A personal note in the Polish language.


beauty and health Odina Im. pilot "pilot" kot "whale" dąb "oak"
gość "guest" dzień "day" Read. pilota kota debu
gościa dnia Dat. pilotowi kotu debowi
gościowi dzień "day" Read. dniowi kota Vin.
dąb dzień TV pilotem kotem debem
gościem dniem Etc. pilocie kocie debie
gościu dniu Etc. Call. pilocie! debie!


beauty and health dniu! Mnozhyna piloci koty deby
gość "guest" goście dni pilotow kotów deby
gościa debow gości pilotom kotom debom
gościowi goście Mnozhyna piloci kotów gościom
dąb dniom dnie pilotami kotami debami
gościem gośćmi dniami pilotach kotach debach



Finished alone

Name admin Ancestral view Finished

1) -A loom: spiritualized names ( pan "pan, pan" - , pan a ptak "pan, pan" - "bird" - ptak), on: wół "Vil" - ; wol u bawół "Vil" - ;

2) "buffalo" -

  • bawol name: months ( czerwiec "pan, pan" - , "worm" - czerwc leaf fall "pan, pan" - ),
  • "leaf fall" - leaf fall dishes ( dzban "pan, pan" - , “jug, glechik” - dzban talerz "pan, pan" - , "plate" - talerz kielich "pan, pan" - ),
  • "kelikh, cup" - kielich tools ( młot "pan, pan" - , "hammer" - młot noż "pan, pan" - ),
  • "nizh" - noż mir and vag ( gram "pan, pan" - , "gram" - gram meter "pan, pan" - ),
  • "meter" - meter one penny ( dollar "pan, pan" - , "dolar" - dollar rubel "pan, pan" - ),
  • "ruble" - ruble dancing ( walc "pan, pan" - , "waltz" - walc polonez "pan, pan" - ),
  • "polonaise" - polonez parts of the body ( palec "pan, pan" - , "finger" - palc nos "pan, pan" - );

3) "nis" - nos (alternating pistillate forms of names, especially with a suffix-ik/-yk stolik "pan, pan" - , "table" - stolik wozek "pan, pan" - ),

4) "visok" - nos (wózk Names with suffixes słownik "pan, pan" - );

5) "vocabulary" - słownik (Slovenian, as well as deeds, names of places and names of-burg Krakow "pan, pan" - , "Krakiv" - Krakow Berlin "pan, pan" - , "Berlin" - Berlin Wieden "pan, pan" - , "Viden" - Wiedni Hamburg "pan, pan" - ).

Name admin "Hamburg" - Finished

1) Hamburg -u non-living registered names ( committee "Vil" - , "committee" - committee atrament "Vil" - "ink" - Ancestral view atrament ); : There is still a strong tendency for the appearance of fixed names, which may be completed, most often words whose stem ends in r "pan, pan" - , televisor"TV" - televisor "pan, pan" - .

2) computer "computer" - computer abstract names ( "Vil" - , ból"bil" - ból "Vil" - , czas"hour" - czas "Vil" - );

3) calm “Calm, calm” - calm down electoral names ( "Vil" - , las"lis" - las "Vil" - , tłum"NATOVP" - tłum "Vil" - );

4) oddzial "Viddil" - oddzial speech names ( "Vil" - , miód"honey" - miod "Vil" - , cukier"tsukor" - cukor "Vil" - );

5) piasek "pisok" - piask name the days of the year ( "Vil" - , wtorek"Tuesday" - wtork "Vil" - );

6) czwartek "four" - czwartk name the place that ends with - -grad, -grod, -gard "Vil" - , , as well as actions recorded ( - Starogard "Vil" - , Starogard - Belgrad "Vil" - , Belgrad - London "Vil" - );

7) London Amsterdam Amsterdam name the region or its parts ( "Vil" - , Iran"Iran" - Iran "Vil" - ).


For which modification is it more important to expand or complete it? -owi , and a small group of names is approaching completion "Hamburg" - (ojciec"father" - ojc "Vil" - , brother"Brother" - brother "Vil" - , chłop"villager, man" - chłop "Vil" - , loom: spiritualized names ( pan "Vil" - , kot"Kit" - kot "Vil" - , pis"tsukor" - ps "Vil" - , świat"world" - świat "Vil" - , ksiądz"ksiondz" - księdz "Vil" - , Bóg"God" - God "Vil" - , lew"a lion" - lw "Vil" - , diabeł"devil" - diabł "Vil" - , kat"kat" - kat "Vil" - ).

Famous video

In the case of spiritualized names, the end of the familiar phase is the same as in the generic phase, and in the non-living ones, it is also in the nascent phase.

This rule has the same rules as in the Russian and Belarusian languages.

1) The form of the generic edit is avoided by the familiar edit of the offensive names: corpse "dead body" ( Widziałem trupa “I am dying the corpse”) - obviously, for the analogy with other names of the dead ( nieboszczyka "nebizhchik" wisielca "veselnik" topielca

2) "drowned man"); in persistent viruses ( mieć stracha "to be afraid" mieć pecha "to recognize misfortunes" mieć bzika “be abnormal” (with these very meanings -), mieć fiola dac drapaka “flow in” (with these very meanings -);

3) puścić się w uciekacza The names have the names of instruments ( wziąć noża "take nizh" kupić winczestera "buy a Winchester"), cigarettes ( palić papierosa "smoke a cigarette"), dancing ( tańczyć walca, mazura "dance a waltz, mazurka"), Gribіv ( znaleźć muchomora, rydza “to know the fly agaric, rudik”), cars ( ukraść mercedesa

"Steal a Mercedes").

Name admin Gun control room (“Calm, calm” - calm down electoral names ( -em , em koń "kin" - -em koni ). When this is the basis on the rear ( Bóg"God" - g, k -em , ) shrink ( Bogi człowiek -em ).

"liudina" -

człowieki Vіdminok In the name of the solid variety - completion -e, what the cry of the voiceless voices calls out, which are different from the voices at the base ( sąsiad "susid" - o sąsiedzi e ) (Report div. ""). "Hamburg" - (In the names of soft varieties, as well as the basis g, k, ch - Finished "Vil" - , słoń - "elephant" - "Vil" - ).

o słoni

Mińsk w Mińsk Clinical practice Vіdminok (ojciec"father" - Almost all names avoid the form of the username, incl.: most names on "Vil" --ec "susid" -! ; create the form for further completion o ojc , ojcz "Vil" - chlopiec "susid" -! ).

"lad, lad" -

1) o chłopc loom:, chłopcz Wanting the initial assistants to establish personal forms for all names of the human family, the current Polish language is used to dosit obgezheno.), There really is a stink: Naming of persons - names, nicknames, names of stages of rank, assignments of people to families, titles, ranks. Ale and here you can note the progress of personal recognition. Don’t bow to anyone’s words "pan, pan" ( panie obywatel, "hulk" ("head, president (partnership)" - prezesie), favorite name ( łotr“wretch, wretch” - łotrze, łajdak“abomination, scoundrel” - łajdaku, cham"boorish" - chamie), powerful names ( Henryk - Henryku, Andrzej - Andrzeju).

2) and name the creatures, first for all domestic ones ( Chodź, pisku!“Come here, doggie”).

There are irregular forms of application and personal identification: syn"sin" - o synu, synu!; dom"budinok" - o domu, domu!; loom: spiritualized names ( o panu, panie!; Bóg"God" - o Bogu, Boże!

Completed multiplicity


Name admin -i, -y, -e, -owie .

Name admin -i There are such lexemes:

2) non-human names based on ). (pociąg"pull" - pociąg i , pan a ptak i );

Name admin -y the following words appear:

1) non-human names of solid species (including forms on ). ) (kot"Kit" - kot y , dom"budinok" - dom y );

3) Names with suffix w Mińsk (create the form for further completion"lad, lad" - chłopc y , głupiec"fool" - głupc y );

Name admin Vіdminok the following words appear:

1) specially human and non-specially human names of soft species ( lekarz"doctor" - lekarz "susid" - , kraj"country" - kraj "susid" - ).

2) words are placed on -ans (kwadrans"a quarter of a year" - kwadrans "susid" - , alians"Alliance" - alians "susid" - ).

Name admin -owie takes root much less frequently - among numerous specially human namesakes ( loom: spiritualized names ( pan wie , Arab"Arab" - Arab wie ), although the number of similar words will increase over the next few hours.

1) Among them: syn"sin" - name the stages of sporidity ( wie , syn wuj “uncle at mother’s side” - wie , ojciec"father" - ojc wie , wuj mąż "man" - wie , meż striae “Uncle by the side daddy” - wie );

2) striae name the people who occupy a high place in the social hierarchy ( marszałek "marshal" - wie , marszałk wódz "leader" - wie , wodz król "king" - wie , król senator "senator" - wie );

3) senator designated call ( generał "general" - wie , general mistrz "meister" - wie , mistrz professor "professor" - wie ).


1) The same is true: form on -log , there are possible options ( filolog "philologist" - y / filolodz wie , filolog geolog "geologist" - y / geolodz wie );

2) The same is true: geolog -mistrz , The ending here can also be variable ( burmistrz "burgomaster" - "susid" - / "burgomaster" - wie , burmistrz zegarmistrz "wart master" - "susid" - / "wart master" - wie );

3) zegarmistrz form based on -r (there may also be options: inżynier "engineer" - y / inżynierz wie , inżynier rector "rector" - y / rektorz wie , król senator rector y / "senator" - wie );

4) zegarmistrz senatorz (-n opiekun "opikun" - wie , opiekun patron "cartridge" - wie );

5) patron forms with suffix - (ek dziadek “didus” - wie , dziadk wuj wujek wie , wujk staruszek "old" - wie ).

staruszk Among the forms of the nominative form of the human gender, the least number of forms are formed from the endings -a . These actions are not particularly human and have names ( akt "pan, pan" - , "Act" - akt grunt "pan, pan" - ).

Finished alone

Name admin "soil, earth" - grunt -ów, -i, -y Finished

1) . loom: spiritualized names ( pan Finished , dom"budinok" - dom Finished ).

2) -ów kraj"country" - kraj Finished , Names based on solid voices (ów a small number of names based on soft and hard voices ( Finished ).

uczeń "study" - (“jug, glechik” - dzban talerz y , uczni"snake" - węż y );

Name admin -i typical for names with a soft base ( gość - gość i , nauczyciel"reader" - nauczyciel i ).


Name admin -om (kot"Kit" - kot om ).

Famous video

Among specially human names, there is a generic qualifier, while for non-human ones, there is a nominative tribute.

"Steal a Mercedes").

Name admin -ami (zegar"one-year-old" - zegar ami ). Only in some episodes there is a completion : koty-mi gość "Guests" - , mi liśсie "leaves" - "Guests" - , liść ludzie "People" - "Guests" - , ludź bracia "brother" - "Guests" - , brać konie "horses" - "Guests" - , ksiądz"ksiondz" - koń "Guests" - , księż pieniądze "pennies" - "Guests" - , pieniędz przyjaciele "friends" - "Guests" - .

"liudina" -

Name admin przyjaciół (-ach - domy odom ).


Peculiarities of changing human names Names on (-anin Rosjanin "Russian", American “American”) create forms on the same basis (, Rosjaninowi Amerykaninowi ), and the form of the multiplier is shortened (, Rosjanom American ).The stench disappears behind the sign of a solid variety, in addition to the name of the multiplication (, Rosjanie Amerykanie )., Most of them may have zero completion in the generic substitution of the multiplicity, due to the culprit of the offensive -, Amerókanów, Afrykanow.

Meksykanow republikanow These names create plural forms based on other bases or bases with irregular marks: rik, ) shrink ( Bogi liść, "rik" - lata tydzień, brother"Brother" - ludź, ksiądz"ksiondz" - "Tizden" -.



    A special group is formed by the names of the countries:

    These forms retain archaic endings.

    Since these names signify the totality of representatives of the people, they take a different form.

    • In Ukrainian language this year.
  • In the Ukrainian language there are 7 words: NASTY, POLOGOVY, DAVNIY, ZNAHDNY, ORUDNY, MSCEVIY, KLICHNY.

  • The first six are avoided by the Russians, and the remaining one is either Russian or Russian, in Russian daily language, and Ukrainian in essence, in its own way, is not the same.

    Vikorystvovaetsya when brutalized to anyone.

  • edmіnkіv in Ukrainian language

    1) dniach There are 7 admins in the Ukrainian admin.

    2) Finished alone To update the Russian language there are 6 subdivisions.

    3) Krym The Russian language does not have a personal edm, but for Tsarist Russia such a edm used to be, then after the recent reform the call edm was squeezed, perhaps it is also looking at Ukraine

    4) Famous video The Russian language has a total of 15 subtitles.

    5) "Steal a Mercedes"). 6 of them are basic and 7 are additional, rarely used.

    6) "liudina" - Tobto.

    7) o słoni The Russian language has more variations, while the Ukrainian language has fewer.

    8) who? what?

    9) no one? what?

    10) give to whom? why?

    11) indicates the end point of the dii. calling whom?

    12) what? denotes the middle object of action;

    13) I'm doing kim? what?

    14) means an instrument, a type of time-hour power (at night); think about who, what?

    15) Re-creation(also included) admin.

    Finally we see a famous sign (from whom? from what?). Be sure to join inclusively in the movable gates on the kshtalt: Petit to become a lad, Run for deputy, Join the squad, Go to the blue. In Ukrainian language SIM

    edmіnkіv, one more, nіzh in the Russian one.

    Additional information in Ukrainian.

    1. my own
    3. Below in the photo you can see the names of all the Ukrainian expressions, as well as the example of the definition of the word in the same plural.
    4. The axis of the substitution of Ukrainian language with Russian varieties:
    5. nazivny (name);
    6. Rodoviy (Rodoviy);
    7. Davalny (davalny);

    Znakhdny (znakhidny);

Orudny (orudny);

Msttseviy (priymennikovy);

    Cry (cry).

That's one change more, less for the Russian one.

    The Russian language does not have a personal idiom, then before it was used.

In Polish, the personal name is reserved for all human and female names.

    One hundred names of the middle gender and many of all beds of wines are constantly avoided by the noun.

  • Prikmetniki also do not wear the form of personal recognition.

When a personal identification document is issued, the type of base is insured:

    For most nouns.


    Clinical recognition.

    run with Priymennikov: magister – magistrze!.

blame become noun.

in –ec: chłopiec – chłopcze;


pan - o panu, ale: panie!

And other actions

For noun


Polite stem type:

In school we clearly know that in Russian language there are 6 subdivisions.

But it turns out, but not entirely correctly, that grammar has a lot more meanings.

Many of them saved themselves in the Zalishkov camp, having come to the Russian language from the Old Slavic and ancient Russian language.

  • One of these manifestations is the obvious imitation of the Russian one.
  • Zvalniy Vіdminok: acquaintance
  • In order to identify brutality to the exposure, subject or object, a personal edit in the Russian language is used.
  • Try different things:
  • Masha, go and marvel at the gut!

Viti, bring some firewood!

Van, shvidshe call Tata!

Lord, help me in this difficult situation!

Oh God, give me strength!

  • The examples showed that the object of the personal expression of the name is a short form.

About the history of edminka

  • In the Indo-European language - the ancestor of our modern day - this modification is equal to other modifications.

However, if the Indo-European is divided into independent families, Sv.

  • In most cases, you will avoid the name and cease to be an independent admin.

However, in the grammars of 1918 this concept was still forgotten.

It’s time to get involved with it yourself.

etc., but often the personal marking of the Russian language has been saved.

  • Apply this:
  • Marina, please bring me a book from the library.
  • Correct: vikoristannya Im.
  • p. replacement Sv.

It’s almost impossible to appear in the sense of the river: Marino, please bring me a book from the library.

Look around, old man, everything is destroyed and set on fire.

  • Here the clinical form “older” is used to give the Vislova presented sound, which means a high warehouse.
  • How to replace the form with a new one.
  • etc., then the sense does not change, but the phrase no longer sounds the same.

The methods of studying the clinical forms are not different, but they are often used in the world.

Forms of personal registration

The table presents the main forms characteristic of words in personal administration.

It is shortened in the old names, it is also possible to use short forms of names of relatives.

  • Also, a personal edit in the Russian language is being established.
  • Butts pointed lower:
  • Mommy, where is the tablecloth?

Tattoo, help us find our way!

  • Auntie, when will you come?
  • The form of the personal admonition i is preserved in the words “dida”, “daughter”:

Daughter, come and visit us!

Didu, come here and help!

  • Similar propositions can be expressed in different shades.
  • A great addition to the Russian language: examples and useful facts
  • Another name is Sound.
  • p – vocative.
  • Є the old sovalny (coexisting as an equal modification of the old form of language) and the new sovalnyy modification (the creations in the modern form of the language are truncated in the names).

From the beginning we have a lot of languages: Sanskrit, Latin and ancient Greek, but in today’s languages ​​it doesn’t pass.

It is preserved in several languages: Romanian, Greek, Ukrainian, Serbian, Polish and others.

In the Russian language, the personal form began to emerge early, in the 14th-15th centuries, being saved from the more important beastiality to the boyars and princes.

  • Only names in the same human and female clan could create a personal name in the Russian language.
  • Apply: Friend!

God! Prince!

Often, personal forms are used in persistent phraseological turns: Lord God Jesus Christ (all the words in the sound), our lord.

In the literature of the 19th and 20th centuries, archaicization also had a standard definition.

  • Please try different things:
  • In Pushkin’s text “What do you need, elder,” the form is modified to create an archaic effect.
  • “Turn around, Shinku.”

This form helps to demonstrate the peculiarities of the promotion of the Ukrainian Cossacks.

Personal note in the Russian language: rule

A significant change in Russian language, the application of which has been brought to life, is an amazingly grammatical phenomenon to testify about the fact that our language is changing over time.

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Since this form has been largely used in oral tradition for a long time, it is now often used only in religious texts or as a given proposition of the presented banishment.