Interactions between biological and social factors in human evolution. The ruinous forces of human evolution. Biological and social factors of evolution. The main stages of human evolution Human evolution takes place under the influence of factors

There was upright walking, an increase in the strength of the brain and the complexity of its organization, the development of the arm, an increase in the period of growth and development. The guilty hand with a well-expressed grasping function allowed people to successfully vikory, and then prepare the projectile. This gave him advantages, wanting to sacrifice the creatures for his daily physical needs. The most important milestone in the development of people was the need to first vikorize and encourage, and then add fire. The combined activity of the prepared projectile, the production and support of the fire was ensured by innate behavior, and resulted in individual behavior. Therefore, there was a need for a significantly expanded ability to exchange signals and a language factor appeared, which fundamentally differentiates humans from other creatures. The appearance of new functions, in its turn, leads to accelerated development. Thus, the use of hands for watering and succumbing to food, soaked on fire, made it unnecessary to notice the tight cracks, which made it possible to increase the volume of the cerebral part of the skull for the structure of its facial part and ensure further development of roses mental abilities of people. The vineyard of the Russian language led to the development of a thorough marriage structure, a bond between its members, which also provided benefits in the fight against sleeplessness. Thus, the factors of anthropogenesis can be divided into biological and social.

Biological officials – recessionary activity, and lead to a mutational process, isolation – stagnation until. During their influx, the process of biological evolution resulted in morphological changes in the masculine ancestor—anthropomorphosis. The most popular move on the road between the mawpi and the people was the upright walk. This caused the hands to become tired due to the function of re-suction. The hand begins to use itself to perform various functions - grabbing, washing, throwing.

No less important changes in anthropogenesis were the peculiarities of the biological ancestors of humans: a gregarious way of life, an increase in the size of the brain in relation to the proportions of the body, binocular vision.

Among the social factors of anthropogenesis we can include labor activity, a long-term way of life, the development of language and thought. Social officials began to play a leading role in anthropogenesis. However, the life of the skin individual is subject to biological laws: mutations are preserved as a source of inactivity, creating a stable selection, reducing sudden changes from the norm.

Officials of anthropogenesis

1) Biological

natural wine against the backdrop of the struggle for food
gene drift
2) Social

huge life
labor activity
At the first stages of the human evolution, biological officials played a major role, and in the remaining stages, social ones. Pratsia, mova, information is closely connected with each other, In the process of practice, the members of our marriage were formed and the method of merging with them was developed, as the mova appears.

The ancient ancestors of humans and the human-like mawpi - woody, comachoid placental savages - lived in the Mesozoic. In the Paleogene-Cenozoic era, a new branch grew stronger, which led to the ancestors of the current human-like creatures - Parapithecus.

Parapithecus Dryopithecus Pithecanthropus Sinanthropus Neanderthal Cro-Magnon Human.

Analysis of paleontological finds allows us to see the main stages of the historical development of humans and human-like creatures. Suchasna science gives a quick confirmation: humans and current human-like creatures have a living ancestor. Further, there are developments in various ways of divergence (diversity of signs, accumulation of sublimities) in connection with specific and different minds.

Kind of people

Comachoid parapithecus:

Propliopithecus, Orangutan
Driopithecus Chimpanzees, Australopithecus Old people (Pithecanthropus, Sinanthropus, Heidelberg man) Old people (Neanderthals) New people (Cro-Magnon man, modern man)
It is important to note that the ideas of most people are of a hypothetical nature. We also guess that if the name of the ancestral form ends in “drink”, then we go about the same. Even though we are called an “anthropist,” we have a human being in front of us. True, this means that your biological organization has all the signs of mafia. It is necessary to understand that people’s signs are always respected. From the name “Pithecanthropus” it is clear that this organism has the same sign of humanity, and in approximately equal proportions. Damo short description acting from the transmitted ancestral forms of humans.


Alive approximately 25 million years ago.

Characteristics of rice development:

significantly different for a person (height is about 110 cm);
The wooden way of living is important;
perhaps manipulating objects;
for daily activities.

Alive approximately 9 million years ago

Characteristics of rice development:

height 150-155 cm, weight up to 70 kg;
skull volume – approximately 600 cm3;
Evidently, using items as a source of equipment for obtaining food and protection;
characteristically not upright;
the cracks are massive, lower in people;
severely twisted eyebrow arch;
dormitory, herd way of life;
often ate up the leftovers of the huts

Alive approximately 1 million years ago

Characteristics of rice development:

height 165-170 cm;
brain volume is approximately 1100 cm3;
permanently upright; molded movie;
volodinnya with fire

Alive, perhaps, 1–2 million years ago

Characteristics of rice development:

height is about 150 cm;
preparation of primitive stone tools;
support for the fire;
husband's way of living; canibalism

Alive 200–500 thousand. fatefully

Characteristic signs:


height 165-170 cm;
brain volume 1200-1400 cm3;
the lower ends are short, lower current people;
The stegnova is strongly curved;
low sloping forehead;
severely twisted eyebrow arch

lived in groups of 50–100 individuals;
Vikorists were vogon;
prepared various types of ammunition for the purpose;
there were gnomes and veins;
the first burial places of lost brothers-in-arms were in existence;
mov, incredibly, thoroughly, nizh in the pothecanthropus;
perhaps, the guilt of the first religious manifestations; to my heart;
preserved cannibalism

Alive 30–40 thousand. fatefully

Characteristic signs:


height up to 180 cm;
brain volume is approximately 1600 cm3;
daily suprasurgical cushion;
mіtsna stature;
muscles are torn

alive in the family community;
having become a settlement;
preparing folding shells from brushes and stones;
the ability to grind, drill;
knowingly burying his dead brothers-in-arms;
embryonic religious manifestations appear;
the member's language has been blamed;
wearing clothes made from skins;
transmission of information to the surfaces is targeted;
sacrificing oneself for the sake of the tribe and family;
diligently placing himself before people of advanced age;
viniknennya mystetstva;
domestication of creatures;
the first crumbs of agriculture

Live on all continents at once

Characteristic signs:


height 160-190 cm;
brain volume is approximately 1600 cm3;
presence of different races

folding equipment for use;
high achievements in science, technology, mysticism, enlightenment

Topic: Officials of the evolution of people. Human races of the past: To characterize the factors of human evolution, look at the nutritional habits of human races Chapter XIV. The adventures of the people Pimenov A.V. On home: §§

Biological factors Biological factors of evolution - recessionary abundance, natural selection, population changes, isolation and genetic drift led, as a result of living in trees, to the emergence of primates from their binoculars with his colorful eyes and long fingers.

The constant existence of some primates before living in open spaces led to the transition on two legs, the natural selection strengthening the roots of new minds of mutation. Those who had the most pressure to walk upright were seen, the hands that clasped and flexed to collect and carry objects. The larger ones lived - it was easier for them to protect themselves from the huts and dominate the group. Among the Australopithecines, there began to survive those who had learned to prepare ammunition for practical purposes, choosing to strengthen the brain, changing the hand. Biological factors

Then, as a result of natural selection, Homo sapiens, Homo erectus, similar to Homo sapiens, appeared - subspecies of Homo sapiens Neanderthal and Homo sapiens. Humans of the modern type surpassed the Neanderthals and became the dominant species on Earth. With the emergence of people of the current type, biological officials of evolution lose their significance. Biological factors

The role of natural selection is changing, living in a marriage will ensure care and transfer of accumulated wealth, protection from animals and waste, and security for living creatures. For the rest of the time, the physical image of a person has practically not changed. All biological factors will continue to operate in to the current world. Biological factors

Social officials come to the site with a huge way of life, work activity, language, and philosophy. Since in the past life was important to the strongest, then in the minds of collective life, altruism and concern for one’s neighbor become an important official of evolution. Social factors

Human races, their similarity and unity, the expansion of the neoanthropic population to Europe, Asia and Australia, the Bering Bridge to the American continent, their further isolation, led to morphological adaptations, which continued to exist until From some climate minds. Great and small human races were formed, systematically diversifying throughout the species Homo sapiens, Until what time does all the population of the Earth have to wait?

Human races, their similarities and unity There are three great races: the Eurasian European, the Asian-American Mongoloid and the Equatorial Aussie-Negroid. In the middle of the skin race there are small races and racial groups. All races are assigned to the same species to ensure the fertility of interracial love. In addition, all races are equally valuable in biological and psychological aspects.

Human races, their similarities and unity The skin race has people who respect their race as special, superior. Racism asserts that different races are different, biologically unequal, that “higher” and “lower” races. The economic and cultural differences of different peoples are explained by racial inequalities, and not by purely economic factors. There is no hard scientific evidence for the cause of racial inequality. Morphological features are the result of adaptation to the specific minds of life.

Human races, their similarities and unity The dark skin of the Negroid race protects the body from excess ultraviolet radiation and excess production of vitamin D due to the melanin pigment. D settles into the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and is necessary to maintain calcium balance. If there is too much vitamin D, calcium in the bones is higher than normal, the smell becomes loud.

Human races, their similarities and unity The Mongoloid race is characterized by a skin with a yellowish tint, flat faces with wide faces, straight black hair, eye shape and a swollen upper eyelid. . These are the characteristics and adaptations to living in bright open spaces in young minds.

Human races, their similarities and similarities Europeans, who live at latitudes with less solar radiation, have a lighter skin, have less melanin, and are likely to reduce There is enough vitamin D. The beard and water are protected from the cold in winter.

Repetition: Why is the important official of the evolution of man deprived of the recessionary abundance? The mutation process continues, combinative variability expands mutations and creates diverse combinations of gene alleles that are unique to the skin organism. Should we apply natural selection in the evolution of modern humans? The high mortality rate of children from recessions is the result of natural selection.

The development of a person: upright walking, increased strength of the brain and the complexity of its organization, development of the hand, a more advanced period of growth and development.

The hand of praci, superiority over the creatures, has been avenged.

The appearance of individual behavior is a factor in the acceleration of brain development.

Mova matrimony, the division of obligations between its members.

Officials of human anthropogenesis: biological and social.

Biological factors- Recessive sleepiness, the struggle for sleep, natural selection, as well as the mutation process. Morphological changes of the mausoid ancestor – anthropomorphosis.

Social factors (leading role)- Labor activity, sustainable way of life, development of language and thought.

The formation of humans as a biological species passed through four main stages of evolution within the hominin family:

1. The predecessors of humans (australopithecus, humans vmila);

2. The most ancient people (archanthropy);

3. Ancient people (paleanthropy);

4. People of the current type (neoanthropic).

At present, there is often no paleontological evidence for all the intermediate stages in the development of hominids that led to modern humans.

The entire Cenozoic era is characterized by the progressive development of primates. The findings of the first forms of primates in the third period of the nineteenth century become a succession of lower primates and namesakes. Approximately 30 million years ago, the mavp was strengthened, which led to the formation of ancient human-like mavp. There were small creatures that lived in trees and ate grasses and mosquitoes. From them emerged all current humanoids and a group of villages that died out this year - Dryopithecus.

Dryopithecus lived approximately 25 million years ago in modern Asia and Europe, in Africa. Analysis of the findings shows that Dryopithecus bears little resemblance to both the human-like maupas and humans.

The cream of Dryopithecus was also filled with Ramapithecus, which was supplemented with other substances that passed at four ends. Growth reached 100 - 110 cm, and the weight of an adult individual did not exceed 18 - 22 kg. I touched my brain, becoming 350 - 380 div. Ramapithecines were dwellers in open spaces. They may have used primitive weapons (sticks, stones), but they were also dispossessed.

Stage of advanced people. Australopithecines were found in ancient Africa and died out approximately 1 million years ago. The ancestral ancestor of all australopithecus is Australopithecus ramidus, which is called afarensa. This Australopithecus has undergone different direct evolutions: 1) Australopithecus - African, Ethiopic, Robustus and 2) humans - soft, upright. Australopithecines were filled with large organisms (weight approximately 20 -65 kg, height 100 - 150 cm). This evolution has been going on for a long time > 3 million years. The stinkers walked on short legs while straightening their bodies. The brain mass reached 450 g in all forms, and even more in modern humans. Australopithecines lingered in the open spaces, where they occupied themselves with weeding and collected hedgehogs. At their work, great pebbles were scoured, as well as long brushes of great smokehouses, for carving and plane cutting, the lower crevices and shoulder blades of these creatures themselves were put together. Australopithecines were omnipresent. There are signs that point to the fire they have created. Behind the row of signs, Australopithecines were the closest to humans, below the current human-like creatures.

Archanthrope stage(found people). Their ancestors were different kinds of girls, looking like People in the World. Today's people are united into one species - Homoerectus. It is possible to discover a significant number of forms of ancient people. Most famous: pithecanthropus (Java), synanthropus (China), Heidelberg man (Pivnichnaya Europe), atlantropus (Algeria) and others. The stench sounds were similar to those of today's people, although there was little substantive difference: pressing twist brow ridge, lack of proper chin, low forehead and flat nose. The volume of the cerebrum became approximately 1000 cm. The average height of an adult archanthropus was less than 160 cm, in addition to the shape, which significantly exceeded the size.

Apxanthropes in their activities were widely victorious in the form of, for example, hackers, gostrokintseviki. The stinks successfully pecked at the great birds and birds. They lived in the caves, the buildings were primitive shelters from the great stone. At the places of permanent camps, as a rule, there was fire. In the middle of the population there was cannibalism - the feeding of one's own kind. Long-term work activity, a herd way of life led to further development of the brain, the size of which allowed people to assume that people were responsible for their mother’s justice, even in a more primitive language.

After the period of maximum volume 600 – 400 thousand. Unfortunately, people soon died out, giving rise to a new seed - the Neanderthals (ancient people).

Paleoanthropus stage(old people). Several groups of ancient people are being identified. Well-trained Neanderthals. The name of this species is Neanderthal Man (Homosapiensncandertales) - associated with the Neanderthal Valley near Nimechchina - the remains of these people were first discovered (XIX century). Neanderthals lived 20,035 thousand. Unfortunately for that. An hour later, after the era of the Neanderthals, the era of the Great Ice Age began. This species, from the beginning of its guilt, gave two heads of evolution: one bula is represented by the great, physically guilty, but behind the brain of the brain they were close to to the most recent people; the stench appeared as a dead-end, bitter evolution. People of the other type were less mature and less physically impaired, but in terms of brain and morphological characteristics they were close to modern people. They are characterized by: a low sloping forehead, a low face, a long supra-pinus, a large face with widely spaced eyes, a weakly developed chin, and large teeth. Their height reached 160 cm, their muscles were extremely strongly developed. The large head of the palate is retracted at the shoulder.

The stinks lived in great herds, the stinks were small, and they worked between men (prepared preparations, watering, making fire, drying) and women (collecting wild fruits and roots), the language was still primitive, and the logical ideas were already rose. winene. The stinks were simple lives, they were protected from the cold for suitable clothing from animal skins, they prepared the finest flint and brush shells.

Neanderthals hoarded their dead and deceased fellow tribesmen. Neanderthals appeared in Raptovo 40 – 35 thousand. Unfortunately for that. They admit that people of the current type are often blamed.

Neoanthropus stage. Under this name we understand both the fundamental forms of people of the current physical type, and the people who never live. Cro-Magnons are the first modern people, similar to the species Homo sapiens. The first discovery was made in the open air of France near the town of Cro-Magnon. The appearance of Cro-Magnons dates back to 40-30 thousand. rocks BC e. These people are small external look Today's people are characterized by the absence of brow ridges, the obviousness of the chin, directly. Their height was approximately 180 cm. The Cro-Magnons were good at promoting, and an image-creative mysticism was born in them. The most important contribution of these people to the history of mankind is their adoption of low animals, the development of agriculture, and the development of cultivated plants.

Paleontological discoveries indicate that during the period of the appearance of modern humans, the remaining Neanderthals lived to their century. Zokrema, in the territory of Palestine, skeletal remains of hybrids between Neanderthals and humans of the same type were found.

Beginning with the Cro-Magnons, biological evolution increasingly turns into social (suspinal) evolution. As a result of the progressive development of the Cro-Magnon people, a new people with characteristic racial characteristics appeared.

Evolutionary hope theoretical basis biology. This includes the causes and mechanisms of the historical development of all living organisms. The evolution of humans has its own characteristics and factors.

What is anthropology?

Due to the evolutionary achievements, the people have been molded over the last three hours. The process of this historical act is followed by the science of anthropology.

People have their own guilt characteristic features. The smell of the one who is in the process of formation is infused both socially and biologically. Until the first group, the first group is assigned to the first group, the biological official of the evolution of mankind, sedation, struggle against sleep. And also natural selection and effervescence.

The main provisions of the evolutionary theory

Consistent with Charles Darwin's theory, the minds of a Dockerel can produce changes in living organisms. As they decline, their role in the process of evolution is insignificant. In some individuals, changes are obtained from state clients. And here the sign is transmitted during recessions. If veins appear brown in young minds, then the organisms have a greater chance of survival. They successfully adapt and give birth to fertile offspring.

The fight for sleep

The main biological factor of human evolution lies in the culprit competition between organisms. The reason for its appearance is the inconsistency between the dates different species before hedgehogs reproduce. As a result, there is a view that can better reach specific minds.

Regardless of those that the process of guilt of a daily person is ordered by hidden patterns, there is a low level of importance. Natural selection is based not only on strength, affinity and vitriol. Among these physical signs, especially significant are the rhubarb of the roseum development. A greater chance of survival is for small individuals who have learned to prepare the most primitive materials in order to work with them, associate with brothers in the tribe, and live together.

Natural wine

During the struggle for life, there is a natural selection - a biological process, in the course of which adapted individuals survive and actively reproduce. Those who did not survive will perish.

Thus, the biological factor of human evolution is natural selection. His specialness was those who survived individuals from clearly expressed social figures. The most prosperous people were those who learned new things to practice, learned new skills and socialized. Over time, the importance of natural selection in the process of anthropogenesis has changed. Therefore, ancient people gradually began to grow, chew and singe their lives, prepare clothes, grow plants, and tame creatures. As a result, the importance of natural selection gradually changed.

Spadkova's abundance

The biological agent of evolution is recessionary abundance. This power of living organisms lies in their ability to develop new signs during the process of their development and transmit them during declines. Naturally, the evolutionary significance of the process of anthropogenesis has little or no signs.

Humans are similar to people with low similar biological characteristics. This is the presence of milk and sweat dams, hair growths, live births. The empty body is divided by a fleshy septum by a diaphragm into the thoracic and abdominal parts. Similar signs include the absence of nuclei in red blood cells, the presence of alveoli in the legs, the underlying plan of the skeletal structures, differentiated teeth. Both in humans and in animals there are vestigial (immature) organs. Before them can be seen the appendix, the third row, the rudiments of another row of teeth and others. In recent years, we have seen the rise of people with characteristic rice creatures - a twisted tail, a succulent hairline, Additional number of nipples. This is additional proof of the creatures. However, in the process of anthropogenesis, only the most beautiful signs were preserved.

The following biological rices are specific to humans:


Enlargement of the brain and changes in the facial lobe of the skull;

The foot is skeletal with a strongly flexed great toe;

The hand is crumbling, offering the thumb to the others;

I'm going to burn my brain, the development of my measles.

The biological evolution of humans is closely connected with the social one. For example, constantly making fire and cooking hedgehogs led to a change in the size of the teeth and intestines.

Biological officials of human evolution provide the necessary intelligence for the formation of social conditions, which together led to the appearance of intelligent humans on Earth.

Officials of the evolution of people

At the early stages of evolution, people suffered biological factors evolution - abundance, struggle for food, natural selection, etc.

At the later stages of the evolution, people became the leaders social officials evolution - a sustainable way of living, a victorious order for work, a victorious fire, the development of language.

Stages of human evolution


They were raised in the middle of the mind, focused on specific minds. Races come in a wide range of species. People have 3 great races (Negroids, Europeans, Mongoloids).

Racist theory (racism) throws up the unity of the human races, then. I believe that different races of people resemble different ancestors. This is not true, all races of people can easily interbreed and produce fertile animals, then. be reduced to one type.

Distinctions between humans and human-like creatures

Language, select the entry.

Druga signal system, great cerebrum, the cerebral part of the skull is larger than the facial part.

Labor activity(Creation and vikoristannya znaryad praci), great toe brushes of opposition to others and good apologies.

Upright walking: skeletal foot, widened pelvis, ridge at the ridge (S-like ridge), rib cage widened to the sides.


Choose one, the most correct option. The basis of racial theory is the following:
1) similarities between humans and anthropoids
2) similarities between human races
3) belonging of humans to primates
4) morphological unity of races


Select three options. People on the rise of creatures
1) majes the bark of the great pіvkul
2) creates different natural populations
3) signal to another signal system
4) you can create a custom sleep place
5) may affect the alarm system
6) you can create and vikoristovovat project for praci


Select three options. Lyudina, there are creatures on the rise
1) pours into the child’s life in the process of living
2) there is an S-like ridge
3) creates different populations
4) I am alerting the alarm system
5) signal to another signal system
6) creates and vikorist projectile for the purpose


Select three options. People on the administration of ssavtsiv
1) the body is turned vertically
2) the ridge doesn’t have any dimensions
3) the ridge merges with the smooth virginia
4) the chest is expanded to the sides
5) the chest is squeezed at the sides
6) the facial part of the skull is superior to the brain part


Choose one, the most correct option. People bring it to another signal system
1) mental reflection
2) crazy reflexes
3) language
4) instincts


1. Establish the relationship between the butt and the factor of anthropogenesis, which illustrates it: 1) biological, 2) social
A) spacious insulation
B) genetic drift
c) language
D) abstract painting
D) social labor activity
E) thick populations


2. Establish the relationship between the butt and the factor of anthropogenesis, for which types are characteristic: 1) biological, 2) social
A) labor activity
B) abstract painting
B) isolation
D) mutation frequency
D) population diseases
E) other signal system


Select three options. What signs characterize the social officials of the evolution of people?
1) hospitable way of living
2) the importance of conveying swelling signs during recessions
3) abstract mislennya and language
4) full-time work activity
5) modification intensity
6) natural selection and turbot about offspring


Describe the historical sequence of the main stages of anthropogenesis
1) People of the current type
2) Australopithecus
3) Cro-Magnonets
4) Pithecanthropus
5) Neanderthal


Establish the chronological sequence of anthropogenesis
1) lyudina vmila
2) people walking upright
3) Dryopithecus
4) people are reasonable


Select three features of the skeleton that have power over humans
1) visibility of the collarbone
2) the visibility of the selection.
3) relief of the mass of the upper ends of the brushes
4) the presence of five-fingered endings
5) S-shaped spine
6) skeletal foot


1. Select three options. In connection with upright walking in humans
1) the upper ends are folded
2) the foot swells with a skeletal shape
3) the great finger of the hand stands with others
4) the pelvis expands, its cysts grow
5) the brain lobe of the skull is smaller than the facial lobe
6) hairline changes


2. Select three correct options out of six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. The following signs are used by people to walk upright:
1) the spinal column of a person has acquired clearly pronounced ridges in the shape of a cibul, two of which are straight forward, the other two are straight back
2) the great finger of the hand is placed on the reshti
3) development of measles in the brain
4) molding of the skeletal structure of the foot
5) rotation of the pelvis and sharp expansion
6) presence of diaphragms


3. Select three correct options out of six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. Lyudina has a connection with upright walkers
1) the ridge is created by chotiri vigini
2) the brushes at the corners are connected by the ear
3) the fingers of the hand are connected to the pad
4) the belt of the lower ends is wide, it looks like a bowl
5) the feet have good expressions
6) thumb of the hand, positioned


4. Select three correct options out of six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. Lyudina has a connection with upright walkers
1) the ridge has an S-like shape
2) the sternum is flattened at the sides
3) the belt of the lower ends is cup-like
4) the body weight of the ridges changes from the cervical to the transverse region
5) formed foot star
6) the brushes of the upper ends are massive


Select three options. Skeleton of a man in the vicinity of the skeleton of Ssavtsev May
1) straight ridge without ridges
2) the sternum, squeezed in the dorsocranial straight line
3) chest wall, squeezed at the sides
4) S-shaped ridge
5) crypt of the foot
6) massive facial area of ​​the skull


Select three options. What is the similarity between the human skeleton and the human skeletons?
1) the ridge has five branches
2) the foot is skeletal
3) the brain lobe of the skull is larger than the facial lobe
4) there are double ends
5) in the cervical region of this ridge
6) the shape of the ridge is S-like


Establish the sequence of evolution of the ancestors of today's people in chronological order. Write down the following sequence of numbers.
1) Australopithecus africanus
2) lyudina rozumna neanderthal
3) pithecanthropus
4) driopithecus (xeniapithecus)
5) lyudina vmila


1. Select three correct inputs out of six and write down the numbers under each input. In humans, in connection with labor activity, the following types of features were formed:
1) fine motor skills of the hands
2) abstract mislennya and language
3) cup-shaped basin
4) S-shaped ridge
5) skeletal foot
6) significant increase in the size of the brain


2. Select three options. What characteristics have developed in people as a result of their work activities?
1) skeletal foot
2) development of the clavicle at the shoulder girdle
3) cup-shaped basin
4) formation of measles in the brain
5) placing the thumb of the hand towards everyone else
6) language and mislennya


Choose one, the most correct option. A person’s commitment to work activity is manifested in
1) hand-made brushes
2) the presence of various parts of the brain
3) visibility of five fingers
4) diversity of hand function


Analyze the table “Dimensions of human and human-like people.” For the skin term indicated by a letter, select a corresponding term from the assigned list. Write down the selected numbers to the letter.
1) crosses the facial part of the skull, the strong brow arches, the chin, covering a brain capacity of approximately 700 cm3
2) hands behind the legs, the great toe of the foot is pointed towards the other, and the foot is flattened
3) chest
4) shinny one transverse section ridge
5) crosses the facial part of the skull, and the superciliary arches, picking up the protrusion of the excuses weakly, the volume of the cerebrum is about 1100 cm3
6) thoracic and criss-cross ridges
7) legs reaching behind the hands, great toe of the hand in opposition to others, foot of the crypt
8) ridge


Establish the chronological sequence of the stages of anthropogenesis. Write down the following sequence of numbers.
1) Australopithecus
2) lyudina vmila
3) people walking upright
4) Neanderthal
5) Cro-Magnon


Choose one, the most correct option. What kind of individuality of humans was formed under the influx of biological factors in anthropogenesis?
1) preparation of equipment
2) sleepy exercise
3) appearance of diaphragms
4) skeletal foot


Establish the similarity between the signs and representatives of the class Ssavtsi, for which signs are characteristic: 1) chimpanzees are savage, 2) humans are reasonable. Write down numbers 1 and 2 in an order that is suitable for writers.
A) re-emphasis of the facial region of the skull over the brain region
B) the belt of the lower ends at the side of the bowl
B) skeletal foot
D) the obviousness of the selection.
D) extension of the eyebrow arch
E) the chest is compressed at the sides


© D.V. Pozdnyakov, 2009-2019

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