Test on the biology of reproduction and development of organisms. Biology test on the topic "Reproduction". Without article reproduction occurs in

Test on the topic: “Reproduction and individual development of organisms” 9th grade.

Posted by V.A. Ogloblina, teacher of biology at the Arkhangelsk Zoological School.

Option 1

1.For forms of non-item reproduction the following applies:

A)spore creation b) parthenogenesis c) hermaphroditism

2. The phase of mitosis, during which the division of sister chromatids begins and their transformation into daughter chromosomes occurs:

a) prophase b) telophase c) metaphase d)anaphase

3. What are the indestructible human bodies called:

A)sperm b) gametes c) supercells d) spermatozoa

4. Conjugation of homologous chromosomes occurs within an hour:

a) metaphase II meiosis b) prophase I meiosis c) prophase II meiosis d)metaphase I meiosis

5. What are the names of organ and state propagated plants:

a) subsidiary organs; b)generative organs c) state organs d) vegetative organs

6. Zygote:

a) man stateva klitina b) egg cellin c)egg cell is sealed d) female gamete

7.What is a chromosome composed of:

a) from the centromere b)h chromatids c) with a microtubule d) with a spindle at the bottom

8. The ectoderm is created:

A)nervous system b) circulatory system c) visual system d) lungs


Option 2.

Test tasks by selecting one correct type.

1. The storage tissue in the endosperm of the eggplant contains a set of chromosomes:

a) tetrapoid b) haploid c) diploid d)triploid

2. What is expected from telophase:

a) forming the spindle underneath b)formation of new nuclei and cytokinesis

c) chromosome part; d) displacement of chromosomes near the center of the cell.

3. In anaphase, mitosis occurs:

a) separation of the courtyard chromosomes to the poles of the cell; b) spiralization of chromosomes.

V)Divergence of chromatids to the poles of the cell d) despiralization of chromosomes

4. During the process of neurulation the following is established:

A)nerve tube b) mesoderm c) ectoderm d) gastrula

5. The process of creation of human cells in creatures and people:

a) mitosis b) amitosis c)spermatogenesis d) ovogenesis

6. The sequence of stages of mitosis occurs:

a) prophase, anaphase, telophase, metaphase

b) prophase, telophase. metaphase, anaphase

V)prophase. metaphase, anaphase, telophase

d) prophase, metaphase, telophase, anaphase

7. What is the name of the cell, because it contains a different set of chromosomes:

a) somatic b)diploid c) haploid d) eukaryotic

8. During meiosis, daughter cells acquire a set of chromosomes:

A) n b)2nV)3nG)4n

Set up the news and record the lines in the table


Vikoristani dzherela:

1.I.N.Ponomarova, O.A.Kornilova, N.M.Chernova. "Basics underground biology» podruchnik 9th grade view. "Ventana-Count" 2004.

2.L.A. Tepaeva. “Biology. Organization of control during the lesson. KIM" view. "Teacher" 2010.

3.I.R.Grigoryan. edited by L.A. Popova. “KIM. Biology 9th grade" view. "WACO" 2011.

4.N.A.Bogdanov. “EDI.Biology. Typical test room" view. "Ispit" Moscow 2011.





(theoretical part)

dough in the form ЄДІ


9 – 11 GRADES


reader of biology

Andreeva Elvira Yurievna

Norilsk – 2010

Test option No. 1

The test consists of 3 parts.

A5. For additional help with bacterial spirts:

Test option No. 2

(theme “Reproduction and development of organisms”)

The test consists of 3 parts.

The first part is supplied under letter A. They must select at least one correct answer.

Another part of the diet can be:

    or to select as many correct types as possible;

    task to establish types of positions between processes and objects, as well as a description of their powers and characteristics;

    Pre-designation of the sequence of biological phenomena and processes

The third part (under the letter “C”) includes the ignited power supply.

A2. The daughter organism is most similar to the father's when reproduced: A5. Reproduction of brunkuvannyam is not typical for:

(A confirms - ...; B confirms - ...)

Test option No. 3

(theme “Reproduction and development of organisms”)

The test consists of 3 parts.

The first part is supplied under letter A. They must select at least one correct answer.

Another part of the diet can be:

    or to select as many correct types as possible;

    task to establish types of positions between processes and objects, as well as a description of their powers and characteristics;

    Pre-designation of the sequence of biological phenomena and processes

The third part (under the letter “C”) includes the ignited power supply.

A1. In rural practice, the vegetative propagation of plants often involves:
    to obtain a high harvest, to promote their resistance to decline, to promote their resistance to illness, to quickly remove mature growth
A2. The daughter organism bears the greatest similarity to the father’s when reproduced:
    article 3) without article 4) with cherguvanny generations
A3. The individual development of organisms is called:
    embryogenesis 3) phylogeny ontogeny 4) parthenogenesis
A4. At what stage of embryonic development is the mesoderm formed?
    fragmentation 3) gastrula blastula 4) neurula
A5. For additional help with bacterial spirts:
    multiply 3) shift, disperse 4) endure hostile minds
B 1. Select a number of correct affirmations. What are the signs of the Taman gastrula: A. presence of mesoderm G. presence of gastrocoelus. presence of ectoderm D. presence of endoderm B. single-spherical germ E. presence of blastocoel B2. Select a number of types of reports. The mesoderm develops: skin G. heart. cysts D. lungV. intestines E. organs of vision B3. Establish the sequence of stages of embryonic development of the organism: gastrulation G. cleavage. blastula D. neurulaV. gastrula E. organogenesisB4. Establish consistency between signs and types of development:

(A confirms - ...; B confirms - ...)

1. duration of the doll A. with metamorphosis2. growth without larva B. without metamorphosis
3. the larva is similar to an adult creature4. The larva is alive in another ecological niche5. The larva can develop in the intermediate host6. There is a lot of competition between the heads and the C1 platforms. Give the ignited testimony at the onset of power. What is the significance of the ectoderm for the development of the body?

Test option No. 4

(theme “Reproduction and development of organisms”)

The test consists of 3 parts.

The first part is supplied under letter A. They must select at least one correct answer.

Another part of the diet can be:

    or to select as many correct types as possible;

    task to establish types of positions between processes and objects, as well as a description of their powers and characteristics;

    Pre-designation of the sequence of biological phenomena and processes

The third part (under the letter “C”) includes the ignited power supply.

A1. The rural practice of Spodar is to promote vegetative propagation of plants so as to:

    to achieve the greatest similarity of the offspring with the father's organism to achieve the greatest difference between the offspring and the emerging forms to promote the resistance of the growths to the end of the year
A2. The daughter organism bears the greatest similarity to the father’s when reproduced:
    vegetative 3) spores 4) brunkuvannyam
A3. External filling is not typical for:
    fish 3) birds reptiles 4) savants
A4. At what stage of embryonic development does the bispheric embryo develop?
    fragmentation 3) gastrula blastula 4) organogenesis
A5. Reproduction of brunkuvannyam is not typical for:
    algae 3) lichens mosses 4) yeasts
B 1. Select a number of correct affirmations. Rozvitoks without transformation are characterized by: A. Konikiv G. blokhB. Targaniv D. mukhV. Klopiv E. ZhukivV2. Determine in what sequence the stages of development from metamorphosis occur: A. doll B. larvaB. egg G. adult organism (imago) B3. Establish the consistency between the appearance of signs in animals and the number of germinal leaves in animals:

(A confirms - ...; B confirms - ...)

    mesoderm is formed A. bispherical creatures - intestinal sac B. trispherical creatures bilateral symmetry of the body variety of tissues and specialized organs changing symmetry of the body
B 4. Select a number of correct affirmations. It is characteristic of oogenesis: it occurs in plants. coverage of 4 spermatozoa. It occurs in the ovaries of G. the formation of oocyte clitiniD. It comes from the long haul of life. illumination of straight bodies C1. Give the ignited testimony at the onset of power. What is the importance of mesoderm for the development of the body?

The key to test results must be reproduced.

food order

Part A (only one correct answer)
A1. What chromosome set can be the mother of sperm?
1) 44 autosomes XY chromosomes;
2) 23 autosomes X chromosome;
3) 22 autosomes X chromosome;
4) 23 autosomes Y chromosome.

A2. Ferns multiply for help:
1) today; 2) superechka; 3) nirok; 4) leaves.

A3. Zygote at the nucleus kvitkova roslin contains 20 chromosomes. How many chromosomes are located in the claws of this leaf?

1) 10 chromosomes; 3) 20 chromosomes;
2) 15 chromosomes; 4) 30 chromosomes.

A4. Zaplіdnennya – tse:
1) birth of a new organism;
2) anger between human and female animals;
3) mating of two individuals of different status;
4) development of individuals from gametes.

A5. What kind of butt is there for state reproduction?
1) brooming hydra;
2) divided the amoeba into two individuals;
3) establishment of a new growth at the end of the age;
4) conjugation in ciliates.

A6. Parthenogenesis – tse:
1) development of an individual with an unfertilized egg;
2) development of an individual from sperm;
3) development of the individual from zygote;
4) development of an individual with a diploid somatic cell.

A8. Why should most garden plants be propagated by vegetative means?
1) the stench is not allowed nowadays;
2) varietal marks are preserved;
3) productivity and resilience are improving;
4) develop organisms with new, significant signs in people.

A9. Hermaphrodites:

A10. In the embryonic development of the spinal cord, the following is formed:
1) mesoderm; 2) endoderm; 3) ectoderm; 4) in general.

A11. The formation of a diploid set of chromosomes in a zygote occurs in the following way:
1) mitosis; 2) crushing; 3) sealed; 4) meiosis.

A12. In hatching eggs, the following is produced:

A15. External (external) sealed with greater quantity:

1) cartilaginous fish; 3) plazuns;
2) cystic fish; 4) komakh.

A16. Supercells of bacteria, including spores:
1) serve for reproduction;
2) to avenge the supply of living speeches;
3) help vizhivat for hostile minds;
4) replace the haploid set of chromosomes.

A17. Viznaznte correct life cycle zvichayjjmel:
1) egg, doll, larva, mature jmil;
2) egg, larva, doll, mature jmil;
3) egg, larva, mature jmil;
4) larva, egg, doll, mature jmil.

A18. Parthenogenesis is characteristic of:
1) snowstorms; 2) popelits; 3) grandmas; 4) mosquitoes.

A19. The second empty body first appears in:

A20. Ontogenesis of an organism begins with:
1) sealed;
2) crushing of zygotes;
3) individuals;
4) gastrulation and formation of germ layers.

A21. What is special about sperm and eggs?
1) set of chromosomes;
2) a supply of living rivers;
3) crumbling;
4) size up.

A22. In cephalopods, postembrional development:
1) indirectly, through incomprehensible transformations;
2) indirectly, through re-creation;
3) indirectly, without the larval stage;
4) directly.

A23. The lancelet is characterized by:
1) external crushing;
2) externally uneven crushing;
3) non-disc crushing;
4) not above the surface crushing.

A24. The outer ball of the gastrula of creations by the Klitins:
1) epithelium; 2) endoderm; 3) mesoderm; 4) ectoderm.

A25. With the butt of two-ball creatures:

A26. The crushing of the zygote occurs:
1) mitosis; 2) amitosis; 3) meiosis; 4) fragmentation.

A27. The third germinal leaf appears first in:

A28. One can see before the secondary creatures:
1) komahi;
2) sea worm-footed mollusks;
3) naked skins;
4) corral.

A29. Cartilaginous fabric people develop from:
1) ectoderm; 2) endoderm; 3) mesoderm; 4) cystic tissue.

A30. The primary waste of the body in adulthood is saved less in:

Part B
For tasks B1-B3, select three correct answers out of six.
B1. The spermatozoon, as opposed to the egg, is characterized by:
1) active resuvannyam;
2) smaller in size;
3) haploid set of chromosomes;
4) a practically complete supply of organic speech;
5) rounded shape;
6) development in the process of meiosis.

B2. What are the signs of the customary state reproduction?
1) two individuals share the same fate;
2) the new organism is not an exact copy of the maternal one;
3) specialized cells are created - sperm and eggs;
4) there is no exchange of genetic information;
5) one of the methods of this type of reproduction is parthenogenesis;
6) schizogony can be seen before.

B3. Select signs characteristic of blastula:
1) is created as a result of crushing;
2) consists of two or three germinal leaves;
3) this is the wall of all Bagatosharov’s creatures;
4) in the middle it is empty;
5) in size they are approximately ancient zygotes;
6) occurs only in organisms due to indirect development.

Before the end of task B4-B7, establish a relationship between the first and the other steps.
B4. Establish similarity between the organism and the most important way of its reproduction.

B5. Establish a relationship between the sign and stage of embryonic development of the lancelet for which veins are characteristic.

B6. Establish the similarity between a human organ and the germ layer from which this organ develops.

B7. Establish the similarity between animals and the type of postembryonic development.

B8. Establish the sequence of stages of oogenesis:
1) an increase in the size of the tissue and the accumulation of living substances in it;
2) the formation of egg cells;
3) cells begin to undergo meiosis;
4) the primary cell division undergoes mitosis;
5) the establishment of one rightful calf.

Part C
C1. Chomu Reproduction article Is it more respected by the evolutionary leaders of the equals and the unstated?

C2. What are the advantages of indirect development? Tell at least three facts.

C3. How does oogenesis differ from spermatogenesis? Name at least three functions.

C4. Why do creatures with external impurities tend to produce more gametes than creatures that are not characterized by internal impoundment?

C5. Since a created organism reproduces in a stateless and stateless way, then in most cases, in agreeable minds there is a vicoristic reproduction without a state, and in unfriendly minds - in a state. Why?

11th grade

Formy cob

  1. Without article reproduction occurs in
A.flower growths to the present day

B. Ptakhiv eggs for help

V. hydr brunkuvannyam
G. coniferous growths nasinnyam

2. During parthenogenesis, the development of the organism is similar to
A. Zigoti
B. Spermatozoa
Art. Unfertilized eggs
G. Somatic tissue
3. In case of article reproduction, in the administra- tion of non-article,
A.There are more women people
B.The population size is increasing
Art.the daughter organism develops faster
D. genetic diversity of offspring increases
4. How many chromosomes are present in human somatic cells?
A. 26
B. 36
St. 46
R. 56
5. Propagate the garden soot with the help of ground mounds - vusiv, so that
A. take it easy on the roslins
B. sire offspring with new characters
B. increase resistance until you get sick
G. speed up the removal of fruits
6. Gametes - specialized cells that work with their help
A. brunkuvannya
B. regeneration
V. article of reproduction
G. not vegetatively propagated

7. What form of non-state reproduction is most characteristic of hydras and yeasts?

A. Sporulation.
B. Vegetative propagation.
V. Klonuvannya.
G. brunkuvannya.

8. What form of non-state reproduction is most characteristic of mosses and ferns?

Option 1

Part A

a) make war

b) changes twice

c) appears however

d) changes over time

2. The essence of meiosis is:

a) 24 chromosomes

b) 8 chromosomes

c) 16 chromosomes

d) 32 chromosomes

What is the sequence of stages of individual development typical

For a snowflake of cabbage whites?

a) egg → metelik

b) egg → panicle → larva

c) egg → larva → doll → panicle

d) egg → doll → larva → panicle

5. The process of individual development of the body:

a) phylogeny b) cline cycle c) ontogeny d) embryogenesis

6. The sequence of phases of mitosis occurs:

a) prophase, telophase, anaphase, metaphase

b) prophase, metaphase, telophase, anaphase

c) prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

d) prophase, telophase, metaphase, anaphase

There is a clear connection between the objects and processes listed in the sections of the table below.

Which object should be entered in the space in this table?

a) mitochondria

b) clinic center

c) ribosome

d) vacuole

The little ones (1,2,3,4) depict one of the methods of vegetative

Reproduction. What is it called?

a) propagation by leaf bait

b) reproduction by breeding

c) propagation by root bait

d) propagation by weasels

Without state, reproduction is more widespread in nature, and the fragments are fused

a) the increasing size of the Swedish population

b) blame for changes in individuals

c) the appearance of modification news

d) attachment of organisms to the hostile minds of the middle.

By what method of reproduction is the genotype of the offspring an exact copy of the genotype of the father?

a) article

b) nasinnevoy

c) vegetative

d) for the participation of gametes.

Part B

Select a number of types of reports.

How does mitosis evolve from meiosis?

a) two steps are taken one after the other

b) there is one subsection that consists of four phases

c) two daughter cells are created, identical to the maternal one

d) several haploid cells are established

e) homologous chromosomes diverge to the poles of the chromosome,

2. Characteristics of gametes - spermatozoa:

1) unruly

2) Rumble is active

4) daily supply of living rivers

6) the supply of living fluids in the cytoplasm (zhovtok)

7) the gamete is large

8) the gamete is fractional.

3. Features characteristic of meiosis:

1) two daughter clubs,

2) which are the daughter cli- tins ,

3) one hem,

4) two crafts,

5) diploid daughter cells,

6) haploid daughter cells.

4. It is correct to judge (as it is true, it means judgment with the sign “+”, as it is not - “-”)

1) A chromosome is a complex of one DNA molecule with proteins. consists of one chromatid.

2) Interphase – this is the period of the cell cycle between the cell subsections.

3) Amitosis is an indirect division of tissue, in which the core is divided by a constriction path and an even distribution of the condensed material is ensured.

4) Crossing over is an intersection between homologous chromosomes. This is accompanied by the exchange of similar plots.

5) As a result of meiosis, cells that are exact copies of the maternal cell are created.

6) The cytoplasm section is formed during the hour of anaphase of mitosis.

Distinguish and label the stages of the cellular cycle, which means mitosis, (the number of chromosomes, the vicoristic formula, where n is the number of chromosomes,

1 2 3 4 5

Part C

Fill in the missing words

The essence of obstruction in someone who is about to get angry _________________

she ______________________, and then pretends to be _____________________

Test on the topic “Reproduction and individual development of organisms”

Option 2

Part A

1) In the process of subclinical processing, the most important transformations should be noted:

a) ribosomes

b) chromosomes

c) mitochondria

d) lysosomes

2) How can we explain the variation in the number of chromosomes in individuals of the same species?

a) diploidity of organisms

b) by the process of subclinity

c) haploidity of organisms

d) processes of fusion and meiosis

3) The nucleus of the creature’s sperm contains 16 chromosomes, and the nucleus of the creature’s egg contains:

a) 24 chromosomes

b) 8 chromosomes

c) 16 chromosomes

d) 32 chromosomes

Chastina St.

1 2 3 4 5

Part C

Fill in the missing words

The largest cell, which gives rise to a new organism during state reproduction, is called __________________

Vaughn is satisfied as a result of ________________________

Test on the topic “Reproduction and individual development of organisms”

Option 1

Part A

1. During mitosis, the number of chromosomes in cells of the body:

a) make war

b) changes twice

c) appears however

d) changes over time

2. The essence of meiosis is:

a) created cells with a diploid set of chromosomes

b) change in the amount of DNA in cells of the body

c) renewal of a complete set of chromosomes in cells

d) created gametes with a haploid set of chromosomes

3. The nucleus of the egg of a creature contains 16 chromosomes, and the nucleus of the sperm of this creature contains:

a) 24 chromosomes

b) 8 chromosomes

c) 16 chromosomes

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