Which doctor produces a spermogram? How to create a spermogram: rules for collecting and factoring into the result. Which doctor prescribes a spermogram

This is the investigation of the human family. Our article today is dedicated to how to form a spermogram correctly.

Which doctor prescribes a spermogram

First of all, it is necessary to seek advice from such doctors as a urologist or andrologist. The doctor will unfasten and give direction to the spermogram. It’s better to please than to earn money. Nina’s spermogram should be obtained from many medical laboratories. It is important that the fertility of sperm is assessed at the same time.

The analysis includes the following indicators:

Physical parameters of sperm.
Features of spermatozoa (some normal and some with pathologies).
Instead of sperm, there are leukocytes, mucus and erythrocytes.

How do you need to submit a spermogram?

To perform an analysis for spermograms, it is necessary to collect the sperm from a sterile container by masturbation. Then it must be delivered to the laboratory as soon as possible. Such containers can be taken from the laboratory, where they are readily available. The ejaculate can be collected at home, and then spread over a length of 20 minutes, so that it does not get cold. To facilitate complex analysis, all special laboratories have a room for collecting samples.

If the spermogram results are significantly different from the norm, the doctor orders the analysis to be re-run. After deciphering the results of the doctor, it is necessary to take care.

Now you know how to give spermogram. Be healthy.

The decline in the reproductive rate of the human population is a problem that has not been forgotten by medical tricks that try to make money from trusting patients. No, everything is clear here. That's why it's important to read the spermogram correctly. A quick and clear analysis of ejaculate (or sperm), what is called “into the vein”.

How to create a spermogram?

Preparation before sperm delivery

If a married couple has any problems with the conception of a child, then both the future mother and the future father succumb to the problem. One of the points of the obligatory program for the rest is the supply of sperm. Before this delicate procedure, the andrologist gives a reminder with a small recommendation that you need to wait a few days before sending sperm (ejaculate) for analysis. Yakshcho in zagalnyh rice, then it is punishable to avoid regular sweats and masturbation for 3-7 days before the procedure, not to drink alcohol (ideally for two days), not to take a steam bath or sauna, and not to urinate for a few years before the procedure. yakulate.

Zdavannya spermogrami

With your permission, I will not describe the procedure of “taking off the fire from the grates.” I will also note that the ejaculate is collected in a sterile plastic tube and transported to the investigation site, then. in the laboratory near the chest or in the hand (it is necessary to maintain body temperature).

Sperm is not something permanent: its warehouse lies in the face of the factors that come, and itself: the functional and psychoemotional state of the body, reception medicinal benefits. For whom one analysis is far from revealing. And since your spermogram has “no life”, this is not yet a reason to scratch your head, because It is necessary to carry out at least one more control shot into the test tube. Please allow 10 days to recharge the batteries.

How to decipher a spermogram

Volume of ejaculate

Example of the results of spermogram analysis The order of sperm concentration is one of the external characteristics of sperm. 2 ml and less is respected for possible criteria of infertility to indicate normal sperm concentration. For such minds, the chance of conception decreases. Why? On the right, the sour middle of the meat is extremely harmful to sperm, and the left part of it does not live in it for a few years. All this time is given to the most fragile of them, so that they can be transported to their destination - in the uterus, where the mind is completely comfortable. It is clear that the lesser the ejaculate, the less the liquid, which protects the sperm from the low pH of the soil.

One more nuance: it is very important to collect all the ejaculate in a test tube, especially the batch that is richest in sperm. If you didn’t manage to earn money, you don’t need to take your failure as a doctor.

The hour of relaxation

Here the initial role is played by the viscosity of the ejaculate. The range of its distribution lies between 10 and 40 units. More than that, it means problems with the front vine.


It’s not worth fussing too much about the color scheme: this display must be interpreted in an unintentional way. In connection with this, it is not given such an important diagnostic role. Sooner is a tribute to tradition. The only thing you can really pay attention to is the erysipelas in the ejaculate, which signals the presence of red blood cells.


For normal sperm there is a weak reaction if the pH is between 7.2-7.4. The pH value helps to determine the presence and localization of ignition spots in the system. Changes in pH indicate burning of the anterior ducts and nasal bulbs, and decreases (up to 6.5) indicate blockage of the remaining excretory ducts.

Quantity of spermatozoa

Valued in 1 ml of ejaculate. Rakhunok is worth millions here. The norm is 20-60 million per 1 ml of ejaculate. Before speech, the low concentration of sperm can be compensated by their advanced ovarian activity.

Spermogram indicators: norm and pathology

Fragility of spermatozoa

Another key indicator of sperm quality. Even if there is a sufficient abundance of spermatozoa, it will not matter at all, as if it stinks of the dead. If you have ever touched a spermogram in your hands, then, melodiously, you have already lost your respect for 4 years - A, B, C, D - the skin of which shows its 100th relationship of spermatozoa. So, it is common to see 4 groups of sperm fragility. To group A comes the “elite” - spermatozoa, which collapse quickly and straightly. Up to group B - the same purpose, but a little more. Loose, or “glutless” spermatozoa, which crumble unconsciously like and unconsciously where (rotten on a stake or on the spot) are brought to group C. Overall, unruly spermatozoa form group D.


In viscous, intact ejaculate, there may be evidence of sperm gluing - aglutination. It is clear that it is important to talk about the possibility of compaction, since spermatozoa have stuck together into a ball. This should be avoided, for example, in case of chronic or inflamed bulbs - vesiculitis. In normal sperm there is no reason for aglutination.

Detection of antisperm antibodies

With severe immune disorders in the body, the production of antibodies against spermatozoa may begin, which, by joining with them, lead to their passage to the egg. Thus, the presence of such antibodies can explain the infertility of a person.

Microscopy of ejaculate

What can be observed under a microscope in normal sperm? Amyloid cells, spermatogenic epithelial cells, lecithin drops and a minimum of leukocytes (0-3). Since there are more leukocytes than this value, plus mucus is always found in the ejaculate, which is a marker of detection ignition process. There are no red blood cells in the ejaculate.

Abnormal sperm

Don’t think that all human sperm are “red”, just like that. This is not the case: among them you can find a number of “bumps” with various defects. For example, with a crooked head, or without a head at all. Spermatozoa with two tails are caught. There is nothing fatal here; the sperm of any person has such “spoilers”. Their food is limited. Some abnormal spermatozoa may exceed 50% of their sperm count.

Spermogram results – doctor’s diagnosis

  • Normozoospermia - ejaculate “with honor” after having been thoroughly tested.
  • Oligozoospermia - there are few spermatozoa - less than 20 million per 1 ml.
  • Teratozoospermia great quantity sperm with abnormal heads and tails (over 50%).
  • Asthenozoospermia - low fluidity for normal-shaped brains and the number of spermatozoa (lower than these two indicators, about which I wrote a little more in the section "Sprouting").
  • Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia is a combination of three types of diseases.
  • Azoospermia is the constant presence of sperm in the ejaculate.
  • Aspermia is the complete absence of sperm itself.

And finally, I’ll point out once again that ejaculate is not a field to cross. The vigor of sperm varies greatly depending on the individual’s way of life. Chicken and especially alcohol are harmful. The same can be said in a row medicinal drugs for example, certain antidepressants, tranquilizers, antihypertensive drugs (especially clonidine),

An analysis that determines the number of acidic and unclear spermatozoa is called a spermogram. The medicine is used to identify the cause of infertility in a person. This procedure is highly effective and informative, since it is possible to assess the state of the reproductive system for several indicators.

What pathologies can be detected in the presence of spermograms?

To help you get a spermogram, you can consult a doctor to help identify any problems.

For further investigation, it is possible to determine where the human reproductive system is located, and how it differs from the norm:

  • It is difficult to tell the sperm about oligospermia;
  • Asthenozoospermia indicates low sperm activity;
  • If spermatozoa show a decrease in friability, a diagnosis of akinozoospermia is made;
  • For the presence of live spermatozoa in the ejaculate, doctors diagnose necrozoospermia;
  • An abundance of defective sperm indicates teratozoospermia;
  • If red blood cells are present in the home, hemospermia is detected;
  • A high concentration of leukocytes in the ejaculate indicates leukocytospermia;
  • Since sperm have died there are no spermatozoa, so we can talk about azoospermia.

After receiving the results of the investigation, the doctor will work to make an accurate diagnosis. If necessary, additional procedures are prescribed.

It is also important to go to which doctor to get a spermogram, unless the doctor can evaluate the indicators revealed.

Rules for conducting analysis

If a spermogram is required, it is indicated by a doctor, or a consultant at the clinic. To pass this quilting, you need to add a few pounds important rules In general, there are the following points:

  • A few days before you have a sperm analysis, you need to be careful about the state of proximity. Depending on the selected clinic, the period of death may vary;
  • During the period before the analysis, it is recommended not to take alcohol or drugs that may have a strong effect on the body. This is also the case with narcotic, sedative and calming effects;
  • It is necessary to take precautions when using saunas, laznes and solariums.

Sperm collection can be done by a number of methods, with the simplest and most common being masturbation.

Previously, it was allowed to use a condom and interrupt the statutory act. Today, these methods do not change, but the risk of uneven results is moving forward.

Regardless of which doctor creates a spermogram, the collection of ejaculate is carried out in a specially equipped laboratory. The need for sterility during the collection of biological material is extremely important in the home.

If the results of the follow-up to the doctor seem dubious, the patient is referred for a repeat procedure, in which the clinic may be different.

Expert's Thought When tests are carried out that involve taking blood from a vein, then a blood sample is taken first, followed by a spermogram. In addition, the collection of ejaculate and the collection of smears from the urethra are not carried out on the same day. After radiography and ultrasound examination, sperm donation is not carried out.

Accuracy of the results obtained

To clarify the sperm indicators submitted for further investigation, doctors recommend performing a spermogram several times in different clinics. The reliability of the indicators may be affected by various factors, for example, a short sampling interval or failure to confirm the doctor’s instructions before preparation.

It is important to analyze the results of the spermogram. What kind of doctor are you going to be mad at, why did this happen? An andrologist can order a re-examination based on the first analysis.

It should be noted that the most effective methods of investigation can lead to theft. A large number of cells are supported by an additional Goryaev camera, but this device produces results with a loss of 5%. It is also important to call those that established norms are intellectual. As a practical matter, the doctor takes a spermogram to ensure the possible monitoring of singing performances.

How are the results considered normal?

The ejaculate that is submitted for investigation is examined for a variety of indicators that are considered important for the underlying cause of human infertility. There are a lot of norms of indicators depending on which doctor deciphers the spermogram. For example, an andrologist and a sex therapist pay attention to different indications, for which different standards may be established.

Well, such displays are given special respect:

  • Normal sperm volume varies between 3-5 ml. If the value is lower, then there may be problems with frontal or other creases;
  • The hour of sparseness may last no more than one year. If this parameter is shifted, the doctor may assume the presence of vesiculitis or chronic prostatitis. This display brings great peace to the possibility of conception;
  • Duje important food If you go to a doctor with a spermogram of an uncharacteristic color, you can tell about serious illnesses. Normally, sperm is whitish, yellowish or gray. If there is a red or brown color, it is important to assume that the patient has calculous prostatitis or chronic vesiculitis;
  • The indicator of the meadow middle ground is currently in the range of 7.2-7.8. If this is far from normal, then prostatitis or vesiculitis may be diagnosed;
  • There are at least 20 million sperm per 1 ml of ejaculate. If the result is lower, patients may be diagnosed with “oligozoospermia”;
  • Duje important parameter- looseness of spermatozoa. To evaluate this parameter, create special groups. The first group of sperm enters, like the girls, they just collapse. A friend has sperm that is rapidly falling forward. Spermatozoa have reached the third group, which, in the hour of their full power, can change directly. The remaining group includes sperm, reduced friability.

After the spermogram has been completed, it will be clear which doctor you will go to for its results. In case of insufficient fluidity of spermatozoa, an andrologist can diagnose asthenozoospermia. This pathology is most often detected when a person has poor functioning conditions or testicular damage.

An analysis that determines the number of acidic and unclear spermatozoa is called a spermogram. The medicine is used to identify the cause of infertility in a person. This procedure is highly effective and informative, since it is possible to assess the state of the reproductive system for several indicators.

What pathologies can be detected in the presence of spermograms?

To help you get a spermogram, you can consult a doctor to help identify any problems.

For further investigation, it is possible to determine where the human reproductive system is located, and how it differs from the norm:

  • It is difficult to tell the sperm about oligospermia;
  • Asthenozoospermia indicates low sperm activity;
  • If spermatozoa show a decrease in friability, a diagnosis of akinozoospermia is made;
  • For the presence of live spermatozoa in the ejaculate, doctors diagnose necrozoospermia;
  • An abundance of defective sperm indicates teratozoospermia;
  • If red blood cells are present in the home, hemospermia is detected;
  • A high concentration of leukocytes in the ejaculate indicates leukocytospermia;
  • Since sperm have died there are no spermatozoa, so we can talk about azoospermia.

After receiving the results of the investigation, the doctor will work to make an accurate diagnosis. If necessary, additional procedures are prescribed.

It is also important to go to which doctor to get a spermogram, unless the doctor can evaluate the indicators revealed.

Rules for conducting analysis

If a spermogram is required, it is indicated by a doctor, or a consultant at the clinic. To achieve this goal, you need to follow a number of important rules, including the following points:

  • A few days before you have a sperm analysis, you need to be careful about the state of proximity. Depending on the selected clinic, the period of death may vary;
  • During the period before the analysis, it is recommended not to take alcohol or drugs that may have a strong effect on the body. This is also the case with narcotic, sedative and calming effects;
  • It is necessary to take precautions when using saunas, laznes and solariums.

Sperm collection can be done by a number of methods, with the simplest and most common being masturbation.

Previously, it was allowed to use a condom and interrupt the statutory act. Today, these methods do not change, but the risk of uneven results is moving forward.

Regardless of which doctor creates a spermogram, the collection of ejaculate is carried out in a specially equipped laboratory. The need for sterility during the collection of biological material is extremely important in the home.

If the results of the follow-up to the doctor seem dubious, the patient is referred for a repeat procedure, in which the clinic may be different.

Expert's Thought When tests are carried out that involve taking blood from a vein, then a blood sample is taken first, followed by a spermogram. In addition, the collection of ejaculate and the collection of smears from the urethra are not carried out on the same day. After radiography and ultrasound examination, sperm donation is not carried out.

Accuracy of the results obtained

To clarify the sperm indicators submitted for further investigation, doctors recommend performing a spermogram several times in different clinics. The reliability of the indicators may be affected by various factors, for example, a short sampling interval or failure to confirm the doctor’s instructions before preparation.

It is important to analyze the results of the spermogram. What kind of doctor are you going to be mad at, why did this happen? An andrologist can order a re-examination based on the first analysis.

It should be noted that the most effective methods of investigation can lead to theft. A large number of cells are supported by an additional Goryaev camera, but this device produces results with a loss of 5%. It is also important to call those that established norms are intellectual. As a practical matter, the doctor takes a spermogram to ensure the possible monitoring of singing performances.

How are the results considered normal?

The ejaculate that is submitted for investigation is examined for a variety of indicators that are considered important for the underlying cause of human infertility. There are a lot of norms of indicators depending on which doctor deciphers the spermogram. For example, an andrologist and a sex therapist pay attention to different indications, for which different standards may be established.

Well, such displays are given special respect:

  • Normal sperm volume varies between 3-5 ml. If the value is lower, then there may be problems with frontal or other creases;
  • The hour of sparseness may last no more than one year. Due to this movement parameter, the doctor may suspect the presence of vesiculitis or chronic prostatitis. This display brings great peace to the possibility of conception;
  • Even the most important nutritionists are those who need to go to a spermogram with an uncharacteristic color, so they can indicate serious illness. Normally, sperm is whitish, yellowish or gray. If there is a red or brown color, it is important to assume that the patient has calculous prostatitis or chronic vesiculitis;
  • The indicator of the meadow middle ground is currently in the range of 7.2-7.8. If this is far from normal, then prostatitis or vesiculitis may be diagnosed;
  • There are at least 20 million sperm per 1 ml of ejaculate. If the result is lower, patients may be diagnosed with “oligozoospermia”;
  • A very important parameter is the friability of spermatozoa. To evaluate this parameter, create special groups. The first group of sperm enters, like the girls, they just collapse. A friend has sperm that is rapidly falling forward. Spermatozoa have reached the third group, which, in the hour of their full power, can change directly. The remaining group includes sperm, reduced friability.

After the spermogram has been completed, it will be clear which doctor you will go to for its results. In case of insufficient fluidity of spermatozoa, an andrologist can diagnose asthenozoospermia. This pathology is most often detected when a person has poor functioning conditions or testicular damage.

A spermogram is a semen examination, a single analysis that allows a complete assessment of the patient’s fertility. Also, monitoring the presence of sperm cells makes it possible to detect the presence of possible pathologies affecting the pelvic organs. Correct decoding of spermograms means further celebration. Patients often have nutritionists who are engaged in deciphering the results. This function is performed by an andrologist, with whom many patients can read the spermogram independently. Let's take a look at what the analysis can show.

The destruction that appears as a spermogram

The doctor recommends performing a similar analysis if it is necessary to diagnose low pathology and illness:

  • Insufficient sperm production, which indicates oligospermia.
  • Insufficient sperm activity, what can we talk about asthenozoospermia.
  • The complete inviolability of spermatozoa indicates the presence of akinozoospermia.
  • With a low concentration of sperm in the ejaculate, we talk about oligozoospermia.
  • The presence of live sperm in the ejaculate indicates necrozoospermia.
  • The diagnosis of teratozoospermia is based on a particularly high concentration of abnormal sperm.
  • We speak about hemospermia due to the presence of erythrocytes in our country.
  • In cases of high concentration of leukocytes in sperm, leukocytospermia is indicated.
  • Nowadays, in every day of life, we can talk about the presence of azoospermia.

After the result has been determined, the doctor conducts his assessment, according to special standards approved by the World Health Organization.

It is important to understand what to expect in that case, if the patient can understand what to say about these and other indicators, only the doctor describes the course of action aimed at filling the spermogram. Another subtlety lies in the complexity of the assessment of all obvious test results, which can be interpreted by qualifying doctors.

How to give an analysis

How accurate is the analysis?

As you might have guessed, a spermogram needs to be taken a number of times, as the results vary. For example, if during the first delivery the volume of ejaculate reached 4 ml, then the volume may be different next year. This hardening can be set to other tracking parameters.

A very demonstrative experiment was carried out. The patient carried out a spermogram for two days, during which the sperm concentration per hour was monitored from 120 million/1 ml of ejaculate to 15 million/1 ml. While the first result can be considered valid, the other indicates the presence of oligozoospermia. Therefore, the doctor can recommend multiple investigations, the interval between the collection of sperm becomes two years old.

It is also necessary to believe that the most effective methods will lead to death. Today, one of the most precise devices for frying a large number of cells is the Goryaev camera, with which the loss rate is 5%. Before that, standards have been established to improve your intelligence. There are different types of episodes, if the discharge from the norm is more productive in the nutrition of conception, less common to all ejaculates. For these very reasons, a non-qualified andrologist can correctly decipher a spermogram.

Analysis results - what to consider as a norm

Let’s take a look at the established norms for a healthy ejaculate:

Also, when looking at the results, the morphology of sperm, their gluing (aglutination) among themselves, the presence of leukocytes and erythrocytes, and the presence of mucus in sperm are assessed.

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