Congregation in the Church of the Prophet in Cherkizivsk.

The Moscow Church in the Im'i Prophet of the god Illi, ShO in Cherkizovi (Moskvi district), Vidomiy Tim, Shi in the nomu Zbereghagat Rіdkizna ikon of the saint of the order of the power of the Blessed ivan Koreyshі. The Krashen-Temple is coping with unforeseen hostility. You enter at his place, and you leave behind the hidden depths of centuries.
An ancient temple of prayer.
The icons are unimportant, old - skin care from the museum of antiquity.
Still, this temple was worth 1690 years!
And awakenings in the place of the burnt wooden temple, who has been standing here since 1370 years ago!
The temple is directly connected with the rich Russian Metropolitans - and directly before St. Alexis.
The name of their village Cherkizovo comes from the name of the first ruler, Tsarevich Serkiz (Cherkiz) of Orda, who served with the Grand Duke Dimitri Ivanovich Donskoy and for his service took over the land near Moscow. Having baptized himself, Tsarevich Serkiz began to bear a new name - Ivan Cherkizov. Many churches in Moscow suffered barbaric destruction from the face of the earth. A Illinsky temple
standing up then, if at the hour of the metro it was planned to draw a line just under it.
The faithful Muscovites stood with a stand against the destruction of the shrine.
Vlada was hesitant to give up, because at the hour of this day, those who had not yet experienced the destruction were complaining: not far from the temple of the Holy Prophet Elijah, several churches were demolished.
The headman of the temple, Volodymyr Grigorovich Kiselov, preaches:
- As you noted, when you travel in the metro, the Cherkizova train slows down, is quiet for some hour, and then gets loud again.

The line for the passage of the faithful was put in front of the temple to a safe stand, but all the same, precautions are being taken.
We have installed sensors to show the level of soil crushing.
Thank God the church is standing.
What a promise!

Here, at the temple and next to the temple, there are priceless spiritual treasures.
We entered the temple and marveled at the ancient icon “Taiduli’s Cure” with the prayers of St. Alexis.
According to the words of Volodymyr Grigorovich, the icon is even rarer, perhaps, the same in Russia.
Believers approach her with trepidation and reverence.

And, of course, the main shrine of the temple is the grave of the famous Moscow blessed Ivan Yakovich Koreysha (1783 - 19th spring 1861).
When the time came for Ivan Yakovich to go out on the path of his feat, he, being a teacher, pretended to be divine.
It’s true that he fooled few people, because the whole of Smolensk knew him as an unforeseen thing, God forbid, from his very childhood.
Ivan Yakovich began to live in the city, near the western lake.
The enemy of the human race began to attack him with special force, and even after Ivan Yakovich called on the supremely high pedestal, he began to slander the holy fool.
Due to the evil will of the possible owners, in 1817 he was forced into the Divine Little House near Moscow, on Preobrazhenets.
They threw him in the basement and pinned him down to the wall with a lancet.
Bagatiom Ivan Yakovich turned his life back to health, instructing rich people on the roads to repentance and repentance.
His spiritual path to the hut of God’s presence is not easy and leads us ahead in a friendly manner and in the chosen calmness of the body.
The doctor's office took a pittance for entry until Ivan Yakovich (the doctor's office began to get organized, the sick began to get better, they bought everything they needed), until then they assigned the man "Mironka", who carried Ivan's cell to the buckets all day Yakovich brookivka and dances, and wines Grind the stone and slope into powder.
Ivan Yakovich spent all his days “crushing” with a special chain other people’s sins, passions, and evil intentions.
With prayer, without fear of getting hurt, mixing the stone with your bare hands.
Until recently, 60 people came per day.
And everyone knew what they needed from those united with him.
...And there was a little miracle in me at the elder’s grave.
On the way to the temple, I shared my doubts with my friend: why should I grow thistle grass to improve my health?

And if, having prayed at the grave of the blessed one, going out beyond the fence of the temple, he felt one colt howling loudly to another: “I’ll break the drink. It helps.”

Ivan Yakovich can smell us now.

And the testimony is powerful.

In the photographs: Portrait of Blessed Ivan Yakovich Koreisha at his grave;

The grave of the blessed one.

What's up with the church

The Khreshcheniy Tatar, Illya Ozakov, became close to Metropolitan Alexy, who entrusted Cherkizovo with the Miracle Monastery.

The metropolitan's revival of the village fell to the soul of the metropolitan, and he turned the temple into the summer residence of the Moscow patriarchs.

The Kamyan church was built in 1689-1690 and was rebuilt for two years: in 1821-1825 the temple became five-headed, and in the late 1890s they followed Yegorov’s project and added a dzvinitsa.

The Illinian Church is modeled after the oldest monument in Moscow.

The history of the construction of the temple is closely intertwined with the history of the village in which it grew.

The village of Cherkizovo has been inhabited since the 14th century.

It gave its name to the ruler, but, unfortunately, within an hour the village was sold to another people.

A representative of the Golden Horde appeared to him.

Another ruler, who was a god, immediately founded a church named after Illya. The restoration of the Church of the Prophet of God Eli in Cherkizovo was picked up in the distance: the Malovniki district of the village on the birch river under the name Sosenka. It falls with the right tide of the Khapilivtsa River.

Today, most of the river is imprisoned in pipes, along with beautiful water.

It is now called the Cherkizovsky Headquarters, on the protection of which a beautiful church was built, which is the true beauty of this place, reminding residents about the religion of life. Vlasnik of the village was the mother of his own brother, they were one of the close associates of Metropolitan Alexy. The incredible restoration of the church was inspired by the metropolitan himself, for whose decisions the monastery became the summer residence of the Moscow Patriarchate. Over the years, new sporudi began to appear here, the residence expanded and new farms emerged. Kam'yana Church

Within hours, when the Velika flared up The Great Patriotic War, the godly people and church workers of this temple collected nearly 1 million rubles, which were sent to Stalin for the life of the soldiers.

To which the leader sent a telegram to the police department.

The very beginning of the temple was able to survive important Christian fates, without experiencing harm and without experiencing ruin.

Already in the mid-20th century, holy images began to be brought to the temple from neighboring churches, but the icons themselves were scarce, but the holy walls could not save them.

Monastery today

At the moment, the Church of Elijah the Prophet in Cherkizovo is fully functional.

The schedule of services can be read at the time of entering the monastery.

Services are held daily, Sunday at 9.00 and in the evening at 17.00.

  • On June 30, 2011, Archimandrite Sava was appointed spiritual director of the temple.
  • He is one of the archimandrites of the Russian Orthodox Church.
  • Cemetery Cherkizovske

Tsvintar, who hangs out near the church, is one of the most popular in the whole place.

Its name is similar to the name of the village, where it was rebuilt.

In 1904, the birth of the central bank was insured to the warehouse of the city of Moscow.

Since 1998, an archive of registration of all people's funerals has been maintained here.

There is a special rental point for the necessary speeches to look after the graves in the village.