Veterinary dermatology. Veterinary doctor-dermatologist Dermatologist for cats

Such a fahivets, like a doctor, a veterinarian-dermatologist, is ready to help you to effectively get into the skin of the sick creatures. Similar ailments in vikhovants are often accompanied by overthrow, falling outside, problems with the ear shells. Stupіn nebezpeki dermatologicheskih zahvoryuvan zdatny rozpіznati less fahivets. Through the non-seriousness of the deeds, the signs of rich rulers call for a visit, which leads to a complication.

As a result, you remembered the problems with a twisted twist, negainoly turned to a veterinary dermatologist. At our clinic, doctor Orlova Nadiya Dmitrivna is working, she is ready to make a diagnosis and recognize effective prevention. The sooner you come to the veterinarian, the sooner you will be spared from suffering.

Variety of services

Service Price
Appointment of a veterinary dermatologist 1 500 ₽
Wiklik veterinary dermatologist dodom entry 2 100 ₽
Washing the auditory canal (one) for categories 500 ₽
Cytological follow-up smear (cito) from 950 ₽
Otodectosis-smear follow-up (cito) vіd 600₽
Purification of the auricle by category 300 ₽
Local haircut of the 1st category 200 ₽
Local haircut of the 2nd category 500 ₽
Otoscopy 300 ₽
Zishkrib for trichophetia (lichen) 500 ₽
Preparation of recipes 250 ₽
Sowing the material for dermatophytosis (14-21 days) 1 000 ₽
Diagnosis by Wood's lamp 300 ₽
Water paper test 100 ₽

What kind of ailments do the skins have on the creatures?

It is often necessary to contact a veterinary dermatologist for advice through allergic reactions. For example, I eat like a song, I drank, I blew. Particularly disturbing are the appearance of speed or vipadannya outside. Like people, stink creatures rejoice in the way of special therapy.

Having issued a weekly call from a dermatologist doctor at home, you will save an hour. Fahivets fast to make a diagnosis and recognize an individual course of therapy with offensive prophylactic visits. In some cases, a blood test is needed to identify the bacteria causing the infection.

Symptoms of dermatological diseases

  • chervoninnya;
  • vipadannya outside;
  • gluing hairs together;
  • damage to the auricle;
  • peeling;
  • the appearance of wounds, picks, rots, combs;
  • visip and tucks;
  • cones;
  • scabs.

Diagnosis and treatment of sickness in creatures

Illness of the shkiri and її appendages may be wider among dogs, intestines and other creatures, as they live not only on the street, but also near the apartment. In this case, a significant part of the skin ailments are transmitted through direct contact of a person with a Vikhovanian, which creates a risk of infection of all members of the family. The timely manifestation of that exuberance of dermatological diseases is checked by the competence of a veterinarian dermatologist.

Direct work of a veterinary dermatologist

In the process of the primary appointment, a veterinary doctor - a dermatologist, conducts an examination of the patient, takes an anamnesis, reports to the doctor about the particularity of the year and vigulu, and possible contacts with other creatures. For subbags, it is necessary to carry out the necessary services. The rest can include:

  • biochemistry of blood;
  • zishkrib;
  • luminescent analysis;
  • leukogram;
  • trichogram and others.

After reviewing the results, the veterinary dermatologist will thoroughly analyze them, make a diagnosis, and recognize the results. Also, the doctor will give a report consultation on how to look after the Vikhovanian, the peculiarities of the year (if necessary - change the diet, improve the diet), show how to look at the poor woman of the shkiri.

When you go to the veterinary dermatologist

You may need to see a veterinary dermatologist if your disorder has symptoms such as:

  • strong sverbіzh;
  • change of surface shkiri (peeled, chervoninnya, the appearance of a beak or a flame to get wet);
  • vipadannya or the fragility of the hairline;
  • unacceptable smell of that іnshi.

The current laboratory possession of the reagents, which are found in veterinary dermatology, allow in some cases to take the result of the examination after 15-30 minutes after taking the material. Tse give the opportunity to rozpochat likuvannya creature already on the first day of the animal. The price for the services of a veterinarian - a dermatologist in Moscow depends on a variety of factors: the number and characteristics of the analyses, a glance, the choice of medical benefits and others.

Expansion of dermatological disease:

A healthy wihivantsia is dense, smooth and bright on the outside, calm behavior. Yakshcho Violtiy, Sho Ttvarina, post -aimedly, turbar, outdoor, MAH MASH VIGUS, MISTSI VIPADA, MAH PIDVISHSHSHSHNISH, VIZA, Skorinki, Wolly Dlyanki, Blagodnnya Shkiri - Tsi.
Deyakі see zahvoryuvan, especially in the first stages, can be asymptomatic, and it is recommended that you periodically look at the veterinary fahіvtsіv.
Dermatological illnesses are most likely to affect the guts of dogs. With the similarity of symptoms of various diseases, however, the diagnoses can be different and may lead to an individual approach to recovery. No accurate diagnosis dermatologist it is impossible to correctly recognize the exuberance of the creature.

The order of the inspection at the veterinary fahivtsya

Diagnosis of skin diseases includes clinical examination (anamnesis) and laboratory follow-up. At a clinical glance, the doctor reveals signs of the illness of the creature, educating the doctor about the overcoming of the disease (the cob of the appearance of the disease, the dynamics of the development, the way of life of the creature).
All types of laboratory examinations are carried out on the basis of the ZOOVET clinic: trichoscopy. In okremih vipadkah, a deep analysis of blood and blood is prescribed.

A lot of dermatological illnesses do not bring harm to the life of a creature, at the link with which the vlasniks of vikhovantsiv or “roll their eyes” at the disease that is leaking, or they are engaged in self-admiration. Not only does it significantly reduce the quality of life of your creature, but it affects the discomfort of the sick, the shards of deacons can be transmitted to people. Self-talk is also threatening with traces, shards medical care can be toxic and require precise dosing.

It’s not a secret for anyone that the sickness of the skins of domestic creatures is more often irritating, with annoying problems, so it’s not only the change of the old-timey look of love, but also the significant concerns.

Often, dermatological diseases are caused before the appearance of the stinger, which affects not only the creatures themselves, but also the Vlasniks.

Deyakі ailments can be transmitted from dogs and cats to people who create an additive risk.

Read also: Allergies in creatures Demodicosis of dogs Lishay (dermatophytia) Pioderma (rotten inflamed skin) Like your creature to itch See in creatures Bloody on the skin

Fortunately, in other areas of specialization in veterinary medicine, in the field of dermatology, it is not so often that problems for the life of a creature's disease are heard, however, on the other hand, and not so rich in dermatological diseases, it is possible to forge once and for all.

Another common problem, especially in dogs, is the aggravation of cob skin infection by bacterial or fungal infections. Tse create difficulties in likuvanni, and in diagnostics, shards for the development of these conditions are richly ill, look even more similar. Find special tests conducted on cob stage obstezhennya, do not start helping to reveal, as if the pathology is the primary one, and then, it will require more trivial tasting exaltation.

Regardless of those that in the body all the processes and organs are mutually related, shkira, like for example, liver and nirki, is an independent, largest organ in the body, and may "own power", the very "shkirn" of ailment, and not only organism as a whole. To that, with the appearance of a ill-healthy sickness, we are in front of the next to reach the shkir, and if not shelter, for example. I only if the doctor knows signs of other illnesses on the shkir, internal organ, reasonable conduction of blood tests of other diagnostic approaches to reveal a specific pathology.

It is important to remember that the main tool of a veterinary dermatologist is his head and knowledge, and analyzes give only additional, even important information.

It is a pity that veterinary dermatology in Russia did not practically develop in practice, and therefore the knowledge accumulated in our galleys is brought to the rescue more importantly from foreign sources. At the link with cym at the dermatological department of our clinic, we are actively cultivating English language(the purpose of the necessary intellectual work of a dermatologist in our clinic), we purchase and develop English literature on veterinary dermatology, in view of international dermatological conferences, which are held in other countries by veterinarians, trainees with veterinarians.

The principles of diagnostics and treatment of dermatological pathologies in creatures, such as we have in our work, are the principles adopted as the basis of dermatology in the countries of Europe and the USA - the countries with the highest development of veterinary dermatology and zocrematology today. Our visnovki, seen by creatures, like being seen beyond the cordon, often sing praises and important remarks of foreign colleagues.

Luckily, the ardent rive of veterinary dermatology in Russia is steadily advancing at the borders of our clinic. Therefore, our doctors regularly hold master classes, give lectures at various veterinary conferences in Russia and the countries of the CIS, and are willing to advise doctors on the nutrition of dermatological pathologies.

Unfortunately, fate international conferences, foreign professional literature, trips to internships to other countries are not cheap. Therefore, the number of servants at our vіddіlennі can be a little more than an average vartіst look at the doctor in Moscow. However, we believe that it can be compensated for by the loss of knowledge and the ability to more and more often, with lesser vitrates, to make a correct diagnosis of your vihovantsi, and also, more quickly, to recognize you as a more literate likuvannya.

Dermatology is the core of the medical sciences, which is responsible for the functioning of the skin, hairline, and mucous membranes. A veterinary dermatologist helps in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the skin and skin of our patients.

Why is it especially important to see a veterinary dermatologist?

Chi no skin clinic in Moscow can call for the services of a professional veterinary dermatologist. Dose often by the appointment of general practitioners, proteveterinary dermatology is a special area of ​​veterinary medicine, which requires deep knowledge and knowledge. At our clinic, several patients are treated by a veterinary dermatologist Tsvetkova Olga Sergiivna.

Є kіlka reasons to turn to tsgogo vuzkogo fahіvtsya:

  • Deyakі shkirnі zahvoryuvannya dogs and cats are transmitted to people. For example, deyakі see deprivation, more like fleas or ticks. The risky group has the least masters, even children often already contact with their lovers and may have an unstable immunity. The earlier the diagnosis is made, the sooner it is possible to carry out competent prophylaxis.
  • Vovna, hairline- one of the key signs of the whole class of animals, animals. Healthy, strong and thick wool plays a great role in the life of dogs and intestines. Problems in the middle and beyond lead to interruptions in the robotic immune system, nervous system, behavioral problems.
  • Illness of the skin and the inside is easy to spot, but it is difficult to diagnose accurately. On the right, in that the symptomatology is visible with an invisible eye, the proteus is approximately similar to that in different illnesses different trip. Allergies, mites, seasonal dermatitis may be similar. It is possible to establish the cause and make a diagnosis using an additional complex of obstezhen - zmivіv and zіskribkіv, cytology, luminescent diagnostics. Shvidka that competent diagnostics is a pledge of the most obvious dressing of your vikhovanets.

How do you know when the time has come to see a veterinarian-dermatologist?

The main symptoms of dermatological diseases in dogs and cats:

Infection of the skins and the intestines of the vikhovants are often succumbing, for deaky tributes, up to 30% of all diseases of the intestines and dogs. Most of the time, the stench is not deadly, so you don’t run them steal. Zagalom and in dogs, and in the intestines, dermatological diseases are similar. The breadth of quiet chi іnshih zahvoryuvan is resounding, and navit deyakі zbudniki.

For example, demodicosis in dogs is called by the ticks Demodex injai, Demodex mange and Demodex canis, and in the intestines by Demodex cati or Demodex gatoi, it is also seen in dogs and intestines. In some cases, the dog cannot be infected with the intestines and in the same way the disease is similar.

The risk of infection with skin diseases in dogs is very low, so that dogs often go out into the street, contact with other creatures. But it’s hard to think that the intestines in the minds of the city’s apartment are resting at the new safety - flea eggs, just like worms, can bring a person in the damp smell that vzutti. All sickness of the skins and the outside can be divided into sprat groups for hiking. Fallow in the Genesis, the forecast will be revised and exuberant.

Infectious, fungal and bacterial infections

It is more widespread lichen, bacterial pyoderma, most often viklikana multiplication of staphylococcus, infection, which is injected into the mucus and skin twists. It is necessary to treat such an illness in a complex way for the help of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs. The period of aging can be trivial, but with regular supervision and caution at a professional veterinary dermatologist, all ailments are more common.

Allergic reactions

Skill to allergies of a different kind is a genetic phenomenon. More other symptoms to allergic dermatitis of the intestines, for example, sphinx, cornish rex. Provoking allergic dermatitis can be unacceptable eating, aggressive butova chemistry. Likuvannya zvoditsya mainly before the introduction of that usunennya allergen from the life of a creature.

Autoimmune diseases of the skin

Tse rіdkіsnі genetic zahvoryuvannya, such as the red dog or vasculitis. They are characterized by hangings and ridges in the singing areas. Likuvannya is more importantly symptomatic, such creatures are shown unique stress. Autoimmune disease often manifests itself with a sharp deterioration in the minds of the mind, nervous shocks.

Ill psychogenic character

For example, psychogenic alopecia, "Vilizana granuloma". Some creatures begin to vilizuvati chi vikushuvati wool, sob stubbornly with anxiety, worries. It seems that eczema is more often manifested in nervous, excitable, oppressive creatures. In such a case, it is necessary to explain the reason for such a state of the creature and take it as far as possible, and even after that, carry out a symptomatic exaltation.

Seasonal dermatitis

Vletku, in a strong speku or in the period of the wet season, it is especially ymovirna appearance of visipiv, tanning, problems with wool. If your creature is well-behaved before seasonal illnesses, before the cob of the folding period of warto, carry out prophylaxis, take care of the camp of skinny curves, improve immunity, you can uniquely sinter, increase moisture and dryness.

Problems zі shkiroy and outwardly on the background of ill-health of other organ systems.

The leather coat of a fluffy wiggle is guilty of remembrance that thick and gleaming wool is not only beautiful, but healthy. Whether there are interruptions in robotic herbal, vidilnoy, immunnoy or nervous system immediately be appointed to old-fashioned creatures. In this case, it is important to focus on the revealed and adopted causes, the main illness. Possibly, a special visit to a veterinary dermatologist can not be naughty - for a competent symptomatic treatment is easy.

Do not be afraid to regularly visit the office of a veterinary dermatologist to keep your skin healthy and healthy. At the “Wetlife” clique, we maintain the ideal cleanliness and safety of the offices, cleaning up and disinfecting the working space at the same time. It is impossible to get infected on the reception of a doctor.


Diagnosis of dermatological diseases cannot be carried out only by looking at the results. At the first glance, the fahivets can admit a diagnosis, but if you change your mind, you need a low income.

The main types of research are scribbles, snakes, trichoscopy. Everything is not invasive, not burdensome for the master and does not injure the writhing. Sens їїх polyagaє in otrimannі probe poshkozhenikh kіtin shkіri or hair taretelny її vyvchenni.

In order for the doctor to instantly take a sample for analysis, it does not require special preparation or sedation of the creature. Dotik to a teased villager’s shkiri may be a little unacceptable, but no more, to take the zіskribka outside, you will have to streak. In order to establish an accurate clinical picture, a thorough analysis of blood and section is necessary.

Cytological follow-up

Cytological studies are carried out not only in dermatology, but also for the detection of malignant cells, in gynecology for the establishment of the phase of the cycle, for the maintenance of the slug juice, in the analysis of blood and section. The essence of the cytological method is used in vivchenni klitin under a microscope. Care of the morphologically budoví okremy clitin to help healers to make a correct diagnosis. Cytology of the susceptibility of creatures is the most accurate and informative analytical method that is victorious for the diagnosis of dermatological diseases. The simplicity of that swidka dosledzhennya allows you to take a reliable result from shortest terms and rozpochati more correctly likuvannya yaknaishvidshe.

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