It's worth reading in German for children. German alphabet. Rules for reading German language

French and other European language, the formula “that’s how it reads” is correct. It is also necessary to learn the rules for reading adjacent sounds. For example, sch – w, tsch – year, st – piece, sp – sh, umlauti, a number of diphthongs etc. Most often, the transcription can be found in a dictionary; after reading it once, you will remember the same word.

These words seem even cumbersome at first glance, but don’t shout, but look in their warehouse for short words you already know. The Germans have a particular passion for seeing too many words in one bowl. For example, a folding pile of letters Fischfangnetz can be easily distributed in the warehouses of Fisch - fish, Fang - fishing and Netz - netz, after which the great name becomes easy both to read and to understand.

Many Russian scholars indulge in a majestic atonement, soft voices in front of soft voices, which cannot be divided at all times. IN German mine There is only one soft sound, which is designated by the letter “L”, for which you can find an analogue of the Russian sound “L”, which is located between the sounds in the words “lamp” and “strap”. In all other episodes, they will be deprived of solids, even if any sound follows.

The voice of German words is placed in the first warehouse, otherwise the prefixes may become unvoiced, and the axis of the suffix, for example, is stressed. The principle of setting voices is enough to understand once and problems from them will not be blamed.

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Corisna porada

It will be bad if your German assistant will be supplemented with audio materials. Then you can listen to the texts by following them on the paper. Let us understand that it is still correct to read in German.

The German keyboard layout may be initially unintelligible to computer users that are similar to the English and Russian layouts, since the position of the letters in the German alphabet differs from the Latin alphabet.

You will need

  • - stickers on the keyboard.


Open the menu panel “Mova and regional standards”. In the window that has opened, go to another tab. Click the “Options” button at the top right corner. You will see an additional setting window called “Text Input Service”.

Add a German keyboard layout for the additional key. Shut down and save changes, close the windows, after pressing the “OK” button. After this, in the panel you need to add an additional item to change the German layout. To switch input modes, you will have to press the layout one more time.

Switch the keyboard layout using the additional combination Shift+Alt or whatever else you have configured operating system. To better remember the layout of German letters (the layout is different from standard Latin), speed up the on-screen keyboard. There are standard programs for providing special capabilities.

German mine

German language is difficult to understand from a grammatical point of view, but learning to read German language is quite easy. There are few rules, and there are practically no excuses for them. Also, German does not have complex sounds for Russians. You won’t get the chance to speak “lamati mov”, and you have a great chance of speaking in German language with a chic one.

Author's manuals for the alphabet:

The German language has a Latin alphabet and 4 additional letters:

Öö - the camp of the Movi Yak for e, And lips - like when about(the sound comes out as the middle between our “e” and “o”)

Ää - yak e on the cob of words and after vocals, e- after today

Üü - the camp of the Movi Yak for і, And lips - like when at(the sound comes out as the middle between our “i” and “u”)

If your keyboard does not have these scary letters, then when scrolling you can replace them with the same ones oe (ö), ae (ä), ue (ü). They will make you understand. Even though the Germans prefer to read their letters, sound systems and Internet transfers do not accept this method very well. That Raja should install the German keyboard layout on his computer.

ß [ss]- officially this letter in the German language has already been cut off, replacing it with the subordinate ss. In addition, you can add β and ss both in official and non-official written language. The pardon does not matter to either one or the other option. You need to know both, and you yourself can indulge in vikorism to the fullest gusto.

Voices and their words

The main voices can be read in the standard way:

a - [a] ; u - [y] ; o - [o] ; e - [e]

y- Read the same way ü (which is the middle between “i” and “y”)

Є a short list of voices:

eiі ai[ouch]– mein [mine] (мій), nein [nine] (ні)

ie[і:]– liegen [ligen] (lie down), sieben [ziben] (sim)

euі äu[Ouch]– neu [noї] (new), neun [noyn] (nine)

Today and theirs

Most of the voices are read standardly:

b - [b]; d - [d]; f-[f]; g - [g]; k - [K]; l - [l]; m - [m]; n - [n]; p - [p]; r-[r]; t - [t]; x - [ks]

Tilki r It appears burly, but in principle the original Russian “r” can still be understood, but l There seems to be a little bit less, maybe "l".

Є a number of vowels, which are read unnaturally for the Latin alphabet:

c[before]- Code [code] (code)

h- read like [x] only on the beginning of the word, in the resolution of fallouts it is not read at the back - Hohe [hoe] (height)

s read differently depending on the form of the word:

  1. read like [Z], because after it there is a voice - sein [zayn] (buti), Sonne [zone] (son), zusammen [tsuzamen] (at once)
  2. read like [w], because after it it is worth listening to p or t ( sp[shp]- spielen [spielen] (grati), sprechen [sprchen (speak); st[PCS]– stehen [stehen] (stand), Stuhl (shoulder)
  3. at the time of the decision it reads like [With]- es [es] (tse), das [das] (tse), ist [ist] (є)

v[f]- Vogel [vogel] - ptah, vier [fіr] (chotiri), Vater [vater] (father)

z[ts]– zusammen [tsuzamen] (at once), zauber [zauber] (clean)

There are also a number of popular voices:

ch[X]– ich [їх] (I), machen [Machen] (robiti), nicht [Ніхт] (not)

ck[kk]– Ecke [ekke] (kut)

chs[ks]– sechs [zeks] (six), wachsen [vaxen] (growth)

sch[w]– schon [schon] (even), schreiben [schreiben] (write)

tsch[h]– Deutschland [Deutschland] (Nimechchina)

tz[ts]– Katze [katse] (kit), sitzen (sit)

thі td[T]- Stadt [state] (place), Bibliothek [library] (library)

All subordinate voices are read as one: ff [f], nn [n], pp [p], ss [s]

The rise of voices and voices

qu[kv]– Quatsch [kvach] (dupe), Quadrat [square] (square)

tion[tsion]- Information [information] (information)

eh[to her]– nehmen [neumen] (brothers), stehen [stein] (stand)

je[e]– jetzt [etzt] (at once), jemand [emand] (htos)

ju[Yu]– jubeln [yubeln] (to be happy, have fun)

ja[I]– ja [i] (so), Jacke [yakke] (jacket)

ig read like [ix] only at the end of the word - richtig [correct], in any other place the words are read as if they were initial [ig]- Igel [igel] (їzhak)


Here you can expect good news. First of all, the voice of the words most often falls on the first root warehouse. Otherwise, the tonality of sounds, as in Russian language, does not need to be changed.

Ale, write a little more elaborately with vocabulary words:

  • shock attachments ( ab-, an-, auf-, aus-, bei-, ein-, mit-, un-, ur-, vor-, zu-)
  • unvoiced prefixes ( be-, ge-, ent-, emp-, er-, ver-, zer-)
  • prefixes that can be either percussive or unvoiced ( durch-, über-, um-, unter-, wieder-)
  • stressed suffixes ( -ant, -at, -ee, -ent, -et, -eur, -ion, -ist, -it, -ot, -tät, -ur)

I express your respect that the unvoiced voices in the Russian administration are expressed in the same way as they are written.

Porada: if you have any doubts about how to read any word, enter it in any way online transfer and press “listen”. This is the translation Google uses. It is necessary to understand that he is translating the German language correctly, but he is asking kind words 🙂

Typical settlements of Russian and German countries:

Call Russian people what to say German, in the simplest way it means:

  • by the roaring sound " R» ( r), which the Germans say lispingly.
  • after that we repeat with the sound “ X» ( h on the cob of a word, chі ig at the end of the word), who is obliged to finish it softly, as if out of breath, never die on the slope.
  • changing the unvoiced “o” to “a” - tse mi robimo behind the sign native language. In Russia we don’t talk about [milk], we talk about [malako]. The Germans should not be so shy.

If you say so yourself, then it’s not at all scary to understand you. Moreover, the German language has so many dialects that, with the correct vocabulary and grammar, the Russian language in the German language can be completely mistaken for any dialect. Verified by powerful evidence.

Reading German words is easy and does not pose any difficulties for Russian people. It is difficult to know a number of strict rules for reading German language, since in some languages ​​not all letters are read the same way as they are written. They are presented in the form of a scientific table.

Rules for reading and understanding German literature

Addition of letters


Russian reading

Apply it

Features of sound



der M ai n - Main (river)



der H ah n – tap; pіven

long low sound



das C yklon - cyclone

before e, ö, i, y, ü




die C ouch - couch

in words written from other languages, most often on the cob of the word




die Bu ch e - beech

when placing voices after voices u, o, a




das Ch lor - chlorine

Some words on the cob




die Bü ch er - books

die Mon ch e - cenci

after ä, i, ö, e, y, ü, and also after m, r, l, n



die Cou ch- sofa, couch

in the following words



der La ch s - salmon, salmon




der Zu ck er - tsukor




h e ll - light

short vocal sound in a closed warehouse



das M eh l - boron

long voiced sound



leise - quiet



die W ie ge - little wheel

long voiced sound



die L eu te - people


der L oh n - salary

long voiced sound

oh, oh


der B oh kott boycott




j awohl – yes, that’s right




l eer - empty

soft sound



nasal [n]

si ng en - sleep



nasal + spirant [nc]

si nk en - to fall, to become entangled, to collapse




die Ph ysik physics



der Qu ark - sire




der Rh ytmus - frequency, rhythm

on the cob of words




der Kä s e - sire

süchtig - laxity no matter what your passion is

before a vowel or between two vowels




der Sp echt [ʃp әçt] - woodpecker

das Statut [ʃtatu:t] - statute

on the cob of a word/part of a word, if there is a p or t behind it




sch on [ʃon] - already

how to individuately combine letters within the same language




der Po s ter – poster, poster

in other cases, in addition to three overinsurances




die Th eorie - theory



der Deu tsch e – German



der Uh u - scarecrow

long voiced sound



die R ui ne - ruins, ruins




die V ariante - option

in foreign deposits




die Vögel - birds

in other cases




w ellig - wimpy



der Lure x- lurex




rh y tmisch - rhythmic ps y chisch - mental

It's average between Yuі at can be long or short



die Z erbe - cedar



die S äu le - column




der Bor schtsch- borscht (soup)

There is no such sound in German language, so the combination of letters is used to convey the sound [у] in foreign words


[ʒ ]


Sh ukow [ʒukof] - Zhukov (nickname)

There is no such sound in German language, the addition of letters conveys [zh] in foreign words

ß = ss



la ss en - to remove, to remove

bei ß en - bite

Finally, it is necessary to note a number of dirty moments that are typical for German language:

    All German double voices, when read, convey one sound, indicating the tightness of the front glottal sound, for example: re nn en - rush, rush;

    All sub-war German voices convey one long sound, for example: der Aa l [a:l] – vugor;

    yaksho letter h stands after the voiced ones, it is not at all readable, but only indicates the length of the front voiced one; letterer h call a little bit on the cob of language/words, for example: se h r - stronger (not visible), h ier - here (to be seen);

    for transmitting Russian letters I, e, y on the sheet of vikorista there are a number of German letters ja, jo, ju, for example: Yura Ju ra, Yasha - Ja scha;

    The German language has a number of reading options r: on the cob of the left - card [r], which appears to be like a long Russian sound [x], but also behind the voice; on the cob sliv mozhlivy also guchny front [r]; in the middle of the words [r] is noticeably quieter, but not at all noticeable, and the axis is at the end of the letter r conveys a sound that is not at all similar to the first two in its essence, while it is also vocalized [α], which is close to the vocal sound. Stock: der R abe - raven (guchny [r]), leh r en - begin, read (muffling, ale completely marked [r]), der Zuschaue r- gazer (vocalization [α]);

    the addition of two or more vowels indicates the compression of the front vocal sound in these cases, when the vowels indicate one sound, for example lö sch en - go out, go out, go away;

    vocal sounds, like standing on the cob of a root, and words, are always seen much more sharply, with the so-called firm attack, for example: der Alter [ `a ltәα], which gives the German language more emphasis and a clear character compared to the smooth Russian language;

    All German vowels are firm, all calls are muffled and sounded out loud, and finally the words sound again, for example: der D ie b villain (the appropriate d is vivacious, and the b at the end of the word is completely muffled);

    the voice of the German words falls on the first warehouse. To blame:

  1. words with silent prefixes ( be-, ge-, er-, ver-, zer-, ent-, emp-, miss-). And then another warehouse falls loudly;
  2. positioned words (der Comp u ter); a suffix -tion first it is stressed and read, at which point the voice falls on about(die Kontribu tio n);
  3. some other faults (war u m).
What you have been privileged to do is to share with friends:

It’s no secret that learning a foreign language is hard work and hard work. In every case, success cannot be achieved if you do not report it thoroughly. Of course, no matter how old you are, you can be a noble and a child. It is important for the fathers to ask the child for his precious labor and efforts for his child’s life. With every effort, the child obtains the result of her work. The main thing is to work on your tongue.

  1. Work may be regular. As soon as a child begins to read, let her read 5-10 books every day, or once a week for a whole year. Only highly motivated people can afford 1.5-2 years a day (for example, if they are going to quickly reach Germany).
  2. Read it out loud in language.
  3. New words must be written down in a vocabulary book, which is the fault of the mother of the student. This is the simplest technique. Ale vin is the most reliable. Ideally, make cards, but this is a laborious method. But as a matter of fact, our children don’t want to write.
  4. There is no need to be afraid of pardons. You can check your promo for correctness using additional online resources. There are a lot of different sites for children and adults, which are of great satisfaction, both for children and adults, who learn the German language: ,

How to read the main literary works in the German language?

The letter ie is read as dovga ta : Tier

ei - ah nein

eu- oh neun

The German alphabet has specific letters with two dots (Umlaut):

The letter is read as the middle between u i u: Übung

The letter ö is read approximately as the middle between pro and e: schön

Letter ä – e Äpfel

äu-oh Bäume

h after the voice is not read - ah, eh, oh, uh

(Apply: Kahn, zehn, Sohn, Uhr)

ch – x Buch

chs-ks Fuchs

sch-sh Schule

tsch-h deutsch

ß - z groß

st-sht (on the cob of the word that root): Stadt

sp-shp (on the cob of the word that root): Sport

qu-q Quelle

ph-f Asphalt

sh-w Shukow

Litera v looks like f : Vater . In most cases (most often in positioned words) it appears as follows: Vase

Litera w reads like a Russian sound y : Wort

Litera z-ts: Zirkus

The voice of a German language, as a rule, falls on the first warehouse: Ausländer, aufmachen. The culprit is the words from other words: Computer. There were a lot of such people in the German language.

All names in the German language are written with great letter!

Once you have mastered these rules, you can quickly learn to read German. Wait a minute, they're not rich at all.

I wish you good luck!

As a rule, vivchennya foreign languages It’s bad to start from the very foundations, then. from the alphabet and rules of reading. The German language is not to blame. German alphabet, as in English, the bases are in Latin, and there are also deeds of importance that you need to know.

Otje, alphabet of German language It has 26 letters in its warehouse. Umlauti (vocal letters with dots, for example: Ä-ä, Ü-ü, Ö-ö) and ligature ß are respected with the help of rice. In reality it looks like this:

German alphabet

Knowing just the alphabet is not enough, because in everyday literature not all letters can be read the way they are written. A few strict rules for reading German language:

Rules for reading literal letters:

s= [Z] In front of the voices. S ofa, s o, S onne
s= [C] At the end of the word / warehouse. W as d as H aus
ß = [C] short Unreadable How special is the “s” in the word “kasa”! gro ß , Fu ß ball, blo ß
h= [vidih] On the cob the word chi is read as easy vidih. The post-voice note is not readable, but gives time to the voice sound. H anna, h aben, h elfen, wo h in S eh en, ih m, B ah n h of
y= [“soft” y] What is the middle between “u” and “yu” as in the word m Yu since t y Pisch, G y mnastik
r= ["Card" p] I’ll put words on the cob. R enate, R egel, R epublik, ge r adeaus
r= [a] At the end of the words or the warehouse. wi r, mi r,ve r Gessen, Zimme r
x= [ks] Te x t, bo x en
v= [f] In most cases. v iel, v erstehen, v or
v= [V] Have zaposichennyakh. V erb V ase
w=[in] W o, w ir, W ohnung, W inter
c= [C] In the following words. C ity
c=[k] In the following words. C afe, C computer
ä = [e] Like the word " e ra" H ä nde, kl ä ren
ö [“myaky” about] Like the word "m" e d." K ö nnen, K ö ln, Ö sterreich
ü ["soft" y] Like the word "m" Yu sli". m ü de, m ü ssen, f ü nf

The longness and consistency of the voices:

a, e, i, o, u, ä, ö, ü= , , , , , [ ɛː ], [ øː ] [ ] [: ] = dovgotasound In an open or mentally closed warehouse (then if you change the form of the word, the warehouse can be opened again). The sweetness and consistency of the sound flows into the sense of the word! m a len, l e sen, Masch i ne, r o t,d u, g u t, sp ä t,b ö se, m ü de
ah,eh,ih,oh,uh, äh, öh, üh = [a:], [e:], [i:], [o:], [u:], [ɛː], [ øː] [ yː] [: ] = dovgotasound W ah l, s eh en, ih n, w oh nen, K uh, Z ah ne, S Oh ne, fr uh
aa, ee, oo= , , [: ] = dovgotasound S aal, S ee, B oo t

The latest news reads like this:

ch= [hard "x"] Bu ch, ma ch en, la ch en
ch= [xx] Before "i" there is "e". Ich, m ich, r ech ts
sch= [w] Sch ule, Ti sch, sch reiben
ck= [k] le ck er, Sche ck,
chs= [ks] se chs,wa chs en
ph= [f] Ph oto, Ph ysik
qu= [kv] Qu adrat, Qu elle
th= [t] Th eater Th ema
tsch= [h] Tsch echien, deu tsch
tion= [Tsion] Funk tion, Produk tion
pf= [pf] Pf erd, Pf ennig
sp= [shp] On the cob, words and warehouse. Sp ort, sp rechen
st= [pcs] On the cob, words and warehouse. St unde, ver st ehen
ng= [nosova n] The letter "g" is not readable, for which the sound "n" appears in the nose. Übu ng, bri ng en,si ng en
ig= [їх] richt ig, wicht ig

Rules for reading diphthongs (double voices)

ei= [ouch] m ei n, s ei n, Arb ei t, Ei
ai= [ouch] M ai, M ai n
ie= [i] long Br ie f, h ie r,
eu= [ouch] N eu,d eu tsch Eu ro
äu= [ouch] R äu me, H äu ser
au= [ay] H au s, br au n

Well, we've sorted out a little bit about the reading rules. I would like to see more time in the German language. Ale is in other articles on our website.

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