Which family experienced the first World War. Important dates from the first World War. Revolution in Russia

First world war briefly

Briefly about the First World War 1914 - 1918

World War I in yna

The beginning of the first light war
Stages of the first light war

Pouches of the First Light War

The First World War, in short, is one of the largest and most important military conflicts of the 20th century.

Causes of military conflict

To understand the causes of the First World War, let’s briefly look at the balance of power in Europe. Three great world powers - the Russian Empire, Great Britain and England - until the 19th century had already divided their spheres among themselves. Until that moment, Germany did not give up its main position in Europe; it was more focused on its economic growth.

But everything changed at the end of the 19th century. Having become more economical and modern, Germany began to urgently require new living space for its population and markets for its goods. The needs of the colony were not small, of which Germany is not small. To achieve this, it was necessary to issue a new frontier to the world in order to defeat the allied bloc of three powers - England, Russia and France.

At the end of the 19th century, the aggressive plans of Germany became residually reasonable to their neighbors. In response to the German threat, the Entente alliance was created, which consisted of Russia, France and England, which had joined before them.

In the vicinity of the Great Patriotic War, there were other causes of the First Light War. The power supply on the table is more foldable, so that there is no single point of view of the drive. The skin from the scalp is involved in the conflict and reveals its causes.

The first world war, seemingly briefly, began through irreconcilable tensions between the countries of the Antente and the Central Alliance, first between Great Britain and Germany. Small and other powers have their own claims.

Another reason for the war is the choice of the way to develop matrimony. And here again two points of view appeared - Western European and Central European.
How could the war end? Everyone decided to unanimously say that it was possible, as if the government of the country was participating in the conflict in a way that they really wanted. The country was most concerned about the war, until it was completely ready, and it reported to everyone that it began.

Main participants

The war was fought between the two largest political blocs at that time – the Entente and the Central Bloc (the largest Triple Alliance). The Entente included the Russian Empire, England and France. The central block was formed from the following countries: Austria-Ugria, Germany, Italy. The remainder was later added to the Antente, and the Triple Alliance was formed by Bulgaria and Turkey.
The First World War, in short, seemed to involve the fate of 38 countries.

Lead to the war

The beginning of the military conflict began with the assassination of the descendant of the Austro-Ugric throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo. He was a member of the Yugoslav revolutionary youth organization.

The beginning of the 1914 war

This was enough for the Austro-Ugric region to start a war with Serbia. On the cob, the ruler of Austria declares that Serbia is behind the assassination of the Archduke and is issuing an ultimatum, which would inevitably lead to a victory. Serbia, however, suits all but one mind. Germany, which was an extremely unnecessary war, lightly crushed the Austro-Ugric region until the war was stupefied. At this time there are three times to carry out mobilization.
On the 28th of July, the Austro-Ugric region voiced Serbia’s rejection of the ultimatum, and began shelling the capital and introducing troops into its territory. Mikola II calls on the telegram of William I for a peaceful resolution of the situation at the Hague conference. Vlada Nimechchini has to finish.
The 31st century is already voiced by the German ultimatum and the need to force mobilization, and the 1st century is to officially denounce the war.
It is necessary to say what is expected from the participants in these actions, without assuming that the war, which was planned to end in several months, will drag on for more than 4 years.

Progress of the war

It is simpler and easier to divide the duration of the war into five periods, following the fates that followed.
1914 - military actions flared up on the Zakhidny (France) and Skhidny (Prussia, Russia) fronts, the Balkans and colonies (Oceania, Africa and China). Germany quickly conquered Belgium and Luxembourg, and began to attack France. Russia led a successful offensive against Prussia. Zagalom, in 1914 the people from the country were unable to fully implement their plans.
1915 - heated battles took place on the Western Front, France and Germany quickly tried to turn the situation around to their advantage. On the Similar Front, the situation changed to a worse one for the Russian armies. Due to problems with the post, the army began to advance, having lost Galicia and Poland.
1916 - during this period, a bloody battle took place on the Western Front - Verdenska, during which more than a million people died. Russia, trying to help the allies and draw the forces of the German army into the war, launched a successful counter-offensive - the Brusilovsky Strait.
1917 - success of the Antanti war. The USA will join them. Russia, as a result of the revolutionary spirit, is actually emerging from the war.
1918 - Russia was placed on the edge of the unimportant and important minds of the world with Germany. Germany's other allies are making peace with the Antente countries. Germany is lost alone and in the fall of leaves in 1918 it is expected to capitulate.

Pouches of the 1918 war

Before the Second World War, this World War conflict was the most widespread, reaching out to the entire Earth. The shocking number of victims (looking at the cost of the killed civilians and the civilian population, as well as the wounded) - close to 80 million people. Over the course of 5 years of war, such empires as Ottoman, Russian, German and Austro-Ugric broke up.

(28 linden 1914 - 11 fall 1918), the first military conflict on a world scale, before which 38 of the then existing 59 independent powers were captured. Nearly 73.5 million people were mobilized; 9.5 million were killed or died from wounds, over 20 million were injured, 3.5 million were disabled.
Main reasons. The search for the reasons for the war continued until 1871, when the process of unification of Germany was completed and the hegemony of Prussia was consolidated in the German Empire. For Chancellor O. von Bismarck, who tried to revive the spilok system, the foreign policy of the German order was intended to achieve the dominant position of Germany in Europe. In order to prevent France from taking revenge for the defeat of the Franco-Prussian war, Bismarck tried to bind Russia and the Austro-Ugric region with Germany with secret interests (1873). However, Russia came to support France, and the Union of the Three Emperors disintegrated. In 1882 Bismarck strengthened the position of Germany, creating the Triple Alliance, which united the Austro-Ugric region, Italy and Germany. Until 1890 Germany took the leading role in European diplomacy. France emerged from diplomatic isolation in 1891–1893. Having accelerated the cooling of flows between Russia and Germany, as well as Russia's need for new capital, it concluded a military convention and alliance agreement with Russia. The Russian-French alliance will serve as an antithesis to the Triple Alliance. Great Britain has so far stood on the side of the supernation on the continent, protesting the pressure of political and economic conditions and having decided to make its choice. The British could not help but be agitated by the nationalist sentiments that were simmering in Germany, their aggressive colonial policy, the rush of industrial expansion and, most importantly, the increase in the power of the military and naval fleet. A series of quick diplomatic maneuvers led to a decrease in the positions of France and Great Britain and a resumption of 1904 sov. "Hearty Goodbye" (Entente Cordiale). The heels crossed the path to the Anglo-Russian union, and in 1907 the Anglo-Russian agreement was established. Russia became a participant in Antanti. Great Britain, France and Russia created the Triple Entente in opposition to the Triple Alliance. Tim himself formed a division of Europe into two built camps. One of the reasons for the war was the strengthening of nationalist sentiments everywhere. Formulating their interests, the rulers of the skin from European countries rejected their taxes as popular consent. France promoted plans to return the lost territories to Alsace and Lorraine. Italy, currently in an alliance with the Austro-Ugric region, was planning to return its lands to Trentino, Trieste and Fiume. The Poles believed in the war the possibility of creating a power, organized by the sections of the 18th century. Numerous peoples who inhabited the Austro-Ugric region were driven to national independence. Russia was reshaped, so that it could not develop without limiting German competition, the Slavs’ independence from the Austro-Ugric region and the expansion of the Balkans. In Berlin, the future was connected with the defeat of France and Great Britain and the unification of the regions of Central Europe under the German government. London respected that the people of Great Britain lived peacefully, having lost their main enemy - Germany. The tension in international affairs was alleviated by low diplomatic crises - the Franco-German conflicts in Morocco in 1905-1906; annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina by the Austrians in 1908-1909; naresti, Balkan wars 1912-1913. Great Britain and France encouraged Italy's interests in Southern Africa, and thereby weakened their attachment to the Triple Alliance, so that Germany practically could no longer invest in Italy as an ally. in the upcoming war.
Lipneva crisis and the beginning of war. After the Balkan wars against the Austro-Ugric monarchy, active nationalist propaganda was unleashed. A group of Serbs, members of the conspiratorial organization "Young Bosnia", sought to defeat the throne of the Austro-Ugric Empire, Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The courage was enough for him, when he and his squad defeated the invasion of the Austro-Ugric armies in Bosnia. Franz Ferdinand was assassinated near Sarajevo by high school student Gavrilo Princip on June 28, 1914. In order to start a war against Serbia, the Austro-Ugric region secured the support of Germany. It was important that the war would be of a local nature, since Russia would not be captured by Serbia. If she gives help to Serbia, then Germany will be ready to withdraw its contractual obligations and support the Austro-Ugric region. In the ultimatum presented to Serbia on the 23rd, the Austro-Ugric region demands to allow its military forces into the territory of Serbia in order to carry out the hostile actions together with the Serbian forces. The response to the ultimatum was given in the 48th year, but it did not please the Austro-Ugric region, and on the 28th the Serbian war was announced. S.D. Sazonov, Minister of Foreign Relations of Russia, openly spoke out against the Austro-Ugric region, removing the chant from the side of the French President R. Poincaré. On June 30, Russia voiced its support for illegal mobilization; Germany was victorious over this occasion, so that 1 sickle would voice the war in Russia, and 3 sickles – in France. The position of Great Britain, as before, was lost to the unknown through its treaty demands in order to protect the neutrality of Belgium. In 1839, and then during the Franco-Prussian War, Great Britain, Prussia and France gave these extreme collective guarantees of neutrality. After the German invasion on the 4th century before Belgium, Great Britain declared war on Germany. Now all the great powers of Europe were drawn into war. At the same time, their dominions and colonies were captured during the war. The war can be divided into three periods. Throughout the first period (1914–1916), the Central Powers attempted to advance their forces on land, and the Allies collapsed at sea. The camp seemed stalemate. This period ended with negotiations about a mutually acceptable world, but the other side was still hopeful of victory. At the beginning of the period (1917), two movements arose, which led to an imbalance of power: the first - the entry of the United States into the war on the side of the Entente, the other - the revolution in Russia and the withdrawal from the war. The third period (1918) began with the last great advances of the Central Powers at the end. Following the failure of this came the revolutions in the Austro-Ugric and German regions and the capitulation of the Central Powers.
First period. Allied forces initially included Russia, France, Great Britain, Serbia, Montenegro and Belgium and had little superiority at sea. The Entente had 316 cruisers, while the Germans and Austrians had 62. But the rest found a more difficult means of counteraction - submarine ships. At the beginning of the war, the armies of the Central Powers numbered 6.1 million people; Antanti army - 10.1 million people. The Central Powers had little superiority in internal communications, which allowed them to quickly transfer military disputes from one front to another. In the troubling prospects of the Antanta region, they were deprived of important resources of food and raw materials, especially since the British fleet had paralyzed Germany’s connections with overseas countries, and intelligence had reached German enterprises before the war. Go, tin and nickel. In this way, in the midst of a war, the Entente could have promised victory. Germany, I know, was betting on the Blitzkrieg war. The Germans introduced the Schlieffen plan, which ensured that the attack with great forces on France through Belgium would ensure a swift success in the countries. After the defeat of France, Germany re-insuranced simultaneously with the Austro-Ugric region, transferring troops that united to face a major blow at the Assembly. However, this plan was not implemented. One of the main reasons for its failure was the sending of part of the German divisions to Lorraine with the method of blocking the enemy invasion until the end of Germany. At the end of the 4th Serp, the Germans invaded the territory of Belgium. They needed a few days to clear up the strongholds of the fortified areas of Namur and Liege, which blocked the routes to Brussels, and then the late British transported a possibly 90-thousand-strong expeditionary corps through Latvia. Channel to France (9-17 sickle). The French gained an hour to form 5 armies, which stopped the German advance. On the 20th sickle, the German army occupied Brussels, then forced the British to recapture Mons (23rd sickle), and on the 3rd spring, the army of General A. von Kluck stopped 40 km from Paris. Continuing the attack, the Germans crossed the Marne River and on the 5th of the spring they crossed the Paris-Verdun line. The commander of the French forces, General J. Joffre, formed two new armies from the reserves, deciding on a transition to a counterattack. The first battle on the Marne began on the 5th and ended on the 12th. Nyomu suffered the fate of 6 Anglo-French and 5 German armies. The Germans recognized defeats. One of the reasons for this defeat was the presence on the right flank of many divisions that had been transferred to a similar front. The French attack on the weakened right flank made it difficult for the German armies to move to the bottom, between the river Ena. Not far away for the Germans were the battles of Flanders on the rivers of the Iser and Ypr on the 15th of autumn - the 20th of leaf fall. As a result, the main ports on the English Channel were lost in the hands of the Allies, which ensured connections between France and England. Paris and the Antente region took an hour to mobilize resources. The war at the end of the day had become positional in nature, and Germany's plans for defeat and the withdrawal of France from the war turned out to be impossible. The march went along a line that stretched from Newport and Ypres in Belgium, to Comp'en and Soissons, then to Verdun and to the exit of Saint-Mihiel, and then to the south. d - to the Swiss cordon. Uzdovzh tsієї lines of trenches and dart fences dozhni bl. 970 km long, trench warfare was fought. Until the beginning of 1918, minor changes to the front line were achieved at the cost of great expenses on both sides. They lost hope that the Russians would be able to spare the armies of the bloc of the Central Powers at the Similar Front. On September 17, the Russian armies entered the Western Prussia and began to push the Germans to Konigsberg. Keruvati's counterattack was entrusted to the German generals Hindenburg and Ludendorff. Having received pardons from the Russian command, the Germans managed to drive a “wedge” between the two Russian armies, defeat their 26-30 sickles near Tannenberg and fight against the Fall of Prussia. The Austro-Ugric Empire did not act so far, having decided to quickly defeat Serbia and concentrate the great forces between the Vistula and the Dniester. Then the Russians launched an offensive directly, broke through the defenses of the Austro-Ugric armies and, having captured nearly a thousand men, occupied the Austrian province of Galicia and part of Poland. The advance of the Russian troops created a threat to Silesia and Poznań, important industrial areas for Germany. Germany was shaken by the transfer of additional forces from France. Alas for the shortage of ammunition and food, the Russian troops were stuck. The offensive caused great casualties in Russia, but also undermined the strength of the Austro-Ugric Empire and shook the German Empire from the significant forces of the Converging Front. Even at the beginning of 1914, Japan voiced its war in Germany. In the fall of 1914, the Turkish bloc entered the war against the bloc of the Central Powers. At the beginning of the war, Italy, a member of the Triple Union, voiced its neutrality on this front, so that neither Germany nor the Austro-Ugric region were aware of the attack. Ale at the secret London negotiations near the birch tree, 1915. The Antente countries agreed to satisfy Italy's territorial claims during the post-war peace settlement in the event that Italy entered their battle. May 23, 1915 Italy declared war on the Austro-Ugric region, and on September 28, 1916. - Nіmechchini. On the advancing front, the British learned defeats from another battle under the Industrial Revolution. Here, during the course of the battles, which lasted for a month (22nd April - 25th May 1915), there was a chemical defense at the forefront of the Vikoristan. After this, poisonous gases (chlorine, phosgene, and later mustard gas) began to confuse the warring parties. The large-scale Dardanelles landing operation - a naval expedition that fought the Antente region at the beginning of 1915 - ended in defeat. The goal was to take Constantinople, open the Dardanelle and Bosphorus channels to connect with Russia through the Black Sea, bring Turechina out of the war and gain the allies. On the Skhidny Front until the end of 1915. The German and Austro-Ugric armies dominated the Russians from most of Galicia and from most of the territory of Russian Poland. It was not possible to destroy Russia into a separate world. U zhovtni 1915 r. Bulgaria declared war on Serbia, after which the Central Powers, together with their new Balkan ally, crossed the cordons of Serbia, Montenegro and Albania. Having buried Rumunia and covered the Balkan flank, the stinks flared up against Italy.

War at sea. Control at sea allowed the British to freely move military and equipment from all parts of their empire to France. The stench was noticeable in the open maritime communications for US merchant ships. The German colonies were buried, and the trade of the Germans through the sea routes was stopped. In general, the German fleet - including the submarine fleet - was blocked at the ports. Every hour, small flotillas set out to attack British coastal areas and attack Allied merchant ships. During the entire war, there was only one great naval battle - when the German fleet near the Northern Sea and the Germans fought with the British from the Danish coast of Jutland. Battle of Jutland 31 hervnya - 1 chervnya 1916 r. led to heavy expenses on both sides: the British spent 14 ships, bl. 6800 people were killed, captured and wounded; The Germans, who respected themselves by their victories, - 11 ships and approx. 3100 people were killed and injured. The British forced the German fleet to reach Kiel, where it was actually blocked. The German fleet no longer appeared on the open sea, and Great Britain was deprived of the seas by the war. Having taken up a position at sea, the Allies gradually cut off the Central Powers from overseas sources of food and cheese. Under international law, neutral countries, such as the United States, could sell goods that were not subject to "military smuggling" to other neutral countries - the Netherlands or Denmark, and evidence of goods could be delivered to Germany. However, the countries that were at war did not necessarily bind themselves to the pre-established norms of international law, and Great Britain still expanded the list of goods that were considered smugglers, so that in fact nothing was allowed through its barriers in the Pine Sea. The naval blockade made it impossible for the Nimech region to continue until the decisive entry. The only effective way at sea was the loss of the submarine fleet, which could easily destroy surface barriers and sink merchant ships of neutral countries that had attacked the allies. The time has come for the Antente region to call on the Germans to violate the international law, which called for the arrest of crews and passengers of ships that were torpedoed. February 18, 1915 The order of Germany declared the waters around the British Isles a military zone and warned about the unsafe entry of ships from neutral countries into them. On May 7, 1915, a German submarine torpedoed and sank the ocean-going steamship Lusitania with hundreds of passengers on board, including 115 US citizens. President William Wilson protested, and the United States and Germany exchanged sharp diplomatic notes.
Verdun and Somme. Germany was ready to take action on the sea and explore the way out of the wilderness in action on land. In 1916 r. The English troops had already suffered serious defeats at Kut-el-Amari in Mesopotamia, with 13,000 people surrendering to the Turks. On the continent, Germany was preparing to carry out a large-scale offensive operation on the Western Front, which would turn the tide of the war and force France to ask for peace. The key point of the French defense was the ancient fort of Verdun. After an unprecedented heavy artillery bombardment, 12 German divisions went on the offensive on the 21st of 1916. The Germans stuck their necks out right up to the cob of the linden tree, but never achieved their intended goals. The Verden "meat grinder" clearly did not justify the destruction of the German command. Great significance during the spring and summer of 1916. Small operations are underway on the Skhidny and Pivdenno-Zakhidny fronts. Near Berezna, the Russian troops, in response to the Allies, carried out an operation to clear Lake Naroch, which obviously contributed to the interruption of military operations in France. The German command was anxious to launch an attack on Verdun at any moment and, with 0.5 million troops remaining on the Continental Front, transfer an additional portion of its reserves here. For example, grass 1916 The Russian Supreme Command began an offensive on the Pivdenno-Zakhidny front. As a result of military operations under the leadership of A.A. Brusilov, it was possible to create a breach of the Austro-German armies to a depth of 80-120 km. The troops of Brusilov occupied part of Galicia and Bukovina, and advanced to the Carpathians. For the first time in the advanced period of the positional war, the front was broken through. If this offensive had been supported by other fronts, it would have ended in disaster for the Central Powers. In order to loosen the pressure on Verdun, on June 1, 1916, the Allies launched a counterattack on the Somme River, near Bapaume. For four months - right up until the leaves fell - there were non-stop attacks. The Anglo-French military, having spent approx. 800 thousand The people were still unable to break through the German front. It turns out that the German command was about to launch an offensive that cost the lives of 300,000 German soldiers. The 1916 campaign cost over 1 million lives, but did not bring significant results on either side.
Basics of peace negotiations. On the cob 20 tbsp. The methods of conducting military operations have completely changed. The day of the fronts grew richer, armies fought on fortified lines and launched attacks from trenches, and machine guns and artillery began to play an important role in offensive battles. New types of armor were built: tanks, low-powered bombers, submarines, asphyxiating gases, hand grenades. Kozhen is the tenth inhabitant of the region that is at war, having mobilized, and 10% of the population was engaged in the army. In the countries that are at war, there was no space left for the basic life of the people: everything was subordinated to the titanic forces, directed to support the military machine. The total cost of the war, including major expenses, according to various estimates, amounted to 208 to 359 billion dollars. Until the end of 1916 Both sides were tired of the war, and it seemed that the moment had come to begin peace negotiations.
Another period.
12 breasts 1916 r. The Central Powers rushed to the United States, demanding to convey to the allies a note with a proposal about the beginning of peace negotiations. The Entente put forward this proposal, suspecting that it was being fragmented with the aim of breaking up the coalition. In addition, she didn’t want to talk about the world without passing on payment through reparations and recognition of the nation’s right to self-esteem. President Wilson decided to initiate peace negotiations on April 18, 1916. Having gone to the warring lands with blasphemies, it means mutually agreeable minds to the world. Nіmechchina 12th birthday 1916 r. called for a peaceful conference. The general government of Nimechchini clearly betrayed the world, but they stood up to the generals, especially General Ludendorff, who had been singing at Peremozia. The Allies concretized their ideas: the renewal of Belgium, Serbia and Montenegro; withdrawal of troops from France, Russia and Romania; reparations; loyalty of France to Alsace and Lorraine; the liberation of subordinate peoples, including the Italians, Poles, Czechs, and the end of the Turkish presence in Europe. The Allies did not trust Germany and did not seriously accept the idea of ​​peace negotiations. It’s a small intention to take the fate of a baby born in 1916. at the peace conference, relying on the benefits of their military camp. On the right, it ended with the Allies signing secret lands, which were released to the surprise of the Central Powers. Hence, Great Britain laid claim to the German colonies and part of Persia; France is about to secede Alsace and Lorraine and establish control on the left bank of the Rhine; Russia was rising to Constantinople; Italy - Trieste, Austrian Tyrol, most of Albania; Volodinya Turechchiny continued to fight between allies.
The US entered the war. At the beginning of the war, the US public opinion was divided: some openly supported the allies; Others - for example, Americans of Irish descent, trained as enemies of England, and Americans of German descent - supported Germany. Over time, the people of the regime and the cross-border communities of Daedal increasingly flocked to the Antanti River. There are a number of factors behind this, including the propaganda of the Antente region and the submarine war of Germany. President Wilson, on September 22, 1917, declared in the Senate what was acceptable to the United States and the world. Their headache was reduced to the point of "a world without victory", that is. without annexation and indemnity; Others included the principles of the zeal of nations, the right of a nation to self-identity and representation, freedom of the seas and trade, the rapid restoration, and the creation of a system of alliances that is being promoted. Once the world is established on the basis of these principles, as affirmed by Wilson, then it is possible to create a worldwide organization of powers that will guarantee security for all peoples. 31 Sep 1917 r. The order of Nimechchina announced the renewal of an unbounded submarine war with the aim of disrupting the enemy’s communications. The submarine ships blocked the Entente supply lines and placed the allies at the edge of the camp. Among the Americans, anxiety towards Germany grew, and as soon as the blockade of Europe began to feel bad for the United States. Once it had won, Germany could have gained control over the Atlantic Ocean. Orders from the designated situations before the war for the US allies were prepared for other spontaneities. The economic interests of the United States were connected with the Antente region, and the fragments of the military agreement led to a rapid increase in the American industry. In 1916, the military spirit was inspired by plans for the development of programs for the preparation of military operations. The anti-German sentiments of the American people increased even more after the publication of the 1st February 1917. Zimmerman's secret dispatch dated June 16, 1917, seized by British intelligence and handed over to Wilson. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany, A. Zimmerman, spoke to Mexico, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona, as she supports Germany's response to the US entry into the war on the Antente. By the beginning of the current year, anti-German sentiment in the United States had reached such intensity that the Congress on the 6th quarter of 1917 voted to end the German war.
Russia's exit from the war. The fierce one was born in 1917. Russia is having a revolution. Tsar Mikola II bowed to the throne. The time period (birch - leaf fall in 1917) was no longer able to conduct active military operations at the fronts, and a portion of the population was exhausted by the war. 15 breast 1917 r. The Bolsheviks, who took power in the leaf fall of 1917, at the cost of great deeds, signed an armistice agreement with the Central Powers. Three months later, on March 3, 1918, the Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty was signed. Russia claimed its rights to Poland, Estonia, Ukraine, part of Belarus, Latvia, Transcaucasia and Finland. Ardahan, Kars and Batum reached Turechchin; Great deeds were achieved by Germany and Austria. Usyogo Russia spent bl. 1 million sq. km. It is also small to pay Nimechchini an indemnity in the amount of 6 billion marks.
Third period.
The Germans have little basis for optimism. The German government took advantage of the weakening of Russia and the increase in resources from the war. Now they could transfer a similar army to the approach and concentrate the army on the front lines of the advance. The Allies, not knowing that there would be a blow, were hesitant to change positions along the entire front. American help was late. In France and Great Britain, different attitudes grew with menacing force. October 24, 1917 The Austro-Ugric troops broke through the Italian front near Caporetto and soon defeated the Italian army.
German offensive of 1918. On the foggy morning of 21 February 1918, the Germans launched a massive attack on the English positions near Saint-Quentin. The British were afraid to march towards Amiens, as the loss threatened to break up the Anglo-French united front. The share of Calais and Boulogne hung in the balance. On the 27th of May, the Germans launched a strong offensive against the French on the day, pushing them as far as Chateau-Tierre. The situation of 1914 was repeated: the Germans reached the Marne River, just 60 km from Paris. After the onset of great losses, both human and material. The German armies were withdrawn, their supply system was destroyed. The Allies began to neutralize the German submarine forces, creating convoy systems and anti-terrorist defense. Under this, the blockade of the Central Powers continued to be so effective that food shortages began to occur in Austria and Germany. Shortly after, more American aid began to arrive in France. The ports from Bordeaux to Brest were filled with American troops. At the beginning of the summer of 1918. Nearly 1 million American soldiers were stationed in France. On June 15, 1918, the Germans made the last test of the abyss at Chateau-Thierry. The great Battle of the Marne flared up. Once in a while, the French would have had the opportunity to take away Reims, which could have led to the entry of the Allies on all fronts. At the beginning of the year, the German troops leaned forward, but it was as fast as they came to their senses.
The remaining Allied offensive. On June 18, 1918, a counterattack by American and French troops began in order to ease the pressure on Chateau-Thierry. From the beginning the stench stuck through, but 2 sickles took Soissons. At the Battle of Am'ien on the 8th September, the German armies suffered severe defeats, and this undermined their morale. Previously, the Chancellor of Germany, Prince von Gertling, asked what the allies asked the world to do. “We were determined to take Paris before the end of the forest,” he said. “That’s what we thought on the fifteenth. And on the eighteenth, with the greatest optimism among us, we realized that everything had been spent.” The military leaders defeated Kaiser Wilhelm II, so that the war was lost, and Ludendorff hoped to recognize the defeat. The Allied offensive began on other fronts. 20-26 cherubs of the Austro-Ugric army were thrown across the Pyave River, their expenses amounted to 150 thousand. osib. In the Austro-Ugric region, ethnic turmoil flared up - not without an influx of allies, who wanted the desertion of the Poles, Czechs and native Slavs. The Central Powers collected surplus forces in order to push the invasion to the Ugor region. The route to Nimechchina was open. Tanks and massive artillery shelling became the most important agents of the offensive. On the cob of a sickle 1918 rub. attacks on key German positions intensified. In his Memoirs, Ludendorff called the 8th sickle - the beginning of the battle of Am'en - "a dark day for the German army." The German front was torn apart: all divisions were completely surrendered without a fight. Until the end of spring, Ludendorff will be ready to capitulate. After the Antanti offensive on the Soloniki front on the 29th of May, Bulgaria signed a truce. A month later, Turechina capitulated, and 3 leaves fell - Austro-Ugric region. For negotiations about peace, a government was formed in Germany with Prince Max of Badensky, which was already established on June 5, 1918. having instructed President Wilson to begin the negotiation process. During the rest of the year, the Italian army launched a general offensive against the Austro-Ugric region. Until the 30th of June, the operations of the Austrian army were broken. The cavalry and armored vehicles of the Italians carried out a swift raid on the enemy and buried the Austrian headquarters at Vittorio Veneto, the place that gave the name to the entire battle. On June 27, Emperor Charles I spoke at the truce war, and on June 29, 1918. having waited for the world to settle in whatever minds it may be.
Revolution in Germany. On the 29th, the Kaiser secretly left Berlin and went straight to the General Staff, feeling unsafe and under the protection of the army. That same day, near the port of Kiel, the crew of two warships emerged from submission and were about to go to sea at the battlefield. Until the 4th leaf fall, Keel came under the control of the sailors who stood up. There is little intention of setting up 40,000 armed people near Pivnichnya Nimechina for the sake of the soldiers’ and sailors’ deputies behind the Russian flag. Before November 6, the rebels took control of Lübeck, Gamburzi and Bremen. At the same time, the Supreme Commander of the Allies, General Foch, declared that he was ready to receive representatives of the German order and negotiate with them the idea of ​​a truce. The Kaiser was informed that the army would no longer support him. On the 9th of leaf fall the throne was revealed, and the republic was voted out. The next day, the Emperor of Germany left the Netherlands, living with the exiled until his death (comm. 1941). On the 11th of leaf fall at the Retonde station near the Comp'en forest (France), the German delegation signed the Comp'en truce. The Germans were punished for two years by occupied territories, including Alsace and Lorraine, the left bank of the Rhine and fortifications in Mainz, Koblenz and Cologne; establish a neutral zone on the right birch of the Rhine; transfer to the allies 5,000 important and field vehicles, 25,000 culmets, 1,700 aircraft, 5,000 locomotives, 150,000 transport cars, 5,000 automobiles; Safely release all the prisoners. The military-naval forces were able to restore all submarines and possibly the entire surface fleet and turn back all Allied merchant ships sunk by Nimechina. The political provisions of the agreement were preceded by the denunciation of the Brest-Litovsk and Bucharest peace treaties; financial - payment of reparations for the ruination and exchange of values. The Germans were planning a truce based on Wilson's "Fourteen Points", which, as they believed, could be the leading basis for "peace without victory". The truce meant almost unguarded capitulation. The allies dictated their minds to the bloodless Nimechchina.
A gift to the world. A peace conference was held in 1919 in Paris; By the hour of the session, it had become clear that five peace treaties had been reached. After its completion, the following were signed: 1) Versailles Peace Treaty with Germany on June 28, 1919; 2) Saint-Germain Peace Treaty with Austria on June 10, 1919; 3) Ney peace treaty with Bulgaria on November 27, 1919; 4) Trianon Peace Treaty with Ugorshchina, 4 rubles, 1920; 5) Sevres peace treaty with Turechchina on September 20, 1920. Zgod after the Treaty of Lausanne 24 Lipnya 1923 r. Before the Treaty of Sèvres, changes were made. Thirty-two powers were represented at the peace conference in Paris. Each delegation has a small staff of specialists who provided information about the geographical, historical and economic development of these regions, when decisions were made. After Orlando, for internal reasons, was not satisfied with the major problems of the territory on the Adriatic, the main architect of the war world became the “great three” - Wilson, Clemenceau and Lloyd George. Wilson is willing to compromise on several important points in order to achieve the goal - the creation of the League of Nations. He was content with the disunity of the Central Powers, but at first he began to attack the disarrayed disunion. The size of the German army fluctuated and became a little more than 115,000 people; skasovavsya zagalny military obov'yazok; The military forces of Germany are staffed with volunteers with a service term of 12 years for soldiers and up to 45 years for officers. Germany was defended by combat aircraft and submarines. The peace treaties signed with Austria, the Ugrian region and Bulgaria had similar ideas. There was a heated debate between Clemenceau and Wilson about the status of the left bank of the Rhine. The French, with the loss of security, intended to annex this region with its heavy coal mines and industry and create an autonomous Rhineland state. France's plan is consistent with Wilson's proposals, which opposed annexation and favored national self-determination. A compromise was reached after Wilson agreed to sign the military treaties with France and Great Britain, after which the United States and Great Britain agreed to support France in the event of an attack by Germany. The following decision was made: the left bank of the Rhine and the 50-kilometer smuha on the right bank of the river will be demilitarized, or else will be deprived of their sovereignty. The Allies occupied the lowest points of this zone for 15 years. The ancestors of the Vugill, known under the name Saar Basin, also passed from the Volodin of France to 15 rocks; the Saarland region itself came under the control of the commission of the League of Nations. After the end of the 15-year term, a plebiscite was transferred to restore sovereign power to this territory. Italy lost Trentino, Trieste and most of Istria, but not the island of Fiume. Prote Italian extremism has invaded Fiume. Italy and the newly created power of Yugoslavia were given the right to make their own decisions about the disputed territories. Following the Treaty of Versailles, Germany indulged its colonial Volodymyrs. Great Britain added German Western Africa and the western part of German Cameroon and Togo, the British dominions - the African Union, Australia and New Zealand - were transferred to Western Africa, and Very similar regions of New Guinea with the adjacent archipelago. France received most of German Togo and a similar part of Cameroon. Japan took the Marshall, Mariana and Caroline Islands in the Pacific Ocean, which belonged to Germany, and the port of Qingdao in China. The secret agreements between the alternating powers transferred the same division to the Ottoman Empire, but after the uprising of the Turks along with Mustafa Kemal, the allies agreed to reconsider their capabilities. The new Treaty of Lausanne included the Treaty of Sèvres and allowed the Turkish region to lose the Shidna Frace. Turechina turned itself to Virmenia. Syria passed to France; Great Britain took away Mesopotamia, Transjordan and Palestine; the Dodecanese islands in the Aegean Sea were transferred to Italy; The Arab territory of Hijaz on the shores of the Red Sea is little to deny independence. The destruction of the principle of national self-esteem echoed Wilson's misfortune, while he strongly protested against the transfer of the Chinese port of Qingdao to Japan. It was time for Japan to turn its territory away from China and finally finish its business. Wilson's supporters proposed that instead of actually transferring the colonies to the new rulers, they would be allowed to govern as members of the League of Nations. Such territories were called “mandatory”. Although Lloyd George and Wilson opposed punishment for the food supply, the fight over this food ended in victory for the French side. Reparations were imposed on Germany; The trivial negotiation was also subject to food, which should be included in the list of orders, presentations before payment. From the very beginning the exact amount did not appear, except in 1921. the amount was determined to be 152 billion marks (33 billion dollars); Finally, this amount was reduced. The principle of national self-esteem has become key for the rich nations represented at the peace conference. Poland was renewed. The designation of the cordons was not easy; Especially important is the small transmission of їy sov. The “Polish corridor”, which gave the extreme exit to the Baltic Sea, strengthening the Convergence of Prussia from the Republic of Germany. The Baltic region gained new independent powers: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland. At the hour of the conference, the Austro-Ugric Monarchy had already begun its inauguration, and Austria, Czechoslovakia, Ugria, Yugoslavia and Rumunia took their place; The cordons between these powers are of a small disputed nature. The problem emerged through the mixture of settlements of different peoples. With the establishment of cordons, the Czech power captured the interests of the Slovaks. Rumania conquered its territory for the territories of Transylvania, Bulgarian and Ugric lands. Yugoslavia was created from the old kingdoms of Serbia and Montenegro, parts of Bulgaria and Croatia, Bosnia, Herzegovina and Banata as part of Timisoare. Austria lost a small power with a population of 6.5 million Austrian Germans, a third of whom lived in the toothless Vidnia. The population of the Ugorshchina has changed greatly and has now become bl. 8 million people. At the Paris Conference, the struggle centered around the idea of ​​​​creating the League of Nations was baked. Beyond the plans of Wilson, General J. Smets, Lord R. Cecil and other like-minded people, the League of Nations is a small guarantee of security for all nations. The final statute of the League was adopted, and after difficult debates, four working groups were formed: the Assembly, the Rada of the League of Nations, the Secretariat and the Permanent Chamber of International Justice. The League of Nations developed mechanisms that the member powers could use to avoid war. Within this framework, various commissions have also been formed to address other problems.
also the LEAGUE OF NATIONS. The agreement about the League of Nations represented that part of the Treaty of Versailles, which contained the signatures of Germany. However, the German delegation was inspired to sign his name on this document, which did not agree with Wilson’s “Fourteen Points.” Zrestha, the National Assembly of Germany adopted an agreement on June 23, 1919. The dramatically furnished signing took place five days later at the Palace of Versailles, where in 1871 Bismarck buried the victory of the Franco-Prussian War and voted for the creation of the German Empire.
History of the First World War, 2 vols. M., 1975 Ignatyev A.V. Russia in the imperialist wars from the beginning of the 20th century. Russia, the USSR and international conflicts of the first half of the 20th century. M., 1989 Until the 75th century of the First Light War. M., 1990 Pisarev Yu.A. The dungeons of the First Light War. Russia and Serbia in 1914-1915. M., 1990 Kudrina Yu.V. Rewinding to the tides of the First Light War. The roads are safe. M., 1994. The First World War: controversial problems of history. M., 1994. The First World War: Sides of History. Chernivtsi, 1994 Bobishev S.V., Seryogin S.V. The First World War and the prospects for the sustainable development of Russia. Komsomolsk-on-Amur, 1995. The First World War: Prologue of the 20th Century. M., 1998

  • Today no one remembers when Bula First World War, who fought with whom and through which the conflict itself began. Ale millions of soldier’s graves throughout Europe and modern Russia do not allow us to forget about this crooked side of history, including our power.

    The reason is the inevitability of war.

    The beginning of the last century was filled with tension - revolutionary sentiment in the Russian Empire with regular demonstrations and terrorist attacks, local military conflicts in the modern part of Europe, the fall of the Ottoman Empire which empires and the expansion of Germany.

    All this did not happen in one day, the situation developed and flared up over the course of a decade and no one knew how to “let off steam” and would like to begin the beginning of combat operations.

    Behind the great rakhunko, at the skin edge there were dissatisfaction with ambitions and claims to the neighbors, who, in the old way, wanted to settle for the additional power of the disease. Only a little bit of axle didn’t matter at that moment, because technological progress had given human hands proper “baking machines”, the development of which led to a crooked massacre. Veterans used these very words to describe many battles of that period.

    The distribution of forces in Europe.

    But in the war there will be two conflicting sides trying to achieve their goal. Under the hour of WWII Entente and Central Powers.

    When a conflict arises, it is customary to place all the blame on the side that lost, so that we are done with it. The list of Central Powers at various stages of the war included:

    • Nіmechchina.
    • Austro-Ugric region.
    • Turechchina.
    • Bulgaria.

    There were only three powers in Antanta:

    • Russian Empire.
    • France.
    • England

    Resentful alliances were formed at the end of the 19th century, and political and military forces in Europe have always been of equal importance.

    Awareness of the imminent great war on a number of fronts suddenly often delayed the adoption of urgent decisions, otherwise the situation could not continue.

    Why did the First World War begin?

    The first power that voiced the beginning of military actions was Austro-Ugric Empire. In yakosti enemy came out Serbia, who decided to unite under her cob all the words from the lost region. Perhaps such a policy was not particularly suitable for the restless Susidov, who did not want to take away the difficult confederation under his side, and clearly highlight the very fact of the founding of the Austro-Ugric region.

    The drive for the stunned war served to kill the loser to the imperial throne, who was shot by Serbian nationalists. Theoretically, this is where it all ends - it’s not until recently that two countries in Europe fought the same war and carried out offensive and defensive operations with varying success. It is clear that the Austro-Ugric region was simply a protégé of the German Empire, as it had long wanted to block the world order for its own benefit.

    The reason was failed colonial policy of the country, as I was drawn into this fight, it’s too late. One of the advantages of the obviousness of the great number of fallow lands is that the markets will be forgotten, even if there are no boundaries. Promiscuously apologised, Germany urgently demanded such a bonus, otherwise she could not refuse it. It was difficult to find food in a peaceful manner, the neighbors happily took their profits and did not bother the people to share.

    And the defeat of the military forces and the signing of capitulation could greatly change the situation.

    Allied countries-participants.

    From the lists you can see what played a larger role in the conflict 7 countries Why is the war called Light War? On the right is the skin with blocks of mav allies who entered the war or left it at the same stages:

    1. Italy.
    2. Rumunia
    3. Portugal.
    4. Greece.
    5. Australia.
    6. Belgium.
    7. Japanese Empire.
    8. Montenegro.

    These countries did not make a major contribution to the war, but we cannot forget their active participation in the war for the Entente.

    In 1917, the United States joined this list after a German submarine attacked a passenger ship.

    War bags for the main participants.

    Russia could have withdrawn its minimal plan for this war. to ensure the protection of the Slavs from Pivdenny Europe. But the goal was very ambitious: control over the Black Sea channels could make our country a truly great maritime power.

    It was not possible to divide the Ottoman Empire and take away some of the “silly” tricks of the current government. And between the social tensions in the region and the subsequent revolution, other problems arose. The Austro-Ugric Empire has already achieved its foundation - the greatest economic and political inheritance for the initiator.

    France and England were able to consolidate their leading positions in Europe due to significant contributions from Germany. And the axis was facing hyperinflation, the collapse of the army, and a severe crisis with the fall of several regimes. This led to the inevitable revenge of the NSDAP on the side of the state. And the US axis was able to make capital from this conflict with minimal expenses.

    Let us not forget about those who fought during the First World War, who fought against them and what kind of fears it brought to marriage. Increasing tensions and conflicts of interests may soon lead to similar dysfunctional consequences.

    Video about Persha Svitova

    First World War 1914 – 1918. became one of the bloodiest and most large-scale conflicts in human history. Vaughn was born on the 28th of July 1914. and the 11th leaf fall ended, 1918. This conflict involved the fate of 38 powers. If we speak briefly about the causes of the First World War, then we can confirm with success that this conflict was provoked by the serious economic super-permanence of the alliances of the light powers that formed at the beginning of the century. It also means that, obviously, there was a possibility of peaceful regulation of these products. Prote, sensing the increased progress, Germany and the Austro-Ugric region moved to more decisive actions.

    Participants in the First Light War were:

    • on one side is the Quadruple Alliance, which included Nimechchyna, Austro-Ugric, Bulgaria, Turechchyna (Ottoman Empire);
    • from another Entente bloc, which consisted of Russia, France, England and allied countries (Italy, Romania and many others).

    The beginning of the First World War was provoked by the assassination of the deceased to the Austrian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and his squad by a member of the Serbian nationalist terrorist organization. The assassination, carried out by Gavrilo Princip, provoked a conflict between Austria and Serbia. Germany supported Austria and entered the war.

    During the course of the First World War, historians cover five separate military campaigns.

    The beginning of the military campaign of 1914. dated 28 years ago. 1 sickle of Germany will vote against the war in Russia, and 3 sickles in France. German troops invade Luxembourg and later Belgium. 1914 r. The most important parts of the First World War broke out in the territory of France and today under the name “Run to the Sea”. Having fought off the enemy's troops, the offending armies collapsed until they could be saved, and as a result, the front line was closed. France retained control over the port areas. Little by little, the front line stabilized. The destruction of the German command on the Swede and the burying of France did not come true. The fragments of power on both sides were revealed, and the war became of a positional nature. Such are the conditions on the Western Front.

    Military actions on the Similar Front began on the 17th sickle. The Russian army began its attack on the other part of Prussia and was initially completely successful. Victory in the Battle of Galicia (18 September) was received with great joy. After this battle, Austrian Austria did not engage in serious combat with Russia since 1914.

    The development of lands in the Balkans was not very successful. Before Austria, Belgrade was captured by the Serbs. There were no active battles in Serbia at all. That one, born in 1914. Japan also opposed Germany, which allowed Russia to secure the Asian cordons. Japan began burying the island colonies of Germany. However, the Ottoman Empire entered the war in Germany, opening up the Caucasian Front and preventing Russia from gaining access to the allied countries. For pouches, for example, 1914 r. Every participant in the conflict was unable to reach the target.

    Another campaign in the chronology of the First World War dates back to 1915. On the Western Front, the most intense battles were fought. Both France and Germany made extraordinary attempts to turn the situation around to their advantage. However, the enormous expenditures made by both parties did not produce any serious results. In fact, the front line until the end of 1915. has not changed. Neither the spring offensive of the French in Artois, nor the operations carried out in Champagne and Artois in the spring, changed the situation.

    The situation on the Russian front has changed dramatically. The winter season of the poorly prepared Russian army quickly turned into a bitter counter-attack of the Germans. As a result of Gorlitsky, Russia lost Galicia and, later, Poland to the invasion of German troops. Historians say that the great advance of the Russian army was triggered by the supply crisis. The front stabilized until the fall. German troops entered the Volyn province and often repeated the pre-war cordons with the Austro-Ugric region. The rise of the military, like France, ignited the beginnings of a positional war.

    1915 was marked by the entry into war of Italy (23 May). Regardless of those that the country was a participant in the Quadruple Alliance, it voiced the beginnings of a war against the Austro-Ugric region. Just before the 14th anniversary of the Entente alliance, Bulgaria declared war, which led to a worsening of the situation in Serbia and the Swedish fall.

    During the military campaign of 1916, one of the most famous battles of the First World War took place - Verdenska. Having attempted to strangle the French forces, the German command massed a great force near the Verdun bulge, hoping to overwhelm the Anglo-French defense. During this operation, from the 21st to the 18th century, up to 750 thousand died. soldiers of England and France and up to 450 thousand. soldiers of Nimechchina. The Battle of Verdun is also known because a new type of armor was first created - a flamethrower. However, the greatest effect of this recovery will be psychological. To provide assistance to the allies, an offensive operation was launched on the Western Russian front, called the Brusilivsky Strait. This made it difficult for Germany to transfer serious forces to the Russian front and the formation of allies became easier.

    It is clear that military affairs developed like on land. There was a lot of space and water between the blocks of the strongest world powers. Same spring 1916 r. became one of the main battles of the First World War on the Jutland Sea. The Entente bloc became the dominant force. The proposition of the Fourth Alliance about peace was revived.

    During the military campaign of 1917. The superiority of forces in the Antentean side increased even more and the United States reached obvious victories. However, the weakening of the economies of both countries - participation in the conflict, as well as the increase in revolutionary tensions led to a change in military activity. The German command is making decisions about strategic defense on land fronts, at the same time concentrating on trying to withdraw England, the Navy and the submarine fleet from the war. The winter of 1916 - 17 years of active military operations in the Caucasus. The situation in Russia has become as complicated as possible. In fact, after the summer, the country emerged from the war.

    1918 brought the Antanta the most important victories, which led to the end of the First World War.

    After the actual withdrawal from the war, Russia and Germany managed to liquidate a similar front. The world was formed by Rumunia, Ukraine, Russia. Consider the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, signed between Russia and Germany near Birch in 1918. turned out to be very important for the country, this agreement was canceled due to failure.

    In the past, Germany occupied the Baltic states, Poland and partly Belarus, after which it threw all its forces into the Western Front. However, due to the technical advances of the Entente, the German armies suffered defeats. After the Austro-Ugric Empire, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria made peace with the Antente region, Germany stumbled upon the brink of disaster. Through revolutionary causes, Emperor William is depriving his country. November 11, 1918 The act of capitulation is signed by Germany.

    According to current data, the cost of the First World War was up to 10 million soldiers. There are no exact data about the losses among the civilian population. Apparently, through life, epidemics and hunger, more people died than ever before.

    Behind the bags of the First Light War, Germany paid little reparations to the allies, amounting to 30 rubles. Vaughn lost 1/8 of its territory, and the colonies went to the border regions. The banks of the Rhine were occupied by allied forces for 15 years. Nіmechchini was also fenced in by the mother army of over 100 thousand. osib. Strict restrictions were imposed on all types of production.

    Alas, there were signs of the legacy of the First World War and the situation in the conflicting countries. Their economy, perhaps, in the USA, was in a folding state. The population's living standards dropped sharply, and the people's rule began to fade away. At the same time, the military monopolies became rich. For Russia, the First World War became a serious factor that destabilized, largely contributing to the development of the revolutionary situation in the region and triggering the onset of a huge war.

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