8 of Wands tarot meaning angel.


treasure trove of ideas

Vysimka Posokhov - Young Arcanum From the position of astrology, the All of the Staffs is represented by Sagittarius in its first decade. Vin is ruled by Mercury, which transforms energy into thought.

In this case, it gives insight into the fundamental law of struggle and uniformity of prolongations.

Underneath this there are processes that shape the dynamics of thought.

This decade passes under the sign of wisdom

natural essence

human nature, awareness of the fact that humans are part of nature.

This is the kingdom of the elements of the wind, which gives the opportunity for spiritual flow.

Other names for the Vysimka of Staves: Vishimka Zhezliv, Vladika Shvidkosti.

Short description of the Arcana: Swedes, Gifts of share, Swedes of actions.

Description of Vіsimka Posokhov

In the classic Arcana deck, it is very fast to fly with wands, like silent arrows, to reach the mark.

There are no people on the map, so we don’t care who launches arrow-staffs or who stinks to fly at.

The lasso clearly symbolizes Newton, who, completely unsatisfied with himself, repelled the rapt blow of an apple on the apple, defying the law of gravity.

The meanings of the straight line of the Eight of Staves in the layout

This map must always be looked at sharply, since it itself does not mean the vector of the path.

And yet, most often the Visemka of Staves in layouts inspires optimism.

Vaughn points out that the tables will develop so quickly that people will never be ready for this.

This card is friendly, and it also indicates that negative influences due to the influx of alien circumstances will soon come to their logical conclusion.

All events will be completed as soon as possible.

The process of their perfection has already been revealed, as people cannot understand it in reality.

We can say that ideas are already in the wind.

The Vymka of Staves also prophesies unsatisfactory spirits, but the stench can be absolutely overwhelming in the context of unsatisfactory surroundings.

This card of gifted shares is a sign of avoiding serious problems, removing signs, and avoiding favorable situations.

I instruct, obviously, to lie positively with the Arcanum.

This card is reinforced by the Wheel of Fortune (X Arcana), indicating that very soon there will be a possibility that can dramatically change life.

In professional life scenarios, the Visemka of Staffs indicates a period of fast, intense activities, a period of advanced activity. You can also point out a quick development of something that was hanging before the project. IN

present moment

everything that was brought about by the resistance has been neutralized, and things will develop uncontrollably.

For business, the card shows new possibilities for prosperity, a sharp delivery to the plan.

After all, with this Arcana, people have to make a decision, they simply won’t have time to unwind and think about it.

Golovne, get involved and work on everything that you will give a share, but that’s all - walk to success.

This is a map of business related to the advancement of new innovative technologies.

The lasso also indicates the withdrawal of an unsatisfactory proposition, the occasional friendly escape from surroundings, and symbolic conflicts.

Vysimka Posokhov can also talk about an unapproved change in work or in the form of activity.

The most important thing is that you have to quickly delve into the nuances, consult with the team, and learn the established rules.

If the plan is to work for the team, then Arkan shows a group of leaders who are in charge of doing everything clearly and smoothly, leading the company to success.

In its inverted form, the Visemka of Posokhov indicates that at this moment it is necessary to work thoughtfully and completely, not to chase after alien circumstances and not to be afraid of missing out on something.

This is a great moment to become aware and embrace your nature, and this process should not be rushed.

special features mutually For a long time, it was important that Visimka Posokhov talk about the stiffness, like the silent blow of a flashlight, the onset of a raptovo. You can also consider preparing before the party, if you need to organize a bunch of everything that just goes around your head.

Samotnі people von obіtsya sustrich

new love

Moreover, this sustrich can wake up in the most unsatisfactory place for a new person.

Vіmka Posokhov talk about the turbulent development of the veins, the bright and strong sensations, the hormonal surge.

There is no need to talk about the depth of feelings, but their brightness and vibukhian character vibrate adrenaline in the blood.

This is passion, devotion to the object of love, swedishness and beautiful face.

Essentially, the card is about those people who just got caught up in a bad love story.

If the layout is for one of the partners, then the Visemka Posokhov will indicate his boundless allegiance and will soon be able to draw up the cards.

As a rule, it is important that you can’t prolong anything, because life is short, and you need to earn everything in abundance.

Always ready to accept surprises, open to everything new and unknown.

And what’s amazing is that such people are constantly harassed by unsatisfied women, and their share of people constantly throws gifts at them.

Vin, in essence, loves the share, wanting not to get hung up on what he has rejected, but move on.

Everything that is necessary must come into the hands of such a person.

The people of the Visemki Posokhov will always be amazed at others, gain perspectives for everyone, they know what to do, and it’s easy to do.

This is a fidget that makes the whole world spin around itself.

In an inverted view, Vysemka Posokhov describes people who become fixated on problems and sometimes become depressed.

He is strong, but he is strong - not a devil of character, but a victim of natural impatience.

It is difficult for him to accept the situation in his life that has not been transferred to him and he is unable to make quick decisions when necessary.

This person is not slow-witted, they just can’t react quickly, so the call looks like galvanization.

Spilled wine tends to reduce conflicts to “not”, without any singing in its discussion.

In essence, Arkan advises not to trample on the ground and to catch up with the tail of luck, otherwise it will be difficult.

The Visemka of Staffs is inverted, predicting that in the situation there will be some unsettled conditions that can be tightened.

Volunteers can be both from the outside side and from the side of the people themselves through their insensitivity, ineptitude and lack of perspective.

If we are talking about a problematic situation, then it is necessary to make people aware that the reason may lie in their thoughtless decisions, ungrounded decisions, carelessness and unnecessary actions.

He tries to follow the flow, without making any effort to resolve the situation, although without his participation, everything can end in a far from satisfactory manner.

Card of the day

The day will be even more intense.

To complete the repair, it is practical not to waste an hour, the remains of the project will develop with crazy speed.

On this day there will be receptions for non-podidvanki, calls, and tsikav sustrich.

Golovne, everything is in place and does not fall from anything due to activity.

You will have to spin like a squirrel in a wheel.

In an inverted appearance, the Arcanum is for the sake of not taking on any issues, since on this day you will be forced to go to the side and the unimportance of taking this place.

The mood will not be too good, and with such a mood you will not be afraid of anything.

It would be better to dedicate this day to repair.

Roku card

  • The risk of accepting inconsistency, restlessness in a good sense of life, activity and vibrating energy.
  • Pods will develop with crazy fluidity, it will be necessary to catch up in all places at once.

The Scale of Wands of the Tarot means a marked increase in tempo in the Client’s right.

Printed projects are pushed forward smoothly and without hesitation, and those already in progress proceed to the most satisfactory completion.

The card seems to be about the prospect of a higher price, tied to the right, and also bears the beginning of a love affair.

The tarot card, the weight of wands, speaks about those that it is time to begin activities, to begin the next phase of your enterprise.

It’s time to catch up and grieve your heart.

  • Everything has come to ruin, crumble and you.
  • Good luck, awakening of love.
  • Darkening of the weight of wands in an inverted position

Misleading, slandering, unreasonable.

It is necessary to do everything very carefully.

There is no direct threat, but the least mercy is to cause serious difficulties and ruin your plans.

You will have to go through a thorny path at the same time as your fellow human being.

It’s a very difficult time, testing love for value.

Your connection may not be able to withstand such a vice.

Other names of the tarot cards Visemka of Wands: Wands, Clubs, Crosses, Sceptres, Maces, Clubs, Clubs, Maces, Maces, Gilks, Cuts, Strili, Smoloskipi, Rainbows, Rainbows, Rods, Swifts, Keys, Maces

The main value of the card is the hour.

This is one of 78 cards, clearly indicating what will happen in the very near future.

But it also has a deeper meaning, it shows that what is changing, that is being carried around in the wind and storm, is no longer clear, and that this process has already begun, so far that they didn’t note.

In this case, the Visemka of Wands foretells the most favorable moods, good news or the reception of surprises.

Work and business

If we had plans for singing or cleaning, connected with work, then the stench will appear in the nearest future;

If you were going to be afraid, then it’s a pity that it stinks.

It’s also about those that this process has been prepared for a long time, and the results are already close, but that the pace has uncontrollably accelerated, so we need to get ready before it’s finished, although we were allowed to wait for more o'clock.

You will have to go through a thorny path at the same time as your fellow human being.

Often this card means lack of success - in search of a new loss, new connections or contracts.
Your connection may not be able to withstand such a vice.


Here the Weight of Wands means that our process of learning is accelerating, that we are rushing in the wind, and that we want to remove information from an unspoken source, which, no less, will help broaden our horizons.

This is a living, little card, which indicates the spontaneous nature of changes that are expected and completed, which often means that they have caught, began to fall into ruin.

Holidays and love

In terms of special rewards, it means rewards and new stimuli.

This may result in the establishment of a new, unoriginal alliance (partnership), or a positive development in the already existing alliance.

And just because all the other cards in the layout are expected to be unpleasant, we should expect some unpleasant surprises.

Internal sense cards

Prepare yourself not just for the upcoming days, but for what comes after them.

All at once everything fell apart.

Receipts in tarot spreads:


Nun: okhikuvannya, zupinka

4 swords: baking, cooking

7 of Pentacles: prepayment, taxes, fines

Court: nevpevnene, problematic on the right

First name: Vladika Shvidkosti.

The primary composition in the Golden Dawn system: two hands (on both skin sides of the card), stretched out from the forehead, united in the center by two in the hands of the First Order.
The stench wafted through all the wands crossed across the earth.
From the point of the crossbar of the wands, tongues of fire come out
Color Head for the King's scale: violet

Colors of Mercury for several scales: zhovty;

purple; series; Indigo with violet veins

Sagittarius colors for several scales: blue;



The map shows the wands of Light, transformed into electrical discharges, the energy of which vibrates - this supports or guides the very substance of Matter. Above them all the world shines a cheer - a splitting of the pure light that lives in higher spheres

, On these colors of the spectrum, which demonstrate the principles of interaction and interconnection.

In this way, the Weight of Wands symbolizes the energy of great liquids, which serves as the key to achieving modern mathematical physics.

It should be noted that there are no fires on this map: the wands removed them in themselves to transform into exchange.

And the electrical energy, on its own side, created a clear geometric shape.


Lon Milo Duquette "The Magic of Aleister Crowley"

description of the lasso

The crooked figure that collapses along the trail in this beautiful landscape does not think about the meta. Because she knows that the price itself is more expensive, the sacred place itself is more expensive. Kozhen Krok Shlyahu is respectful in his own right.

upright position

The hour has come for ruin and change.


Incredible fluidity.
Roc forward.

Active activities.
Raptovy podia.

If we are talking about a problematic situation, then it is necessary to make people aware that the reason may lie in their thoughtless decisions, ungrounded decisions, carelessness and unnecessary actions.
In Sweden there is a serious situation or problem.

High goals and mission.
Freedom of thought and freedom.


< >

Transfer of knowledge.


Living on wheels.
  • Without wasting a moment, don’t waste an hour.
  • Porada
  • Look out for good news and favorable changes.
  • guarded
  • One swallow of spring is not shy.
Joy awaits you today.
If you receive a friendly signal, if you want to call or you have found a sheet, you will become unresponsive and there will be necessary changes in your right.
Or, let’s take a happy turn today.
Changes could happen there, on the right, it would seem that it would have stalled forever.

If you were planning to start something new today, then you have a good chance of achieving success sooner rather than later.

card reversed
Galvanism. Sluggishness. Opportunity wasted.


Exit is under control.
The trip is scheduled.

The card is reversed: There is no need to give credit to two or more people.

It’s unfair and unfair for all participants, and it’s also tiresome.

Direct card: Your relatives are great business people, and you do not sit idle.

It’s boring to never be at home.
The card is reversed: Don’t be so anxious, quarrelsome and indestructible at home.

These people love you.

You don't need to tell them anything.

Direct card: You have a lot of interests, but only 48 years.

Reversed card: Zmenshte temp.
You are collapsing too quickly, and it is not safe at all. Health / Vitality Direct card: You will always keep up with fashion trends and inspire your friends to find a powerful style.

The card is reversed: You have a lot of resources, so you are starting to get healthy.

Don't rush - there's no hurry.

Straight card: You got hooked

< >

new idea

Please earn some money.

As he carefully thinks through everything, the idea comes into being.

The card is inverted: Pennies - it’s important, if you spend too much money, on the right you’ll end up with money.

You will lose your strength, and your money will not be a joy to you.
Vorozhinnya for pіvhvilini

The Visemka of Wands is a card dedicated to optimism, because it shows us that we are moving forward with confidence.

We have solved our problems and can now concentrate on new tasks.
Therefore, we are clearly on our way to a new direction, and nothing requires us to succumb to the will of our intuition.

We can develop our ideas and successfully learn the skills to practically fulfill our goals and ambitions.

< >
We can already guess the contours of the future, and we have new rainbow hopes in connection with the coming changes.
interpretation By choosing this card, you can experience a rapid development of the same. Your enthusiasm for the prospects of your new project is boundless, and you are ready to invest all your efforts into the new one.
The Lord of Wands will announce the present period of active actions, if you, having had a pleasant situation, can give progress to your ideas.
Your creative energy has reached its greatest point, and you can direct it in the right direction.

This card can transfer your career growth or period of productive activity.

< >

You can also postpone a business trip, as long as you are ready to expand your capabilities.

With this tension, new people may come into your life.
The scale of Wands indicates the coming success and the need to eliminate the maximum bark during this fertile period.

It’s a very difficult time, testing love for value.

Stuart R. Kaplan.

“Classic Tarot.
Adventure, history, magic.”

Inverted or more negative: arguments, jealousy, internal conflicts (between friends, business partners, etc.), confrontation.

Everything is the same as before in Russia, but this is the situation, and their inheritance may be unacceptable.

< >

Prepare yourself once again;

know exactly what you are doing. It’s not your time, which means you might get hurt in the battle below.

Mary Greer.
The Wands on the inverted Scale of Wands kick the road, pushing, so that you risk running headfirst into serious problems.

The year turns into a dispute, passion turns into jealousy and superstition, and emotions become unchecked.

You can fall out of love raptovo.

There is often excessive impulsiveness or getting stuck in an unknown and cyclically repeating pattern.

Separations and welding may occur.

The damage reaches the pinnacle and can escape from control. Delivery from a third party can confuse your personal life.

Communication is not made or addressed to the wrong people.

< >
Energy and energy are wasted for nothing.
Perhaps you begin to throw yourself into the rest of the world, if everything is still going wrong.
An escalation of hysteria and panic is possible.
This map shows clubs flying all over the place, symbolizing the Rukh.

The time has come to act, to collapse together with the economy as the situation develops, to plan your next steps.

The questioner is obliged to prepare himself before various changes occur.
All at once everything began to crumble, the wheel began to spin for an hour.
Cream of financial nutrition, from the place of breaking down the situation of a special character: The questioner can take advantage of the awakening love.
In every change you make, try not to lose ground under your feet, so that your ideas do not lose touch with reality.
Connection of the card with other occult sciences
Letter - 3, number - 8,
Ruled by the planet - Saturn, zodiac sign - Sagittarius,
Classification according to the Book of Changes - 56 hexagram ("Road"),
description of the lasso
The weather is windy,
Typical color - violet,
From Kabbalah - it corresponds to the Sephira of Hod.

meaning of the card

< >
In this case, the Visemka Posokhov guarantees success, as it will crumble in step with the hour.

There is no point in talking about the development of several situations at once, about the rise in prices, about success in business and special life.

Symbolizes ruch in love, fluidity, raptness.

< >

inverted position

Inverted The verse talks about welding, jealousy, troubles, about the emergence of an unacceptable situation for questioning, about stability, internal troubles and other problems.
activity in education and the trajectory of such activity, which is evident in the function of a term curator.

Great haste, great hope, haste directly to the completion of something, which guarantees success (happiness).
The top rank is those who are in Russia;

including the lines of love.

< >

Gate position::
strіly zealous, inner superechka, dokori dusk, dissolution.
Hayo Banzhaf.
Self-taught Tarot teacher.

astrological meanings

< >

Hourly factor in astrological forecasting: the moment when a transit, direction, progression, cycle, etc. begins.
The main value of the card is the hour. This is one of 78 cards, clearly indicating what will happen in the very near future.
But it also has a deeper meaning, it shows that what is changing, that is being carried around in the wind and storm, is no longer clear, and that this process has already begun, so far that they didn’t note.
In this case, the Visemka of Wands foretells the most favorable moods, good news or the reception of surprises.
Rider White Tarot. Theory and practice. Series “Mysteries of Prophecies”.;
You are guilty of being accepted into the circle of writers, and for which it is necessary to get dressed, play tennis or drink a pot, etc. All these speeches cannot be recognized from books, the stench “is carried in the wind”, unidentifiable.
Be careful not to be evil.
The map also characterizes the fluidity of the action.
You will know that there will never be enough time.

Inverted The verse talks about welding, jealousy, troubles, about the emergence of an unacceptable situation for questioning, about stability, internal troubles and other problems.
If you tighten it, it may become painful.

Keep it up, you have eternity ahead of you.

The Weight of Sceptres is subject to the law, and the social law at that.

< >

All the Rods fly in the gloomy sky;
far below is a peaceful landscape.
There are no people on this map.

Vaughn symbolizes the exact moment of the hour.
Here and now.

The main value of the card is the hour.

This card is reinforced by the Wheel of Fortune (X Arcana), indicating that very soon there will be a possibility that can dramatically change life.

But it also has a deeper meaning, it shows that what is changing, that is being carried around in the wind and storm, is no longer clear, and that this process has already begun, so far that they didn’t note.

In this case, the Visemka of Wands foretells the most favorable moods, good news or the reception of surprises.

Work and business

Ale visimka is a symbol of Power;

If you were going to be afraid, then it’s a pity that it stinks.

With this tension, new people may come into your life.

You will have to go through a thorny path at the same time as your fellow human being.

Often this card means lack of success - in search of a new loss, new connections or contracts.
Your connection may not be able to withstand such a vice.

I won’t guess on Mayday, like this card, spend the day, following the words of the ancients Youth will fly quickly, catch the hour that’s coming “... It does not give direct evidence of the food you have supplied, but only indicates that the hour for confirmation has not yet come. food is the most important; it is better to live the strength to do better.

Here the Weight of Wands means that our process of learning is accelerating, that we are rushing in the wind, and that we want to remove information from an unspoken source, which, no less, will help broaden our horizons.

This is a living, little card, which indicates the spontaneous nature of changes that are expected and completed, which often means that they have caught, began to fall into ruin.

Holidays and love

In terms of special rewards, it means rewards and new stimuli.

This may result in the establishment of a new, unoriginal alliance (partnership), or a positive development in the already existing alliance.

And just because all the other cards in the layout are expected to be unpleasant, we should expect some unpleasant surprises.

Internal sense cards

Prepare yourself not just for the upcoming days, but for what comes after them.

All at once everything fell apart.

Receipts in tarot spreads:


Nun: okhikuvannya, zupinka

4 swords: baking, cooking

7 of Pentacles: prepayment, taxes, fines

Court: nevpevnene, problematic on the right

In other versions of this card - for example, in the "Tarot of Aquarius" - all the wands create a "parkan", which re-pins the way to the top.

The primary composition in the Golden Dawn system: two hands (on both skin sides of the card), stretched out from the forehead, united in the center by two in the hands of the First Order.
The stench wafted through all the wands crossed across the earth.
From the point of the crossbar of the wands, tongues of fire come out
Color Head for the King's scale: violet

Colors of Mercury for several scales: zhovty;

In the "Egyptian Tarot" the stench creates an eight-pointed figure - a symbol of chaos.

Sagittarius colors for several scales: blue;



Although, although the symbolism here is different, it is clear that its sense is the same.

, On these colors of the spectrum, which demonstrate the principles of interaction and interconnection.

In this way, the Weight of Wands symbolizes the energy of great liquids, which serves as the key to achieving modern mathematical physics.

It should be noted that there are no fires on this map: the wands removed them in themselves to transform into exchange.

And the electrical energy, on its own side, created a clear geometric shape.


Lon Milo Duquette "The Magic of Aleister Crowley"

description of the lasso

The hour has come for ruin and change.

upright position

The hour has come for ruin and change.

It is possible to undergo physical transfer from one place to another or an internal movement from one method to another.

But in any case, this map promises that the journey will be easy and will bring benefits and growth, there is no need to struggle or plan too much.