5 pentacles of death. Significant card meaning. Map of the day

The five of pentacles sound symbolizes the expenditure of some material values, the deputy of such people can gain the necessary proof. The appearance of such a card in the layout is often shown in folding, as if it were to appear at the factory of a person.

At the article:

5 of Pentacles tarot - meaning

Five pentacles at the standard layout to talk about whether there are crises, hvilyuvannya, tied up with a penny. The most common problems in business, hard financial camp.

Really look at this card as a guide to bankrupting the current state of the dzherel do not do good, the shards of the meaning of the card indicate not so on the ruin, but in the inner fear of the people before the crisis.

A similar situation is even more typical, as a person changes the place of work until such a sound, to move to a new settlement, he is embarrassed to open his business.

Direct position of five coins

At direct position the five of pentacles of the tarot talk about an unfavorable positive period in life, about the need to pay a large sum of pennies. Reveal respect, like the cards of the major lasso ouchuyut її. As long as there are negative pictures, then it is possible to save not only the post-working place of work, but also the place of living. Basic interpretation:

  • raptove zvilnennya, incorrectly deposited koshtiv. Do not give someone a penny to a borg, or take a loan yourself, to that you are unlikely to be able to withdraw money from a borg, or turn your pennies;
  • if a healthy card doesn't look good. Vaughn to talk about the appearance of a serious illness, it is possible to have a surgical intervention, a person has little vital energy, which will make him feel self-conscious;
  • it is possible for a person to appear, as if to understand you, even if she is going through the same difficult life herself. If others turn against you, lend a helping hand. Ale not varto especially priyazuvatisya to tsієї people, shards in itself are more depressive, slender to suicidal slenderness;
  • imovirno the appearance of an unfortunate comrade, who absolutely does not know what you need, is not ready to take any decision and try to shift your problems onto someone else's shoulders.

When fortune-telling, this card appears, it is negative. The Five of Pentacles is guarded, be prepared to be victorious large number pennies.

At the inverted position, the five of pentacles of the taro tells about those that a person should richly spend his energy, is devastated to the fullest, that provokes fears of death, the destruction of a hundred sunkivs. People are worried about rozpach, but they don’t understand what it is necessary for them to work in order to normalize the situation.

Magic attribute for the sake of taking all your hands, to that raptov's support from the side will not come and for everything made a decision to come to the conclusion independently. Be respectful, careful, try not to get lost in adventures and you can escape the great miscreants.

The value of the vodnosinah is 5 coins

If you talk about special things in common, then 5 tarot pentacles tell about those that a person feels completely abandoned. It’s a shame that no one likes you and no one needs you, you start to devour yoga in the middle.

This is a turning point, if people need to be likened to, fears, patterns of behavior. Only in this way, specialism can overcome the appearance of hopelessness. It’s unlikely that I’ll take it and take you away from that one. We are happy for those who want to fight on our own.

Sometimes the card is a guide to the crisis in the vents, ale varto remembrance, that if there was a turning point - the price is not part of the development of the bet, not the obov'yazkovo tse catastrophe and the collapse of the stosunkiv. As practice shows, ring out after similar crises come and go between a man and a woman without a bar.

Robotic sphere

The time has come to objectively assess your strength and the difficulties that come your way. Possibly, є people, like trying to cross the reach of your goal, weave tiles, spread filthy information about you.

Such a scandal may also end in strife. 5 pentacles at times means a waste of planting, dzherela koshtiv, failure in the exams. Ale not varto fall into vіdchay, oskolki in poddnanny s positive cards given to talk simply about the change of place of work or living.

So, change in life - it’s all risky. Particularly during the last three hours they worked hard, but at the same time they decided to go into private business. Ale, with whom, five of pentacles does not indicate those who have a pardon.

It’s completely normal - it’s obvious that it’s innocuous, so that you happen to deprive everything of the old and take up the new. The map has a negative meaning, more than extreme moods, but in a flash conveys less subjective perception, the fear of the individual himself.

Svіdomіst people

Five of Pentacles to talk about those people who are turbulent in their future, because of what they are turbulent, afraid of growing the virish crook.

So the card can talk about evil souls. In any case, no material goods can be filled empty, like in the middle of the very people.

Five of Pentacles with other cards

The first is to interpret the song layout, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the skin of the card, but also to their day. Like a five of pentacles lying in front of you, obov'yazkovo respect for those who are. Fallow in the first place, the meaning of the card itself may change. The Five of Pentacles may have the same meaning when used with a card:

  • Blazen - vigilance, a sharp waste of a large sum of pennies;
  • Mag - the presence of a bazhannya schos robiti;
  • The High Priestess is a waste of newcomers;
  • The Empress - the contribution of pennies will not be surplus;
  • Emperor - separation, exile;
  • Ієrofant - a person is very smart, bezsovіsny, atheist;
  • Zakohani - the appearance of a pidtrim from the partner's side;
  • Chariot - in order to overcome, to be able to fight;
  • Strength - the power of the day to go far;
  • Pustelnik - internal flours, visceral toss;
  • Wheel of Fortune - a crisis, success in returning to you;
  • Justice - impromptu;
  • Increases - you are the handcuff of the furnishings;
  • Death is a decline in health;
  • Reconciliation - a person is ready to reconcile with him, that he wants to;
  • The devil - the lowland almost;
  • Bashta - change of place of residence, ailment;
  • Zirka - hope for the best;
  • Month - the day of the pidtrimka;
  • The sun is hope for the best;
  • The court is not a problem to correct the situation short bik;
  • Light is a sight of theft.

The Five of Pentacles of the Tarot is not the biggest card; negative injection on the financial camp of the people. Remember that in order to change the situation for the better, you need to actively work.

The Five of Pentacles was traditionally valued as a karte for a kohannya and a filthy one for pennies. Vaughn greeted the young women and girls with love with love, with the mandate of the heart, and, in spite of us, the mercantile miraculous (and, apparently, a paradise for kuren without downfalls and posagiv, for disgrace among relatives). Singingly, there were those who were glad of such an exchange, and there were those who were lusting after.

Five of Pentacles to love quietly, who "live in the heart." She supports the spiritual beginning, as well as the ruining material (so the ailment of the body often instructs the spirit on the true path). It sounds like a waste of something material and the onset of the life of life, the end of the lesson. The mustache of the P'yatirka symbolizes the cob of transformation, as if they can fundamentally change our lives, but do not pass painlessly.

The mystery of the P'yatirka Pentacles is in the fact that the headiest on this map is the Temple. Spiritual strength helps to make the life of the prorahunki and becomes a natural internal support of a person in material activity, and the right one seems to have great strength and gives people the ability to rise above the furnishings. The traditional meaning is material negativity, and the ability to take away the spiritual replacement of the material.

Five of Pentacles - the card of important hours, crises, poneviryan, worry, vtrat. Vaughn to talk about the cost, or I don’t get what I need. the fear that is being experienced will creep up on the ground under your feet. It is necessary to remember that in life, as in be-yakіy іnshіy mandrivtsі, anxiety is a vile conductor. Similar periods to the fall are characteristic of whether a crisis is growing, if a person fills up as a sphere, which has caught up with a state of resounding, stable, and move to a new one, still unknown, and, perhaps, unsafe.

I'd like to talk about the limits that I've exceeded, the waste of some resources and energy and about the slander of the legacy. We can live happily and have a good life. The creation of a well-wishing dobrobutu vimagaє poslіdovnyh diy (“Kopієchka ruble beware”). One of the old tlumachs is a waste of time and energy.

The universal meaning of the card is unattainable goals, failed undertakings, pardons and failures, business disasters, waste of money, bringing in evil. Zapituvach know or soon lean in the situation, if it’s tight with a penny, and come, on yakі vin rozrakhovuvav, go through. Sometimes it is the result of unforeseen circumstances, sometimes it is the result of good deeds, wastefulness and recklessness.

Tsitknennya with unacceptable life realities, like breaking the illusion of perfection. The map of the prophets spend and humiliate the spirit, and it’s not just about material problems - just about those that can be an important period and happen to tighten your belt more tightly to podolat yogo. T -time TOMOMI TO VISENZHENSTI (non -FISTY forces, ENE SUBSHICHY ENERGIA TA), ABOBODISTI, ZABRASKOY ISNUNVANI (CASE OF THE CROSS, ON MOLD MATERIAL WITH THE SAVEST), SIDENSISH, NOVENSH, NOVENSHIE, NOVENSTION, NOVENSTION, NOVELENT, NOVELENT, NOVELENTS. in oneself (the loss of faith in oneself, in one’s own comfort and self).

The map is to talk about those that for a deaky (it is possible, to do it for a long time) hour, you need to add money and hope, be careful and save those that are left out. Life will be full of troubles, troubles and problems, difficulties and obmezhen, it is possible, failures, try to put together z kіntsami. Vaughn can carry the nest to the camp and sum it up with her like a good work, and vodnosin.

The traditional clouding “everything falls apart after five days” is often confirmed in practice. It is necessary to know that you cannot use your head. Come a real hour of torment, and then this hour will end, just like that, at the same time, it’s important to set up an anger, and your strength will end.

According to this card, a shock passes, caused by the cob to be a change in life. As you can see, in such moods, it often gets worse earlier, lower is good - I’ll become a human being for a moment, I’d like to get busy, find myself, and go to the gym. The next day, it hurts a lot to inspire those m'yazi, about the basis of such wines and not suspecting - that, for the considerations, it became worse, lower boulo. P'yatirka Pentakle often describes such an axis "violent" ear stage and even - be patient five days.

Desolated and depressed, anxious and unhappy. For the P'yatirkoy Pentakel, people sometimes change into such a drunkenness and depression, if nothing is added and there are no conflicting reasons for neither living nor dying. At to the best- "Blessed are the zhebraki in spirit." It’s a snowfall, an unhappy smuga (it’s three days behind the old-fashioned beliefs five days, and often it’s true spratsovuє), if we feel sorry for ourselves, abandoned, and sometimes just perebovaemo at the steep surroundings.

Think gloomily, fears for your camp, pessimism, if you get it, everything just collapses for a long time. The Five of Pentacles describes an important inner state, if thoughts walk on the stake, in the depths of the soul, just a black dirka is settled without leaving, and the creative energy is blocked and it is reasonable to make it change not to go out. Tse experience forever hangs around deeply. Yogo cannot be seen so easily.

This card, following the Nine Swords, often accentuates anxiety, more restlessness. Often the senses have a fear of poverty, a fear of difficulties and collapse. You can have important thoughts about your own self-worth, unneededness, zanedbanity, daytime love. How to write Banzhaf and Akron negative impacts at the wrong one directly.

Map of borzhnikiv, bіdnyakіv, unemployed, izgoїv, hromadyans, ukraine nevpevnenyh from their own chi assure their own defects, obezhennya, inferiority. The complex of innocence - tsezh P'yatirka Pentakley. Qia map talk about those in present moment people don’t even get lost - pennies, love, warmth, warmth ... you don’t know about yourself. For the P'yatirka Pentacle, a person can perebuvat at twisted furnishings, at a serious crisis, or be deeply twisted. The soil ide z-pіd nіg і zalishaєєєєєєє pochuttya wretchedness and powerlessness.

The map describes one of the most important cliches of life - to be left with a spiritual and creative person, if there is nothing. To be strong and healthy, being sick and calic. Don't waste your inner beauty, looking at physical defects in the mirror.

Save fidelity to your principles, if you threaten with expenses and suffering. Tse protistavlennja zvnіshny and vnutrishny, physical and mental, material and spiritual, mundane and mountain, and nourishment - what do you need to stick to? Chi is not bread alone? Who are truly blessed with evil spirits? P'yatirki pov'yazanі z the secret of the Fifth Arcana. This map reflects the simplicity and unblemished nature of Nagir's preaching. In the historical sense of the Arcanum, all the powers of pauperurum commolitonum - black light with an emphasis on vigilance, non-acquisition of that spirit through the humility of the soul.

One of cіkavih meaning karti - won't often point out the proximity to the church that її іdealіv. Selfish and ascetic life, which purifies the soul, humility and patience here cease to be a metaphor and the old-fashioned caution comes to the riddle, that people deeply believe to endure life's hardships and stresses, however. It’s light, that it’s real to walk around the church vchennya and cheer up the middle of the important hours in the right way. The Five of Pentacles can speak about the need to take a humble and high-spirited position for any circumstances and tell about those who are similar to the trial and suffering of the past (Jov's mister).

Snow on the map is a sign of the presence of water, the possibility of future purification. In Crowley and Filadoro, there is a great deal of respect that keyword P'yatirki Pentakleyu - tse trivoga, like a person watching through the loss of obvious security, like it was just the beginning of yoga thought (itself being a great illusion). The first root of anxiety is the essence of faith. Mi vtrachaєmo itself її.

Aja in the great life, everything is “walking over the ass”, all our well-being and life itself can be cut off hour by hour, but faith in those that will not happen, that everything will be fine, allowing us to feel on the rails over the day without a turbo, comfortably she self-singingly. At the moment, when the Five of Pentacles falls to us, the faith is simmering and we feel greedily quarrelsome, fearless and “above the abyss” - the ground, for which we so mіtsno and thoughtlessly spiraled, raptom go out z-pіd nіg.

I thought, that P'yatirka Pentakli de dіє on a sleepy midday I will shake my soul like a stone thrown into a swamp. No other card can accurately depict the hero’s camp, that, having turned away from the blessed, I will become Four Pentacles, like Five Pentacles. From the astrological point of the dawn in those tsієї cards, Uranus sounds brightly, ignanium in Levi. There, de Aquarius "get muddy" with a new idea, Leo got his own kohanka, to that P'yatirka Pentacles often mean erotic suits, hoarding, flirting, love games (and in an inverted look - disharmony in the kohanna, fear, waste of energy).

Situation gulvisi, revelers often walk along the P'yatirtsі Pentaklei. The vibration of the calm atmosphere of Thursday, of course, just does not come. Vin is often accompanied by penny expenses, sights, failures, disappointments, ambiguous situations. Sometimes, the peace of the Fourths is disturbed by a pardon, and people only think about those, how to turn back (bis having strayed). At the same time, we should respect that the Five Pentacles symbolize the karmic situation, which is to set the heart. Splat karmіchnyh borgіv, the theme of the turning of the prodigal son.

Vzagali, like Thursdays - tse evangelism and ordering in life, then P'yatirki - zovnishne vpliv, which breaks the illusion of perfection and plunges into oppression of the spirit.

P'yatirka of Pentacles means folding, difficulties, which lead to success and hardening on a new level (according to the Sixth Pentacle, it is a minimum of success in otrimanny help), or turn back to the level of Four. So chi іnakshe, spogad about living dosvіd zalishaєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє, positive chi negative vin buv.

The sign of Taurus symbolizes building to creative practice. Ale, the creation of a harmonious combination of the material and the spiritual in one whole. If the children of Capricorn are drawn to the power of the inner haircut and their own “I”, it’s better to lead it to the point that it is more significant for this sign, lower the line, then for Taurus, their “I” is divided into some kind of Bazhanni.

If the “I” of the person is satisfied and nothing is more disturbing, then, in order to take up the right, you can blame the bazhannya to work “shoo”, for which you will be a navkolishny light. Therefore, the main task of the first decade of Taurus is to understand your feelings, to understand the bazhanya that crept into the soul, and look at them. In this decade, the power of everything that is worthy of a sensitive sphere is powerful, - and to that, the successful functioning of that administrative activity in the sphere of science.

It is also powerful emotional spontaneity, which gives Mercury, who is smart to the joke, - її the ruler, wanting Tiltsya, and the spontaneity of spriynyattya is characteristic. Pochutya zasvoyuє іnformatsiyu not z tієyu shvidkіstyu like rozum, prote mіtsno: touching, it lays the foundation of future future. Sensitive knowledge becomes the basis of life-wisdom. And it is traditional to speak of wisdom about the corruption of everything perishable.

On the map there are images of zhebraki under the windows of the temple. Zhalyugidni posts of two Kaliks show that people cannot have dominion over the earth. A free will is often less likely to cripple a person: it is often not good to go on your life path without pardon (and as a result, you become restless through waste and destruction). This map shows the expanse, which a person creates herself, but often it appears far away in perfection through її overworld ambitions and unrealized bajannya.

I thought, that two zhens, that are gloating in the snowfall, evoke the ardent camp of all people. Light at the stained-glass window symbolizes esoteric wisdom, illuminating that it gives light to worldly negativity. It's a pity, the bіdolakhs wander along, not guessing about those who entrusted the order, wanting to hang on the breasts of the kalіka a small little sign, which symbolizes the voice of intuition.

Light and darkness (glad that guard)

Porada - save money and do not get into the daily business risks. At once, it’s not an hour to test yourself for mіtsnіst. Forgive the way of life, shorten your consumption to the point of need. Awaken the pride of the selfishness of the gloomy sound. Be it material donations at once help spiritual growth. Z in a right way close problems and zgurtovuyut. Sometimes the card is for the sake of seeking help in an important situation - the world is not without good people.

Pasta - ossified in the primal and eternal dissatisfied (among those with oneself), get close, tormented by innocence, afraid of fear in panic. Get stuck in a hopeless situation. This card is often ahead of the curve, showing the need to give due respect to the right, follow the skin, demonstrate the workmanship of the robot, wear one's own clothes, and apply marnotism. Often the price of the cards, which we see in our day, is pennies for life, only we don’t invest them in the power of stability, protection and development. The card can also speak about those who have unrealistic pride, take it on multiple occasions and even need help.

"Whoa, it's all up and running."

Catastrophic failures in business.

Bankruptcy of the enterprise. Unpromising projects. Crisis, hopelessness, znevira, unpromising help, hopeless plans, fortune-telling and tskuvannya. "The zhebrak is on the right" - to you, either in a direct sense, they don’t receive financial infusions, or else they’ve got rid of the skilki-nebud mіtsnih pіdstav. Tse mozhe hang out, for example, like a day to drink.

At the same time, in the sharpened friendly cards of the Five of Pentacles, you can tell about a promising business that you can “start in a shed” by the founder of Micfosoft. It’s important to happen again, someone may not understand the minds and sue them, you can happen to yourself and your reconciliation, practicing in a folded environment.

As a symbol of the collapse of the balanced scheme of the Fourth, it can manifest itself as anarchy, discord and hitan, zіtknennya group interests.

The ingenious words of Ziegler with the drive of P'yatirka to Pentacle - “the black dira, which zachіpaє naiglybshi pіdsvіdomі, blukannya dumok on the stake in the empty internal dialogue despite the fact that the energy is blocked” - can only be seen opining in such a situation. Difficulty, tskuvannya, vygnannya іz group. Problematic communication, її odny surplus negativity, apparently I’ll program on kshtalt “I’m filthy — ty filthy”, as if I was wasting life’s energy and joy.

P'yatirka Pentakle can be described as being overwhelmed by a robot with a clearly insufficient winegrower, so it is a waste of work, without a job.

Tsіkavo, what is important in modern tarotology, what is the card of sponsors, philanthropists, recognition of pennies for the development of mysticism (newly, the sensi donate materially and spiritually).

As a symbol of professional affiliation, a mother can be brought to work in medicine, a shelter for people of a frail age, a hospice, a social center, a place in a church, or in organizations, to give help to those who have suffered in the aftermath of mass disasters.

Spend pennies. Material problems. Razorennya, wicked. Vtrata dahu above the head. This is a card of vitality, important hours, consumption, congestion, lack of material resources, dental work, prosperity. Bezrobittya, life to help chi small pension. The need to economize the leather resources of the skin (something like, not obov'yazkovo pennies), the staleness of others, the resilience of marriage (so chi іnakshe), the need for favorable help.

It's tight for pennies - blame it on your own furnishing. Vtrata superiority and a prominent position. Reach, on the way of the roses, go through the stairs, don’t turn around the investment of the cat. It may be a situation, if a person stains more, earns less. "So tsikavo, already zhah." Obtyazhenіst nadmіrnym fіnansovіmi goitrezannyam, nebhіdnіst negajnennia borgіv, penny fine.

Best of all, what can give a map - freedom from obov'yazkiv, tied with pennies and power, but maybe someone can have such a philosophical grasp of reality, so that you can appreciate this freedom as especially positively.

Inverted P'yatirka Pentacles can mean lack of gains.

Often, this card is assigned the meaning of sweetness to the cochance of the chi kohanka, but rather a sensual, inseparable link between two people, like they suffer at the same time, the absence of suspіlstvom, but not in any way be separated, like the burdens would not be small on the vazі їkh vyazok.

This card symbolizes people (or people), as if they called to their camp and don’t think that you can change it. The basis of their efforts is the collective struggle against zhorstogo retinue(to that, the inverted one looks like a card, obіtsyayuchi zagalne polypshennia life, put such a vidnosini under threat). Somehow, after her, a person goes through moral torment to a directly meaningful decision.

Some tlumachennya won’t talk about the legalization of vіdnosin (and as an indicator of the court, legal instances), about obov’azkovіst, decency, uzi and zv’yazki, about decency and ruined).

Any other card still means the very deprivation, the relief of the mess, the waste. One can talk about those who two rushed one in one and check at the same time a lot of things. Sometimes it turns out in a relationship with a partner, and on its own, and in a rapt vision of a dream (the sight of one, the abandonment of another, the one who goes, we can leave ourselves, etc.). Advice can be given on other maps.

You can have a period in your life, if you accept one of your partners crying into a pillow because of a sense of homelessness and innocence in yourself, you are more painful and scared and tormented by children, but in order of others you have nothing to work, you are unloving and undesirable. A complex of incompetence and a way of thinking of the victim. Feeling selfishness, obscenity, abandonment, misery, mental injury.

One more meaning - visnazhlivy vіdnosiny, in which the partner is clearly wicked by the resources of the energizer - a penny, emotions, sexual energy ... what would not be on the right, vampirism without a glimpse of mercy. The result is a waste of life energy and joy. Possibly, the presence of pennies takes over the kokhanny. One more meaning - erotic benefits that lead to business losses.

In other places - the separation of people, communication is problematic among the citizens, the stench under the threat and everything is absolutely hopeless and impossibly.

Tue, the Five of Pentacles is not so simple, and not for nothing in the ancient hours straight forward to those kokhannya. You can describe a hotly loving and deeply suffering partner, who “stands for the doors and knocks” (and sometimes in the direct sensation is ready to live at the door at the exit door), while the heart of the wine is rich. We’ll stand for the closing of the doors of our zhorstoy heart, like a zherk, repeating “pity!” І really vin to ask NOT FOR YOURSELF. Vin for others stand like a marriage, so that Yogo's heart changed, so that Yogo's hand would give him those to ask for wine, so that he would learn that for himself.

In the inverted position, P'yatirka Pentacles mean overexpenditure of energy, waste of reserves, spending money, strife, fear. Can symbolize disharmony in love notes. Here the sign of Leva chi P'yatiy Dim is played. Traditionally - "ganebna love", "loose way of life".

The card can be shown on the right side, worldly turboti, dissatisfaction. Maybe it’s so, that you want to get great opportunities for yourself, but the stench is not yet available.

In the shortest time, the card can tell you about those who spent not so much, as if you could be afraid. Otrimannya work (prinaimnі timchasova) after unemployment, improvement (prinaimnі timchasova) of health after illness, restoration of goodwill after bankruptcy, amnesty. The prospect of spiritual rebirth, the end of an unfriendly smug. Meri Greer write that at the inverted position, the window on the map transforms on the door, which leads to peaceful backyards. This card is attributed to humility, patience, calmness.

Yova's Citizenship

"Sim bad fates"

"Be you, what to think, what not to think."


Saturn at the 2nd booth is like an indicator of crisis, crisis.

Straight mill:

P'yatirka of Pentacles sings means the expenditure of something material and in the end of it - the future of life. Often means erotic fit, hoarding, flirting. At the layout, I indicate the FOLDING, which is to produce either to success on a new level, or to return back.

Zvorotny camp:

An inverted card means: waste of energy, reserves, intelligence, fear; disharmony in love buds.

Five of Pentacles

Name of the card: King of the material roll.

Vidpovidnosti - fire of the earth; letter Yod; sefiru - Severity.

Explanation (characteristic meaning): an unacceptable period, great vitrati, evil (with Bashtoy - relief of the dahu above the head, life). Take away pennies and opportunities.

Podiya: a way to nowhere, a waste of money, an improvement in prospects, a search for a way out.

1. Bankruptcy, call (at no place, at an unexpected hour, unscheduled). Not far away is an investment of pennies. Do not take and do not look at the same time. Zatchipka on the future, but at the same time everything is bad.

2. Naigirsha. Nevilikovna ailments (for the shortest time - even more filthy self-feeling; for the older one - the relief of any parts of the body, organs). Low energy potential.

3. Comrades in misfortune, if you are in misfortune, such a couple falls apart. Vtrata mutual understanding. One of one vityaguє. Vіdnosini type: I'm so unhappy - I'll be lost without you, I'll die, I'll lay hands on myself.

4. Unhappy people. You don't know what you want in life. We care for ourselves. Skhilny to zneviri.

5. Porada: watch out for foreign entries. Be respectful to what you occupy, what you work.

Warning: material and moral expenses are pressing.

6. Don't get checks for support. Vidpovid "ni"

Upside down.

Explanation (capital meaning): Naigirshe z meaning of the direct card. Rozpack.


P'yatirka Pentakleyu - tse map of the crisis, poneviryan that anxiety. It’s a fall, a failure on the right, if we feel sorry for ourselves, unfortunate, abandoned, and sometimes rightly we’re resting at the squeezed furnishing. When P'yatirka Denarіїv it is rare to serve as a proxy for serious expenses, innocence or ruin, but rather pointing to the insignificance of the camp and to our subjective fear of spending the ground under our feet. Similar periods to the fall are characteristic of whether a crisis is growing, if a person fills up as a sphere, which has caught up with a state of resounding, stable, and move to a new one, still unknown, and, perhaps, unsafe.


Problems and ob'ektivnі difficulties, yakі can cause our rights and plans, or let us work. In this rank, the card means the trouble of spending (mine, pennies, tenure) failing in sleep, igniting a fiasco in life. It also often happens at the zv'yazku zmіnoyu mіstsya work, if it's on the right that guarantees of earnings are changed by new tasks and advancement of risk, like, for example, the hour of transition from the service of the firm to private enterprise. Prote mapa zovsіm does not show the pardon of such a croc. It is, rather, quite normal to see the innocence of the hour of the transition from the old to the new in the process of professional growth. In such a rank, it characterizes only subjectively intelligibly, and only in a few moods means a real failure.


Subjectively, obviously evil, in the fall, wanting to be honest, you can’t be anything like that. The map shows less that we are turbulent with our farther share, wanting to live with us, with whom we can be fully secure and make rich. The lesson of similar insights is in the fact that the evil spirit cannot be overcome by any kind of rich wealth, - and on the other hand, that the evil spirit is not overshadowed by the richness of the soul. In addition, this card can indicate a devilish crisis of growth, entirely natural for any process of development, during which our (innate) fear of evils and snowfall manifests itself, even though the path to new, bright distances can lie itself through them.

Features in return:

In special vodnosinah, this card means a little bit of abandonment, spend it. Zhakhliva feel that they don’t love us, that no one needs me. It can also be seen as a sign of hopelessness, as if it were necessary to take it as an approaching phase of a "break", if we can find the old patterns of behavior and encourage a new vision. If there is a crisis, then this crisis is an invisible element of development, and not a catastrophe. In the wake of such crises, the blues between partners are no longer rewarded.

Five Pentacles in the same day with other Tarot cards

With the Blazen card - financial problems that lead to vigilance.

With the card "Magician" - spending the initiative.

With a card " Supreme Priestess- use the scent.

With the “Empress” card - get a surplus.

With the "Emperor" card - spend the robot, sim'yu.

With the card "Ierofant" - spend the faith; ask your conscience.

With the “Zakohani” card - spend a pidtrimka at the stosunki.

With the card "Kolisnitsa" - the struggle for survival.

With the "Strength" card - powerless.

With the card "Samitnik" - ruin yourself; zanedbaniste.

With the Wheel of Fortune card - spend luck; crisis.

With the card "Justice" - the recognition of incompetence.

With the card "Increases" - bream crizi.

With the card "Death" - spend health; negative non-reversible process.

With the card "Reconciliation" - reconcile with the misbegotten.

With the card "Devil" - sink "to the bottom."

With the “Vezha” card - vtrata house, healthy.

With the card "Zirka" - hope that the hardships of that neviryannya should end.

With the card "M_syats" - bezprosvit material future; the appearance of a podtrimka.

With the “Sun” card - relief.

With the card "Court" - "light up the light in the city tunnel."

With the card "World" - know the backdoor.

Do not forget to see our calm

Name: Five of Pentacles, Five of Pentacles, Five of Denariyiv, Five of Bubos, Zmishaniy Shlyub, King of Material Twisting, Pan, Kokhanets, Nestacha Order.

Significance for Papus: Kokhanka, Kokhanets, Kokhana, Kokhaniy, Watching, Watching, Druzhina, Cholovik, Druzhina, Cholovik, Lover, Lover, Girlfriend, Friend. Love, love, cherish. Good, Decency, Vibir, Decency, Decent exit from the camp.

Tlumachennya tarot cards of pentacles: The appearance of the Five of Pentacles card means that you are honored to see out of the situation, wanting to cost you dearly. Ale, believe me, the pennies will be spent not for nothing. Your tolerance and wisdom, generosity and generosity, decent behavior and goodness cry out in the hearts of people for honor, friendship and love.

Tlumachennya P'yatirka of pentacles (denariyiv) Tarot in a direct position

Interpretation: The Tarot card The Five of Pentacles will shine like the beginning of a new period in your life. Friendship and Love will soon settle in your heart forever. You are ready to make up for your weaknesses and to endure the weaknesses of others. You can transform the weaknesses of your loved ones positive vigor. You are no longer afraid of such nostalgia as greed, jealousy, Marnoslavism and fearfulness. The strength of your humility, that understanding of other people's pardons, podolіki tsі nedolіki, zdatnі otruїti be-yakі vzaєmini among people.

P'yatirka pentaklіv - tse map of crisis and poneviryan. In case of this, you rarely transfer serious waste, and show only the insignificance of the camp. Your subjective perception of the drive of an unstable situation and fears of spending the ground under your feet are characteristic of a growing crisis. The period when a person leaves the primal and stable sphere of life and transforms into a new and unknown world, perhaps not without care, start to succumb to praises and experiences. Letting go of the crisis will take you to a new place.

For friends, the appearance of 5 Pentacles instructed by the Major Arcana - Bashtoy means discord between the blues through life or supernik for lonely people. Poednannya at the crossroads with the Wheel of Fortune on the contrary - a happy hat. Appearing instructions from the Higher for women to guard against the loss of honor and the need to take care of it. The five of pentacles entrusted from the Force, it seems, that it is dishonorable to vanish.

Tlumachennya turned over Five of Pentacles (Denariyiv) Tarot

Significance for Papus: Bezladny, Bezputny, Filthy, Disorderly. Plutanina, Chaos, Confusion. Peace, Disorder, Marnotism, Disharmony, Rozbrat, Rozpusta, Roslad.

Tlumachennya: Inverted Five of Pentacles Tarot glooms like an important period of life, if your efforts to save friendship with partners do not succeed. The reason will be your nervousness community camp. Try to encourage your friends to impose a way of life for you, they become too cumbersome, with which you know, you are too stingy and do not be too stingy with your requests. Possibly, everything is exactly the same, as your friends have a higher financial position, lower you. At the right of the family, 5 Pentacles can indicate a misalliance, which tightens both friends.

The Five of Pentacles turned upside down guards you from your sharpness. People who come in near your close friends vicorate you for their own purposes, there is nothing for them to do before you. It’s less to chirp your ties, pennies and acquaintances. Verify tse є simple way - denounce that at the same time you see material difficulties. After such a re-verification, it will immediately become clear who it is, who and what it is necessary for you. Analyze the busyness of that rose, in which the stench draws you in. Heba you could have thought about it earlier without flinching?

One more meaning of the inverted 5 Pentacle - the reason for the lack of absurdity in your activity. Obviously, such a tactic can lead to a vibe of the situation. Analyze your actions, better for everything, chaos does not enter before your plans.

P'yatirka pentaklіv (denarіїv) card of the day

Today, do not go the way you planned. And all through the marriage of cooking chi іnshih obstavin, yakі zamusat you strimati your requests. So what else, but today you will not be able to satisfy your needs. Possibly, you yourself dosі nadto disrespectfully put up to your dobrobutu. You happen to be on the receiving end of those who in the next hour will check smuga on you, as if you are more tolerant and inspired to go through this path, then new prospects will open up in front of you.

Porada card 5 denarii: tune in to test your will and prepare yourself morally before crossing the wasteland, go through the crisis and repair new blues.

Card security 5 denarii: don’t try to redistribute finances according to your needs, you won’t be able to afford one sphere for the money of weakened others, you can’t get pennies anyway.

The saying about those who scohanim paradise and among the smokers for a long time to go among the people, prote naskіlki tse so we try to rise for help weaving the lasso of 5 Pentacles in the food of the kokhannya and stosunkiv.

1. It’s good to know that at the moment of love exaltation and strong feelings of nourishing material prospects, their bets can not be slandered, but go far into the background. However, the noses of the most erysipelatous eyepieces can spit no less than an erysipelatous dream about those who, if they wish to give them material good, if they would like to often see their great honor. And the given rozheva dream allows you to make friends on the basis of feelings, and not on the basis of a clear and thoughtful material rozrahunka. The axis is close to such attachments to ochіkuvannyam and you can blame the hats that avenge the energy of 5 Pentacles, so, if you do not speak about it, but about those who have died nothing in their souls and those who 5 Pentacles will be our touchstone, about which will revise your forte їhnє svozhnє chuttya.

2. In this order, 5 Pentacles in certain positions at the layout for love can talk about those who, with the motive of friendship, can be taєmne, or obviously bajanna to improve their material camp. Chi vdassya zaboroti bіdnіst dvіdnіst dvіdnіst, zobrazhenim on 5 Pentaklі in the original deck of Waite the card itself does not show. Possibly so, but maybe not.

3. At the same time, the card itself can be used to help people of the lower class, or I will become a friend of friends through misfortune, if one partner tries to help someone else. However, there is a subtle moment of non-material core. For example, lady, by virtue of some special complexes, you can choose a person with a disability, or as clearly pronounced imperfections, svіdomo spodіvayuchis on those who won’t help you, but you can’t love me, in that you look like yourself. Obviously, if it is not voiced and is not exchanged, as it is most often and buvay, then it is similar to the blue rizikuyut to go to the camp of roses for 5 cups. In this mood, I myself am hopeful for those that I think that the partner will be like that, as I think, a moment of bargaining and tenderness, as it is absolutely not guilty of being satisfied with the side of the partner.

4. Tim is not less, in general, card 5 Pentacle is not an indicator of filthy water. Shlyub can be friendly, not caring for a penny marriage. And the 5th Pentacle itself can be like a fermentation of the singing period of water, so I become a blue sky with a stretch of the whole yogo іsnuvannya. Є є Outlass, if a girlfriend, Maychi porking a nickname salary, їkh it is safe to scene і to be stained up to be a nitsythnitsky, and they will have a zgoda, they have a small apartment with a modest atmosphere, considerable sulfur sulfur and yakikhos. in the open air of the country, and є problems zі zdorov'yam, scho accumulating, and daedalі more lack of pennies, in the wake of their falling value on the labor market, and saving the primary way of life. Obviously, it can be said that such people, making inexperienced incomes, so lost in the 5 of Pentacles, the shards did not learn how to plan their spending, plan their lives, save pennies and save them for expensive purchases. At the zv'yazku z tsim, the rose of a known person is guessed, who has pointed the butt of a man, who is alive from a retinue of 5 Pentacles. After that, having parted ways and made friends with others, do good yogo sіm'ї virіs. Calling for everything, vin, under the influx of the new squad, crossing at the 4 Pentacles, that you transfer money for the same value of purchases and plan your family budget wisely. Buvaye and so. І on the right is not less with a partner. Sam vіg vіg іsnuvati і 4 Pentacles і 5 Pentacles, at that hour it's fallow because of the fact that your partner is Pazhom Kubkіv (an infantile woman in erysipelas eyepieces) or the Queen of Pentacles (economical and dbailiva home support) and you will curl those, like a patern yoga will have an active character.

5. According to 5 Pentacles, an anecdote about a fortune-teller is told, yak passed on to people, that up to 30 years of wine will be a mother of difficulties for pennies, and then we will call. So і зі slyubom when fortune-telling for the future. Judicial cards will tell you about other nuances, the 5 Pentacles itself speaks about those that offended partners in this union are not strong enough to change the material goodness of their union.

6. As soon as the card falls on the cob, we will not discuss it, and we will discuss how to improve the financial situation through the slub chi bazhannya buti korisnym (to help the partner with yoga bidah). Especially on tse it is necessary to exercise respect, as if to speak richly about the great and strong kohannya. For young people, it can mean innocence in oneself in the plan of hundreds of dollars, that fear of their creation through the presence of pennies. I especially have a consultative attitude, if the woman said that she would like to improve her financial situation, and then we will know a good person.

7. When cimu, the 5 of pentacles itself is more neutral, lower is negative. Material problems can, as a matter of fact, accept the significant change, and become an inseparable problem and ruin them. For example, vigilance may not be the main problem, but rather the result of alcohol, gambling, or just lazy nights and lack of practice. Companion cards will tell you how the partners deal with financial problems.

8. Insanely, with a slave it’s so, that one is alive for 4 Pentacles and takes a penny to the penny, and the other for 5 Pentacles a penny trinka. Well, it’s already okremі osoblіstі, yakі can inspire balance stosunki have slubі.

9. From the point of view of astrology, there can be different indications of how much a person has shown vigor and schilicity before spending money. Buvaє, for example, that a woman's horoscope manager is tied to the aspects of spending money, and the ruler of the horoscope is associated with the aspects of economy and the accumulated money. Such a woman can tell her friends that she has a stingy man, but don’t give me a few pennies, she’ll spend everything all the same. Buvay and navpaki, if a person, through shillnist to impulsive vitrates, will delegate to the financial support of the squad, giving all power over the family budget.

10. Crimea, 5 pentacles at the horoscope at the plan of the blueprint can appear as a strike against the strongest for the status of the manager of the blueprint of the manager of special pennies, for the weak manager of the penny of the partner (8 home). It’s easier to say, similar to show off, to talk about those who don’t bring money especially through a partner.

Note. Crazy, the Rider-White deck is not one and not all interpretations Young Arkaniv Tarot, which are given at different gerels, dedicated to Tarot cards, reflects the very ones depicted on this card in the original Rider-White deck. Tim is not smaller, the plot, images on the cards, which are discussed in similar articles, and also associated with him real life the kind in real visions. Therefore, we can look at the little ones of the Younger Arcane cards from the Rider-White deck as a whole informative resource, which we can win when working with this deck, or as a clone in the nutrition of inter-special waters.

Horoscope and Tarot card consultations

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