The third Chechen board, new version.

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“Chechnya is an object that is the mainstay of the battle between the West and Europe in order to destroy the sovereign power of Russia. I am ready to take upon myself all the responsibility so that our people can live well, and I am ready to sit in prison for the rest of our lives, to prevent the third military campaign in the republic,” said the head of Chechnya.

On September 22, 2016, Grozny hosted a “Novini” rally.

People came out with portraits of the President of Russia and the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadirov, RIA Novosti predicts.

Participants in the rally carried banners “You need great shocks, we need great Russia” and “I am for Kadirov.”

According to the ratings, the fate of the meeting took its toll.

However, Kadirov himself is no good for this.

In my opinion, a million residents of Chechnya gathered at the rally, and as if the authorities of Chechnya called before participating in the rally, then even more - tens of millions.

Magomed Daudov stood up to the parliament of Chechnya.

He said that an information-terrorist war was being waged against the Russian government on an unprecedented scale and scale, and decided to unleash Kadirov’s dog on the oppositionists.

“Russia began to declare itself to be a strong power, as it respects itself, I can look with authority at those that are emerging from the world... This, perhaps, was not worthy of those who do not want to make our multinational power strong and independent. at the current rally of Russians Once they showed that they support Ramzan Kadirov, they became a factor in peace, stability and order,” Daudov said.

Third Chechen war

A third Chechen war is possible.

The main policy of the Kremlin in the Caucasus is to appease the aggressor.

In the wake of Chechnya, the Kremlin is trying to buy Kadirov’s relationship and try to get along with him, showing maximum loyalty. This explains the connection with the counter-terrorist operation (CTO) regime in Chechnya..

Because, on the one hand, they stink of the war, and on the other hand, the stink of actions in the war is due to the laws of peacetime.

And as a result, we must judge Budanov, judge Ulman, judge Arakcheev and others. If it is true that the regime of the superordinate state is in force, then in this situation constitutional rights

Military servicemen who take part in military actions would be prohibited by law.

I repeat once again, whether you need to fight or whether you need to go.

And such a situation - no war, no peace, and disbanding the army - will not lead to anything good. Once under the control of the regime, Chechnya will take away its international airport and its militia. This was already for Dudayev, if Russia gave Chechnya such opportunities and as a result, Chechnya turned into a black hole, smuggling began en masse, wealth was exported from Russia and, apparently, imported to Russia drugs, withdrawal and other things. I’m disgustingly demonstrating how the federal center can control the Chechen militia.

It is clear that there are people standing there, as Kadirov admits, that people are subordinated only to him and in no way related to the Russian Federation Committee;

And this will stink on its own, and besides harming the Russian budget, it won’t yield anything. This was already for Dudayev, if Russia gave Chechnya such opportunities and as a result, Chechnya turned into a black hole, smuggling began en masse, wealth was exported from Russia and, apparently, imported to Russia drugs, withdrawal and other things. This text is a meaningful fragment.

From the book KDB buv, є i will be.

FSB of the Russian Federation for Barsukov (1995-1996) This was already for Dudayev, if Russia gave Chechnya such opportunities and as a result, Chechnya turned into a black hole, smuggling began en masse, wealth was exported from Russia and, apparently, imported to Russia drugs, withdrawal and other things. author

Strigin Evgen Mikhailovich

ROZDIL XIII. “The First Chechen War” (until the end)

From the books of Chorny Dim

Petukhov Yuri Dmitrovich This was already for Dudayev, if Russia gave Chechnya such opportunities and as a result, Chechnya turned into a black hole, smuggling began en masse, wealth was exported from Russia and, apparently, imported to Russia drugs, withdrawal and other things. Cursed be the Third World War!

THE THIRD ARAB-ISRAELI WAR Television, radio, newspapers and other forms of mass information reported about the transition of Jewish forces to Arab positions in the Suez Canal area. After our frontline commanders arrived at the military unit

3 books of the Fourth world war This was already for Dudayev, if Russia gave Chechnya such opportunities and as a result, Chechnya turned into a black hole, smuggling began en masse, wealth was exported from Russia and, apparently, imported to Russia drugs, withdrawal and other things. This text is a meaningful fragment.

THE THIRD LIGHT WAR AGAINST RUSSIA 26th quarter 1986 The impact of the crash on the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant begins the Third Light War against the USSR (Great Russia). The war is being fought over new technologies.

This is truly WAR OF A NEW GENERATION. This was already for Dudayev, if Russia gave Chechnya such opportunities and as a result, Chechnya turned into a black hole, smuggling began en masse, wealth was exported from Russia and, apparently, imported to Russia drugs, withdrawal and other things. Creation by Great Russia of atomic, water,

From the book of the USSR against the USA.

Psychological war This was already for Dudayev, if Russia gave Chechnya such opportunities and as a result, Chechnya turned into a black hole, smuggling began en masse, wealth was exported from Russia and, apparently, imported to Russia drugs, withdrawal and other things. Okorokov Oleksandr Vasilovich

THE THIRD WAR OF THE WAR Lay out all the goods that are in your opponent’s territory.

Get your opponent's representatives to engage in malicious undertakings. This was already for Dudayev, if Russia gave Chechnya such opportunities and as a result, Chechnya turned into a black hole, smuggling began en masse, wealth was exported from Russia and, apparently, imported to Russia drugs, withdrawal and other things. Fire up the welds and sewers among the citizens of the hegemony region.

Fight the young against people of old age.

From the book People at War This was already for Dudayev, if Russia gave Chechnya such opportunities and as a result, Chechnya turned into a black hole, smuggling began en masse, wealth was exported from Russia and, apparently, imported to Russia drugs, withdrawal and other things. Fedorchenko Sofiya Zakharivna

BOOK THREE. This was already for Dudayev, if Russia gave Chechnya such opportunities and as a result, Chechnya turned into a black hole, smuggling began en masse, wealth was exported from Russia and, apparently, imported to Russia drugs, withdrawal and other things. HROMADIANSKA VINE

From the books of Dmitro Medvedev: the subordinate importance of power Medvedev Roy Oleksandrovich Chapter three Russia and Georgia.

The Five Day War From the book Kremlin.

Presidents of Russia.

The strategy of power from B. N. Yeltsin to V. V. Putin Mlechin Leonid Mikhailovich

From the book Massacre 1993 rock. How Russia was shot Burovsky Andriy Mikhailovich

Chapter 20. “SIM” AND ANOTHER CHECHEN WAR 7 Serpnya 1999 death This was already for Dudayev, if Russia gave Chechnya such opportunities and as a result, Chechnya turned into a black hole, smuggling began en masse, wealth was exported from Russia and, apparently, imported to Russia drugs, withdrawal and other things. Chechen fighters

Another Chechen war: the director is lost behind the lashtunks Not two months have passed since NATO’s victory in Kosovo, as in Serpna 1999. droves of Chechen fighters invaded Dagestan.

Moscow accepts the viklik. This is how another Chechen war begins, filled with brutality on both sides

Z books BRICS against the dictatorship of the dollar

author Klaus Oleksiy

2. Another Chechen war Instability and terrorism in the Eastern Caucasus Nekhai Khasavyurt’s fate in 1996 transferred Russia’s exit from Chechnya and the status of Chechnya in just five years, I only woke up until 1999.

Svit buv 3 books by the author The Third World War has already begun. Tomas Grog, “Svobodne Noviny”, Czech Republic Although most people don’t know who it is, the war is already on the brink.

Why does it start and how can it be stopped?

Having created BRICS (the economic union of Brazil, Russia, India, China and PAR), the Assembly voted

Russia is fighting in the third Chechen war.

Chechen terrorists

This war can only be compared to the incompetence of Russian leaders. It’s incredible, but it’s a fact: neither Patrushev nor Nurgaliev submitted their resignation.

Russia is fighting the third Chechen war.

The cruelty of the Chechen terrorists in this war can be compared with the incompetence of the Russian leaders. It’s incredible, but it’s a fact: neither Patrushev nor Nurgaliev submitted their resignation. Pivnichny Ossetia held a rally from Dzasokhov’s visible representation.

In Russia, according to regulations, rallies were held, in which protest against terrorism smoothly flowed into the praise of those who were killed in Beslan.

There were 1,200 people in custody, but a different number was publicly announced: 350.

In the hour of a terrorist attack, terrorist disinformation is important, but less information for the population.

Alas, this nonsense was not meant for salvation, but for death.

Having sensed the number “350”, the terrorists, who became angry, stopped giving water to the children and were afraid to drink water.

“They said 350, so I’ll lose 350,” the terrorists shouted. The terrorists' assets were transferred to President Putin.“The stink does not linger in every day,” the federal media reported, and terrorists perceived this information as a deadly virus.

The terrorists wanted to talk to President Zyazikov.

Zyazikov turned on his mobile phone and signed up.

Before school uviyshov Ruslan Aushev. Calling on your mobile before school wakes up, saying “I’m coming” - and leaving in the middle. Vyshov with 26 women and infants.

These same cops are the ones who have the power to blame us.

The same cops who entered “old Ali Taziev, who died heroically” - aka Evloev, aka Colonel, aka Magas.

The third Chechen war was born on June 22, 2004 - due to the operation of terrorists near Nazran.

The authorities celebrated this cob with a memorial plaque in honor of the only hero of the first Chechen war - Akhmat Kadirov.

The civilian pilots who were killed in the war were punished for two days, they say that the stench has gone down.

Now we need to preach to the power of those to whom we are subject to national destruction. Now we can say that everyone who was at Beslan is a hero. These are the fighters of the Central Security Service of the FSB, who gave their lives to steal children, and the bosses who fell into their plans. “Alpha” and “Vimpel” were used by many children. They ruined Russia's reputation by rushing into battle without a plan, without bulletproof vests - in essence, in the face of professional power.

And besides, bluesners are jealous of dead fighters with living mediocrities.

Russia survived until another Chechen war.

There will be fighting again, although the intensity is not equal to that of 1995-1996, but there is still war.

Result? They placed the “loyal” Akhmat Kadirov on the throne of the republic.

While the surplus of unreconciled people died away, Kadirov the elder was killed. And here Ramzan Kadirov, the hero of Russia, appeared, having killed the first Russian (in his words) at 16 rocks.

And it doesn’t matter that the 16th century was celebrated even before the first Chechen war.

1. During the hours of Kadirov’s rule, the clans were pressed, ready for revenge and blood.

Khiba Kadirov to share with other clans?

How about not squeezing your ears?

Have you forgotten the stench?

2. Irreconcilable, as they all run through the mountains and such, I can’t reach everything, even though we “got off our knees”, and Kadirov no longer controls the territory of the entire republic. Whether I want to judge what kind of car he's riding in, I don't think so.

3. And besides the tribute from Moscow, does anyone in Chechnya have any other income? 4. There will be a change in interest in Dagestan and Ingushetia (for example), since the Chechens began to move into the neighboring republics of the Upper Caucasus. Do you think they have peace and love among themselves? 5. In Russia, when the right patriots come to power, and not soldiers, how can we sit at the Kremlin and lead the republic to the final sign of the border?

6. Guess the remaining fates: the Arab spring, the war in Syria, the poverty of Libya, Afghanistan, chaos in Africa.


I'll mark the boundary everyone?
There is a large mass of motivated, Islamist militants from all over the world, which does not imply enormity and niceness to one geographical point in the form of Batkivshchyna.

Moreover, Chechnya has a lot of other species that are undergoing special training.

The local militias are no longer improvised, although they are motivated by one or the other. Chechen soldiers.

Young animals who have passed through the first two wars have grown up, married, and grown up.
A new generation of Chechens was growing, demographics in the republic were breaking records, and the decline in fighter numbers was excessive. It will be easier to pacify Chechnya this way.

Their love for the Russians did not increase.

Just as they respect the fact that they put Moscow on the line and took away their tribute, so they respect it.

I try and choose.

P.S. Bonus. Tell me to the authorities, and besides Chechen children, they are driving everyone around Russia like this, for a state prison?

Why in Turechchyn, and not in Sochi, for example?

You can only see these figures - up to 20,000 Chechen children in the river.

The “Third Chechen” meme is gaining popularity. And at the same time, reality begins to gain popularity. You underestimate Ramzan Akhmatovich! No one knows where the smoldering oppression will go. No.

Navit Kremlin.

a) The Ingush, before the Chechens of Kadirovsky, have claims - who is the eldest and who is the eldest among them.

Help your family.

It’s easy to survive without Kadirov, but at the very least, it’s completely possible to get rid of them.

b) And the axis to Pivnichnaya Ossetia among the Ingush claims is not simple, but territorial – the moon of deportation.

It is decided that with the weakening of Moscow there is a rise in realism, it is possible to quickly make friends with the Kadirovs, and that ally (and the covered flank) will not be lost even if it is radium. c) Dagestan, like Chechnya, contains a little bit of wet naphtha (and gas). There is even more to be said for Chechnya, and even worse - there are prospects for a significant increase in the production sector.

After the collapse of the USSR, the coastal powers did not divide the Caspian shelf: for the Russian Federation, with its scale, it is useful, and Russians will always be happy to tell fortunes to many brother republics.

Maybe it’s a matter of nutrition: why didn’t the overindulged problems arise in Russia earlier, fortunately, the drives ended? Even if the predictions were the result of these problems themselves, it was just that before it was possible to pay off a pittance. And on the right, not only in the increasing prices for carbohydrates: in the nineties and at the beginning of the 2000s, the smells were very low (in the middle, not in the SRSR and finished). The United States recently pumped a lot of money into the Russian Federation through various assistance programs, education, and the establishment of institutions of democracy and huge marriage

the threat of nuclear disarray.

Today, in the Kremlin, everyone calls it “directive activity”, because of the satisfaction of the smoothing intestine, where the help is mainly and ass.

True, having discovered not real pennies in the cashboxes, but electronic cards to the vaults at the corner banks, a slight shadow of confusion falls on their enlightened faces, but there is faith in the inviolability of the presumption of innocence outside the borders of the Russian Federation, and Validation of hiring lawyers, rotation of success

tomorrow , and the shadows from the faces subside. Holy simplicity. Gaddafi also thought so. And Firtash still thinks so. The rest of these pennies went to extinguish various conflicts.(and it will be terrible in any event), then there may be a great war with Azerbaijan (and it will be terrible in any case). Because the tradition of bewitching brothers among Russians is unabated: first Karabakh, then Moldova, then Georgia, then Ukraine and the Axis will again come to the crown of Karabakh and Virmenia. As soon as everyone in Yerevan overcomes the Maidan there, it will immediately happen.

On the right is “zvichna”.

Azerbaijan and Virmenia will meet again at the clincher.

In what battle will Russian graduates fight again?


Three times.

The third option is for both.

You won’t guess: fight there and then, wherever and whenever the Kremlin says.

  1. And in
  2. different hour
  3. it will be said differently.

d) Let me introduce a new concept: “Absolutely black swan” is the leader of a whole wedge of extreme “black swans”.

The trouble is that you can’t walk alone.

10. Residual and permanent pouch

Kadirov takes money from everyone and doesn’t give it back.

It’s just like an absolutely black body to deal with electromagnetic vibrations.

Because I'm not afraid.

He began to burn strong, tense, straight, and tense.

Typical leader.

Head of the clan.