Sakura tattoo on the side. Sakura tattoo: silk or flower of Japanese cherry for sophisticated girls. The history of tattoos

The meaning of the sakura tattoo goes back to its roots in the culture and traditions of Japan. And sakura is the most popular, oldest and most popular symbol of this state. As the rich people stretched out, the sakura blossoms screamed treasures and love from the people who lived near Japan. From which material we will look at the characteristics of the sakuri tattoo.

Symbolism of sakura in Japanese culture

Hanami is a saint if he is favored by sakura. The wine is officially confirmed by its purity, recognized throughout the world. Sakura blooms for a short period of time - at least a couple of years, and a maximum of two or three years, depending on the weather.

The flowers are of a marvelous size and tend to spread so that they can be spread onto the touchless pellets and soaked in a light breeze. For these very reasons, Japanese cherries have always been associated with their short lives and long life.

There is still sunshine in the land, the sakura flower is filled with rich symbolism. It's based on an old legend about a fearless and gentle inhabitant of a Japanese village, whose name was Sakura. His ruler brutally beat him and humiliated him in every way, and Sakura, who was not willing to put up with such a situation, turned to the mighty and just Shogun for help, benevolent to him about punishment for his crook.

To complete the beating, Sakura brought in her little ones, on the backs of which the prince’s father steadily walked. Ale, the ruler of the settlement, took revenge on Sakura with all his cruelty: he tied his children to the cherry blossom tree and beat them to death.

Now the cherry blossom symbolizes innocence and purity, and is also associated with suffering and grief.

Sakura tattoos were applied to the backs of Japanese princes and emperors to show the extent of the veneration of their state. And since the symbol of sakura was complemented by the symbol of a tiger, in this case the tattoo symbolized power and justice.

Buddhists distinguish sakura from the darkness and instability of life. At the top, they often talk about their past youth and khannya.

Sakura at the time of flowering symbolizes youth and prosperity. And these delicately horny flowers evoke associations with the infinite tenderness and harmony of a beautiful person who dares to get such a tattoo.

A bottle with sakura flowers that are blossoming is a special way of life. In some cases, sakura can symbolize resilience, and even on this tree the flowers appear much earlier than the leaves. Sakura represents the essence of Japanese philosophy.

Sakura, who has grown up, cries out the association with wasted hope and love.

Most often, the cherry blossom period is isolated from people's lives. Sakura recalls the fact that people’s skin grows, blossoms, then blossoms, experiences confusion, disappointment and the death of the cold wind.

In addition to everything else, growth is associated with fertility and prosperity. It’s not for nothing that, long ago, the Japanese cultivated the beginning of sakura blossoms with the warming season and the beginning of spring. By the time the Japanese cherry blossoms begin to bloom, the soil has already warmed up sufficiently to plant rice in it - the main food product for the inhabitants of this country.

You can also see a number of other characteristics of tattoos that depict sakura, as well as:

  • distinguishes itself life cycle: phases of the people, color and decay;
  • tells about the smoothness of the kohannya;
  • emphasizes sacrifice - payment for external beauty;
  • symbolizes grief and sums for those people who have already died (at this time, a tattoo of a tree that blooms is chosen);
  • For the sake of the ruler, tattooing should be done in full view of the world (then stuff a piece of sakura on the body - and the neck).

Japanese master tattoos engrave a sakura tattoo with maximum authenticity. Absolutely all the details, even the most insignificant ones, are taken into account:

  • the number of flowers in a tattoo;
  • particularities of the color palette (can vary from bright white to pale russet). Whereas the white color in Japan symbolizes death and turmoil, and the erysipelas symbolizes the distinct colors of life itself;
  • those, how many stovbur the mitsny tree.

In other countries, little Sakura is not given so much respect. In most cases, they are compressed on the surface, and other parts are not connected. The main principle is external gain, which means that such a great sensation is not expected.

Differences in the interpretation of sakura tattoos among boys and girls

Please note that tattoos that depict a cherry tree are not suitable for young women. Women can only work until they are older.

This is connected with the meaning of sakura tattoos for young girls - it does not imply anything positive to them. However, a tattoo with Japanese sakura threatens the richness of antiquity, the richness of youth, similar to the vibrant color of a tree.

And since there are grown-up and mature wives, then in this case tattoos, however, are appreciative of continued youth and give a special charm and charm.

I would like to pay special attention to the tattoo with the sakura neck, as the stem will be depicted as great and reliable. A tattoo of such a plan will demonstrate to the full world that although a girl is of nature and has a tendentious and gentle essence, she would like to show how strong and persistent she is in achieving the goals she has set for herself.

Although this tattoo has a more romantic meaning, it can still be found on the body of representatives of both articles. Some people add other meanings to tattoos - look for different tattoos in different ways.

As a rule, the most popular thing among people is not the whole tree, but just a little bit. In this case, the main idea is harmoniously complemented by the addition of other Japanese motifs and details that add scale and effectiveness to the image.

Suitable places for applying a sakura tattoo

The most popular place where Japanese cherry tattoos are most often depicted is the back. On the backs of the little ones, they were still stuffed with Japanese emperors, who in such a ceremonial manner were about to make their voices heard at their high position in marriage.

Nowadays, tattoos are usually done on other parts of the body - most often on the shoulders, arms, ribs (with small sketches).

Representatives of a strong state in many cases apply such a tattoo to the chest area.

If the planned tattoo will be even miniature - the area of ​​the wrist, forearm or wrist is suitable for it. In some cases, very critical varieties of sakura are printed on the area behind the ears or below the collarbone.

Characteristics of sakura tattoos do not lie in the selected area or the size of the tattoo.

Finally, take a look at the thematic video about the sakuri symbol in Japanese culture:

Sakura - perhaps the most popular oldest symbol Japanese culture. The light russet-colored flowers of this tree have long been a favorite decoration of the mid-sun. Sakura emphasizes aestheticism and harmony, the power of Japanese culture. In this way, tattooing the sight of cherry blossoms will bring harmony and prosperity to your life.

Respectfully, as in any symbol, sakura has a lesser interpretation that inspires us. It is necessary that the Japanese themselves put themselves up to this sign. The story of one Meskan Japanese village, who decided to threaten his prince, ended tragically and, unfortunately, “with the fate” of Sakuri. Disenchanted by his villager's sack, the prince cruelly killed the peasant's children and tied them to the sakura tree. In this way, the Japanese tree has a double symbol, which means purity and innocence, predicting the suffering that the skin has to endure.

Sakura symbolizes harmony and goodness in life in all its manifestations. If we talk about sakura tattoos, then it will be clear that tattoos with sakura images were often applied to the backs of Japanese feudal lords and emperors. This sign pays special attention to the allegiance of its land. The decoration of sakura and tiger symbolized the two key qualities of a great ruler - justice and power.

Today's interpretation

Today there is a low interpretation of sakura as a tattoo. The most popular of them:

Many tattoo artists know analogies between the human development cycle and cherry blossoms. Through this tree, as a symbol, it is often perceived as a separate element of the cyclical development of our world. In the “oriental” genre, sakura has its own sacred place.

Place and ideas

Sakura is a tattoo that suits both men and women. Guys can feel like Japanese emperors if they get a tattoo like this on their back. The girls will add a little spirituality and harmony to their image by depicting the miraculous sakura blossoms on their bodies. Women's tattoos with Japanese cherry can be tattooed not only on the back, but also on the backs of the arms, across the back and on the arms.


Famous people often feel love for everything Japanese. This gave birth to a whole fashion trend for tattoos with images of Japanese cherry blossoms. The most distant variants of such tattoos can be boasted of:

  • Black China;
  • Debra Wilson;
  • Eiza Gonzalez;
  • Alison Green;
  • Courtney Love.

Tattooing has taken its place in to the current world. Every day new designs are seen, new styles are seen, and more and more people are becoming fans of tattoos. Previously, babies were applied more importantly than men. More and more women began to decorate their bodies with various compositions. Therefore, the choice falls on tender and romantic motives, which reinforce sophistication and femininity. One of the favorite and most popular images among girls was the sakura tattoo.

The origins of these tattoos are connected with long-standing Japanese traditions, and the meaning is interpreted differently, including all the different elements.

The history of tattooing

Ancient writings contain information that the head tree used to be important in Japan. The tradition of milking plums is rooted in Chinese culture. Within an hour, the Japanese expected to find a powerful symbol for their land. Nim became cherry sakura. The color of this tree indicated that the earth had warmed up. The crop production began before planting rice, the main element of the Japanese diet.

Moreover, this tree is a symbol of family and prosperity. After this, the little cherry blossoms became a popular color on the bodies of wealthy residents of the Sontsa region, and then gained great popularity and love among the population. Ale tse is not the only sense to convey the sakura tattoo.

Meaningful sakura tattoos

Sakura has a special place in Japanese traditions. On honor її navіt was won officially sacred- Hanami. On this day, the Japanese try to finish everything up and take a seat at the park to see the color of the tree with their family, friends and colleagues. This process can be completed even quickly - in just 2-3 days, and in case of strong winds, in just a few years. Therefore, the significance of the tattoo in the appearance of sakura is due to the softness and unsatisfactoriness of life, as well as an indication of the value of the skin tissue given to people.

A tattoo with this dewdrop can symbolize innocence, honesty, wealth, similar to the folk legend. The plot is such that one villager, who served the rich ruler, who, having committed cruel atrocities against him and his family, dared to face the Shogun, the ruler of his region. The man brought with him his children, whose backs were affected by the disease. Having received this, the Shogun ordered to find out and punish the crook. Justice prevailed. Alas, the gentleman stopped by at the last hour and decided to take revenge. He captured the villager's children, tied them to sakura and constipated them to death in front of their father. Based on this legend, the “sakuri neck” tattoo symbolizes grief and suffering.

In ancient Japan, the sakura flower became a sign of justice and power, powerful rulers, as well as particular patriotism and loyalty to one’s land. There is an image of a tree on the back of small people, who are very close to the imperial booth.

Sakura tattoo has another meaning:

  • The flower of this tree is knitted with the past youth or the Swedish khanny;
  • A bud that blooms is the beginning of a new path or stage of life;
  • The flowering hole of the tree is a symbol of confusion and sorrow for the people who have left our mortal world.

In Japan, sakura tattoos are applied with the highest level of reliability and with the highest possible elements:

  • Number of flowers in the picture;
  • Kolyorova gama. Skin color may be a singing sensation. For example, white - death and turmoil, erysipelas - the joy of life;
  • Visual fortification of the stovbur tree.

In the countries there is no great symbolism in sakura tattoos. Therefore, the sketches are taken from the surface without separating other parts. Head aspect- Beauty. Therefore, images are often applied using bright colors.

Sakura tattoo on a woman's body

The neck of the Japanese cherry tree is now painted on female models of traditional kimono. The color of the buds on the tree emphasizes the beauty of the girl and her youth. Therefore, tattooing with this tree can be done mainly on the bodies of beautiful ladies, but not on men.

Representatives of beautiful art choose their images through their delicacy, sophistication, and purity. When applied, calm light colors appear:

  • Bily;
  • Purpurovy;
  • Rozheviy;
  • Blue.

Adds females and plasticity of the tree. His legs are kindly “kick” on a woman’s body, enhancing her shape and beauty.

Most girls give preference to small tattoos rather than large ones. A good option Such tattoos will be a cherry blossom without additional elements: gilts, stovbura or on the superfluous landscape.

Women are particularly sensitive, sentimental, romantic and tender. Japanese cherry is a separate variety of fruits. If the images are small in size, girls are encouraged to get a tree-shaped tattoo on their nose or hand. For large-scale little ones, it’s good to go to:

  • Sides;
  • back;
  • The area between the shoulder blades;
  • Stegna.

You can often see images of cherry blossoms with bright-cherry flowers, the pellets of which fly around and fall down, creating a pool of blood. This plot symbolizes the “crooked” tears shed after past love or the loss of loved ones.

The little ones look like cherry blossoms on the body of the girl, looking wonderfully sleepy:

  • With snowstorms, fluttering, or birds;
  • With lotus or pionia flowers.

Sakura tattoo on a man's body

The image of the Japanese cherry tree is not particularly popular among people. According to statistics, only 2% of representatives of the human half give preference to the sketches of this tree. Guys call to apply little flowers of sakura to the following:

  • Tribal designs in geometric and abstract styles;
  • Natural landscapes, for example, images of mountains and rivers;
  • Kazkov creatures - dragons and snakes;
  • Khizhakami - tiger or panther;
  • This tree is also associated with a baby golden Japanese koi - a symbol of good luck. financial well-being. The fish is painted with bright colors, and the buds of the tree are wrapped in black and white, almost in shade.

People often have sakura on their arms and shoulders. The volume of the image is applied to the chest and back. There is also a growing fashion for tattooing on a cropped head.

For your next sakura tattoo, you can choose a sketch by looking at a photo on the Internet or a catalog in a tattoo parlor. If you paint well, you can independently, step by step, create a unique sketch that reflects your individuality. It’s not a good idea to apply images to your home’s minds. It’s better to turn to an experienced tattoo master, who will not only help you come up with a unique sketch, but also gradually transfer the image onto your body, following the necessary scheme and following the instructions.

Video: sketch options for sakura tattoos

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