Umar Dzhabrailiv and Oleksa. Umar Dzhabrailov. Biography. Navchannya and military service

Oleksandra Chvikova (27 years of age) and Umar Dzhabrailov (57 years of age)
Oleksandra Chvikova (aka Alexa) in 2008, her face dramatically changed her image - Juicy Couture costumes were replaced by lauded mini-dresses, and the rapper Timati, which gives hope, from the heart of the young the eyes remain visible 50-year-old millionaire Umar Dzhabrailov

The serious businessman and starlet met at the people's day of Chechen President Ramzan Kadirov. They had a lot of success with their first training - even after another co-star on the set of Sergiy Zverev’s show “Zirka u kubi”. Dzhabrailov was impressed by the beauty of the sleeper and asked for the evening, after which, with a similar stick and generosity, he went to keep an eye on her. Alexa Shvidko fell under the charm of an adult rogue. The couple regularly came in together, laughing at the photographers every now and then.

Secular cynics attributed a small term to the new treasure of Umar Dzhabrailov - his famous wife, who was credited with having affairs with notorious representatives of show business, including Ksenia Sobchak and singer Zhanna Fr iske.

For a moment, Jabrailov's minds can be captured by supermodel Naomi Campbell, who is credited with being the first to bring her to Russia. Few people were surprised when it became clear that the millionaire had cooled down to his 20-year girlfriend just a short time after the cob of centenaries

Alexa, as before, does not comment on the affair with a Chechen businessman, as well as on lip augmentation. Umar Dzhabrailov also won’t let anyone know about his extravagant passion in public. How many beauties are there on this guy's face?

First, after the breakup of hundred years with the rapper Timati, ex-“manufacturer” Alexa appeared in public not alone

The young singer came to the “People’s Dosh” award ceremony together with the 50-year-old oligarch Umar Dzhabrailov. Recently, the couple has been freely appearing at social gatherings.


It’s no secret that Umar Dzhabrailov knows among the capital’s beau monde the incredible stature of young glamorous panels. At various times, he was credited with passionate romances with Ksenia Sobchak, Zhanna Friske and, most recently, the black-haired beauty model Naomi Campbell.

However, despite winning such a significant list, the oligarch could not stand up to the charm of the 20-year-old Oleksandra Chvikova, a young spy, best known as Alex.


As soon as they understood the “Z”, Umar and Alexa gathered together for the national day of the President of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadirov on the 12th of last year. The young graduate of the “Factory of Stars” was asked by Kadirova’s friend, producer Yana Rudkovska.

That same evening, sympathy began between Umar and Oleksa. However, no matter what, after turning back to Moscow, the stench did not linger for a long time. Dzhabrailov trained Alexa during filming with Sergei Zverev’s “Zirka in a Cube” program and decided not to waste time taking the situation into his own hands.

“I’m telling you all of a sudden,” Umar said. - I marvel at your beauty more and more!

Right after the wedding, the couple went to bedtime. From that time on, the oligarch and the sleepwalker appear almost everywhere. Dzhabrailov finally met the girl and his great friend, Ksenia Sobchak.

- Who, who is this? - Ksyusha was happy. - Oleksa? So, I was wondering about this...

Umar Dzhabrailov is a businessman, a great senator from Chechnya and a former candidate for the President of Russia. As the RBC officers were told, they were released and ahead of the police, so they won’t go down without a fight.

What is Vidomy Umar Dzhabrailov - in the eyes of RBC.

Photo: Frank Vilyagra / Komersant

Umar Dzhabrailov is 59 years old. He was born in Grozny, Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. His father Ali Dzhabrailov worked at the oil and gas industry complex of the republic. Dzhabrailov began his studies in Moscow, at the Fur and Crafts Technical College of the Russian Pozhivspilka and at the Moscow State University of Foreign Affairs (having graduated from the Faculty of Economics). Having served in the missile forces.

In 1988, he began working at the Moscow cooperative gallery as a mystical inspector. At the beginning of the 90s, the company LLC "Danako" fell asleep and began supplying petroleum products for state enterprises.

In 1994, after meeting the American businessman Paul Tatum, the founder of the joint venture Intourist-EdAmer Hotel and Business Center, he became the first protector of the general director of this company. In 1996, Tatum called Dzhabrailov to organize a move against him. At the fall of the same fate, he was shot dead at the underground passage of the Kievsky railway station. Dzhabrailov’s identity could not be established before the killing, but entry to the United States was blocked.

Umar Dzhabrailov and Mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov. 1999 r_k

(Photo: official website of the association AVANTI)

1997 Roku Dzhabrailov became a radnik v.o. General Director of the Redisson-Slovyanska complex and President of the Plaza group of companies. Having been a member of the directors of the bank "Russian Capital", in the beginning of 2001 he became the head of the directors of the bank "First OVK".

In 1999, Dzhabrailov announced that he might intend to run for the President of Russia. It was hung by the initiative group “Power to the Mind.” In the year 2000, the Moscow City Prosecutor's Office destroyed the criminal investigation into the fact that initiating groups were collecting subscription lists in support of Dzhabrailov. The candidate will remain in 11th place in the sowing elections, gaining 0.08% of the votes.

Hajj in Saudi Arabia, 2004. President of the Chechen Republic Akhmat Kadirov (another leftist) and Senator from Chechnya Umar Dzhabrailov

In 2004, Dzhabrailov became a senator from Chechnya, having removed the president of the Plaza group from office. In 2005, the revolution of the “Russian Islamic Fall” was created, which is aimed at protecting the rights of groups of Muslims who practice Islam (jamaats).

Umar Dzhabrailov, Ramzan Kadirov, head of the Chechen government Sergiy Abramov. 2004 r_k

In the fall of leaves in 2006, Dzhabrailov urged the then President of Chechnya, Alu Alkhanov, to deprive him of his planting, which he had earned in the cruel fate of 2007. On this occasion, Ramzan Kadirov was elected. In the summer of 2009, Dzhabrailov for the first time of the year pishov from the prison of the senator. From 2009 to 2013, he was a guardian of Sergei Prikhodko, aide to the President of Russia (Prikhodko is a supporter of the government). Dzhabrailov - member of the United Russia party

Umar Dzhabrailov takes part in Dmitry Dibrov’s show “Oh, Lucky!” on NTV channel, Lyuty 2000 Roku

(Photo: Sergey Mikhiev / Komersant)

According to SPARK-Interfax, Dzhabrailov is a spokesman for nine companies. The largest of them is LLC “Investment and development company “Avanti Budgroup”. Among the company's objects is the Zilart residential complex on the territory of the ZIL automobile plant. Dzhabrailov also belongs to Avanti LLC, Agroresurs LLC, Umar Dzhabraila Company LLC and others.

Umar Dzhabrailov and Yosip Kobzon

Dzhabrailov is the head of the general organization for the development of business patriotism in Russia “Avanti” for the sake of the huge Maidan. According to information from the Doshch TV channel, the trip of Dmitr Peskov’s daughter to the shipbuilding plant near Krim to regulate the business superstructure was organized by the association itself.

Dzhabrailov is an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Mystery (under the statute of the academy, prominent figures of foreign and Russian culture and mystique, as well as individuals who are active in their own right, can become honorary members through beneficial and sponsorship activities to make significant contributions to the development of the academy and Russian culture in general). As a philanthropist and collector, you should enter the Moscow Museum of Daily Mystery (MMCI). In the announcement of the exhibition of selected works from Dzhabrailov’s collections “New Element” (held at MMSI in 2014), the businessman is called “one of the few serious and recent collectors of new art in Russia.”

Name: Umar Dzhabrailov Place of nationality: Grozny (Russia) Date of nationality: 28 June 1958

Childhood and youth

Umar Aliyovich Dzhabrailov was born on June 28, 1958 near Grozny. His father Alvi Dzhabrailov is a great secretary of the district Komsomol, a worker in the nafta galuz, and his mother, Rumi Sarakaev, took care of the children and the government.

Navchannya and military service

In 1973, the Dzhabrailov family graduated from school in Grozny and moved to Moscow, where they entered the Pushno-Hutryany technical school.

He served in the military missile forces near Korosten (Ukraine). In 1979, the people entered the CPRS, and continued until 1989.

After demobilization from the army, Dzhabrailov decided to join before the MDIM, but he did not finish the test. Just as fate would have it, having completed his preparatory courses, Umar became a student at the Faculty of Economics.

In 1985, the Dzhabrailov family graduated from the Moscow Institute of Mechanics and Mathematics with a diploma and was given a job as a laboratory assistant at their alma mater. Two years later, he was in charge of a mystical inspector at the Moscow gallery.

Business and banking sector

In 1992, Dzhabrailov’s family joined the trading company “Danaco” and began supplying petroleum products. In 1994, together with the American businessman Paul Tatum, he created the private enterprise “Intourist-EdAmer Hotel and Business Center”.

Two years later, a scandal arose between the leaders of the company. Toddy, 1996, the American called on a business partner to organize a move on him.

At the fall of the same fate, Tatum and his guard were shot at the underground passage near Moscow. Dzhabrailova was blocked from entering the United States, and they could not bring him to the point of being killed.

In 1997, the Russian became a deputy of Vikonuvac Obovyazki, General Director of the Redisson-Slovyanska hotel complex. From 2001 to 2004 he was president of the Plaza group of companies.

At the beginning of the 2000s, Dzhabrailov also worked for the directors of “Russian Capital” and became a member of the board of directors of the bank “Persha OVK”.


Dzhabrailov took part in the presidential elections of 2000 in Russia. Vіn sowing remained, 11th month, having collected 80 thousand votes (0.08%).

Umar Dzhabrailov at the end of the 1990s

In 2004, Dzhabrailov became a senator of the Chechen Republic. In 2009, the Rada of the Federation renewed its importance.

The politician for special reasons deprived himself of this activity in order to become a guardian of the assistant to the Russian President Sergiy Prikhodka, and remained in office until 2013.

Dzhabrailov is a member of the United Russia party, a candidate of political sciences, who stole his dissertation from the Russian Academy of State Service.

Special life

Umar Aliyovich has long been a part of the hero of gossip columns, and he has been mentioned more than once in the company of representatives of Russian show business, together with TV presenters Ksenia Sobchak and Tina Kandelaki. Dzhabrailov was also credited with having an affair with the British supermodel Naomi Campbell. However, these reports were not officially confirmed.

Yuri Bashment, Umar Dzhabrailov, Ksenia Sobchak

The author of the story Dzhabrailov met with a graduate of the TV show “Factory of Stars”, a singer Oleksa. At the time of these days, there were 50 businessmen’s days, and his marriage – 20.

According to some data, Dzhabrailov had two friendships and two separations. Another husband has two daughters - Danata and Alvina. According to other information, the businessman immediately becomes friends with an unnamed Russian artist. It’s not clear whether we’re talking about another or a third love.

Umar Dzhabrailov with children


According to ZMI, Dzhabrailov is a dollar millionaire. Among other businessmen there is an apartment in Moscow and numerous works of art. He is the leader of many great companies.

Dzhabrailov is engaged in philanthropy and charity, through the Association of Entrepreneurs to develop business-patriotism “Avanti”.


For information from open sources, Dzhabrailov speaks fluently in German, English and Italian languages. At various times, social gatherings flocked with a wealth of world celebrities, including Hollywood actors Mickey Rourke, Dolph Lundgren, Robert DeNiro, Adrian Brody, Sylvester Stallone and Brad Pitt.

Dzhabrailov is overwhelmed by the current mystique, and in 2016, he told people on Instagram that the Moscow publisher had released “two masterpieces” - the book “Absurd” (subtitled “I want to be with you so much!”) and “Avant-garde” (Absurd Remix) .


On September 29, 2017, Dzhabrail was caught for shooting in the center of Moscow - at the Four Seasons Hotel, a partial guest of which he was born.

Umar Dzhabrailov at the Four Seasons Hotel

The businessman has shot several times at the stele from the city fence in his room on the sixth version. At that time, there was only one person involved, and no one was injured as a result of the incident.

Based on the information from ZMI, after looking around the license plate for an hour, the police found an unknown white powder, walking and dancing with alcohol. Later it became clear that the drug test gave a positive result.

Dzhabrailova was called for Art. 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hooliganism) and was released under recognizance not to leave. Later, we reconciled, having checked the city's armor and shot it in the fall.


On June 27, 2017, Dzhabrail was found guilty of an administrative offense - drug abuse, and was given a fine of 4,000 rubles.

22 leaf falls The Tversky Court of Moscow sentenced Dzhabrailov to a fine of 500 thousand rubles for charges of hooliganism. The court accepted the fact that the businessman recognized his guilt and repented to the priest.

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