Little fluffy bird. Blue macaw in natural and domestic minds. photo of parrots

blue macaw
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macaw parrot- large, dozhinoy up to 95 cm, birds with a bright and beautiful bark of green, red, blue and yellow tones, which is well seen in the photo. The most popular one-color specimens, blue, indicated on the top photo and red, which you can marvel at in another photo of the animal. Dіlyanki shkіri on the sides of the eyes and on the sides of their heads are naked, sometimes with sparse and short pir'їnkami. Crila to the end is strongly twisted and sharpened. Wedge-shaped form of a tail that extended behind the body. characteristic feature tsikh creatures are large, styled on the sides and strongly rounded hips with a sharply curved tip. Males, females and juveniles of birds may have the same zabarvlennya. The Danish species is the volodar of the most painful job on earth.

The Ara and Macau papules are included in the group of neotropical parrots, where the New World parrots can be addressed, there are a total of 148 species that belong to their family - Psittacidae, the pyrodina - Psittacinae. Macau - not even a mooching bird and the stench is not suitable for the morning in the guise of domestic vikhovants. The creatures of the creatures piercingly scream, scream, see a sharp creak. Chervonovuhi macaws see the most musical sounds of the entire group. Vocalization and repertoire will mostly depend on the skin specific individual. Prote, such domestic creatures can but do good “balakuns” - they stink successfully, if they want and not so kindly, like, for example, or else, they make different sounds and inspire people’s language, with which to do it clearly, they will say okremі words. On this side of the site "" we will talk in detail about them.

scarlet macaw
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It's a pity, many sightings of the bright birds in our hour began to be reported, and the deacons navit perebuvayut on the borders of a new occurrence. The main reason for the rapid increase in numbers is intensive forks for the sale of carcasses of creatures to private collectors or illegal sales of live birds to numerous tourists and exotic lovers. A lot of creatures die during non-human transportation, or in the first months of life with a new spy due to stress, improper yearning and a host of other reasons.

The second, no less important reason, is the depletion of tropical forests, the place of natural habitation of these birds, and those rich and other creatures and roslins. In addition, it is possible for the population to catch the great parrots with the method of pampering them, the native inhabitants can also be understood, the creature does not give the necessary amount of protein to the numerical population, especially to the most yogi versions. І, nareshti, catching birds for the preparation of barista costumes, necessary for the celebration of holy and religious rites.

In addition, often milking wild parrots zadіyut nabіgi for planting cultivated roslins, and by the same token, voluntarily plyundruyuchi vlasnikі in such plantations, prompting them to enter the fight against birds. Nothing good can be said about such a camp. A lot of great domestic parrots, especially macaws, still rarely breed in captivity, and in the distance the breeding of that finer species is seen as a great reach by both lovers of breeders and breeders of the world.

Macaw parrot - zmist

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Now about zmіst tsikh home lovers. Macaw parrots grain-eating creatures. When they are born, it’s not necessary to stink us and peas, they are guilty of taking about a quarter of the grain ration. The norm for large specimens is 50-55 m of such a stern for production. Drinking bottle for water and years should be cleaned every day. The cage for which bird is guilty of a great buti, With the same steel rods, even more beautifully, as if it were possible to live in a vicorous aviary. The cage is washed once a day, the aviary - once a month. Povna disinfection of the aviary is carried out twice on the river.

Papug, who roams in clitins, 1-2 times per day. The poles are more beautiful than wood, with a diameter of about the handle of a shovel, so that the claws of a bird dug into it. Obov'yazkovo consumed a mineral stone, or else it was an annual stone for mineral feed. The expansion of particles such a year is to blame for approximately adding to the expansion of grain sums, like birds. Do not varto vikoristovuvat variant in the sight of a squeak or powder, appointments for other creatures, such a great bird will be more important to hoot them with a dzhobom.

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Don't forget about rozvagi for vikhovantsiv. Tse will be a kind of prevention against nudga. Even if it’s a boring bird, then it’s more likely to make a feast for yourself. Buy or build on your own large number rіznomanіtnih igrashok - hanks, drabinki, dzvinki, rіznomanіtnі poles, paper bears, tree-trees and іn. Win the purchases of toys, reserved only for the great parrots. The poles and toys are miserable in the world.

Qi birds will allow natural sleepy lighting. In order to achieve successful reproduction, the skin of a pair of creatures can be bred only in others, only the blue-fronted small parrot macaw can be successfully bred with group mating. When buying a weaving, you need to put shoes on the tongue for infections, the simplest and helminths. Zrobiti tse, and also to conduct a deep look at the birds, maybe an ornithologist.

See the parrot macaw

blue macaw

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Batkivshchyna blue parrots macaw Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay are respected. The most common middle ground of this bird is savannah, tropical forest, swampy territories with islands of palm trees, thickets of palm trees, gallery forests. The dense forest blue macaw is unique. Yearning in the crowns of trees and on the ground, periodically shoveling gravel for the over-etching of hedgehogs. In nature, in the quality of vicarious palm peas, stole and immature fruits (figs) and fruits, berries, water raws.

Great blue macaws rarely chirp in the minds of parrot lovers in their homely minds through an exhausted dzyoba and an arched voice. For apartments, it is also important to play a negative role great roses. Until then, the stench does not stir up the creation of human language and sounds. Until the end of the 20th century, there were 90-250 individuals of small blue macaws in the wild, divided into 2 populations. Alecey species is practically known through polyuvannya, vilova, immerse in primordial nature. Great and small blue macaws are included in the International Red Book.

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It is necessary to try to trim these parrots in pairs. Blue macaws are thermophilic and when morning in outdoor enclosures do not tolerate night temperatures below 10 degrees. The blue macaw is rarely seen in captivity, mostly in zoos. The diet of eating poultry is due to the addition of fat and a decrease in protein. The frequency of yearning is 1-2 times a day.

In the breeding season, give coconut peas, dry dog ​​food, honey, egg shell, vitamins D and group B, calcium supplements. The good diet includes fruit trees, vegetables and fruits, especially milk corn, dormouse, peas (peanuts, coconut, brazilian, hazelnuts, hairs), greens: pagons of trees, chagarniks, sprouted grain, culbab leaves, selera, chard , plantain, spinach. Periodically give rice porridge, white wine, low-fat cheese, boiled chicken eggs and chicken meat.

state of maturation blue parrots macaws rise in 6-10 years. It is important that they live in pairs all their lives. Steaming is needed once a day. A month later, after mating, the female lays the first egg, and after 2-3 days, one more. The clutch has 2 eggs with a size of 53x40 mm. For breeding, you need a nest box with thick walls, dimensions 150x150x180 cm or 60x70x100 cm.

scarlet macaw

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dozhina body scarlet macaw become 78-90 cm, krill - 28-40 cm. and tail - 50-62 cm. smuga. The naked cheeks are bright with rows of white feasts. The mandible is white with a brown-black flame of the base of the dzhoba and a black kinchik, the mandible is brown-black. Raidushka Zhovta. The female has a smaller and wider hips, and the upper half of the hips has a larger steep wig.

The diet of this bird is more varied. It includes dead and unripe fruits (figs, mango, figs, yellow mombine), peas (Brazilian, palm), nasinnya, berries, fruits, flowers and succulents, pagons, nectar. Under the hour of the breeding season, these birds eat coma and their larvae. The red macaw thrives on the ground and on the tops of the trees. Under hour їzhi behave quietly. Eat the fruits, yakі for other creatures of trash.

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The couple is settled for all life. The red parrot macaw breeds for a short time. Vlashtovy nest in naturally formed hollows of living and dead trees with a dense crown, at a height of 30 m. The eggs are seen only by the female. When the ari is not safe, it is quiet to sit in the nest, if it is not safe to threaten the nest without being in the middle, then the fathers throw the masonry. The nest of red macaws has 2-4 white eggs with a size of 47x34 mm, oval in shape.

New people are curly-sleep, naked and deaf. On the 17th day, the beginnings of pir'ya appear. Eyes open on the 4th day. Most of the chicks fledge up to three months. Young birds reach the fate of the rosemіrіv batkіv. Spend most of the stench in coastal mangroves. Viyshovshi from the nest, near the country 85-100 days, the chicks from the site can not be seen from the distance of 1 km. In a month, the radius of use will increase to 12 km. The chicks have grown up to start accompanying the fathers to the feeding places. Sound alive 1-2 curls. Young birds are often known to be in charge of fathers up to 2 years old.

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blue-yellow parrot macaw inhabiting unoccupied tropical foxes, vvazhayut for better coastal areas of the river. Settling also in the mountain valleys to subalpine bows. More bindings to the place of your living. Yearning parrots wander early in the month, 25 km far from the nest, and turn after sunset. To lead a guy, or a solitary way of life, don’t make it up. Trimmed in crowns tall trees. Young specimens are better tamed.

From the old hours, the native inhabitants avenged them, with whom the stench lay until the number of beloved birds. In Europe in the XVII century. Zdatnі to vimovi dekіlkoh tens of words. Wanting and popular, like domestic creatures, through beauty and ability to inherit the people's language, important to the stars and command great respect, to the leadership of traditional vikhovantsiv - i. Birds are awakened by a high intellect.

Blue macaw lakaє girl

Blue-yellow papugi macaw volodyat with a strong loud voice, What do they do for the courts, the truth is called by toys and tricks. Constantly mourn various objects, snacking on steel drill. They eat a variety of dewy grass: peas, nasinnya, cereals, fruits and vegetables (including dried ones), greens. Shlyubny period three from breast to birch.

Birds nest high up in the hollows of trees, most of the palm trees, or nests on the needles. Far from the nest, as a rule, do not see. The clutch has 2-3 eggs, ale buvaє up to 5. Nasidzhuє їх the female lasts 24-30 days. Juvenile birds close the nest near the bird for about 3 months, and the elders opium them for another 2-3 months, after which you move on to an independent life. For zabarvlennyam juvenile birds may not wake up as mature ones, but more light dzhob and gray-brown color of the iris.

Papuga, which is called the Mali soldier's macaw, zabarvlennym realistically similar to a soldier in camouflage. Vin is a representative of the ar family, famous all over the world, among them there are individuals with different sizes of body, tails, krill. Divayut qі birds and qvіtami rainbow shell of the eyes. Ale, nevertheless, in the greater vipadkіv, the richness of the natural palette in the feathered plumage of the macaw was marked. The color of the pir'ya itself was taken as the basis for the name of the dermal one.

In the lands of Pivdenny America, roztashovannyh on the Amazonian lowlands and in the forelands of the Andes, sacking scarlet macaws. In Mexico, yoga is called guacomaya - the Mayan parrot. This is one of the greatest representatives of the family. The value at once with the tail of the mayzhe reaches a meter. With this, the tail itself can become 2/3 of the crowned dozhini. The scarlet macaw is true to its name. The very color covers the great part of the bird's body - the neck, back, head and chest. With a bright line to pass through the red wings of a yellow smug.

On this parrot there is a similar green-winged macaw. Ale є vіdminnostі. First - there is no yellow smog on the wings, then there are greenery and blue light. Another - the tail does not exceed half of the top of the coat, the maximum length of which is 45 cm.

By state. Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela - Mayan parrots. Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia - lands, like having formed a green-winged macaw. Whether any of these sights can be seen in the Volodins of others.

Dressed in khaki color

Maliy soldier's macaw feels comfortable at a height of 3.5 km above the sea level. Numerous birds linger in the Andes and in the forests of Mexico. Having named the species, having removed the zavdyaki dark green zabarvlennya, similar to the color of the traditional white form - khaki. The top of the head and part of the back are "dressed" in pir'ya khaki. And on the stomach, the color changes to olive.

Together with the tail of the veins, the length of the veins is no more than 70 cm, middle vaga- 800-900 m Tsikavo, so the "soldier" can make a hole in the soil, so that he can rule a nest there, so do not plant hollows of trees to see the offspring of the parrot. Among scientific kolakhs, a small soldier's macaw is worn with the name militaris, which in translation from Latin means "war".

In nature, there is one more similar species, but rosemary yogo reaches already 86 cm. This population does not settle higher than 700 m above the sea level.

One of the largest representatives of the genus is respected by the blue-yellow macaw. With a length of a coat with a tail of 95 cm, yoga vaga reaches a second kilogram. Calling the mind to speak for itself - which ari has blue wings, a back, a neck and a head. The lower part of the body is the Zhovta. Gola shkir on "disguise" - sir or bіla with black drіbniy pіr'їnkami. Cicavo, what kind of parrots live either in pairs, or in proud selves. The stinks do not get into the country, like a lot of other birds.

The blue-throated macaw looks like a blue-zhovty macaw. Ale has a new bluish plumage that satisfies the comir navkolo shiї. The shkira on the cheeks is gray, and around the eyes, decorate with dark green pir'їnok, ruffled by the husbands.

In rosemary wines, the blue-yellow color is 10 cm. However, both eyes have light yellow eyes, and the black one. The favorite season of the parrot is in the chest and ends in the afternoon. The blue-throated macaw for its resting place of residence has chosen the tropical foxes of Bolivia, and also grows in the dry lands.

Rіdkіsnі see

In the valleys of the mountains of the Cordillera, a red-eared macaw sacks. Yogo rozmir does not exceed 60 cm. On the head - a red "hat", which falls on the forehead, and two red "ears" from the sides. In nature, stench cannot settle higher than 3000 meters above the sea level. Volіyut bad fox.

The ringing of the chestnut-headed macaw looks like a “cap” of red-brown color and a smaller size - in the average 45-50 cm. Important chestnut-headed macaws are not more than 380 m. As and other representatives of the genus, or parrots, they are pleased to carry corn fields, respect peas and berries.

Descriptions of birds can rarely be seen in the wild, so there are very few of them left. Before rare species also seen: blue-throated macaw, small hyacinth macaw, red macaw, girsky macaw and gray-black hyacinth macaw.

Not all of the same kind

Among the familiar sights of parrots, black ari are found at the winning camp.

For the rest of the 10 years, the stench successfully multiplied in captivity, and the number of individuals increased from 100 to 500. And the reason for this may be the bjoli, which occupied all the hollows in the region of residence (Brazil).

The next thing to know that macaws are not included in the genus of parrots:

  • red-bellied macaws (to lie down to the same genus);
  • gіrsky macaw (belong to the genus of red-backed macaws);
  • blakytny macaw (pіd: blakytny macaw);
  • great hyacinth macaw (to lie down to the same family, great hyacinth macaws are up to one meter in size);
  • syro-black hyacinth ari (rіd: hyacinth macaw);
  • maly hyacinth macaw (genus: hyacinth macaw);
  • blue-fronted maliy (genus: dwarf ari, the body size of the blue-fronted parrot is up to 35 cm).

a little far away

Parrots of the Hyacinth family deserve more report inventory, Aje among them, see the most varied expansion of the world with the same zabarvlennyam pir'ya. Another species is called "maly". And “great” is called the greatest personages in the world, as if at once with a tail they reach up to one meter.

The alignment with the hyacinth is not striking, as the plumage of the parrots literally shines with rich, rich tones of an even wider and more visible flower. Sometimes the concoction is called cobalt in honor of the element, which, from the old hours, was vicorated for the furnishing of a warehouse in a blue color.

І in small ones, і in great birds the eyes are framed by wooden decks of bright yellow shkiri without feathers. Siry paws and dark brown rainbow shells - recognized signs genus Hyacinth. In addition, all individuals may have a piercing, creaky voice, at times turn into a wheeze or a heather. Seeing the sound of the flooring is strong, you can feel it for a kilometer.

About zdіbnosti to human movie

All descriptions of the parrots are not unique in the conditions of human language. Far from zavzhd stink poddayutsya navchannyu, wanting to chi birds vvazhayutsya more reasonable and intellectually razvinennymi. AT short swing They have to learn 20-30 words in human language. Ale zate feathers vikoristovuyut їkh dosit until the river. That is why hostility is formed, because the parrot is wise, about which the language is going in roses.

For support of the conversation, it doesn’t matter if it’s a female or a male. Offenses may be the same vibes. Ale vik plays an important role. Juveniles begin to grow richer. It’s better to start busy with chicks in 4-5 months.

There are no equals for birds in the creation of different sounds. The stench of the flooring is similar to the bark of a dog, or the bowing of the intestines, which is easy to lead you into oman. Great pilotage - the creak of doors or the cough of a cold master.

Chi is not a mammoth, ale tezh is a vimerli

Until today, there have been many sightings of ar wimerli, for example, the virgin macaw, the red Jamaican macaw, the Guadalupe macaw, the Martinik macaw, the Cuban macaw.

Before us, there was less than a description of the yellow-green Dominican ari, which the inhabitants of the island of Haiti lived in zhu right up to the 17th century. Early on, having ceased to use the virgin macaw. The reason for this appearance has not been precisely established, to which the sign is still in the III century. Less than one paw has been lost to memory, like the gratings of the middle of other experts in the kitchen of the first person.

Yogo susid from Kubi was significantly older - approximately dating back to 1885. Ale, the fertile land of the island was not lost without the respect of the settlers. The cultural development of the tropical fox brought this downfall. Natom_st hung out more vigіdnі for otrimanna pributku kava and banana trees.

Chi then view, then chi pvid

Cuban macaw step by step soared in unsuitable for yoga life. Zokrema, ce buli swamps, de parrots could not build nests, even the Cuban macaw ruled them in the hollows of trees, like other representatives of the parrot family. In addition, the birds lived in the hedgehog and drove it with a method to get beautiful feasts.

The red Jamaican parrot is considered by some vcheni as the Cuban parrot, others do not distinguish them. say name I remind you that the birds linger on the island of Jamaica, the shores of which are washed by the Caribbean Sea. The vcheni say that the description was destroyed in 1765, if one of the remaining yoga representatives was killed. An ornithologist from England, Henry Gosse, identified the birds with black wings, yellow forehead and head, red tail and back, as well as a marvelous burgundy color of the chest.

Lost one name

Martinik's macaw in the eyewitnesses' recollection of the last time in the 16th century. However, the very description of the Bulo was put together after only three hundred years. None of the remains of the papugi were known in the distance. Ale zate in his name vine increased the island, de vin nibito is alive. The British zoologist Rothschild (more known as a banker and financier) has created a scientific description of the species without any evidence of its foundation. Yakim buv martiniksky macaw, it’s important to say at once, but if I give a description, then the bird is already similar to a blue-yellow macaw.

Deyakі doslidniki also vvazhayut vimerlim and syro-blakite hyacinth macaw, shards of yoga did not sip from the end of the XX century. And if yoga can often be seen in the selva of Argentina and Brazil.

Yakshcho statya bula you korisna, put, be kind, like.

If you know about the differences, ari are bigger than us, please share your knowledge in the comments.

Blue-zhovtiy Macaw

The zagalny background of the plumage is of a juice-blaky color, the forehead is of a green color; frills and cheeks of a light-bluish color are added, they are tinted with black later pir'ya in the form of a husband, who sing together on a black throat; pіr'ya, to cover the ears, open the flanks of the throat, the upper part of the breasts, live, tail fir'ya and pіr'ya, to kriyut krill - yellow-orange color; the upper side of the tail is blakitna, the lower side is olive yellow; dziob - slander; the rainbow shell of the eye - a pale-yellow color; legs - dark grey.

Juveniles (statevonezrіlі) birds wield more short tail and dark brown eye iris.

dozhina- 86 cm (34 inches).


Pivdenny part of the Skhidnaya Panami, intertwining pivnіchny zahіd Kolombії in the Magdalen valley, and shidna part Andes from Northern Colombia and Venezuela through Ecuador and Peru, also Guiana, Suriname, French Guiana, Trinidad and Brazil to Bolivia, Paraguay and Pivnichnoi Argentina.

Place of residence.

Woody forest, high and dense secondary growth, open forest trees in the same world, like swampy forest and savannah with palm trees and other trees in the tropical zone (tropical zone) at an altitude of 500 m (1650 feet), and on the trees 1500 m (5000 ft) above sea level.


The most prominent species of macaw in the natural environment, the birds have ceased to juggle in the outskirts of Brazil, Venezuela and Colombia. Main reason tsgogo - the reduction of natural resources, fishing, trade and watering.

Way of life.

Blue-yellow macaws settle in pairs, small family groups or groups of over 20 birds; for nothing and for a year they are taken to the country, as there are hundreds of parrots. Good can be seen on the trees at the hour of awakening. Bet or the group of parrots will strongly turn on themselves the respect of the zavdyaki, the bright plumage and the steady cry, which lunat during the hour of the flight. The group is clearly divided into bets; blue-yellow macaws are often found as sucrose on fodder trees and clay melins with chervonyms (Ara macao) and green macaws (Ara chloropteri). Oberezhnі birds, for a long time they change, chi is silent near the huts; it’s important to remember in the leaves of the tops of the trees, in the crowns of the trees to sit silently; often their presence is seen only by falling surpluses of the stern. When threatened, they speak negligently, loudly and piercingly screaming. There was a settlement of people very polluted. In order to protect the parrots, fly clearly, strimko, in a straight line, often on a sprat of meters above the tops of trees. Waves krill - typical for birds, povіlnі, ale potuzhnі. Screams are unacceptable, sharp, scho guess rraa-aa or croaking hoarsely.

Natural food.

Fruits of various kinds, mangoes, peas (Brazilian, peas different types palm trees), nasinnya, berries, flowers, village pagons; also, ymovirno, in their diets there are coma and their larvae; mayzhe today, at the hour of early and evening walks, the birds on the river milins will forge the soil, rich in various minerals and їх spolukami. Apparently, the stench neutralizes the toxins that are found in unripe fruits, moreover, this is how the birds provide themselves with mineral speeches.


The breeding season in Panama and Pivdennoi America is consumed in the interim between fierce and black; on the pivdni area - from the sickle to the chest. Parrot nests grow on living or dead palm trees and trees with wide leaves. One and the same nests vicorate regularly; however, parrot bets do not multiply quickly. A small number of such creations are explained by the great number of nearby (decayed) nests and breeding through hizhakiv, elemental dashes, ailments and falls from nests; in nests from 1 to 3 eggs, call 2; size 46.4x35.9 mm (1.83x1.41 inches); the incubation period is three times 26 to 28 days; the period of breeding chicks is three 90-100 days. Young birds for a long time are overwhelmed with fathers after villota from nests.

Alive, sometimes galaslivy parrot; in high step active early in the morning and after noon; quickly calls to the master (Vlasnik, Kipper in zoos, etc.), dope. It is necessary to post-harvest the birds with additives at the sight of the trees and trees. The blue-yellow macaw is a very merciful parrot. The pose of the breeding season can be carried out with the other great macaos (ara) and the other great parrots. The blue-yellow macaw is bigger than a large cage, more beautiful than the Aviarius (a large aviary for birds, sporudzhen in a host or on a wet air), sprout during the breeding season. Parrots also love to bathe in the summer time under a wooden board.

The blue macaw is a chain, which can be seen in the genus Ara. Vaughn linger in Central and Pivdenniy America. The parrot is one of the most beloved birds among mankind. Ale the great blue macaw is a rіdkіst in living quarters. Vіn maє maє majestnі rozmіri, strong dzhob, shouting loudly, which is not more pleasant for living accommodation.

Starry look

In nature, on the ear of the twentieth century, there were already about 250 small blue macaws. It's a pity that this kind of infection practically does not grow. Great and small blue macaws are included in the Book of Chervona (International). Often the poachers will poke after the birds.

The stench is vvazhayutsya by great parrots, they have a great and mіtsniy dziob, at the bottom of which there is a golden-colored male. For a long time, a long tail, zabarvlennya is even more beautiful and bright, which attaches respect. On the head there is a maid's shkir, the veins are roztashovuetsya in the outer openings to the dzhob. Cicavius ​​sight of the eyes: at first glance black, actually dark brown macaw - a parrot, which may be trusting and affectionate character. Ptah is more drinkable and intellectual. Vaga blue macaws become close to 1.5 kilograms, birds live up to eighty years. Separate, de female, and de male, you can for a rosemary. The blue macaw of a woman's family is significantly less, lower than a human, there are no specialties by far, the stench is the same.

Living in natural minds

The parrot lives in Central and New America: in Bolivia and Brazil. In this hour of blue macaws, there were few left, there are close to three thousand individuals. Birds fly in palm and savannah forests, and frequent felling and forks of individuals by poachers reduce their population. In addition, Ara do not actively reproduce.

Yaskravo-blue plumage, great dziob, visibly eyes - tse vіdminnі risi, yakі maє blue macaw. Photos of these parrots are always kept by barvisty and are often embellished by pet stores. The number of such birds is as tall as two thousand dollars. People call the blue macaw a “royal” zavdyak to a scary zabarvlenny and noble respect.

Feeding barbie birds love - tse fruits (steegle and unripe) and nasinnya, peas and flowers, clods and berries, mangoes and pagons. On the skin of the day, the parrots fly for walks, for a long time they eat grunt with brown minerals. The stinks with their dominance neutralize shkidlivy speeches, like vengeance in unripe fruits.

Living in captivity

The blue macaw is rare in domestic minds, mainly yoga can be seen in zoos, circuses or at exhibitions. Cі papugi love to live in pairs, the stench does not tolerate cold temperatures (during the day it is guilty to add up to 20 degrees of heat, at night - not less than ten).

Clitini for blue macaws need to be prepared from mimic material, and not from splendid droth. Cichlids have a strong dzhob, like a stench can easily break thin rods. Papugi already love the great variety of roses. For example, drabinki and mirrors, tree pegs and perches, dzvinki and little bears. Don't forget that all the toys are guilty but are recognized especially for the great birds. So it’s also important to take water in the bins, clean up the annuals and give fresh food. The cell needs to be mitiated once in this day.

Eating at home

Lyudina, who lives with a blue macaw, is guilty of the nobility, to honor his beloved. Eating is guilty of revenge for fat and reduction of proteins. Yearn the papugi varto once or twice a day: give fruit, napkin to the dormouse and peas, vegetables, celery leaves, kulbab, plantain. Blue macaw love podzobati gіlki and pagons of fruit trees, Zrdka, but regularly yearn for wheat and rice porridge, young curry meat, low-fat cheese, boiled eggs.

If the parrots have a period of reproduction, varto urination of eating. You can add vitamins D and B, supplements with mixed calcium, perfectly pidide. Coconut peas and honey are also found.

Blue-yellow macaw

Zovnіshnіy vglyad tsgogo Ara is more garniy and yaskravy. Rozfarbuvannya maє blakytny, orange and zhovty kolori. A daddy loves splintering, it’s better to trim a couple of birds, so that the stench doesn’t bother. The blue-zhovty macaw is more popular. Parrots are easy to learn, imitate sounds. Their good-natured character is manifested immediately, the birds are even more trusting and restless. In captivity, it’s more likely to take off at the aviary, which means more time, lower at the klitz. It is necessary to wiggle a blue-yellow macaw, with proper training, a parrot can remember close to seventy words. In the diet of eating, there are fruits and vegetables, cereals and berries of fruit trees, nourishment from mineral rivers.

The length of a parrot reaches ninety-five centimeters, the bird has a significant tail (approximately five meters), body weight - from 900 to 1300 grams. The deep voice is the symbol of rice of all types of Ara. Ale blue-zhovtі papugi just do not scream, but only if necessary. Birds are already communicable, trimming them just for beauty is not visible, it is necessary to give respect and communicate with them.

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