“I have filled my dear house…” S. Yesenin. Analysis of the verse “I left the native house” by Yesenin The golden toad spread the month on still water

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Presentation author: Pechkazova Svitlana Petrivna, teacher of Russian language and literature, MBOU "Lyceum No. 1", Chamzinka, Republic of Mordovia Didactic material for the lesson of literature in grade 5

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transcend the knowledge of S.A. Yesenin’s creativity, the steps of a rhyming verse “I left my dear home ...”, yoga those, ideas, features of the image-creating and diverse works of poetic movi.

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In the work of Sergiy Oleksandrovich Yesenin, the leitmotif was the tightness behind the little fatherland. In his youth, having flooded the village of Kostyantynovo, and having made a little of it later, in which he hung turmoil and self-sufficiency, he tried it far from the native house. Create sings having created twenty three fates at the vіtsі. Yogo creativity is against us, that mayzhe not be grounded on life's truth. Having conveyed a little to each person's veins, like a person, as a rule, at the end of his life, rethinking the experienced fates.

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S.A. Yesenin "I have closed my native house..." Three stars have a birch forest above the headquarters To warm the mother of the old turmoil. As a golden toad, the moon rose up on still water. Nemov's apple color, siva My father spilled in his beard. I won't be back soon, won't be back soon. Long sleep and ring the whirlwind. Rus is guarding blackness Old maple on one leg, I know that it is joy for the new Tim, who leaves the whole wood, To that old maple The head is similar to me.

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Keep warm - that helps with warmth Birch - that birch forests, yakі can grow on poor soils. Kvіt - tobto nevibagly, dribno kvіtuchі growth. Viti is the whole dialect word. Viti in Ryazan's speeches signifies a rilla, a zoran field. S.A. Yesenin “I’ve left my old booth…”

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What kind of pictures stand before the inner gaze during the hour of reading the verse? Through yakі images sings conveying a little of the people that they parted from their native places? What image is the guardian of the native fire? S.A. Yesenin “I’ve left my native house…” What is the mood of adopting Yesenin’s verse?

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For Yesenin Batkivshchyna - cemati, father, birch, old maple, image, like neviddilnі vіd Rosії. At the fertile moon on still water, at the birch forest, at the apple tree color - at everyone, he sings to sing his fatherland. The plot of the verse takes development from the author's special ideas. S.A. Yesenin “I’ve left my native house ...” Guessing the hour that I’m “leaving my native house”, S.A. Yesenin then slightly confuses the mother and represents the father, like an old man without a new one. In the third stanza, the author talks about those who will not soon come to you native land. Aja zavіryuha, mabut, you will call again soon. Signify that the tree is like a call to “watch over Rus'”, Yesenin breaks out of itself.

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A day of people with nature is a specialty, powerful to all the creations of the Russian poet. The plot develops as a whole logically: a reader to bachel, that the Motherland is inseparable nature for a poet, like nature with people. He sings when he has flooded his native land, but he has taken from his soul the image of a maple tree, which guards the native house and so saddens the author S.A. people are root, budinok, de mi were born and grown, and nowhere without it. And it’s more important to appreciate it, tell me how to light and replace it with our life. Aje without a booth, wherever you want to turn, people will live comfortably in each world.

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What kind of image-creating work does the victorist sing at whose verse? EPITETI METAPHORI Rіdna hut blakitna Rus old mother quiet water warm troubles month spreading seaweed spilled sleep and ringing snowstorm with golden toad moon spreading ... mute apple color, sivina ... S.A.Єsenin "

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Sings calling Rus' "Blakyt". This sight is associated with purity, with the color of the sky. Month Yesenin, having sprung from a toad, yak sprang up on the water. Whose image allows you to vividly and barvistly reveal the evening landscape from the washing water, and yet the primordial unvarying dynamism. In the image of a sivin in a beard, the father is the author of the Vikorist viraz “apple color”. S.A. Yesenin “I have left my native house…” Yesenin endows natural phenomena with human powers. Blizzard at the vіrshi guessing the truth is alive, as if singing and ringing. The maple, which protects Rus', is less likely to stand on one leg, and it is more like a mundane stature, lower than a magnificent tree.

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"I've filled my dear budinok ..." Sergiy Yesenin

I left the native house,
Blakytna flooding Rus'.
Three stars have a birch forest above the rate
To warm the mother of the old turmoil.

Golden toad month
Broken down on still water.
Nemov apple color, sivina
The father spilled at the beard.

I won't be back soon!
Long sleep and ring the whirlwind.
Guard Blakitnu Rus
Old maple on one leg.

І I know, є joy at new
Tim, who leafing through kissing wood,
To that old maple
Head similar to me.

Analysis of Yesenin’s poem “I left my native house…”

In 1912, the 17-year-old Sergiy Yesenin, who took away the diploma of a teacher of clergy, was able to work in his native school and went to Moscow, trying to get a job as a newspaper. The future one sings yet without suspecting that the village of Kostyantinove is being abandoned forever. Once again, you will forever be a stranger here through different furnishing.

In the first years of the capital's life, Yesenin literally had a native house, a prote z work in a doctoral school and a university student, he did not have the opportunity to work with a father and a matir. And after the revolution, having learned that it’s impossible to be happy in Kostyantinovy’s way, like in rich Russian villages, I’ll change my way of life again. In 1918, roci vin wrote the line “I left my dear home ...”, confusing confusion and more because the share played an evil heat with him, having spared the fatherland, devouring it like wine. In this work, the author has tried hard to convey to the readers the thought, how easy it is to become an outcast in the sovereign country, how to build a child's illusion of being a human being.

The first rows of this verse speak for the one who sings as if he has left his little fatherland, and “having blacked out Rus'.” However, during this period, Yesenin, having stayed with Russia, could not let him go, if you were to get away from the cordon. So why do wines stand firmer? On the right, in the fact that that “blakitny Rus”, yaku sings so lovingly, was forever lost in the past, and now it’s less in the author’s mind. To that Yesenin, who nevertheless for a few days stopped at the guest’s home, signifies that the stench has changed. So, “Nibi apple color, the father’s sivin spilled in his beard”, and the mother, tormented by her feelings about the short-lived son, and praised for her share, continue to sumuvat with him.

Rozumiyuchi, that the light of the childish dream of ruminations remains irrevocably, it sings: “I won’t turn around soon, I won’t turn around soon!”. It’s true, mine may have been five years, the first time Yesenin will visit Kostyantinovo and I can hardly recognize the village. Not to the one that has changed so much, but through those that the people themselves have become different, and in this new world of poets, let me inspire such a famous and talented one, there is simply no place. Ale at that moment, if qi rows were written, Yesenin maw on the vazі zovsіm іnshe. Vіn buv upevneniya, scho still not soon be able to make your fatherland such as it was before the revolution. The author does not admit that the changes that are experienced in the country will be global and large-scale, prote viriv those who sooner or later all will be in their own place, and that “Blakitna Rus”, as if guarding “the old maple on one leg” , like before, open your arms before him.

Yesenin himself is also poring with an old maple, shards of new power for the new troch beautifying the front. Like a village son, he sings of wisdom that now his fellow villagers can have more opportunities for self-realization. However, it is impossible to sing that the very spirit of the village is collapsing with its self-confidence, people are afraid to change their traditions and look, as generations have been doing. That is why, drawing a parallel between himself and the maple, the author wants to reinforce him himself, so that he should also stand on the verge of tієї, old Russia, oskolki itself in її coils, people from long ago drew their spiritual strength. Now, if everything is drained, Yesenin simply does not recognize his fatherland, which he plunged into hromada war. It’s more painful for me to see that after the crooked battle, people can’t be more colossal - smart, poignant and summative, and not behind the showy party, as it’s not so busy with the needs of the people, like zmіtsnenn pits of power positions and rozpodіl spheres vlivu in suspіlstvі.

The image of "blakitnoї Rusі" for the poet is closely related from the village of Kostyantinivka, born de vin, from village huts, folk songs, fairy tales and beautiful nature. The very theme is revealed at the verse "I left my native house". A short analysis of yoga will be dedicated to this article.

History of creation

Analysis of Yesenin's poem "I left my native house" we read from the beginning to the bibliographic warehouse. He sings right early, having left his beloved village. Tse became 1912 fate, if the seventeenth Sergiy graduated from the teacher's school. Vіn not skhotіv vikladat. Yogo was addicted to the capital, sings mriyav vlastuvatisya on the robot in the newspaper. However, I sighed in the light of a native root, giving Yesenin an air of importance.

A little bit of wine mariv budinkom, but on a visit to the village it was not an hour. Sings having entered the university, having worked at the doctor's office. A few years have passed, the first time of the year, the first time, the sight of the native Kostyantinivka. In 1818, roci z'appeared in the rows "I left my native house." S. Yesenin zooms to convey in them the unstoppable love to the fathers, the strong landscapes and the tightness that does not allow yoga.


Analysis of Yesenin's verse "I left my native house" allows breaking yoga into two parts. The first of them is dedicated to the poet's small fatherland, to landscapes dear to the heart, to my thoughts about the father and mother. Here everything is permeated with a warm sum, we are sorry for those who are getting old without something.

The other part is trivozhnisha. On the change of the silsky harmony, the ring of a zaviryuha will come. Tim is no less, the poet has a glimmer of hope that in a long time you will be able to turn back home. The image of a maple appears, with which the lyric hero associates himself. The old tree becomes a yogo prodovzhennyam, as if protecting the dear city. Relatives can fill their tightness with maple, shards with their "head" of that nasty coachman of the poet.


"Blakitna Rus" is present in both parts of Yesenin's verse "I left my native house". An analysis of the poet's work shows that this image is central to the early period. Let's sweat on the change of "Blakitnіy Rusі" Rus' will come "radianska", "steel". Ale call to her Yesenin will not give in.

Blakitny color - the sky is clearer, the water surface, the distance is not touched. For a poet, it is also a symbol of holiness, spirituality, peace. The image of Russia is indistinctly related to itself with a strong system, a strong region. At the top, nature and people are closely intertwined. Mothers know quietly in the "birch forest above the headquarters", the father of the sivin is compared with the apple-colored color, the month spreads on the water surface with the "golden toad".

Seeing in the place, Yesenin appears to be breaking in the harmony of that of its root. Here people are the nature of roses. The disturbing atmosphere is conveyed by the image of a "dzvinkoy zaviryukha". Self-esteem is warmly observed. Perebuvayus far away, lyrical hero turbulent for the preservation of "Blakitnaya Rus". Vіn zalishaє in the small Batkіvshchina its Alter-his - an old one-legged maple tree, which calls out to protect the order of the world in his unmistakable sight.

Viznі zasobi

The analysis of Yesenin's poem "I left my native house" shows that the wines were written in anapaest. Rimovka of a man, crossed. For stylistic reasons, there are viguks and inversion in the third stanza, which give these rows special emotion. Poetovs far away hang their girkot in the distance from the native places, restless with the changes that are in the country (an image of a snowstorm), save the heart of the village from them on the road.

Of the lexical features of vibrancy, we know epithets ("dear dim", "old bag", "Blakitna Rus"), metaphors ("golden toad moon", "leafing boards"). Present at creation that porovnyannia (sivini with blooming apple trees, maple with a lyrical hero). The closeness of people and nature is reinforced (a blizzard spives, a maple has a head and a leg, a birch forest is "warm"). He sings vivaciously in the form of words, in order to more accurately convey his thoughts and emotions: "apple tree", "warm".

Lyric "I"

We can call autobiographical rows "I left my native house." The characteristic of the lyrical hero allows you to understand the poet himself, the frightened life far from the native village. Like other creations, the inner world of a person is created with natural phenomena. Yesenin sternly observed his "veiling tie" with the harmonizing, nautical light, trees, and creatures. Through the pictures of nature, youmu showed the foldedness of the butt, the smallness of the share of the people.

Today, Yesenin has depicted a dreamy, twinkling curl in his looking sleeping eyes. The image of a snowy whirlwind, hurtovini dominating in yoga creativity of 1924-1925 rock, conveying the camp of the soul, which is to be flustered. Ale, already at the same time, I can feel the sound of the moon. The blizzard conveys a sense of uneasiness, anxiety. The revolution, which changed everything, is equal to the elements, before which the people are powerless. Yesenin razumіє that the period of instability is three times longer.

The images of "Blakitnaya Rus", "Batkivshchyna" are melting in order, as if they come to life so brightly in the poet's ways. At this Cossack world, father and mother linger, insane kohanny, lower, zahist. As long as the fathers are founded, the people can two unbreakable support on the path of life. Ale stink old. Yesenin witnesses the collapse of "Blakitnaya Rus", the crying out of the world of childishness. That is why they put up a guard: an old maple tree, so similar to a new one with a golden head.

Main idea

Analysis of Yesenin's verse "I left my native house" allows you to understand your head thought. A person cannot exist without a root. Misses, de mi grown up, native people, who know the children of tradition, become our spiritual support in the mature age. Without them, we appear self-reliant and defenseless before life's vicissitudes. It is so important for him to save his values, not to allow anything and no one to destroy them.

Versh spovneniy confusion, but at the same time even more beautiful, lyrical. Reading yoga, we are transported to barvisty world Russian nature, choking with vivid images and quiet melody of rows.

Written by Sergiya Yesenin “I've lost my native house” was written in 1918. The yoga idea was born in the period when he sings after being separated from his relatives, the small Batkivshchyna. to you short analysis"I've filled my dear booth" behind the plan. Vіn bude korisny schodo create at the hour of the lesson of literature in the 8th class.

Short analysis

History of creation- the verse was created in 1918, if he sings when he left the village, when he was born and viris, he had a legacy of moving: the turmoil of the past, the experience of the poet.

Subject- vіrsh vіdbіvaіє theme, naskrіznu for the lyrics of Yesenin - love to the little Fatherland, tight for her.

Composition- Line, you can see some of the last parts: tell me about the matir, dad, sums about those that the separation will not end soon and the creation of the poet himself from the maple, like "Guard Blakitnu Rus", so Kokhan Yeseninim.

Genre- Tvіr goes up to the genre of lyrical verse.

Vershovaniy rozmіr- twіr is composed of several stanzas, which are written in anapaest (three-storey rozmіr with a voice on the remaining warehouse), victorious is exact and inaccurate, the person of Rome, the way of rhyming is the cross ABAB.

Metaphor- "birch forest above the rate to heat ... sum", "The moon spread like a golden toad...", "Sivina at the father spilled in the beard".

Separate"Sleep long and ring the blizzard", "Guarding blakytnu Rus' old maple on one nose".

Epithets"blakitnu Rus", "Golden Frog", "on still water".

Porivnyannia- "Nache apple color, sivina."

History of creation

Written by a young poet in 1918, when he left his native village, having stripped everything there, which is dear to you. Tuga behind the small Batkivshchyna meandered into rows: "I left my native house, leaving Rus' in blackness." This tvir kindly portrays the whole picture of all pre-revolutionary lyrics of Yesenin, who loves his native country, experiences his share, sums up for his native missions. The top of the publications at the end of the poet's glory, even more chotiri rocks to that wine nevedomy wide zagal.


The theme of the verse “I have left my native house” is the fatherland, tight for the familiar places of the children, the attraction to the house is the same. He sings zgadu m_stsevist, de alive, clearly describes її: “Three stars have a birch forest above the rate”, “Golden toad month”. Such a description is clearly depicted to us - beautiful "black" Russia with marvelous beauty in nature, a booth devoid of a poet, a father who scolds for a blue and commemorates old age: beard".

Batkivshchyna for the poet is a birch forest, and a yellow month, which is seen by the water, and an apple tree color, and a maple tree, which “guards the black Rus'”.


It is not possible to see in creation whether there is a plot of that її development, but the last one sings in the description. So, at the first stanza of the wines, they tell the chitachevs that they said goodbye to their native house, talking about the matir. In another stanza, Yesenin talk about the father. In the third part of the wines, I experience the one who, nevdovz, will again slap his relatives, the shards of the old “sleep and ring the blizzard”. The poem ends with a description of the image of a maple tree, which for a lyrical hero is a bar of Russia, a poet's booth. Yesenin associating himself with tsim іz him: “that old maple with a head similar to me”. The author does not turn to the guess, that composition can be called linear.


“I have left my dear house” is a lyrical verse. The verse is composed of chotir stanzas along chotiri rows (quatrain). Sings vicorist see different rimi: accurate (budinok - rate, water - beard), inaccurate (Rus - troubles, for the new - maple), cholovic - the voice of the head falls on the rest of the warehouse: budinok, Rus', headquarters, confusions, moon, water thinly. The rhyming is crossed, the first and third, the other and the fourth rows are rhymed.

Sobe viraznosti

The verse was written with the help of different artistic works, for which reason the reader imagines a vivid picture, which is described by the poet.

Yesenin Vikoristova rich metaphors: "to warm the birch forest over the headquarters ... soum", "The moon spread like a golden toad ...", "Sivina spilled in the father's beard". Moreover, they are also afraid of isolation: "Sleep long and ring the blizzard", "Watch out for Blakytnu Rus, the old maple on the same nose", division: "Nache apple color, sivina" . Raznomanitnі epithets, Zastosovani by the author: "Blakitnu Rus", "Golden Toad", "On Quiet Water".

Tsіkavim is a way, which is characteristic of Yesenin as a poet. Vіn associate yourself with nature. At my vipadku - with a tree: "... that old maple with a head similar to me." Such a trick is like a show of pretentiousness, innocence of the poet in nature, the Russian land, the fatherland, and he draws us the image of the poet himself. With this guilt, one gets old, many have survived, it is important to show that this verse was written by a 23-year-old man.

Verse test

Rating analysis

Average rating: 4.5. Usy otrimano ratings: 26.

"I've filled my dear budinok ..." Sergiy Yesenin

I left the native house,

Blakytna flooding Rus'.

Three stars have a birch forest above the rate

To warm the mother of the old turmoil.

Golden toad month

Broken down on still water.

Nemov apple color, sivina

The father spilled at the beard.

I won't be back soon!

Long sleep and ring the whirlwind.

Guard Blakitnu Rus

Old maple on one leg.

І I know, є joy at new

Tim, who leafing through kissing wood,

To that old maple

Head similar to me.

Analysis of Yesenin’s poem “I left my native house…”

In 1912, the 17-year-old Sergiy Yesenin, who took away the diploma of a teacher of clergy, was able to work in his native school and went to Moscow, trying to get a job as a newspaper. The future one sings yet without suspecting that the village of Kostyantinove is being abandoned forever. Once again, you will forever be a stranger here through different furnishing.

In the first years of the capital's life, Yesenin literally had a native house, a prote z work in a doctoral school and a university student, he did not have the opportunity to work with a father and a matir. And after the revolution, having learned that it’s impossible to be happy in Kostyantinovy’s way, like in rich Russian villages, I’ll change my way of life again. In 1918, roci vin wrote the line “I left my dear home ...”, confusing confusion and more because the share played an evil heat with him, having spared the fatherland, devouring it like wine. In this work, the author has tried hard to convey to the readers the thought, how easy it is to become an outcast in the sovereign country, how to build a child's illusion of being a human being.

The first rows of this verse speak for the one who sings as if he has left his little fatherland, and “having blacked out Rus'.” However, during this period, Yesenin, having stayed with Russia, could not let him go, if you were to get away from the cordon. So why do wines stand firmer? On the right, in the fact that that “blakitny Rus”, yaku sings so lovingly, was forever lost in the past, and now it’s less in the author’s mind. To that Yesenin, who nevertheless for a few days stopped at the guest’s home, signifies that the stench has changed. So, “Nibi apple color, the father’s sivin spilled in his beard”, and the mother, tormented by her feelings about the short-lived son, and praised for her share, continue to sumuvat with him.

Rozumiyuchi, that the light of the childish dream of ruminations remains irrevocably, it sings: “I won’t turn around soon, I won’t turn around soon!”. It’s true, mine may have been five years, the first time Yesenin will visit Kostyantinovo and I can hardly recognize the village. Not to the one that has changed so much, but through those that the people themselves have become different, and in this new world of poets, let me inspire such a famous and talented one, there is simply no place. Ale at that moment, if qi rows were written, Yesenin maw on the vazі zovsіm іnshe. Vіn buv upevneniya, scho still not soon be able to make your fatherland such as it was before the revolution. The author does not admit that the changes that are experienced in the country will be global and large-scale, prote viriv those who sooner or later all will be in their own place, and that “Blakitna Rus”, as if guarding “the old maple on one leg” , like before, open your arms before him.

Yesenin himself is also poring with an old maple, shards of new power for the new troch beautifying the front. Like a village son, he sings of wisdom that now his fellow villagers can have more opportunities for self-realization. However, it is impossible to sing that the very spirit of the village is collapsing with its self-confidence, people are afraid to change their traditions and look, as generations have been doing. That is why, drawing a parallel between himself and the maple, the author wants to reinforce him himself, so that he should also stand on the verge of tієї, old Russia, oskolki itself in її coils, people from long ago drew their spiritual strength. Now, when it’s all over, Yesenin simply doesn’t recognize his fatherland, as if he’s mired in the hromada war. It’s more painful for me to see that after the crooked battle, people can’t be more colossal - smart, poignant and summative, and not behind the showy party, as it’s not so busy with the needs of the people, like zmіtsnenn pits of power positions and rozpodіl spheres vlivu in suspіlstvі.

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