Sports games presentations from physical education on the topic.


beauty and health

"Sports Games" - Volleyball.



Gymnastics Marathon.

Sports games.

Acrobatics Sports moves.

Presentation to a physical education lesson for 8th grade students CREATE PROGRAMS: SPORTS GYM.

VOLLEYBALL Topic: “Passing the ball through the net with two hands to the animal and receiving the ball from below at the sustrich columns”

2 slide

*********************************************** Venue: school gym 24x12 Hours: 11.50-12.30 Inventory and equipment: 12 pieces of water balls, mesh.

Lesson to be taught by: physical education teacher Matveeva N.M.

GBOU ZOSH No. 288 Admiralteysky district of St. Petersburg

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***********Basic instructions:********* Improve the skill in the technique of passing the ball to the animal with two hands after transferring in the minds of the game activity.

To improve your skills in technique, I will receive the ball from below.

Accept the development of coordination abilities, Swedish strength abilities.

Accept the learning in a sense of collectivism Accept the acquired knowledge of students about the technique of receiving and passing the ball about the technique of transferring.

4 slide

***Introduction-preparation part*** Substitution of the initial material: 6. Run around the hall with the commandments on the whistle (stepping, squatting).

-2 hv.

Follow the distance 7. Transfer diagonally with your right side, left side, with your hands up, hands up.

-1 times for 18 m. Bring attention to the correct technique 8. Run with accelerations up to 18 m. -3 times.

Fold diagonally, if possible, catch up in front.

9. Walking around the perimeter of the hall in the colony, one at a time, one at a time, one at a time, one at a time, one at a time, one at a time.

************MAIN PART***********Private area: Renew the skill of transferring the animal to the beast with both hands on the spot.

Become familiar with the exit under the ball and obtain a technically correct position for receiving it from below.

To improve the skill of receiving the ball to the beast with two hands in Russia. To improve the skill of Vikonanny: to give the ball the right direction.

Improve the skill of receiving the ball from the animal below in Russia and passing the ball through the net, changing the place.

11 slide

************MAIN PART*********** Substitution of the initial material: Passing the ball above you to the animal with two hands.

10 times Vikon passes the ball over himself with straight arms.

2-3 times Pochergova vikonannaya transfer the ball with two hands to the animal above you and receive it with two hands below.

*********Prikintseva part********* Substitution of the initial material: Running around the perimeter of the hall with a progressive decrease in speed with the transition to walking.

Gra "Khvilina" walking along the perimeter of the hall.

From a hole and a croak in the middle of the room after the end of the hour (everyone has their own time).

Compliance with the lesson, assessment of the level of the highest task, seeing the worst grades and grades for the lesson, identifying students’ thoughts about the effectiveness of their activities.

Acrobatics Sports moves.

Parrot fish.

VOLLEYBALL Topic: “Passing the ball through the net with two hands to the animal and receiving the ball from below at the sustrich columns”

Parrot fish.

*********************************************** Venue: school gym 24x12 Hours: 11.50-12.30 Inventory and equipment: 12 pieces of water balls, mesh.

Parrot fish.

15 slide

GBOU ZOSH No. 288 Admiralteysky district of St. Petersburg

Parrot fish.

*********Prikintseva part********* Organizational and methodological instructions: Emphasize the respect of students on the rhythm of breathing.

***********Basic instructions:********* Improve the skill in the technique of passing the ball to the animal with two hands after transferring in the minds of the game activity.

Parrot fish.

Please pay attention that the rant is not conducted out loud, but to oneself.

Accept the development of coordination abilities, Swedish strength abilities.

Parrot fish.

Encourage students to self-analyze the effectiveness of their activities in the classroom.

4 slide

Parrot fish.

Among all the sports games for children, relay races are so popular.

-2 hv.

Parrot fish.

Relay races may involve running for the ensign, with a puck, ball or other sports equipment.

-1 times for 18 m. Bring attention to the correct technique 8. Run with accelerations up to 18 m. -3 times.

Parrot fish.

It is important that during the time of sports and gaming activity, the child could show his abilities.

9. Walking around the perimeter of the hall in the colony, one at a time, one at a time, one at a time, one at a time, one at a time, one at a time.

Parrot fish.

Sports educational games for children help to develop children's skills in physical education and sports.

Become familiar with the exit under the ball and obtain a technically correct position for receiving it from below.

Parrot fish.

And this is the constipation of excellent health in the future.

Improve the skill of receiving the ball from the animal below in Russia and passing the ball through the net, changing the place.

Parrot fish.

Table tennis.

************MAIN PART*********** Substitution of the initial material: Passing the ball above you to the animal with two hands.

Parrot fish.

To play table tennis, make tables: for the middle group, 65 cm high, 230 cm deep and 100 cm wide;

2-3 times Pochergova vikonannaya transfer the ball with two hands to the animal above you and receive it with two hands below.

Parrot fish.

for senior and preparatory groups - 68, 250, 130 cm. For throwing and ball games, there will be vertical and horizontal targets on the platform - metal rings, hammers with attached rings.

Gra "Khvilina" walking along the perimeter of the hall.

Parrot fish.

Mistechka is an old Russian gra.

This game develops the body, the accuracy of the hands, the fine muscles of the hands and shoulder girdle, and evokes strong emotions.

Parrot fish.

For children of preschool age, light weight 45-50 cm, weight 400-450 g, 10-12 cm bowl size are selected. The rules for playing in the bowl are simpler for adults.

.At a distance of 3-4 m from the front (facial) line of the place, rice is carried out, where the end begins.

Parrot fish.

Between the place and the end at the distance of 2-2.5 m from the place - pivkin.
When children begin to knock out the place from this distance, the lines of the horse and the top will increase to a distance of 5-6 and 2-3 m. On the front line of the place there are various figures (“ w”, “barrel”, “well”, “letak” and in .).

Throwing blows, fiercely trying to knock out the small town between the square-city.

The one who wins the most seats for the least amount of throws wins. 16 slide:

Vikoristovuvan literature: 1. 2. O. E. Gromova. Sports games for children M. 2009. 3. Adashkevich E. I. Basketball for preschoolers. - M., 1983. 4. Stepanenkova E. Ya. Theory and methodology of physical training and child development: Head. handbook for students visch.ped. navch.) mortgages – M.: Vidavnichy Center “Academy”, 2001. – 368 p. pp. 232-237 5. Aksionova N. Increasing the level of mechanical activity and increasing physical intensity in physical education // Preschool education, 2000. No. 6. P. 37-48.

6. Bocharova N. Physical education and sports in kindergartens: new approaches, methodological recommendations // Preschool education, 2004. No. 1. P. 46-51.

7. Vavilova E. N. How to run, shave, climb, throw: A handbook for learning how to climb. navch. garden. navch.- M: Prosvitnitstvo, 1983. - 144 p.

8. Voloshina L., Novichkova L. Graemo in basketball // Child in the kindergarten, 2001. No. 3. 9. Voloshina L., Lunina T., Novichkova L. Graemo in hockey // Preschool education, 2003. No. 1. P.34-39. .?

Slide 17, what do you think about it? sports professionally, or amateur

Professional 16 slide

Tse vidi sports in which athletes fight for the towns and take fate from the zmaganni.

Amateursky sport is sport, where people engage in these types of navch. as you want.

Vidi navch.

Vidiv there is a lot of sports: swimming, stripes, running, wrestling, tennis, hockey, football, basketball, golf, volleyball, throwing, artistic gymnastics.

Vidi navch. be divided into groups and individuals.

To take the fate of more than one people:


Take the fate of 1 person:


Kozhen the athlete takes away the city!

Nagorodi - ce prizes, otrimani athlete on the slopes.

These are medals, cups, wreaths, bowls, statues, certificates.

Award and write letters

Athletes train for 4 years a day, then go to the gym

Vidi Zmagan:



Svetovi (World Championship)

European (European Championship)

Whether it is wrong to judge the judges. There's so much to hide in sight sports and type of zmagannya


There are 2 to 8 judges!

The most important events are the Olympic Games.

Stinks are carried out once every 4 days. . There are summer and winter

Exercise equipment There are stench in order to

Athletes Now exercise your muscles and just keep in physical shape. lively athletes

They expend a lot of energy, so they need to include protein, as well as carbohydrates and fats, or in a smaller quantity. Better food»

athlete will ensure your good health, for success in business


Sports team game

, such as - scoring the ball at the opponent's goal, vikorist and individual control and passing the ball to partners with their feet, head, etc. parts of the body - cream of the hands.

The team that scores the most goals wins the match.

Sportivna A team game on an ice or grass field, each ball or puck is driven into the opponent's goal with special keys. Basketball There are two teams playing basketball. Meta game - throw the ball at your opponent's cats and beat the other team, throw the ball and throw it at your opponent's cat.

"KNOWLEDGE WITH We just need to play the ball with our hands.


"KNOWLEDGE WITH play with a shuttlecock and rackets on a square divided by a mesh.

Meta gris - land the shuttlecock on your opponent's side and prevent it from falling on your side.

SWIM navch. View

"KNOWLEDGE WITH, which transmits information from both distances and other swimming distances in a minimum of an hour. team game with an oval-shaped ball on a special square. Meta gris - passing the ball one by one with your hands (just like that) or with your feet (if anyone directly, land him in the backfield or score at the goal

Sportivna (U vigladi letteri N) opponent. athletic play with the ball and the bat. Two teams take part. The essence play.

: Gravity of the attacking team, stand across the white base and hit the batted ball, sending messages to them While the ball is flying, the gravers run from one base to another..

SWIM navch. Defending get wet spoil the ball and waste it

"defector" - M., 1983. 4. Stepanenkova E. Ya. Theory and methodology of physical training and child development: Head.

Sports acrobatics

, the acquisition of acrobatic rights from the Viconn, related to the savings of the Rivnovagh


and body wraps with and without support.

Riddles about

1. I don’t understand, guys, who are you?



What's wrong in the yard? Without respecting bi ti gri,

You are better than the bi.

Mi grajemo u…___ 2. In the yard in the morning there is a gras,

The flames began to play.


: “puck!”, “Past!”, “Hit!”


So there’s gra –….


3. Wu Tsomu: sports gravtsi.

Everything is secret and high.

Loving the ball stinks grati

I throw it into the hoop.

The jingle ball is about the forgery, that means.

4. Everyone kicks the ball with their feet, moves around,

How to score flowers at the gate,

Everyone scream for joy


The sound of the ball is …___

5. One hit with a racket -

The shuttlecock is flying over the net.

Sergiy wanted and hit hard,

The shuttlecock was consumed by the net.

Today's change Anton.

What did they do? - M., 1983. 4. Stepanenkova E. Ya. Theory and methodology of physical training and child development: Head.____ 6. Tournament is underway.

Tournament at the Rose. .

We are playing with Andriy as a couple.

The two of us can see onto the court.

SWIM Use rackets to hit the ball.?

And against us - Andre and Denis.

The oil pipelines from marine oil flows begin at the largest ports of the Persian Inlet and go to