
  8. Fenilalanin take the fate of the healthy results in metabolism, stabilize the robot's nervous system, and reduce the memory. Він is located in ribs of stravi, chicken and dairy products .

Amino acids for beauty

In addition to being overwhelmed by amino acids, it is obvious that there is a lot of them to be considered a representative of a beautiful state on the basis of youth. The stench will make you feel free to play with elastin, who will grow old, and your hair and nigty will be healthy and healthy.

To them to be introduced: cysteine ​​(їm bagati chicken eggs, sesame seeds, corn, rice ) і linoleic acid (її sound at oliyah from germs of wheat or rice, soya or grape seeds ).

Vitamin Amino Acids

Vilny amino acids є in їzhі in the smallest dose. The main part of the їх is included in the components of bіlkіv, which can be absorbed in the intestinal tract. The skin molecule of amino acid, not obtained from the other molecules, in a short hour comes to the shelter without the front from the intestine, so that the mucous membranes are ruined. Tom such amino acids are essential for sportsmanship, unaffected by a high rate... Etching is a pre-treatment and energovitrate procedure, and for an inconvenient preservation of vitriolic amino acids, it can be trained with protein, which is more beautiful.

Competently accumulating the ratsion is guilty of the avenging of the balancing of the indispensable amino acids. Know, de їkh shukati, you can correctly formulate the menu.

Some amino acids are used in biological additives. In active clerks, Trenuvan is more popular. sports food At the storehouse of amino acids Ale tse is allowed only to those who have prescribed a dietary supplement or a fitness trainer. Kudi bezpechnishe remove amino acids from natural products.

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Amino acids in kharchuvannya products

The nature of the abundance of amino acids is close to 150. But not all are important for the human body. For living, twenty amino acids are needed, most of them are indispensable, so human organism it is not possible to vibrate independently.

Amino acids in kharchuvannya products: dobova norm

For those who need amino acids, I know a lot. Without them, the unhelpful synthesis of hormones, the awakening of the blood, the overloading of the vital processes of life. Slid vrahovuvati, scho microorganisms, roslini can independently vibrate all the required acids, people can often take away from them. Is it necessary for people today to find a few amino acids, and to get away with amino acids?

The need for amino acids to be improved:

  • how is the organism of growth;
  • when Lyudina is active that / abo a professional athlete;
  • how much more physical that / abo rozumove navantazhennya;
  • as lyudin is sick / oduzhuє.

The need for amino acids is old enough for people to have problems with their own occupation. In such a situation, an excess of acids can lead to allergic problems with slag and intestines.

For some signs, can there be a lack of amino acids for the body?

  • Your appetite is lost or your sutta has changed;
  • you are passed over feeling sleepy and / or weakness;
  • trust in growth and development;
  • vipadaє hair;
  • the camp of shkiri pogirshuatsya;
  • anemia;
  • decrease in immunity.

In case of lack of amino acids, which can be taken from it, it is necessary to store its deficiency in the body. Special amino acid supplements are available for help. However, a trace of the nobility, the surplus of amino acids on the other inconsistent vitamins is not less important.

For some signs it is possible that there is a surplus of amino acids in the body?

  • Tyrosine in overwhelming conditions can cause problems in the thyroid gland and hypertension;
  • If there is an excess of hystidine, sivine may appear early, and also there may be ailments on the slopes, aortic aneurysms may be diagnosed;
  • As soon as the organism is even more methionin, then the growth of the insult and the infarction is growing.

The development of a number of problems is to lay down yak because of an excess of meaningful words. The stench has grown, the need for additional shortage of vitamins in groups B, A, E, C, as well as selenium. Even though all the microelements are at the necessary amount, then the excess of acids is quickly converted to brown for the purpose of speech.

Amino acids: de revenge

Without acids, human organism can function more effectively? In order to sniff people, it is necessary to live products, to replace the amino acids phenylalanin, methionin, leucine, isoleucine, tryptophan, lysin, threonin and valin. The skin is rendered budovy, vicarious functions.

We present to you the products to take away amino acids in the list.

Valin is an amino acid that can be found in products such as mushrooms, grains, milk, dairy and meat products, arachis, soy beans. The amino acid will add tissue to the body and will shrink the meat metabolism, which is especially necessary in case of new options. The staff of the valin will be adapted to the norms of nitrogen exchange.

Bagato leucine take revenge in the mountains, in meat productsі ribs, as well as in a fellow woman, brown rice in bagatokh nasіnnі. The acid will give you the protection of the meat tissue and it will give you energy. And also there are additional help to see the handles, shkiri and m'yazam.

Isoleucine growers viroblyaetsya hemoglobin. Amino acid regulates blood sugar and energy. Amino acids can be found in mountains, chicken, eggs, ribs, ovens, as well as in fellow women, soya, life and life.

For the additional methionine, fat and correct processing are processed. The acid will prevent detoxification processes, change the perception of weakness in myases, and also prey on the organism from the radioactive vipromyuvannya. Metionin bagati such products: riba, eggs, dairy products, beans and meat.

Most of the lizin can be found in ribs, meat products, milk, cereals and mountains. Amino acid is required for the normal formation of cysts and growth in children. I for older people is important - additional help to take up calcium, add nitrogenous exchange. Dopomagaє viroblyaty antiitil, hormones and enzymes. New fabrics, collagen shape.

The staff of threonin in tlі people accept the normal exchange of bills and stimulate immunity. You can know him in young eggs.

Without tryptophan, niacin products are unhealthy. Qia acid helps people who suffer from sleeplessness and / or depression. It also helps to improve the likelihood of heart ailments, reduce appetite, control vagu and increase the synthesis of hormone growth. Tryptophan changes the school's code to nikotin, because of the hyperactivity of the child and the attack of the migraine. You can know it in bananas, figs, meat, sesame, and arachis.

Fenilalanin bagati such products: yalovichina, milk and syrny masi, soєvi bobi, trigger, riba and egg. Tsya acid additionally helps viroblyati dopamine, which is infused into the mood of people. Also, phenylalan will paint the building to the memory of the new, increasing the pain, resulting in a decrease in appetite.

Basically, amino acids are found in eggs, milk, soy, yalovich, chicken, trisk, siri, low-fat sir, cartoplin and wheat mucus. Now you know how to take revenge on amino acids, which are necessary for the human body.

Vmist amino acids in food products: table

If you don’t know what products are rich in amino acids, the table is shown below, you may be able to use the whole food. For the sake of precision and convenience, it is quite possible instead of essential amino acids in food products from the table.

Product Amino acids (mg per 100 g net product)
Trypto-fan Lizin Meti-onin Valin Threonin Leucine Iso-leucine Feni-lalanin Gistidin
Smoker egg 204 903 424 772 610 1081 597 652 340
Cow's milk 50 261 87 191 153 324 189 171 90
Yalovichina of the 1st category 210 1589 445 1035 803 1478 782 795 710
Yalovichina of the 2nd category 228 1672 515 1100 859 1657 862 803 718
veal of the 1st category 245 1683 414 1156 855 1484 998 791 739
veal of the 2nd category 260 1755 453 1177 892 1566 1050 828 740
pork meat 191 1239 342 831 654 1074 708 580 575
rabbits 327 2199 499 1064 913 1734 864 512 626
chicken of the 1st category 293 1588 471 877 885 1412 653 744 486
chicken of the 2nd category 330 1699 574 899 951 1824 828 896 379
Category 1 іndichki 329 1636 417 930 875 1587 963 803 540
Category 2 іndichki 354 1931 518 1017 961 1819 1028 851 436
Yalovich's stove 238 1433 438 1247 812 1594 926 928 847
brunki yalovichi 214 1154 326 857 638 1240 714 677 687
yazik yalovichy 176 1373 345 845 708 1215 766 696 616
doctor 151 945 177 672 529 913 547 508 318
milk sausages 203 839 111 630 357 757 313 369 302
tricky 210 1500 500 900 900 1300 1500 800 450
mintay 200 1800 600 900 900 1300 1100 700 400
sea ​​bass 170 1700 500 1000 900 1600 1100 700 400
corop 180 1900 500 1100 900 1800 800 800 300
zander 184 1619 534 975 791 1398 938 681 400
Atlantean donkey 250 1800 350 1000 900 1600 900 700 500
squid 324 2005 521 500 648 2070 432 216 324
low fat 180 1450 480 990 800 1850 1000 930 560
fat 212 1008 384 838 649 1282 690 762 447
Sire hard 788 1747 865 1414 1067 1780 1146 1280 1508
Soy 450 2090 560 2090 1390 2670 1810 1610 620
Peas 260 1660 250 1100 930 1650 1330 1110 600
Kvasol 260 1590 280 1120 870 1740 1030 1130 630
Greek 180 630 260 590 500 680 520 540 300
vivsyana 160 420 140 580 350 780 500 550 220
rice 80 260 130 420 240 620 330 350 160
poltavska 90 280 140 380 300 680 330 580 250
pearl 100 300 120 490 320 490 460 460 190
barley 120 320 160 450 210 510 560 490 230
pshono 180 360 270 620 440 1620 590 580 290
macaroni virobi 125 249 189 518 331 866 470 626 261
Wheat dough, 1st grade 120 290 160 510 330 880 530 580 240
Boroshnyani virobi
zhitniy hlib 67 186 62 268 175 356 207 309 103
wheat khlib from boroshn 2-nd Katunku 97 229 138 384 274 538 303 391 172
batoni narіznі z boroshn 1st Katunku 83 165 117 330 213 553 295 395 166
bun "Zhovten" childish food 126 423 318 503 394 913 494 442 237
Kartoplya 28 135 26 122 97 128 86 98 23

The most defective in the fight against the chicken

Mriyuchi about beautiful and pulling tilo, mіtsnі nіgtі, Hollywood smiles, dovgomu volossi and in general about the health of the organism, it is at least forgotten about those, that nature itself has given people everything necessary for normal growth and development.

Vegetables, fruits, meat, cereals - the axis is deprived of a small part of the products that can live on, we can forget about a lot of health problems.

And it’s not surprising that even a skin product includes a range of proteins, amino acids, and other enzymes, which are mainly used in the production of such polygons in that our organism is developed as a mechanism of superimposition.

We will talk about amino acids and peptides that will provide our body with energy and power.

At the same time, the cinnamon of amino acids and peptides is not visible, but the induced change of products, which can live, it is possible to store the deficiency in the organism.

Amino acids

Amino acids are structurally chemical ones, including bottles. Have your own bank, itself from the bricks and store, be it without a blame, a living organism (for more details about the bricks, you can read the statty "Billok and yogo warehouses in food products").

Important! Bilki are synthesized in the body of people from amino acids, so that they are set up in the process of splitting up bins, as they take place in grub products... Visnovok: the most amino acids are the most valuable elements of vitality.

There are close to 28 amino acids, which can be replaceable and irreplaceable. They are synthesized in people's minds, so that they are not indispensable because they come into the body of the body, but it is not the same.

Amino acid corrosiveness

  • Regulation of the brain function.
  • Polishing the development of vitamins and minerals.
  • Generation of energy of meat fabric.
  • Acceleration of the synthesis of the protein by the way of stimulating the secretion of the hormone insulin.
  • Spritin 'on fat.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Stimulation of immunity in fighting viruses and infections.
  • Improvement of metabolic processes.
  • Activation of fermentation of enzymes, induce normal mental tone.
  • Taking viroblast of hemoglobin.
  • Improvement of physical vitality.

Amino acid deficiency

Important! The synthesis of bіlkіv comes into being in the organism on a permanent basis. For the duration of the day, there is a wish for one irreplaceable amino acid, the process of fixing bile acids, which can provoke the deterioration of etching, depression, development of fatty liver degeneration, and also the development of growth.

The main reasons for the deficiency of essential amino acids:

  • wrong eating;
  • infection;
  • implantation of singers lykarsky zasob_v;
  • damage to the process of getting rid of the shKT;
  • frequent fast food;
  • stress;
  • imbalance of living talk;
  • injuries.

Important! Particularly not safe is the lack of amino acids in a child's life, since the body needs a new set of biologically active words, so that normal physical and rosy development can be ensured.

Symptoms of instability in the body of amino acids:

  • weakness;
  • decreased appetite;
  • anemia;
  • visnazhennya organizmu;
  • pogirshennya will become shkiri.

Skoda amino acids

Our organism may not be deprived of a deficiency, but a surplus of amino acids.

So, the most prolonged manifestation of an excess of amino acids є kharchove otruєnnya from usіma inherits, scho viplivayut stars (see about nudota, carrying, bloating, weakness). In addition, the overwhelming survival of amino acids can cause damage to the robot, the heart-vascular and nervous systems.

What are the products to revenge amino acids?

Important! Amino acids, which can be removed from natural products, do not waste side effects, which cannot be said about synthetic supplements, an overdose of them can lead to overdoses.

Amino acids are found in such products:

  • mushroom;
  • meat;
  • grain;
  • dairy products;
  • gorіhi;
  • riba;
  • beans;
  • cereals;
  • egg;
  • bananas;
  • sesame;
  • fіnіki.

The lower reporting is the power of the amino acids and those in the food.


Tyrosine, which belongs to the class of substitute amino acids, takes an active part in the regulation attitude, so that the lack of given amino acid can lead to the development of depression.

Corning tyrosine

  • Stifling appetite.
  • Withdrawal of fat savings.
  • Activation of viroblasting melatonin - a hormone that is responsible for the regulation of additional rhythms.
  • Polypshennya funktsii nadnirkovyh zalozi, as well as thyroid zalozi.
  • Usunennya chronicle vtomi.
  • Pidvischennya mood.
  • Taking a headache.
  • Change will show allergies.
  • Normalization of speech exchange.
  • Improvement of cognitive performance.

About tyrosine deficiency signal the following signs:

  • reduction of arterial grip;
  • low temperature tila;
  • development of the syndrome of restless nig, in case of any ailments, there is an inappropriate perception in the lower symptoms, which can be found in a calm and often mutilated at night.

What are the products to revenge tyrosine?

Dobova need for tyrosine to become 500 - 1500 mg (everything is stored in the form of intensity of physical and pink nascent).

Products that revenge tyrosine:

  • arachis;
  • legumes culture;
  • meat;
  • riba;
  • wheat;
  • seafood;
  • egg;
  • satin;
  • dairy products;
  • migdal;
  • sire;
  • avocado;
  • updated plastic;
  • bananas.


Phenylalanin can be transformed into an indispensable amino acid tyrosine, yak, like vіdomo, take the fate of the synthesis of dopamine, which leads to the mood, memory and appetite. There are three tied basic functions of non-essential acid under the name phenylalanin.

Cinnamon fenilalanin

  • Pidvischennya mood.
  • Reduction of pain syndrome.
  • Polypshennya memory.
  • Adjustment of the building until the beginning of the day.
  • Stifling appetite.
  • Strengthening statistic pull.
  • With the synthesis of insulin.

What are the products of revealing phenylalanin?

Important! Products that will take revenge on the amino acid, promote arterial vise This is because of the protection of the patients who are suffering from hypertension.

Fenilalanin can be found in such products:

  • yalovychina;
  • trigger;
  • riba;
  • gorіhi;
  • egg;
  • sire;
  • milk;
  • legumes culture;
  • satin;
  • dairy products;
  • hlib.


Tryptophan is an indispensable amino acid, which is vicious for the synthesis of serotonin in the brain. With a lack of serotonin, which regulates the biological year, Lyudin is sick to depression, neurosis, sleeplessness, loss of respect and headache. In such a rank, tryptophan, yak and serotonin, is used as a straining antidepressant.

Corinth tryptophan

  • Stabilization of the mood.
  • I will develop hyperactivity syndrome in children.
  • Regulating appetite, which is especially important for people who suffer for bulimia, anorexia and obesity.
  • Zbіlshennya wikidu at the roof of the hormone growth.
  • Decrease loudly injected nikotin and alcohol.
  • Normalization of sleep.
  • Zmenshennya is back.
  • Taking springs.
  • Relaxation of the nervous system.
  • Procedural approval.
  • Change in PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome).
  • Reduction of pain sensitivity.
  • Vyroblennya vіtamіnu В3.

Tryptophan deficiency can be caused by such damage:

  • the loss of vagi;
  • diarrhea;
  • dermatitis;
  • ruinous growth in children vіkom.

Important! The reserves of tryptophan in the body will be stored up from the source, with a high amount of this amino acid in the race, not to create an excess in the body (and overwhelmingly the use of synthetic additives based on tryptophan to overwhelm cannabis).

What are the products to revenge tryptophan?

For storing the tryptophan protein, vitrized in the process of metabolism, healthy, matured lyudin is guilty to live close to 3.5 mg of this amino acid per kilogram of vagi.

Kharchovі dzherela, bagati for tryptophan:

  • stormy rice;
  • home sire;
  • meat (pork, pitching, game);
  • arachis and arachis oil;
  • mushroom;
  • oats;
  • bananas;
  • soєvi bobi;
  • dried fruits;
  • sesame;
  • pine nuts;
  • milk and dairy products;
  • yogurt;
  • riba (especially tuna);
  • corn;
  • satin;
  • molluscs.


The establishments of non-essential acids under the name arginine form nitrogen oxide - the basis for the normal operation of the heart, nervous, immune and endocrine systems.

Nitrogen oxide itself is controlled not only by internal, but also by micro-processes, which occur in living cells. Such serious illness, such as hypertension, ischemia, thrombosis and cancer, provoked damage to physiological processes, which are regulated by nitrogen oxide.

Cinnamon arginin

  • Spriyannya earlyzagoyuvannyu.
  • Stimulation of viroblast of growth hormone.
  • Increasing the status of activity in choloviks through the renewal of erectile functions, as well as stimulation of spermatogenesis.
  • Reducing the supply of fat in the body, as well as reducing the amount of vagi.
  • Zbilshennya of myazovoi masi.
  • Delivery is sour to all fabrics to organisms.
  • Spriyannya formvannyu meazovoy fabric.
  • Slag production and normalization of the robotic oven.
  • Accelerating renewal of forces by intensive supply.
  • Reducing the concentration of high cholesterol.
  • Reversal of the establishment of blood clots, which reduces the risk of development of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques.
  • Stimulation of blood circulation to insulin, as a result of normalization of blood sugar in diabetics of another type.
  • Polіpshennya mood.
  • Normalization and reduction of arterial grip.
  • Calcium supplementation.

What are the products to revenge arginin?

Dobova needs in arginine in children become 4 - 5 rubles, for children in adults - trochas more than 6 rubles.

Important! A child's organism does not synthesize arginine, for which the amino acid is responsible for the general supply of food products.

Products to take revenge on arginin:

  • satnnya garbuza;
  • mountains (especially hairs and cedars);
  • dried peas;
  • chocolate;
  • coconut peas;
  • chicken meat;
  • fillet of salmon;
  • dairy products;
  • pork;
  • the kukurudzians are rich;
  • yalovychina;
  • oats;
  • soєvi bobi;
  • sesame;
  • wheat-rich rough broom;
  • yogurt;
  • egg;
  • non-polishing rice;
  • seafood;
  • pechinka.


Amino acid is substituted for the amino acid, as it is rightfully used for the energy supply of the brain, as well as the central nervous system.

Alanin's corny

  • Change of immunity.
  • Bezpechennya metabolism of tsukrіv.
  • Regulating in the place of zukru at the blood.
  • A change in the manifestation of chronic vtomy syndrome.
  • Decrease in risiku formvannya stone at nirkah.
  • Helping epileptic attacks.
  • Usunennya hot flashes, provoked by premenopause, menopause, and also postmenopause (especially relevant in case of ill-health of carrying out different hormonal therapy).
  • The preparation of myazovaya masi is the result of a set of meazovaya masi.
  • Adjustment of the threshold of stomatosis and vitrification.
  • Accelerated communication processes.

What products have alanin?

The organism of people is guilty for doing something close to three grams of Alanin, with a whole overwhelming dose of change can lead to the development of the syndrome of chronic vtomy.

Alanin takes revenge in such products:

  • myasi (mostly dzherelo alaninu - tse meat broth);
  • seafood;
  • yєchnі bіlki;
  • milk and dairy products;
  • вівсі;
  • wheat;
  • beans;
  • avocado;
  • gorіkhakh;
  • beer drіzhdzhah;
  • dark rice;
  • kukuruji.


I will name it as a substitute for amino acid, it was rejected from the old Greek word "glycys", as it is transformed into "licorice" (on the right, in the case of glitcin is a malt savor).

The main reason for glucin is the process of renewal of the nervous system, which makes the mental performance of the whole person normal. In addition, glucin itself is used to blend other amino acids and a part of the structure of hemoglobin.

Corysticity to glitsin

  • Dedicated to the degeneration of meat fabric.
  • Fate for DNA synthesis, as well as RNA.
  • Taking nerves.
  • Attacking aggression.
  • Consume the change from liquorice.
  • Polіpshennya zagalnogo self-respect and mood.
  • Adoption of rozumovoy pracezdatnosty.
  • Stimulation of the immune system.
  • Z'yazuvannya and neutralization of out-of-mouth words.
  • Decreased alcohol content.
  • With the help of the renewal of fabrics

Important! Glytsin can be consumed for a trivial hour, and a large dose of aminic acid cannot be consumed in a healthy dose.

Human organism itself synthesizes glucine, the protein of the amino acid chain is still kept in mind. In addition, the organism is vitriolic in its own power, stores glycine, which can lead to weakness, loss of sleep, loss of sleep, intestinal dislocation (in severe cases, growth and development can be affected).

What are the products to revenge on glucin?

Dobova rate of glucine to become close to 3 - 6 g (fallow because of the intensity of physical and pink nascent).

Products for revenge on glucin:

  • meat (yalovichina ta ptah);
  • twary oven;
  • gelatin of that by-product;
  • riba (especially trisky stove);
  • chicken eggs;
  • gorikhi (especially arachis);
  • sire;
  • oats;
  • satin;
  • greek groats.


Amino acid is essential for fat processing. In addition, methionin zapobigaє added fat in the oven, as well as in the arteries.

Corrosiveness to methionin

  • Spriyannya persecution.
  • Neutralization of toxic metals and radioactivity.
  • Change of meat weakness.
  • Normalization of the functions of the oven.
  • With the synthesis of nucleic acids, collagen and other proteins.
  • Nadannya pomirnoi antidepressive action.
  • Change of immunity.
  • Normalization of the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Decrease in the blood of "filthy" cholesterol.
  • Pidvischennya zagalny tone.
  • Zapobіgannya to become ill nigtіv and shkіri.
  • Relief of the current toxicosis with vaginosti.

What products have methionin?

It is possible to increase the deficiency of methionin by vividly aiming at the bottom of the product, containing the amount of amino acid.

Products with methionin:

  • meat;
  • egg;
  • satin;
  • legumes culture;
  • hour-maker;
  • yogurt;
  • milk and dairy products;
  • trisky stove;
  • fillet of salmon;
  • satin;
  • cereals;
  • gorіhi;
  • kukurudzhans that wheat is rich;
  • steamed wheat;
  • macaroni virobi;
  • kefir;
  • banana;
  • sire;
  • tuna.


Qia is indispensable amino acid for growth, as well as for tissue renewal. In addition, histidine will prevent the establishment of leukocytes and erythrocytes.

Tsikaviy fact! Gistidine is an "irreplaceable" amino acid deprivation in children, so as a matter of fact it is transformed into the category of "substitutes". Amino acid is especially necessary for the period from the population up to 20 years, as well as in the period of renewal after suffering serious illnesses and injuries.

Deficiency of histidine can provoke problems with hearing, so as an excess can be caused to develop nerve stress and bring psychosis.

Corinth to histidine

  • Zachist to the body of the radio and the vital metals.
  • Taking the synthesis of hemoglobin.
  • Chasing the ultraviolet prominnya.
  • Accelerated tissue regeneration
  • Fire up the ears of the shkirnykh curves.

Important! Gistidine will take an active part in the formulated biologically active speeches, which will prevent normal work of all organisms, one of which is gistamines.

Cinnamon gistamina

  • Stimulation of the secretion of shlunk juice, which is especially important for people, since the deterioration of pickling is tied to the low acidity of shlunk juice.
  • Expansion of the vessels, allowing leukocytes to penetrate in the ignited dilyanka and neutralize it in the fire of infection.
  • Spriyannya viniknennyu article zbujennya.

Important! Wise minds have histamines in the body in an inactive state, or, if an allergen gets in, they get a wikid great number speech, as it is becoming active that is not safe, spasms of provocation by spasms of smooth muzzles, napryaki, pochvoninnya, visipki. But the same activity gives the body the ability to quickly shake up the various factors.

An excess of histamine bagatorazovy due to the allergic reactions.

Important! Decrease in the concentration of histamine in the organism with the intake of methionin.

What are the products of revealing histidine?

The average rate of living for histidine is 12 mg per kilogram of body weight.

Products with histidine:

  • meat from poultry;
  • siri;
  • bananas;
  • tuna;
  • salmon;
  • pork (virizka);
  • yalovich file;
  • beans;
  • satin;
  • gorіhi;
  • dried fruits.

What are the products to revenge gistamin?

There are products that are characterized by a high amount of histamine, as well as products that stimulate the production of speech (їх change and lower).

  • alcohol;
  • Siri with the trivial term of maturity;
  • smoked meat virobi;
  • canned, dried and smoked riba;
  • others;
  • pickled vegetables;
  • soєvi and legumes of culture;
  • kava;
  • cocoa;
  • tofu;
  • wheat-rich;
  • sauerkraut;
  • mushroom;
  • pomidori;
  • eggplant;
  • spinach;
  • sleepyhead's nasinnya;
  • avocado;
  • midnight;
  • citrus;
  • macaroni;
  • bananas;
  • pineapple;
  • peaches;
  • chocolate;
  • raspberries;
  • gorіhi;
  • milk;
  • yogurt;
  • hlib;
  • sire.


Glutamine is rightfully used as the broadest amino acid in blood and blood, which plays a role in the functioning of the immune system. Qia substitute acid is not deprived of an important dzherel of energy, but a firing for the brain, which stimulates the rosum activity, increases the concentration of respect and memory.

Cornish glutamine

  • Regulation of the protein and carbohydrate exchange.
  • Neutralization of negative action of amiaku.
  • Riguluvannya roboti ShKT.
  • Stimulation of oxide processes.
  • Adjustment of the stiffness of the organism to hypoxia.
  • Improvement of skeletal muscle performance.
  • Synthesis of the second amino acids.
  • Activation of the synthesis of glucose, which can be brought up to the sutta advancement of vitrification.
  • Polypshennya hematopoietic.
  • Withdrawing accumulated calories in all the middle class.

Important! Glutamin does not add to the body for the sake of peace of mind. And the axis of overdosing with the aminic acid can provoke the deterioration of the functions of the SCT.

What are the products to revenge glutamine?

Glutamine є in products such as grass and food, and amino acid protein, it is easy to break down in the process of heating. Tomatoes and fruits with glutamine are recommended to live in a fresh viglyad.

Products with glutamine:

  • spinach;
  • parsley;
  • cabbage of different varieties;
  • legumes culture;
  • beet;
  • meat (yalovichina that trigger);
  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • riba;
  • egg.


Leucine is one of the three indispensable amino acids (two of them, isoleucine and valin), one of the most common rice fields in the fact that I’ve got new bites, and also, the prey for those who are old.

Important! M'yazov fibers for 35 parts are stored in leucine, isoleucine and valin, which are extremely important for the normal physical body of people (we will talk about the skin and amino acids in more detail below).

Corinth to leucine

  • Accelerating the process of wounds suppression and growth of cysts.
  • Bezpechennya organizmu energієyu.
  • Reducing the level of zukru on the blood.
  • Stimulation of the growth hormone.
  • Stimulation of the growth of myazov with the one hour smothering of the meat mass.
  • Stimulation of insulin secretion.
  • Usunennya vtomi and pіdvishennya pracezdatnostі.
  • Change of the immune system.
  • Normalization of speech exchange.
  • Usunennya toxicosis.

Important! For the re-uptake of leucine, the body is not guilty of seeing instability in vitamins of group B (especially vitamins B5 and B6).

What products have leucine?

Important! An excess of leucine can provoke an increase in the amount of ammonia in the body, protein, with the rejection of the amount of amino acid from the organism, you can not fight for your health.

Kharchovі dzherela leucine:

  • stormy rice;
  • gorіhi;
  • germs of wheat;
  • oats;
  • beans;
  • corn;
  • meat;
  • sove that wheat is rich.


Isoleucine is an essential amino acid, which will prevent the synthesis of hemoglobin, not even thinking about the stabilization and regulation of sugar in the blood.

Corinth to isoleucine

  • Bezpechennya organizmu energієyu.
  • Improvement of showmanship.
  • With the renewal of textile fabric.
  • Change of immunity.
  • Zapob_gannya fabrics to organism from ruinuvannya.
  • Accelerating the process of burning fabric.

Isoleucine deficiency should be produced before the appearance of irritation, swelling, severe headaches and foulness. A surplus of amino acid concentration provokes an increase in the concentration of amyac, as well as strong radicals, and can also lead to a serious detachment.

What are the products to revenge isoleucine?

Dobova norm of living for isoleucine for 3-4 g.

Products with isoleucine:

  • milk;
  • solid siri;
  • sire;
  • brinza;
  • gorіhi;
  • smoked meat;
  • twary oven;
  • egg;
  • riba;
  • satin;
  • chervona that black іkra;
  • seafood;
  • cereal crops;
  • cereals;
  • macaroni virobi.


Amino acid is indispensable because it is the most important factor not only in growth, but in the synthesis of tissues in all organisms.

If the vale is unstable, it is significant to increase the sensitivity to pain, and also to the cold that specs. In addition, there is a risk of depression and multiple sclerosis.

Cinnamon valina

  • Metabolic disease in meat.
  • Renovation of ear fabrics
  • Normal exchange of nitrogen is required.
  • Pereshkodzhannya lowering the level of serotonin.
  • Regulation of the functions of the nervous system.
  • Stabilization of hormonal aphids.
  • Zabezpechennya normal exchange of speeches at myaz.

Overwhelmingly happy with valin (see about food additives) you can see "goosebumps" on the screen and see the hallucinations.

What products have valin?

Medium-like norm for valinu dorivnyu 3 - 4 g.

Products, scho є dzherelom valin:

  • mushroom;
  • meat;
  • cereals and legumes;
  • dairy products;
  • gorіhi;
  • salad;
  • satin;
  • riba (especially tuna, smelt, oseledets);
  • egg;
  • chicken meat;
  • dried rice;
  • cochet;
  • the kukurudzians are rich;
  • cocoa powder;
  • dried parsley.


Cystin should be adjusted to the class of substituted amino acids and with a straining antioxidant, so that it can be viciously stove with the help of neutralization of virgin radicals.

In the body of humans, cystine is easily transformed into cystine and navpaki. Cystine is a non-essential acid, because of its power it is similar to cystine, and that is far from being visible to amino acids as well.

Cystine corrosive

  • Taking a molded collagen.
  • Improvement of elasticity and texture of shkiri.
  • Zakhist from the X-ray industry, as well as radio.
  • Neutralization of low toxic chemicals.
  • Change with the resulting fabric.
  • Before the beginning of the hour.
  • Spriyannya to the processes of fire.
  • Stimulation of the activity of more bloodshed children.
  • Change of large visions in case of ignition.
  • Renovation of pechinka cells.
  • Reduction of the development of cataract and cancer.
  • Accelerating the process of taking care of the organs' ailments.

What products have cystine?

Cystin and cysteine ​​are present in such products:

  • egg;
  • oats;
  • corn;
  • poultry meat;
  • fermented milk products;
  • germs of wheat;
  • hour-maker;
  • broccoli.


Lizin is not a common warehouse bagatokh bilkiv. Without a lot of irreplaceable amino acid, in the first place, it’s ill-humored to motivate our body, in a different way, it’s home to us. So, if there is a deficiency of lysin, the bricks will not start (and it is not important that the bricks survived). Altogether, not all of them ...

Corning lizin

  • For the prevention of the synthesis of antibodies, hormones and enzymes necessary for the development of a robotic body.
  • Acceleration of renewal in case of operative and post-traumatic period.
  • Neutralization of viruses (germs to herpes viruses).
  • Bezpechennya normal formulation of cysts.
  • Calcium supplementation.
  • Change of immunity.
  • Normalization of etching.
  • Zd_ysnennya transportations, as well as lively speeches at the blood.
  • Regulating robots of heart meat.
  • Remedy to atherosclerosis.
  • Reducing the arterial grip.
  • Blocking the growth of metastases.
  • Activation of the growth hormone.
  • Change of hair and nigtiv.
  • Zapobigannya krishtaliku oka vіd poshkojen.

Lizin deficiency will be clogged with such destructions:

  • development of anemia;
  • destruction of memory;
  • bloody apple in the eye;
  • the appearance of grativlivosti that vtomi;
  • impaired appetite;
  • trust in growth;
  • Decrease in mass.

In addition, because of instability, the reproductive system suffers from a lack of lizin: for example, women have a libido decrease, while people have a weak eccentric function.

What products have lizin?

Basically, the food was dzherelo lizin - the products of foodstuffs, while the presence of a chain of amino acids in the growing products is aminos. The whole woman from the common man will need some lizin (except for vegetarians, as the need for lizin is satisfied with the general communication).

Zbagacheni lizin products:

  • potato;
  • meat (especially pork);
  • yogurt;
  • gorіhi;
  • germs of wheat;
  • chocolate;
  • ychny bіlok;
  • cochet;
  • riba;
  • spinach;
  • dairy products;
  • others;
  • gelatin.

Important! When the grain is poured, lizin ruins, and, moreover, more refined products take place in small quantities.


The most essential amino acids are low in the most important functions; Until then, without threonine, the unhappy synthesis of immune cells, as well as bagatoch enzymes, which lead to the improvement of the herbal system.

Corysticity to threonine

  • I will improve the heart-vascular and nervous systems.
  • Change of immunity.
  • Normalization of the robotic liver, which is pleasantly infused into fat metabolism.
  • Change of myocardium (including myocardium).
  • Adding money to stocks.
  • Change of dental emails.
  • Normalization of fat metabolism.
  • Polіpshennya will become shkіri that hairs.
  • Quickening of wounds.

Important! With a new correct food about the deficiency of threonin can be forgotten (I would like for the overwhelming co-existence of special food additives in a whole lot).

Symptoms of threonine deficiency:

  • stronger emotional energy;
  • deterioration etching;
  • entanglement of property;
  • waste of appetite;
  • fatty liver.

What products have threonin?

Dobova rate of threonin to become close to 0.5 g for an older person, and close to 3 g for a child.

Kharchovі dzherela threonіnu:

  • meat;
  • mushroom;
  • cereals;
  • dairy products;
  • egg;
  • sesame;
  • gorіhi;
  • legumes culture;
  • seafood;
  • anchovy.


Taurin, scho є biologically active speech, with visions from zhovchі bik (sounds and the name of the speech, also in the crossbar from the Latin taurus means "bik").

Important! Taurin, which takes yak to amino acids, so and so called in vitamins like speech, is synthesized by the organism of people, while in general it is not possible to be found in tissues in vilny form ... So, taurin is present in the heart muscle, leukocytes, skeletal muscles and central nervous systems.

Taurin's corny

  • Vivedennya slag_v.
  • Polishing of energetic and lipid exchange.
  • Peace of mind of the nervous system.
  • Normalization of communication processes in internal tissues.
  • Transportation of mineral waters.
  • Calcium regulation in organism.
  • Stabilization of the level of insulin at the blood.
  • Normalization of etching.
  • Change of immunity.
  • Vivedennya "nasty" cholesterol.
  • Polishing robots of heart meat.
  • Reducing the arterial grip.
  • Permeation of over-etching of fat.
  • Adjustment of pink and physical vitality.
  • Stabilization of cell membranes.

Beruchi until you respect the fact that taurin, in the first place, is present in the bagatokh's everyday food products, in a different way, it is synthesized into organism, which is a failure healthy people- a phenomenon in the region rіdkіsne (for a vignette of vegetarians, in some rіvens of the cієї speech the lower for the norm).

What products have taurine?

The main dzherel taurine є:

  • shrimps;
  • crab;
  • molluscs;
  • riba (especially pechinka);
  • oysters;
  • мідії;
  • crayfish.

In addition, the amino acid is given to be found in yalovichin, pork, poultry meat, dairy products.


Peptides are stored in tens, hundreds of thousands of amino acids. The very word "peptide" from walnut is transformed into "lively".

First and foremost: peptides "live" the cells of our body, being a kind of "carriers" of information from some cells to others, they themselves preserve the functions of the skin organ okremo. So, if the clitina correctly displays its function, then the first organ will be good, and will become healthy after a trivial hour. To that, it is even more important to create a permanent reserve of these words in the body.

Important! The main function of peptides is in the form of amino acids, as well as in polyagons, in that they are not species-specific. For example, the cream with additional collagen ribs can not grow the camp of our shkiri, but if the protein is split on peptides and turn on the cream to the store, then such a cosmetic solution can be used as a rejuvenating one.

It has been delivered that peptides can be found in products, to promote life by 25 - 30 vids (for a well-folded regime of the day, shkіdlivyh ringtone). Before the products are harvested, peptides can be avenged, we turn three more times, and left for quiet functions, such as deposition at the center of speech.

Corystic peptides

  • Stimulating the release of hormones, making it possible to enhance the anabolic processes, as well as the growth of the hormones.
  • Usunennya ignition reactions.
  • Spriyannya zagєnnu wounds.
  • Appetite support.
  • Stimulation of the synthesis of collagen and elastin, so that it is pleasantly recognized in the camp of the shkiri, as it swells with springiness and youth.
  • Reducing the level of cholesterol.
  • Change of stocks and calls.
  • Change of immunity.
  • Normalization of sleep.
  • Bezpechennya organizmu energієyu.
  • Improving metabolism.
  • Stimulation of regeneration processes.
  • Alignment of natural mechanisms of antioxidant treatment.

What are the products to revenge peptides?

Fakhivtsi separately declare that the proof of products with peptides is not indicated before the recovery of products, but if included in the race, they are indivisible to the organism.

Products for revealing peptides:

  • dairy products;
  • cereals and legumes;
  • smoked meat;
  • riba (sardini, tuna, mackerel);
  • cereals (rice, buckwheat, barley);
  • egg;
  • seafood (especially shellfish);
  • radish;
  • yogurt;
  • spinach;
  • sleepyhead.
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