Oleksandr Zhuchkovsky about the precise moment.

Country house

A lot of negative news has piled up, people express dissatisfaction and are bitterly worried about the future of Novorossiya.

In connection with this, I will provide a report on the situation in Donbass and our activities.

Oz, what can we do now:

3) Even more, due to the spring, the influx of Russian volunteers to Donbass has decreased.

It’s worth noting that while previously people who came mainly to ideas were people who had gotten out of bed, now there are a lot of people who are hoping to earn a pittance and manage their lives better, rather than “on the fly.”

Naturally, the decrease in the influx of volunteers is due to the fact that the activity of military operations is decreasing, and the summer itself has ended as an “inactive season.”

6) The activity of the trade union is decreasing, specific deliveries from the Russian Federation are changing, the possibility of transporting PMM is being blocked - it is becoming increasingly difficult to get in touch with high Russian officials.

The foreign material supply of the militia is better than before, but, as before, it is unsatisfactory, because the obligations of non-government assistance have been shortened, and now the uniforms are wearing out.

I read a report from one militia member about how his platoon was well taken care of and that I was “aggravating the situation.”

I am very happy for those who have good cares, but I would like such people to travel to other parts of the front, including at the forefront, and see what the soldiers wear and how they fight.

There are fewer volunteers from the Russian Federation, but there are still some from the locality of St. Petersburg.

And our mission is to ensure that people, who do not suffer indefinitely, get rid of all military training - this is what our initial center in St. Petersburg continues to practice.

Just yesterday I saw the robot center pay 130 thousand per line.

The Chernev group has already been prepared and is heading to the front this weekend.

The local militias, whose lives and families were lost in the occupied territories, whose lives have already been destroyed and some killed, will continue to fight.

Those who continue to fight are simply those who have not reconciled and will never reconcile before the occupiers.

We all need help so that I can continue to straighten out.

This month I promised to send a consignment of troops to the Vikings battalion, in which many of our people from Slovyanska will serve.

As the period of our previously peaceful life reaches its end and today a new unknown begins for us, I will try to fragmentarily describe our Lugansk two years.

Unfortunately, I cannot give a complete picture: firstly, through the impossibility of describing speeches that create interest for the enemy, in another way, through the impossibility of describing speeches that create interest for active service people from the Russian Federation (indeed, as it seems, I still have to live), and, thirdly, I am not in a journalistic role or on a political mission, so I did not engage in special collection of information or negotiations.

Right away, when I start writing, or rather, typing this text on a smartphone, we pass along the Lugansk roads directly to the military camp of Oleksii Mozgovoy.

I’ll talk about Mozgovoy’s tabir below, but for now I’ll end with how two years ago we overtook the sovereign cordon of the Russian Federation.

In the Tarasivsky district of the Rostov region, they were talking about the transition from the local border guards and the Lugansk militias.

Another great detail.

A few days before (as the border guards discovered and confirmed by the later militia), not far from this checkpoint a vehicle armed with guns (“Kalash and pistols”) approached the cordon, as they began to transmit to that vehicle.

The Russian border guards, in cooperation with the Ukrainian (!), tried to kick this entry, but then the whole tractor was caught in the pit.

Zbroya, respecting everything, walked to Mozgovoy.

At Lugansk, I learned about the insurgent Russian people - the people who, having died in all knowledge of life, want to live in our places.

I watched it earlier, but only on display through a computer monitor.

Marveling at these historical videos from the former SBU, the militia said goodbye to us in the wake of the assault and asked the enemy before the battle with the words “We kindly ask you to hell!”

First, we got together with people from the former People’s Governor Valery Bolotov (already the head of the Lugansk People’s Republic), became aware of the situation and began to work on the main planned direction: coordination of volunteers, which is expected to and for the Pivdenny Congress from the Russian Federation, and the provision of humanitarian aid.

Our safe arrival here became first-hand evidence that crossing the cordon is even more possible.

After which we rejected a lot of beasts from those who wanted to join us.

Having already arrived, although going straight to the Donetsk Republic, the plan is to arrive in the near future.

I punish Oleg Melnikov for the butt, the remnants of the transfer of Russian fakivtsy to the Pivdenniy Skhid are no less significant than the provision of military assistance.

The Russian Federation, angry with the sanctions, does not send soldiers to Novorossiya.

Otherwise, the provision of assistance by military guards and flight consultants, subject to certain secrecy, will not be threatened with any sanctions.

However, everyone I’m looking for here is Melnikov, who arrived with a heavy coat and a strong will, and two of Zhirinovsky’s servants - a very young lad and a not at all young man, for whose sake, it seems, I am deprived of LDPR T-shirts.

The extent of assistance was evident in the preparation and organization of the referendum.

For the sake of fairness, Crimea’s mustache was put on a grand scale during this period: majestic banners were adorned on the skin, and anti-fascist rhetoric was adopted to make it more relevant for the local population.

The presence of Russian specialists there was clearly visible.

The Lugansk region does not have “attractive people” or a well-thought-out information policy.

Anthracite is controlled by the Don Cossacks, who took over the administration.

Three years ago, on two KAMAZ vehicles, the stench broke through the cordon, the Russian border guards, for the sake of decency, shot in the wind, and the Ukrainians in the distance, they were not standing here.

In Donetsk, as well as in Lugansk, a great place is alive “parallel” to the epic events that are taking place there.

The place, prote, is largely politicized, less militarized.

Significant militia forces were already visible to the whole world in Slovyansk, Kramatorsk and Mariupol.

Apparently, the Ukrainian security forces occupying these places are not yet turbulent in the center of the DPR.

A large number of Donetsk ODAs have political, administrative and propaganda work.

During the period after the referendum, the situation in the LPR became heated.

There were frequent provocations, and in Lugansk and lower populated areas of the republic, “right-wingers” became involved in shelling and robbery.

On the 13th of May, Valery Bolotov was close to the hour of moving to the Russian Federation.

However, the Kiev junta’s attempt to decapitate the Lugansk Republic was unsuccessful: Bolotov suffered minor injuries to his leg.

At the beginning of the 17th there was grass, on the road back, which was covered by Ukrainian border guards.

For the next stage, help was called in, but they were ahead: early on, about a hundred fighters from our hut rushed to their leaders’ rescue and were defeated in battle.

On the 19th of May, it was announced that one of the main tasks of the rest of the year was announced: the militia would awaken the regional UVS.

On what day was the Constitution of the Lugansk People's Republic adopted.

Today our stay here has come to an end. We are expecting the approach of a large group of volunteers (from Moscow and from the Urals) and, responding to the call of Colonel Strelkov, we are going to Slovyansk.

There is war ahead.

PS During the rest of the time, we have repeatedly received information about the proposals for assistance in one form or another.

1. We are very grateful to everyone who has given us.

And the situation in the GRU developed over the last three hours and did not change, regardless of the many “signals” of the DPR government and the MDB’s intention to “pack” the old and yo people suspected of various evildoings.

All this has been known to me for a long time, the GRU fighters asked me to inform me earlier about what was happening, and the security forces (who dismantled the Old One) sang to me that everything would be sorted out and the culprits would suffer the punishment they deserved.

Ale after that
1) there were no regular visits,
2) my comrades were reprised by the GRU
3) a notice has already appeared in the war-and-world blog, I also feel compelled to write about those that are coming up.

The Donbass militia is called the people's militia - after all, they are not professional military forces, but people of the people.
And like the people, in the militia there are people both good and bad, there are speeches both positive and negative.

Our partnership helps the militia in his free war, and is reflected in his victories.
In any case, it is not wrong to idealize the militia, or immediately “grab” it through its beating and mercy.

I really would have liked for the militia to turn on its heels - to the basic principles of the insurrection, as voiced by Strelkov and Mozgoviy.

Let us continue to fight for our truth as long as we have strength and hope.

As I say in such outbursts, we don’t have any other militia in Donbass at the moment. What is expected today from the actions of the Donetsk and Lugansk militia? Who does the work, what kind of people are they?

One of them is Oleksandr Zhuchkovsky, about whom Strelkov and Strelkov have spoken about the formation of new militias today. 1st leaf fall Igor Strelkov (nickname Kotich on the antiques forum) having voiced about those who, before the “Novorosiya” revolution he created, saw the structure of Oleksandr Zhuchkovsky (pictured above) for collecting assistance for the militia. Zhuchkovsky’s activity in collecting and transferring assistance to the militia of Donetsk and Lugansk was actively portrayed by postmodern Nazis in the special “Companion and Pogrom” as “great and inestimable” and was assessed".

The good sensei Strelkov still has 23 rubles. on the antiques forum) having voiced about those who, before the “Novorosiya” revolution he created, saw the structure of Oleksandr Zhuchkovsky (pictured above) for collecting assistance for the militia.) informs us that we are not aware of any further arrest of Zhuchkovsky.

Let me remind you that Piotrovsky is involved in intelligence and counterintelligence activities and is also known as a military cerebral specialist for the DPR.

Who is Oleksandr Zhuchkovsky? With whom Igor Girkin (Strelkov), who spoke about his Putinism, patriotism, the fight for the integrity of Russia and against the Maidan in Moscow, will there be a strategic alliance within the framework of the newly created movement “Novorosiya”?

"Fact No. 1. On June 3, 2010, Zhuchkovsky published an article “The Principle of Hatred” on the “Right View” website, which was dedicated to the review of the TV movie of the same name, which aired on the “Russia” TV channel. In your article, Zhuchkovsky, zokrema, write this: "

"When analyzing the main activity in monitoring the current political and socio-economic situation in the region Russian people feel two hatreds. .... ".

Although he is not aware of the methods and mechanisms of subjugation of his nation, he instinctively recognizes this “principle of hatred” for himself (as a representative of the indigenous Russian population), which the Kremlin adm. Inclusion in your activities and in your goals.

He senses another hatred in himself.

The Russian culture develops the “principle of hatred” among those who want to dispose of their share of their country and family. We have already spoken more than once about those who say that the upcoming Russian revolt will be pitiful and merciless,

"After reaching 11 breasts at the Manezhny Liberal Tabir, you became encouraged.".

"On the one hand, specific journalists, who were rich in wealth, were heavily influenced by the writing of articles about the “threat of Russian fascism” and liberal news headlines such as “attempting a fascist putsch”, “Nazis against the walls of the Kremlin” and so on. On the other hand, the most perceptive “little girls” liberals drew on the prototype of the “Russian Maidan” at Manezhny and supposedly “guessed” that “color revolutions” in the post-Soviet republics took place, in the end, under nationalism them with gaslami".

Unfazed by the divisions and sects of the liberals, the opposition of the low leaders of the liberal opposition to “get on the same page with the nationalists” e. How much can we bring to an official and organizationally formalized political alliance, an hour will show. For now, it remains to be seen that the nationalist opposition has to overcome the trend of “national democracy”, “statism” and how pragmatically it is aware of the influence of power. At the same time, the unification of both camps of power takes away the strong revolutionary front, so that there will be the greatest evidence of inefficiency, weakness and short-sightedness. The mix of liberals and nationalists in the minds of a weak government can give rise to

strong revolutionary front. So write Zhuchkovsky in 2011.

"What would you do, yakbi before swampy: “We are to blame for stealing the very foundation of our people and the future for our children” (from “14 words” in the English edition) Because the meta “impoverishment of the Russian Federation as a state-wide insecurity” Rarely emerges from the commandment “to steal the very foundation of our people.”

“The granite is erupting” is what Krilov herself said, having expressed the thoughts of most Russian nationalists (we can’t even compare all the “protectors” of the occupation regime of the Russian Federation).

This topic is also being further developed by the journalist Oleksiy Kungurov, who has already spent two terms behind the Gates during his investigation.

In his thick article “Diagnosis - Swede’s death (nervous people can’t read!)” has an unambiguous conclusion: “Of course, the power needs to be driven in, devastated, destroyed without any pity, because the Russian Federation is not a power among us, but an ANTI-power... “Kungurov is a socialist, Krilov is a democrat, I (Zhuchkovsky) am a monarchist, but what unites us all and unites us all is love for the nation and hatred for the power that gave us war.


In dry surplus, Zhuchkovsky said: “The Russian Federation has an occupation regime, which must be eliminated, and this is the thought of most Russian nationalists.”

Let us show you the message of Zhuchkovsky to David Lane, an American neo-fascist. Today, the very American neo-fascists, like Lane, have unleashed a war against Russia, as well as against the Russian people in Ukraine.

"13 The fierce Zamoskvoretsky court confiscated a grave crime against the Russian people. The court, praising the unprecedented situation in the Russian world, decided to release the Caucasian murderer Rasul Mirzaev - for just 100 thousand rubles. As has already been stated many times by commentators, this is the current price for the life of a Russian people in Russia - a power created by Russians and".

"given today to the Kremlin RAM for unimportant ethnic gangs".

", which flooded our places".

As if it were not there, I repeat: we are declaring about a radical protest, and not about the readiness to “discuss” about those “what would that mean,” and as if we “would not fall for a provocation.”

Regardless of the reasons it turns out to be plausible, nothing changes in the tactics of the nationalists. Obviously, the fact of legal svaville and complicity with ethnic evildoers - therefore, Russian people may come out into the streets.

Only the “loyalty is noble” of the giants, who have reached the limit, gives rise to the confusion of the Kremlin madmen. In the fall of 2012, an article by Zhuchkovsky was published on the APN website, which tells about the success story of the Ukrainian Svoboda party.

"The short-sightedness, stupidity, and rather provocative nature of the statistics has become clear to the citizens of Russia today, when members of the Svoboda party, after the successful implementation of the Maidan riot in Kiev, are engaged in violence and killings Russian citizens of Ukraine.

What did Statti Zhuchkovsky write?

The importance of the Ukrainian national movement over the Russian one, in our opinion, lies in three fundamentally important aspects.

Perche is the beginning of the evidence of a springboard for Ukrainian nationalism, which has become increasingly important and will soon be expanded throughout the entire country.

We are talking about the decline of Ukraine - Galicia, Lviv region, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk...

Another important thing is the presence in Ukraine of a flexible migration official, which allowed Ukrainian nationalists not to “fight on two fronts” (and with the “influx of foreigners” and with political regime), and concentrate on the internal problems of the country and its people.".

And the third thing is that, incredibly, the appearance in the Ukrainian state of a remarkable political freedom, unknown to Russia, is due to the collapse of the totalitarian regime.

This is confirmed by the very fact of the participation of the Svoboda party in the great success of the 2012 parliamentary elections. These three factors themselves can show the difference between the national movements of Russia and Ukraine, as well as explain the successes of the Ukrainian nationalists and the defeats of the Russians.

"Kremlin patriotism began to flourish around 2007. (Putin’s “Munich language”, so many of his critics “bought” the story), having rejected the inevitable growth in 2008 and the rise of Pivdenny Ossetia (“a little war is possible”) and reached its apogee in 2012 It's time for Putin's election campaigns.

“Patriotization” of politics has been going on all this time in exactly proportion to the loss of public trust in the political system and power.".

"Since the limit of trusting Putin comes from the rehabilitation of patriotism in the “zeros,” then mass patriotism as such has been exhausted. ".

"The first axis, unimpressed by the current oppositional and anti-power sentiments, the government began to carry out an absolutely infuriated “sovereign-patriotic” campaign.".

“Patriotism” has gone off scale to the point of obscenity, to the point of tediousness.

“Let us die near Moscow, as our brothers died!- Putin got angry at Luzhniki in front of the onslaught of students and state employees who were taken to Luzhniki for distribution.

“The battle for Russia is exciting, victory will be ours!” In parallel with the “battle for Russia”, political repressions against the unsavory increased and as a result of the “anatomy of protest” on the money of Georgian and American politicians.

This “patriotic” campaign evoked nothing but hypocrisy and anticipation How can I be a patriot of such a power?

She credits “Companion and Pogrom” for publishing material about financial assistance. Also, Zhuchkovsky “especially speaks” to Egor Prosvirnin, the director of the website “Companion and Pogrom”. Yes, the same one

Egora Prosvirnina, Kotriy:

Fact No. 12. On June 20, 2014, Zhuchkovsky went to Slovyanska and complained about “fear, deception and evil.” Today we know that the 4th line of Strelkov will be deprived not only of Slovyansk, but also of Kramatorsk, Druzhkivka, Kostyantynivka and straight to Gorlivka, Inakiyevo and Donetsk for the fight against Bezler.

Zhuchkovsky 20 chervenya vidchuvav " joy, fear, deception and meanness

"At the top of the DPR (together, Strelkov and Borodai, who were also the main leaders of the DPR) did they know about the planned surrender of Slovyansk and engaged in information preparation for the "influx"?

Fact No. 13. 21 linden Zhuchkovsky reveals the secret of how he really planned to fight.

So, according to Zhuchkovsky, no one was planning to fight seriously, but everyone was waiting for the “military handout of the Russian Federation.”

Therefore, all the crying about “300 Streltsy” (as depicted in the pro-Svirna “Satellite and Pogrom”) was simply Strelkov’s propaganda, who initially planned to rise “to glory” on the shoulders of the Russian army, and in another phase Strelkov simply started give places.

"And here we write Zhuchkovsky, that person who was (and is) a hater of the Russian Federation for many fates and who vowed “don’t sing for Slovyanska.”
Having guessed from Dostoevsky: “Now all you need is the wind, the wind, the wind!”
We, Russians, need more, because it is already stuffy and cramped - either in the Russian Federation, or in the DPR or LPR.

I’ll tell you straight - I don’t recognize the DPR and LPR, These organizations are impossible and time-consuming, that’s how I see them myself.
So I put myself up to the Russian Federation.
Those that exist both in the Russian Federation and in Donbass have little connection with historical Russia.
But for me, historical Russia has no value..The spread of the Russian nationality and Russian culture on the historical Russian lands. In Russia, the DPR and LPR are less crowded and stuffy As we know these republics that they became “legitimate”, let’s say “Russian” - we will choke too soon.
Russia without Slovyansk, Kharkov, Odessa, Kiev, Minsk is not Russia
, and the Russian Federation, DPR, LPR, KhPR... you can create a dozen more republics and portray from them the “Russian world”, which is more common than the gas pipe and “Putin’s rating”.
Rozanov said that “besides the Russians, and inclusively the Russians, I have no need for anyone, not nice and not cute.” Let's all think and understand like Rozanov.
Only Russians (and not the abstract “spiritual creeds” of Putin) unite historical Russia.

Russians who are fighting for the transformation of the Russian Federation into Russia are fighting for Novorossia (as a part of Russia), and not for the DPR and LPR. To be honest, I seem to be “angry and sentimental” at once, just like Dostoevsky wrote about one of his heroes. Angry, bo To be honest, I seem to be “angry and sentimental” at once, just like Dostoevsky wrote about one of his heroes. The whole story with independent Kiev, Minsk and Donetsk has already dragged on and encourages normal Russian people to live and prosper. To be honest, I seem to be “angry and sentimental” at once, just like Dostoevsky wrote about one of his heroes. It's time to end this farce Why go out? Behind Zhuchkovsky there are “normal Russian people”, who are also normal. Abnormals, of course, respect the normal LIVE AND THRIVE

. Since it is important to read and listen, as a human being, it is important to let it slip.

Wait, Zhuchkovsky has already said a lot to himself in order to formulate a precise thought about her, and recently “In Contact” he wrote those about which Sergiy Kurginyan had already told at the lipnya. And about the option of the militias seizing Donetsk and Lugansk and then “thousands of evil armed men from armored vehicles to Rostov.”", "Don't believe me?"і" Read for yourself. We appreciate that this very scenario was planned before the end of the 12th century after the departure of Strelkov 4 years ago from Slovyanka and Sliv Boroday “Tuhlyak, you need to get paid.”

Wait a minute, what are Zhuchkovsky’s words about those who “ no one wants to fight seriously

"everyone checked for the introduction of the Russian Federation the option is completely unique Let it be painful, but confirm the rightness of S. Kurginyan and the very same line of thought among the Streltsy - the Bearded nationalist part of the militia. Fact No. 16. For a residual understanding of Zhuchkovsky’s psychological portrait, I recommend reading his article “There Will Be No Amnesty,” which is an example of the standard bad anti-Radyan hysteria. It is worth noting that Zhuchkovsky himself summarizes his claims to the Radyan power in other statistics as follows: Vibachte for pathos - I have “peculiarities of rakhunki” here before the damned Bolsheviks, as in most Russians.

Vibachte, I live badly... "

. I have There is no sacred sanctuary of power, there is no “family nest”

, everyday life of ancestors
with spoons ("We know what our Russian happiness is about. Here in our home, there will be the home of our ancestors, sit on the veranda and drink tea with honey. And whoever comes before us from Marxism-Leninism or else, that in the face!
- one of my favorite quotes on this topic is from A. Samovarov).
- the Kremlin respects the occupation regime and calls for Putin to be judged;
- has long been working with the fascist resource “Satellite and Pogrom”;
- he promises that “Slovyansk will not be surrendered,” and then it seems that “no one is planning to fight in a serious way”;
- does not recognize the main powers of the DPR, LPR and the Russian Federation;
- we want to live and prosper and complain about the Bolsheviks stealing spoons from someone;

Perhaps, after all, Zhuchkovsky is right in one way.

Oleksandr Zhuchkovsky today at 16:23 About the arrest of Oleksiya Smirnov, the situation in the LPR, the military situation, etc. I’ll ask you again, without getting in touch for a long time - until the 20th of the day I was at the exit (the need was basic to determine, including the type of information certificates), and after returning to Donetsk I had a chance to solve problems that arose in my Substance. This is due to the fact that it is illegal financial activity, as it was originally planned, that will no longer be put in the hands of the province. The citizens of the Russian Federation cannot register their armor, since the right to wear it is lost to the military services of the DPR army (with registration of the armor from the military receipt). Let’s say that whoever managed to push Moscow’s lower proteges into Lugansk and take their seats, these people would be purged from the meeting and installed new ones, strictly controlled by the Russian Federation. Everything is the beginning and everything is the end.

The time has come to end this arrow-bug-krylivsko-prosvirny farce.

And in Novorossia, and in Russia!