The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Passage for Companions. Testing Valor Skyrim Quest Testing Valor

At free hour Companions fight one by one. Beat your own, so that they were afraid of strangers!

Smilivtsі, voіni, vіdchaydushnі slashers and biters - such are the Companions before us. Stink suvori, ale friendly. The stinks linger at the old booth of Jorrvaskr, which is near Whiteran, and then they linger around the skyrim. The stench of the miraculous warriors and buildings is rich enough to teach us. For them to rob with armor that armor is the best blacksmith in all provinces. However, in view of the public, the Companions are kept aloof, and in view of which - the “inner circle” of the Companions is suciously “gifted” with lycanthropy. The shaggy and toothy animals are far from being a sign of the guild of warriors.

Quest for the Companions is not just a clerk, like, for example, among magicians. In order to take care of the skin's footsteps, the heroes need a head of vikonati to one vipadkovo creation by the Radiant Story system. Such a pidhіd urіznomanіtnyu gro, аlе pіdkrivає pavement unacceptable bugs, building tightly shut up the line of Companions. To that, playing for the whole team, take it as a rule to save less after the skin plot quest. If the quest quest turns out to be unimaginable - you are tempted to take another.

CE BAG: vrahuyte so, scho vie, mabut, do not mind enough to vilіkuvatisya in vіd bаnої with the Companions of lycanthropy. The hero’s vuha will become hairy, and the wolf’s smile will last until the end of the day. If you don’t want to constantly hear the comments of the guards about the drive of growth in the air and the smell of psini, girls, think first, proceed to the quest “A silver hand” (I’ll give you lycanthropy).

More than anything, you know about the Companions, solving the quest “Before the Storm” from the main story line. At the front of Whiterun, on the Pelagio farm, you will hear a group of warriors, like they are shoving with the feet of a giant. The stench will tell you what the Companions are and live stink on that hillock, in the “old booth” of Jorrvaskr.

PORADA: best to spare a companion before him, how to go to Jorrvaskr. There will be their companions, and the number of unacceptable scripting bugs will be much less.

To hell

"I'm not afraid of you!"

Before you go to Jorrvaskr, you will become a witness to a fistfight between two yogo bagmen. After the signing of the stosunkiv Companions unanimously guide the hero to the basement, to Provisnik (as the elder is called here) Kodlak. Vіn, at your hand, I will command you to rule the battle of Vilkas, so that you will know, we have strength.

The fight itself is clumsy, the shards contain the hero of the early rivnas. It is not possible to cast magic in the new victor (the armor is also enchanted). It’s important to strike a strong hero, so that you don’t inadvertently hit Vilkas, if you’ve already given up, - in whose case you are checked for inaccuracies.

After the battles, they will send us from the warehouses to the shipyard, to the Heavenly Forge to Eorlund Siroy Grivi, and then - back, from the other warehouses. Farkas will be shown lightly, where you can learn, and on which task the task will be completed.

Testing Valor

Skjor іz zavdannyam - look at the Old Cavern and rozshukat there Vugluskr tricks ... that, vibatchte, Vutrad - the legendary sokiri, like Volodya Isgramor, the ancient leader of the Nords, who came from across the sea. Our companion will be Farkas, fighting with a two-handed sword (your companion, as a rule, will be let out for the next hour).

TO THE VIEW: If you started a quest on a high level, be ready before folding. The enemies will be strong, and Farkas will be weak. Do not let Yogo forward, protect and try not to score.

Even soon it becomes unfamiliar - the hero will appear closed in the past, and Farkas will have to change his ways in order to lie, thereby revealing the secret of the lycanthropy of the Companions.

If you spend up to the ancient crypt, take a turn on the right. In the first place, you will hear the myslivets-original that stands at the sarcophagus with crossed hands that depicts a draugr. In a different way, you will know the majestic hall (the key to the entrance in the screen is not far from the door), and there is the word of power “Vognyane dihannya” and the wulamok Wutrad.

Well, it’s better to take some tricks, how to start putting on us baggies of sarcophagi on a choli with a strong fleece. Seeing them is the best standing on the table, de vie took the tricks - so the draugr will be more important to reach you.

Exit from the cairn - behind the gatherings, the stars went into the undead. After turning back to us, we check the rozmov from Vilkas and the urochist ceremony of admission to the Companions.

Silver hand

In the role of an honorary donor is Eyla.

I will again be brought to the viscounty before the appointment. Zrobivshi yoga, turn around at Jorrvaskr. Skjor shoos us anew, and now the wine is propagating under the cover of the darkness of the Forge. So, you guessed it right - the rite is dedicated to us in the inversion, Testing the blood. As long as the hero can't wait for a new one, don't bachiti youma kar'єri in the Companions.

Since the thoughtful Eyla becomes a werewolf blood donor for us, it is not necessary to be rich in the city - the public does not appreciate the varta. You can turn to the Lower Forge and through another turn, rebound to the will, or simply bud, until the effect stops working.

TO THE VIEW: Lycanthropy gives strength, swiftness, spritnist and hard blows. However, the effect of transformation on the beast will soon end, so as not to sip yoga, devouring the corpses. You can move around anytime. Kіltse Khіrsіna (quest from the king of the same name daedra) gives the opportunity to transform the two. The shape of the inversion does not work with a speech bear, it is not possible to cast spells. To hate everything, but not to harm the reputation of the hero, so as not to change in front of everyone.

The hero renews his wisdom and travels far away from Whiterun, white of the Vyselnaya Skele, de same Eyla Nalashtovu Yogo to the fortress of the “Silver Hand”. The middle ones are thoughtful and werewolfs shoplenі them. It is not necessary for the captive werewolves to attack us.

A gang of myslivtsiv - Krev Shkuroder. Drive in її and hang for a new vipadkovy quest in Eili.

TO THE VIEW: Now, in order to take the plot forward, it is necessary to complete two quests already.

Blood is honor

Glenmoril's Witch. Already with fir'yam and pazuras, but still not flying.

I call us Provisnik Kodlak. You know the way to get healthy in the form of lycanthropy, as three hundred years the Glenmoril witches gave to the Companions. The secret is in the heads of all. You need to bring your brother.

Let's live at the Glenmoril coven. The power of wine is simple - one entry and five times. In the skin - one at a time (technically, the bells). The trolls are guarding the deyakikh, others are blazing the stove themselves on their own.

CE BAG: if you want to wiggle yourself, you will need two heads. If you want to vilіkuvat all werewolves - chotiri. It’s even more important not to take “on board” the head of the head, the shards of sweat, you won’t be able to throw them out of the speech bear, but always pull the head of the head with you - satisfied with the amateur.

Turning back to Jorrvaskr, we thought that the Companions' headquarters were attacked. Vilkas to consecrate us at the details (Kodlak is dead, the mustaches of Vutrad have been stolen) and you can see the upcoming quest.

CE BAG: the finale of the quest is more unsafe for scripts that got stuck, so you will save yourself before you turn your heads at Whiterun. For the rest of the story, you can shut up, as the hero has taken a quest to poke around Sholom Winterhold from the jarl there. Change your mind, you don’t have any quest (win, before speech, and so much more bugs).

cleaning pomsta

"Srebna hand", rattling the rollover, say: "Rrraarr!" What else can you say?

For the bent bat, you need to take revenge. Together with Wilkas, we go to Driftshade, which is far away in the night, and clean up yoga in the “Silver Hand”, for example long way take from the table the clothes of the legendary falcon.

TO THE VIEW: Vilkas on high equals tezh zalabky - before the flooring, that in the camp "and I'm lying, and I'm rotten" yogo can call one single blow.

Our enemies here will be, obviously, myslivtsy "Silver Hands", and only stench.

Remaining borg

From i wide pіch smithy got to know.

The first part of the quest is farewell to Kodlak. Vіn bude urochisto sleeping on the kowalski stove. After the ceremony, the forge of Eorlund should be brought to us and asked to bring the rest of Wutrad's tricks from the room of the colossal Forerunner, so that we can try and re-forge. Pіslya tsgogo vin led us to the Lower Forge.

There’s a super-cheat on the subject of what you can and should viconate the rest of Kodlak’s will and heal his soul in the form of lycanthropy, so that she could spend it to the banquet bays of Radgard. The bag will be innocuous: in order to try to cleanse the soul of the gang, it is necessary to look into the tomb of Igramor, and the key to it - that very sokira Vutrad - is broken.

"A axis and ni!" - it’s like a forger and enter at the reception with a juice at the ready. And now you have to go to the tomb, which is on the island on the pivnichny entrance from Winterhold. Inside, give Wutrad into the hands of Igrom (then you will be able to take it away) and go to the inner place.

We will surround the squints and spiders, which are the best for the flooded tombs; The stench will not be very annoying, because they are not enemies to us, but simply want to test our strength. Partners easily run into them.

For example, you will find Kodlak on the way and then move, throwing your head back in the dark half-light, lift up the primary wow, which you jumped, and by the same token set the old Companion to Radgard. The trick can be repeated by forcing yourself, Farkas and Vilkas. For whom it is necessary to recognize them as companions, they will lead you to the black half-light. Yeila should be led marno - she should be a werewolf. Before that, in order to clear the underground, do not forget to take the shield of the grave from the screen.

On the right, it is shattered - the reforged juice of Wutrad can be taken away and koristuvatisya.

Now you are the Provisnik of Companions. You will be given their temperamental quests, you can lead them along like companions and bring brothers of them to the people and the squad. At the Heavenly Forge you can forge new armor. Zbroya will appear in the new "draugrіvskiy" distribution, and the wielders - at the daedric one (and for this kuvannya it is necessary to follow the steel).

One radiant quest

  • Next Quest: Silver hand
  • Nagorod: Heavenly steel armor,
    word for shouting Vognyane dihannya
  • ID: C01
  • Guarantee rate: 6
  • Ulamok Ulamok in the Old Cairn.

    Shvidke passage

    1. After completing one radiant quest, talk to Skjor.
    2. Get in touch with Farkas and break up to the Ancient Cairo.
    3. Find Ulamok Wutrad.
    4. Take the fate of the dedicatee.

    Detail walkthrough


    After successful completion of the quest Until one of the radiant quests is completed, all members of the Companions will encourage you to return to Skjor to complete the upcoming great task. Skjor tell you, having uncovered one more trick of the legendary fighting sokiri, Vutrad. Vіn bude ask you to get yoga and send to Farkas, who is guilty of serving and protecting you for the hour of vikonannja this task, so that you could complete this mission "with honor". After a break with Farkas, you will become your teammate companion. If you already have a companion, then you will either turn around at your own houses or at your base station and check on you there until you complete this quest. Under the hour, tell Farkas wines to tell you about the journey of Vutrad. Your method will be the Old Cairn, the mound at the pivnichny entry into Whiterun. At a dialogue with him, you can ask him to follow him to the mound at once, or to follow him there.

    Ancient cairn

    The place is teeming with draugrs, so be ready for a thriving and important campaign in the middle of the mound. At the first chamber of the crypt, you can know the book Battle of Sancre Tor move navik Two-handed zbroya. Another chamber is worthy of the pentagram of souls and two empty thrones, and the only accessible road from it will be blocked by a gate. Here you need to know the most important climate and press on the important one, fall through the other gates, so that you can make you go back and you will lean in the pasture, after which the important one is broken. At this hour, according to that beak of the pasta, Farkas, having lost one, is more likely to be able to call you, but the anatomy is not bound to close with a group of members of the Silver Hand faction. As a result of which, you will change in the past and marvel at the bitterness, before you are the scenes of the battle of Farkas with thoughts.

    Rivnyannia on Khyzhakiv

    Farkas transforms to fight against the thoughts of the "Silver Hand".

    Myslivtsі "Srіbna ruka" vyyavlyatsya here not just like that and tse become wise enough pіznіshe. At the end of the day, perebovayuchi in pasttsі, you marvel, like Farkas to pretend to be a werewolf and to destroy opponents in a stretch of a few seconds. As soon as he speaks, Farkas will tell you that there are no more singing members of the comrades-in-arms in granting the price of building. Vyishovshi from this place, you continue your path with a linear oven system until you reach the entrance to another zone, the Ancient Cairo.

    Farkas fight the Frost Spider.

    Prodovzhivsya through the steps of the door, you are guilty to cross the place, from which you can walk the lower room, to which you can reach. If you don’t work here, then hire one archer to attack you from the rock below. Having crossed the place, you are guilty of wandering beyond the hut and collapsing down the frail corridor. If you beat ahead of the road, then you will be attacked by the "Silver Hand", if you take another path and go after Farkas, then a sprat of sleeping draugrians will throw themselves at their crypts and attack you from behind. Ruhayuchis here, be some kind of road, you will fight with thoughts and draugrs. At the great chamber under the bridge, you need to open a screen and take it from it Key to the Ancient Cairn, for the help of a new one, you see that you close the doors at the pivnoch. Sprat malevolent attack you at the offensive tunnel. If you reach the alchemy laboratory, then follow the steps and fight against dekilkom with frosty spiders. If you win over them, you will need to go down, vicorist for whom there are small bridges. Having gone down, follow the linear path through the catacombs and open the doors.

    Ulamok i cry

    Camera, in the same way you will spend it quiet and calm at first glance, but richly closed niches and strings will be pulled on those who can check you. Anonymous other containers will be found here, but you need to follow until the date marked on the map with a marker, there are Ulamok Ulamok.
    Here it is necessary to breathe fast and in Persh Cherga to go to the wall of words, we will perebuvatim for the vіvtar and recognize one of the three words of the dragon cry of Vognyana dihannya. Nareshti, take back the tricks of Vutrad, after which a lot of draugrians wriggle out of their trunks and attack you and Farkas. Krіm tsgogo, zaliznі doors, through yakі you came here, it will be impossible to start and beat the battle with draurs. After the battle, you will be able to get out on the balcony more, then turn to the tunnel, the stars will begin their use in the first zone of the cairo, becoming safer and safer. We will lead you to the entrance/exit to Skyrim.


    Turning around at Whiterun, you will find Vilkas, who checks you in the direct vicinity of Jorrvaskr. I will lead you to the back of the door, where all the members of the Guild of Companions will be elected. Here the head of the guild Kodlak Bila Griva say short mov, if all the members of the guild will take you, and Farkas will swear allegiance to you at eternal fidelity. Having become an official member of the associates, you are guilty of completing one more radiant quest, meaningful task. Now, if you dedicate it, the Heavenly Forge will become available to you; Jorlund, in honor of your consecration, to see you one heavenly steel armor on your choice without a cost.


    • Farkas, like a lot of other companions, not built with a proper order of stealing, and doing it for graves, like victorious skritnistnost of singing difficulties in passing quests.
    • A strong draugr is in a closed tomb, in the remaining chamber you can be beaten, first you will take tricks, so it is easier for you to make the rest of the beat.
    • Two myslivts "Silver Hand", who attacked you, before him, as if you lean in the pasture, make a short dialogue, which explains their rapt appearance here:
    First thinker: "And how do you look?" Another thinker: "It doesn't matter. If you wear this armor, you'll die." This is obvious irony, Farkas's oskіlki є the only person and member of the Stake, who does not wear sheep's armor, but enter before equipping the Companions.
    • If you have already wove the first two words to the cry "Fiery soul", then the word on the wall of the words at the Old-time kairn can revenge the word, as you already know.
    • In this place, it was previously planned that either Farkas or Eyla could accompany you to this quest, but it was changed at the last moment when the fire went out and Farkas would become your only companion (for details, marvel at your division).


    • Farkas can help you marnim through yogo short of the specific class. Nezalezhno vіd vіdnya, vіvzhd vіd mother 15 Vazha armor and 25 Two-handed zbroya, scho to rob even the weak on greater equals.
    • If Farkas transforms into a shifter, he misses the Heavenly Steel Two-Handed Sword and the madness of victoriousness to replace the new weak one-handed one.
    • At the moment of moving, it is important that the city can hang.
    • Farkas can't stand up from crouching position, even if you do. Tіlki z'yasuє, scho to fall after Farkas the transformation was ugly.
    • There is a chance the leveled enemies in Dustman's Cairn will not generate at your current level. room, easily overwhelming you and Farkas.
    • To encourage Whiterun and take a place in the notifying you in Companions, the other The people in your right hand can make a mistake, asking the quest until it's complete.
      • Talk to Vilkas upon your return to Jorrvaskr and have him lead you to the induction ceremony. Stop dialog issue seems to happen when you start the ceremony without him.
      • Victory for one year after dialog stops unfreezes the companions and completes the quest.
      • Commit a minor crime in front of a guard, like punching an NPC, before the ceremony begins. Herewards, guard will confront you about your crime, allowing you to leave by being taken to jail. If you are serving your secret for an hour or two, turn to Jorrvaskr and speak Kodlak until the quest is completed.
    • If you go to Belorun and take a place in the confirmation that you are selected in Companions, then other participants in this right cannot be in the city and will not cutsen will not be activated.
    • If you are staying in a closed room, Farkas may not show up to help you.
    • Gra can hang after vikonannya quest and zustrіchі z Vilkas.
    • When you turn to Whiterun and prepare for the urochist ceremony, dedicate you to your comrades-in-arms, you may run out of autoload and if an exciting screen appears, you can continue to collapse. pid hour screensaver.
    • Vilkas does not appear in front of Jorrvaskr and the gra will not give you the "Follow Vilkas" meta and you will not be able to complete the quest.
      • To fix it, go to Jorrvaskr and talk to him, and he will give you a meta.

    Quest stages

    Valor Trial (C01)
    Stage Status Journal entries
    10 The leaders of the Companions seem that they don’t stink anymore for me, but let me talk to Skjor about "far away".
    (objective is assigned) : Talk to Skjor
    20 Companions ruled me the rest of the trial. It is necessary to get the wits of Vutrad, sokiri of Igramor, from the underground , A appreciate my prowess.
    (objective is assigned) :check on me for a love call.
    30 Know the wulamok Wuuthrad.

    Pass by Jorrvaskr, which is located at Whiterun. This is a great life in front of the heavenly forge, right-handed between Dragons, and here you will pass Skyrim for your comrades-in-arms. Come inside and joke Kodlak - this is a man, he runs everything here. Most of yoga can be found in living quarters. Talk to him and ask him to come to his associates. Wilkas, why sit in order with Kodlak, to entrust you to the right. Well, follow him at the door. Once in a while, shove yoga on your head and you will immediately calm down. I especially think that I could beat it like that. Well, that garazd, it's not important. The next stage of the mission "To hell" will direct you to Jorlundu.

    It is necessary to tie up the sword, which, after Vilkas's zapevnennyy, cost more dearly for me. Speak from Jorlund and, completing the rosem, ask you to carry the shield of Eila. On the side of us, calling on everything, but a long time in our passage of Skyrim ... Garazd, let's see a shield. Listen to the peace of Eily and give an opinion on the provocative question about Vilkas to that soul who does not want to boast. Farkas saw you there, where the newcomers themselves spend the night, like you. Right there, at the barracks, do not let Farkas in and immediately take him from the new manager. Vin to entrust you ...

    Skyrim is restless

    The task is simple - go to the camp of Quiet months and drive in a bat. Tilki zazdalegіd rozvantazhtesya, schob boulo otrimati all trophies. Obov'yazkovo go to the sellers, even pennies - the basis of a comfortable passage of Skyrim. As soon as you are ready - break to the camp of Quiet Months. Better to drink there through the tabir of Pure dzherel, which is more widely known than Whiterun.

    At the very camp, enter and drive in all the opponents. Їх three from below and three from above. Do not hurry to enter the middle yet, come in at the inside of the upper tier, the smithy has been destashed. Obov'yazkovo obshukayte screen - there may be even more colorful for the passage of Skyrim speech. After that, listen to all the calls and enter at the door that leads to the Tabor of the Quiet Moon, the inner part. There it is necessary to immediately go right-handed and drive in two bandits, after which the leader should be vikonanimated. In principle, enough of this, but the rajah will obshukat the oven, so that you can’t get a certificate, no kind of booty. In principle, it’s all right, and the time has come to turn to the place. Give the task to Farkas and take it off your feet.

    Testing Valor

    The task is called "Testing Valor" and for the cob it is necessary to talk to Skjorl. We will tell you to know one more trick of Wutrad, which has uncovered one great man. Farkas happens to be our brother in arms, he will go to the next one. If you have an in-line companion, you will have to miss out on any stage of the Skyrim passage. Talk yoga and accept from your companions. Your big companion checks on you at home, nothing will happen. We need to break to the Ancient Cairn.

    If you are on the way to the camp of Quiet Months, you can boldly move there and collapse according to the signs on the map. There, go down to the middle and enter at the gate. There is no one near the first room, so you can boldly pick up trophies. And the axis, having gone down below, again spend time to the draugs, which you happen to drive in. Walking in Skyrim, the passage often throws us to the draugs, there is nothing else we can compete with. Take a vidobotok and go through the single path through the doors levoruch at the entrance to the room. There they check the descent down for you, tightening the pavilions. Should I drive in spiders again? Well, what about work ...

    Going down, you will see the room, in which there is a stone high in the center. From this hall I passed through the gate, which is important at the kіmnattsі levoruch. As soon as you smile for a new one, behind your back the gates will fall and the doors will be jammed. Farkas vikliche to know the importance, but to jam the doors, and the opponents will attack him. Tsіkavy turn for our passage of Skyrim! Vtim, Farkas makes you even bigger, transforming into a turntable. It is logical that all the attackers appear dead... And the soldiers will rise soon. From and think of the next, like being in one place with a turning-over. Talk to Farkas, turning his normal face, having drunk about the podium.

    Zagalom, the hour has come to go further. At the offensive kіmnati two opponents check on you and sholom, when you pick up some spratsov pasta. Koshtuє vіn kopіyki, also absolutely not critical. Fumble everything here and crash far away. Your Skyrim has a check room with a draug and a room with two opponents, hoarders of the "slavic hand". The enemy with a double-handed sword is more serious, that girl shoots well. After your death, go uphill and take trophies. Nishі zlіva has a screen, which has a castle equal to "master". Protect yourself from evil and pray for yoga, until you see it, the cybula is delicious to lie there. Now the hour has come to collapse in the distance, descending by gatherings.

    At the approaching climate of the Black Drauga. Drive in all and go down even lower. At this rate, we will go down to Hell, and the passage of Skyrim will not end. Well, the one on the right is on the right, let's go far ... Passing lead us to the great hall, as if it became unbearable after a majestic hour, as if there was nothing to clean up. There will be two opponents here, who will fall under your blows. Here is a screenshot of that little bear, to which nothing you can reach. Ale, you can just get away, standing on the mountain of the stone of white. Take trophies and go to the next stone.

    There is a pasta at the gatherings, so be careful about it. Drive in two opponents and crash far away, near an old crypt. The very same lead us to the head of the "Testing of valor". Here once there will be one opponent, and far away - a passerby. Open doors and break them. You will pass through the city, so that you can sneak faster, so that no one remembers you. Abo at the passage of Skyrim, shoot everyone with a bow. Otherwise, you’ll have to fight with us, who’s sitting at the room below. Alece is not such a problem, more just drive everything into your path. Through the corridors you will reach the hall, in which there is a descent down. Get down and walk down the left hand, so that you can pick up trophies and clear the underground, and then right-handed, behind the closed doors. The key is right there, at the screen

    Behind the opening of the door you will open a couple of squinting alchemy steels, on which you can prepare a sill, as you know the warehouses. Go further and drive in two more opponents at the sight of two squints. I black winding corridors that will lead us to the spider's nest. Drive in the spiders, like viconans in Skyrim, the passage is naturally natural and go forward, rising to the mist. The devilish draugs are checking you. And behind the devil's doors we check for you a new hall. It took us the whole hour to get to the new one. On the table, take a new cry and beat Wutard's trick. We came here for him ourselves. Plus, to what extent you take away the dragon's dragon's cry. Chudovo. Ale natovp Draugov, who attacked you, would be even more at ease with his bazhanni to drive in the one who invaded. It is not permissible for them to make a fuss, is it true?

    If the trophies are taken, the draugs are dead, you can collapse far away from the passage of Skyrim. Climb up the mountain and go out to the stars. You can go back at Jorrvaskr to store the "Probation of Valor" task. Bіla the entrance to you zustrіne Vilkas, who would say that everyone checked my turn and ask to follow him. Now you will be accepted to the lavas of the Brotherhood of Companions.

    You can go all the way to Jorlund for the improved armor. To crush wine without cost, and the sword will be indecent. Now you can choose any quest. Pochnemo, perhaps, from the quest from Farkas, the shards of us already celebrated the yogic task. Vіn rozpochne zavdannya…

    Skyrim is restless

    We need to clear Falkreath from the enemy bandits. Nothing complicated, everything is simple. It's best to get to Roriksted by cart, and then you can collapse as soon as possible. If you get away there, you will be immediately attacked. There are no friendly goals there. Drive in all the calls and take all the trophies. And then the middle hour has come. Everything appears very prosaically at any stage of the passage of Skyrim - they left, they drove in a gang, they took trophies and they went to pick up the task. So don't worry. It's true, there are plenty of foreign residents here, so you can't help but be quiet. The hour has come to call on Farkas. Vіn vіdrazu give zavdannya.

    Silver hand

    We need to talk back to Skjor. Truth be told, ask the Lower Forge to speak with him, in the evening. Just check in soon and follow him. Everything is easy, and you don’t need to think about the ship, about how to go to the forge. Come in the middle, they are checking on you like a test. Have you already guessed, what is the check here? You will be commanded to become a Werewolf, otherwise you won’t be able to go to Cola. The choice is yours, let's turn it over. Ale, finish the line Brotherhood, you won’t get away, as you are moving through the transition at the passage of Skyrim. Therefore, watch out for the ritual and become a turnaround. I am guilty to say that it is my will to yakby - if I had not accepted the beast. But the creators of Gris do not give such an opportunity. I'm guessing, I'll find a solution later.

    Now you need to listen to Eyla and look at the tabir of the Silver hand, sympathize with the werewolves. Drinking її about everything, we begin to collapse at the bik camp. Do not forget to equip yourself, to the fact that you will be blamed for the new age after the transformation. Come in the middle and win the lancet, so that you can see the passage. At the first room, two opponents and three vidobutka are checking for you. In principle, nothing special at any stage of the passage of Skyrim. Take everything you need and go far. When you see a card, you walk two times. Leading іz th hall. The back of the hand is virushimo to pivdennogo, which then sharply turns to skhid. At gatherings - pasta, plus two opponents, also neatly. At the far end of the hall, two more enemies are checking on you, a wild werewolf is sitting behind the gates, which fights even more strongly. Obov'yazkovo open all the locks - it will give you more evidence that the evil one is guilty.

    Time to go down. Behind the door, check chotiri opponents and a cup of stock, which you may need. On the first version, you will only get trophies, and on the other, you will go further along the Skyrim passage. There will be one more enemy near the hall with a fireplace, go downstairs. And far away - a virishal room, in which there will be a head of a Silver hand. Vtіm, the head yomu is not long, it is easy to drive in yogo and do not put up difficulties. And in addition, if you will be killed, you can talk to Eyla and take away the next task from her.

    Divination plans

    We should lie against the Tooth of Faldar, de need to know the plans of the Silver Hand. Tsim i let's get busy. You can find this place on the way from Riften, wherever you want, you can get there. Mayte on the edge - there are miracle archers, so either try to smarten up in the mind in the direction of arrows, or lick at the nearest battle. If with foes, yak lizut ahead, it will be finished, the time has come to rise to the fort. Your meta is a gang of robbers at the head office. May you leave, it's not a new location, but just an entrance to your destination. Vatazhok is a very strong opponent at every stage of Skyrim's passage. Therefore, don’t let yoga get close, vikoristovuyuuchi magic chi cibula. After death, it is already possible to search the territory for some trophies. Meta vikonannya quest "Soothsaying Plans" lie at the screen on the top of the vezh, in a sack like a sack of robbers. Wherever you can, you can go down, at the foot of the fort, and find there a bunch of allies in a Silver hand, plus a list of fields, on which wolves fight. If you break the door like the Meister lock, then you can miraculously profit in an analogue of a bookmaker's office. Well, as everything is taken care of, you need to go back to Eili. Immediately ask її about your upcoming meta. Vaughn will give you a step forward.


    For the tasks of Eili, we need to destroy at Fort Fellhammer and get enough wits from Wutrad, which the members of the Silver Hand knew. Chi zdogaduetsya, scho we happen to grow in this part of the passage of Skyrim? That's right, I'll drive in a bunch of opponents again. In order to reach the best place, win the ticket to the Dunstar place. And call already clearly on pivden. You can pishki, and you can on a horse. Zovni do not know anything about it, the Crimea has three opponents. If they are dead, you can enter in the middle. Raja should get into the Garnison, the shards themselves there sack the bats and find the quest screen, which needs to be robbed. As a matter of fact, on whom the task will end. Alemie can go down to the mine.

    As a matter of fact, it is necessary only for the sake of proof and proof. Just so we take more pennies for our needs. That rudi can be obtained decently, which is good for Skyrim professions. The truth is, opponents there are vistas, that and the development of the newcomer did not succumb to anyone. There is nothing special in the mines; Have some kind of vipadka, zreshtoyu, we are up to Eili. Just as mirobimo її zavdannya, let's continue.

    Blood is honor

    Kodlak wants us bachiti. Well, let's get down to the new guest. Sit in an armchair and talk to him. Itself here you know, the stars seem to be the root of inversion in the brotherhood of Companions. I don't know how you see, but I really want to stop being a werewolf. Not for me the specialty of the Skyrim walker. You can act like a reversal, you won't get anything for the price. Have some kind of temper, the manager will direct us to drive in the Glenmoriyskiye vidyom. Get out of Whiterun and go to Fort Sungard, because it's the closest to the point of reaching our mission. Look, you need to collapse on a pivden, to the sign on the map.

    Come to the oven, until you have reached. As soon as you see it, you will have one path to ruin. Right around the corner of the Chekatime, the first darkness - the truth is even more tenacious, as it is necessary to live quietly and silently, otherwise the great risky inadvertently die. Remember! Look, it’s even more painful to shoot with fire. Have a vipadku opponent of the existence and it is necessary to clean the territory far away. From the hall, into the yakіy you stumbled, let the chotiri pass. Open the map and marvel - you will see everything at once. Let's start from the right pivnіchny. There, of course, there is one more witch, which happens to be the hour of our Skyrim passage. Driven in? Go to the central hall. Now it’s better to go to another penny passage. Take trophies and return to the central hall. Now let's go to the lower back passage. Another witch in another room. I left the passage, again through the top, at the back wall of the central hall. Here is the cream of the spider. Vtіm, drive them in, you already learned. That's it, the kilim of the cleansings and you can safely go back to Kodlak to take care of the passage of Skyrim.

    If you come to the wake of the Companions, you will shake the three corpses of the warriors of the Silver Hand. Well, God is among them. Pick up trophies and crash down the middle, to Kodlaku. And in the middle of you once again with the claims of zustrіne Vilkas. To appear, that Kodlak having perished... The first silver hand stole all the tricks of Vutrad! Well, the task has been completed and Vilkas has started a new…

    cleaning pomsta

    For the first time, I will re-rozvantage your inventory, leaving only the most necessary. Vrahovyuchi, who is accompanying you Vilkas, you can blame the stars half as much, even if you don’t get carried away with the speech of your assistant at the passage of Skyrim. If you want to go there not for health, but for help, you cannot encourage yourself to earn money from the bazhan. We - on the pіvnіchniy khіd vіd Dawnstar or on the vіnіchniy khіd vіd Fort Fellhammer. Choose yourself, how to distance yourself.

    Do not forget that this is the head fort, so you should equip yourself as much as possible. The fort itself is full of two enemies. All the main forces of the enemy are the middle ones. As soon as you see it, you will immediately check the descent down. Don't wait, go ahead! Behind the first door are two opponents, a descent down and a fork. For the cob pіdemo zakhіdnim aisle. You will bring us to the hall with a bunch of armor and one more pass with a lefthander. Until you chip your money, then you will turn around and take everything for sale to ensure a comfortable passage of Skyrim. And at the same time collapse on the back. Skhodinki uphill, turn and two opponents behind the door.

    I’m descending again again... From the bottom of the hall we passed, and only to the pivnich. The livoruch will close the doors in the living quarters - break in, drive in the sleeping enemy and take the booty. Let's go to pivnich again. Prokhіd turn to the exit and bring us to the hall with two more opponents. Drive them in and take in the halls all the prices you need to pass Skyrim. After that - until the next stone on the way, as it is marked on our map.
    Going down to the Driftshade - the basement. Rows of barrels will lead us to a small hall with a pasta and an enemy, the stars will only go to the exit. There and ruhaєmos. Behind the closing doors - another hall with a cistern in the center and two opponents. Drive them in, scuff them up and fall into the stony break at the wall, which turns sharply to the back. There is a crying hall with two clitins and two adversaries here. Drive them in and break the cells - you need a newbie.

    Dali on the pivnochі chergovі followed the crooked tortur and the enemy, which seemed to fall under our blows. From the offensive bay, with a couple of future corpses, we went sharply for a day to the descent. Do not forget to profit here, first go further. We'll be led back to the Driftshade's porch, the stars descended on us to the basement for an hour of Skyrim's passage. The truth is now behind the door, like it was started. Be safe and get in there. At this hall there are three opponents left. Drive them in, take tricks from the table and pick up trophies. Everything that is completed can be turned. Ale, I still don’t hurry to the rajah to get the job done, but make a couple of flights here and there for good

    Remaining borg

    Well, we need to come to Kodlak's funeral... Let the wise leader rest in peace. Rise up to the Heavenly Forge and take part in the rituals. Right there, Eorlund will speak to you, a kind of vimagatime of cleverness sobі, to prepare them for reforging. Let's see, obviously, the juice will be closer to the Skyrim walker. Why, we need to go to Kodlak's room and bring the rest of the trick to Vutrad. Tse on the right are two hvilin. Therefore, quickly run along the lanes and turn around to Eorlund.

    Now we need to go down to the Lower Forge, de bulo to the werewolf. Listen to what the best warriors are talking about there. I won’t tell you the whole situation, I’ll only say that Wutrad, smart fighting double-handed sokir, is at your disposal. Now we are led at the tomb of Igramor at once from the united Colom of Brothers. Well, on the road!

    Get out of the place and take a ride to Winterhold. Call the closest to go to the icon on the map. What shall we do. I just took and pishov without a hitch to the Tomb of Igravtsya, where we need it for the zavdannya. So, in principle, best of all. Talk to Vilkas in the middle and get ready for battle. As soon as you see the juice Igrom, you see the middle. Well, if it’s our own fault to show what we’re doing, then it’s time to take care of it! In Skyrim, the passage does not check

    At the first hall, two ghosts are checked for you, they are easily driven in, and in the other - three. Stinks are easily driven in. Z tsієї halls passed one - for pivden. And the axis of the next offensive bay with chotirma opponents will deprive you of Farkas. In principle, looking at those that you have experienced with spiders, it is logical. Axis і at once vin deprive you. The entrance of the hall is completely tightened with cobwebs, so be careful. Let's encourage people to be more careful. There will also be a great spider here, which is much easier to drive in, lower on the cob. So just drive them all in, take the trophies, smile for the lansy and collapse on the pivden, more or less there є way. There are three ghosts near the hall. Dali - another hall with ghosts. Maybe, in this hall, the stench is the strongest of all opponents in the passage of Skyrim.

    Climb up the descents to the outside doors and go inside. Turn the crank on the door and enter into the middle of the room. Before you are natovp enemies, which you need to kill. In principle, tse peredostanny hall. Renew your life and enter behind the remaining doors. There, at the center, stands the ghost of Kodlak, with whom you need to talk. On the next pass, throw one goal into the fire at the center of the hall. As soon as you throw your head at the fire, you will be attacked by Kodlak's warehouse. Chic twist at the passage of Skyrim. Drive in її with a new one, move with spirit. For yoga commandment, you need to turn to Yorkswar and lead your comrades forward. Have you guessed what it means? Still, I am a man, not a beast. Then don't forget to pick up the trophies and crash down to Whiterun. And at the end of the day, take Vutrad from the hands of Izgramor - there is nothing to leave such an artifact in an inconspicuous place.

    Companions - tse parody of the all-star Guild of Fighters. Otzhe, Companions - tse guild of warriors, yak ruled in Skyrim a long time ago. Starting with the legendary retelling, no less than the legendary Nord on im'ya Іsgramor, choosing the first five hundred Companions at the mіstsі under the name of Atmor, and turning back at the native land - Skyrim, to take revenge on the damned elves, who zahopili tsіrtаla zemlіsplіs.

    Passing comrades-in-arms, they blame the difficulties in a couple, we will help you to overcome these difficulties. If you have problems, then write in your comments or marvel at the passage below.

    To hell

    Comrades-in-arms are the soul of heroes, yakі zdіysnyuyut their exploits for coins. Like a stink of a stink, the budd_vlya under the name of Jorrvaskr, like to be found in the place of Whiterun of the Dragon's Edge. In order to join the suspіlstvo voїnіv, you need to talk to one of the representatives of the Companions, but in any case, you can help Kodlak the White Mane from them.

    Call Kodlak to roam the living quarters of Jorrvaskr, go down there and tell youma that you want to join the Companions. The old one wants to fight with you as a force, all the same you win the fight with one of the weak, and you will be a warrior on behalf of Vilkas. If Vilkas is worthy, if you please, then ask you to bring your sword of love to the blacksmith on the name of Yorlund Sira Mane, who is constantly known in the Heavenly Forge. After talking with the farrier, we ask you to carry the shield to Eyli Mislivtsi. Well, now, break it to the cutie and turn your shield. If a lot of food will guide you from Farkas, take a look at the living quarters. By the way, you will get to know the bags of this month and the permission of Farkas you will see before the task.

    Thug behind the viklik

    Tse zavdannya є intermediary plot quests Companions. The essence of these "dribnyh" zavdans lies in the fact that the stench is vipadkovy, so that you can be smitten in any place. The axis, for example, is one of them: it is necessary to break into the village of Rorikstead and beat people in the face on the name of Lemkil. As soon as you know, you can turn back to Farkas and see you the wine city for the vikonan robot. After whom you were sent to Skjor, who, in his line, you have already seen the plot of the Companions.

    Testing Valor

    The hour has come to talk with Skjor. Otzhe, I'll ask you to destroy at once from Farkas to one tomb in the jokes of the trick of the legendary falcon Vutrad, as it was no less than the legendary Igram. Ulamok for їhnіmi words to know the ancient kairnі. After moving with Skjor to go to Farkas and house with him, get closer to the earth.

    As soon as you get away from the Old-time cavern, then sing that Farkas is already in the city. Get down together at the underground. In the middle, Farkas respects what he has already done here. Once upon a time there is a book on the table under the name "Battle of Sankr Tor", as a way to promote your newcomer to the courtyard.

    Otzhe, go down more and you will not be afraid to fall into the crypt, where it is impossible for you to be attacked by draugr. As soon as you drive them in, go through the wooden doors, go down to the great hall and you can remember that there are two accessible passages. The passage from the left side will be clear, but there the road runs into a deaf kut, but it’s important, which opens the right side. Having mixed this importance, you lock yourself in the same mortified and open the rati from the right side. You won’t have the opportunity to hide your pasta, but it’s not necessary, because the whole situation is linear at the moment.

    Well, after that, as you stumbled in your pasture, you should go to the turbulent Farkas. At the same moment, unknown people come, like, like they appear, change at the faction under the name "Silver Hand". How to appear in a few seconds - indeed, the pasta is rich for Farkas. It turns out to be neimovirne and Farkas transforms into a werewolf, which, without any problems, spreads two legged pieces of meat on all sides. After tsієї beaten, Farkas ide. Nezabar vіdkrivayutsya grati and vіlnі!

    In the wake of such dastardly podias, it is possible with Farkas and it is reasonable that we respect our curses and blessings. Well, well, on the right, yogo, we’ll go to the big city and, along the way, cut all the lads from the Silver Hand. If you need more room, you can go to the court hall. Zreshtoy, you reach the wooden doors. Passing through these doors, you again stick with the draugrians and the soldiers of the Silver Hand. Having killed everyone at the devil's corridors, you will not be barred in the blasted hall, where there will be new doors. Passing through the doors and descending lower, clean the lower one on top and go back to the Old Crypt, behind which there will be one more door. Here, the meat grinder is just so mixed up with the draugrs and the soldiers of the "Silver Hand". Zreshtoy, you get to the entrance gate.

    The key to these doors will be on the screen (the very ear of the underground, left side). As soon as you open the door, then collapse far away and proudly look at all your eyes. Goodbye, you get to the alchemy table. Dali through the oven passage and you get up again at the crypts. There will also be another entrance gate. Open the doors, go further and lean against the white stone wall, where the new word of strength is known. On the table according to the state, the very same trick of the legendary Vuhtrad lies just like that. After taking the shard, the hour has come to turn back to the Companions, but it is not possible to start crawling draugr from the tombs. For a second you can think that the stench is crawling incessantly and it is necessary to work, but it is not so. You need to stand and fight. The rest of the draugr falls in front of your enemy and you can rise from the decks with more gatherings and choose the name behind the help passage, which is known for one of the tombs. Passing through this small corridor oven, you will lean in the oven hall. You can get into the very ear of the underground, where you can already vibrate in the fresh air in Skyrim.

    It's an hour to turn back to the Companions at Jorrvaskr. I already checked Vilkas at the entrance to you, so follow him at the inner courtyard. Here all the "tops" of the Companions were selected. Zagal must begin to vote for those who became a member of the Stake. As soon as the vote ends with the successful acceptance of you before Kolya, Kodlak takes Wutrad's wit from you. Also, you take the task of talking to the Companions to bring the task. Otzhe, on vibіr you can talk: with Vіlkas, Eyla or Skjor. Have some kind of vipadka, you will be given a lion’s order for a kshtalt to drive in some kind of malice, or clean up some kind of place. It's impossible to see how tasks are generated, but at any time it won't be more foldable. For example, when we arrived at Vilkas, we saw the task of "The Sorcerer's Wife".

    Poryatunok vikradenikh

    Otzhe, you happen to vryatuvat character on the name of Farengar Taєmniy Vogon, yakyi vyyavivsya imprisoned by the mist under the name Torch Mine. There will be robbers in the middle of the mine, so get ready for serious enemies. Crimea, in the middle there will be a wooden place, which can be lowered for additional help, which is stitched on the ledge from the right side. In order to get to the right place, you need to go through the same mine and turn to the left side. As soon as you kill the bandits, then respectfully look at their bodies, because on one of the bandits you can have the key to the stolen cell. Krіm tsyogo, you can do it yourself and just zlamat tsyu kіtinku. Zreshtoy, like call Farengar, let me go back to Whiterun, where your paths will rise before the speech. As soon as you successfully bring it back home, you can safely turn around to Jorrvasker and tell Vilkas about everything. Having asked Vilkas about the upcoming task, they will guide you to Skjoru, which will explain the new task.

    Silver hand

    Well, go to Skjor and talk to him about the job. It seems to you that the offensive under the guilt will be left in the dungeon for Kodlak White Grivi. With a veil of wine, I will ask you to call in the evening in the place under the name "Lower Smithy". Here about the eighth year you can already go there. Just as you opine in the middle, then remember that in front of you is the kudlata Eyla Mislivtsya. I would like to speak with you Skjor and tell more about the history of inverts and about those who are so cool to be inverted. Everything converges to the point that in order to go to Kolo, you need to be "born" with us blood - we will turn it over. There will be no choice and you will come to wait. Skjor begins to perform the ceremony: take Eili's hand, heal the wound, shed blood at the cup and you won't. At the result, you become one of the tsikh kudlatikh dogs. At the sight of a shifter, you stumble at night on the streets of Whiterun. You can fill up a couple of guards, or you can have a good year to get back up again with a looking person.

    Later, having grown up again with his relatives, Yeyla Mislivtsya, it seems that if you want to kill the soldiers from the "Silver Hand", they linger at their fort. Those who have already destroyed Skjor will appear again. Well, well, it's time to break and you are there. As soon as you lean against the fortress, kill all the enemies and make your way through the middle. For the help of a lancer on the wall, you can open up the front. Everything was farther simple: rush forward and tear apart the enemy's enemies. At some point, you will reach the clitin with inverts, but you will be pardoned, the shards of the stench will be wild and, in the first bad weather, will attack you.

    Zreshtoy, you get to the surplus of the "Silver Hand" on the choli s Krev Shkuroder. The fight will be firm. As soon as you fill up us here, you will find the corpse of the old man Skjor ... Yeila Mislivtsya will be more embarrassed by this death, he wants to take revenge on those who beat the overturners.


    After looking at the corpse of Skjor, enter the street through the outer doors. Vityagnuvshi zasv vy lean on the very cob tsієї fortezi. Now go out to Skyrim and break into the oven under the name of Intercourse Nіzh. As soon as you arrive before this month, go inside. In the middle of you checks the cops of enemies from the organization "Silver Hand". As well as good pumping, even if it’s not safe for you to stink. Making your way through the stove, you’ll get to the wrong doorway. Defend that in the rest of the oven, bіla screens with ulamks, if you're big for the warriors, try not to shoot into the pit for the wooden fence, you can only vibrate back for the mind, that you break even the folding lock on the klitz.

    Just like a little bit here you will kill all the thugs from the "Silver Hand", take from the screen one trick of the legendary Vuhtrad. Until the exit, you can get away and orientate yourself by the stream, which is the current order. Zreshtoy, as if you are going back to Skyrim, break the shvidshe to Eyli Mislivtsi. When you arrive, give me the knowledge of the tricks of Vutrad and take 300 septims like a wine city. If anything, you can turn to Eili for the upcoming tasks.

    Strike at the heart

    Tse є intermediary between the main plot tasks of the Companions. Tse zavdannya is not more foldable, so you can pass through quickly. Otzhe, Eyla Mislivtsya helped you clean up the cavern from bandits, for example, if you could be the same Redoran's Prytulok. As soon as you see her, you can take shooting lessons from her. If so, you will talk again with Eila, then you will be reminded that Kodlak Bela Griva is currently checking on you, which will give you a new and even better job.

    Blood is honor

    Go to Kodlak Biliy Grivy and talk to him at once. When you walk, move with Kodlak and you will understand that there is no "blessing" - that's the blood of the sheep, really cursed. Damn it, how the deacons of Glenmoril's witches designed it. At the bag, Companions, if you don’t go to die at Radgard, but spend it at the myslivsky ugіddy Hirsin. Kodlak ask you to visit the lands of their sight and kill them there, taking their heads with you. Head with your black necessary glee in the blood of the sheep.

    An hour to break at the place under the name "Glenmorilsky kilim". As soon as you lean on the white of the month, then go through the middle. Remember: it’s even more unsafe and more likely than they to be able to fill up with cibules in the mode of stealth, or carefully sneak closer to like a doorman, in which case a miss can ruin your life. We see it ourselves, near these caves, frosty spiders linger at once from the reddened troll, so be very careful. Just to clean up the place and finish the additional tasks, turn back to Whiterun to your Companions.

    When you arrive in Jorrvaskr, it appears that at the hour of your presence, there will be an attack on the Companions by the fighters of the "Silver Hand". Obviously, the Companions were able to attack, but the attackers stole all the tricks of the sokiri Vutrad and drove Kodlak. It's time to talk with Vilkas about the farther country.

    cleaning pomsta

    Otzhe, an hour to turn back your tricks of the legendary falcon Vutrad, the Crimean hour to leave the clan "Silver Hand". For whom you need to visit a place called Driftshade-Pritulok. For the cob, it will be necessary to fill up the guards, as the calls are fading. As soon as you pick up the guards, then crawl into the middle. Doors that will be opposite you will be closed in the middle, then collapse into the passage on the left side.

    Here, everything can easily be brought to the point where you are guilty of clearing the room for the room, driving in everyone who only comes across to you. Zreshtoy, you will reach the hall, where you know the closed gates, then look around respectfully, then mark the importance on the wall on the left side. to mitigate the importance and go to the basement. If there will be a room here, as if you were leading into a frozen oven - in this oven you yourself can read a book under the name "Ar'egard", which encourages the newcomer to wear light armor.

    Rush far away by the crying stove. How to lean at the great place by the fireplace, pass the stars down and turn at the passage, so that the roztasovaniya zliva vіd descents. Let's go ahead with the gatherings and go through the doors. Now turn to the left and far away, go up higher with the gatherings. Nareshti vy zustrіchaєtesya іz surplus forces "Srebnoї ruka". After all, take all the order and respectfully look around at the room for the presence of books, because there are two more curly books here, as if to promote the songs of the newcomers. Zreshtoy, take the stolen tricks of the sokiri Vutrad.

    You can vibrate from this month through the doors, which are closed in the middle. Zagalom, take the drought and go to Skyrim. As soon as you choose a name, then fly back to Whiterun. When Vilkas arrives, I will tell you that everything is ready until Kodlak's funeral.

    Remaining borg

    The hour has come to visit the Heavenly Forge, where the funeral of Kodlak White Grivi will take place. After a small movie, Kodlak is burned. Eorlund lurks before you, who asks you to go to Kodlaka and take the rest of the trick of the sokiri Vutrad. As soon as you lean in the room, then the cream of a splinter read the other friend of your colossal bat. It appears that now you yourself have been appointed Provisnik and you are the only hero, who can direct other Companions "to the truthful path."

    As soon as you take Wutrad's trick, then turn back to Eorlundu. We remind you that the gatherings of the Circle in the Lower Forge are being collected at once, so I ask you to destroy it. Having arrived to the Lower Forge, you mark the super girl among the current members of the Kol. At this very hour, Eorlund arrives here and tells you that Vutrad is the legendary juice of Igramor. Now, when the hour has come, turn your head to the right vlasnik - break to the tomb of the legendary Isgramor. Yogo's tomb is located on the pivnіchno-shіdnіy side of Winterhold. As soon as you make your way through the middle, then insert the juice up to the hands of the statue of Gramator. At the result, you are surprised to pass behind the statue. At this moment, Vilkas seems to everyone who happens to get stuck with Igrar's best warriors. Walking a little deeper into this tomb, it appears that Vilkas mav raciu and you have to fight.

    Zagalom, everything will lead to the point that you need to go through an appointment full of ghosts of the past. Like mites, you are leaning on the majestic weaving of the cobwebs and Farkas is unsure of knowing that he is afraid to go far, afraid of spiders. Well, well, garazd, Vilkas will be deprived of him, you can see that you are collapsing in a pair with Eyla. Breaking the cobwebs, crash far away. Passing to the courtroom, you again stick with the ghosts. Immediately there is a steel with a majestic skull, and on the table there is a book, as if promoting the newcomer of the courtyard.

    After a small essence, go through the hall doors and climb higher. Later, in the center of the hall, in a way you stumbled, we stood on a ledge on which there was a half-light of a black color, and a white half-light was known to be Kodlak. After talking with the mayor of Kodlak, it is necessary to throw the head of the Glenmorial witch near the fire, so that the spirit of Kodlak will call out, heal him and wake up lycanthropy. After that, as you call Kodlak and go to Radgard, you can purify yourself like that and in the form of lycanthropy. So it will be necessary for you to throw your head at the fire and drive in your sheep's spirit. After your own ritual, talk with your Companions about your new camp and the stench will show that you do not mind.

    To get out of the tomb of Igrave, just walk up from the left side. Before the speech, here on the way you will spend on the screen. Krіm vsіh dribnichok in tsіy screen you can know the Gramator's Shield. Just as soon as you call the five stars, then on the wall of the earth to mitigate the lance and as a result, you will be given the door. Rise now with the gatherings of the twine form and mix one more lancet, which cleans up the stone's cross. At the very end, more and more doors open, like leading to the top of the rock, on which there will be a wall with one more dragon word.

    Lance of plot quests with the Companions will end at this moment, but in the same time you can continue to take other tasks, as if you can see them indefinitely, you can do a little bit of work on them.


    At this moment, Vilkas at once from Farkas zabazhaє to be cleansed from lycanthropy. You can take the task of cleansing after the one you know from the skin (Vilkas and Farkas) for one other task, after which the stench asks you to help them clean up. Yeyla is not on fire for the bajans to wake up to lycanthropy. Zagal, since you took the task of cleansing from Vіlkas and Farkas, then at once violate at the tomb of Іgrar and perform the same rite, as if you performed with Kodlak, after which you should help the brothers to heal their spirits and vikonanim should be respected on this task.

    Testing Valor
    VinegorodZalіzna zbroya from the Heavenly Forge
    ForwardTo hell
    offensiveSilver hand
    LocationAncient Cairn,

    short walk

    • After the vikonnanny of one of the companions of the Companions to talk with the Square.
    • Cooperate with Farkas and destroy the Ancient Cairn.
    • Find a fragment of Vutrad.
    • Take part in the government's initiatives.

    Detail walkthrough

    Viprobuvannya Tsutsenya

    After passing the quest "To the rescue" that one of the companions of the Companions, rose with more of the Companions to send you to Skvor for the victory of the offensive head ceremony. Let me remind you that a newcomer knows one element of the mystical Vutrad and give you Farkas as your defender for the hour of the day. As soon as I arrive, I will tell you more detailed information about the journey of Vutrad and about the point of your confession, Ancient Kahir. You can get there at once from them and get right there. Regardless of your choice, I will see you and I will go through the middle with you. Vіn dosit hard companion and provide you with security when passing majestic oven systems.

    Ancient Cairn

    The place is teeming with Draugrams, so get ready for a long time to come. Don't forget to read the book about the soulmate in the first room, then let's go further and fight against the hordes of enemies. At the other room there is the Pentagram of Souls, 2 touches, and a single path, a kind of blocking gate. Straight to the very pivnіchnoy kіmnati and turn the important thing, so the gate will go down, and you will lean back sealed in this room. Farkas protested that they should let us in, but to stumble under the attack of the warriors, who appeared unexpectedly. Save your hands.

    Look at the hut

    As long as you perebuvatimete for the grates, Farkas will pretend to be a Werewolf and turn all the members of the Silver Hand into a mitt. Since you are allowed out of the cell, we know about the special "blessing" that was given to the Companions. Without going into details, I will tell you about myself "blessed", but to myself, that it was given to the well-to-do not rich members of the Companions. Take loot and rush away, through the systems of the caves, to the attacking location - the Ancient Cairn. At the entrance to the crypt of you, a draugr is no more powerful, who tries to fool you, pretending to be dead at his trunk.
    Follow your path through the city, and walk along the long corridor, sprats of draugrians will look out of their tombs and attack you from behind.
    Go to the end of the location, knowingly driving in all the members of the Silver Hand and Draugriv. At the room, which is located under the bridge, open the box and take the key, and open the door to the pivnich with it. A couple of squints attack you at the tunnel. At the result, you will lean in the alchemy laboratory. We rush farther along the corridor, driving in to stand on the path of Frosty Pavukiv, let’s go further, driving in Draugr and nareshti, we still get to the outside doors.

    Fragment ta cry

    The room in front is quiet, but only at first glance, not far from there are scattered bills and urns, we know what it's all about. Take all the loot and collapse until tomorrow, where the fragment of Vutrad is found. Before the speech, marveling at the wall, behind him, see the new Cry - Vognyane dihannya. Be patient, pick up a fragment and fight against the Draugrív hvili, which are thrown from the tomb. It's a pity that the doors will be fixed at once, passing the strategic entrance. After the battle is over, you will safely enter Skyrim.


    At Whiteran, not far from Jorrvaskr, Vilkas is your chekatime, to lead you to life under the Heavenly Forge, the members of the Companions have gathered. Kodlak Bela Griva will tell you that I am not happy to welcome you to the Companion, and Farkas will swear allegiance to you at the same time. Now, so, just now you are officially respected by the Companion, but if it wasn’t there, you all the same will happen to viconate one additional quest before him, as soon as you take off the main task. So you can buy steel armor in the heavenly forge, and the forger himself will give you one armor, at your choice, from a gift.
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