Addendum for tax payment for medical services.

Country house
In order to speed up the tax collection of expenses for treatment and medication, it is necessary to prepare a set of documents and submit them either before the tax after completion of work, or before the employer.

The procedure for obtaining this health care, as well as the necessary documents, can be found in the statistics. , what is needed from a physical person to provide support for the removal of social health care, it is pointed out.
The leaves of the FNP of Russia dated November 22, 2012. No. OD-4-3/19630
This change is exhaustive. This means that submitters do not have the right to retrieve documents not listed on this list. Until what time should I enter? original document about payment for medical services, seen by the medical establishment, as she gave the servants.

The form of confirmation is approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia and the Ministry of Taxes of Russia dated July 25, 2001 No. 289/BG-3-04/256.

Without presenting proof to the original, it is NOT POSSIBLE to speedily apply for tax refunds.

  • Proof of payment for medical services can be obtained from the medical facility where you received treatment, tests, or resort treatment.
  • When transported to a medical facility, it is necessary for the mother to bring with her:
  • agreement (if you haven’t been given one, ask for one),
payment receipts,
IPN number (since the number of VINs is assigned). Often, medical providers ask for photocopies of these documents during the hour of preparation for the final examination.

Term of preparation

for different organizations it varies: for many days. Most often, the term depends on the order of signing the document established in the organization. The proof of payment for medical services is issued to the name of the payer for medical services.
I would like to immediately say that the situation was at my mercy and there was no incident in the usual control services.
I wish I had already planned such events. In the first place, it is necessary for us to go berserk with the sack Department of Health Protection for the Tambov Region

, because

Clerks of the Health Care Administration of the subjects of the Russian Federation are required to organize work in the form of payments for medical services for submission to the tax authorities (form of the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated July 25, 2001 N 289/B G-3-04/256).
On the website of Roszdravnadzor with IPN, I found information about the dental license;
There was also a body listed there, which is the Directorate of Health Protection for the Tambov Region.
I hope to quickly assert my right to change the tax base for personal income tax for 2015.

If you are going to cancel your tax return for a fee, you need to prepare a package of documents.

Among other documents for the return of payment for medical services, a statement of payment for medical services is submitted. The statistics will provide information on nutritional support and verification of the supply: whether obligatory medical supply for the deposit, where to take it, how to withdraw it, how you can issue a supplement without receipts, as the supplement may be filled for taking care of the child, man, father . The confirmation for tax payment for medical services (form, form, form) has been approved By order of the Ministry of the Russian Federation with taxes and fees and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated July 25, 2001 No. 289/BG-3-04/256.

Resolutions of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated June 12, 2011 No. DKPI11-1422 this order is recognized

Notsuper respect the orderly legislation.

All the foundations of health protection are evident regardless of the physical order and form of moisture (including IP).

Chi obovyazkova’s argument about payment for medical services

for tax authorities

How can I get rid of the claim about payment for medical services if the checks have not been saved?

You do not have any receipts (they have been spent, they have been issued).

In the instructions on saving and filling out the document, it is stated that this document confirms the fact of withdrawal of medical services and payment. through the cash register pledge your health for a rakhunok koshtiv tax payer.”

In this case, since payment for medical treatment was made unprepared (by card, bank transfer), you will also be required to do so (Decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated May 23, 2012 N AKPI12-487).

If you don’t see the news about paying for medical services – why should you pay? Subject to Addendum No. 2 to the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Taxes of the Russian Federation dated July 25, 2001 No. 289/BG-3-04/256, the development of medical services is subject to all health protection regulations, which are subject to a license for the provision of medical Of course, regardless of the proper order and forms of power. Tobto.

after paying for medical services


to the benefit of the tax payer.

What to do if you can see news about the supply of medical services?

You can write an application for the release of a certificate to the name of a medical organization (under the signature of the person who has accepted the stamped copy).

Please indicate in your application that if you receive this information, you will have to contact the competent authorities.

From the List of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 05.05.12 No. 03-04-05/7-606 “in order to provide information on the payment of medical services, as well as in the form of a transfer to the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare development of Russia."

Clause 3 of Order No. 289/BG-3-04/256 stipulates that work should be organized in the form of proofs of payment for medical services for submission to the tax authorities of the health authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation ї.

In the event that you are going to cancel the tax lien for a few rocks (two or three), how many charges are you to blame for?

It is important to know that the current period is based on the calendar period (Article 216 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), then.

For each procedure, it is necessary to prepare a comprehensive package of documents.

In order to withdraw your insurance premium for medical treatment, you must provide an original proof of payment for medical services.

Therefore, for each river there is an additional allowance for the tax payment for medical services, and not one (galal) for a few rocks.

It’s impossible to earn anything, it’s impossible to count, as the skin suffers from the fate of the skin.

How many proofs of payment for medical services will be received for the number of payments?

If you have paid for medical care many times in one medical deposit, you have a few checks or a lot of them, then the statement about payment for medical services is sent to a separate check or for a check?

Together with Addendum No. 2 to Order No. 289/BG-3-04/256 “at the bottom of the cash receipt (account order or other document that confirms the payment of funds) the qualification of the medical service is indicated under code 1 or expensive celebration for code 2, paid for the rakhunok koshti of the tax payer, in rubles in words from the great letter.

If you didn’t immediately find out about the possibility of turning back the money for medical treatment, having waived the tax return, and because you didn’t have the opportunity to return to the financial deposit, then you are to blame for the question “How can I get evidence about paying for medical services through a bank account?” .

You can return to the medical organization for the removal of additional funds after the end of the fate for whom you have little to spend on medical treatment.

How can you make an argument about payment for medical services, since payment for medical care under the contract is expected to last for many years?

In this case, if the payment for one contract is paid in installments (advance in one payment, and the next payment), after an advance payment, then you are required to receive at least two statements about the payment of medical services (for skin cancer).

Another proof, of course, appears after payment of the coming fate or later.

In order to cancel the first payment (for an advance payment, an advance payment) check for the remaining payment under the agreement of the advancing fate is not obligatory, otherwise in case of which the medical service may be given.

It is also necessary to know that health care is needed for another period.

Document about payment for medical services: terminology

If you have already received a medical certificate for medical insurance, but have not yet submitted documents for its registration to the Federal Tax Service, you are asking “how much proof is required?”

  • This follows from the fact that the refund of the tax donation can be completed within three days after payment.
  • copies and originals of receipts.
  • The originals of the receipts should not be delivered to the clinic in order to avoid wasting them.
  • If you do not have copies, please make photocopies at the clinic and take them.

If the checks were not kept safe, they may end up without them (as if the money was due);

  • a copy of the contract for medical services (don’t forget to ask);
  • Since the clinic requires a copy of the passport, it is strongly recommended not to give a copy in order to eliminate possible negative effects.
  • If it is planned to pay the tax payment for the tax (if the tax payer pays for it), then, after paying for everything, you will have to pay:

certificate about the person (both the tax payer and the patient);

certificate about the people of the child (as the tax payer is the father, and the patient is);

  • certificate about the nationality of the tax payer (as a patient).
  • The service code of the dovidtsa for tax payment of medical services

In addition, it is important to be careful about the cost, the statement about payment of medical services for the tax authorities may be marked with the following code:

(likuvannya is inexpensive, “prime”);

(Rejoice at the road. Rejoice at the dear rejoicing).

The identification of the identification code of the doctor is within the competence of the medical mortgage, which is the supply of medical services (Lists of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for Moscow, dated 04/21/2010 No. 20-14/4/042697, dated 01/28/201 0 No. 20-14/4/0083

The type of code you selected may contain a license.

If during the payment period medical services were paid for under different service codes, then at least two claims must be submitted (one with code 1, the other with code 2).

  • Data from these evidences (sums) are displayed in different rows of the filing declaration 3 PDF.
  • Document about payment for medical services: who is it issued to?
  • The tax payer (the one who paid for medical treatment and medical care) and the patient (the one who received medical services) may differ.
  • The proof is shown to the tax payer in order to withdraw the tax payment

For yo lord, rejoice,

bath (also possible between friends),



The evidence regarding the provision (payment) of medical services is given to the one who paid for the services.

New sheet of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated 12 May 2014.

N 03-04-05/22028, which means that a person can withdraw the tax for the treatment of a friend (friend) regardless of the fact that the documents (clinic agreement and payment documents) are issued for something else fishing

Since the third person paid for the bath, how can the treatment be waived?

In this case, if your medical treatment (or the medical treatment of your relative) has paid at least the third (transferring money to the medical deposit), and you want to take care of your health care, then you can try to get out of your job by contacting the medical organization and/or At the same time, the inspectorate has confidence in Substitute what kind of payment was made.

It is not necessary to draw up a power of attorney (sheet of the Federal Tax Service for Moscow, dated 10 February 2010 No. 20-14/4/024732@, sheet of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated 17.05.2012 No. ED-4-3/8135).

Form for confirmation of payment for medical services for tax authorities

Below is a form of confirmation of payment for medical services before the tax.

  • Zrazok replenishment of ideas. Verifying the correctness of the document for payment of medical services If you cancel the deposit, you need to check to ensure that you have not allowed the release before the time of registration:
  • The upper left corner of Dovidka has a butt I will lay the stamp for your healthі , which includes information about the installation that provided medical services: external name and address of the installation, IPN installed, license number, date of issue of the license, terms and conditions to which the license was issued. The stamp is clear and has a new stamp.
  • We check the correctness of the spelling PIB tax payer
  • PIB the one to whom the service was given.
  • The stench looms everywhere. If the tax payer and the patient are running, a dash is placed in the row in which to write, who is assigned to medical services. IPN of the tax payer
  • We check with the IPN for evidence. Variety of medical services
  • You must take care of a check (or other document) that is indicated in writing from the great letter. In the field Service code
  • A medical device is placed at the lower left cuticle.

Since you rejected the idea of ​​paying for medical services without a hand, you should contact the medical organization for the payment of your money.

  • Based on the Sheet of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 12.02.2002 No. 2510/1430-02-32, in accordance with the stamp of duty, the certificates are sealed with the seal of the medical bond (organization)
  • After you have verified the document, you must sign the document that is accepted and deprived of the medical organization.
  • Further proof, together with other documents for verification, is submitted to the Federal Tax Service.
  • After Rozrakhunkov's bag, the donation will be turned back.;
  • payment for pregnancy (including Caesarian roses);
  • operations;

    , fastening (for example, ultrasound, MRI, x-ray);


    medical services.

    In order to receive a tax payment for medical care, you will need a proof of payment for medical services. Without this proof, it is unlikely that the donation will be returned.

    The article has presented a variety of nutritional supplements that often fail when the supplement is withdrawn (how to issue a supplement without receipts, about the number of supplements, issuing a supplement to the tax payer, and not to the patient). Ralenko Anton Andriyovich.
    (function(w, d, n, s, t) ( w[n] = w[n] || ; w[n].push(function() ( Ya.Context.AdvManager.render(( blockId: "R-A -381353-1", renderTo: "yandex_rtb_R-A-381353-1", async: true )); )); t = d.getElementsByTagName("script"); s = d.createElement("script"); s .type = "text/javascript"; s.src = "//"; s.async = true; , "yandexContextAsyncCallbacks"); If you want to fill out the document as simply as possible, you can create almost any kind of doctor, but if you don’t include all the necessary data in the document, you won’t be interested in action.
    PIB Papir
    May contain the following information: Details
    The doctor must enter the serial number of the document, which is designated as the internal document management of the organization. This may also change the date of completion.
    Pay for the hour In the document, indicate the date of the new payment for medical services.
    Information about the doctor The evidence is guilty of disguising information about the giant who wrote it down.
    Next write your nickname, name, father’s doctor, his name and contact phone number. Seal and signature

    After the text on the left edge of the form, put a wet hand, right hand - the signature of the authorized doctor.

    If you need to take extra for the supply drainage

    The law stipulates that the right to return is not deprived of the citizen who received the feast, but of the tax payer who contributed money for the feast of his relative.

    • You can remove something like this:
    • sick father;
    • man or squad;

    real and adopted children.

    The reporting information from this drive is described in Article 219 of the Subsidiary Code.

    The form of this document may not be seen by a citizen at any stage of the celebration.

    It is possible to cancel the supplement only after completion of therapy.

    Obov'yazkovo will have to pay the full amount for medical services. If they are paid too often, the contribution will also be impossible to withdraw.

    After making a new payment, please inform the administration of the medicine about the payment and then download this document.

    Social health care and other types of financial support can be avoided unless disaster strikes.

    1. Therefore, there is no need to rush and get the doctors to write out a papier even before the end of the treatment - the problems can still be turned around in just a few months.
    2. This information informs the supply organs about the vitality of the treatment.


    For the price itself, a refund of the deposit is required.

    Who can see

    The legislation states that arguments about the payment of licentiousness may have legal force in the absence of those established by such regulations:

    Medicines that are under the sovereign order.

    All documents that record the fact of conducting government activity and are the basis for filling out accounting papers must be kept at least 5 years.

    This means that you can issue a deposit without checks.

    What documents are required?

    The confirmation form was confirmed by the Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia and the Ministry of Taxes of Russia dated July 25, 2001 No. 289/BG-3-04-256.

    To ask it, take the following:

    Whenever a tax return is issued for the honor of a relative, additional taxes will be required: The patient is a friend of a couple

    Certificate about whores. I'm a child

    Certificate about the people. Yakshcho dad

    Certificate about the people of the tax payer.


    Form 107: Enter the “service code” field.

    You can enter two values ​​here: “1” or “2”.

    The doctors themselves are robbing them, they need to put them in the right place.

    • The size of the supply drain is indicated in the code entered.
    • To remove social influence from the crossroads, they see the so-called road of Likuvannya.
    • This does not mean that in such a situation the honor of rejoicing will be important.
    • What is less important is the presence of medical personnel at a special place.
    • Inexpensive treatment

    Before emergency therapy (code 1) include:

    diagnosis and treatment with first aid;

    diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation with the provision of outpatient care (this includes family doctors and day hospitals) with the inclusion of medical examination;

    provision of inpatient medical care of all types;

    treatment at sanatorium-resort complexes; sanitary coverage of the population. Costs can be turned only after sending the declaration 3-PDFO to the tax service, where the amount of deductibles for medical services will be indicated.

    on the road

    The payment lasts for three years after payment for medical services.

    The term for document execution is not regulated by law. Let the stench set in for days.

    Everything is kept under the type of mortgage in which there was celebration and commitment to the staff.

    Most often, at private clinics, documents are processed more quickly.

    What's so tiring, you can't see it

    Complete with Addendum 2 The Ministry of Health and the Medical Service are ordered to provide all services that carry a license for such activity, regardless of the type of authority.

    If the document is not visible, please write an application in the name of the organization’s official.

    The text shows that the legal authorities do not have rights, and the applicant can contact the competent authorities.

    The health care workers of the goiter are responsible for organizing the work in various ways.

    Since the organization in which the celebration took place has closed, it will be impossible to hold the paper.

    1. To apply for registration of health care services, you will need to submit all the documents provided at the clinic, and the application will need to explain the reason for the need to provide the service.(function(w, d, n, s, t) ( w[n] = w[n] || ; w[n].push(function() ( Ya.Context.AdvManager.render(( blockId: "R-A -381353-2", renderTo: "yandex_rtb_R-A-381353-2", async: true )); )); t = d.getElementsByTagName("script"); s = d.createElement("script"); . type = "text/javascript"; s.src = "//"; s.async = true; t.parentNode.insertBefore(s, t); "yandexContextAsyncCallbacks"); Stay updated Kviten 2019 List of documents for registration of health insurance
    2. In order to apply for a health insurance premium, you will need the following documents and information: Submission declaration using form 3-PDFO
    3. (You can download it). Submit to the Federal Tax Service Stay updated Kviten 2019 original
    4. Passport or the document that replaces it. Stay updated Kviten 2019 The IFTS submits certified copies of the first pages of the passport (basic information + pages with registration).

    Evidence about income from form 2-PDFO. You can get this benefit from your robot seller.

    Submit to the Federal Tax Service updates 2-PDFO. You can get this benefit from your robot seller.

    Submit to the Federal Tax Service Since you worked in many places across the river, you will need to confirm with all the robot sellers. You can get this benefit from your robot seller.

    Submit to the Federal Tax Service Application for tax return

    1. with the details of the rakhanku, for which the donation will turn over the pennies. testimonies about children's people;

    Submit to the Federal Tax Service for a person I hope further:

    1. with the details of the rakhanku, for which the donation will turn over the pennies. testimonials about whores;

    Submit to the Federal Tax Service for the fathers I hope further:

    1. with the details of the rakhanku, for which the donation will turn over the pennies. Your certificate about the people;

    Please note that in order to avoid problems and problems, contact the tax service as quickly as possible. the most complete package of documents.

    Do I need to add copies of payment documents?

    In case of withdrawal of tax payment for medical services to the tax payer no need to submit copies of payment documents (receipts, checks, payment orders).

    It is sufficient that the tax payer submits a statement about the payment of medical services for the tax authorities (this is due to the fact that the statement is seen by the medical organization only after payment for the medical service and is signed as a document that confirms є actual expenses of the tax payer).

    This position was posted on the sheets of the Federal Tax Service of Russia on May 2, 2012. N ED-4-3/7333@, issued 03/07/2013 No. ED-3-3/787@, issued 11/22/2012 No. ED-4-3/19630@, List of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 04/17/2012 No. 03-04- 08/7-76.

    At the same time, since all the payment documents are in your hands, you can add copies of them to the filing declaration.

    Some tax inspectorates (especially in the regions of Russia) still require you to provide copies of payment documents (this is illegal, but in some cases it’s easier to report, but they can’t be harmed).

    In this case, it is important to note that when withdrawing the tax return for paying for medicines (for prescriptions), the provision of payment documents that confirm that it is obligatory to withdraw the supply drain.

    Preparation of documents for the additional service "Return the Submit"

    The "Return Tax" service will help you easily and quickly prepare a 3-PDFO declaration and an application for a return tax, which is easy to do. In addition, we will also provide you with reporting instructions on how to submit documents to the filing authorities, and whenever you need to work with the service, professional lawyers will happily advise you. How to verify copies of documents? By law, all copies of documents must be certified by a notary and by the tax payer himself. In order to independently verify, you are guilty of signing

    All citizens of Russia, without guilt, have the right to compensation for expenses spent on the treatment of property according to Article No. 219 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

    The country will pay you pennies for treatment and medicines, thus reducing the personal income tax you paid (PDFO) or directly transferring pennies to your bank account, up to 120 000 rubles per rik, for the mind of the PDF you paid for in standard compensation in the amount.

    • Then, your official, the declared salary per month must be no less than 77,000 rubles. In order to be able to withdraw the maximum possible PDF return for labor - 120,000 rubles per river.
    • To withdraw compensation, it is necessary to submit a special form of medical certificate, an application form, a receipt (checks) for payment of medical services, a 2-PDFO document, a 3-PDFO document, and an agreement before the tax inspection with a personal mortgage for the provision of medical services and a copy of the license for the personal mortgage.
    • You can see that the medical system is good, because you spent pennies on treatment.
    • The form of confirmation was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the Ministry of Taxes of Russia dated June 25, 2001. N 289/BG-3-04/256.

    Documents for personal income tax payment for personal income tax: The application for the installed image is possible.: You already have checks, the root of income orders, after paying for medical services.

    Documents for the 2-PDFO form and 3-PDFO form are provided by the accounting department at the time of work.

    Take proof, agreement and a copy of the license from the doctor, and have been treated with pleasure. Below is presented configuration 1C 7.7 for medical organizations of any form of authority

    private hospitals and clinics, medical laboratories, as well as state medical facilities for the provision of medical services.

    Our technology allows you to maintain a register of documents about payment for medical services for delivery to the tax authorities of the Russian Federation.

    This conclusion is a document of great significance and may save 3 risks in the clinic.

    • Submitted to order No. 289/BG-3-04/256. dated 25 June 2001 The application form for payment of medical services is in A5 paper format.
    • Description:
    • Configuration 1C, which allows you to conduct
    • register of certificates about payment for medical services

    , write down medical evidence and dispense.

    • Crazyness:
    • We are archiving according to your understanding
    • We are adding the database to the registry of updates for 1C 7.7
    • Check the box "exclusive"
    • Press the "Add" button
    • We indicate the route to the unarchived base
    • I enters to the base


    • When you launch the program for the first time, you must set up the details of your organization
    • For this, select the "Operations" menu, then select "Constants"

    • Please remember the details of the personal mortgage at the window.
    • To access before changing your details, double-click the mouse on the provided field

    • It is also necessary to enter the sponsors in order to enter the submission requirements.
    • For the analogy with changing constants, select the "Operations" menu, then the "Advisors" item
    • In the window, select the “Safeguards” agent

    • Once opened, the “Safety Agent” agent is injected with a coronavirus agent.

    • This preparatory stage is completed
    • Let's move on to the registration of dovidok

    • From the upper margins everything is borderline clear - unforgettable
    • We add current payers and patients as shown in the picture

    • We collect the OKUN code
    • Introducing Vartist Likuvannya
    • That's it, another note about the availability of medical services for donation to the tax authorities


    • On the screen there is a form of confirmation about the availability of medical services for filing

    • That's all for now


    • Entertain the register of documents without costs about the quality of medical services for 1C 7.7
    • and I won't
    • to our website.

    Umovi rozposyudzhennya:

    It expands absolutely cost-free (free of charge), without any licenses or restrictions, as it is.

    Without goiters, renovation, modernization, etc.

    You have the right to use the files for whatever you want.

    We cannot bear responsibility for any possible harm or dissatisfaction in the course of our developments.