Territorial growth of the Russian state in the 16th century.



At that time, the formation of the Russian autocracy will begin.

This understanding has changed.

The foreign policy of Russia in the 16th century was the annexation and development of new lands.

The annexation of Kazan and Astrakhan opened up the possibility of reaching Siberia.

Trying to reach the Baltic coast, Ivan IV stretched 25 years during the bitter Livonian War.

With every success, the possibility of new lands being developed by the rulers was revealed.

But as a result, Russia experienced a series of misfortunes in this war, the only addition being the place of Polotsk.

The mandate system has expanded completely.

By the middle of the 16th century, there were already two dozen punishments.

The formalization of the punishment system made it possible to centralize the administration of the region.

A unified local management system began to emerge.

In this manner, in the middle of the 16th century.

The apparatus of sovereign power became a representative monarchy.

For Ivan the Terrible, the military reform was also carried out.

Behind the plan, “a thousand” were planted near Moscow - 1070 provincial nobles, who were their small support.
In the 30s of the 16th century, Vasily III completed the consolidation of lands near Moscow.
The territory and population of the region have changed.
Feudal strife shortened.
The great and appanage princes were granted rights in their lands and came under the intercession of Moscow, turning into service princes.
The liquidation of long-term housing under the Horde and the renewal of the state became friendly minds for the development of productive forces and feudal growth - accelerating the development of feudal denominations, the socio-economic development of the region.
The increased productivity of the rural kingdom led to an increase in the local population, which stimulated the development of crafts and trade.
No new technologies appeared in Russia in the 15th century, due to the outbreak of fire outbreaks.
It is the international authority of Russia.
Diplomatic messages were installed with Nimechina, Venice, Denmark, Ugorshchina and Turechchina.

In the other half of the 15th century, Moscow’s struggle with the Livonian Order for access to the Baltic Sea became increasingly important.

In the 15th century, the growing importance of the Muscovite state was accompanied by significant changes that arose as a result of the expansion of the Ottoman Empire.
After the fall of Constantinople and the collapse of Byzantium, leadership in the Orthodox world passed to Moscow, which served as the basis for the formation of the concept “Moscow - the third Rome.”
The population of Russia at the end of the 16th century.
there were 9 million people.
The main masses of the population were located in the southern part of the region and in the central part of the region.
However, its density in the most populated lands of Russia, according to historians, was 1-5 individuals per 1 sq.
In Europe at one time the population density reached 10-30 inhabitants per 1 sq.
The territory of the region until the end of the reign of Ivan IV increased by more than ten times as much as that which had declined under Ivan III in the mid-15th century.
Until the other half of the 16th century.
Cossackism began to take shape on the outskirts of Russia.
The growth of feudal exploitation led to a massive exodus of villagers to the free lands of the Wild Field.
There they feasted on their militarized communities;
All the most important commemorations were given to the Cossack stake.
In the middle of the Cossacks, the Mayan dissatisfaction early penetrated, which sparked a struggle between the most powerful Cossacks and the elders.
In the 16th century
having guarded against the rise of handicraft production and commodity-penny stocks in Russian places.
The specialization of production, closely related to the presence of local aurora, also has a natural-geographical character.
Tula-Serpukhivsky, Ustyuzhno-Zalizopolsky, Novgorod-Tikhvinsky districts specialized in metal production;

The Novgorod-Pskov land and the Smolensk region were the largest centers of production of linen and linen;

among the Shkirians, production began to develop in Yaroslavl and Kazan;
The Vologda region has a lot of salt and so much more.
Widespread activity was taking place throughout the region.
Moscow acquired its first great state-owned enterprises - Zbroiova Chamber, Garmatny Dvir, Sukonniy Dvir.
One of the strongest enemies of the tsar in his youth was the “great fire” and the Moscow uprising of 1547.
The reign of Olenya Glinskaya for her son, after her death, was replaced by a 10-day turmoil.
Instability prepared the way for a great revolt of the population of Moscow in Chernya 1547, the cause of which was a huge burning, which became 21 Chernyas, when in 6 years the Kremlin burned, most of the plantings, and 25 thousand households burned in the fire.
Several thousand people died, others lost their lives.
The Muscovites began a spontaneous uprising against the Glinskys, who were united by the Pozhezhi, and killed Prince Glinsky, the active boyars, in the Assumption Cathedral.
After holding the ceremonial assemblies, the townspeople marched to Vorobyov, where the king had reconciled, and raised demands for the appearance of other “guilty people” later.
Nowadays, serious changes have occurred in the internal development of the region.
Close to 1560 rub. The king broke with Vibranoi's affairs for the sake of and brought massacres upon them.
At 1563 r. The Russian troops captured Polotsk, at that time a great Lithuanian fort.

The Tsar was especially proud of the victory he had overcome, achieved even after breaking up with the Vibran family.
Prote already in 1564 r. Russia has seen serious defeats.
The tsar began to joke about the “culprits”, and the fall and destruction began.
The 16th century of Russian history is the century of the reign of the “talented dasher” of Ivan the Terrible.
For example, the great-grandson ruled from the 15th to the 16th century (1462-1505).
He called himself “Sovereign of all Russia” and “Caesar”.
Taking on a double-headed eagle.
The two heads of the eagle spoke about the fact that Russia is turned towards the Exit and the Exit, and with one mighty paw the eagle stands near Europe, and the other in Asia.
Considering that Moscow may become the third Rome, and around her guilt all Russian lands that were previously part of the warehouse will unite.
At 1497 rub. See the first Russian Code of Law, the star of the fundamental laws.
When Ivan suffered three fates, 1533 r. His father, Grand Duke Vasil III, died.
Mother, Olena Glinska, friend of Vasil III’s squad did not show her son’s respect.
She decided to remove all contenders for the Russian throne: the brothers of Vasily III - Prince Yuri Ivanovich and Andriy Ivanovich, her uncle Mikhail Glinsky.
Prince Ivan Fedorovich Ovchina-Telepnyov-Obolensky became the support of Olenya.
When Ivan turned 8 years old, his mother was separated (3rd quarter, 1538 rubles).
Over the next eight years, the boyars (Shuysky, Glinsky, Belsky) ruled instead of him, they fought to pour into Ivan, but they didn’t especially burden themselves with turbots about the child.
As a result, Ivan becomes paranoid;
Ivan begins an attack on the boyars, separates the municipality (himself dissolving the boyars on benches in front of himself), creates a new army from the nobles and striltsy (nobles serve for pay).
Price is 100 thousand. Man-power, as Ivan IV escaped.
At 1550 rub. Ivan IV introduces the new Law Code.
The nobles regained equal rights with the boyars, and the right of the villagers to change their place of residence on George’s Day was confirmed, and the payment for the “stare” increased.
First of all, the Sudebnik was subject to punishment for sabotage.

At 1560 rub. Anastasia dies, God knows the king, and terror begins against his recent followers - Adashev and Sylvester, because
Their king himself rings at the rapt death of Anastasia.
Sylvester was tonsured and sent to.
Oleksiy Adashev was made a voivode (1558-1583), and died.
Repression also fell on other followers of Adashev.
And introduce Ivan IV.
The period is another half of the reign of Ivan the Terrible.
The usual terror was unstoppable both for the henchmen and for the enemies of Ivan the Terrible.
At 1564 r. At night, with his retinue, his children and his treasury, the Tsar left the Kremlin.
He broke and declared that he did not want to rule anymore.
A month after his departure from Moscow, the Tsar sent two letters:
One Boyar Duma, the metropolitan, de vin is calling in zrada, it is uncalled for to serve him;
As a result of oprichnina, Moscow weakened; the Crimean Khan died in 1571. having burned down the Moscow Posad, which showed the failure of the usual army to fight against external enemies.
As a result, the tsar squashed the oprichnina, defending the knowledge of this word, and in 1572 r. transforming it into the “Sovereign Door”.
Before his death, he tried to reintroduce oprichnina, otherwise the guardsmen were dissatisfied with the tsar’s policy and wanted stability.
Ivan the Terrible blames his army, and dies at 54 births, at 1584 births.
During the reign of Ivan IV there were many merits.
Thus, the Kremlin was destroyed, and the guardsmen were killed so that the stench could no longer be found anywhere in such garnished buildings and churches.

1.During the reign of Ivan IV, the country was destroyed, and he actually ruled a huge war.

In 1502, the Horde disintegrated, and such places as Ryazan, Pskov and Chernigov soon became part of the Russian Empire.

The country has become monolithic, which on a day-to-day basis is divided between the Tatar powers.

All the Kazan and Crimean khanates, the Nogai horde were completely weak and could not compete with Russia, which was gaining strength.

The Polish-Lithuanian state experienced some serious defeats in the wars against the Turks.

Therefore, the forces of the Poles and Lithuanians did not create great danger for the Russian lands.

It was still calm at the outer cordons.

There was a magnificent territory from the White Sea to the Ural Range.

In these places, people got rich by mining farms, which, for their value, did not sacrifice gold.

And the axis at the entry cordon had to resist the pressure of the Livonian Germans and Lithuanians for the entire hour.

Russian state in the 16th century on the map

It should be noted that the sovereign cordon in the 16th century has radically diverged from the cordons between countries in our time.

It was impossible to find borders near the dark Russian steppe and Siberia.

From all that has been said, it is clear that the Russian state of the 16th century was similar to Rus'. This person has developed completely different behavioral stereotypes.

Residents of Moscow have become little similar to the residents of border areas.

Before the village, life during this period was extremely prosperous.

And the aristocrats split into clans, as they were not supported by different groups of small people. All this played a significant historical role in the further development of the state. Oleksandr Semashko

The end of the 15th century - the beginning of the 16th century - the hour of the establishment of the centralized Russian state.

The minds in which the power was based were not entirely friendly. Having survived the sharply continental climate and the even shorter rural summer. The native lands of the Wild Field (pivden), the Volga region and the Pivden Siberia have not yet been reclaimed. Every day you go to the sea. The intensity of external aggression was high, which required a steady effort. Bagato territories Bagato Much of the Kievan Rus (the last and the last) entered into the fold of other powers, which meant that traditional ties - trade and cultural - were destroyed.

The main masses of the population were located in the southern part of the region and in the central part of the region.. Territory and population. For a friend half of the 16th century. territory

Russia collapsed in the middle of the century. living in the Wild Field (Middle and Lower Volga, Don, Dnieper) had a special camp. Here, especially in the desert lands, in the second half of the 16th century, the Cossacks began to be seen (from the Turkic word “daring man”, “strong man”). Here, in view of the important village life of the feudal lord, the villagers flocked.

The growth of feudal exploitation led to a massive exodus of villagers to the free lands of the Wild Field..

Here the stinks gathered among the community, which had a small military character, and all the most important matters were settled on the Cossack stake. Every day you go to the sea. Until that time, there was no main-like jealousy among the Cossacks, which was evident in the struggle between the Golota (the most powerful Cossacks) and the Cossack elite (the elders). Bagato What time is it


began to recruit Cossacks for border service.

At the middle of the century, in the arm of the Pivnichnaya Dvina, an expedition of the English came to an end with H. Willoughby and R. Chancellor, who explored the routes to India through the Pivnichny Ice Ocean.

This budded Russian-English watersheds: sea ligaments were established, and soft waters lay down.

on this topic, filed in information and legal documents

The English trading company began to operate.