A note for a confession begins with the words.


Improvement and self-development Instructions Nowadays, during the hour of preparation before speaking, review the Ten Beatitudes, which are known to every religious person from childhood, which will often be remembered in

everyday life


Remember, if you are praying in a speech, you are praying not as a human priest, but as Jesus Christ himself.

Regain respect

As you confess first, it is obligatory to say something about this priest.

Remember that it is only possible for a companion to go to the vicinity in the event of a person’s illness or death.

If the priest at the confession took from your hands the piece of paper containing the records of your sins and tore it up, it means that the Sacrament of the confession is over, you have been given absolution.

Corisna porada

  • The first confession, no matter how many rocks you have earned, is respected by the general.
  • This is the time to confess to the Lord all of your major (mortal) sins, since their overhaul took only an hour.

The article is tied Dzherela:“About how to speak correctly”


how to behave in public Dzherela: One of the most important Sacraments of Christianity is the confession. Dzherela: Write them down on a piece of paper so that you don’t lose them or forget them during the speech. Dzherela:?

And smut - thoroughly remove your crooks. Dzherela: Christians all ask the Lord: “And give us ours, just as we are deprived of our fighters.” Dzherela: If you don’t beat up a fighter, why should you ask for beatdown for yours?

Ring, the sermon begins before the beginning of the Divine Liturgy.

Listen respectfully to the prayer before your final speech, in which you ask forgiveness from the Lord for the number

And I’m still thinking about asking God for forgiveness.

Then the individual confession begins, when those who repent go to the priest and before the Lord, their sins are both serious and fleeting. Don’t be tempted to rely on the furnishings or the ones you’ve had for centuries.

If you give yourself truth, you will not take away truth from God.

The priest allows

the one who repents, not of his own will, but in the name of the Lord.

People are sinning today.

You need to confess to him as often as he himself understands and believes.

There are no many rules here.

Please ensure that repentance is not transformed into a formal re-interpretation of sins.

All the priests are united in the Duma, which for a Christian is not to blame for his disposable character.

To follow the trail regularly, and with such periodicity, the person himself determines.

If there is sin behind the soul, if what is important in the heart, if you want to grow into yourself, the time has come to make a confession.

Repent of your bad actions, pray, ask for forgiveness - God listens.

At the same time, it is necessary to understand that a confession is not just a simple conversation, but a religious ritual, something like the repentance of a confessor.

A person must realize that if she wants to straighten out her life, there is no turning back.

Beforehand, prepare for what you say, father.

It's best to work on your own.

everyday life

Take a clean paper, sheep, or pen and guess all the trash that you spent the rest of the time.

First, guess the mortal sins; they must be written down on the cob itself.

This sheet can be taken for reference and read differently, so that you can write everything down as clearly and understandably as possible.

This will also help you in the situation where you cannot manage promotion on your own.

Just ask the priest to read all those written on the arkush.

When starting to speak, be absolutely broad.

You must confess your sins.

Do not carry the majestic arches of the father’s sides, since the flow of your life is coming, and not the confession, try to get through it as quickly as possible, otherwise everything will become clearer.

The mystery itself is visible to all people and the understanding of their sins.

  • The skin of a person will require spiritual pampering, cleanse yourself and practice goodness.
  • What you need to do before going through the Sacrament of Confession
  • Before the Supper, for 3 days, fast until Holy Communion, having just eaten from Thursday for a week, while adjusting to your diet.
  • This kind of posada is respected not necessarily, but also with butter.

Go to the evening service on Saturday (possible) the day before the confession.

From the night before communion, do not eat food or drink water.

  • Come before the beginning of the service, and not for the hour of speech.
  • What prayers should you read before confessing?
  • Before confessing, read the prayer of Simeon the Theologian, find prayers of repentance, which are also recommended before reading.

Before communion, read the canons:

Repentance until Jesus Christ

Prayer Service of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Guardian Angel

  • How to prepare for the next word?
  • First of all, I would like to say - don’t be afraid, no one will sue you.
  • Complete everything you need to do before confessing and going through communion.
  • It will become easy for you to cleanse your entire inner light.
  • Write everything as it is, in your own words - it will be more beautiful, you will understand your ideas better and be more aware of them.
  • It is unwise to feel, if you understand, that after the confession your sins have been revealed, the Lord will remove everything, and you will also remove all those whom you have sinned, so also begin to correct yourself immediately after the confession.
  • After the confession, your mood will rise sharply, you will experience lightness and, hopefully, do not succumb again to what you confessed for.
  • Lively spillover of sins on the show

Getting angry at family and friends.

By the rot.

Hating people, taking revenge.

You can read the sins from the sheet yourself.

Father listens and lets you please, listen for your sake.

When Father finishes, the two cross each other, bow at the waist, kiss the Cross and the Gospel, then cross again, bow.

If the sin is very important, such as, for example, killing or abortion, the priest can be punished. You have the right, if you wish, to better acknowledge your sin and better repent from the deceased.

There are different hymns.

Speak in the words of the priest


The Lord God gives us the ability to convey goodness and righteousness to every living thing in this world.

Do good things, don’t get angry, don’t get into trouble with anyone.It won't get any better than this.

  • Demons are insatiable things that are trying to get you into committing chronic sins, and just don’t give in.
  • When you come to church before the news, do not be afraid.
  • The Lord is generous and accepts all sinners.

Forgives those who repent.There is no need to be afraid, father, in the eyes of the Lord, no one will know about your hidden sins.

  • As the day goes on, she listens so much that by lunchtime she doesn’t remember who came before or what she said.
  • Father, one man, I wish you no harm, stop it.
  • We will be glad that another soul has been stolen, and pray to God that the all-seeing and all-good has directed you to the truthful path!
  • Sins, what to say in a speech

The priest in the church is not the all-seeing eye, we no longer have a psychic to guess about your sins.

We put nutrition in the same way that is otherwise associated with sins.

This diet is closely related to the 10 important commandments.

1. “I am your God.”

Will be overinsurance:

Do you pray like you often go to services, just before church?

Do you know what you believe we know from God?

Do you believe in God?

2. “Do not create an idol of yourself.”

You can upload it here:

Don’t joke about truth in your affairs.

If they did it this way, it means they wanted it, and at that moment you were even more in control.

  • Before going to the meeting, make peace with yourself, your loved ones, and ask for help, if necessary.
  • The sermon is divided into two parts:

Heartfelt Confession: You repent of what you have done;

Confession of the priest: You confess the sacred act to the priest in order to cleanse your soul.

These are two different sides of the same coin.

Having arrived to the church, you are obliged to make sure that you know what you are saying.

It is very important to confess to all outsiders what you are doing wrong and why you did it that way.

It becomes disgraceful that many people forget or do not dare to talk about the pain and pain in detail.

  • You can make a list of offenses, so you won’t forget anything, and then it will be easier to talk about it.
  • It’s still important for you to put together such a list, at the church there is a store, they already have a little book about how to give a sermon, what sins are revealed.
  • After speaking, the people feel relieved, and the weight has lifted from their shoulders.
  • You can get in touch several times in the future.
  • Parts of the walk to the church help you to feel a sense of joy and joy.
  • Sins in public List for wives
  • Composing and reading such a ready-made list of rich women leads to stupor.
  • Realize that your life is a constant sinful thirst that is far beyond the power of the skin.
  • It’s not good to be angry.
  • Be glad that the priest will briefly explain everything and show you what’s next.
  • She tried abortions herself, and encouraged others to this thought;
  • She thought badly about people, talked about them;
  • I read obscenities and marveled at obscene films;
  • She swore, she lied, she started laughing;
  • For no reason she put on her face, showing her self to those who had left her;
  • The robe, the obscene robe, was so short and florid, thereby provoking the man’s respect and the wife’s lateness;
  • I was afraid for my appearance and standing;
  • I thought about death;
  • She overate herself, drank alcohol, became addicted to drugs;
  • She was seen by the assistant;
  • She brought out the little fortune-trap.
  • Virila from all sorts of concerns;

More confession of sins for wives

You need to trust the priests, tell everyone:

  • If we didn’t agree before, then we need to know about all your crimes since the seventeenth century.
  • It’s a sin to fight, it’s more important to conquer;
  • Once we have spoken, then with the rest of the conversation;
  • Tell us about your sinful thoughts and blasphemy;
  • It is important to pay attention to abortion.
  • Once they did it, and not just one, it’s time to guess about everyone;

Having been married more than once, they mixed with a civil lover, or a small number of people, too;

If you have children of more than one person, also;

The priest is responsible for understanding that you need to work, read, how many days to fast and how to fast yourself.

The hand of the Lord is in the right.

Sins spoken in your own words I repent, Lord. Grishna.

The world is sinful, and I don’t steal a bit.

I get angry, I get angry, I get angry.

  • I skip fasting on both Wednesday and Friday.
  • I don’t strictly follow the post.
  • Sometimes I get tired and lazy.

I scream at people and children.

I don't trust people.

It is important to repent, understand what has been done thoroughly and not allow such acts to happen again.

It’s best to consider transferring sins onto paper as a way to create a reminder or hint.

List of sins in speech for peopleIt is more important for people to recognize their faults, words, sins.

The stinks can be invading, even though they are not guilty of anything.

  • He understands that the woman is at fault.
  • Therefore, we should repent and confess to them.
  • This is far from the case.
  • People are no less sinners.
  • In any case, they are discussing and weaving more and more.
  • And fervor and narcissism sparked a topic for discussion.
  • Possible sins:
  • Say your prayers at the church during the hour of service;
  • Admission of doubts in the faith; Showing cruelty, pride, linoschiv; Greediness or wastefulness;
  • Exit to help the squad, children, introduction into Oman;
  • The dismay of strangers is in the dungeons;
  • Shelter of sin;
  • Drinking alcohol; hen of narcotic speeches;
  • Occupancy

card games

, machine guns, dismissal of others until this point;

The fate of thieves and thieves;


  • Cheeky behavior, tendency to belittle loved ones;
  • Show some modesty and cowardice;
  • Masturbation, spokusa, over-loving.
  • This is far from a remnant of human sins.
  • To the greatest extent, from an over-reinsurance, humanity is placed as before, and does not care about sin at all.
  • Use sins to speak
  • People sin differently in their own way.
  • One considers his work to be the norm, the other is a mortal sin.
  • Let's make a rough list:
  • Not faith in the Lord God;
  • Sumnivy;
  • Lack of love to the Savior;
  • It’s not a shame to wear a cross;
  • It is not worthwhile to present your thoughts about God to non-believers;
  • They swore by the Lord to vindicate themselves;
  • They called out to God, asked for help in metushna and nevir;
  • They yelled at the Lord;
  • It was not Christian churches that were there;
  • Enchantment;
  • They went in for help from the chakluns and the guide;
  • They read and preached sacred hymns about God;
  • Various games were played: cards, slot machines;
  • They were encouraged to post;
  • Didn't read the words of prayer;
  • They wanted to end their life by committing suicide;
  • They cursed;
  • Don't go to church;
  • You think badly about priests;
  • Watch TV or sit on the computer, instead of helping your loved ones, or doing work around the house;
  • Your children do not follow the faith and fear of the Lord;
  • You do not help the needy, the sick;
  • Do not come to the aid of your fathers;
  • Come to the point of stealing;
  • Do not behave decently at funerals, you allow alcohol to take over you;
  • You can kill a spivrozmovnik with additional words;
  • Riveting;
  • Bring people to sinful thoughts about death;
  • Abortion, treatment of others before;
  • Revealing your thoughts;
  • The cult of pennies;
  • Show yourself to people as a benefactor;
  • Intoxication, intoxication;
  • Over-love, fornication, incest.

The Confession of Prodigal Sins

Fornication is considered an even grave sin.

Previously, such offenses were punished with a participle term of up to 7 years.

You are in the middle of the people themselves, in their knowledge.

Vіn is a man in the middle. Staying in such a completed state, you feel euphoria. You no longer want to read the prayer.

God dislikes such sinners, I am sick of thinking about them.

And at the same hour, having repented, they will be forgiven for everyone else.

As the holy fathers say, complete three days of intense prayer, fasting, and repentance in order to earn the Lord’s forgiveness.

It is extremely scary, but rather than confess and repent, do not carry this guide with you.

To confess means to undergo a small judgment of God.

Chervonit, and only V will be in trouble.

And there, in the other world, at the judgment of God, all your deceased relatives will be quarreled, there you will find nothing.

If you have sinned, repent, here and now.For this sin, they were punished by strict fasting, sitting on bread and water for 40 days.

At the service they bowed perfectly.

The holy scripture says: “Whoever has sinned, forgive him, and all his sins will be forgiven.

And if anyone doesn’t get vibrated, he’ll lose the stink.”

To engage in such a task, then, will waste your strength and living resource for free.

This is the way to talk about those who are Orthodox, weak, weak-willed, and don’t have the heart to carry out their bajans.

The Church does not accept this as strictly.

  • So, for natural acceptable dissoluteness there are two, a man and a squad.Only the stench is so overwhelming to praise. Reshta sin i protimoral. Priests say that masturbation is unclean.It was with such a sin that the son of Patriarch Yudi Onan was killed.
  • To get rid of the nasal, it is necessary to bless God for the church love.And it’s easier to enter into something new, rather than be under constant sinful addiction.
  • Sinful people will succumb, maybe they will become a wife.
  • The Church condemns him no less than a man.Who is crying out that they still need to repent.
  • Onanism is spread among boys, girls and boys.
  • Whose person, who has more misunderstandings, can bring to mind such a filthy hyena that it is necessary to make speech difficult.
  • She wore an obscene robe, used it to tempt men, and called out to them until they were dismissed.
  • Civil whore, prodigal.
  • She tried to have an abortion, thereby killing her own children, trying to escape the difficulties of life.
  • She gave the children a dirty butt, screamed, beat them, didn’t take them to church, didn’t teach them prayer, fasting, or streaming.
  • She dabbled in occult sciences, magic, etc., conducted meditations, and participated in martial arts sections, which led to battles with demons.
  • She took someone else’s money, loans, speeches and did not return them, which brought suffering to people.
  • She boasted, flaunted herself, showed everyone her affection, thereby belittling them.
  • Broke the rules road ruhu, which created risky situations.
  • She told about her problems, cried, thereby harming herself, telling the truth.

The sins of children on show

Children need to be brought up to church from childhood.Children do not meet until the age of seven.

It is important that the child is still sinless.

And those who are able to speak and how to repair are entirely our merit and giving a butt.

It is necessary to explain to the child that such a confession is really needed.

Children must understand that their dirty stench is revealed not by men in cassocks, but by God himself, that the priest is the eye of the Lord.

  • After all, whatever the child’s mood will be, the building of the church and the building before it will lie down.
  • Don’t force it every time if your child is not ready, as it will only harm his fragile psyche.
  • Fathers can briefly, if not correctly, explain to their child what such sins and evils exist.
  • Kozhen and his father know the peculiarities of their child.
  • You can send a note to angry children, so you can help them to come to their senses.
  • Explain to the child that there is no need to be afraid, that God and God will not tell you about her.
  • You must learn to trust both you and the priests.
  • A child's confession List of sins

Children's sins are less bitter as they grow up.

Children of an older age are more sensitive to outsiders, such as friends, the street. They stand up for their thoughts, their thoughts. Unfortunately, in the rhythm of great places, it’s not too late to control who you are friends with, what to marvel at, and what sites you can follow!

Therefore, it is important for you to learn to trust, if not you, but the priests. You definitely won’t please the bad, and I’ll definitely take it as a supplement, anyway correct exit

From the situation that has developed.

And melodiously not criticizing, like the fathers are rich.

  • The children themselves manage to get into trouble
  • different stories
  • , they try to get out of them themselves, thinking that they are already grown up and have enough evidence.
  • Afraid of being known to your fathers, rejoicing with your friends.
  • By following the church and trusting God through the priest, students can face many difficult situations.
  • If you don’t waste your life, don’t stand on the paths of sin from such a young age.
  • What can you ask about, Father:
  • What do you think is better than, for example, a telephone?
  • Chi krav vin?
  • So, how can I fix it later?
  • Chi youmu bulo sorno?
  • How should you deal with children from poor families?
  • How late is it for the children of rich fathers?
  • Why not laugh at disabled and sick children?
  • How should we deal with cards, alcohol, drugs?
  • Does she help elders, for example, at home?
  • Why not fool the fathers by pretending he’s sick?
  • How will it begin?

Will Chi skip school?

Does anyone have an addiction to TV, computer, telephone?

And how does this make sense?

How should we be ranked before the elders?

If you have repented, or forgot to tell the priests, at the hour of the service, then when Chrismation occurs, your sins will be forgiven.

Such services are held in the evening, on Saturdays and on Holy Days.

Confession is one of the main church rituals.

It's not easy to pass yoga.

Rubbish and fear of judgment and the priest are required to go to the next step correctly.

Our article shows us how to correctly write sins for a confession and prepare for it.

We hope that ours will be happy to help you on your way until you are cleared.

How to prepare before speaking

  • The Church's sermon is a knowledgeable krok.
  • It is not customary to work without preparation and first analysis of sins.
  • Therefore, before the sacrament it is necessary:
  • If at the same time you plan to take communion, then first you need to read the following prayers: Canon of Repentance to Our Lord Jesus Christ, Canon of Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, Canon to the Funeral Angel and Succession to Holy Communion.
  • Before speaking, you must come to the church service promptly.
  • In some churches, the priest begins to officiate at the beginning of the main service.
  • Let’s get started before the sacrament, it’s not easy to drink some kavi chi tea.
  • For clarity, divide sins into several blocks: against God and the church, against loved ones and against yourself.
  • Sins against God and the church:
  • faith in sights, fortune telling and dreams;

hypocrisy in God's vanity;

doubtful about the knowledge of God, skargi;

  • we are aware of the commission of sinful acts in the hope of mercy;
  • laziness in prayers and church worship;
  • the riddle of God is in order, so move, to connect the words;
  • lack of attention to posts;
  • the incompetence of God's decrees;
  • try suicide;
  • The riddle of the promotion of evil spirits.
  • Sins against loved ones:

Sins against yourself:

Judging others, making excuses from life, and justifying oneself are unacceptable.

Only through wider cayattya does purification take place.

Two people do not agree in the same way.

Just like you repeated the offense again.

Once you have completed the list, briefly describe the situation so that the priest and you understand what you are talking about.

It’s not easy to say that you don’t respect the fathers, but how it turned out, for example, that you raised your voice to the mother’s mother.

It’s also not a good idea to vikorize church expressions because you don’t know them. Conversation is a matter of understanding with God, speaking with my understanding.

For example, if you really like licorice, then say so.

Don't vikorize "cherry-pleasing".

I divided the sins into blocks to help organize my thoughts.

By moving from one group to another, you will understand the reasons for the difference and can avoid repetition.

At the hour of the Confession, people call their sins of the priest, but, as it is said in the prayer before the Confession, as the priest reads, this is a confession to Christ Himself, and the priest is a servant of God, who visibly bestows His grace.

We take forgiveness from the Lord: His words are preserved in the Gospel, which Christ gives to the apostles, and through them to the priests, their intercessors, who have the power to forgive sins: “Receive the Holy Spirit.

Whose sins you forgive, forgive them;

to whom it is deprived, to whom it is deprived.”

In Spovid, we remove the forgiveness of all sins that we have named and those that we have forgotten.

You must enter before prayers, which are preparations for Communion.

Є and kіlka

Orthodox prayers

social measures

. Everything steals an hour of our life, if we can grow spiritually and mentally. Greediness - and also greed, the adoration of pennies, cheating, stealth, which bring joy to the soul, unnecessary help to poor people, enrichment of the spiritual.

Prote, perhaps, the worst of sins is self-destruction, even though it can no longer be corrected.

Self-destruction is more greedy, and we also see those that were given to us by God and others - a life that deprives our loved ones and friends of terrible grief, condemning our soul to eternal torment.

It is very important to get rid of passions, vices, mortal sins.

Orthodoxy has no understanding of slothful partiality, even though all our sins are already burdened by the Lord Himself.

Golovne, we must confess and take communion at the temple with faith in God, preparing ourselves with fasting and prayer.

    Then, with the help of God, stop engaging in sinful activities and fighting sinful thoughts.

    It’s not good to joke about especially strong emotions before and during the Confession.

    Repentance is understandable, because a number of things you have accumulated for the sake of the world and the absence of turbocharged products and the constant saving of singing feelings are unrighteous and sins;

    firm intention not to sin again, not to repeat sins, for example, to legalize fornication, to indulge in over-love, to indulge in drinking and drug addiction;
    After you completed the dialogue with the priest: you simply recounted your sins and said: “I repent,” or asked, took a new testimony and said, “Call your name.”

    Then the priest absolves you of your sins: you kneel a little lower (people kneel), he places an epitrachelion on your head (a piece of embroidered fabric with a slit for the neck, signifying the priest’s shepherding), reads a short prayer and baptizes your head on top of your epistles.

    If the priest removes the epitrachelion from your head, you need to immediately cross each other, kiss the surface of the Cross, then the Gospel, which lies in front of you on the commemorative lectern (high table).

If you are going to receive Communion, take the blessing from the priest: place the palms in front of him, right to left, and say: “Bless you to take communion, I was getting ready.”

At the Bathah temples, the priests are simply blessed by the condition of the Pisli Svovіdі: that, having promised єvangeli, to slam on the priest - Chi cliche vin of the offensive, Chi Cheka, if you zakіnchchi Participle after Spovid Herself

prayer is strong

    - this is the same as remembering that experience during the Liturgy.

    The whole Church prays for the people at the hour of the Sacrament of the Eucharist (Communion).

    Every person needs to partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ - the Body and Blood of the Lord.

    It is especially important to take advantage of important life moments, regardless of marriage.

    Before the Sacrament of Communion, you need to prepare yourself, which is called “talk”, “shit”.

    Preparation includes reading special prayers in the prayer book, fasting and repentance:

    Before the Rank Liturgy, do not eat or drink anything after the Rank Liturgy.

    Confessing before the Sacraments is an essential part of preparation for this. No one is allowed to receive Communion without a Confession, except people with terminal illness and children under seven. And there are a number of testimonies of people who came to Communion without Confession, and even the priests, due to the abundance of people, apparently cannot recognize anyone.

    Such a big deal

great sin


The Lord punishes them for boasting about difficulties, illnesses and sorrows.